Wanted: Skills-Building, Practitioner-Oriented Presentations NASP’s goal at the annual convention is to provide the highest quality, most relevant sessions on a diverse range of topics. This includes presentations on the latest research as well as evidence-based programs and interventions. We are making a concerted effort this year to increase the number of presentations that equip practitioners across the spectrum, from early career to seasoned, with evidence-based skills, strategies, and knowledge they can use. Practitioners, You’re Doing Work That Matters; Consider Presenting In particular, we want to encourage practitioners who might not normally think to submit a proposal to do so. You may not be doing theoretical research, but you probably are doing effective skills-based practice that other practitioners would find useful. Ask yourself, “Am I doing something that really works? Is it grounded in research? Do I have the evidence to demonstrate outcomes? Would other school psychologists benefit from knowing how to do it?” These are questions that most effective practitioners live by in their daily work. You may simply need to ask yourself the next question: “Can I translate this knowledge into a presentation for other practitioners?” You might also ask yourself: “Have I done presentations on this as an inservice that could be adapted?” or “Could I use a presentation I develop for the convention to help train other staff or advocate an issue with administrators in my district?” Why Should You Present? There are many benefits to presenting at a NASP convention. It counts toward your CPD renewal requirements. You can use the presentation to train other staff or advocate with administration in your district. Presenting develops you professionally and enables you to contribute to the field. You also have the opportunity to meet others who are doing similar work and, last but not least, it can be really fun. Consider the Following Types of Presentations Mini-skills: Advanced skills-based sessions (80 minutes) Paper presentation (50 minutes) Symposium (80 minutes) for a team-based approach with panelists with different perspectives Practitioner Conversations (50 minutes) which promote sharing of the “real world” experiences through a short presentation and facilitated discussion with no more than 30 participants Steps to Submitting a Successful NASP Convention Presentation Proposal Plan Ahead o The submission deadline is June 17, 2015. Work backwards from that date. o Identify potential co-presenters, if any. o If you plan to present original research, only submit a proposal if you are confident that your study will be complete in time to present it meaningfully at the convention (February, 2016). o Identify which type of session you plan to propose Prepare the Summary (the most critical element of the proposal) o Do not include your name or any identifying information in your summary or in the name of your summary file, or your proposal will be automatically disqualified. Seriously. We mean it. o o Stay within the word limit. Create an Action-Oriented Title 10 word limit Avoid blaring “it’s academic” and focus on why “this matters” Don’t use a colon unless the second part conveys a key idea Reducing Defiant Behaviors: Tips for School Psychologists—NO Reducing Defiant Behaviors: Helping Teachers Help Their Students—Better Boosting Teachers Capacity to Reduce Defiant Behaviors—Better still o Maintain Organization and Clarity Begin with a brief, introductory paragraph that introduces your topic and gives a quick overview of a few key issues Use short, declarative, active-voice sentences End with a brief discussion of limitations. Review for spelling, grammar, and usage errors. Then do it again. Then have a colleague or friend review it for you. o Describe the Evidence Base and Methodology Draw from a sound theoretical and/or research base Go beyond describing a new technique – be sure to include relevant evidence of outcomes that supports the approach If presenting original research, include methodology, results, and implications for research and practice. If you have not completed your research, discuss the expected analyses and outcomes o Develop Learning Objectives Provide 3-5 learning objectives that identify what a participant will gain by attending the proposed session. Outline specific, measurable anticipated benefits to participants, including skills or knowledge they would acquire. Don’t Become a Statistic – Avoid Common Errors o Stay within the 800-word limit (exclusive of the title and supporting documentation—e.g., tables, figures, and references—but inclusive of appendices.) o Be sure that the summary document does not include information that identifies the author. Check headers, references to your own previous work, or including your name in the file name that you save and upload. o Avoid submitting files with track changes and comments still included Identify a Skill Level o Introductory: Aimed at participants with basic preparation in the topic area. o Intermediate: Aimed at participants with basic preparation and some advanced study and/or experience in the topic area. o Advanced: Aimed at participants with significant experience and/or expertise in the topic area. o Hint: We want more sessions for advanced practitioners Write a Session Description o Provide a 75 or less word description of your session that will appear online and in the Final Program. [This is NOT considered as part of the proposal review]. NASP offers a number of resources and tips to help you prepare a proposal that will allow you to share your knowledge with colleagues and to develop an effective presentation. See the related articles regarding writing an effective proposal and writing compelling session descriptions and learner outcomes at http://www.nasponline.org/conventions. This article is an updated version of one written by Kathleen Minke published in Communiqué, Vol. 43(8), June 2015.