ADDENDUM NO. 2 Heller Center Rehabilitation – Main House Bid Package 2 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, CO Architect’s Project No. 0931 Aller•Lingle•Massey Architects P.C. 712 Whalers Way, Suite B-100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 223-1820 April 12, 2010 To all proposed Bidders for the above-referenced project, the following changes are hereby made and will become a part of the Contract Documents: GENERAL 1. The Site and House will be opened on Tuesday, April 13th between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. for General Contractors and Subcontractors that are bidding on the project to access. 2. Provide and attach the Contractor Qualifications per Specification section 01010, Subparagraph 1.04, C. and Superintendent Qualifications per section 01041, Subparagraph 1.02, A., 3. to the Bid Form. 3. Refer to the attached Bid Appendix A for a list of all the Unit Prices in the project that are to be completed and attached to the submitted Bid Form. 4. Provide and list all of the Alternates per specification section 01030 on the submitted Bid Form. 5. No stone veneer shall be salvaged from any of the existing stone walls on the site for use on the new retaining wall. Loose surface fieldstone collected from the site south of the house where the former studio buildings were demolished will however be allowed to be used on the proposed retaining wall at the contractor’s option. CIVIL The following are a series of bid questions followed by answers that were submitted by bidders and answered by the project civil engineer: Question 1. What is the size of the septic tank that is to be abandoned? Answer 1. The size of the septic tank is not known. Question 2. What are the material specs for the communication conduit and pull vaults? Answer 2. See other response for answers. Question 3. Will there be an approved 8” Water main design prior to bidding? Answer 3. No - see other response which includes itemized fittings to be included. Question 4. What are the material specs and design for the gravel drive and the two hatched areas shown on sheet C1.0? Answer 4. Refer to additional Sheet C-DP. Question 5. Will there be an approved Storm Water Management plan prior to bidding? Answer 5. STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT: AT LEAST TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE ANTICIPATED START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PERMIT APPLICATION FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION. THE APPLICATION CONTAINS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION OF A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (CDPHE-SWMP), WHICH IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. Question 6. Clarify the locations for the CDOT CLASS 6 BASE COURSE that is to be unit priced. Answer 6. Refer to additional Sheet C-DP. Question 7. On sheet c1.1 it is calling for 4” conduit to be run parallel to 8” waterline. Is it your intention to lay 4” conduit at the same time as the 8” waterline, in the same ditch? Answer 7. Yes. Question 8. Can you provide more info on the pull boxes you are requiring for the 4” conduit. It is not in your specs that have been provided for this project. Make? Model number? Size? Pull box is a generic term. Much more info is required. Please advise. Answer 8. Ref. Sheet C1.0 Keynote C1: Provide pull vault (HDPE, polymer concrete or fiberglass) rated for H20 loading in a non-constant traffic area, 30" wide by 48" long by 30" deep, open bottom vault set on 6" of gravel. Question 9. 4” Conduit. Is this to be 4” gray pvc sch40? Answer 9. Conduit shall be EPC-40-PVC. Question 10. What is the type of pull tape required? Size? Tensile strength? Pull tape is a generic term. Please advise? Answer 10. 1/4" polypropylene over polyester rope with minimum tensile strength of 1100 lbs., installed with 12" slack at each end. Question 11. Water line. None of the Waterline fittings required for change of direction have been called out. At some point are you going to provide station number and the fitting required? 