STATE OF COLORADO OFFICE OF THE STATE ARCHITECT STATE BUILDINGS PROGRAMS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A Design/Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement (modified) FOR THE University of Colorado Colorado Springs Project number: 16-012 Project Title: Rooftop Solar Installation REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD UTILIZING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT/GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS ADVERTISEMENTS I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. C. D. II. QUALIFICATION SUBMITTALS A. B. C. D. E. F. III. Introduction/Description of Project Minimum Qualifications Scope of Services Schedule Mandatory Pre-submittal Conference Clarifications General Information Prequalification Submittals Cost Proposal Method of Selection and Award EVALUATION CRITERIA A. QUALIFICATION SUBMITTAL CRITERIA 1. 2. 3. 4. Qualifications of the Firm(s) Qualifications of the Management Team Members Project Management Approach Prior Project Experience/Success a. Timeliness b. Budget Considerations c. Quality d. Services Disruption e. Project Acceptability f. Compliance 5. Miscellaneous Considerations a. Claims/Litigation History b. Apprenticeship Training Program c. Experience working in higher education campus environment IV. D/B Lump Sum CONTRACT INFORMATION: Available at: V. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ATTESTATION: Available at: VII. COST PROPOSAL FORM: Available at: APPENDICES: Available on the UCCS web site at: Appendix A: NOT USED Appendix B: Designated Services and Method of Payment Matrix Appendix C: Certification and Affidavit Regarding Unauthorized Immigrants (Form UI-1) Appendix D: Attachment A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Design Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement State of Colorado University of Colorado Colorado Springs Notice Number: N/A Notice Status: # Notice Revisions: Project No: N/A Project Title: Rooftop Solar Installation Settlement Notices For all projects with a total dollar value above $50,000 Notice of Final Settlement is required by C.R.S. 38-26-107. Final Settlement, if required, will be advertised via: Electronic Media Project Overview The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (“UCCS” or the “University”) is seeking to install one or more rooftop solar photovoltaic systems sized from approximately 30 kW to 200 kW on one or several campus buildings, with the intent of increasing onsite production of renewable energy in support of our campus’ long term goals of carbon neutrality and ongoing focus of reducing our energy costs and environmental footprint. The University is interested in a financial model that provides for ownership of the facility at the end of 20 years at no cost to the University with a buyout clause allowing the University to purchase the system after seven years of production. GOALS The goals of the project are as follows: Reduce campus greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. Reduce electricity costs, including an analysis of on-peak rate periods. No campus investment is required. University receives certified environmental credits (Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)); or equivalent if direct RECs are part of a power purchase agreement with Colorado Springs Utilities (“CSU”). Entering into a contract that allows the University to purchase the system(s) after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year or at any time thereafter. To know the purchase price at the end of the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year. To know the purchase cost of the delivered power during the first seven Commercial Operation Years, and then, if the University does not purchase the system after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year, the purchase cost of delivered power for the following 13 Commercial Operation Years, for a total of 20 years. To know which facilities are feasible for the installation of a rooftop solar system and the size of those systems. The university is proposing the following buildings: o o o o o Academic Office Building Centennial Hall Lane Center Osborne Science and Engineering University Center Scope of Services Selected firm will sign the Design/Build Lump Sum (LS) contract, agree to Attachment A conditions and sign the license contained in Attachment A. Collaborate with the University to identify the best buildings, of those listed, and roofs for solar photovoltaic installations. Design and install: self-ballasted, rooftop solar array(s) with the following specifications: System size: 30-200 kW depending upon location Panel efficiency: Use minimum module (panel) efficiency of 18%. Racking system: Self ballasted, no roof penetrations, engineered for 110 mph wind zone (Exposure C). Must secure ballast to racking system to prevent removal of PV system component. Any roof penetrations must be pre-approved by UCCS and must not void any existing warranties. System orientation: Provide system production kWh and cost avoidance analysis, based on CSU electric rates for the specific building, with two orientations; 1) maximum energy production and 2) maximum energy production during on-peak utility rate periods. State your design DC to AC de-rate factor as well as panel tilt angle (very important in our snowy climate) and azimuths for the two system orientations noted above. The successful bidder is responsible for hiring licensed professional structural and electrical engineers to analyze the proposed solar PV system with regard to existing roof structure to support the additional load and the electrical systems. The engineers are responsible for wet stamping the construction drawings and stating all design loading conditions. In addition the selected firm will meet all requirements as specified by the State’s code consultant (selected by the university) and Colorado Springs Utilities requirements. Attend a mandatory pre-submittal meeting. Operation and Maintenance: must operate