Fare Adjustment Strategies for Airline Revenue Management and Reservation Systems By Yin Shiang Valenrina Soo B.B.A. (Hons), NUS Business School National University of Singapore, 2001 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN TRANSPORTATION AT THE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MASSACHUSETTS JUNE 2007 © 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature of Author: ................................................ 1 ...... Department of Civil and Environmental Enginering May 10, 2007 Certified by: .......................................................... Peter P. Belobaba Principal Research Scientist of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesi u ervisor .... , ... ,..., .......... Joseph 4At Sussman ssor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Reader C ertified by: ........................................................... JR East ................................................. Daniele Veneziano Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Accepted by : ................................................ MASSACHUSETTS INSTI OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 0 7 2007 LIBRARIES E ARKER Fare Adjustment Strategies for Airline Revenue Management and Reservation Systems by Yin Shiang Valenrina Soo Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 10, 2007 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Transportation ABSTRACT With the growth of Low Cost Carriers (LCC) and their use of simplified fare structures, the airline industry has seen an increased removal of many fare restrictions, especially in markets with intense LCC presence. This resulted in "semi-restricted" fare structure where there are homogenous fare classes that are undifferentiated except by price and also distinct fare classes which are still differentiated by booking restrictions and advance purchase requirements. In this new fare environment, the use of traditional Revenue Management (RM) systems, which were developed based on the assumption of independence of demand of fare classes, tend to lead to a spiral down effect. Airlines now have to deal with customers who systematically buy the lowest fare available in the absence of distinctions between the fare classes. This result in fewer bookings observed in the higher fare classes, leading to lower forecast and less protection of seats for the higher yield passengers. This thesis describes Fare Adjustment, a technique developed for network RM systems, which acts at the booking limit optimizer level as it takes into account the sell-up potential of passengers (the probability that a passenger is willing to buy a higher-fare ticket if his request is denied). The goal of this thesis is to provide a more comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of fare adjustment as a tool to improve airline revenues in this new environment by 1) extending the investigation of the effectiveness of fare adjustment with standard forecasting to leg-based RM systems (namely EMSRb and HBP) and also a mixed fare structure where different fare structures are used for different markets, and 2) looking at the alternative use of fare adjustment in the reservation system. Experiments with the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator demonstrate that RM Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting can improve an airline's network revenue by 0.8% to 1.3% over standard revenue management methods. In particular, RM Fare Adjustment reduces the aggressiveness of path forecasting through the lowering of bid prices as it takes into account the risk of buying-down. Simulations of Fare Adjustment in the Reservation System also showed positive results with revenue improvement of about 0.4% to 0.7%. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Peter P. Belobaba Title: Principal Research Scientist of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Reader: Dr. Joseph M. Sussman Title: JR East Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Acknowledgements First and foremost, many thanks to Dr. Peter Belobaba for being my academic and research advisor. He introduced me to the world of revenue management and taught me all that I needed to know. I appreciate his guidance, mentorship and the opportunities he has given me during these past 2 years here in MIT. I must also thank all the airlines in the PODS consortium for making this research possible through their financial support and continuous feedback. Acknowledgement also goes to our programmer, Craig Hopperstad, for helping me understand the workings of the PODS simulator. As for all my fellow colleagues (past and present) in the MIT International Center for Air Transportation and my friends in the MST program, thank you for helping me get through the years. Special thanks to Maital Dar, Thierry Vanhaverbeke and Greg Zerbib for teaching me the ropes and helping me learn about PODS. I must also thank all my friends from the MIT Ballroom Dance Team in particular Jing Wang, Mingzhi Liu and Royson Chong. Without them, my life would have been a lot less exciting and my drawers would not be filled with so many ribbons and awards. To my family back home in Singapore, thank you for all that you have done for me. I would not be who I am today without you guys. Thank you for your unwavering love, care and concern for me. To Escamillo, my beloved husband, thank you for your love, understanding and support. You are always there for me, encouraging me and cheering me on. Now that I am ending this "Graduate School in MIT" chapter of my life, I look forward to starting a whole new "Life in NYC" chapter with you. You are the best husband and friend one can ever hope for. I love you. And last but not least, I thank God for His love for me. Thanks to Him for giving me the strength, the courage and faith to carry on even when things sometimes look impossible. He has been my stronghold and shelter and I thank Him for all the provisions He had given me and the miracles He had performed in my life. -5- -6- -IMLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES 10 LIST OF TABLES 13 1. 1.1 REVENUE MANAGEMENT 15 1.2 CHANGES IN THE INDUSTRY 17 1.3 NEW / RECENT APPROACHES 18 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 2. 15 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 18 19 19 Forecasting and Sell-up Q/Hybrid Forecasting Fare Adjustment 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS 20 1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS 21 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 23 REVENUE MANAGEMENT 2.1.1 2.1.2 23 25 26 Forecasting Seat Inventory Control 2.2 LOW COST CARRIERS AND A LESS-RESTRICTED ENVIRONMENT 29 2.3 REVENUE MANAGEMENT TOOLS FOR THE NEW ENVIRONMENT 31 Fare Adjustment 32 33 CHAPTER SUMMARY 35 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 Q / Hybrid Forecasting -7- 3. CHAPTER THREE: SIMULATION APPROACH TO RM 37 3.1 THE PODS SIMULATION TOOL 37 3.1.1 3.1.2 39 41 3.2 3.3 4. Passenger Choice Model PODS Revenue Management Systems SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT 42 3.2.1 3.2.2 42 44 Network D Network S FARE ADJUSTMENT IN REVENUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 48 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 FRAT5s Sell up Formulation and Parameters in PODS 49 50 52 3.4 FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM 56 3.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY 57 CHAPTER FOUR: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RM SYSTEM 59 4.1 NETWORK D 59 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 60 61 61 65 4.2 4.3 DAVN EMSRb with Path Forecasting EMSRb (Path) with Fare Adjustment HBP NETWORK S 67 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 68 69 70 73 EMSRb with Path Forecasting Path-based EMSRb with Fare Adjustment HBP with Fare Adjustment DAVN with Fare Adjustment CHAPTER SUMMARY 75 -8- 5. CHAPTER FIVE: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM 5.1 5.2 Introduction of RES Bid Price to Leg-Based EMSRb Leg-Based EMSRb with RES Fare Adjustment Leg-Based HBP with RES Fare Adjustment 77 79 81 83 NETWORK S 5.2.1 5.2.2 Leg-Based EMSRb with RES Fare Adjustment Leg-Based HBP with RES Fare Adjustment 83 87 CHAPTER SUMMARY 89 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS 91 5.3 6. 77 NETWORK D 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 77 6.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 92 6.2 FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 94 -9- T OF FIGURES Page 1. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Figure 1-1 Use of Differential Pricing to Maximize Revenue 2. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Figure Figure Figure Figure 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3. Example of a Third Generation System Spiral-Down Effect Co-existence of Different Fare Structures in a Network Using Fare Adjustment to Decouple the Fare Structures 16 24 31 33 34 CHAPTER THREE: SIMULATION APPROACH TO RM Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-9 Figure 3-10 Figure 3-11 Figure 3-12 PODS Structure Network D ALl's Network AL2's Network ALl's Route Network in Network S AL2's Route Network in Network S AL3's Route Network in Network S AL4's Route Network in Network S FRAT5 Curves in PODS PODS FA FRAT5s Values with Different Scaling Factors Probability of Sell-up and FRAT5s Relationship between Fare, Marginal Revenue and PE Cost - 10 - 39 43 43 43 45 46 46 47 49 50 51 53 4. CHAPTER FOUR: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RM SYSTEM Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 Figure 4-13 Figure 4-14 Figure 4-15 Figure 4-16 Figure 4-17 Figure 4-18 Figure 4-19 Figure 4-20 Figure 4-21 5. Base Case Scenario - Fare Class Mix DAVN with FA in Network D EMSRb with Path Forecasting in Network D - Fare Class Mix EMSRb with FA in Network D - Fixed FRAT5s Airline 1 Fare Class Mix - EMSRb with FA (Fixed FRAT5s) Load Factor and Yield - EMSRb with FA (Fixed FRAT5s) Selected Adjusted Fares at FRAT5 C EMSRb with FA in Network D - Variable FRAT5s HBP with FA in Network D - Fixed FRAT5s HBP with FA in Network D - Variable FRAT5s Airline 1 Fare Class Mix - HBP Airline l's Loads and Yield - HBP Base Case Results - Network S EMSRb with Path Forecasting - Network S EMSRb with FA in Network S - Variable FRAT5s HBP with FA in Network S - Variable FRAT5s Al Spill-in Fare Class Mix - Network D vs. Network S MSP Fare Class Mix - Path based HBP with FA in Network S MSP Yield and Load Factor - Path based HBP with FA in Network S DAVN Results - Network S DAVN with Fare Adjustment in Network S 59 60 61 62 63 63 64 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73 74 74 CHAPTER FIVE: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 RES Bid Price in Network D Airline 1 Spill in Fare Class Mix in Network D - RES Bid Price Local vs. Connect Passengers in Network D - RES Bid Price EMSRb with RES FA in Network D- FRAT5 psup LF, Yield & Fare Class Mix - EMSRb with RES FA (FRAT5 psup) in D EMSRb with RES FA in Network D - Input psup Al's LF & Yield - EMSRb with RES FA (Input psup) in D HBP with RES FA in Network D - FRAT5 psup - 11 - 77 78 78 79 79 80 81 81 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 6. Figure Figure Figure Figure 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 HBP with RES FA in Network D - Input psup Fare Class Comparison - HBP with RES FA in Network D LF & Yield Comparison - HBP with RES FA in Network D EMSRb with RES FA in Network S - FRAT5 psup Al's LF & Yield in S - EMSRb w RES FA in All Mkts (FRAT5 psup) EMSRb with RES FA in Network S - Input psup Spill-In Trend - EMSRb with RES FA (All Markets) in Net work D Spill-In Trend - EMSRb with RES FA (All Markets) in Net work S HBP with RES FA in Network S - FRAT5 psup HBP with RES FA in Network S - Input psup 82 83 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 88 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 Results Summary Results Summary Results Summary Results Summary - RM Fare Adjustment in Network D - RM Fare Adjustment in Network S - RES Fare Adjustment in Network D - RES Fare Adjustment in Network S - 12 - 92 92 93 94 T OF TABLES Page 3. CHAPTER THREE: SIMULATION APPROACH TO RM Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 3-8 4. User-Defined Time Frames in PODS Network D Fare Structure and Restrictions Network S O-D Markets and Paths Fare Structure and Restrictions - LCC Markets Fare Structure and Restrictions - Non LCC Markets PSUP for different FA FRAT5s Input Booking Limits without Fare Adjustment (Path-based EMSRb) HBP with Fare Adjustment 38 44 47 48 48 52 55 55 CHAFER FOUR: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RM SYSTEM Table 4-1 Results of Base Case Scenario Table 4-2 Results of DAVN in Network D Table 4-3 Results of EMSRb with Path Forecasting in Network D Table 4-4 Adjusted Fares with Fixed FRAT5s Table 4-5 Results of HBP in Network D - Leg Forecasting Table 4-6 Results of HBP in Network D - Path Forecasting Table 4-7 Results of HBP in Network S - Leg Forecasting Table 4-8 Results of HBP in Network S - Path Forecasting Table 4-9 Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network D Table 4-10 Al Revenue Improvement from Fare Adjustment in Network D Table 4-11 Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network S Table 4-12 A l Revenue Improvement from Fare Adjustment in Network S - 13 - 59 60 61 62 65 65 70 71 75 75 76 76 5. CHAPTER FIVE: FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 5-4 Al Al Al Al Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network D from RES Fare Adjustment in Network D over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network S from RES Fare Adjustment in Network S -14- 89 89 90 90 1. INTRODUCTION Largely pioneered by the passenger airline carriers, revenue management - the integrated management of price and capacity - has been considered by Robert Crandall, Chairman and CEO of AMR and American Airlines, to be "the single most important technical development in transportation management since we entered the era of deregulation in 1979."' Faced with relatively fixed capacity, low marginal sales costs and perishable inventory, the challenge for an airline is deciding how best to allocate a fixed number of perishable seats on a distinct and transient flight leg amongst the many possible journeys which are available for purchase at different prices in order to maximize its revenue. Thus, revenue management can simply be described as "selling the right seats to the right customers at the right prices"'. Through a set of practices and policies, airlines make use of revenue management to guide them in their pricing and seat allocation decisions. In the following sections of this chapter, we will take a closer look at the history as well as the reason for revenue management. In addition, we will also present the recent developments in the airline industry and the new approaches that were developed to meet these changes. 1.1 REVENUE MANAGEMENT Before revenue management was born, airlines were mainly using a combination of forecasting and controlled overbooking in their reservation control, deliberately selling more seats than what is available to mitigate financial damage by passengers who do not show up for the flight. This helped them to achieve a moderate degree of success and almost all quantitative research in reservation control during that period focused on such controlled overbooking. In the early 1970s however, BOAC (now known as British Airways) began to introduce two different fare products for the same flight - lower fares for passengers who book in advance and higher fares for passengers who book closer to the date of departure2 . This presented the airline with a problem in determining the number of seats that needed to be protected for late full fare passengers and revenue management (then known as yield management) was thus born. Despite these early pioneers of revenue management, the main catalyst for the intensive development of revenue management techniques can be traced back to the deregulation of the airline industry in 1979, where Congress granted carriers control over their own respective product offerings3 . 'Smith, B.C., J.F. Leimkuhler, R.M. Darrow. 1992. Yield Management at American Airlines. Interfaces. Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 8-3 1. 2 McGill, J. I., G. J. van Ryzin. 1999. Revenue Management: Research Overview and Prospects. TransportationScience. Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 233-256. 3 General Accounting Office. 1999. Airline Deregulation: Changes in Airfares, Service Quality, and Barriers to Entry. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO/RCED-99-92. Washington, D.C. - 15 - With deregulation, the airlines started to compete on an origin-destination (OD) basis where passengers choose between airlines and products on a city-pair, independent from any transits or stopovers in between. As pricing structures evolved and prices dropped in many markets reflecting the more competitive environment, yield management became more critical. Airlines began to realize that in order to maximize their revenues, it would be optimal if they would be able to charge each passenger a fare that matches their individual willingness to pay. As we can see from Figure 1-1, if an airline decides to charge a single high fare (P1 ) during the whole booking period in order to target high-yield passengers, its flights will depart with a very low load factor (Qi out of Q4 seats) because supply exceeds demand at that price. In this case, the revenue management system overprotects the inventory as it refuses to sell the empty seats at a lower price due to inaccurate expectation that higher yield passengers will book in the future. There is a lost of revenue not only due to consumer surplus (Area ABP 1 ) but also due to unsold seats (Area BQ 1 Q4E). Price A Capacity of Aircraft Loss of Revenue (Consumer Surplus) P2 D P3 L E z P4 Q0 Q1 Q Q2 Q3 Demand QQuantity Q4 Figure 1-1: Use of Differential Pricing to Maximize Revenue Conversely, if the airline decides to charge a single low fare in order to fill up its flights (P2), most of its passengers will end up paying a fare that is lower than their willingness to pay. As a result, the airline experiences a lost of revenue due to consumer surplus (Area AEP 4 ). There is a dilution of revenue as the strong revenue streams an airline can expects from its high yield passengers is diluted with low fares even though the load factor is very high (full capacity Q4). - 16 - So clearly, single fare policies are unappealing because they result in lost revenue from unsold seats and/or diluted fares. The use of differential pricing therefore became a core component of successful revenue management'. By setting different fares (P1 to P4 ) for identical seats on a plane, an airline is able to reduce the amount of revenue loss from diluted fares and maintain a healthy load factor (see Figure 1-1). Although in reality, it would be difficult to charge each passenger a fare that matches their individual willingness to pay, it is however possible to group the passengers into different segments and practice differential pricing for each of these segments. By putting different fare restrictions such as advance purchase, Saturday night stay, refund charges and cancellation fee for each fare classes, airlines have been segmenting the markets into two main groups. First, there are the business passengers who are less price-sensitive and usually book their tickets closer to the date of departure. Then there are the leisure passengers who are known to be more price-sensitive and are more flexible in terms of schedule. Such fare restrictions are more strongly enforced for the lower fare products, thus creating much disutility for business passengers, who in the end, are willing (or forced) to pay more to avoid the restrictions. However, complication arises as high yield passengers tend to book late whereas leisure passengers with a lower willingness to pay tend to book early. There is thus a need for revenue management systems to accurately forecast the high yield demand that would be coming and find a way to optimize the allocation of seats to a specific fare class with its associated restrictions. 