INVITATION FOR BIDS State of Colorado University of Colorado Colorado Springs Project No.: 16-008 Project Title: Columbine Hall HVAC Modifications Estimated Construction Cost: $ 651,551.00 Project Description Columbine Hall was constructed in 1997 and included two built up penthouse air handlers. AHU-1 serves the classroom wing and AHU-2 serves the office wing. Each VAV unit consists of a supply fan, return fans, hydronic heating coil, built up DX cooling coil with evaporative condensing unit and controls. The return fans for AHU-2 were installed in a relief fan configuration that requires the building to be pressurized to return air to the penthouse unit. The ceiling plenums in both wings were compartmentalized into return air (RA) zones. Transfer ducts were installed to move RA from each zone back to the main RA shaft that allowed RA to move up to the penthouse unit. During the original construction, some RA zones were not provided before reaching the RA shaft and most transfer ducts were sized too small. The Project consists of replacing the R22 DX cooling coils, evaporative condensing units, R22 compressors and associated piping and components from the two penthouse air handing units with a R438A DX cooling system. Additionally, the return air path for each floor of each wing will be modified to correct building over pressurization issues. The Project consists of two phases. Phase 1 (Base Bid) shall consist of replacing the DX cooling system and return air modifications for the classroom wing. Phase 2 shall consist of replacing the DX cooling system and return air modifications for the office wing. Phase I – RA Modifications to the Classroom Wing is on a fixed schedule. The Contractor will only have access to the interior of the building between December 21, 2015 and January 15, 2016. The affected classrooms are available on very specific dates and coordination to have access to the classrooms will be essential. A schedule will be provided that will specify what days each room is available and the Contractor will be responsible to get the work done in those classrooms during that time. If work is not completed during the time the rooms are available the Contractor will be expected to work evenings and/or weekends. The Principal Representative has determined that the BASE BID (Phase I) shall be substantially complete within 68 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and the project shall be finally complete, including the delivery of any or all guarantees and warranties, the submittal of sales and use tax payment forms, the completion of the final punch list and the calling for final inspection, within 10 calendar days, if applicable, from the date of substantial completion. In accordance with Article 46 of the General Conditions of the Contract, Time of Completion, failure to complete the work within the agreed number of calendar days shall be considered breach of contract. The right is reserved to waive informalities or irregularities and to reject any and all bids. Bidder may procure bidding documents from the University website: A Deposit will not be required for each complete set of Contract Documents as documents are only available on the above noted web site. Bidders are to download PDF copies of the documents from the web site for their use, and reproduced as needed at their own expense. Each Bid shall be submitted on the required Bid Form and must be accompanied by a Bid Bond on State Building Programs Bid Bond Form SC 6.14 in an amount not less than 5% of the total Bid (included in the bid documents). The Bid Bond may also be (1) a cashier’s check or (2) a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of the State of Colorado in an amount not less than 5% of the total Bid. The Bid Bond is submitted as a guaranty that the Bid will be maintained in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) days after the opening of the Bids for the project. Contractor’s Registration is not required. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) at 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The meeting location will be held in Campus Services Building, Room 204, on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 2:00 pm. UCCS campus map: Parking fees apply. Sealed Bids will be received from qualified contractors until this date and time at this location: Address: University of Colorado Colorado Springs 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Campus Services Building, Room 204 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 Submission Deadline: Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Point of Contact: Agency: Phone: Email: Sherry Reed University of Colorado Colorado Springs 719-255-3758 Media of Publication: Publication Date: October 14th, 2015