and provide system maintenance. Successful bidder must respond to an outage within twenty-four hours and complete repairs, or provide a mutually agreed upon action plan with the university to resolve the issue, within seventy-two hours. The selected firm will meet all requirements as set out in Attachment A. Monitoring: must provide independent third-party, revenue-grade web-based data monitoring of system to include status, uptime, and power generation as set out in Attachment A. Financing: Project will require a power purchase agreement with Colorado Springs Utilities that includes all of the renewable energy credits (RECs) for the electricity generated by the solar panels. Finance offering must account for the following costs that shall be paid by the successful bidder: All costs associated with the design, construction and placing in operation of the system. Structural engineering design / review of roof structure. Electrical engineering design / review of electrical system. Design reviews and construction inspections by the State’s Code consultant, required State inspections and CSU inspections. Maintenance and operations during the period of ownership by the successful bidder. All taxes. All costs associated with data monitoring and providing access to the data monitoring to the University. Provide system purchase cost to UCCS after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year. Indicate price of energy from the solar system to UCCS during your ownership of this system (prior to purchase of system by UCCS). Provide an estimate of annual operation and maintenance costs for years 8 through 20. Minimum Requirements Minimum qualifications: 5+ years solar PV project financing, design, development, installation, maintenance and power purchase agreements. Have design, installation and maintenance experience within the State of Colorado. Have complete familiarity with Colorado Springs Utilities’ power purchase agreements. Successful experience and project completion with tax exempt customers. Successful bidder must demonstrate experience designing, installing, and maintaining solar PV systems on flat roofs in high wind zones. Must have experience financing 200 kW projects in Colorado. Firms meeting the minimum requirements may obtain the RFP on our web site at: Other Information Preference shall be given to Colorado resident bidders and for Colorado labor, as provided by law. Review the additional provisions section of the full RFP in Section V. Pre-Submittal Meeting A mandatory Pre-Submittal Meeting will be held at Campus Services Building Room 204, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO as shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE. Questions Questions are due as shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE. Electronic Submittals Due As shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE Email Address: Comments: Late submittals will be rejected without consideration. UCCS and the State of Colorado assume no responsibility for costs related to the preparation of submittals. Submittals may also be hand delivered on electronic media if the file is too large to email. Point of Contact Gary Reynolds Name: University of Colorado Colorado Springs Agency: 719-255-3505 Phone: Email: This Notice is also available on the web at: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY METHOD UTILIZING Design Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement University of Colorado Colorado Springs I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. INTRODUCTION/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OVERVIEW UCCS is seeking to install one or more rooftop solar photovoltaic systems sized from approximately 30 kW to 200 kW on one or several campus buildings. BACKGROUND Increasing onsite production of renewable energy is in support of our campus’ long term goal of carbon neutrality and ongoing focus of reducing our energy costs and environmental footprint. GOALS The goals of the project are as follows: Reduce campus greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. Reduce electricity costs, including an analysis of on-peak rate periods. No campus investment is required. University receives certified environmental credits (Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)); or equivalent if direct RECs are part of a power purchase agreement with Colorado Springs Utilities (“CSU”). Entering into a contract that allows the University to purchase the system(s) after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year or at any time thereafter. To know the purchase price at the end of the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year. To know the purchase cost of the delivered power during the first seven years, and then, if the university does not purchase the system after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year, the purchase cost of delivered power for the following 13 years, for a total of 20 years. To know which facilities are feasible for the installation of a rooftop solar system and the size of those systems. The university is proposing the following buildings: o Academic Office Building o Centennial Hall o Lane Center o Osborne Science and Engineering o University Center B. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Minimum qualifications: 5+ years solar PV project financing, design, development, installation, maintenance and power purchase agreements. Have design, installation and maintenance experience within the State of Colorado. Have complete familiarity with Colorado Springs Utilities’ power purchase agreements. Successful experience and project completion with tax exempt customers. Successful bidder must demonstrate experience designing, installing, and maintaining solar PV systems on flat roofs in high wind zones. Must have experience financing 200 kW projects in Colorado. C. SCOPE OF SERVICES A sample copy of the State’s Design Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement and General Conditions for the Design/Build Lump Sum Agreement is located at UCCS Facilities Services web site: D. SCHEDULE 1. The schedule of events for the RFP process: RFP Released Mandatory Meeting Clarification Questions Due Answers Provided by RFP Response Due Selection Project Start November 13, 2015 Nov. 24, 2015; 1:00 pm Dec. 3, 2015 by 4:00 pm Dec 7, 2015 by 5:00 pm Dec. 18, 2015 by 2:00 pm Dec. 22, 2015 by 5:00 pm Jan. 4, 2015 2. Electronic Submittals: One electronic copy of the submittal shall be made available by the above-listed date and time. Electronic copies can be emailed to: . The submittal shall be a maximum of 20 pages, including cover letter but not including section dividers. Resumes can be placed in an appendix and will not count against the 20 pages. or; made available by delivery of a CD or USB flash drive, delivered to the Campus Services Building reception desk. 3. Responding firms shall be notified of revisions via the UCCS Facilities Services web site. Respondents may elect to verify times and dates by checking the UCCS Facilities Services web site in case of change. II. QUALIFICATION SUBMITTALS A. MANDATORY PRE-SUBMMITTAL CONFERENCE 1. To ensure sufficient information is available to firms preparing submittals, a mandatory pre-submittal conference has been scheduled. The intent of this conference is to tour the site and to have UCCS staff available to discuss the project. Firms preparing submittals must attend and sign-in in order to have their submittals accepted. (Additional tours may be scheduled for other staff at a later date for those firms attending the pre-submittal conference).The pre-submittal conference will be held: Campus Services Building, Room 204, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 at the date and time shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE. B. CLARIFICATIONS 1. Owner initiated changes to this RFP will be issued under numerically sequenced addenda and posted on the UCCS web site. Addenda generally consist of the following items: a. Clarifications b. Scope Changes c. Time and/or Date Changes Respondents must acknowledge all issued addenda in their submittal and proposal. 2. Respondent initiated email requests for clarification will be received any time on or before the date and time shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE. All UCCS responses will be issued on the UCCS Facilities Services web site by the date and time shown in Section I.D SCHEDULE. C. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. All respondents accept the conditions of this RFP, including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. All submittals shall become the property of the State of Colorado and will not be returned. Late submittals shall not be evaluated. Facsimile or paper submittals shall not be accepted. Any restriction as to the use of submitted materials must be clearly indicated as proprietary. The requested limitation or prohibition of use or release shall be identified in writing on a cover sheet. Blanket claims of proprietary submittals will not be honored. Fee proposals will be considered proprietary. The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals on the basis of being unresponsive to this RFP or for failure to disclose requested information. The State shall not be liable for any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation of submittals and proposals nor in costs related to any element of the selection and contract negotiation process. f. g. D. The respondent has reviewed the sample Design/Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement and associated General Conditions and by responding has agreed that the terms and conditions of the sample Agreement and General Conditions are expressly workable without reservation. The respondent has reviewed Attachment A and by responding has agreed that the terms and conditions of the sample Agreement are expressly workable without reservation. QUALIFICATION SUBMITTALS 1. Respondent must comply with the following items, a through e. The State retains the right to waive any minor irregularity or requirement should it be judged to be in the best interest of the State. (Note that the primary focus of the Prequalification evaluation will be the firm(s)’ capabilities). Proposals shall have a maximum of 20 pages. a. Send one complete copy of all material electronically to Submittals shall be complete and formatted in the exact form and numeric sequence of the Evaluation Form located in this RFP in Section III Evaluation Criteria. b. A maximum two page cover letter addressed to Gary Reynolds outlining the firm(s) qualifications is required at the front of the submittal. c. All references shall be current, relevant and complete with contact information that is current as of June 30, 2015. d. Complete and execute the appropriate Acknowledgment and Attestation Form available on the UCCS Facilities Services web site: and submit as the last page of the Prequalification Submittal. E. COST PROPOSAL 1. Cost Proposals shall be submitted on the form available on the UCCS Facilities Services web site: without modification. a. Any specific services requested in the RFP and its appendices that are not included should be clearly identified. Exclusion of any required service may result in the proposal being found non-responsive. b. Provide a detailed financial proposal that supports the submitted cost proposal. c. The State reserves the right to reject any Cost Proposal not prepared in the above manner. The contract will be a bonded design/build lump sum contract including not-to-exceed reimbursables and fee to encompass all design and construction work. 2. This Cost Proposal is a binding offer to perform the services associated with the Statement of Work described in this RFP. The State reserves the right to negotiate a cost adjustment based on scope clarification subsequent to selection and prior to contract execution. 