1.2 CHANGES IN THE INDUSTRY In recent years however, airlines' ability to prevent business travelers from buying down (buying a lower priced product) has decreased tremendously. The emergence and growth of low fare carriers has changed the industry. Unlike their legacy counterparts, these new airlines have very low operating costs. Thus they are able to provide frequent and cheap service to popular destinations at comparable service. In addition to lower fares, the other visible characteristic of these new airlines is their use of simplified fare structures, which although is less complex and less confusing, is also far less differentiated than the rest of the major airlines. Belobaba, P. P. 1998. Airline Differential Pricing for Effective Yield Management. The Handbook of Airline Marketing, D. Jenkins (ed.). The Aviation Weekly Group of the McGraw-Hill Companies, New 4 York, NY, pp. 349-361. -17- This together with the ease of information gathering through the Internet in this day and age, the market power has been shifting to the consumers who almost have full information on all the different products that are available in the market. As a result, the legacy airlines have no choice but to match their competitors' fares in markets where they compete head on to avoid losing too much revenue and market share. In these competitive markets, they changed their fare structure - compressing fare ratios, removing some if not all of the restrictions and advance purchase requirements. This resulted in a "semi-restricted" fare structure where there are homogenous fare classes that are undifferentiated except by price and also distinct fare classes which are still differentiated by booking restrictions and advance purchase requirements. In these new fare environment, the use of traditional revenue management systems (which were developed based on the assumption of independence of demand of fare class) tend to lead to a spiral down effect as the airlines have to deal with customers who now systematically buy the lowest fare available in the absence of distinctions between the fare classes. Thus, with little or no barriers to segment the market according to each passenger group's willingness to pay, there is now a need to rethink the way seats are sold. For how would seat inventory control algorithm be able to trade-off one fare product with another when different fare products no longer exist? 1.3 NEW / RECENT APPROACHES Given the quick expansion of the low-cost carriers and the simplification of fare structures, new algorithms have been recently developed to provide for an optimal seat inventory control that would counteract the challenges discussed previously in section 1.1 and 1.2. 1.3.1 Forecasting and Sell-up Forecasting is the estimation of bookings-to-come by fare class and by flight using historical unconstrained data obtained from previous "equivalent" flight booking process records. In order for the revenue management system to work (setting aside an optimal number of seats for the late higher yield passengers), forecast needs to be as accurate as possible. With no distinction between products, every passengers would buy the lowest fare available and it becomes impossible for the revenue management system to forecast demand for each fare class using traditional methods as demand for highest classes do not materialize. Furthermore, no observed demand in the historical database means that no demand can be forecast for the highest classes in future. -18- One way of overcoming this problem is through the use of sell-up probability, which is the probability that a passenger is willing to buy a ticket at a higher fare for the same flight if he is denied booking for the requested lower fare product. By taking this probability into account, the optimization process will close down lower fare classes whenever necessary and protect more seats for higher yield passengers. This would thus force passengers with higher willingness-to-pay to buy-up when they are denied booking for their first (and usually lower fare product) request. However, in order to use these sell-up probabilities in the revenue management systems, one need to know how to estimate them dynamically during the forecast process as the probabilities depend on the specific flight and they would not be optimal if set arbitrarily. To meet this need, several developments had occurred in the area of revenue management algorithms for less restricted fare structures such as Q-forecasting', Hybrid forecasting6 by Belobaba/Hopperstad and Fare Adjustment by Isler and Fiig?. 1.3.2 QiHybrid Forecasting Q-forecasting was developed for fully undifferentiated fare structures where there is absolutely no distinction between the different fare products and passengers would buy the lowest available fare. Given this buying behavior, Q-forecasting seeks to forecast only the lowest class demand (Q-class) and using estimates of passenger's willingness-topay, closes down lower fare classes in order to force "sell-up" into higher ones. Hybrid forecasting on the other hand was designed for semi-restricted fare structures. It seeks to classify all bookings into two categories - "product-oriented" demand and "price-oriented" demand. It then predicts the future demand of both these two demand categories (which are assumed to exhibit different booking behavior) using different methods of forecasting for each category. 1.3.3 Fare Adjustment 7 Developed by Isler and Fiig at Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) and Swissair, Fare Adjustment aims to increase airline revenues in a network where different fare structures co-exist, typically a less restricted fare structure with almost no restrictions and a tradition restricted fare structure. Using estimates of passengers' willingness to pay, it adjusts the less restricted fares used by the network seat allocation optimizer (not the Belobaba and Hopperstad, Q investigations - Algorithms for Unrestricted Fare Classes, PODS presentation, Amsterdam, 2004 6Belobaba, P., C. Hopperstad. 2004. Algorithms for Revenue Management in Unrestricted Fare Markets. Presented at the Meeting of the INFORMS Section on Revenue Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 7 Isler and Fiig, SAS O&D Low Cost Project, PODS presentation, Minneapolis-St Paul, 2004 5 -19- actual fares offered to passengers) to lower fare buckets and proactively close down selected lower fare classes, thus forcing passengers to pay more for the higher-priced fare products. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS As discussed, demand forecast is a critical component of the RM process. A precise and sophisticated revenue management system can become useless if it uses inaccurate forecasted demand for its seat allocation optimizer. Research have shown that by changing the forecasting method, from the current more commonly used standard (pickup) forecasting to Q- or hybrid forecasting, airlines are able to experience a great increase in revenue. However, the impact of fare adjustment on airlines' revenue is still unclear. Research into fare adjustment has so far been focusing on price-oriented passengers with the airline using DAVN in a 2 carrier network. In his thesis, Cl6az-Savoyen' showed a 0.2% increase in revenue with fare adjustment alone (standard forecasting) in a totally undifferentiated environment using DAVN and a 0.63% increase in revenue when fare adjustment is combined with Q-forecasting. Reyes' on the other hand investigated the impact of fare adjustment and hybrid forecasting with DAVN in a semi-restricted environment. The results showed that the use of fare adjustment alone (with standard forecasting) in DAVN does not produce any revenue improvement while a combination of fare adjustment and hybrid forecasting produces an increase of 4.15% revenue. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to provide a more comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of fare adjustment as a tool to improve airline revenues in this new environment. This thesis will extend the investigation of the effectiveness of Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting to other revenue management systems such as EMSRb and Heuristic Bid Price. In addition, it would also examine the impact fare adjustment has in a 4 carrier network with mixed fare structure where different fare structures are used for different markets. This would thus allow us to further investigate the results when fare adjustment is used in all markets versus when fare adjustment is used only in markets with competition from low cost carriers. Furthermore, we will also look at the impact fare adjustment has when it is used in the reservation system instead of the revenue management system itself. 8 C16az-Savoyen, R. L. 2005. Airline Revenue Management for Less Restricted Fare Structures. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 9 Reyes, M. H. 2006. Hybrid Forecasting for Airline Revenue Management in Semi-Restricted Fare Structures. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. - 20- 1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS This thesis consists of three main parts: the literature review, PODS simulator approach to Revenue Management, and an analysis of the results of PODS simulations. Chapter 2 presents a discussion of previous work done on revenue management with an emphasis on the problem of simplified and mix fare structures examined in this thesis. Topics covered in the chapter include forecasting, specific RM models, the emergence of simplified fare structures due to LCCs, and a discussion of fare adjustment technique. An overview of the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODS) that is used for the thesis is provided in Chapter 3. We will look at the workings of PODS with a focus on the elements relating to standard forecasting and fare adjustment, as well as an introduction to the simulations that were performed. The results of the simulations are presented in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 deals mainly with fare adjustment in the revenue management system while Chapter 5 deals with the results of fare adjustment in the reservation system. Not only are the potential revenue benefits (or losses) quantified, we also analyze some of the underlying effects fare adjustment have on loads, yields, fare class mix, etc. in order to isolate the ramifications of each experiment. Finally, Chapter 6 attempts to summarize the experiments performed, as well as the revenue benefits possible with the use of fare adjustment in the revenue management system and reservation system. Several directions for future work are also presented. - 21 - -22- 2. LITERA URE REVIEW Revenue management has been much studied over the past 25 years. In the beginning, it could have been considered as a narrow area of interest to academics and airline operations enthusiast. Today however, revenue management is an indispensable tool that is used by nearly every carrier in the world seeking to maximize their revenue. This chapter starts by reviewing the evolution of revenue management systems and the use of forecasting and seat inventory control in the airline industry. Next, we examine the emergence of low cost carriers and the resulted less-restricted fare structure which require changes in traditional revenue management. This chapter then concludes with the presentation of two revenue management methods that were developed for the new environment: Q/Hybrid forecasting and Fare Adjustment. 2.1 REVENUE MANAGEMENT Using a combination of pricing and seat inventory control, the goal of revenue management has been to determine what amount of capacity to offer to which customers at what price so as to maximize revenue. Although this objective of revenue management has never changed, our understanding of the problem and the approaches to solving this problem has changed quite tremendously in the relatively short amount of time. A very good review and description of this evolution of revenue management models in the airline industry can be found in McGill and Van Ryzin'". Barnhart et al." and Clarke and Smith" on the other presented more detailed overviews of fleet assignment, revenue management and aviation infrastructure operations, although Clarke and Smith1 2 focused more on the contributions of operations research to the airline industry. The earliest revenue management system came in the form of the databases that airlines used to keep track of their bookings. However, the process was more like data collection or bookings observation rather than actual revenue management. This process was soon improved upon in the second generation of revenue management system where airlines were able to track the bookings of a specific flight before departure and compare that to the forecasted booking patterns. ' McGill, J. I., G. J. van Ryzin. 1999. Revenue Management: Research Overview and Prospects. TransportationScience. Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 233-256. '1 Barnhart, C., P. Belobaba, A. R. Odoni. 2003. Applications of Operations Research in the Air Transport Industry. TransportationScience, Volume 37, Issue 4, pp. 368-391. 12 Clarke, M., B. Smith. 2004. Impact of Operations Research on the Evolution of the Airline Industry. Journal of Aircraft. Volume 41, Issue 1, pp. 62-72. - 23 - Yet, advances in operations research were not integrated into the revenue management process until the late 1980's and early 1990's when the ability to forecast and optimize each future flight leg by booking classes was added to the third generation revenue management system. And as shown in Figure 2-1, a typical third generation system thus consists of three component models: the demand forecaster, the fare class mix optimizer and the overbooking module. Input Data Revenue Data Historical Booking Data Actual Bookings N Data RM Components MOl I Output Data Z Figure 2-1: Example of a Third Generation System 1,1 Developed to reduce revenue loss due to no-shows, overbooking models have the longest research history of among the three component models. It involves trading off between denied boarding (which affects the image of the airline) and potential revenue loss from unsold or spoiled seats by accepting more reservations than what is actually available for a flight. An early, static overbooking model was produced by Beckman" and further Belobaba, P.P. 2002. Airline Network Revenue Management: Recent Developments and State of the Practice. The Handbook ofAirline Marketing, D. Jenkins (ed.). The Aviation Weekly Group of the McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, pp. 141-156. 1 Beckman, J. M. 1958. Decision and Team Problems in Airline Reservations. Econometrica.Volume 26, pp. 134-145. 13 - 24- researched by Thompson", Taylor" and Littlewood". Dynamic optimization approaches to overbooking had also been developed by Rothstein" and Alstrup et al.' 9 More information on the development of overbooking research can be found in McGill and Van Ryzinl0 . For the purpose of this thesis however, no overbooking models will be used in the simulations. Rather, we will only look at the forecasting and optimizer models which are further elaborated in Section 2.1.1 and Section 2.1.2. Using the airline's database of historical bookings, current booking data, revenue (pricing) data as well as no-show data, the revenue management system then generates recommended optimal booking limits for each flight and fare class. Such third generation systems are used today by the vast majority of airlines across the world, and they typically generate revenue improvement of 2% to 6% as compared to no seat inventory control ",1. 2.1.1 Forecasting As mentioned in Section 1.1, passengers with higher willingness-to-pay (typically business travelers) also tend to make their bookings much later in the booking process than those with a low willingness-to-pay. Therefore when practicing revenue management, the airline have to make a initial guess as to how many seats to offer to the early-booking but low-fare passengers and how many seats to reserve for the high-yield passengers. Although the booking limits are dynamic in that they changes as time progresses and bookings come in (i.e. the airline starts to have actual information about the specific flight as opposed to just forecasted information), good initial estimates are necessary to avoid filling up the plane early in the process with too many low-fare passengers and later having to turn away high-fare demand. Therefore, forecasting is arguably the most critical component of airline revenue management because of the direct influence forecasts have on the booking limits that determine airline revenues. It provides airlines with projected demand by fare class for a given flight, based on complete historical observations of similar flights and incomplete current observations for future flights. Different forecasting methods can be used to obtain such estimate by transforming the data in different ways, using some or all of the information that is available. 15 Thompson, H.R. 1961. Statistical Problems in Airline Reservations Control. OperationsResearch Quarterly. Volume 12, pp. 167-185. 16 Taylor, C. J. 1962. The Determination of Passenger Booking Levels. "d AGIFORS Annual Symposium 2 Proceedings,Fregene, Italy. 