CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT RENTAL OF UNLIT TELECOMMUNICATIONS FIBRE Unlit telecommunications optic fibre - Core Per Optic Fibre Network: use of an Optic Fibre Pair on the Core Pair per month Ring between any two Switching Centres Keller House - Gallows Hill Keller House - Parow Civic Keller House - Bellville Civic Keller House - Athlone Stadium Keller House - Newlands Keller House - Plumstead Gallows Hill - Parow Civic Gallows Hill - Bellville Civic Gallows Hill - Athlone Stadium Gallows Hill - Newlands Gallows Hill - Plumstead Parow Civic - Bellville Civic Parow Civic - Athlone Stadium Parow Civic - Newlands Parow Civic - Plumstead Bellville Civic - Athlone Stadium Bellville Civic - Newlands Bellville Civic - Plumstead Athlone Stadium - Newlands Athlone Stadium - Plumstead Newlands - Plumstead Use of unlit optic fibre pair between switching Per Optic Fibre facilites: use of a pair of Optic Fibres between Pair per metre any two Switching Facilities per month 2013/03/15 09:23 AM 2012/13 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT Discontinued and replaced by 'Use of unlit optic fibre pair between switching facilites' tariff, as below 5 827.19 72 749.12 98 236.84 49 262.28 39 604.39 57 777.19 72 230.70 97 559.65 51 811.40 44 347.37 63 100.88 25 631.58 40 747.37 66 105.26 80 025.44 61 704.39 86 015.79 98 721.93 24 341.23 39 264.04 21 091.23 Monthly rental caculated on straight line distance x routing factor of 2. Subject to availability. No more than three (3) Optic Fibre Pairs per route per Client. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 6 643.00 82 934.00 111 990.00 56 159.00 45 149.00 65 866.00 82 343.00 111 218.00 59 065.00 50 556.00 71 935.00 29 220.00 46 452.00 75 360.00 91 229.00 70 343.00 98 058.00 112 543.00 27 749.00 44 761.00 24 044.00 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y 2.63 3.00 9.1 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT Unlit telecommunications optic fibre - Cross Per Optic Fibre Connection: use of an Optic Fibre Pair point-to- Pair per month point from a Switching Centre to the exchange/ data centre/ POP/ collocation facility of a Licensed Operator Discontinued and replaced by 'Use of unlit optic fibre pair - Cross Connection' tariff, as below. Use of unlit optic fibre pair - Cross Connection: use of an Optic Fibre Pair from a Switching Facility to the exchange/ data centre/ POP/ co-llocation facility of a Licensed Operator Unlit telecommunications optic fibre - local fibre connection: connection of optic fibre cable from end point to the nearest fibre distribution point - unmonitored Per Optic Fibre Pair per metre per month Monthly rental calculated on straight line distance. Subject to availability. No more than three (3) fibre pairs per Client. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Use of unlit optic fibre pair - Local Connection: use of an Optic Fibre Pair from a Switching Facility to a Building Per Optic Fibre Pair per metre per month VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT 2.63 3.00 y Delete Delete N/A N/A y 2.63 3.00 2.63 3.00 y Delete Delete N/A N/A y 2.63 3.00 20 000.00 40 000.00 60 000.00 22 800.00 45 600.00 68 400.00 y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete N/A N/A y 20 000.00 Per fibre pair per Discontinued and replaced by 'Building metre per month Connection' tariff, as below Monthly rental calculated on straight line distance x routing factor of 2. Buildings on the same local route may be daisy-chained. Subject to availability. No more than three (3) fibre pairs per client. Once-off Building Connection Fee to be paid. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Discontinued and replaced by 'Building Connection' tariff, as below. Building Connection: Single Optic Fibre Once-off fee Building Connection (one Optic Fibre Pair) from Building a Fibre Distribution Point to a Site Connection Fee, per fibre pair per customer Cable connection fee < 100m (straight line) 100 - 200m (straight line) 200 - 300m (straight line) Building Connection: allocation of an Optic Once-off distance- Subject to viability. Cable remains property of Fibre Pair on a Local Connection related Building the City of Cape Town. Distance from Local Connection tariff, Cable to Building entry point not more than per Optic Fibre 300m (straight line). Local Conection tariff Pair applies thereafter for a minimum of six months. < 100m (straight line) 2013/03/15 09:23 AM 2012/13 R incl. VAT Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 22 800.00 9.2 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT 100 - 200m (straight line) 200 - 300m (straight line) Unlit telecommunications optic fibre - Local & Per fibre pair per Discontinued and replaced by 'Use of unlit optic Access Cable rental: use of an Optic Fibre Pair metre per month fibre pair - Local Connection' tariff, as above. from a Switching Centre to a Site - unmonitored Fibre Monitoring : Unlit telecommunications optic fibre - Fibre Monitoring Service: between a Switching Centre and a Building Per Optic Fibre Pair per month RENTAL OF SWITCHING CENTRE RACK SPACE Rack Space - 10U quarter cabinet (1kW): 10U Per 10U per half cabinet in a monitored Switching Centre month [inc. power, UPS, access control, ccTV security, fire supression] - 1kW power supply Rack space - 21U half cabinet (1kW): 21U half cabinet in a monitored switching centre [inc. power, UPS, access control, ccTV security, fire suppression] plus secure remote data access availability - 1kW power supply Rack space - 43U full cabinet (1.5kW): 43U full cabinet in a monitored switching centre [inc. power, UPS, access control, ccTV security, fire suppression] plus secure remote data access availability - 1.5kW power supply Rack space - 43U full cabinet (6kW): 43U full cabinet in a monitored switching centre [inc. power, UPS, access control, ccTV security, fire suppression] plus secure remote data access availability - 6kW power supply 2013/03/15 09:23 AM Per 21U per month 2012/13 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT N/A N/A N/A N/A y y 40 000.00 60 000.00 45 600.00 68 400.00 2.63 3.00 y Delete Delete 700.00 798.00 y 700.00 798.00 2 259.65 2 576.00 y 2 385.96 2 720.00 4 029.82 4 594.00 y 4 255.26 4 851.00 7 820.18 8 915.00 y 8 257.89 9 414.00 10 040.35 11 446.00 y 10 602.63 12 087.00 Local Connection cble termination must have Optical Pass Filter. Subject to availability. Subject to availability. No more than a total of two full cabinet equivalents per Client per Switching Centre (all racks in the aggregate). Subject to availability. No more than a total of two full cabinet equivalents per Client per Switching Centre (all racks in the aggregate). Per 43U (1.5kW) Subject to availability. No more than a total of pre month two full cabinet equivalents per Client per Switching Centre (all racks in the aggregate). Per 43U (6kW) per month Subject to availability. No more than a total of two full cabinet equivalents per Client per Switching Centre (all racks in the aggregate). Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 9.3 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT METRO SHORT-HAUL CIRCUITS Telecommunications data circuit - 100Mbps Ethernet circuit: 100Mbps circuit on the Core Ring between any two Switching Centres, as below Keller House - Gallows Hill Keller House - Parow Civic Keller House - Bellville Civic Keller House - Athlone Stadium Keller House - Newlands Keller House - Plumstead Gallows Hill - Parow Civic Gallows Hill - Bellville Civic Gallows Hill - Athlone Stadium Gallows Hill - Newlands Gallows Hill - Plumstead Parow Civic - Bellville Civic Parow Civic - Athlone Stadium Parow Civic - Newlands Parow Civic - Plumstead Bellville Civic - Athlone Stadium Bellville Civic - Newlands Bellville Civic - Plumstead Athlone Stadium - Newlands Athlone Stadium - Plumstead Newlands - Plumstead Telecommunications data circuit - 1Gbps Ethernet circuit: 1Gbps circuit on the Core Ring between any two Switching Centre,s as below Keller House - Gallows Hill Keller House - Parow Civic Keller House - Bellville Civic Keller House - Athlone Stadium Keller House - Newlands 2013/03/15 09:23 AM Per circuit per month Per circuit per month 2012/13 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT Discontinued and replaced by 'Metro Ethernet circuit - 100Mbps' tariff, as below. 1 159.65 7 659.65 10 209.65 5 309.65 4 340.35 6 159.65 7 609.65 10 140.35 5 570.18 4 820.18 6 690.35 2 950.00 4 459.65 6 990.35 8 390.35 6 550.00 8 990.35 10 259.65 2 820.18 4 310.53 2 490.35 1 322.00 8 732.00 11 639.00 6 053.00 4 948.00 7 022.00 8 675.00 11 560.00 6 350.00 5 495.00 7 627.00 3 363.00 5 084.00 7 969.00 9 565.00 7 467.00 10 249.00 11 696.00 3 215.00 4 914.00 2 839.00 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete 5 800.00 38 300.00 51 040.35 26 550.00 21 720.18 6 612.00 43 662.00 58 186.00 30 267.00 24 761.00 y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Discontinued and replaced by 'Metro Ethernet circuit - 1Gbps' tariff, as below. Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 9.4 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT Keller House - Plumstead Gallows Hill - Parow Civic Gallows Hill - Bellville Civic Gallows Hill - Athlone Stadium Gallows Hill - Newlands Gallows Hill - Plumstead Parow Civic - Bellville Civic Parow Civic - Athlone Stadium Parow Civic - Newlands Parow Civic - Plumstead Bellville Civic - Athlone Stadium Bellville Civic - Newlands Bellville Civic - Plumstead Athlone Stadium - Newlands Athlone Stadium - Plumstead Newlands - Plumstead Telecommunications data circuit - 10Gbps Ethernet circuit: 10Gbps circuit on the Core Ring between any two Switching Centres, as below Keller House - Gallows Hill Keller House - Parow Civic Keller House - Bellville Civic Keller House - Athlone Stadium Keller House - Newlands Keller House - Plumstead Gallows Hill - Parow Civic Gallows Hill - Bellville Civic Gallows Hill - Athlone Stadium Gallows Hill - Newlands Gallows Hill - Plumstead Parow Civic - Bellville Civic Parow Civic - Athlone Stadium Parow Civic - Newlands Parow Civic - Plumstead Bellville Civic - Athlone Stadium 2013/03/15 09:23 AM Per circuit per month 2012/13 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT 30 809.65 38 040.35 50 700.00 27 829.82 24 100.00 33 470.18 14 740.35 22 300.00 34 970.18 41 930.70 32 770.18 44 930.70 51 280.70 14 090.35 21 550.00 12 470.18 35 123.00 43 366.00 57 798.00 31 726.00 27 474.00 38 156.00 16 804.00 25 422.00 39 866.00 47 801.00 37 358.00 51 221.00 58 460.00 16 063.00 24 567.00 14 216.00 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete 10 440.35 68 940.35 91 871.93 47 790.35 39 095.61 55 457.89 68 471.93 91 259.65 50 093.86 43 379.82 60 245.61 26 532.46 40 140.35 62 945.61 75 473.68 58 985.96 11 902.00 78 592.00 104 734.00 54 481.00 44 569.00 63 222.00 78 058.00 104 036.00 57 107.00 49 453.00 68 680.00 30 247.00 45 760.00 71 758.00 86 040.00 67 244.00 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Discontinued and replaced by 'Metro Ethernet circuit - 10Gbps' tariff, as below. Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 9.5 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT Bellville Civic - Newlands Bellville Civic - Plumstead Athlone Stadium - Newlands Athlone Stadium - Plumstead Newlands - Plumstead RENTAL OF HIGH SITES Tower space for co-location of wireless telecommunications tranceiver: space on a tower or mast for the co-location of a single tranciever; includes Optic Fibre Pair to assocated Switching Facility METRO ETHERNET CIRCUITS Metro Ethernet circuit - 100Mbps: 100Mbps circuit between any two Switching Facilities. MPLS transport layer, Ethernet interface. Metro Ethernet circuit - 1Gbps: 1Gbps circuit between any two Switching Facilities. MPLS transport layer, Ethernet interface. Metro Ethernet circuit - 10Gbps: 10Gbps circuit between any two Switching Facilities. DWDM transport layer, Ethernet interface Per item of equipment per month Per circuit per month Per circuit per month Per circuit per month VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT 80 873.68 92 304.39 25 362.28 38 790.35 22 445.61 92 196.00 105 227.00 28 913.00 44 221.00 25 588.00 y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete N/A N/A y 4 040.35 4 606.00 N/A N/A y 17 800.00 20 292.00 N/A N/A y 25 400.00 28 956.00 N/A N/A y 51 400.00 58 596.00 N/A N/A y 16 000.00 18 240.00 N/A N/A y 20 000.00 22 800.00 N/A N/A y 7 500.00 8 550.00 Subject to availability. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Subject to availability. Service not available to edge sites. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Subject to availability. Service not available to edge sites. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. Subject to availability. Service not available to edge sites. Client must have a valid ECS or ECNS license. MANAGED NETWORK SERVICES - WESTERN CAPE GOVERNMENT Layer 2 managed service - 100Mbps. Fixed Per building per Western Cape Government buildings only. wireline (optical fibre). Ethernet interface month Subject to contract terms and conditions including payment of all capital costs. Layer 2 managed service - 1Gbps. Fixed Per building per Western Cape Government buildings only. wireline (optical fibre). Ethernet interface month Subject to contract terms and conditions including payment of all capital costs. Layer 2 managed service - 20Mbps (WCGED Per building per Western Cape Government Education schools). Wireless. Ethernet interface month Department schools only. Subject to contract terms and conditions including payment of all capital costs. 2013/03/15 09:23 AM 2012/13 R incl. VAT Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 9.6 CORPORATE SERVICES - INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY - USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT Layer 2 managed service - 50Mbps (WCGED schools). Fixed wireline (optical fibre). Ethernet interface 2013/03/15 09:23 AM Per building per Western Cape Government Education month Department schools only. Subject to contract terms and conditions including payment of all capital costs. N/A Corporate Services - Information Systems and Technology - Telecommunications 2012/13 R incl. VAT N/A VAT Yes/No y 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 7 500.00 2013/14 R incl. VAT 8 550.00 9.7