3. A Cost Proposal will be developed for each rooftop system and for the two requested solar orientations (i.e. 1) maximum energy production and 2) owner savings based on on-peak power production) 4. The Cost Proposal will be provided in a sealed envelope separate from the rest of the response to the RFP, which will be opened after the qualification evaluation as outlined in Section III. F. METHOD OF SELECTION AND AWARD The Jury Panel shall complete a combined evaluation of qualifications and NPV in accordance with the criteria as indicated in Section III. After receipt of the submittals a decision will be made on whether the university will base its decision on minimizing energy purchased from CSU or overall cost avoidance. Once the firms have been determined to be qualified (meets the stated goals, the minimum qualifications and meets or exceeds the minimum score for the evaluation criteria), the award will be based on the net present value over a 20 year period; evaluating as owned by the selected firm for 20 years or if purchased by the university after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year. Award of contract will be contingent on availability of key proposed Project Management Team staff. III. EVALUATION CRITERIA A. QUALIFICATION SUBMITTAL CRITERIA (Note that the primary focus of the Qualification Evaluation will be the Firm’s cost proposal). 1. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE FIRM(s) Provide a description of the composition and management structure of your firm. Identify the firm’s roles and responsibilities and relevant experience with projects of similar scope and complexity and similar fast track project delivery methods. Describe how the firm’s experience will relate to the success of this project. Provide a description and separate graphic organizational chart complete with working titles identifying the lines of authority, responsibility and coordination. Provide a detailed description of the process of how your firm selects qualified subcontractors and manages them effectively on complex multi-phased projects. Provide a detailed description of how your firm will maximize the Colorado construction work force on this project. Provide your firms’ safety record over the last ten years and describe your firms’ efforts to retain and support employees. 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS Describe the qualifications and relevant experience of the superintendent including demonstrated experience working on projects of similar scope and complexity and time commitment for this project. Describe the qualifications and relevant experience of other key in-house staff and time commitments for this project. 3. Identify all current office locations of the assigned staff and any other resident expertise intended to be provided under this RFP. PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH Provide a strategic project approach summary: Include discussion of your firm’s approach in providing successful Design/Build services based on prior experience in cost, schedule and quality effectiveness. Specific examples of your products may be included if they are unique to your firm and your firm’s success. Provide a description of construction work Project Management Team has capability to competitively bid and self-perform, including qualifications to do such. It is the perception of UCCS that subcontracting construction work is in the State’s best interest in terms of price competition. UCCS may, at its discretion, limit the types and amount of work Project Management Team bids and self-performs. 4. PRIOR PROJECT EXPERIENCE/SUCCESS Select your three (3) most relevant projects and provide, at a minimum, the following: The project/contract name Project location kW installed Number of years in production Production availability in % Total kWhs delivered since production started Description of services provided Overall construction cost of project Organizational structure of service delivery under the contract (include the owner’s organization as it interfaced with the respondent’s contract) Key assigned in-house staff (name and title) Subcontracts (service) used in the performance of the contract Schedule history Reference(s) for Owner and Architect as described in IV.E Continuing services for operation, maintenance and monitoring a. Timeliness In general, Construction Management/General Contracting work is seen as successful if it is on time, on budget, and of high quality of workmanship. Timeliness is generally based on completion by the originally scheduled date and is indicated by a Certificate of Occupancy. Please demonstrate for each of the above projects how timely delivery occurred. b. Budget Considerations Similar to timeliness, being on budget historically means the work was completed within the originally identified available budget. For purposes of this RFP, the State is also interested in the respondent’s ability to address and implement the following issues as well: 1. Initial cost rate for produced kWhs 2. Proposed escalation for costs of produced kWhs 3. The cost of ownership after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year. 4. Certified Renewable Energy Credit assignment c. Quality Construction quality has the obvious traditional connotations (workmanlike, in compliance with the specifications, normal standard of care, etc.). Demonstrate for the above project examples how a high quality of workmanship was achieved. d. Services Disruption Demonstrate how your services on the above project examples dealt with issues of disruption at existing facilities, etc. if applicable. e. Project Acceptability Please discuss how your Design/Build services helped achieve owner satisfaction with regard to project quality and acceptability on your project examples. f. Compliance Provide information on how compliance with industry standards of care, building codes, etc. was achieved. 