FINANCE - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT 2012/13 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT LEASES AND ENCROACHMENTS ADVERTISING FEE Advertising fee iro leases and encroachments not of a minor nature Alternative Fee - processing of registered letters to Interested and affected parties APPLICATION FEE Corporate/Business Ventures Private use Gardening, Security and minor encraochments per transaction per transaction per application per application leases and encroachments >50cm over property boundary Single annual advert for certain categories: New leases and renewals: gardening and security leases, encroachments of a minor nature and leases pertaining to the improved properties portfolio and social care leases (NPO's, NGO's, Welfare, Community, Sport, Public Schools, Creches, Public Places of Worship) excluding gardening, parking and security per application Social per application Parking per application NPO's, NGO's, Welfare, Community, Sport, Public Schools, Creches, Public Places of Worship Category separated from Garden and Security, as it also includes parking to private businesses/profit geared. 3 903.51 4 450.00 y 3 903.51 4 450.00 295.61 337.00 y 311.32 354.90 3 169.30 2 535.96 3 613.00 2 891.00 y y 3 346.75 2 677.98 3 815.30 3 052.90 1 901.75 2 168.00 y 2 008.25 2 289.40 1 268.42 1 446.00 y 1 335.61 1 522.60 2 535.96 2 891.00 y 2 677.98 3 052.90 744.74 Actual Costs 849.00 Actual Costs y y 786.40 Actual Costs 896.50 Actual Costs 297.37 339.00 y 314.04 358.00 744.74 849.00 y 786.40 896.50 299.12 597.37 341.00 681.00 y y 315.88 630.79 360.10 719.10 LEASE PREPARATION FEE Standard lease agreements Non standard lease agreements TARIFFS Tariff iro Minor encroachments >0cm to 10cm encroachment over the property boundary >10cm to 50cm encroachment over the property boundary per lease per lease Including Business, Residential and Domestic, Social leases as the same process applies ito lease prep and negotiations (excluding gardening, security and minor encroachments) per annum per annum All encroachments greater that 50cm over the boundary will be dealt with by means of a lease Tariff iro land leased for gardening and/or security purposes < 100 m² per annum > 100 m² < 200 m² per annum 2013/03/15 09:31 AM Finance - Property Management 22.1 FINANCE - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED > 200 m² < 300 m² > 300 m² < 400 m² > 400 m² < 500 m² > 500 m² UNIT REMARKS per annum per annum per annum per annum Iro land (including improvements)leased for Social Purposes per annum NPO's, NGO's, Welfare, Community, Sport, Public Schools, Creches, Public Places of Worship 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT 897.37 1 196.49 1 495.61 1 794.74 2012/13 VAT R Yes/No incl. VAT 1 023.00 y 1 364.00 y 1 705.00 y 2 046.00 y 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 947.63 1 263.51 1 579.39 1 895.26 2013/14 R incl. VAT 1 080.30 1 440.40 1 800.50 2 160.60 629.82 718.00 y 665.09 758.20 3 903.51 4 450.00 y 4 122.11 4 699.20 3 170.18 2 535.96 1 901.75 3 614.00 2 891.00 2 168.00 y y y 3 347.72 2 677.98 2 008.25 3 816.40 3 052.90 2 289.40 1 267.54 2 535.96 1 445.00 2 891.00 y y 1 334.74 2 677.98 1 521.60 3 052.90 744.74 Actual Costs 849.00 Actual Costs y y 786.40 Actual Costs 896.50 Actual Costs PROPERTY SALES ADVERTISING FEE per transaction APPLICATION FEE Business Private use Garden, Security per application per application per application Social Parking per application per application excluding garden, parking and security purposes NPO's, NGO's, Welfare, Community, Sport, Public Schools, Creches, Public Places of Worship SALE AGREEMENT PREPARATION FEE Standard sale agreement Non standard sale agreement 2013/03/15 09:31 AM per deed of sale per deed of sale Including Business, Residential and Domestic, Social leases as the same process applies ito prep and negotiations Finance - Property Management 22.2