7 Littlewood, K. 1972. Forecasting and Control of Passenger Bookings. 12'hAGIFORSAnnual Symposium Proceedings,Nathanya, Israel, pp. 95-117. " Rothstein, M. 1968. Stochastic Models for Airline Booking Policies. Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, New York University, New York, NY. 19 Alstrup, J., S. Boaz, O.B.G. Madsen, R. Vidal, V. Victor. 1986. Booking Policy for Flights with Two Types of Passengers. European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 27, pp. 274 -288 - 25 - Pick-up forecasting, exponential smoothing, moving average, regression and multiplicative pick-up are some of the revenue management forecasting methods that are commonly used in practice20' ". However, an evaluation of the performance of several forecasting techniques conducted by Wickham" found that pick-up models consistently outperformed simple time-series and regression models. As we will be focusing on pickup forecasting in this thesis, this model is reviewed in greater detail in the next section. For information on other forecasting techniques, one can refer to Zeni21 , Wickham2 2 , Zickus23 , Skwarek' and Gorin'. Whereas a simple time series forecast would simply be the average of final bookings on a set of similar flights, pick-up forecasting goes one step further by including the average incremental bookings received in each time interval before departure. This pick-up data, obtained from booking information of previous flights (i.e. historical data), is added to the number of bookings on-hand to forecast the total demand at the end of a particular period. Alternatively, the advanced pick-up model (developed by L'Heureux 2 ) can also be used. Similar in formulation, it builds on the classical model by incorporating data from flights that have not yet departed. However, we will only be using the classical pick-up model for this thesis. For additional information on pick-up forecasting, readers can refer to Wickham22 , Zickus2 3 and Skwarek 2 4 . 2.1.2 Seat Inventory Control As discussed earlier, the use of differential pricing results in the need for airlines to make use of seat inventory control (either on a single leg or in a network) to ensure that the low-fare leisure passengers do not consume all the seats on high demand flights. Weatherford, L. 1999. Forecast Aggregation and Disaggregation. IATA Revenue Management Conference Proceedings. 21 Zeni, R. H. 2001. Improved Forecast Accuracy in Revenue Management by Unconstraining Demand Estimates from Censored Data. Ph.D. Thesis. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ. 22 Wickham, R. R. 1995. Evaluation of Forecasting Techniques for Short-Term Demand of Air Transportation. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 23 Zickus, J. S. 1998. Forecasting for Airline Network Revenue Management: Revenue and Competitive Impacts. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 24 Skwarek, D. K. 1996. Competitive Impacts of Yield Management Systems Components: Forecasting and Sell-up Models. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 25 Gorin, T. 0. 2000. Airline revenue management: sell-up and forecasting algorithms. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 26 L'Heureux, E. 1986. A New Twist in Forecasting Short-term Passenger Pickup. 26 AGIFORS Annual Symposium Proceedings,Bowness-on-Windemere, England, pp. 248-261. 20 - 26 - Leg based Control The most commonly used fare class mix allocation is the idea of serial "nesting" of fare classes which was first solved by Littlewood 17 at BOAC for the case of a single-leg two fare classes environment and expanded upon by Bhatia and Parekh" and Richter". Instead of making the allocating of seats to the two fare classes separately, seats in the higher fare class are protected by limiting the number of seats sold in lower fare classes based on the demand forecast for each class, as well as the expected seat revenue. This approach was subsequently generalized to a heuristic by Belobaba29 30 to determine nested booking limits for a flight with any number of fare class using the concept of Expected Marginal Seat Revenue (EMSR). He subsequently proposed a small adjustment to this heuristic to make it more robust. This new heuristic became known as the EMSRb method" and it has become one of the most widely used methods in the industry for establishing booking limits on a flight leg basis. By assuming that the fare classes demand are normal and independent, EMSRb uses legbased demand forecasts by fare class to produce leg-based seat protection levels for the nested booking classes. The booking limits are determined based on the expected marginal revenue, which is the probability of selling an additional seat in a given fare class multiplied by the average fare of the booking class under consideration. Thus seats are protected for a fare class as long as the seats' expected marginal revenue is greater or equal to the fare in the next lower fare class. In addition, by creating joint demand distributions (using mean demand and standard deviation from the individual classes), the EMSRb approach allows for joint upper classes to be protected from the fare class just below. More information on the EMSRb algorithm can be found in Mak", Lee" and Williamson". Bhatia, A.V. & Parekh, S.C. 1973. Optimal Allocation of Seats by Fare, AGIFORS Reservations and Yield Management Study Group. 28 Richter, H. 1982. The Differential Revenue Methods to Determine Optimal Seat Allotments by Fare 362 pp 339 Proceedings, Symposium Annual Type, 22" AGIFORS 29 Belobaba, P. P. 1987. Air Travel Demand and Airline Seat Inventory Management. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 30 Belobaba, P.P. 1989. Application of a Probabilistic Decision Model to Airline Seat Inventory Control, Operations Research, Volume 37, pp. 183 - 197 31 Belobaba, P. P. 1992. "Optimal versus Heuristic Methods for Nested Seat Allocation." AGIFORS Reservations Control Study Group Meeting. Brussels, Belgium. 32 Mak, C. Y. 1992. Revenue Impacts of Airline Yield Management. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 3 Lee, A. Y. 1998. Investigation of Competitive Impacts of Origin-Destination Control using PODS. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 3 Williamson, E. L. 1992. Airline Network Seat Inventory Control: Methodologies and Revenue Impacts. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 27 - 27 - Others such as Brumelle and McGill", Curry36' Robinson", and Wollmer" approach the multiple nested class problems using optimal formulations to determine the optimal nested booking limits for multiple fare classes. However, such alternatives require a lot more computational effect and their numerical results suggest that the much simpler EMSRb is close to optimal. Network O-D Control Although leg-based control is vastly used in the industry today, it was designed to maximize yields and not total revenue. Seats for connecting itineraries must be available in the same class for all legs of the itinerary in order for the airline to accept the booking. This means that bottle-leg legs can thus block out long-haul passengers even though their contribution to the total revenues could be higher than local passengers. Therefore, an airline would need to increase the availability of seats to high-revenue connecting passengers regardless of yield in a network environment. However, at the same time, the airline would also need to prevent these same connecting passengers from displacing high-yield local passengers on full flights. The revenue management system thus needs to be able to respond to different flight requests with different seat availability based on the network value of the request. For this reason, much effort has been expended to develop algorithms for path-based protection of booking classes (or OriginDestination Fare Class control). First developed and implemented by American Airlines39 , the use of "virtual value buckets" is one approach to network OD control. Here, the fixed relationship between fare type and booking class is abandoned. Instead, the value buckets are defined according to their revenue value, regardless of the restrictions. Each ODF is then assigned to a revenue value bucket base which determines the availability of seat to the ODF request. However, this method of grouping ODF gives priority to all long haul higher revenue passengers over short haul lower revenue passengers, which does not necessarily lead to network revenue maximization. 35 Brumelle, S. L. and McGill, J. I. 1988. Airline Seat Allocation with Multiple Nested Fare Classes. Paper presented at the Fall ORSA/TIMS Conference, Denver, CO. Also presented at the University of British Columbia, 1987. 36 Curry, R. E. 1990. Optimal Airline Seat Allocation with Fare Classes Nested by Origin and Destinations. TransportationScience. Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 193-204. 37 Robinson, L. W. 1995. Optimal and Approximate Control Policies for Airline Booking with Sequential Nonmonotonic Fare Classes. OperationsResearch. Volume 43, Issue 2, pp. 252-263. 38 Wollmer, R. D. 1992. An Airline Seat Management Model for a Single Leg Route when Lower Fare Classes Book First. OperationsResearch. Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 26-37. 39 Smith, B.C. and Penn, C.W. 1988. Analysis of Alternate Origin-Destination Control Strategies, AGIFORS Annual Symposium Proceedings,vol. 28, pp 123 - 144. - 28 - A slight adjustment was then proposed by American3 9 and United' to make the value bucket assignments base on an ODF "net value", which take into account the displacement of up-line and down-line passengers. The specific virtual bucket method that will be investigated in this thesis is known as Displacement Adjusted Virtual Nesting (DAVN). Using a deterministic linear program, DAVN calculates a "pseudo fare" for each fare class in the network. This "pseudo fare" corrects the revenue value for network displacement effects by deducting the revenue displacement that might occur on connecting flight legs if the passenger's request for a multiple-leg itinerary is accepted (other than the legs under consideration) from the total itinerary fare. More information on virtual value buckets and DAVN can be found in Lee, Vinod" and Williamson. Another approach to network O-D control is the Bid Price model as discussed in Smith and Penn , Simpson42 and Wei43 . This is a much simpler inventory control than virtual buckets as the airline only need to store the bid price (which is the approximated displacement cost) value for each leg. The ODF is then compared to the itinerary bidprice at the time of availability request. If the bid-price is greater than the ODF, the request will be rejected. Otherwise, the request will be accepted by the airline. Specific bid price algorithms include the Network Bid Price (NetBP) method, the Probabilistic Bid Price (ProBP) as described by Bratu" and the Heuristic Bid Price (HBP) developed by Belobaba", which will be the main bid-price method used and discussed in this thesis. 2.2 LOW COST CARRIERS AND LESS-RESTRICTED FARE ENVIRONMENT The emergence of the low cost carriers (LCCs) has dramatically changed the landscape of the airline industry. The main characteristic of the LCC model, apart from the very low costs, is its simple fare product structure. Whereas the legacy airlines tend to have a mix of many different types of tickets (also known as fare products) ranging from high to low fare with various restrictions, LCCs tend to have only low fares with a few fare products for each O-D market and very few restrictions if any. 40 Wyson, R. 1988. A Simplified Method for Including Network Effects in Capacity Control, AGIFORS Annual Symposium Proceedings, vol. 28, pp 113 - 121. 41 Vinod, B. 1995. Origin and Destination Yield Management. The Handbook of Airline Economics, D. Jenkins (ed.). The Aviation Weekly Group of the McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, pp. 459-468. 42 Simpson, R.W. 1989. Using Network Flow Techniques to Find Shadow Prices for Market and Seat Inventory Control, Memorandum M89-1, MIT Flight Transportation Laboratory, Cambridge, MA. 43 Wei, Y.J. 1997. Airline O-D Control using Network Displacement Concepts, Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 4 Bratu, S. J-C. 1998. Network Value Concept in Airline Revenue Management. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 45 Belobaba, P. P. 1998. The Evolution of Airline Yield Management: Fare Class to Origin-Destination Seat Inventory Control. The Handbook of Airline Marketing, D. Jenkins (ed.). The Aviation Weekly Group of the McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, pp. 285-302. - 29 - 25 In his Ph.D. thesis, Gorin provides a comprehensive summary of changes in the U.S. airline industry since deregulation, focusing especially on the entry and impact of LCCs. In addition, comparisons of the characteristics that are traditionally associated with the LCCs' model and legacy carriers' model can be found in Weber and Thie 4 , Dunleavy and Westerman 7 , Cl6az-Savoyen 8 and Reyes 9 . In response to the increasing competition, legacy carriers began to partially or fully match the LCCs in terms of their fare products by lowering their fares, removing certain restrictions and/or reducing the advance purchase requirements 8 ' 49, 50, 51. With their revenue management systems still based on highly segmented market structures, this advent of less differentiated fare environment made it difficult or even impossible for airlines to effectively segment demand as the restrictions fencing business and leisure passengers into their respective fare classes disappear. With no differentiation among the fare products (except price), passengers naturally would buy the lowest fare available (even though their willingness-to-pay is much higher). Such buying down behavior results in a spiral-down effect where airlines get stuck in a cycle leading to lower and lower revenues (Figure 2-2). With fewer high-fare products being purchased by passengers, airlines' historical booking data contains fewer records of these products being sold and the revenue management system forecasts less demand for these products. This in turn results in less seats being protected for the higher fare classes and more seats being made available to the lower fare classes. This surplus of lower fare class seats starts the whole cycle again and with each iteration, revenues becoming more diluted as there is now even less inducement to buy high-priced products. 46 Weber, K. and Thiel, R. 2004. Optimisation Issues in Low Cost Revenue Management. AGIFORS Reservations & Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand. 47 Dunleavy, H. and Westermann, D. 2005. Future of Airline Revenue Management. Journalof Revenue and PricingManagement. Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 380-282. 48 Windle, R. and Dresner, M. 1999. Competitive Responses to Low Cost Carrier Entry. Transportation Research PartE, Volume 35, pp. 59-75. 49 Forsyth, P. 2003. Low-cost Carriers in Australia: Experiences and Impacts. Journal of Air Transport Management,Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 277-284. '0 Morrell, P. 2005. Airlines within Airlines: An Analysis of US Network Airline Responses to Low Cost Carriers, Journalof Air TransportManagement,Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 303-312. 51 Ratliff, R., Vinod, B. 2005. Airline Pricing and Revenue Management: A Future Outlook. Journalof Revenue and Pricing Management.Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 302-307. - 30- High-Fare Demand "Buy Down" to Lower Fare Classes More Seats Made Available at Lower Fare Classes .. . T Less Protection for the Higher Fare classes a a L Fewer Bookings Observed in Higher Fare Classes a Lower Forecast of High-Fare Demand Figure 2-2: Spiral-Down Effect 8' 9 For a mathematical model of the spiral down effect, the reader is referred to Kleywegt et al." and Cooper et al." In addition, the effects of buy-down and spiral down as a result of fare structure simplification are also described and analyzed by Cusano", CldazSavoyen 8 , Ozdaryal and Saranathan"5 and Dar 6 . 2.3 REVENUE MANAGEMENT TOOLS FOR THE NEW ENVIRONMENT As discussed in the previous section, the fare environment for legacy carriers has changed as they react to the emergence of the LCCs. However, the introduction of fare products with almost no restrictions or advance purchase requirements violates the fundamental 52 Kleywegt, A. J., T. Homem-de-Mello, W. L. Cooper. 2003. Models of the Spiral Down Phenomenon. Paper presented at the Meeting of the INFORMS Section on Revenue Management, Columbia University, New York, NY. 5 Cooper, W. L., T. Homem-de-Mello, A. J. Kleywegt. 2004. Models of the Spiral-down Effect in Revenue Management. Working Paper, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 54 Cusano, A. J. 2003. Airline Revenue Management under Alternative Fare Structures. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 55 Ozdaryal, K., Saranathan, B. 2004. "Revenue Management in Broken Fare Fence Environment." AGIFORS Reservations & Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand. 56 Dar, M. 2005. "Spiral-Down" in Intermediate Fare Structures. PODS ConsortiumMeeting, Copenhagen, Sweden. -31- assumption of independence of demand by fare class on which traditional revenue management methods are based. There is therefore a need to develop new methods that can adapt to this new environment. 2.3.1 Q / Hybrid Forecasting To deal with totally unrestricted fare structure where the only differentiator is price, Belobaba and Hopperstad , 6 have developed modified forecasting and optimization approaches that do not rely on independent class demand. By transforming historical bookings into Q-equivalent bookings (i.e. the total potential demand for the lowest available class), "Q-forecasting" forecast demand only at the lowest classes (denoted as Q-class). It then uses estimates of passengers' willingness-to-pay to close down lower fare classes in order to force some of the Q-bookings to sell-up onto higher fare classes (using the existing fare class structure to set the booking limits). This method has proved to be an effective technique for forecasting when restriction-free fare structures are used. However, Q-forecasting is not completely appropriate when an airline uses a semirestricted fare structure, where there are undifferentiated fare classes (usually at the lower fare classes, differentiated only by price) and also higher fare classes that are differentiated by some restrictions from the lower fare classes. This is because the restrictions would deter some passengers from buying certain classes and therefore, not all the passengers in this case would be price-oriented. Using traditional forecasting methods would also prove to be suboptimal as the presence of the undifferentiated fare classes again invalidates the assumption of independence among the fare classes. To solve this problem, hybrid forecasting was developed by Boyd and Kallesen". Using a new segregation of demand (yieldable versus priceable passengers), hybrid forecasting aims to classify all bookings into one of these two demand categories and a separate demand forecasting method is used for each segment.. For product-oriented demand, bookings are treated as a historical data for the given class, and standard time series forecasting applied. For price-oriented demand on the other hand, Q-forecasts by willingness-to-pay based on expected sell-up behavior is used. More information on hybrid forecasting can be found in Reyes's 9 thesis where he examined the process and demonstrated that hybrid forecasting can improve an airline's network revenue by about 3% as compared to traditional forecasting methods. 