LAS Curriculum and Requirements Committee Wednesday September 16, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. COLU 3022 MINUTES Present: Kevin Landis, Chris Duval, Ed Hoang, Edgar Cota-Torres, Sandy Berry Lowe, Greg Oman, Emilie Vrbancic, Rex Welshon, Mary Long A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 13, 2015 B. OLD BUSINESS None. C. NEW BUSINESS – Kevin Landis will serve as Chair Introduction of Greg Oman UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 1. New Course Proposals and Natural Science area requirement requests (3): (w/draw BIOL 1013 NS area requirement request) BIOL 1011 PLTW Biomedical Sciences BIOL 1012 PLTW Human Body Systems BIOL 1013 PLTW Medical Interventions BIOL 2040 PLTW Biomedical Innovation (Tom Wolkow) POSTPONED 2. New Course Proposal: MATH 3210 Introduction to Geometry (Radu Cascaval) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 3. New Course Proposals: HIST 3001 The Historian’s Craft (Barb Headle) HIST 3080 Maps as Historical Documents to be cross-listed with new course proposalGES 3080 Maps as Historical Documents (Barb Headle) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED as a bundle 4. New Course Proposal: Late submission of Cultural Diversity area requirement request: SOC 3440 Community Leadership (Heather Albanesi) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED The subsequent submission of Cultural Diversity area requirement request circulated via email was not approved per Kevin Landis; 3 approved, 3 opposed 5. New Course Proposal and Social Science area requirement request: PSY 3630 Sex Crimes Against Children (Sandy Wurtele) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED D. DISCUSSION: Revise LAS Area Requirement Request form – Sandy Wurtele and Kevin Landis ADJOURN: The C&R Meeting schedule can be located at