I ntern. J. Math. Math. Si. Vol. 4 No. 3 (1981) 513-528 513 LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS MARILYN BREEN Department of Mathematics The University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma U.S.A. 73019 (Received April 8, 1980 and in revised form September 4, 1980) ABSTRACT S Let dimensional, with Q U k a finite union of For N q bdry S conv(Q q E Q compact, if to every N) c S of q is an u Q q k k > 0 there corresponds a then Q may be written as (d- 2)-manifolds. S any inc point of Q If (d- 2)-dimenslonal manifolds, each or fewer is an essential inc point of order q such that S d- locally a full then for some neighborhood is expressible as a union of For S S k q d the corresponding set of Inc points of essential inc point of order containing R m-convex subset of be closed, N a convex neighborhood of q Q is nowhere dense in bdry S Moreover, if Q 0 N is not homeomorphic to a (d l)-dimensional Points of nonconvexity, That is, then and manifold. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. m-Convex Ss. Primary 52.A20, 52.A40. INTRODUCTION. Let S be a subset of if and only if for every m d R S The set is said to be distinct points in line segments determined by these points lies in is not j-convex for j < m then S is S S m at least one of the S If the exactly m-convex is said to be a point of local convexity of m-convex, >- () m-convex set A point x 2 in if and only if there is some S S 514 M. BREEN N neighborhood of such that if x fails to be locally convex at some point of local nonconvexity (inc point) of N S y,z q S in [y,z] then then c S S If is called a q point S Few studies have been made concerning points of local nonconvexity for Valentine [3] has proved that for convex sets. of d R Q c int conv S and (d- 2)-dimensional manifolds. m-convex sets. For points The following familiar terminology will be used: _x sees in S Points if for i aff S S_ via x. n i < j conv S S _S are visually independent via does not see int S ker S x,y if and only if the corresponding segment in Xl,...,Xn int ker S if The purpose of this paper is to obtain an analogue of Valentine’s result for we say S consists of a finite number of disjoint closed Q then 3-convex subset a compact the corresponding set of inc points of Q with S m- x. S via rel int S in S Ix,y] lies if and only Throughout the paper, bdry S and cl S will be used to denote the affine hull, convex hull, kernel, interior, relative interior, S boundary, and closure, respectively, of the set Also, for points through and for point y U{R(x,t) S 2. and set will denote the ray emanating from cone (x,T) T will be a closed subset of dimensional- i.e., for N) x R(x,y) y x will represent T} t Finally, dim(S and x d And d which is locally a full any neighborhood of s will denote the set of inc points of S s Q S R in and N d- K ESSENTIAL LNC POINTS OF ORDER We begin with the follDwing definitions for the closed set Q responding collection of inc points S and its cor- The first definition is an adaptation of Definition i in [i] DEFINITION i. q 6 Q Let there is some neighborhood of q with N c N’ DEFINITION 2. (S We say that N’ of N) Q We say that q q s essential if and only if such that for every convex neighborhood q is connected. Q has order k if and only if there is N LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS N’ some neighborhood of such that the following are true. q N’) c S i) Conv(Q 2) For every convex neighborhood conv(Q N) N of S N c N’ with q N) (S k-tuple of points which are visually contains at least one independent via (k + l)-tuple of points visually independent and no S via 3) 515 N For every convex neighborhood N’) dim conv(Q of q d If this dimension is q E int conv(C U (Q N)) If this dimension is d N c N’ with C conv(Q O N) (S 0 N) of q E Tel int (S then N) then for each component i conv(Q dim N)) aff(Q The following lemmas will be useful. LEMMA i. Let S be a closed ing set of inc points of PROOF. S Q c cl(S Then N of Q) (S N q x I and x x S Q M’ M Q in M,M’ and let S q N c Q S respectively so that no point of I the correspond- Q) Then which are visually independent via Q with Suppose on the contrary that for some point neighborhood of d R m-convex set in and some Select c N be neighborhoods Since S By