13-022 Control Erosion and Storm Water Runoff-Mountain Lion Way

13-022 Control Erosion and Storm Water Runoff-Mountain Lion Way
The project is located on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus adjacent to
Mountain Lion Way road. The intent of the project is to construct new concrete sediment basins to
help control erosion and sediment flow. The scope of the project includes utilities, concrete,
reinforcing, hand rails, sidewalks, retaining walls, landscaping, and erosion control measures. The
project start date will be Tuesday, May 28, 2013. This is to be completed over June and July.
A critical aspect of the project is to minimize the traffic and parking impact of adjacent Mountain
Lion Way Road. This road is to remain open throughout construction.
Refer to plans for site map.
Construction Documents shall be posted on the BIDs website on Monday, March 4, 2013.
Bid proposals for furnishing all labor and materials required for the work on this project shall be
received and publicly read aloud at the following time, date, and place:
Bid Due Date:
Monday, April 1, 2013
Bid Time:
2:00 pm
Place of Bid Opening:
Campus Services Building
Room 204, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
The bidder shall fill in all blank spaces on the BID FORM (State Form SBP-6.13) and BID
ALTERNATES FORM (State Form SBP-6.131) as posted on the UCCS Website. Seal the bid
proposal forms in an envelope plainly marked on the outside with the address and information as
described in the “INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS” form, (State Form SBP-6.12, also posted on the
UCCS website). One (1) original copy of the bid proposal forms and documents shall be
If a bidder submits his bid proposal by mail, he shall enclose the above described sealed envelope
in a second envelope with the address and information as described in the “INFORMATION FOR
BIDDERS” form.
The Officer, whose duty it is to open the bids, will decide when the bid opening is at hand and no
bid received thereafter will be considered. The Owner or Architect will not be responsible for the
premature opening of any bid that is not properly addressed and identified.
Any bid proposal improperly completed or modified in any respect will be subject to rejection. Each
bid shall specify a price, written in ink or typewritten, in both words and figures of each of the
separate items required. In case of discrepancy between the written words and the figures, the
written words shall govern.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bid proposals and to waive informalities and
irregularities. In that event, bid guarantees from the bidder(s) will be returned.
13-022 Control Erosion and Storm Water
Runoff-Mountain Lion Way
General Project Information
Each bid submitted on the required Bid Form (SC-6.13) must be accompanied by a Bid Bond on
State Buildings Program Bid Bond Form (SC-6.14) in an amount not less than 5% of the total
bid. The Bid Bond may also be (1) a cashier’s check or (2) a certified check mad payable to the
Treasurer of the State of Colorado in amount not less than 5% of the total Bid. The Bid Bond is
submitted as a guaranty that the Bid will be maintained in full force and effect for the a period of
thirty (30) days after the opening of the Bids for the project.
Interpretations will only be done through email directed to Rhea Taylor (rtaylor@uccs.edu) and
must be received by Wednesday, March 20, 2013 by 2:00 pm. Answers will be posted on the
UCCS Facilities Web site by Tuesday, March 26, 2013 by 5:00 pm.
All Addenda will be posted to the UCCS website on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 by 5:00 pm.
Contractor shall acknowledge any Addenda issued during the bidding period on the bid forms in
the spaces provided. Failure of a bidder to receive any Addenda shall not release the bidder
from any obligations under his bid. All Addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract
In case of a difference in written words and figures on the Bid Form, the amount stated in written
words shall govern, unless obviously incorrect.
The bidder is responsible for delivering the bid proposal to the proper place at the proper time.
The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The bidder must have the
bid proposal actually delivered.
Contractor and all subcontractors shall, jointly and severally, coordinate the various portions of
the work for installation procedures, shop drawings, and final installation of all related materials.
Responsibility for enforcing coordination requirements shall rest solely with the Contractor.
Substitution Requests (both before the bid, and after the Award of the Contract) shall be allowed
only as described in the specifications.
A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at:
Monday, March 11, 2013
1:30 pm
Location: Campus Services Building
Room 204, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
This conference is mandatory for all Bidders.
Complete sets of Construction Documents will be posted on the UCCS website for Contractor’s
use in bidding this project. Construction Documents will also be available on the BIDS site for
the State of Colorado
13-022 Control Erosion and Storm Water
Runoff-Mountain Lion Way
General Project Information