N:\jobs\1106.00\drawings\110600-base.dwg, 12/26/2011 12:48:10 PM N 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 ELECTRICAL UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 NORTH CAMPUS SIGN Revision Date: Issued For 282.008 Date 10/31/11 CONSTRUCTION Project Number Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture UNIV. COLO. COLO. SPGS. 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 ELECTRICAL UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture N:\jobs\1106.00\drawings\110600-base.dwg, 10/31/2011 1:05:00 PM Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. Project Number Issued For Date: Revision 282.008 CONSTRUCTION 10/31/11 Date N C1.1 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 ELECTRICAL UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 N This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture N:\jobs\1106.00\drawings\110600-base.dwg, 10/31/2011 1:05:59 PM Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. Project Number Issued For Date: Revision 282.008 CONSTRUCTION 10/31/11 Date C1.2 LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. THE LANDSCAPE DRAWING SERIES SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING SITEWORK. 2. INSPECT EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AFFECTING WORK FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LANDSCAPE WORK ADVISE THE ARCHITECT OF ANY INCONSISTENCIES WITH SAID CONDITIONS FOR RESOLUTION. 3. COORDINATE LANDSCAPE WORK WITH OTHER CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE PROPER SEQUENCING OF WORK, TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS, AND TO PROTECT IN-PLACE WORK FROM DAMAGE. DAMAGED WORK SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 4. ALL EXISTING AND NEW UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH NEW WORK 5. EXISTING AND NEW UTILITIES SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO CIVIL FOR UTILITY PLANS. 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL PROPERTY LINE, TYP. TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE 55 62 H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 ELECTRICAL 5'6" 6'-0 " 1" 9'-1 8" 11'- 0" 14'- 4" 17'- 2" 19'- 8" 17'- 1" 17'- 3" 15'- 5" 16'- ENUE ENUE " 5'-0 10" . TYP MONUMENT SIGN, RE: ARCH, CIVIL FOR HORIZONTAL CONTROL " 3'-3 " 9'-6 LAYOUT POINT OF BEGINING, ALIGN LAYOUT BASE LINE W/FACE OF SIGN LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP OF 5 RE: ARCH & ELECT BERM RE: CIVIL P AP TE IMA X RO FW IT O M I L K OR This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture CENTERLINE OF SWALE RE: CIVIL 40' Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. Project Number Issued For 282.008 CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY LINE, TYP. Date: 10/31/2011 20' Revision 10' 5' Date SITE PLAN N 2 L1.0 0' 12/21/2011 4:40:27 PM NORTH CAMPUS SIGN 4" 33'- 10" 15'- OTHERS FUTURE SIDEWALK " 9'-0 FUTURE S IDEWALK , BY NEVADA AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY VARIES N. NEVADA AV PROVIDE ADEQUATE SILOAM QUARRY BLOCKS TO MEET PLAN LAYOUT. RE: 2/L2.0 SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" K OR FW TO 9" 15'- 8" 14'- 2" 13'- 2" 17'- 4'-3" 10" 13'5" 24'- 4" 12'7" 18'11" 12'- R:\UCCS.282\North Neveda Signage\282.008 UCCS Sign-landscape.rvt N. NEVADA AVENUE ROW VARIES N. NE VADA AV " 2'-0 APPROX. 8'-0" OF FSET FROM FUTURE WA LK 416'-11" UNIV. COLO. COLO. SPGS. " 11" 15'- APPROXIMATE LIM IT OF 9 7'- I LIM TE IMA OX PR AP WORK APPROXIMATE LIMIT OF WORK UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 30'-10" 118'-5" c 2011 H+L Architecture 2 L1.0 SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 SITE PLAN 1" = 10'-0" N 1 L1.