an obvious induction, we obtain m visually independent points x via S Let N S N in 2 which are visually independent via Our assumption is false and S m-convexity of Let Qx y6 conv(Q i _< i <_ k denote the subset of U {x} x x U {x}) to prove that y E conv{z I, k _< d finished, so assume that above must be Qx N) c S conv(Q conv(Q N) which x sees i member conv(Q x U {x}) c S Carathodory’s theorem, for x be a convex neighborhood for which and let Then PROOF. subset of 2 via Q) LEMMA 2. let x contradicting the Xl,X2,...,xm Q c cl(S choose M’ sees any point of S I in Xl,X 1 y If ...,Zk+ I} y and we may assume that Further, we assume that N) y E k S Then by for an appropriate cl conv(Q cl conv(Q y N) c S is minimal. + the argument is Hence one of the conv{x,z I k z k} Then z i points where zl Qx M. BREEN 516 P =_ conv{x, zl, z k} is a k-simplex having y in its relative interior. Clearly the result is We use an inductive argument to finish the proof. I k true for For numbers less than P face of y S cl conv(Q N N) y cl conv(Q from N) H’ b {z {x,y} and and clearly strictly separating Zk} I L Then P L H [a,b] is an interval y lie in facets of P Hence by our induction hypothesis, {x} lie on opposite sides of Q N N S in conv{x,a,b} c S point of and y where be and a Ix,a] U Ix,b] c S so there can be no Inc Therefore, by a lemma of Valentine [4, Corollary i], conv{x,a,b} Thus H’ L and let y and containing with Clearly lie in opposite H be a hyperplane parallel to H’ a line in H there is a hyperplane open halfspaces determined by Let Thus we may assume that every proper k to prove for k lies in Since assume that the result is true for all natural 2 k S and the lemma is proved. The following theorem is an analogue of Valentine’s result for 3-convex sets. Let THEOREM i. S Q d-dimensional, with be a closed Q and 2. (d or fewer of q is q 2)-dimensional manifolds, N’ be a convex neighborhood of q satisfying Definitions 1 N’) CASE i. Assume that for every neighborhood dim conv(Q 0 M) is 3-convex. Q’ U then for some neighborhood k If The proof will require three cases, each determined by the dimension of conv(Q q S q Let PROOF. of k is expressible as a union of each containing locally a full S the corresponding set of inc points for an essential inc point of order U d R m-convex set in cl(Q 2 Letting N’) of q S Q’ N’ 3-convex, and is S’ S’ is compact and clearly It is easy to show that every inc point of a in the kernel of that set, so Q’ c ker S’ and hence int ker If the order q N’) cl(S denote the set of inc points of M c N’ with We proceed by induction on the order of d then M 3-convex set lies S’ * Also, LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS satisfies Definition 2, q since U there is a neighborhood of [3, Lemma 4 Thus by u Q such that q S’ int conv q 517 5], and (d-2)-dimensional is a manifold. Inductively, assume that the result is true for order order k q V that q (S of C component R(x,q) so that N hood conv({p} U V) int of [x,r) N c W conv(Q Let We assert that certainly N S R(x,r) W) W) and A supporting conv(Q W) seen by By the proof of x conv(T U {x}) and r T r so for some neighborhood W) r r at A of conv(Q then S A A H A’ of r r int conv(A’ via S via I S A’ conv(Q int A) w) x with select and select (v,w) c int(S {x}) and since c A c int W) would r would be w A) in Let v in (x,r) H in the open halfspace A r But since A) int(S A’ N conv(T U {x}) c int K x A S be a hyperplane H I determined by Using Valentine’s lemma [4, Corollary i], it is not hard to show that S N Qk in N r clearly Without loss of generality, assume that intersects i convex, r Q were not in r T Q in is a point of r so Now if Q K the corresponding set of inc points of Qk W) 0 R(x,r) c int(S conv(Q S sees w) denote the closure of the set W) S R(x,r) Then since H N c conv(Q To obtain the reverse inclusion, for Inc point of Since int conv(Q w) bdry conv(Q N in By our construction, for N convex and hence disjoint from A r conv(Q K with Qk conv(Q sees via not be an (s x for every Finally, select a convex neighbor- [x,r)] N Let w) T Qk r x which Q r so Qk w) W)) so W) conv(T U {x}) U conv(Q r conv(C U (Q int q N’ p E and select a point we may select [R(x,r) W) conv(T U {x}) c S Lemma 2, w) conv(Q int denote the subset of T q so that