KEY PLAN Soffit joint cracks, patch and repair Severe soffit damage, replace panels Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical prepare and paint door & frame ASPEN ASPEN Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Soffit joint cracks, patch & repair do not paint soffits at walkways, typical ASPEN ASPEN do not paint soffits at walkways, typical Patch and repair cracking at downspouts, seal scupper box & conductor head, typical KEY PLAN patch & repair missing stucco BRECKENRIDGE Patch and repair cracking at downspouts, seal scupper box & conductor head, typical Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical both sides of stair, remove stucco, install flashing and coat, see detail 1/CS, typical BRECKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE prepare and paint all 1st floor hollow metal doors and windows, this elevation Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs Patch and repair cracking at downspouts, seal conductor heads & scupper boxes, typical KEY PLAN KEYSTONE patch & repair significant cracking at base of site wall Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Patch and repair cracking at downspouts, seal conductor head & scupper box, typical both sides of stair, remove stucco, install flashing and coat, see detail 1/CS, typical both sides of stair, remove stucco, install flashing and coat, see detail 1/CS, typical prepare and paint soffits, typical Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs KEYSTONE prepare and paint all 1st floor hollow metal doors and windows, this elevation Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs patch and repair cracked stucco, seal scupper boxes and conductor heads, typcal KEY PLAN MONARCH patch & repair soffit damage Remove and replace cracked stucco, see Stucco Repair Specifications MONARCH Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs both sides of stair, remove stucco, install flashing and coat, see detail 1/CS, typical Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs MONARCH prepare and paint hollow metal doors & frames and windows Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs KEY PLAN soffit joint damage, patch & repair Add Alternate #1: replace existing sheet metal base flashing THE LODGE Patch & repair cracks patch & repair cracking significant cracking THE LODGE Add Alternate #2: patch & repair stairs Gas Entry, rust staining THE LODGE gutter bent, repair or replace, make level Clean oil from beneath dock lifter, paint Add Alternate #1: replace existing sheet metal base flashing at east side of plaza deck sealant failing, remove and replace with new self-levelling sealant & compressible filler both sides of stair, remove stucco, install flashing and coat, see detail 1/CS, typical Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs THE LODGE Add Alternate #1: replace existing sheet metal base flashing at all sides of tower and both sides of stair landing repair field texture this area, see Stucco Repair Specification Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical patch & repair damaged soffit KEY PLAN patch & repair cracked stucco Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs STEAMBOAT STEAMBOAT replace existing sweep & install with stainless steel fasteners patch & repair cracked stucco patch & repair damaged soffit STEAMBOAT Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical patch and repair existing stucco, seal conductor head and scupper box, typical repair existing spalled cmu and stucco STEAMBOAT STEAMBOAT KEY PLAN Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical TELLURIDE TELLURIDE prepare and paint hollow metal door and frame, replace sweep, install with stainless steel fasteners prepare and paint hollow metal door & frame TELLURIDE Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs TELLURIDE Soffit Damage at panel joints Add Alternate #5: Prepare and paint bridges, typical VAIL prepare and paint hollow metal door and frame, install new sweep with stainless steel fasteners VAIL KEY PLAN VAIL Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs Add Alternate #2: Patch & repair concrete stairs VAIL VAIL VAIL