I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982) 385-392 385 SOME GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNETO-FLUID FLOWS $.S. GANGWAR and RAM BABU Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 221005, INDIA (Received November i, 1979) ABSTRACT. By employing an anholonomic description of the governing equations, certain geometric results are obtained for a class of non-dissipatlve magneto- fluid flows. The stream lines are geodesics on a normal congruence of the sur- faces which are the Maxwellian surfaces. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Maxw Surface, Geodi, Developa. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES; i. 76W05. INTRODUCTION. In recent years in order to study the kinematic and kinetic properties of fluid flows, the attention of research investigators has been directed toward the application of differential geometry to fluid dynamics [I] [9]. The characterization of a three-dimensional vector field in terms of anholonomic coordinates was first introduced by Vranceanu Marris and Passman dynamics. [5], [? i0] and has been employed by to describe some kinematic properties in hydro- G. Purushotham and his group 6], 9] have also used anholonomic geometric results in their study of fluid flows. S.S. GANGWAR AND R. BABU 386 This paper presents a kinematic study of the steady and non-dissipative magneto-fluid flows with the use of anholonomic geometric results. It has been shown that if at each point of the flow region the magnetic field line is in the plane of the stream line and its binormal, there exists a normal congruence of the surfaces which are the Maxwellian surfaces. The stream lines are the geo- desics and their binormals are parallels on these surfaces. The speed and the fluid pressure are constant along the binormals of the stream lines. The Bernoulli equation in MHD has also been derived in a special case. 2. THE BASIC EQUATIONS The basic equations governing the steady and non-dissipative magneto-fluid ill are as follows: flows given by Lundquist (),j PvJ (v H -*v(H2)’i’ (2.2) (2.3) 0, Q,j j vHj Hi,j vi, j + P’i j v (2.1) 0, i j H vi),j (2.4) 0, and H where density, ,3 (2.5) 0, is the constant magnetic permeability, p the fluid pressure, p Q the entropy of the fluid, the fluid @ the velocity field vector, and H in (2.2), (2.4), and (2.5), we get j the magnetic field vector. j Using the substitution h j /H respectively pv3 v. 1,3 j (v h i h and h j ,3 0, , + p i j v i) h j h. (2.6) (2.7) GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNETO-FLUID FLOWS where p* +-h2 p is the total pressure and h 2 i h h.. 387 Equations (2.7) and (2.8) imply j v + hi, j J h hJ v,j i O. v. 1,3 (2.9) ANHOLONOMIC GEOMETRIC RESULTS 3. In this section we are going to state the results given by Marris and Passman If we consider the orthonormal basis {t 5]. the stream lines, where t i n i and b i i, n i, b i} introduced along are the unit vectors along the tangents, the principal normals, and the binormals of the stream lines, we have the results t t t.. k n. ni, j =-k t j (3.1) i + bi (3.2) and t which are the Serret torsion of t J-lines. rives along n3-1ines k, , t’ n’ j bi, j ---n i Frenet formulae, where k and j, b3-1+/-nes and b,j, 8nt i nj n t,j j n n j t nJ b i i ,j bJ ti,j j n ,3 given by, in ters of the eight parameters i 8 i ( + n t nt i t)t ( + n (b j t t b i bi’ ,j )b i i (3.4) (3.5) ,3 ( + n ( + bj 8bt ni’ ’j ent n ,3 b are the curvature and The latter results are augmented by the Intrinsic deriva- J n (3.3) n )ni + i + (b j,j )n i b t bi (3.7) )t + (k + i (k + nj .)n I n (3 6) j)b i (3.8) and b where t and n j b i ,j 8 bt t are abnormalities of 3 tJ-lines and nJ-lines (3 9) respectively given by S.S. GANGWAR AND R. BABU 388 at t eijk(tk),j i (3.10) and n n e i ijk (nk) (3.11) ,j It should be noted that here we employ the parameter as employed by lrris and Passan; instead of bJ-lines, the abnormality of b On Ob-n is expressed in terms of other parameters by the relation b z-2 + t- 0 (3.12) n The further results are e e e ijk ijk ijk (tk),j at t i + k j i (r),j (b (bk),j (k + nj 3)t, ,j b i (3.13) + n )ti n i 0bt + n 8 i b nt + i fib (3 14) b i (3.15) and t3,j 0nt + 0bt 4. (3.16) INTRINSIC PROPERTIES OF THE FLOW. Now we will derive some kinematic properties of magneto-fluid flows employing the results of earlier section. governing the flow. First we will decompose the basic equations j j The velocity vector v and magnetic field vector h can be expressed as q t j (4.1) and =ht t j + h n n j + b where q is the the magnitude of the velocity; and of magnetic field vectors along t j, nj, b j j (4.2) ht, are the components respectively. Using (4.1), (4.2) and the geometric results (3.1) basic equations hn, (3.9), (3.16) in the (2.1), (2.6), (2.8) and (2.9), we get the following decomposition tJ (n0q),j + 0nt + 0bt 0 (4.3) 389 GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNETO-FLUID FLOWS j pq t q + j j t p*. 2 h 0 n + pq b 2 h n n j h j + h + h b n n n p* j + h b h k h n,j + h (k+n + b j j) j) j (4.4a) ht (n h t t j + 2) h n,j h (4.4b) n ,j’ ft (k + n n (2 + 2n -ft ht, j 0nt b (fin bj hb + hn h t 2 j ,j h h n t ,j + t,j ht2 ,3 + hn h k n t 2 0bt + ht tj ht, nt + nj p*. k h ,3 h + h 2 t t b3 j n j + ,j ht ebt + h n n j ,j (4.4c) t j h n + ht, j nJ q n j + ,j h n hn,j bj hb t + bj j ,j q t q,j q,j + q tJ + j ht (0nt + 0bt) + hn nJ, j + hb bj,j ht, j + q k hn q h t (ent + 0bt) h n,j + q f n + h q(2 + f h q n 9b t" 0, (4.5) 0, (4.6a) (4 6b) 0 and tJ q,j + qtJ ,j + hb q 0nt + n n t 0 (4.6c) Let us assume that the component of magnetic field vector in the direction of the principal normal of the stream line vanishes at each point of the flow region. (4.6c) are reduced respectively to Then the equations (4.4a) tj oq pq b j 2 k q + p*. ,3 t j ht,j 2 + tj p,,j J p*. ,3 h h b + b j t ht2 bt ,j h k + ht + h t j t(0nt + 0bt t(fn tj t ht, j hb 0bt) + bj bJ ht,j + 2 + 2 + hb,j + h 3,j ,j (4.7b) (4.7c) ,j, b (k + n j (4.7a) 0 (4.8) S.S. GANGWAR AND R. BABU 390 h b b j q t q,j q j q h ht, j (ent t + 0bt) 0 (4.9a) 0 n (4 9b) and t j q,j + q t j ,j + q 0. 0nt (4.9c) (4.9c) can be written as t j (n q ),j + ),j + bj nt 0, if 0 if # 0. (4.10) # 0 (4.11) (4.8) and (4.9a) imply b If q j (n q h b 0, the velocity vanishes; that means the fluid is stationary. [Since the fluid is not stationary, q # 0]. 0 Therefore, (4.9b) implies if (4.12) # 0" that is, the abnormality of the principal normal vanishes which is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of normal congruence of the surfaces containing b j, tJ-lines and bJ-lines. Since the vector h the magnetic field lines lie on these surfaces. gruence of the surfaces is nothing but the family j is in the plane of t and Hence, the normal conof the Maxwellian surfaces. Since the principal normals of the stream lines are the normals of these surfaces Thus we have the theorem: the stream lines are the geodesics. THEOREM i. j If at each point of the flow region the component of the magnetic field vector in the direction of the principal normal of the stream line vanishes there exists a normal congruence of the surfaces containing the stream lines and their binormals which are the geodesics and parallels respectively. These surfaces are the Maxwellian surfaces. If the magnetic field lines coincide with the binormals of the stream lines and the density does not vary along the stream lines, the equations (4.3) (4.6c) will be put in the forms tJ q,j + q (nt + bt 0 (4.13) GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNETO-FLUID FLOWS tJ 0q b 2 k 0q 2 (k + eb t nj 0, 0 ,j (4 14b) b j 0 ,j (4.15) 0, q,j 0 (4.14a) (4.14c) + h j n h2 h2 0, p,j n + tj P*. + ,3 ),j + nj p*. + j j b b (1/2 391 (4.16a) if h# 0 (4.16b) and h t j q,j + q t j h,j + h 8bt h q ent (4.16c) 0. Using (4.13) in (4.16c), we get t j h,j (4.17) 0. From (4.14c) and (4.16a) we have the theorem: THEOREM 2. If the magnetic field lines coincide with the binormals of the stream lines, the fluid pressure and magnitude of the velocity are constant a- long the binormals. Let us take the additional assumption that the magnetic intensity is constant along the stream lines, i.e. t j 8bt that is the geodesic curvature of h ,3 0, then (4.17) implies (4.18) 0, bJ-lines vanishes. Thus we see that the mag- netic ield lines are the geodesics on the normal congruence of the surfaces, and hence we get the theorem: THEOREM 3. If the fluid density and the magnetic intensity do not vary along the stream lines, the congruence of developables. family of the Maxwellian surfaces is the normal The stream lines and the magnetic field lines are orthogonal geodesics on these developables. Employing (4.18) in (4.14a), we get 392 S.S. GANGWAR AND R. BABU - that is where tJ (1/2 0 q2 (1/2 q2 + p j + tj P*- + 1/2 h 2) 0 0, is the intrinsic derivative along the stream lines. we get 1/2 pq2 + P + 1/2h 2 Integrating (4.19), constant along the stream lines. (4.20) This is the Bernoulli equation. REFERENCES Truesdell, C. Intrinsic Equations for Spatial Gas Flows, Zeits. Angew. Math. Mech., 40 (1960), 9-14. [2] Kanwal, R.P. Intrinsic Relations in Magnetohydrodynamics, Zeits. Angew. Math. Mech., 41 (1961), 462-463. Suryanarayan, E.R. 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