for all conv(Q int [2, Lemma 2], is starshaped relative to N’) Since conv(Q intersects q intersects -_- W w) N’ S int conv(Q be a neighborhood in to prove for m-convex set is locally starshaped Since a closed without loss of generality assume that Let q < k x sees some neighborhood this implies that contradicting the fact that M. BREEN 518 r E Qk We conclude that Qk N N c Q N T the sets are equal, and our assertion is proved. To complete Case i, unfortunately it is necessary to examine two subcases: the set K conv(T U {x}) If CASE la. U’ and let S’ S’ M so that (S’ W) conv(Q y cl(S conv(Q of S’ w) S’ C If And if k conv(Q k- i S’ then Q’ Letting k- i T N U) in S then U U) U (Q’ (Qk T Q of Q’ q U 2)-manifolds which contain U’ N U N U) q 2)- (d or fewer k is a union of is u Q Then N Qk (d or fewer For simplicity of notation assume that u) U (Q W denote the set of Inc points of By an inductive argument, for an appropriate neighborhood (Q’ _c is an essential inc point q M which do not lie in S contains all inc points of expressible as a union of y conv(Q q W) [y,x] N Then for [y,x] If c_ M q W) M S of visually independent points not in i is an inc point of q M which contains again impossible. at most of order at most Q’ [y,x] Hence 2)-dlmensional manifold. conv(Q N w) W) cone(x,T) impossible. cone(x,T) S’ N M has (d is a (S we assert that y _ [3, Lemma 4]. Select a convex neighborhood C) W) then would lie in Thus N U’ Qk q contains no point of conv(Q M) of then by a previous argument d satisfy the hypotheses of denote the component of C Now let x q E K and the point for some neighborhood has dimension manifolds, the desired result. If S’ that U is convex, _c U’ N u Q Then Suppose that Case la does not occur. CASE lb. <_ d- i dimension N U select the neighborhood U Qk U is a of q so 2)- (d This finishes ,Case la. manifold. Qk S’ is not an inc point of q Q T it is clear that conv(Q N w) By a previous argument for some neighborhood Also, since Qk N dim N conv(Q W) d dim conv(T and N of {x}) has q _< d i is exactly the set of points of intersection of (conv(T U {x})) with Recall that conv(T U {x}) Hence N is a neighborhood of T so q Qk N _c Q satisfying the definition of essential, 519 LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS so (S v,w Select points w E int K in conv(Q N W) W v tl,...,tn [x,t I] U [tl,t 2] S conv(Q q w) r conv(Q W) [x,r) R(x,r) Since [x,t2] c [x, tj] c_ S may be used to show that [x,tj_l _c S Q t. since Q j dim conv(T X W) and U {x}) d (tl,t 2) N we Otherwise, N c (tl,t 2) then Then by a generalization of t. _c [x,t 2] S j > 2 For the above argument An easy induction gives Q Thus T c Q and we know that Let Clearly [x,r)] [R(x,r) so intersects S W) conv{x,t l,t 2 int in to and assume that they conv(Q in contradicting our choice of Valentine’s lemma [4, Corollary i], v Furthermore, by our choice of Q bdry conv(Q N would lie in r from Now by our definition w to is the first point of t. assert that there can be no inc point clearly x Q into two disjoint connected sets. N separates from denote the consecutive vertices of w Then S Q and (S N N) X be a polygonal path in w) are labeled so that j > i _ v E (x,q) with v < q < w is a path in bdry conv(Q of N Let X U Ix,v] Then w is locally convex and connected and hence polygonally connected. N) Q However, this is impossible T t.j We conclude that Case Ib cannot occur, and the previous argument in Case la guarantees our result. neighborhood of Also assume that Select k locally a full (S M) H M’ may be selected so that for N’ c and let q H) rel int(S M’ and q a neighborhood of q N’ Assume that CASE 2. M’) dim conv(Q H aff(Q M) d any convex S is starshaped relative to visually independent points x q ,xk I (d H c S M so without loss of generality we may assume that M be such By Definition 2, we have S in M Since S is d-dimensional, clearly these points may be selected in For each i T. consider the set in M H seen by arguments used in the proof of Lemma 2, it is easy to show that c S M Let i Also, using the definition of essential, one may show that x i conv({xi} T i By T i) is a l)-dimensional set. For simplicity of notation, assume that q is the origin in R d and that H 520 M. BREEN is orthogonal to the vector H halfspaces determined by S i e labeled so that z where -e Q i 6 H i and I U ((M Ti) e z S of for each i q so that each containing CASE 3. M hood x Q D M (d is a Qi Ui U of D Qi Q cl(Q Q M) c the subset of S’ Let Q Q M S’ s’ Q’ S’ Q’) Q’ r S’ and M aff Q’ A Hence Finally, select A x,y (Clearly this is possible is a is a convex neighborhood of S’ cl(int S’) S’ aff conv(Q D M) which S’ Q’ aff S’ in since S’ conv{x,y,r} there can be no inc point p c cl(S’ Q’ r sees r 6 Q S’ [x,y] cl(int S’).) conv{x,y,r} closed, Also, A Let denote By repeating arguments in S with [x,y] S’ Q’) is connected. S’ is open and closed in and aff must be some inc point in in A satisfies by [i, Lemma i]. to show that sees via r Q’ M Since Q’ q S Q M We have is connected. S’ connected, so be a point in S’ Q D M and hence By a previous lemma, is connected c cl(S’ for some neighbor- denote the closure of the set [I, Lemma 5], it is easy to show that that 2)-manfolds, by a result in [i]. 2 d by the argument in [i, Lemma 4], the set Now let set. Thus for an (d k 2 _< d has dimension the corresponding set of inc points of connected, and S. lies i and it is easy to see that is a union of conv(Q D M) we assert that q Definition i, S of inc points of Qi 2)-dimensional manifold U q conv(Q Q M) satisfying Definition i. Q’ 2 is an inc point for some Without loss of generality, assume that S’ 6 H i q In case of if I Hence by Valentine’s theorem there is a neighborhood i convex set of dimension so Finally, define I [q,z]) H) q 6 (int conv S i) 3-convex, is i appropriate neighborhood Q’ H is in I it is easy to show that the set i Furthermore, every point of int ker S U x if I For each Now e denote distinct open to be the closure of the set conv({x i} U in HI,H 2 Let (i,0,...,0) I aff S Q’ and aff and S via y Q’ aff(Q’ U {x}) By Valentine’s lemma [4], there but by our choice of ([x,y] U {r}) x and Otherwise, y 521 LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS y E aff{p,x,r} c aff(Q’ U {x}) M) c Q conv(Q M Hence impossible. must belong to r conv(Q The reverse inclusion is obvious, Q and Q N M M) and the assertion is proved. S’ The set is a closed connected set whose corresponding set of inc points is convex and satisfies Definition I in [i]. in [i], Q’ 2 d has dimension Hence by the corollary to Theorem 2 This completes Case 3 and finishes the proof of the theorem. COROLLARY i. full S Let be a compact Q d-dimenisonal, with that for every point q in tial inc point of order k R m-convex set in d S locally a Assume the corresponding set of inc points of S Q is an essen- there is some Q Then k > 0 such that q (d is a finite union of 2)-dimensional manifolds. PROOF. Q Since is compact, the result is an immediate consequence of Theorem i. The following examples reveal that Theorem i fails in case does not q satisfy both Definition i and Definition 2, part 3. EXAMPLE i. in Theorem i. It is easy to find examples which show that d >_ 3 For meet in a single point EXAMPLE 2. dim conv(Q S I simply consider two d-dimensional convex sets which q To see that Definition 2, part 3 is required when N) d 2 d let and identify R 2 with the complex plane. be the infinite sided polygon having consecutive vertices i exp- exp (2 n- Te Clearly Q N N C is n >_ 0 set of S S Similarly, let i exp-, exp 0 points are essential. every component l)i 2n polygon with vertices (See Figure 1.) must be essential q cl(conv S exp 1 5i exp 8 U conv S 2) conv(Q N) q int not expressible as a finite union of example may be generalized to higher dimensions. exp 0 be the infinite sided (2 n+l 3)i 1 n 2n+l 3-convex, and its lnc is However, for every neighborhood (S 0 N) 2 Let N of q exp i conv(C U (Q (d and N)) 2)-manifolds. The M. BREEN 522 S q exp hi" exp 0 Figure i. To see that Definition 2, part 3 must be satisfied when EXAMPLE 3. conv(Q dim N) In this plane let complex plane. vertices v separate v n edge of (2 x- y H plane with the 3 and identify the P be the infinite sided polygon having n l)i n >_ 1 At each vertex v n >_ 0 n 2n from the remaining vertices with a line L n so that L n exp n P d let d- i (See Figure 2.) L and so that no two v n adjacent to Ln Each line strictly cuts each conv P lines intersect in n Tn determines a closed triangular subset of conv P Let R be the rectangle in the (i,-i) (-i,-i) (-i,0) A A n 0 mod 3 or n --_ i 2 U{Tn n -_- 0 rood 3 or n S cl A I =_ [e,e 3] I Clearly both B halfspaces determined by (S B I B denote a U S 2) R is interior to S I U S2 U B hood N of U A0 U R 2 mod 3} U A 0 U{Tn (0,0,0) Let n >_ i} I Finally, let and and define U{Tn A 0 =conv P S and S I so that I cl A 2 S and S =_ c_ mod 3} [e,-e 3] 2 The set B conv(S I U S 2 U B) cl H and I S 2 _c cl H cl H Hence letting q int S 2 with denote the conv(S 0 N) q of inc points of e S is exactly (0,0,i) 3 Label the 2 may be constructed so that the point it is not hard to show that Q where are convex and closed. 2 3-dimensional parallelepiped in Note that the set (i,0) plane whose vertices are x- y B H q (-I,0,0) 4-convex set for every neighbor- 523 LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS U {L i N of T q mod 3} 0 i i dim conv(Q Definition 2 and N) N Q U [q,r] I d yet (i,0,0) r where S For every ne_onbehood tisfy part B of does not (d is not a finite union of 2)-manifolds. N more, it is interesting to notice that for every neighborhood C every component conv(Q 0 N) and q ment that q int belong to result in case (-i,0) (S of conv(Q N) conv(C U (Q int conv(C dim conv(Q N) N) N)) U (Q d C int N)) conv(S of S is exactl urther- N) and for N) Thus the require- io ot sufficient to guarantee our i q (i,0) (-i,-i) r (i,-i) Figure 2. The author would like to thank the referee for providing three additional The first of these (Example 4) reveals that the conclusion examples given below. of Theorem 1 -y hold without Definition EXAMPLE 4. Let S The inc point and parts 2 and 3 of Definitions 2 for However, Q part 1 (S be the closed set in Figure 3. a smaller cube has been removed.) hold. J2 k 3" q S of is a cube from which satisfies Definition i Definition 2, part i does not is expressible as a union of three d 2 i dimensional 524 M. BREEN manifolds. Whether Theorem I is true without Definition 2, part i remains an open question. Figure 3. Furthermore, the conclusion of Theorem i can hold when (Compare to Example i in which as Example 5 reveals. q q is not essential, is not essential and Theorem I fails.) EXAMPLE 5. For d 2 let S be a union of two (d- 2)-dimensional face sect in a common not essential, yet Q is a Q d-polytopes which inter- Then the inc points of S are (d- 2)-dimensional manifold. It would be interesting to obtain an extension of Theorem I to include the situations of Examples 4 and 5. The final example by the referee illustrates Theorem i. Let S be ’the union of four stacked cubes of equal size in The point q is an essential inc point of order EXAMPLE 6. Figure 4. expressible as a union of three 3 and Q 1-dimensional manifolds, each containing is q LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS 525 Figure 4. 3. O__ I__S NOWHERE DENSE IN BDRY S The final theorem will require the following easy lemma. LEMMA 3. Let S be a closed exactly PROOF. Select Nk_ I _c I N x I, By Lemma i, each N i Xl,...,Xk_ I i N S If (S N) Q is which N S be corresponding neighborhoods of N the corresponding in Xk_ I yl,...,yk_ I visually independent such that no point of Q be a convex neighborhood. k-convex, then there exist points are visually independent via N N Let S set of inc points of d R m-convex set in N. sees any point of x contains some point 3 i Yl N S via and let respectively, Yk-i via S i _< i < j _< k S Q and the points in i are the required visually independent points. THEOREM 2. S Let d-dimensional, with Q convex neighborhood of be a closed m-convex set in the set of inc points of N q bdry S d For S q Q Q That is, N bdry S c Q locally a full S R in Q and N any is nowhere dense in bdry S PROOF. borhood N neighborhood r exists. Assume on the contrary that of We assert that for some point q U of r conv(Q Select two points x,y U) c S in S ,q N r in for some convex neigh- Q N and some Suppose on the contrary that no such whose corresponding segment [x,y] 526 S is not in [x,y] The segment x’ clearly we may select points 13 N _c 2 bdry S [x,y] with [x’ ,y ] x x’ and y y’ [x,y] and N N N x,y N so that no point of N bdry S _c conv(Q N Q I S the fact that r N Q in for 2 and x N l) S N 1 y N2 and conv(q and N N 2) is closed, For S S there respectively, S via Since S By an obvious induction, 2 S visually