11 ¼ deg bend, 22 ½ deg bend, 45 deg bend? Answer 11. Ref. Sheet C1.0 Keynote W1: Watermain to include 2-11 ¼ deg bends; 7- 22 ½ deg bends; 7-45 deg bends; 1 domestic tap; 1-8"X6" tee; 1-6" gate valve; 3-8" gate valves; all fittings to include CTRB and MJ fittings. Ref. Sheet C1.1 Keynote W4: Watermain to include 4-8" gate valves; connection to existing 6" main with 8"x8" tee, 2-8" gate valves; 2-8"x6" reducers & 2 couplings; all fittings to include CTRB and MJ fittings. Ref. Sheet C1.1 Keynote W5: Watermain to include 3-8" gate valves; connection to existing 6" main with 8"x8" tee, 2-8" gate valves; 2-8"x6" reducers & 2 couplings; all fittings to include CTRB and MJ fittings. Question 12. Are the proposed parking facilities concrete or ¾” rock like the proposed drive? Answer 12. Refer to attached sheet C-DP. Question 13. Does gravel from existing gravel drive go away or does it remain in place with new gravel installed around existing? Answer 13. New gravel to be installed around existing. Question 14. If it’s to be removed, will it stay on site or be exported off site? Answer 14. Any surplus material shall be hauled offsite. Question 15. What size is existing gravel? Answer 15. Unknown. Question 16. Is there any more information on the two proposed storm water area drains as far as dimensions? There are no details for these. Answer 16. Refer to keynotes ST1 & ST2 which specify inlet size. Question 17. What are the dimensions of septic tank to be abandoned? Answer 17. Unknown. Question 18. Can top be busted off and left inside? Answer 18. Yes - only if the material is broken down small enough to meet CSU material specifications (<2"). Question 19. Can I use gravel from the existing gravel drives that will be removed to fill tank? Answer 19. Yes. Question 20. Do all plastic utilities need cathodic protection or just water system? Answer 20. Water. Question 21. After I install proposed gas service, will CSU tie it in to their new main? Answer 21. Yes. SPECIFICATIONS 1. Section 07536 Thermoplastic Sheet Roofing – Fully-Adhered Paragraph 2.03 SHEET ROOFING MATERIALS. Revise subparagraph A. to read: Membrane: Fully-adhered 60 mil thermoplastic membrane, conforming to ASTM D-6878 and the minimum criteria: 1. Roll Width 8’-0” wide, or manufacturer’s standard width not less than 6’-0” 2. Color: Tan. DRAWINGS 1. Sheet LS1.1 Site Plan. Revise the sheet reference numbers on details A/LP501 and D/LP501 to read A/LS1.3 and D/LS1.3 as there is no sheet LP501. Sheet LS1.3 contains all of the site and landscape details. 2. Sheet LS1.1 Site Plan. Clarification: Cobble Foundation Treatment around the perimeter of the house is to be a native rock material with buff color to match the adjacent “Eagle Rock” outcropping to the north and the proposed decomposed granite path material. The rock mulch treatment is to be 3” deep, with cobble sizes vary from 1” to 4” in diameter. Provide 1/8” wide by 6” steel landscape edging and geo-textile landscape fabric placed below the mulch per specification section 02522 Aggregate Walks. 3. Sheet LS1.1 Site Plan. Clarification: Breeze material is not an acceptable substitute for the decomposed granite material specified for the proposed paths leading from the accessible parking to the house. 4. Sheet SD1.1 Site Plan (architectural) Clarification: To determine the amount of fill required to infill the existing cut on the north side of the proposed retaining wall located just south of the house, assume the proposed contours will be similar to the existing contours that occur at the existing stone retaining walls directly to the east and west. 5. Sheet D1.2 First Floor Existing/Demo Plan. Add Demolition Keynote ‘D11’ to the ceilings of proposed spaces Unisex Restroom No. 5 and Hall No. 4. 6. Sheet A1.0 Proposed First Floor Plan. Add elevation Tag 101’-0” to Staff Work Room No. 3. 7. Sheet A2.1 Roof Plan. Revision: Add a 5/8” thick fire-rated cover board over the rigid board roof insulation as required to achieve a Class A roof assembly to be part of ‘R1’ system note per specification section 07536, section 3.05, subparagraph A. 8. Sheet A7.1 Details. All roof details to include a 5/8” thick fire-rated cover board over the rigid board roof insulation. ATTACHMENTS (1) one, 8-1/2” x 11” Bid Appendix A, Unit Cost Breakdown (1) one, 24” x 36” sheet C-DP, Development Plan for CSFD (1) one, 24” x 36” sheet CX1.0, Storm Sewer Addition END OF ADDENDUM Receipt of this addendum must be acknowledged with the bid.