57 Boyd, E. A., Kallesen, R. 2004. The Science of Revenue Management when Passengers Purchase the Lowest Available Fare. Journalof Revenue and PricingManagement. Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 171-177. - 32 - 2.3.2 Fare Adjustment Developed by Fiig and Isler7 in 2004, Fare Adjustment methods also aim to address the problem of the coexistence of different fare structures in a single leg. With the entrance of LCCs and the need to match their fare structures, legacy airlines typically end up with a network consisting of a traditional, restricted fare structure (connecting passengers) and a less-restricted, low-cost-carrier-type fare structure (local passengers). Therefore, there would be a situation where an airline using DAVN may have 2 ODFs, each of them belonging to a different OD market and fare structure, co-existing in the same virtual bucket (Figure 2-3). Restricted Fare Structure Pseudo Fare Unresti Fare Str Pseudo Fare Virtual Buckets Closed Buckets Figure 2-3: Co-existence of Different Fare Structures in a Network8 Conflict then arises because of the different characteristics of these two structures. Under the traditional restricted structure, demand is assumed to be independent and sell-up behavior is not taken into account. Demand in such a fare structure is segmented by the restrictions and advance purchase requirements thus reducing the consumer surplus. However, in the less-restricted fare structure, revenues are maximized by incorporating sell-up behavior into forecasting and optimization. In this case, higher-class bookings are achieved by closing down lower classes. Thus, the closure of the bucket V4, which automatically make both ODF unavailable, may be optimal under the less restricted strategy but not under the restricted strategy and revenue will not be maximized. - 33 - With fare adjustment, we can lower the pseudo fare (the fare that is used by the system to decide on the seat allocations and thus, may differ from the actual fare offered to customers) of the unrestricted fare structure by a certain amount in order to shift it to a lower virtual bucket. The amount to be decreased is referred to as the Price Elasticity cost (PE cost). It accounts for the risk of buy-down and is dependent on the passenger willingness-to-pay. With the introduction of this PE cost, we can now decouple the fares which previously were in the same virtual buckets and thus, manage the two different fare structures separately from each other. The airline can therefore close down the unrestricted fare earlier, yet at the same time, keep the restricted fare open (Figure 2-4). Restricted Fare Structure Unrestricted Fare Structure Pseudo Fare Virtual Buckets -' V4 ------------a ~ Pseudo Fare - PE Cost Closed Buckets Figure 2-4: Using Fare Adjustment to Decouple the Fare Structures8 Cl6az-Savoyen 8 tested the FA methodology in the context of the DAVN optimization process and concluded that FA had the potential to be an effective technique for seat inventory control in restriction-free fare structure environments where two airlines are competing head-to-head. It provides a 0.2% increase in revenue with standard forecasting and a 0.63% increase when used with Q-forecasting. Vanhaverbeke" and Reyes9 on the other hand, tested its applicability in a two airline network with semi-restricted fare structure environments and both obtained an increase in revenue ranging from 3.6% to 4.2% when FA is used with Hybrid Forecasting. Although the use of FA alone in DAVN did not produce any revenue improvement, it increases revenue obtained from HF alone by 1% to 1.5%. Vanhaverbeke" also tested the impact of FA and Hybrid Forecasting when used with dynamic programming. However, the results in this scenario were not conclusive. Vanhaverbeke, T. 2005. DAVN with Hybrid Forecasting and Fare Adjustment in Semi-Restricted Environments. PODS ConsortiumMeeting, Boston, USA. 59 Vanhaverbeke, T. 2005. Dynamic Programming with Hybrid Forecasting and Fare Adjustment. PODS Consortium Meeting, Boston, USA. 58 - 34- 2.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter, we started with a review of the literature on revenue management and its three component models, with our discussion focusing mainly on forecasting and seat inventory control. We then went on to take a look at the entry of Low Cost Carriers and their impact on the fare structures of legacy airlines in section 2.2; here we described the inadequacy of traditional revenue management in a less restricted fare environment and how it leads to a spiral down effect. To reduce the negative impact of a less restricted fare structure, Section 2.3 introduces reader to two new revenue management tools that were designed for use in such simplified fare structures: Q/hybrid forecasting and fare adjustment. Fare adjustment has been shown to be effective when used with Q/hybrid forecasting for airlines using DAVN. However, the impact of using fare adjustment alone (with standard pick-up forecasting) is still unclear and given that not all airlines make use of virtual bucketing or compete in markets where there is only one competitor, this thesis will present scenarios where fare adjustment is used with other optimization models and also in a network where there are more than one competitor. In addition, we will also be looking at the possibility of using fare adjustment in the reservation system instead of the revenue management system. - 35 - -36- 3. SIMULATION APPROACH TO REVENUE MANAGEMENT Competitive environments change very quickly and it is very hard to determine the effects of a particular revenue management technique, forecaster or optimizer explicitly in real airline environments as they are complex with far too many variables. This is why simulation (where one can change one variable at a time and hold all others constant) is a valuable tool as it allows for the experimentation and validation within a realistic model of an airline environment. Due to their static nature, analytic revenue management models entail a certain level of simplification, hence leaving such models oftentimes inadequate for arbitrary passenger booking behaviors or competitive actions among the airlines'. By taking a simulation approach, a dynamic representation of revenue management practices can be modeled in a competitive framework characterized by realistic interactions between passengers' booking decisions and revenue management systems. In this chapter, an overview of the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODS) that is used to test Fare Adjustment for this thesis is provided. In addition, we will look at the simulated air transportation network used for experimentation and the various component modules that comprise PODS, including passenger choice, forecasting, and seat inventory control methods. 3.1 THE PODS SIMULATION TOOL Evolving from the Decision Window Model (DWM)61 , the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODS) was developed at Boeing by C. Hopperstad, M. Berge, and S. Filipowski. It simulates the environment of competing airlines and is used to study, develop, and test new revenue management techniques. While the DWM choice model determined passenger preferences based on the schedules, airline characteristics and a set of other factors such as aircraft type, it omitted several important variables; namely, the fares offered on each of the flights and the restrictions associated with each of the fares. The PODS model has these added capabilities built in and although a fundamental part of it replicates the schedule choice model of DWM, it is also capable of simulating passenger choice of fare options. These capabilities make it possible to test the competitive impacts of the implementation of a new revenue management system by one or more of the hypothetical airlines. 60 Gorin, T., P. Belobaba. 2004. Revenue Management Performance in a Low-Fare Airline Environment: Insights from the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator. Journal of Revenue and PricingManagement. Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 215-236. 61 Boeing Airplane Company. 1997. Decision Window Path Preference Methodology Description. Seattle, WA. - 37 - When PODS was first developed, it was only able to simulate a single flight leg. Now, after much research and efforts to expand the model, it can simulate a typical airline network of many spoke cities interconnected by a few airport hubs, in which airlines have not only a wide variety of choices for their revenue management system but also one in which they can vary their forecasting and optimization methodologies. In addition, the network environment of PODS allows for passenger choice among different paths and fare classes. Therefore, passenger demand is not modeled as an independent variable but rather, it is treated to be interrelated and modeled using a more realistic aggregation of many passenger level choices among competing airlines, schedules and fare products. In PODS, passengers book or cancel their flights over 16 successive time frames. These time frames have been user-defined to start 63 days prior to departure and end on the day of departure. In this thesis's simulations, a time frame starts out lasting for one week, but shrinks to two days as one approaches the date of departure in order to capture the expected increase in booking activity as shown in Table 3-1. Passenger-related events such as bookings and cancellations are spread randomly within each of these time frames, while the revenue management system's major inventory control actions typically occur at the start of each time frame. Table 3-1: User-Defined Time Frames in PODS Days to Departure Time Frame Length of Time Frame 63 56 49 42 35 31 28 24 21 17 14 10 7 _ 5 _ 3 _ 1 _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (7) (7) (7) (7) (4) (3) (4) (3) (4) (3) (4) (3) (2) (2) (2) (1) 0 To obtain the overall operating statistics for each simulated airline on a per day basis, PODS averages the results obtained from the simulation. In PODS terminology, a "run" consists of "trials" and "samples". For this study, a run (or a single simulation) is the average of five independent trials and each trial is the iterative result of 600 samples (to ensure statistical significance of a simulation's results), with each sample representing a single departure day. Data for the first sample of each trial are defined arbitrarily by the user. These user inputs are gradually replaced with calculated values from simulation (with each sample having some degree of correlation to the next sample for they are used as historical data) and the first 200 samples of each trial are discarded. Thus, the results of a 600 sample trial are based only on the last 400 samples, and every PODS run is actually the averaged result of 2,000 samples. Fundamentally, PODS is the simulation of the interactions between passengers and airlines (See Figure 3-1). On the passengers side, PODS simulates passengers are who looking to travel in a specific OD market and trying to make their decisions based on a variety of factors such as airlines, itineraries and fare classes. This contributes to the demand side of the equation and booking information obtained on this side is passed over the fence to the airlines. -38- Revenue Management System Passenger Choice Model .- -- ~ Demand Decision Window Seat Allocation Optimizer I Generation Model Path/Class ,fl - Availability Current Bookings Passenger -Characteristic Future Bookings Forecaster Passenger Choice Set Path/Class Bookings and Cancellations Update Historical Bookings Historical Booking Database Passenger Decision Figure 3-1: PODS Structure The airline side of the simulator on the other hand, consists of a third generation revenue management system (as described in Section 2.1) that is used by airlines that supply air travel offerings to customers. Using both the current and historical booking information, the airlines determine the number of seats to offer for each of the fare classes on each OD market. This information is then passed back over the fence to the passengers to influence the demand patterns. 3.1.1 Passenger Choice Model The success of any given revenue management method is dependent on its ability to maximize revenues based on the behavior of passengers. In PODS, these behaviors are governed by the Passenger Choice Model, which consists of four sequential steps: Demand Generation, Assignment of Passenger Characteristics, Definition of Passenger Choice Set and finally a specific Passenger Decision (see Figure 3-1). This section provides a general overview of the Passenger Choice Model. A more comprehensive discussion of the PODS Passenger Choice Model, including its assumptions, logic, and ultimate validation can be found in Carrier 2 . Carrier, E. 2003. Modeling Airline Passenger Choice: Passenger Preference for Schedule in the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODS). Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 62 - 39 - Demand Generation During demand generation, the Passenger Choice Model generates an average daily air travel demand for each OD market in the user-defined network and this total passenger demand is apportioned into leisure and business passengers. Variability is then randomly generated around the average daily demand, giving us the daily demand curve for each group of passengers. However, this does not include seasonal or day-of-week variability. Finally passenger arrival patterns during the booking process are modeled for both leisure and business segments according to user-defined booking curves. With both the demand and arrival curves established, individual passengers are generated at each time frame and specific passenger characteristics are then assigned to these individuals, bringing us to Step Two of the process. Assignment of Passenger Characteristics Here, the Passenger Choice Model generates a decision window which defines the earliest acceptable departure time and latest acceptable arrival time for each passenger. Leisure passengers would thus tend to have wider decision windows than business passengers who are more time sensitive. At this stage, all paths and fare classes which fall within a passenger decision window are considered equally appealing while infeasible paths are equally unappealing. In addition, the maximum willingness-to-pay (WTP) of each passenger, which is the maximum out of pocket fare a passenger is willing to pay for the air travel, is also generated from a user-defined price-demand curve. Given that leisure passengers are more price sensitive, the leisure passenger price-demand curve is typically steeper (more elastic) than the business passenger curve. Any fare exceeding the passenger's WTP is excluded from his or her choice set. Furthermore, disutility costs are also assigned to each passenger. These costs represent the passenger's sensitivity to schedule preference (whether the flight falls within his decision window or whether he needs to re-plan the window), path quality (non-stop versus connecting itineraries), and fare product restrictions (such as Saturday night stay, itinerary change fee and non-refundability). These disutility costs are randomly generated based on user defined probability distributions by passenger type (business vs. leisure). A more detailed description of the disutilities assignment process in PODS can be found in Lee'. Lee, S. 2000. Modeling Passenger Disutilities in Airline Revenue Management Simulation. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 63 -40- Passenger Choice Set After assigning all the above passenger characteristics, the Passenger Choice Model then presents each passenger with a set of fare products and fight options (including the option of not making a booking) to choose from. Some of these options might then be eliminated immediately from the choice set if 1) the fare is higher than the passenger's WTP, 2) the advance purchase requirements are not met or 3) the fare class and/or paths are not available due to revenue management controls. Passenger Decision As long as there are options where the fare is less than a passenger's max WTP, a passenger will make his or her decision by calculating the total generalized cost (sum of the fare and relevant disutility costs) for each available option and the option with the lowest generalized cost is selected. This information then flows to the respective airline revenue management system where seat inventory is updated and the booking recorded in the historical database for future reference. 3.1.2 PODS Revenue Management Systems As mentioned in Section 3.2, the airline side of PODS consists of a revenue management module which consists of three interacting components: the Historical Booking Database, the Forecaster and the Seat Allocation Optimizer. This structure, as well as the relationships between the components and the links to the Passenger Choice model is shown in Figure 3-1. Historical Booking Database The Historical Booking Database contains each airline's historical booking data by fare class and path. It is initially filled with user defined default vales at the start of each trial and these data are gradually updated and replaced with actual data as booking occur (as described in Section 3.2). For simulations performed in this thesis, the historical booking database includes the previous 26 simulated departures of a particular flight. Forecaster Using data extracted from the Historical Booking Database, the forecaster generates an estimate of future demand for each given path and fare class. For the purpose of this thesis, pick-up forecasting (as described in Section 2.1.1) is used to estimate future demand by adding the number of current bookings on hand (at a certain point prior to departure) to the average number of the incremental historical bookings that was -41- observed (and thus expected) to be "picked-up" between that specific point and day of departure. Details on pick-up forecasting methodology in PODS can found in Zickus 23 and Skwarek. However, given that the raw data from the database are often "constrained" in that they reflect only actual bookings made when a fare class is actually available (and not closed down due to revenue management control), there is a need to "unconstraint" the booking data to estimate the number of bookings that would have materialized had the fare class remained open throughout the whole booking process. Detailed analyses of different detruncation methods can be found in Wickham2 and Skwarek . In this study however, the Booking Curve detruncation technique (a percentage-based multiplier which extrapolates demand for closed flights and fare classes using trend data from open ones) is used to overcome the bias towards underestimating demand. Seat Allocation Optimizer Since there is a fixed seating capacity for each leg within the network, the Seat Allocation Optimizer helps to determine the manner in which this fixed inventory of seats are assigned to passengers who want to travel. In PODS, the user can choose from a number of seat inventory control optimizers with varying level of sophistication. The three main optimizers to be used in this thesis are EMSRb, DAVN and HBP (as described in section 2.1.2). 3.2 SIMULATION ENVIORNMENT This section provides an introduction to the two simulated competitive environments that are used in this thesis - the simulated air transportation networks and the carriers that are providing the flights throughout the networks. 3.2.1 Network D Network D is a simplified representation of the US domestic environment with two competing hub-and-spoke carriers: ALl and AL2 as shown in Figure 3-2. Centrally located in Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (HI) and Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (H2) respectively, the two carriers compete in a network consisting of twenty Western spoke cities (Number 1 - 20) and twenty Eastern Spoke cities (Number 21 - 40). ALl's route network is shown in Figure 3-3 while AL2's network is shown in Figure 3-4. -42 - Figure 3-2: Network D Il Figure 3-4: AL2's Network Figure 3-3: ALl's Network As shown in the Figures 3-2 to 3-4, each of the airlines operates non-stop west-to-east service between its hub and the 40 spoke cities. They also operate a non-stop service to and from the other airline's hub. In addition, each airline operates three such banks of connecting flight daily. Thus, Network D consists of a total of 252 legs and each airline serves 482 OriginDestination markets in each of the banks, with 42 local markets and 440 connecting markets. -43 - "0 MOMMonaM--.''.. - .;4__ "' . __ 1. - As Network D is modeled to be a relatively symmetric network, where both airlines operate similar schedules and offer identical fares, Table 3-2 shows the fare structure that is used by both Airline 1 and Airline 2 for the purpose of this thesis. Table 3-2: Network D Fare Structure and Restrictions Restrictions Advance Purchase R1 Fare Class Average Fares FC1 $412.85 0 days FC2 $293.34 FC3 R2 R3 No No No 3 days No Yes No $179.01 7 days No Yes Yes FC4 $153.03 14 days No Yes Yes FC5 $127.05 14 days No Yes Yes FC6 $101.06 21 days No Yes Yes A total of 6 fare classes are used in Network D with FCI being the highest fare class and FC6 being the lowest. The fares charged by the airline for each fare class vary according to the OD path and the average fare charged for each of the fare classes is shown in the second column of Table 3-2. Advance purchase requirements show the number of days before flight departure in which the fare class will be closed (independent of the seat allocation optimizer) and lower fare classes are closed earlier in order to force sell-up. As for the restrictions, R1 represents the traditional Saturday night stay restriction that was used previously by airlines to separate leisure and business travelers (who usually want to make it home for the weekend). However, with the growth of LCCs and the trend towards less restricted fare structure, this restriction is not as commonly used now and it therefore not modeled in this network. R2 refers to the existence of itinerary change fee while R3 refers to a non-refundability restriction. 3.2.2 Network S Although Network D has its advantage in that it is able to provide quick "proof-ofconcept" and "all else being equal" simulations, it does lack two important aspects of the current competitive environment - asymmetry and mixed fare structures. Airlines do not usually see symmetric head-to-head competition in all their markets and neither do they have a single fare structure for all their markets. Rather, there exists a mixture of traditional and less-differentiated fare structures in many networks. Thus, Network S is used to investigate the usefulness of specific revenue management enhancements in more complex and asymmetrical environments. -44 - Consisting of 4 airlines (ALL, AL2, AL3 and AL4) with different size and markets, Network S is a 4-hub network. ALl, AL2 and AL4 are modeled as traditional legacy airlines while AL3 is a low-cost carrier. Figure 3-5 to Figure 3-8 depicts the route network of the 4 airlines. YVR BOS LGA RAP SF0S PHL S SIFO DE .rt $1 Figure 3-5: AL's Route Network in Network S -45 - YVR SN SFO Figure 3-6: AL2's Route Network in Network S YVR stv SFO Figure 3-7: AL3's Route Network in Network S -46 - YVR Figure 3-8: AL4's Route Network in Network S As we can see, all the airlines provide connecting flights through their hubs, and they also offer non-stop services that bypass their hubs. The main airline, ALI is again based in Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport and serves every OD market in the network. It has a close competitor, AL2, who is based in Chicago and serves most of its OD markets. AL3 is modeled as a low cost competitor that is based in MCI. It competes in about half of ALl's OD markets and has the highest number of hub-bypasses. Finally, AL4 is a smaller-sized traditional airline based in Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Table 3-3 summaries each airline's OD markets and paths. Table 3-3: Network S O-D Markets and Paths # of Hub Bypass Airline # of Origin Cities # of Destination Cities ALl (MSP) 24 24 AL2 (ORD) 24 23 6 AL3 (MCI) 15 20 AL4 (DFW) 18 24 -47 - O-D Markets (Local / Connect) Total # of Paths 572 (42/436) 1457 548 (45/503) 1458 19 296 (33/263) 907 4 428 (40/388) 1044 In terms of the fare structure, Network S is a "mixed-fare" network. Being a low cost competitor, AL3 uses a fare structure with more compressed fares and fewer restrictions. And due to head-on competition, all the traditional airlines match AL3's fares in all the 296 O-D markets it competes in. Thus, these markets have a less-restricted fare environment (as shown in Table 3-4). In the remaining markets however, the traditional airlines continues to use the more restricted fare structure (Table 3-5). Table 3-4: Fare Structure and Restrictions - LCC Markets Fare Class Average Fares FC1 FC2 FC3 $324.14 Restrictions Advance Purchase R1 R2 R3 $188.21 0 days 0 days 7 days No No No No Yes No No No Yes FC4 $146.38 7 days No Yes Yes FC5 FC6 $125.47 $104.56 14 days 14 days No No Yes Yes Yes Yes $250.95 Table 3-5: Fare Structure and Restrictions - Non LCC Markets 3.3 Restrictions Advance Purchase RI Fare Class Average Fares FC1 FC2 $674.96 $530.33 0 days 3 days FC3 $385.69 FC4 FC5 FC6 R2 R3 No No No Yes No No 7 days No Yes Yes $257.13 10 days Yes Yes Yes $208.92 $160.71 14 days 14 days Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes FARE ADJUSTMENT IN REVENUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM As discussed in Section 2.3.2, Fare Adjustment was originally developed by Fiig and Isler6 to improve the revenues of airlines using virtual nesting-based seat allocation optimizers in unrestricted fare structure. It was also later extended to be use in a semirestricted fare class (which has both differentiated and undifferentiated fare classes). Instead of dealing with the lack of class differentiation problem through the demand forecaster side, it approaches the issue from within the seat allocation optimizer itself. -48 - ". 41,111,011,01- 111-1 1~- 1 1 1~ - 3.3.1 ,, - - - _- - - - - -, __ - - I- I FRAT5s FRAT5 values are used by airlines in PODS as an estimate for passengers' willingnessto-pay. "FRAT5" is the fare ratio at which 50% of the demand for the lowest fare class will sell-up to a higher class. A high FRAT5 value means that the passengers are less price-sensitive while a lower FRAT5 value denotes higher price sensitivity among the passengers. Thus it quantifies the probability that a passenger will sell-up from Q-class (the lowest fare class) to a more expensive fare class. In addition, we assume that passenger's willingness-to-pay increases as we move closer to the date of departure, as business travelers (who are willing to pay more for their tickets) tend to book later towards the end of the booking period. This behavior is captured in PODS by assuming that FRAT5 values increase gradually following a "Sshape" curve as the date of departure draws near. From Figure 3-9, we can see that in Time Frame 1 (FRAT5 = 1.2), the median willingness-to-pay is 120% of the Q-class fare. As we progress through the time frames, the FRAT5 value increases and by Time Frame 16, the median willingness-to-pay has risen to 300% of the Q-class fare. 3.5 - 2,5 2.0 1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1,0 '1 1,2 1,3 14 15 16 Time Frame Figure 3-9: FRAT5 Curves in PODS Although these FRAT5s can be used to estimate passenger willingness-to-pay and forecast demand for the various fare classes in the forecaster, there is also a need capture this sell-up behavior in the seat allocation optimizer that Fare Adjustment works in. As the passengers' willingness-to-pay increases, the price elasticity (PE) cost used in Fare Adjustment (as described in 2.3.2) must also increase to close down the lower fare classes more quickly. As explained in Cl6az-Savoyen's thesis8 , the FRAT5 values used for fare adjustment should be lower than those used in forecasting. To solve this problem, he made use of a linear set of Fare Adjustment FRAT5s which are independent of the forecasting FRAT5 values. However, it does not make sense for an airline to assume two different -49- - __ 11 =NQ willingness-to-pay (and thus FRAT5 values) for its passengers. Therefore, we will be using a scaling factor to relate the two FRAT5 values as shown in the equation below. FA FRAT5f = 1+ f 5scl(FRAT5tf -1) Where: FA FRAT5tf FRA T5 f = Fare Adjustment FRAT5 value in a particular time frame; = FRAT5 value used for forecasting in a particular time frame; = A scaling factor (between 0 and 1) for the two sets of FRAT5s. f5scl With the implementation of the scaling factor, the airline now has to decide on the FRAT5 that is to be used for forecasting and also the appropriate scaling factor that would best describe its passengers' willingness-to-pay for use in its Fare Adjustment (see Figure 3-10). More Aggressive FA 3- FASC 22.5-.FATC in 0.13 -0.2 I' 0.0.1 Less 12 34 56 7 89 ;0;11;2 1314 15 16 Aggressive FA. Time Frame Figure 3-10: PODS FA FRAT5s Values with Different Scaling Factors 8 3.3.2 Sell up In PODS, there are two ways to account for the sell-up behavior. One can either input the probability of sell-up, psup, arbitrary or one can make use of the forecasting FRAT5 values to derive the psup. In the latter, sell up is assumed to follow an inverse exponential shape (see Figure 3-11) and therefore, the psup from Q-class to some higher fare class, f, is an inverse exponential function of the fare ratio between Q and f, and a sell-up constant, supc, based on the FRAT5, as shown below. - 50- PSUPq-f = e- faref a supc = -In (0.5) / (FRAT5 - 1) where: faref = Fare of higher fare class, f fareq= Fare of lowest fare class fare, q As we can see from Figure 3-11, the more aggressive the FRAT5s, the greater the probability of sell-up to higher fare class. Therefore an airline using a high FRAT5 value in PODS will assume that the passengers have a high willingness-to-pay and thus, protect more high fare class seats to account for the higher expected sell-up. 1 -FRAT5= 08 2.0 -FRAT5= -FRAT5 2.5 = 3.0 0.6 'A o 0 -- - - 0.2 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Fare Ratio Figure 3-11: Probability of Sell-up and FRAT5s 8 However, the use of FRAT5 to calculate sell-up means that we are not able to change the psup of the higher fare classes without affecting the psup of the lower fare classes. As seen from Table 3-6, in order to have some psup for the highest fare class (Class 1), there is a need to make use of a very high FA FRAT5 input of 1.6. This pushes the psup of the fare class 4 and 5 to over 50% and thus reduces the number of seats that are available for these lower fare classes. Although this may be the best solution for a very full flight, such an aggressive strategy (sacrificing load for yield) could possibly result in lower revenue especially in markets with less demand. In this thesis, we will be making use of and comparing the results of both input psup and the use of FRAT5s to calculate psup. -51- Table 3-6: PSUP for different FA FRAT5s Input FA FRAT5=1.2 Class FA FRAT5=1.4 Ave Fare Fare Ratio PSUP Class 101.06 1.00 100% 1.26 127.05 41% 153.03 1.51 17% 179.01 1.77 7% 2 293.34 2.90 0% 1 412.85 4.09 0% Ave Fare 6 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 101.06 127.05 153.03 179.01 293.34 412.85 FA FRAT5=1.6 Class FA FRAT5=1.8 Ave Fare Fare Ratio PSUP 101.06 1.00 100% 127.05 5 1.26 74% 4 153.03 1.51 55% 3 179.01 1.77 41% 2 293.34 2.90 11% 1 412.85 4.09 3% Class 6 3.3.3 Fare Ratio PSUP 1.00 100% 1.26 64% 1.51 41% 1.77 26% 2.90 4% 4.09 0% 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ave Fare Fare Ratio PSUP 101.06 1.00 100% 127.05 1.26 80% 153.03 1.51 64% 179.01 1.77 51% 293.34 2.90 19% 412.85 4.09 7% Formulation and Parameters in PODS There are two methods of fare adjustment in PODS: a continuous marginal revenue formulation (MR) and a discrete formulation (KI). The continuous FA method assumes negative exponential sell-up function and its formulation for the adjusted fare is as shown below. MR Fare Adjustment =Rii f 1 fareQ (FA Frat5-1) = fare -l(O - ln(O.5) The KI formulation on the other hand is generalized for all sell-up functions and this is the formulation that we will be using for our simulations in this thesis. KI Fare Adjustment [ MR,,Ier = fadj = psupf . fares - psup_1 fare1 Psupf - Psup, - 52 - -N The PE cost can then calculated using the following equation: PE cost = OD Fare - MR This relationship is as shown in Figure 3-12 where the PE cost is the difference between a given fare and the marginal revenue the carrier can expect to receive after correcting for any revenue lost due to buy-down behavior. 1500 - --- PE Costs 1300._ 7001100.-, -- _ _ Prke P(Q) Cont MR -500_-_ - -_- -_ Figure 3-12: Relationship between Fare, Marginal Revenue and PE Cost 7 In DAVN, fare adjustment reduces the pseudo fare that is used for optimizing booking limits in virtual buckets by the PE costs which reflects the risk of buy-down as shown in the equation below. Thus, mapping to virtual buckets is based on the adjusted fares (or MR) minus displacement cost. Pseudo Fare = (OD Fare - PE cost) - Displacement Cost = MR - Displacement Cost However, there can be no re-mapping of classes if fare adjustment is used with EMSRb fare class control. Instead, the average fare for each fare bucket is the weighted average of adjusted fares for all the path/classes in the bucket. EMSR calculations then are applied to the aggregate leg/bucket demands and adjusted average fares as illustrated below. - 53 - Given FA FRAT5 = 1.6 and supc = 1.1552, Flight SFO-BOS (via MSP) Flight SFO-MSP FC Fare Mean Dd FC Fare Mean Dd 1 $300.00 6 0.0417 $ 300.00 psup fadj (KI) 1 $400.00 4 0.0313 $ 400.00 2 $200.00 7 0.1768 $ 169.12 2 $250.00 3 0.1768 $ 217.79 3 $180.00 9 0.2360 $ 120.27 3 $200.00 4 0.3150 $ 136.04 4 $150.00 11 0.3639 $ 94.67 4 $170.00 5 0.4454 $ 97.57 5 $100.00 14 0.7492 $ 52.77 5 $120.00 8 0.7937 $ 56.04 6 $80.00 18 1.0000 $ 20.271 6 $100.00 10 1.0000 $ 23.05 Flight SFO-JFK (via MSP) psup fadj (KI) FC Fare Mean Dd 1 2 $350.00 $225.00 5 3 0.0355 $ 350.00 0.1768 $ 193.56 3 4 5 $190.00 $160.00 $110.00 3 4 8 0.2770 0.4072 0.7736 $ 128.29 $ 96.13 $ 54.44 6 $90.00 10 1.0000 $ 21.67 SFO-MSP Leq Capacity Allocation - 100 seats Using EMSRb Path Based Forecast with Fare Adiustment FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Avg fadj $350.00 $193.49 $128.20 $96.13 $54.42 $21.66 Mean Total Dd Std Dev Booking Limits 100 15 5 86 13 8 71 7 16 9 54 20 11 28 30 38 6 -13 IN Avgfadj= IOD fadjoD *WOD O where fadjOD = Adjusted Fare for a particular OD market Weightage given to that particular OD N = Total number OD associated with this particular leg WOD = - 54 - psup fadj (KI) Comparing the booking limits obtained above with the results from EMSRb Path-based forecast with no Fare Adjustment in Table 3-7, we can see that not only does Fare Adjustment allocates fewer seats to the lower fare classes, it also closes down FC6 right at the start. Thus, by taking into account the PE cost, fare adjustment helps to close down lower fare classes earlier and forces passengers to buy-up. Table 3-7: Booking Limits without Fare Adjustment (Path-based EMSRb) FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Avg Fare $350.00 $225.00 $190.00 $160.00 $110.00 $90.00 Mean Total Dd 15 13 16 20 30 38 Std Dev 5 8 7 9 11 6 Booking Limits 100 87 76 60 36 5 As for HBP, path/classes are mapped to the virtual buckets based on actual fares, even though the virtual bucket average values are based on the adjusted fares as illustrated in Table 3-8. This thus leads to adjusted EMSR value for each leg which is then compared to the adjusted path/class fare. FC 1 Fare 2$ SFO - MSP SFO - BOS SFO - JFK 3 -4 -5 -6 $80 fad' (KI) $ 300.00 169.12 $ 120.27 $ 94.67 $ 52.77 $ 20.27 FC 1 2 3 4 Faefadj (KI) $40$400.00 $ 217.79 $ 136.04 $ 97.57 $ 56.04 5 $ 23.05 J 6 FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fare $350 $1 g $90 fadj (KI) $ 350.00 ~$ 193.56 $ 128.29 $96.13 $54.44 $ 21.67 Table 3-8: HBP with Fare Adjustment LZ~ # Buckets Path/Class Bucket Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $350 - $400 BOS/1; JFK/1 MSP/1; BOS/2 MSP/2; BOS/3; JFK/2 MSP/3; JFK/3 BOS/4;JFK/4 MSP/4; BOS/5 MSP/5; BOS/6; JFK/5 MSP/6; JFK/6 $375.00 $258.89 $166.24 $124.28 $96.85 $75.36 $43.42 $20.97 -55 $80 -1 $0-$99 - 3.4 FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM In addition to investigating fare adjustment in the revenue management system, this thesis will also be looking at the other alternative - the use of fare adjustment in the reservation (RES) system. Since an airline that uses DAVN can very easily incorporate Fare Adjustment in their revenue management system (through virtual nesting), we will be looking at introducing RES Fare Adjustment for airlines that are using EMSRb or HBP. This is a post-RM process that occurs after forecasting and optimization and thus no feedback is provided back to the RM system. As per fare adjustment in RM, fares in the reservation system are adjusted using the Karl Isler equation with either input FRAT5s with FA multiplier or user-defined direct sell-up inputs for each fare class below Class 1. The decision to accept or reject a passenger request is then made by comparing the adjusted decision fares to the critical EMSR values (leg bid prices) obtained from the revenue management system at the completion of an EMSR/HBP optimization. Therefore, the reservation system will close down a fare class if Adjusted Decision Fare < Max [EMSRJ, EMSR2] where EMSR1 and EMSR2 are the critical EMSR values that are fed from the revenue management system to the reservation system. Given FA FRAT5 = 1.6, supc = 1.1552, Leg MSP - BOS FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Booking Limits 100 90 80 62 36 4 Leg Bid Price: $80 (EMSR1) Leq SFO - MSP Booking Limits 100 87 FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 77 61 36 5 Obtained from Revenue Management System Leg Bid Price: $120 (EMSR2) For single-leg paths, the adjusted decision fare is compared to the critical EMSR value of the leg (EMSRl). If the adjusted fare is less than this critical value of EMSR, the corresponding leg/class booking limit is set to zero (i.e. the fare class is closed). Otherwise, the booking limit remains unchanged as illustrated below. - 56 - Single Leg Path FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 + RES Fare $200.00 $170.00 $150.00 $120.00 $80.00 $60.00 MSP - BOS psup 0.0675 0.1203 0.1768 0.3150 0.6804 1.0000 fad (KI) $200.00 $131.63 $107.42 $ 81.63 $ 45.521 $ 17.42 Compared with leg bid price (EMSR1) of $80 FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 RES Bkg Limit 100 90 80 62 0 0 For two-leg paths, the adjusted decision fare is compare to the maximum of the two critical EMSR values (obtained from the two legs: EMSR1 and EMSR2). If the adjusted fare is less than the maximum, the availability for the path is reduced to zero. Otherwise, no change is required and the minimum of the EMSRb booking limit on the two legs is applied (see illustration below). Two-Leg Path FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 + RES Fare $400.00 $250.00 $200.00 $170.00 $120.00 $100.00 SFO - MSP - BOS psup 0.0313 0.1768 0.3150 0.4454 0.7937 1.0000 fadj (KI) $400.00 $217.79 $136.04 $97.57 $56.04 $23.05 Compared with max leg bid price {$120, $80) FC 1 2 3 4 5 6 RES Bkg Limit Min {100, 100 Min {87,90} Min {77, 80} 0 0 0 Once a booking is accepted, it is recorded in the fare/class as per normal. However, no modifications to the bookings, forecasts or revenue inputs to EMSRb logic are made for future timeframes or departures, apart from the effects of rejected bookings and more seat availability for some path/classes. 3.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter, we presented the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator that is used to test Fare Adjustment in this thesis. Specifically, we described the two components of PODS: the Passenger Choice Model and the Airline Revenue Management system. We also went on to describe both the simulated air transportation networks within PODS and how Fare Adjustment is modeled in both the revenue management and reservation system. -57 - The following two chapters provide the results of the simulations, describing the impact Fare Adjustment has on an airline's revenue when it is used in the revenue management system (Chapter 4) and also when it is used in the reservation system (Chapter 5). In addition, we will also compare the results of using the Fare Adjustment in selected paths/markets that offer a less restricted set of fare products with the use of Fare Adjustment in all paths/markets in a mixed network. -58- 4. RESULTS OF FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RM SYSTEM In this chapter, we will be looking at results of the implementation of fare adjustment with pick-up forecasting in each of the three RM methods - DAVN, EMSRb and HBP. The first half of the chapter presents the findings when FA is simulated in Network D using both fixed and variable FRAT5s to calculate psup. The second half of the chapter will then detail the benefits of fare adjustment when used in a larger, more competitive network - Network S. 4.1 NETWORK D In this section, we take a systematic look at the performance of fare adjustment with standard forecasting in Network D. Given that leg-based revenue management is widely used in the industry, we will be using a baseline environment where both of the competitors employ leg-based EMSRb with standard forecasting. We will then use this environment to look at the incremental benefits of fare adjustment when used with EMSRb, DAVN and HBP. Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 show the revenue and fare class mix of the two airlines in the base case scenario. Since both airlines are using leg-based EMSRb, it is not surprising that there is not too much difference in revenue and fare class mix between the two airlines. Table 4-1: Results of Base Case Scenario Airline AL1 AL2 Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) $1,029,823 $1,025,096 83.61 83.2 0.1004 0.0967 35 DA1 30 . A2 25 20 i5 10 5E 1 2 4 3 5 Figure 4-1: Base Case Scenario - Fare Class Mix - 59 - 6 4.1.1 DAVN Previous studies such as Cl6az-Savoyen 8 and Reyes 9 have concentrated on applying fare adjustment to DAVN in Network D. Therefore, before we present our results of fare adjustment in other revenue management strategy, we will first take a look at the results for DAVN. As shown in Table 4-2, by changing its seat allocation optimizer from the leg-based EMSRb to DAVN, Airline 1 experiences a 1.01% increase in revenue. Table 4-2: Results of DAVN in Network D Airline Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) AL $1,040,271 (+1.01%) 82.24 0.1031 AL2 $1,028,321 (+0.31%) 81.24 0.0994 The introduction of fare adjustment with standard pick-up forecasting however, did not help to further increase the revenue (Figure 4-2). Rather, it results in a fall in revenue and as fare adjustment becomes more aggressive, Airline 1 loses the revenue gain it obtained from the introduction of DAVN and starts to fare worse than the base case of leg-based EMSRb. FA Scaling Factor . E LU' 0 Cn 1.5% 1.0%- *e 0.5% - 0.0% -0%C-0 -0.5% 0.0 0.4 0.2 n.o0. OR. -1.0% -1.5% r---------FRATS Scaling Factor 0 FRAT5 C 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00% 0.86% 0.71% -1.06% Figure 4-2: DAVN with FA in Network D The above results from DAVN are in-line with that of previous research 8 ' 9. However, previous studies did not expand the use of fare adjustment with pick-up forecasting to that of other seat allocation optimizers such as EMSRb and HBP. Therefore, in the following sections, we will be presenting the results of such scenarios. - 60- 4.1.2 EMSRb with Path Forecasting As described in Section 3.3.3, in order to make use of Fare Adjustment, ALl has to make use of EMSRb with path forecasting so that we are able to calculate the weighted average adjusted fares for all the path/classes in each fare bucket. Thus by changing to path forecasting, ALl experiences a 0.27% increase in revenue as compared to the base case scenario with leg forecasting (see Table 4-3). Airline 2 also benefited from ALl's change in strategy, experiencing an even greater revenue increase of 0.93% due to the increase in FC6 loads (Figure 4-3). As ALl allocates more seat inventory to the higher fare classes with the use of path forecasting, it rejects more passengers from the lower fare classes and these passengers are then picked up by AL2. Table 4-3: Results of EMSRb with Path Forecasting in Network D Yield ($/RPM) Load Factor (0/) Revenue Airline ALI $1,032,641 (+0.270/) 79.48 0.1059 AL2 $1,034,679 (+0.93/o) 85.69 0.0948 35 MAI 30 2520 1510 *A2 , I ' 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 4-3: EMSRb with Path Forecasting in Network D - Fare Class Mix 4.1.3 EMSRb (Path) with Fare Adjustment In the first series of fare adjustment of simulations, Airline 1 uses a fixed FA FRAT5 throughout the 16 successive time frames. As observed from Figure 4-4, ALl's revenue increases with the use of slightly more aggressive FA FRAT5s. However, as the FRAT5s get even more aggressive, ALl's revenue starts to decrease very rapidly. -61- FA FRAT5s 1.0%- cc ( 0.0% 1.00 E -1.0% 0 = v -2.0% 1.2 1.50 2.0 . Path-Based (No FA) -3.0% -4.0% I I FA FRAT5s I 1.00 I 1.2 1.8 2.0 Rev Change from BASE 0.27% 0.40% -0.45% -2.92% Figure 4-4: EMSRb with FA in Network D - Fixed FRAT5s This increase and subsequent fall in revenue can be explained by taking a closer look at the adjusted fares, load factor and yield of ALl. As presented in Table 4-4, the more aggressive the FA FRAT5s, the greater the psup and PE cost, resulting in a lower adjusted fare for each fare classes (other than Fare Class 1). Table 4-4: Adjusted Fares with Fixed FRAT5s Fare Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actual Fares $412.9 $293.3 $179.0 $153.0 $127.1 $101.1 FA FRAT5 = 1.2 $412.9 $291.1 $176.4 $134.9 $108.9 $82.9 FA FRAT5 = 1.5 $412.9 $264.2 $148.6 $92.3 $66.3 $40.4 FA FRAT5 = 1.8 $412.9 $226.2 $110.1 $48.9 $22.9 -$3.1 Given the adjusted fares, ALl would therefore protect more seats for high-yield passengers and rejecting the lower fare classes' demand. This thus results in an increase in loads for the higher fare classes (FCl to FC3) and a fall in loads for the lower fare classes (FC5 and FC6) as shown in Figure 4-5. In addition, we also see in Figure 4-6 that as FA FRAT5s becomes more aggressive, the load factor for FC6 ALl's load factor starts to fall while yield increases. However, with moderate FA FRATs, the increase in yield compensates for the fall in load factor thus resulting in the increase in revenue for ALl. Hence, ALl can increase its base case revenue by 0.61% with the use of a fixed FA FRAT5 of 1.5. - 62 - Al Fare Class Mix *2 E1.8 01.5 01.2 30 25. 20 10 5 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 Figure 4-5 Airline 1 Fare Class Mix - EMSRb with FA (Fixed FRAT5s) 80 0.140 - 85 - -0.130 75 - -0.120 0.110 65 - 0.100 60 -U1- 55 --- Load Factor 1.00 1.2 1.50 0.080 i i 50 - -- 0.090 Yield 1.8 2.0 Figure 4-6: Load Factor and Yield - EMSRb with FA (Fixed FRAT5s) Although fixed FA FRAT5 is easier to administer and use, it would be more realistic if one were to make use of a variable FRAT5 to account for the increase in willingness-topay as we get closer to the date of departure (see Section 3.3.1). Therefore, another series of simulations was run to investigate the impact on revenues when variable FRAT5s are used instead. With the use of variable FRAT5s, the adjusted fares now vary across the timeframe. As the scaling factor increases (from 0.2 to 0.8), the fares are adjusted lower with the magnitude of fare decrease being greater as fare adjustment becomes more aggressive. The lower fare classes also experiences a sharper drop in fares as compared to the higher fare class as illustrated in Figure 4-7. - 63 - 350 180 300 160 250 200 140 120 100 F 150O 80 100 50 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 120 100 80 Figure 4-7: Selected Adjusted Fares at FRAT5 C 60 4"FC 6 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 And from Figure 4-8, we can see the use of variable FRAT5s produces the same trend in revenue increases for ALl. As we increase the scaling factor (which results in a more aggressive variable FA FRAT5), ALl's revenue start to increase up to a certain point before the increase starts to taper off and revenue starts to fall. With the use of FRAT5 C and a scaling factor of 0.4, we are able to achieve a 0.77% increase in revenue for ALl as compared to the base case. This is also slightly higher (+0.15%) than when fixed FA FRAT5 is used. FA Scaling Factor 2.0% 1.0%0.0% -1.0% - 0.2 0.4 0.. -2.0% -3.0% -4.0% -5.0% -6.0%- FRAT5 Scaling Factor FRAT5 C 0 0.2 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.27% 0.44% 0.72% -0.16% -4.85% Figure 4-8: EMSRb with FA in Network D - Variable FRAT5s -64- 4.1.4 HBP The use of fare adjustment with EMSRb (which uses booking limits as a mechanism for inventory control) has shown positive results. This section presents the results when ALI uses HBP instead. By just changing the optimizer to HBP, ALI is able to increase its load factor and thus increase its revenue by 1.42% from the base case (Table 4-5). Table 4-5: Results of HBP in Network D - Leg Forecasting Load Factor (%) Airline AL Revenue (vs. BASE) $1,044,496 (+1.42%) 88.33 AL2 $1,022,558 (-0.25%) 80.55 Yield ($/RPM) 0.0964 0.0996 However, like EMSRb, we need to use path forecasting in order to implement fare adjustment in HBP. Although the use of path forecasting still results in higher revenue for ALl as compared to base case, the revenue increase is slightly lower than that of leg forecasting as the higher yield is offset by the lower load factor (see Table 4-6). Table 4-6: Results of HBP in Network D - Path Forecasting Yield ($/RPM) Airline Revenue (vs. BASE) Load Factor (%) AL $1,044,047 (+1.38%) 81.64 0.1042 AL2 $1,024,566 (-0.05%) 84.40 0.0953 The introduction of fare adjustment to HBP with path forecasting also did not produce much better results. With the use of fixed FA FRAT5, fare adjustment resulted in a fall in revenue as compared to just HBP with path forecasting as shown in Figure 4-9. FA Scaling Factor 2.0% IL 1.0% 0.0%Path-Based 2.0 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0 SF2.0%A) -3.0%-4.0%-5.0% -- FA FRAT5s Rev Change from EMSRb 1 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 1.30% 0.48% -2.29% -3.55% Figure 4-9: HBP with FA in Network D - Fixed FRAT5s -65 - The use of a variable FRAT5 on the other hand produced slightly better result of a 1.40% increase in revenue from the base case as compared to a 1.38% increase when only HBP with path forecasting is used (Table 4-10). However, regardless of the FRAT5 used, HBP with fare adjustment was not able to produce greater revenue than just HBP with leg forecasting. FA Scaling Factor 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 0 0.8 S-1.0% 1.5% -2.0% -2.5% FRAT5 Scaling Factor 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 FRAT5 C 1.38% 0.29% 0.02% -2.06% Figure 4-10: HBP with FA in Network D - Variable FRAT5s This is because with the switch from leg-based HBP to path-based HBP (FA FRAT5 = 1.00), the forecasts are systematically higher and the seat control system thus protects more of the higher fare classes. This causes a fall in FC6 loads as shown in Figure 4-11. The use of Fare Adjustment further aggravates the problem, thus resulting in further revenue decrease as the increase in yield was unable to offset the fall in total load factor (see Figure 4-12). Al Fare Class Mix 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 4-11: Airline 1 Fare Class Mix - HBP - 66 - 6 0.14 -- 0.13 90- 8580 - -0.12 75 - _ _ - 70- 0.11 0.10 6560- 0.09 -4-Yield 1 -0- Loads 0.08 1 50 - Leg 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.8 Figure 4-12: Airline l's Loads and Yield - HBP 4.2 NETWORK S As presented in the previous section, in a head-to-head competitive environment, fare Adjustment with standard forecasting has shown some positive results when used with EMSRb. The introduction of RM system fare adjustment to DAVN and HBP however did not produce any revenue gains in such a situation. In this section, we will look at the incremental benefits of fare adjustment in a more complex and non-symmetric network. Thus, the base case will not call for all of the airlines to use the same revenue management system. The focus airline will still be Airline 1 (MSP) with EMSRb being its baseline RM method. The "traditional" competitors, Airline 2 (ORD) and Airline 4 (DFW), will use DAVN while Airline 3 (MCI) the low cost carrier will use a threshold revenue management method called AT90 65. With such an environment, MSP faces close competition in most of its connecting markets from ORD which uses a more advance revenue management system and it also sees low cost competition in just over half of its connecting markets and some of its local markets from a smaller competitor (MCI) with a relatively simplistic revenue management system. DFW then functions to provide more capacity in the market so as to avoid feedback effects (which are prevalent in Network D). AT90 is a adaptive threshold revenue management method that progressively closes down fare classes on a leg as they reach the target load threshold, which in this case is a leg load factor of 90. More details on threshold revenue management method can be found in Cleaz-Savoyen. 65 - 67 - Base Case Revenues 2100000 1900000 1700000-1500000 1300000-- 1100000-900000-700000 1,939,977 MSP 2,013,603 ORD MCI Airline Load Factor Yield MSP 86.66% 0.1399 ORD 90.78% 0.1295 MCI 87.64% 0.1224 DFW 90.52% 0.1232 DFW Figure 4-13: Base Case Results - Network S The result of the base case is shown in Figure 4-13. Given its network and more advanced revenue management system, ORD has the highest revenue amongst the 4 airlines. MSP comes in a close second in terms of revenue with its strong yields making up for the low overall load factor. 4.2.1 EMSRb with Path Forecasting As in Network D, in order to make use of Fare Adjustment, MSP has to make use of EMSRb with path forecasting. With the revenue management system of the other airlines remaining unchanged, MSP experiences a 1.04% increase in revenue as compared to the base case scenario when leg-based EMSRb was used (see Figure 4-14). Despite a drop in yield, ORD and DFW managed to increase their load factor - by capturing more spill-in at the lower fare classes from MSP - and thus benefited from MSP's change in strategy, with revenue increase of 0.31% and 0.14% respectively. -68 - 1.20%. 1.04% 0.70%0.31% C 0.14% 0.20%- ORD MSP -0.30% DFW -- 0.28% Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) Airline Revenue AL $1,960,102 84.09 0.1456 AL2 $2,019,844 91.47 0.1289 AL3 $970,443 87.67 0.1220 AL4 $1,290,311 91.02 0.1227 Figure 4-14: EMSRb with Path Forecasting - Network S 4.2.2 Path-based EMSRb with Fare Adjustment Since Network S is a mixed fare network with two fare structures (as described in Section 3.2.2), we will make use of this opportunity to expand our investigation and look not only at the impact of fare adjustment when it is introduced to all the markets in MSP's network, but also when it is used solely in the markets with LCC competition. In addition, given that previous results from Network D had shown that variable FRAT5s are producing better results than when fixed FRAT5s are used, the rest of the simulations in this chapter will be run using variable FRAT5s. From Figure 4-15, we see that when fare adjustment is introduced to all the markets in MSP's network, it helps to further improve the revenue when used in moderation. By using variable FRAT5s and a scaling factor of 0.4, MSP was able to obtain a 1.84% increase in revenue as compared to the base case and a 0.8% increase from EMSRb with path-forecasting alone. These results are similar to that observed in Network D where the improvement in revenue from path-forecasting is 0.5%. Similar results are obtained when fare adjustment is only applied to LCC markets (Figure 4-15). However, given that we are influencing only a portion of MSP's markets, we see that a higher scaling factor of 0.6 is required to achieve the same magnitude of revenue increase (+1.80%). In addition, the drop in revenue is less acute when fare adjustment gets too aggressive. - 69 - FA Scaling Factor 3.0% S2.0%- U- 1.0% S0.0%_ 0.0 S-1.0%1. S-2.0% 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Path-Based (No FA) -3.0% -4.0% -0-A Kftrkets - LCC N rkets -5.0% FRAT5 Scaling Factor 1 0 0.2 All Markets 1 1.04% 1.35% 1.04% 1.36% LCC Markets Only 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.62% -2.87% -4.35% 0.15% -1.43% 1.620% Figure 4-15: EMSRb with FA in Network S - Variable FRAT5s 4.2.3 HBP with Fare Adjustment Fare adjustment has once again proved to be useful in increasing revenue when used with path-based EMSRb. This section presents the results when ALl uses HBP in a complex and competitive environment. By changing the optimizer to HBP, ALl is able to increase its load factor and thus increase its revenue by 0.87% from the base case (Table 4-7). Table 4-7: Results of HBP in Network S - Leg Forecasting Airline Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) AL $1,956,849 (+0.87/o) 88.92 0.1375 AL2 $1,994,114 (-0.97%) 89.72 0.1298 AL3 $972,337 (-0.09%) 87.44 0.1226 AL4 $1,283,191 (-0.42%) 90.49 0.1228 However, as per EMSRb, we need to make use of path forecasting in order to implement fare adjustment in HBP. And again, as what was observed in Network D, we find that although the use of path forecasting still results in higher revenue for ALl as compared to the base case, the increase is slightly lower than when HBP with leg-forecasting is used (Table 4-8). - 70 - Table 4-8: Results of HBP in Network S - Path Forecasting Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) AL1 $1,942,718 (+0.14%) 79.06 0.1535 AL2 $2,038,391 (+1.23%) 92.60 0.1285 Airline AL3 $977,093 (+0.40%) 88.27 0.1220 AL4 $1,302,864 (+1.110/o) 91.95 0.1227 However, unlike Network D, when fare adjustment is introduced to path-based HBP in Network S, it produced much better results than both path and leg based forecasting. With the use of variable FRAT5s and moderate scaling factors, MSP experiences a 1.40% increase in revenue when fare adjustment is applied to all the markets and a 1.46% increase in revenue when it is used only in LCC markets (see Figure 4-16). FA Scaling Factor 2.0% j0.0%_E 0.1 0.0 -1.0% Path-Based -2.0% (No FA) -3.0% 0.2 -U-All Markets 0.4 8 . -4-LCC Markets -4.0%- FRAT5 Scaling Factor 1 All Markets LCC Markets I 0 0.1 0.14% 1.33% 0.14% 1.37% 0.2 1. 4 3% 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.01% -0.26% -3.17% 146% 0.69% -0.85% Figure 4-16: HBP with FA in Network S - Variable FRAT5s But why is there a difference in the performance of path-based HBP with fare adjustment in Network D and Network S? When path-based forecasting is introduced in Network D, it causes Al to reject the lower fare class demand and protect more seats for higher fare classes. The rejected lower fare class passengers thus get "picked up" by Airline 2, given a two-carrier environment and Al hence sees a lower spill-in of FC6 passengers as shown in Figure 4-17. -71- Network D6: Al Spill-In Fare Class Mix Trend 70000 60000 50000 -4-FC 1 FC 2 FC 3 40000 30000 20000 -u-FC 4 -*-FC 5 10000 -FC 6 0 Leg Path 0.2 0.4 0.6 Network S: Al Spill-in Fare Class Mix Trend 89000 79000 69000 -FC 1 FC 2 49000 -e-FC 4 39000 -- 29000 -- FC 5 FC 6 19000 Leg Path 0.1 0.2 0.4 Figure 4-17: Al Spill-in Fare Class Mix - Network D vs. Network S As a result, Al experiences a greater spill-in of FC1 passengers as A2's load factor increases and thus, is unable to accommodate more high-paying passengers closer to the date of departure. The introduction of fare adjustment further encouraged this course of action for Al. However, the increase in yield from the increase in FC1 spill-in was unable to offset the fall in total load factor from the fall in FC6 spill-in. Thus path-based fare adjustment was not able to produce better results than that of a leg-based HBP. On the other hand, path-based forecasting (FA FRAT5 = 0.0) in Network S was so aggressive in protecting the higher fare classes that it resulted in a huge increase in the spill-in of FCl and FC2 as shown in Figure 4-17. However, the increase in yield could not offset fall in overall load factor (mainly from FC6 as shown in Figure 4-18). This thus resulted in a fall in revenue as compared to leg-based HBP. As mentioned in Section 4.1.4, path forecasting results in higher forecasts as compared to leg forecasting. These higher forecasts translate to higher bid prices when HBP is used and thus more protection for the higher fare class seats. The introduction of fare adjustment in Network S however, helped to reduce this over aggressiveness of pathbased HBP. Even though we still have the same higher forecasts with fare adjustment, by taking into account the risk of buy-down, fare adjustment results in lower bid prices and thus open up more seats at the lower fare classes. - 72 - By reducing the spill-in of FC1 (to a level that is still higher than that of a leg-based HBP) and increasing the load of FC2 to FC4, fare adjustment was able to adjust the fare class mix such that the drop in yield was more than compensated with a greater increase in load factor (see Figure 4-19), thus resulting in a revenue increase. Al Fare Class Mix 60 eg 50 E0.0 00.2 00.1 *0.4 40 30 20 10 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 Figure 4-18: MSP Fare Class Mix - Path based HBP with FA in Network S 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 9590 85 80 7570-- 65 0.13 0.12 U -0-Yield -U--Load Factor 60 55 0.11 0.10 l 50 Leg 0.0 0.1 0.4 012 0.6 0.8 Figure 4-19: MSP Yield and Load Factor - Path based HBP with FA in Network S 4.2.4 DAVN with FareAdjustment Having looked at the performance of fare adjustment when used with EMSRb and HBP, we now move to DAVN. If MSP were to just switch to using a more advanced revenue management method of DAVN instead of leg-based EMSRb, it will experience a 1.89% increase in revenue as its load factor increases (Figure 4-20). The rest of the airlines on the other hand will suffer a drop in revenues from 0.60% to 1.13% as they lose passengers to MSP. - 73 - 1.89% 1.80% 1.30% 0.80%0.30% -0.20% - MSP ORD -0.70%-0.74% -0.60% -1.20% Airline -1.13% Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) AL1 $1,976,586 89.58 0.1379 AL2 $1,990,814 89.28 0.1302 AL3 $965,955 87.04 0.1224 AL4 $1,280,778 89.26 0.1242 Figure 4-20: DAVN Results - Network S With fare adjustment, MSP's revenue is further increased by about another 1%, with the introduction of fare adjustment to all markets producing slightly better results (+3.05%) than when fare adjustment is applied to the LCC markets only (+2.81%). And as illustrated in Figure 4-21, we see the same trend in that the change in revenue when fare adjustment is applied to LCC markets is less acute than when it is applied to all markets. FA Scaling Factor E LU 0) V42< .> M U T-- 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% - I - S 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% UJ -050/6 -(N o FA)II -. 0.0 FRAT5 Scaling Factor All Markets LCC Markets All Markets -*-LCC Markets 0.2 0 1 1.89% | 1.89% 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.8 1 2.45% 2.42% -0.09% I 2.47% 1.86% 2.36% Figure 4-21: DAVN with Fare Adjustment in Network S -74- 4.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter we have presented the results of simulations focusing on the impact Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting has on the revenue of an airline using EMSRb, HBP and DAVN. And based on the results of our simulations, it appears that even without the use of more sophisticated forecasting techniques, such as Q- or hybrid forecasting, the performance of an airline can be improved through the application of Fare Adjustment in the RM system. In Section 4.1, we conducted simulations in a simplified head-to-head environment Network D. A summary of the results obtained in Network D is presented in Table 4-9 and Table 4-10. Our experiments indicated that in such a network, the gain from the introduction of fare adjustment with standard forecasting to a revenue management system can approach 0.5%. Table 4-9: Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network D Al RM System Leg-Based EMSRb (BC) Path EMSRb with FA Path HBP with FA DAVN with FA Al Revenue $1,029,823 $1,037,763 $1,044,266 $1,040,117 A Revenue From BC --+0.77% +1.40% +1.00% Table 4-10: Al Revenue Improvement from Fare Adjustment in Network D Al RM System Path EMSRb Path HBP DAVN Al Revenue without FA Al Revenue with FA A Revenue From No FA $1,032,641 $1,044,047 $1,040,271 $1,037,763 $1,044,266 $1,040,117 +0.50% +0.02% -0.01% In Section 4.2, we applied the fare adjustment technique in a more realistic and thus more complex and asymmetric environment - Network S. The results here were even more encouraging as Fare Adjustment is showed to be able to improve an airline's revenues by approximately 1% over the standard revenue management methods of path-based EMSRb, path-based HBP and DAVN. - 75 - INAN MM", '=-- - - __ -. , -_ -- .- - -__ -, I ___ In particular, by taking into account the risk of buy-down and thus lowering the bid prices, Fare Adjustment was able to reduce the over aggressiveness of path-based HBP (caused by the higher forecasts) as compared to leg-based HBP. This helped to open up more seats at the lower fare classes and increased the load factor, thus resulting in a 1.31% increase in revenue for Al when it introduces FA to path-based HBP. A summary of the results obtained in Network S are presented in Table 4-11 and Table 4-12. Table 4-11: Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network S Al Revenue Al RM System Leg-Based EMSRb (BC) Path EMSRb with FA Path HBP with FA DAVN with FA A Revenue From BC $1,939,977 $1,975,591 $1,968,206 $1,999,053 --+1.84% +1.46% +3.05% Table 4-12: Al Revenue Improvement from Fare Adjustment in Network S Al RM System Path EMSRb Path HBP DAVN Al Revenue with FA $1,975,591 $1,968,206 $1,999,053 Al Revenue without FA $1,960,102 $1,942,718 $1,976,586 - 76 - A Revenue From No FA +0.80% +1.31% +1.14% RESULTS OF FARE ADJUSTMENT IN RESERVATION SYSTEM 5. In Chapter 4, we showed that Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting is capable of improving the revenue performance of an airline when it is used in the revenue management system. In this chapter, we will be looking at the alternative of using fare adjustment in the reservation (RES) system for an airline that is using EMSRb or HBP. The first half of the chapter presents the findings when FA is simulated in Network D using both input psup and FRAT5s to calculate psup. The second half of the chapter will then detail the benefits of fare adjustment in the RES system when used in a larger, more competitive network - Network S. NETWORK D 5.1 In this section, we take a systematic look at the performance of RES fare adjustment with pick-up forecasting in Network D. Again, as with our study of RM fare adjustment, we will use a baseline environment where both of the competitors employ leg-based EMSRb with pick-up forecasting (See Table 4-1 for baseline revenues, load factors and yields). We then make use of this environment to look at the incremental benefits of RES fare adjustment when used with EMSRb and HBP. Introduction of RES Bid Price to Leg-Based EMSRb 5.1.1 In order to make use of fare adjustment in the reservation system, we first need to be able to make use of bid prices in the reservation system. As shown in Figure 5-1, the introduction of RES bid price to Airline 1 (using leg-based EMSRb) causes an increase in its overall load factor which in turn resulted in a 2.01% increase in revenue. Revenue Load Factor (%) Yield ($/RPM) AL1 $1,050,531(+2.01%) 86.59 0.0989 AL2 $1,017,556 (-0.74%) 81.55 0.0979 Airline Airline 1 Fare Class Mix Airline 2 Fare Class Mix 40 40. a Base 35 - 35 - ORRs 30- 30 25- 25 20 20 0 Base ERes 2 3 15 4n - 10. 1 2 1 3 Figure 5-1: RES Bid Price in Network D - 77 - 4 5 6 With a leg-based seat inventory control such as EMSRb, the closing or opening of a fare class affects both the local and connecting paths within that particular fare class. However, with EMSRb bid price, there is the ability to differentiate between the connecting paths that have higher total fares and the local paths that have lower total fares within a fare class. Thus, one is able to close down a local path that is from a higher fare class (but has a lower total fare) while keeping a connecting path of a lower fare class (but higher total fare) open. As illustrated in Figure 5-2, when RES bid price is introduced to leg-based EMSRb, Airline 1 is able to capture more spill-in for FC5 and FC6. In addition, there is a 3% to 4% increase in connecting passengers (Figure 5-3). Horizontal Spill in Observed 6000050000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Base Al Res Al Base A2 Res A2 Vertical Spill In Observed 7000 -A-F1-N C C -a C -e o C C 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Base Al Res Al Base A2 Res A2 Figure 5-2: Airline 1 Spill in Fare Class Mix in Network D - RES Bid Price EMSRb (BASE) With RES FA c V :ZK4 Figure 5-3: Local vs. Connect Passengers in Network D - RES Bid Price -78- 5.1.2 Leg-based EMSRb with RES FareAdjustment In the first series of RES FA of simulations, Airline 1 uses a fixed FA FRAT5 throughout the 16 successive time frames to calculate the psup (as described in Section 3.3.2). As observed from Figure 5-4, ALl's revenue increases with the use of more aggressive FA FRAT5s. However, there is a threshold in terms of the aggressiveness and once we exceed that threshold (in this case FA FRAT5 = 1.7), the revenue starts to drop very rapidly. FA Scaling Factor o 4.0% 3.5% U 3.0% 4) 4 o .C - 2.5% W 2.0%1.5% 1.0% 0.5% () . 2 0.0% No FA FA FRAT5 1 Rev Change from BASE 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.07% 2.53% 3.26% 1.2 1.0 1 2.10% 2.01% 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.8 1.7 0.81% Figure 5-4: EMSRb with RES FA in Network D- FRAT5psup This improvement in revenue can be attributed to the increase in FC1 and FC2 loads which increases the yield of Airline 1. However, as seen from Figure 5-5, the major improvement in revenue comes when fare adjustment becomes aggressive enough to causes the RES system to protect more FC5 seats than FC6 (reversing the greedy effects of RES bid price). This further helped to improve the yield such that the increase in yield more than offset the fall in overall load factor and thus results in an additional increase in revenue of 1.47% (from RES bid price alone) when a FA FRAT5 of 1.7 is used. 0.130 90 85 -- 0.125 -0.120 --0.115 - 0.110 -- 80 6 65 - 60 | 1.0 1.2 Load Factor -4-Yield_ I I 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ii 1.7 91.0 4m m 1.2 c3 1.4 a 1.5 m 1.6 m 1.7 =1.8 40 35 30 0.105 -- 0.100 - 0.095 --0.090 -- 0.085 0.080 75 70 50 15 10 5 1 1.8 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 5-5: LF, Yield & Fare Class Mix - EMSRb with RES FA (FRAT5 psup) in D - 79 - However, as explained in Section 3.3.2, the use of FRAT5s to calculate sell-up means that we are not able to increase the psup of the higher fare classes without affecting the psup of the lower fare classes. Therefore, another series of RES FA simulations were run with input psup, which are user-defined to be uniform across the different fare classes and timeframes. The change to input psup in this case however, did not result in significant increase in revenue as compared to FRAT5 psup. With a change to input psup, Airline 1 now experiences a 3.55% increase in revenue as compared to the base case (Figure 5-6), which is only 0.07% higher than FRAT5 psup. In addition, a similar trend is observed for the trend in revenue as one gets more aggressive in protecting the higher fare classes. Input psup 4.0% 3.0% I0 z 2.0% E 0 1.0% 0) 0.0% 0 -1.0% > -20% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0. 0.8 No FA -3.0% 0 Input psup Rev Change from BASE . 2. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.38% 3.21% 3.29% 3.50% 0.41% -0.34% -2.10% Figure 5-6: EMSRb with RES FA in Network D - Input psup Yet, a look at the loads and yields shows the slight difference in how the input psup approach affects the seat allocation problem. Whereas FRAT5 psup improves the overall revenue by aggressively increasing yield and sacrificing load factor, input psup on the hand maintains the load factor and takes advantage of just a slight increase in yield as illustrated in Figure 5-7. This is because when FRAT5s are used, the lower fare classes end up with very large psups (see Table 3-6) and as FA gets more aggressive, more of the lower fare classes are closed down (in anticipation of more high yield passengers), resulting in a fall in load factor. With input psup however, the same psups are used across all the fare classes. Therefore, any increase in the aggressiveness of FA affects all the fare classes and the impact on the load factor is thus less than that of FRAT5 psups. - 80 - 0.130 90 - -- 85 0.125 -0.120 -0.115 80 .110 - 0.105 75 -- - 70 0.100 -- 0.095 65 -- - n-Loads f -0.090 Yield -6- -- 0.085 60 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 Figure 5-7: Al's LF & Yield - EMSRb with RES FA (Inputpsup) in D 5.1.3 Leg-Based HBP with RES FareAdjustment In Table 4-5, we have seen that if Airline 1 were to switch from leg-based EMSRb to legbased HBP in Network D (Section 4.1.4), its revenue will increase by 1.42%. And as was observed with EMSRb, the introduction of the RES bid price (FA FRAT5 = 1.0) to legbased HBP results in an additional 0.93% increase in revenue, bringing the total revenue improvement from the base case to a total of 2.35% as shown in Figure 5-8. Given that the HBP local paths are controlled by the booking limits, the use of RES bid price allows the system to close off local paths with lower fares thus leaving more seats for the connecting paths with higher fares. 