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN 1" = 40'-0" L1.0 PLANTING NOTES Latin DECIDUOUS TREE MS Malus 'Spring Snow' EVERGREEN TREE PO Pinus ponderosa DECIDUOUS SHRUB CC Caryopteris x clandonensis 'First Choice' Pb Prunus besseyi 'Pawnee Buttes' PERENNIAL As Aurinia saxatilis Lp Linum perenne Nf Nepeta x faassenii Rf Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' Ornamental Grass Pv Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' PERENNIAL Am Achillea 'Moonshine' Am Achillea ageratifolia Ls Leucanthemum x superbum "Silver Princess" ADJACENT PLANTINGS RE: 1/L2.0 NEW PLANT - REMOVE CONTAINER ENTIRELY. PRUNE ALL DAMAGED OR DEAD WOOD OF SHRUBS ONLY AFTER PLANTING AND MULCHING. SILOAM QUARRY BLOCK TO MATCH MONUMENT SIGN AT AUSTIN BLUFFS PARKWAY AND NEVADA AVENUE BLOCKS SHALL BE BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING SIZES 30" TO 72" LENGTH 20" TO 28" DEPTH 24" TO 36" HEIGHT SET PLANT CROWN 2" ABOVE GRADE GROWN IN NURSERY OR CONTAINER. 3" WOOD MULCH AT EACH PLANT, DO NOT PLACE AGAINST STEMS 1/3 FINISHED GRADE HEIGHT CREATE SAUCER WITH SOIL AROUND PLANTING BED 2/3 DROP VARIES 3" GRAVEL MULCH THROUGHOUT PLANTING BED RE: GRADING PLAN ALL QUARRY BLOCKS SHALL BE HAND SELECTED BY THE ARCHITECT BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX SCARIFY PIT BOTTOM (MINIMUM 6") L2.0 NOT TO SCALE 2 L2.0 Size Spring Snow Crabapple 4 2" Cal Ponderosa Pine 3 First Choice Blue Mist Spirea 52 Pawnee Buttes Sandcherry BOUDLER SETTING DETAIL Spacing As Shown 6' HT. B&B As Shown 5 Gal. 35 5 Gal. 3' O.C. 4' O.C. Basket-of-Gold Blue Flax Catmint Black Eyed Susan 67 76 62 72 1 Gal. 1 Gal. 1 Gal. 1 Gal. 18" O.C. 2' O.C. 2' O.C. 2' O.C. Heavy Metal Switch Grass 88 1 Gal. 2' O.C. Moonshine Yarrow Greek Yarrow Shasta Daisy 80 55 60 1 Gal. 1 Gal. 1 Gal. 2' O.C. 2' O.C. 2' O.C. SPECIES Bouteloua curtipendula Pascopyrum smithii Schizachyrium scoparium Buchloe dactyloides Stipa comata Bouteloua gracilis Pleuraphis jamesii Elymus trachycaulus Panicum virgatum EXISTING SUBGRADE SHRUB, GRASS OR PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL QTY 1. SUPPLY PLANTS IN QUANTITIES SUFFICIENT TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLANS. PLANT QUANTITIES PROVIDED ON THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. SHOULD DISCREPANCIES EXIST, THE PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE. 2. PLANT LAYOUT SHOWN ON PLANTING PLANS IS DIAGRAMMATIC; STAKE TREE LAYOUTS AND PLACE SHRUBS, STILL IN CONTAINERS, PER PLAN LAYOUT FOR ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. STAKE EXISTING AND NEW UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF FINAL TREE PLANTING LAYOUT. 5. REFER TO PLANTING DETAILS AND THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR REQUIRED PLANTING METHODS, SOIL PREPARATION AND OTHER INFORMATION REGARDING PLANTING. 6. DO NOT PLANT TREES WITHIN 10 FEET OF CENTERLINE OF UTILITIES OR WITHIN WATER EASEMENTS. 7. IRRIGATION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. DRIP EMITTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS. SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH HEAD TO HEAD COVER FOR ALL SEEDED AREAS. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL CONSIST OF A MINIMUM OF THREE ZONES: SPRAY HEADS, DRIP TO TREES ONLY, AND DRIP TO SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS ONLY. 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 NATIVE SEED MIX DEPTH 5 Planting Schedule Common Name COMMON NAME SIDEOAST GRAMA WESTERN WHEATGRASS LITTLE BLUESTEM BUFFALOGRASS NEEDLE & THREAD BLUE GRAMA GALLETA SLENDER WHEATGRASS SWITCHGRASS STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 1/2" = 1'-0" ELECTRICAL 11 Am 12 Ls 14 Nf 19 CC SEED & IRRIGATE ALL DISTURBED AREAS 64 Pv SET TREE BASE 5" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE 33 Rf 33 Ls 16 Lp 22 Rf UNIV. COLO. COLO. SPGS. 3" WOOD MULCH WITHIN SAUCER, BUT NOT AGAINST TRUNK. CREATE SAUCER W/SOIL AROUND TREE (3) 3' TREE STAKES DRIVEN INTO UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, WITH ONE ON SIDE OF PREVAILING WINDS FINISHED GRADE 23 Nf CUT AND REMOVE TOP 2/3 OF BURLAP AND REMOVE TWINE AND WIRE BASKET ENTIRELY FROM ROOT BALL BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX CITY TWICE DIA OF ROOTBALL 2 MS FUTURE S IDEWALK , BY CROWN CENTER PORTION OF TREE PIT FLOOR UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL 4 L2.0 EVERGREEN TREE ON SLOPE PLANTING DETAIL 11 Nf 38 Am 20 Am 19 Pb 14 Ls 34 Lp 17 Rf 16 Pb 7 CC EXISTING WATER LINE, PROVIDE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION. ROUTE MAINLINE NOT TO SCALE 67 As 24 Lp SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" GUY WIRES, NYLON TRUNK STRAPS & 1/2" DIA. PVC PIPE OVER GUY WIRES FOR VISIBILITY. ATTACH TO CENTRAL LEADER ABOVE FIRST BRANCHES. (3) 3' TREE STAKES DRIVEN 24" MIN. INTO SUBGRADE. This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture SEED & IRRIGATE ALL DISTURBED AREAS Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. 40' SET TREE BASE AT 3" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE 3" WOOD MULCH WITHIN SAUCER, BUT NOT AGAINST TRUNK Project Number Issued For Date: 282.008 CONSTRUCTION 10/31/2011 CREATE SAUCER WITH SOIL AROUND TREE Revision Date FINISHED GRADE 4" MIN BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX 2 X DIA. OF ROOTBALL PLANTING PLAN CUT AND REMOVE TOP 2/3 OF BURLAP AND REMOVE TWINE AND WIRE BASKET ENTIRELY FROM ROOT BALL 10' CROWN CENTER PORTION OF TREE PIT FLOOR 5' N 3 L2.0 0' 12/21/2011 4:57:03 PM 3 PO 2 MS 7 Pv 26 CC 23 Am 18 Pv TRUNK WRAP AS SPECIFIED 20' R:\UCCS.282\North Neveda Signage\282.008 UCCS Sign-landscape.rvt 43 Am NORTH CAMPUS SIGN FASTEN TRUNK TO STAKES WITH 12" NYLON TRUNK STRAPS ABOVE FIRST BRANCHES AND #14 GALV WIRE, TWISTED DOUBLE STRAND, 1/2" DIA WHITE PVC PIPE SECTION OVER ENTIRE LENGTH OF EACH GUY WIRE FOR VISIBILITY c 2011 H+L Architecture DO NOT DAMAGE OR CUT LEADER UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 DECIDUOUS TREE ON SLOPE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1 L2.0 PLANTING PLAN 1" = 10'-0" L2.0 219 EAST COLORADO AVE. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 (p) 719.578.9317 (f) 719.578.9548 CIVIL TERRA NOVA ENGINEERING, INC. 815 S. 25TH STREET COLORADO SPRING, CO 80904 (p) 719.635.6422 (f) 719.635.6426 LANDSCAPE H+L ARCHITECTURE 1755 18TH STREET DENVER, CO 80202 (p) 303.298.4723 (f) 303.292.6437 STRUCTURAL HCDA ENGINEERING, INC. 545 E. PIKES PEAK AVE. SUITE 100 COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.633.7784 (f) 719.471.3173 ELECTRICAL UCCS NORTH CAMPUS, NEVADA AVENUE, COL. SPGS. CO 80918 NORTH CAMPUS SIGN UNIV. COLO. AT COLO. SPGS. SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 8" This drawing is an instrument of service and shall remain the property of H+L Architecture. This drawing and the concepts and ideas contained herein shall not be used, reproduced, revised, or retained without the express written approval of H+L Architecture Submission or distribution of this drawing to meet official or regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection wtih the project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any of the rights of H+L Architecture. Project Number 6" Issued For Date: Revision 282.008 CD'S 10/31/11 Date 1.5" 0' 9/30/2011 3:15:00 PM 3" P:\UCCS.282\282.008 N Campus Signage Monument\6 Drawings\Revit Working\282.008 UCCS Sign.rvt SOL CHAVEZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 119 W. CUCHARRAS COLORADO SPRING, CO 80903 (p) 719.636.0021 (f) 719.636.2547 S1.1