5. MISCELLANEOUS CONSIDERATIONS a. Claims/Litigation History of Firm Provide information on any past, current or anticipated claims (i.e., knowledge of pending claims) on respondent contracts; explain the litigation, the issue, and its outcome or anticipated outcome. b. Apprenticeship Training Program Where an Apprentice Training Program certified by the Office of Apprenticeship located in the Employment and Training Administration in the United States Department of Labor exists in the State, or a comparable program for the training of apprentices is available in the State: 1. Each submitter shall demonstrate access to the certified program or a comparable alternative (Note that it is the responsibility of the submitter to demonstrate the comparability of a non-certified program) and, 2. Each submitter’s subcontractor at any tier with a contract value of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or more shall demonstrate access to the certified program or a comparable alternative. c. Other This category is included for other items provided by the submitter. Inclusions may include standard firm promotional literature, testimonials, awards, corporate memberships in professional organizations or sponsorships, additional project/contract histories, etc, intended to demonstrate why your firm is uniquely qualified for this project. IV. V. DESIGN/BUILD LUMP SUM (LS) CONTRACT INFORMATION A. Carefully review the Contract sample before initiating your response submittal. Any exceptions to the contract must be communicated formally in accordance with the written questions as shown in I D. Schedule. B. The State reserves the right to make non-material changes to the appended model agreement, including additions and /or modifications that may be necessary to more completely describe the services defined or implied herein. C. Any and all products, systems, methods, and procedures developed, as a result of this agreement shall remain the exclusive property of the State. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. The vendor will be the one point of contact for the purchase, installation, maintenance and financing of the project. The vendor will be responsible to the University for the vendor’s acts/omissions and those of its subcontractors even after assignment of the contract to a financing entity, if an assignment occurs. The university will not indemnify, hold harmless, or make whole any party for any reason. In particular, if the characterization of the business arrangement changes for some reason, and that change affects tax-exempt status as may be claimed for income tax purposes, the vendor will absorb the loss. Colorado law governs the contract. There will be no arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution mechanism. There will be no provision for the winning party in a court action or any other action to obtain attorney fees or court costs. The University will pay no taxes of any kind, except for the possible solar energy use tax as explained below in item #G. In particular, the Colorado personal property tax due on the solar panels --- which the vendor will own until and unless the University buys out the vendor --- is the sole responsibility of the vendor to pay and absorb as a cost of doing business. The vendor must pay any taxes due on the production and delivery of solar energy to a particular point and the University will pay any tax levied on the taking or use of solar energy from a particular point. The vendor will maintain general liability insurance, auto insurance and workers compensation insurance and list the University as “additional insured” and “loss payee”, this later designation pertaining to damage to University property. The University is self-insured and will not list any party as “additional insured.” See the Design/Build Lump Sum (LS) Agreement for additional information on insurance requirements. The University will not lease any space to the vendor for the solar panels nor grant any easement, whether traditional or solar. The University will sign a document with the J. K. VI. vendor that describes access issues regarding the real property and the building on which the solar panels will be placed. The vendor must provide a cost of ownership after the seventh (7th) Commercial Operation Year to be included in its bid response --- no “then-current value” language shall be used. The vendor will sign the contract before the University signs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ATTESTATION FORM A. Several versions of the Acknowledgment and Attestation Form are available at the UCCS Facilities Services web site: VII. B. Proper completion of the appropriate form is a mandatory requirement for a respondent to be considered responsive to this RFP Prequalification Submittal. C. Qualifications made by a respondent in executing this form may render a submittal nonresponsive as determined by the State. COST PROPOSAL FORM A. A Cost Proposal Form to be utilized to summarize the financial proposal for the services is available at the web site below. The Cost Proposal Form shall be provided in a separate sealed envelope to be opened after the evaluation process. B. This RFP document, it’s appendices, and any written addenda issued prior to the submittal of proposals, and written clarifications prior to the interview shall serve as the only basis for proposals. C. The respondent, by submitting this proposal, does hereby accept that minor changes by the State to the exhibited contract and its exhibits, which do not adversely affect the respondent, shall not be cause for withdrawal or modification of the amounts submitted herein. Exceptions to the RFP documents and/or modification of the proposal may render the proposal non-responsive. D. Upon due consideration and review of this document along with its appendices, written addenda, the respondent does hereby submit the following proposal for a Design/Build Lump Sum contract, consistent with the schedules provided in the Statement of Work. Respondents are hereby advised that it is the State’s desire to accelerate design and construction schedules where reasonably possible, without adverse cost impact. Respondent should complete the Cost Proposal Form by filling in all blanks on the form located on the UCCS Facilities web site: