I nternat. J. Math. Math. Si. Vol. 4 No. 4 (1981) 745-752 745 ON THE ALMOST SURE CONVERGENCE OF WEIGHTED SUMS OF RANDOM ELEMENTS IN D[0,1] R.L. TAYLOR and C.A. CALHOUN Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of South Carolina Columbia, S. C. 29208 (Received June 26, 1980 and in revised form February 17, 1981) ABSTRACT. W Let {w } be a sequence of positive constants and W n n n_Wn and w / / n D[O,1]. . Let {Wn } Wl+...+ wn where be a sequence of independent random elements in -1 The almost sure convergence of W n n k=l Wk is established under certain integral conditions and growth conditions on the weights {w }. n The results are shown to be substantially stronger than the weighted sums convergence results of Taylor and Daffer (1980) and the strong laws of large numbers of Ranga Rao (1963) and Daffer and Taylor (1979). KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Weighted Sums, Random Elements in D[O, I], Strong Laws of Lge Numbr -ntegral Conditions, and Almost Sure Convergence. 1980 THEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i Primay 60B12; Secondary 60F15. INTRODUCTION The convergence of weighted sums of random elements in D[0,1] was obtained by Taylor and Daffer (1980) using a number of conditions such as convex tightness, moment conditions, and others. In this paper both the moment conditions and the tightness conditions are substantially relaxed in obtaining the almost sure con- vergence of weighted sums of random elements in D[0,1]. In addition, a brief discussion of the necessary integral conditions will be included which will delineate these results and previous work. 746 R. L. TAYLOR AND C. A. CALHOUN Let D[0,1](--D) denote the space of real-valued functions on [0,i] which are right continuous and possess left-hand limits for each t [0,i]. Let the linear space D be equipped with the topology generated by the Skorohod metric d and let let X: ogy. II II denote the uniform norm, (, A, P) denote a probability space. / llxll sup Ix(t) for x D. Next, t[0,1] A random element X in D is a function D which is measurable with respect to the Borel sets of the Skorohod topol- Random elements in D are characterized by the property that X(t) is a random variable for each t E by (EX)(t) [0,I]. The expected value EX m(x(t)) for each tE [0,I] when E llXll D can be defined pointwise < . Detailed geometric and probabilistic properties of the space D with the uniform norm and the Skorohod metric can be found in Billingsley (1968), pp. 109-153 and Taylor (1978), pp. 153-184. 2. INTEGRAL CONDITIONS. In obtaining the strong law of large numbers for independent, identically distributed random elements in D, Ranga Rao (1963) used the following crucial LEMMA i. If X is a random element in D with E there exists a partition 0 max sup l_<i<m ti_l_<t, s<ti < t I <...< ElX(t) X(s) t O tm llxlloo < oo, then for each E > 0 i of [0,i] such that -< e. (2.1) In extending inequality (2.1) to a sequence of random elements and in trying to obtain strong laws of large numbers for non-identically distributed random elements, the following formulation of integral properties were motivated. each of the following properties and in Lemma i, the partition {tl,... t m In depends on E. DEFINITION. A sequence of random elements {X n in D is said to satisfy (a) property (RT) if for each e > 0 there exists a partition 0 of [0,13 such that t 0< t I <...< tm i CONVERGENCE OF WEIGHTED SUMS OF RANDOM ELEMENTS sup n max 0-<i<m-i E[IX___(ti+l O) X n (t)I] i 747 e (2.2) (b) property (mT) if for each e > 0 there exists a partition 0 t o < t I <...< t m i of [0,i] such that E[ max sup sup n 0_<im-I ti_<t<ti+ IXn(t) Xn(t i) I] < e. (2.3) I (c) property (T) if for each e > 0 there exists a (Skorohod) compact set K such that sup E n fIXn I[Xn K]II < e. Clearly, property (mT) implies property (RT). random elements {Xn } with E IIXII< (2.4) Also, identically distributed satisfy (RT) obviously and satisfy (mT) by Lemma 2 since (T) follows from the tightness of identical distributions. LEMMA 2. If {Xn } satisfies property (RT) and property (T), then {Xn satis- fies property (mT). Let e > 0 be gdven, PROOF. sup E n Since Choose K (Skorohod) compact such that K]II fiXn I[X n for each x E x(s) e/6. (2.5)" > 0 such that K is compact, there exists Ix(t) < <- Ix(u-0) x(s) + e/3 (2.6) K whenever 0 s s S t < u < s + 6. By (RT) choose a partition {t l,...,tm } of [0,I] such that sup max i n E[[X"(ti+ILL 0) L-X"(ti) l] Without loss of generality it can be assumed that i 0,i m-l. Thus, from (2.6) and (2.5) sup max E[ t i n sup i<t.<ti+l IXn(t) Xn(t i) l] ti+. < g/3. tol < (2.7) for all 748 R.L. TAYLOR AND C. A. CALHOUN, < sup max E[ n i + sup n max E[ i < sup max n i + sup sup <t< t ti- sup ti<t<ti+I n max i IXn(t) Xn(ti)]l[xn 01Xn(t) E[(IX_(ti+ I, E[211 nll X n -< sup i+l 0) l[xn E[IXn(ti+l-0) X n (t)I I IX n Xn (ti) K] K] K] + e/3) I Ix n K] ] Xn(ti) II Ixn K] ] + el3 + el3 III by (2.7). Property (T) has been used in several laws of large numbers for random elements in Banach spaces to eliminate the assumption of identical distributions. In obtaining laws of large numbers for D, Daffer and Taylor (1980) required convex tightness or that the (Skorohod) compact set in (2.4) also be convex. In particular, the previous convex tightness condition can be partially formulated by the integral condition sup E [max n i sup ti-<t<ti+I IXn(t) Xn(t i) l] <- e. (2.8) Property (mT) is clearly much more general than (2.8), and convergence results in the next section using property (mT) are a marked improvement over the results of Taylor and Daffer (1980) and include the results for identical distributions. 3. ALMOST SURE CONVERGENCE. Let { w k} W n w I +...+ variables denote a sequence of positive constants. w n S n {X } are said n Ink= I WkXk, and N(x) card {n: Define W-n i Wn x}. Random to have uniformly bounded tail probabilities if there exists a nonnegative real-valued random variable X such that P[IXnl by {Xn > t] -< P[X > t] c X. for each n and for all t R. This property is denoted The following real-valued result can be obtained from the geometric CONVERGENCE OF WEIGHTED SUMS OF RANDOM ELEMENTS 749 Banach space results of Howell, Taylor and Woyczynski (to appear) and will be used in establishing the almost sure convergence of weighted sums of random elements in D. Let {X } be independent (real-valued) random variables such that THEOREM i. n {X } e X, EN(X) < =, and for some n f0 If W n / , t P-I P[X > t] i < p < 2 y-(P+l) ft =. N(y)dy dt < then W-Is -c /0. n n n a.s. where c REMARK. If W-i n n -i Wn Wn / ’ n We m( l[iXk ’k=l EX < -i Wn Sn EXI , / and EX _< EXn I w I Wk ]) for all n, then 0 since EX I EX n n [IXnl < w -I n ;w-lW tdP[IXnl W ] n n tdP[IXnl n EXn If W / n EX and 1 0 n as such that n P[X > wn n ] f=ow-iW P[X > + t]dt n -+=#. Let {X } be independent random elements in D such that n for all n, and wn / n =, IIWn-I PROOF. n n (ii) { (i) property (mT) is satisfied, (iii) w- n n / THEOREM 2. > t] < -< t]dt IIXnll } X and EN(X) < (iv) for some i _< p _< 2 , Condition (3.1) holds. then S n EX Ill / 0 a,s, By property (mT) there exists a partition 0 t O < t I <...< tm i R. L. TAYLOR AND C. A. CALHOUN 750 E[ max O<i<m-i sup ti<t<ti+I [Xk(t) Xk(ti) [3 e (3.2) for each k. For each n < max Oi<m-i . n W-I k=lWk n sup ti<t<ti+I l(t) (tl) IWI [k=l Wk(tl) + max Oim + max OSim-i n sup ti<t<ti+I EXl(ti) IEXl(t) EX l(t i) l. (3.3) Similar to the proofs in Taylor and Daffer (1980), the last term in (3.3) is less than e by property (mT). Also, noting that for each i term in (3.3) converges to 0 a.s. {(ti)} X, the second For the first term of (3.3), by Theorem i. define ti<t<-ti+1 For each i {z_(i)} are independent random variables with zero means and k } a 2X. Thus {zk(i) (i) W-I n in k=l WkZk by Theorem i, for each i lira sup n a.s. 0 0,1,...,m-l. Wllk=In WkY i) for each i by property (mT). lim sup n / a.s. Also, by Theorem i < lira sup n Wnl Ik=l Wk k(i) e n EY (3.5) Hence, IIWn-llnk=l Wk- EXII -< a.s., and the proof is completed by taking a sequence of cluding a countable union of null sets. ’s (3.6) going to zero and by ex- /// CONVERGENCE OF WEIGHTED SUMS OF RANDOM ELEMENTS 751 To obtain the traditional strong law of large numbers, let wk i for all k. [y] (the greatest integer function), and condition (3.1) becomes Then, N(y) approximately f0 tp-I P[X > t] ft y-(p+l) for each p > i. COROLLARY i. Y dy dt f0 P[X > t]dt Thus, the following corollary is immediate. independent If {X } is a sequence of n that (i) property (mT) is satisfied (li) {X } n random elements in D such X and EX < =o, and (ill) EXn EX I then lln -I I nk= I It is easy to show that (mr). k llXnl I I n fIXnll e > t] < COROLLARY 2. fM_p s- (p+l) spM n} If {X 0 -< M for all n, t-e M will yield a random variable X such that EX / EXn } has property (mT) if {Xn } has property {X Also, if for some p > I, g P[ EX X f s- (p+l) pM {X } X and ds-- pM _/M_p n s then ds -p ds < . is a sequence of independent random elements in D such that (i) property (mr) holds and (ii) for some p > i, sup E n llXnll p < ==, then Corollary 2 represents a major improvement over Theorem i of Daffer and Taylor (1979) in that not only is convergence in the Skorohod topology replaced by convergence in the uniform norm but the restrictive condition of convex tightness is replaced by property (mT). Finally, since identically distributed random elements with a first absolute moment satisfy property (mT), the following more general form of the strong law of large numbers is available. THEOREM 3. If {X } are identically distributed random elements in D such n R. L. TAYLOR AND C. A. CALHOUN 752 that (i) EX llXll I exists and EN( llXll < and (ii) condition (3.1) holds for X, then n I[W llk_-I Wk EXI [[ / 0 aoS. The authors are grateful to Peter Z. Daffer for his dis- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. cussions and help in the development of the integral conditions and their rela- tionships, and to the referee for helpful comments on organization of the paper. The research was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract number F49620-79-C-0140 and by the Research and Productive Scholarship Fund of the University of South Carolina. . REFERENCES Billingsley, P. Convergence of Probability Measures, Wiley, New York, (1968). 2. Daffer, P. Z. and Taylor, R. L. Laws of large numbers for D[0,1], Annals of Probabili.ty 7 (1979), 85-95. 3. Howell, J., Taylor, R. L., and Woyczynski, W. A. 4. Rao, R. R. 5. Taylor, R. L. Stability of linear forms in independent random variables in Banach spaces, (to appear) Proc. Prob. in Banac..h Spaces. III. The law of large numbers for D[0,1]-valued random variables, Theory of Prob. and Appl. _8 (1963), 70-74. Linear Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 672. Springer-Verlag, Stochastic Spaces. Berlin, 1978. 6. Taylor, R. L. and Daffer, P. Z. Convergence of weighted sums of random elements in D[0,1], J. of Mult. Anal. i0 (1980), 95-106.