independent points of m m-convex. is Since sees any point of 1 Now repeat the argument for each of we obtain a collection of S and since in exist disjoint convex neighborhoods 1 bdry S intersects ,y convenience of notation, assume N _ _ M. BREEN contradicting Hence our supposition is false and for some point U and for some neighborhood of U) c S conv(Q r the desired result. Also assume that x exist points N S and clearly at most one conv(Q point of N) via of 2 M S conv(Q x 0 1 i S j sees any N) x N Yk is in x conv(Q N) N) 2 _< i _< j x M Q .) z 1 <_ i <_ k Yi u) conv(Q N) S j Let N) Qi M c N x i no point by xI Replacing N) bdry S sees Hence in either case we have a collection of points S Qi conv(Q such that every point of 2 k j conv({Yi } U Qi _c certainly dim conv({Yi } would capture some point of S U c N N Q for each U Qi Q N) bdry S 1 denote the subset of By Lemma 2, conv(Q conv({y i} U d does not see any conv(Q For the moment, suppose that for every neighborhood conv(Q 1 visually independent points, j-convex, every point of sees one of these points via dim x delete x 0 E (S N M) Select j S z of S Now if every via bdry S i exists since 0 N) xj_ 1 2 a collection of xj_ 1 is exactly (S in I z E conv(Q S via i one of these points via Yl which are visually independent via and for some neighborhood x0,x 2 S x By Lemma 3, there Q sees one of (Clearly such an we have and since bdry S Otherwise, some from our listing. S point, say x 3 _< j <_ m j-convex, (S N N) in xj_1 I exactly is N) c S conv(Q Therefore, without loss of generality we may assume that _< d i 1 with seen by U Q # Yi Since for otherwise in its interior, impossible _ 527 LNC POINTS FOR m-CONVEX SETS N Q Thus U c N Moreover, since for every neighborhood bdry S sarily nowhere dense as a subset of conv(Q dim S Since N d-dimensional, z E bdry S to For is convex: dim conv(Q u) and for each x dim conv(Q N) and and Qi _c U dim(Q dim conv(Q N) U i 1 d Qi some N) V of N Q cone(y I,QI )) (S conv({Yl} d having dimension at most 2 R in d S A parallel bdry S) d and must belong to z is indeed convex. seen by set, say i _< k i Yi QI’ each impossible, our assumption is false, and N of q Since zi U{Ti Q1 N bdry S 1 Our previous argument n} i Q Zl,...,z n Ti seeing a subset 1 N Q d has dimension d-dimensional. Q1 S converging is necessarily a convex subset of Qi with then interior to may be repeated to obtain a finite set of visually independent points in i i bdry S N Q d d z {x } n dim conv(N and is a full Q1 N) We have a contradiction, and N Q # U we will show that (Xn, p) V in N c Q for every conv({Yl } Then the set p denote the subset of S N Q for such a neighbor- i x < z < y This implies that (bdry S) Qi is a finite Qi dim conv(Q there is a sequence impossible. z Again let and since N Q in and each y d Hence conv({Yi} x,y Xn statement holds for bdry S bdry S c Q N x E bdry S Since is neces- Qi with d Otherwise, there would be a neighborhood V c N with U c N for some neighborhood i We assert that since Q does not and by standard arguments For convenience of notation, assume that U hood U) _< d is a full i We have a contradiction, our supposition is false, bdry S is nowhere dense in U N Q Q U That is, Qi Then bdry S union of sets, each nowhere dense in Q U with bdry S U lie in a hyperplane, it follows that and _< d lies in a finite union of flats, each having dimension of Q1 Clearly this is for every neighborhood This completes the proof of Theorem 2. Techniques identical to those employed in the proof of Theorem 2 may be used to obtain the following result. COROLLARY i. Inc points of S Let S Then if be a closed conv(Q m-convex set in N) c S R d with for some neighborhood the set of Q N Q N M. BREEN 528 cannot be homeomorphic to a (d- l)-dimensional manifold. REFERENCES i. BREEN, Marilyn. Points of Local Nonconvexity and Finite Unions of Convex Sets, Canad. J. Math. 27 (1975), pp. 376-383. Pm’ 2. KAY, David C. & GUAY, Merle D. Convexity and J. Math. 8 (1970), pp. 39-52. 3. VALENTINE, F. A. 4. VALENTINE, F. A. Local Convexity and Ln Sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1965), pp. 1305-1310. a Certain Property Israel The Intersection of Two Convex Surfaces and Property Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1958), pp. 47-54. P3’