3.0% 2.5% I - 4 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% ----....- - ...-----.- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- HBP without RES Bid Price (See Table 4-4) 0.5% N o FA 0.0% i1o 1.1 -0.5% FA FRAT5 Rev Change from BASE 1.2 1.o 23%23% IL 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.21% 1.88% 1.89% 1.95% 1.80% -0.35% Figure 5-8: HBP with RES FA in Network D - FRAT5 psup 81 - However, the implementation of RES Fare Adjustment using FRAT5 psup in this case does not produce as great an increase as when EMSRb is used. Rather, at the best scenario of FA FRAT5 = 1.2, Airline 1 will only see an additional benefit of 0.05% from the introduction of fare adjustment to the RES bid price system (Figure 5-8). The use of RES Fare Adjustment with input psup on the other hand, produces more positive results. As illustrated in Figure 5-9, with an input psup of 0.3, Airline 1 experiences a 3.54% increase in revenue over the base case, with fare adjustment accounting for 1.19% of the increase. I Input psup 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% No FA -- 1.0% a)E 0 - - -- HBP without RES Bid Price (See Table 4-4) 0.0% -1.0% 2.0% a) No FA -3.0% 4.0% 5.0% Input psup 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Rev Change from BASE 2.35% 2.72% 3.25% 3.51% 3.03% 0.42% -0.92% -4.82% Figure 5-9: HBP with RES FA in Network D - Input psup This difference in outcome can once again be explained by how the two methods (of obtaining psup) approach the seat allocation problem. With FRAT5 psup, there is overprotection of the higher fare classes (See Figure 5-10) as the psup for FC6 increases with the aggressiveness of FRAT5. This problem however, is averted with input psup. From the fare class mix, we can see that the load factor for FC6 is maintained while there is an increase in FC1 and 2. Therefore, it is not surprising that with input psup, Airline l's load factor and yield are more stable although there is a similar downward and upward trend respectively (see Figure 5-11). Thus, there is a higher revenue increase when input psup is used as the increase in yield is not offset by too great a fall in load factor. - 82 - Flat FRAT0 50 O 1.1 a Bid Price 45 O1.3 MO o 1.2 1.5 1.4 35 30 25 20 15 10 40 5 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 Input psup 50 = Bid Price 45 0.1 0 c3O.2 0.3 w O.4 mO .5 0.6 0 35300 25200 1510 5 5 7 5 4 3 2 1 0.1 6 Figure 5-10: Fare Class Comparison - HBP with RES FA in Network D FRAT5 psup 90 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.09 70- w--Load 65 80 - 1 1.2 1.1 -- Yield 1 I I I 60 Factor 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 0.07 0.06 I 1.7 0.11 1.8 - Input psup 90- 0.14 e~--0.13 85 80 - -- 75-- -0.09 -- 0.08 - -0.07 70- 65-0 - -Las 0.0 0.1 -5-il 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.11 0.10 0.5 1 0.6 0.06 Figure 5-11: LF & Yield Comparison - HBP with RES FA in Network D - 83 - 5.2 NETWORK S As presented in the previous section, in a head-to-head competitive environment, RES Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting has shown positive results when used with both leg-based EMSRb and HBP. In addition, the use of input psup produces better results than the use of FRAT5 to calculate psup. In this section, we move to a more complex and non-symmetric network and we will be using the same baseline environment as described in Section 4.2 and Figure 4-13. 5.2.1 Leg-based EMSRb with RES Fare Adjustment With the introduction of the RES bid price, MSP sees a 1.49% increase in revenue when RES bid price is applied to all its markets and 1.34% increase in revenue when it is used only in markets with LCC competition (Figure 5-12). The use of RES fare adjustment helps to further improve the revenue, bringing about an additional revenue increase of 0.43% to 0.57%. In addition, as was observed in Network D, there is a threshold in terms of the aggressiveness of RES fare adjustment used. Once that threshold is exceeded, the revenue starts to drop very rapidly, with the drop being more acute when RES fare adjustment is applied in all the markets. 3.00% 00% - 0.00% -1.00%1 D -2.00% - S -3.00% -4.00% -5.00% - -4-All Mkts --- LCC Only -6.00%- -7.00% -8.00% FA FRAT5 All Mkts 1.49% LCC Only 1 1.34% 1 1.125 1.25 1.72% 1.89% 1.59% 1.77% 1.375 1.87% 1.5 1.75 2 1.83% -0.02% -7.01% 0.89% -1.84% Figure 5-12: EMSRb with RES FA in Network S - FRAT5 psup Looking at the load factor and yield of Airline 1 when RES fare adjustment is applied to all markets (Figure 5-13), we see the usual trend of falling load factors and rising yields with more aggressive FA FRAT5s. In addition, we see the increase in FC6 loads when RES bid price is introduced (FA FRAT5 = 1). -84- However, unlike Network D, RES bid price here also increases the loads for FC1 and FC5 while decreasing the loads for FC2, FC3 and FC4. This thus causes an increase in both the overall load factor and yield when RES bid price is used. The use of fare adjustment helps to further increase the load of FC1 and FC5 while FC6 loads start to fall. Thus the additional 0.43% revenue benefit of RES fare adjustment is achieved by its strategy of sacrificing some of the loads for higher yields. 60 90 0.170 85 0.160 0 Base Ml 01.125 01.25 01.375 50 40 -- 0.150 80- 7 0.140 Base 1 -5-Load Factor -- Yield 11 1.25 Base 1 70 1.125 1.5 1.25 1.375 0.130 1 0.120 0 1.75 3 2 1 5 4 6 Figure 5-13: Al's LF & Yield in S - EMSRb w RES FA in All Mkts (FRAT5 psup) The use of input psup also produced positive results although the increase in revenue is less than the use of FRAT5 psup. When applied to all the markets, RES FA with input psup results in a 1.62% increase in Al's revenue over the base case while its use in LCC markets resulted in a smaller increase of 1.52% (Figure 5-14). 1.80% 1.60% S1.40%/ " 1.20% S1.00% - - 0.80% - - -4-All Mkts 0.60% LCC Only --- 0.40% 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 - -r-----------l psup 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 All Mkts 1.49% 1.59% 1,62% 1.56% 1.18% 0.56% LCC Only 1.34% 1.52% 1.47% 1.48% 1.31% 0.96% Figure 5-14: EMSRb with RES FA in Network S - Input psup - 85 - This finding is different from that of Network D where input psup had performed equally if not better than FRAT5 psup. In Network D, the impact of Al's RES FA (with FRAT5 psup) causes A2 to pick up more of the FC6 spill and thus unable to capture more of the higher fare class passengers closer to departure (Figure 5-15). Hence, Al was able to take advantage of this and increase its yield which helped to offset the substantial drop in load factor. Input psup on the other performed slightly better as it allowed for a more uniform psup across the different fare classes and this is reflected in Figure 5-15 where one see a more stable spill-in for the different classes. Thus, Al is able to maintain its load factor while taking advantage of the increase in yields. FRAT5: Al Spill-In Fare Class Mix Input psup: Al Spill-in Fare Class Mix 80000 70000 60000 50000 -O-FC 1 FC 2 FC 3 40000 30000 FC 4 -)*- FC 5 -FC 6 2 10000 0 RES 1.2 1.5 1.6 80000 70000 20000 10000 -0-FC 5 0 RES 0.1 -0.FC 02 0.3 0 Input psup: A2 Spill-in Fare Class Mix *FC 1 FC 2 FC3 --- FC4 -0-FC2 FC3 40000 -4- FC 4 -6-F04 E FC3 0--FC6 20000 .FC6 RES 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Figure 5-15: Spill-In Trend - EMSRb with RES FA (All Markets) in Network D Network S on the other hand consists of more competitors with each competing airline serving slightly different markets. Thus the impact of Al's RES FA (with FRAT5 psup) on the spill-in of other airlines is less than that of Network D due to the network effect (Figure 5-16). The use of FRAT5 psup in Network S hence produces better results than input psup as it was able to capture more FC1 spill-in without losing the spill-in from other fare classes. - 6 0.4 --- FC1 20W(0 FC4 FC3 40000 80000- 40000 --- 50000 1.7 -- FC1 60000 FRAT5: A2 Spill-In Fare Class Mix 6M00 -- 86 - Input psup: Al Spill-in Fare Class Mix FRAT5: Al Spill-In Fare Class Mix 109000 -- 89000 109000 FC1 -4-FC 1 89000 69000 69000 WFC3 49000 FC3 --I 29000 -l-FC5 4 9000 9000 RES 1.125 125 --fFO 4 49000 -4--FC4 29000 RES 1.375 2 SFC FC 5 -- FC 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 Input psup: Other Airlines Spill-In FRAT5: Other Airlines Spill-in 300000 300000 -4-FO 1 @-FC2 250000 200000 FO 3 150000 .FIC 4 50000 .- RES 1.125 1.25 250000 -$-FC 1 200000 - FC 2 FC3 150000 FC 6 -e-FC RES 1.375 0.1 0.2 0.3 Figure 5-16: Spill-In Trend - EMSRb with RES FA (All Markets) in Network S 5.2.2 6 Leg-based HBP with RES Fare Adjustment As previously shown in Section 4.2.3 and Table 4-7, by changing the optimizer to legbased HBP, Airline 1 experiences a 0.87% increase in revenue from the base case of legbased EMSRb. The addition of the RES bid price capability (FA FRAT5 = 1.0) further boosts the revenue increase to 1.88% when RES bid price is applied to all its markets and 1.87% when it is used in markets with LCC competition (Figure 5-17). And from Figure 5-17 and Figure 5-18, we see that RES FA with FRAT5 psup once again outperforms input psup in terms of revenue increase. With FRAT5 psup, Al obtains an additional 0.2% revenue increase from RES FA when it is applied to all the markets and an additional of 0.69% revenue increase when RES FA is used in markets with LCC competition (as compared to the 0.32% revenue increase achieved when input psup is used). - 87 - 6 FA FRAT5 4.00% E 0 C 2.00% @1 0.00% -2.00% . W > -4.00% -6.00% ~ -8.00% a -- -10.00% All Mkts -u--LCC Only -12.00% -14.00% FA FRAT5 1 All Mkts 1.8 8% LCC Only 1.8 7% 1.25 1.375 1.5 1.75 2 1.93% -0.08% -1.70% -5.77% -12.10% 2.48% 2.22% 0.42% -2.89% 1.125 2.16% Figure 5-17: HBP with RES FA in Network S - FRAT5psup Input psup 2.50% E 2.00% 0 C 1.50% U wg 1.00% 0.50% All Mkts - -U--LCC Only 0.00% 0.50% 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ) .5 -1.00% FA FRATS 1 All Mkts LCC Only 0 0.05 1.88% i 1.87% | 2.14% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.99% 1.89% 1.81% 1.20% -0.66% 2.11% 2.19% 2.01% 2.04% 1.37% Figure 5-18: HBP with RES FA in Network S - Input psup - 88 - 5.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter we have presented the results of simulations focusing on the impact Reservation Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting has on the revenue of an airline using EMSRb and HBP. Our results suggested that revenue improvements can be achieved with this alternative application of fare adjustment in the reservation system. In Section 5.1, we conducted simulations in a simplified head-to-head environment Network D. A summary of the results obtained in Network D is presented in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. Our experiments indicated that in such a network, the introduction of RES bid price alone produces revenue increase of 0.57% when HBP is used and 2.01% when the airline is using EMSRb. Further revenue gains of 1.16% to 1.51% can be achieved with the introduction of fare adjustment with standard forecasting, bringing the total revenue benefit of RES FA to approximately 3.5% as compared to the base case. Table 5-1: Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network D Al Revenue Al RM System $1,029,823 $1,050,531 $1,066,379 $1,048,031 $1,054,033 $1,066,288 Leg-Based EMSRb (BC) EMSRb with RES Bid Price Only EMSRb with RES FA Leg-Based HBP HBP with RES Bid Price Only HBP with RES FA A Revenue From BC --+2.01% +3.55% +1.77% +2.35% +3.54% Table 5-2: Al Revenue Improvement from RES Fare Adjustment in Network D Al RM System EMSRb with RES HBP with RES Al Revenue without FA Al Revenue with FA A Revenue From No FA $1,050,531 $1,054,033 $1,066,379 $1,066,288 +1.51% +1.16% In Section 5.2, we applied the fare adjustment technique in a more realistic and thus more complex and asymmetric environment - Network S. Although the revenue improvements here were slightly lower than in Network D due to the network effects, RES Fare Adjustment still showed positive results. - 89- The introduction of RES bid price alone produces a revenue increase of 1.49% when the airline is using EMSRb and 1% when HBP is used. Further revenue gains of 0.42% to 0.68% can be achieved with the introduction of fare adjustment with standard forecasting. A summary of results obtained in Network S are presented in Table 5-3 and Table 5-4. Table 5-3: Al Revenue Improvement over Leg-Based EMSRb in Network S Al RM System Leg-Based EMSRb (BC) EMSRb with RES Bid Price Only EMSRb with RES FA Leg-Based HBP HBP with RES Bid Price Only HBP with RES FA Al Revenue $1,939,977 $1,968,882 $1,977,224 $1,956,849 $1,976,254 $1,989,640 A Revenue From BC --+1.49% +1.92% +0.87% +1.87% +2.56% Table 5-4: Al Revenue Improvement from RES Fare Adjustment in Network S Al Revenue without FA Al Revenue with FA A Revenue From No FA EMSRb with RES $1,968,882 $1,977,224 +0.42% HBP with RES $1,976,254 $1,989,640 +0.68% Al RM System -90 - 6. CONCLUSIONS In the beginning of this thesis, we looked at how traditional revenue management methods relied heavily on the ability of booking restrictions (Saturday night stay requirements, non-refundability, etc.) to fence potential demand into well-segmented fare classes. However, with the growth of LCC and consequent fare compression and removal of restrictions on many fare products, the use of traditional Revenue Management systems (which were developed based on the assumption of independence of demand of fare class) tends to lead to a spiral down effect. Airlines now have to deal with customers who now systematically buy the lowest fare available in the absence of distinctions between the fare classes. With fewer high-fare products being purchased by passengers, airlines' historical booking data contains fewer records of these products being sold and the revenue management system forecasts less demand for these products. This in turn results in less seats being protected for higher fare classes and the surplus of lower fare class seats causes revenues to become more diluted as there is now even less inducement to buy high-priced products. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop new RM techniques for use in such less-restricted environments. One such technique examined in this thesis is Fare Adjustment, which acts at the booking limit optimizer level and takes into account the sell-up potential of each passenger. As presented in Chapter 1, the objective of this thesis was to provide a more comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of Fare Adjustment as a tool to improve airline revenues in this new environment by 1) extending the investigation of the effectiveness of FA with standard forecasting to other RM systems (namely EMSRb and HBP) and also a mixed fare structure where different fare structures are used for different markets, and 2) looking at the alternative use of fare adjustment in the reservation system. We first provided a review of the literature on revenue management and its three component models in Chapter 2, with our discussion focusing mainly on forecasting and seat inventory control. We then went on to take a look at the entry of Low Cost Carriers and how their impact on the fare structures of legacy airlines diminished the performance of traditional RM systems, leading to a spiral down effect. We continued by introducing the reader to two new revenue management tools that were designed for use in such simplified fare structures: Q/hybrid forecasting and Fare Adjustment. We then introduced the Passenger Origin-Destination Simulator (PODs) in Chapter 3, with which the performance measures and analyses were performed, describing its passenger choice model and its revenue management systems. We went on to describe both the simulated air transportation networks within PODS and how Fare Adjustment is modeled in both the revenue management and reservation system. Finally, we presented the results of the simulations, describing the impact Fare Adjustment has on an airline's revenue when it is used in the revenue management system and also when it is used in the reservation system. - 91 - 6.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Our first few series of experiments on RM Fare Adjustment was done in Network D with two competing airlines. In such a network, we showed that RM Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting produces positive results when Airline 1 is using EMSRb. We also demonstrated that although fixed FA FRAT5s are easier to administer and use, variable FRAT5s which accounts for the increase in willingness-to-pay as we get closer to the date of departure produces better results. The introduction of fare adjustment to DAVN or HBP on the other hand did not produce much revenue gains (if any). A summary of the findings for Network D is illustrated in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1: Results Summary - RM Fare Adjustment in Network D 1.6%- a 1.4% o Without - FA 1.38% m With FA 1.40% -I 1.2% UJW ) 1.01% 1.0% 1.00% 0.80/ 0.6% 0. 0.4% - E 0 U 0Pt-B 0.2%0 0.0 / -- yPath-Based EMSRb DAVN Path-Based HBP Figure 6-2: Results Summary - RM Fare Adjustment in Network S 3.5%- -I .0 o Without FA - All FA * LCC FA 3.0%- 3.05%/ 2.5%- LU 'U 0 U) 1.890/ 2.0% 1.5 0/ ~0 1.40% 1.46% 1.04Bo 1.00/ - 0.50/ - (U 0.0/Path-Based EMSRb DAVN - 92 - Path-Based HBP We then continued in Section 4.2 by experimenting RM Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting in a bigger and more complex Network S. Here, we found that RM Fare Adjustment produces higher revenue for all 3 RM methods used and with the exception of HBP, the use of fare adjustment in LCC markets alone is not as effective as when RM fare adjustment is used in all markets (Figure 6-2). In addition, we demonstrated the ability of RM Fare Adjustment to reduce the over aggressiveness of path-based HBP (cause by the higher forecasts from path-forecasting) through the lowering of bid prices as it takes into account the risk of buying-down. Having showed that Fare Adjustment with standard forecasting is capable of improving the performance of an airline when used in the revenue management system, we went on to explore the alternative of using Fare Adjustment in the reservation (RES) system for an airline that is using EMSRb or HBP in Chapter 5. In Section 5.1.1, we found that by simply introducing a RES bid price system, Airline 1 would experience a revenue increase as RES bid price allows the reservation system to capture more spill-in at the lower classes by closing down local paths that are from higher fare classes (but have lower total fares) while keeping connecting paths of lower fare classes (but higher total fares) open. And in Section 5.1.2, we combined FA with the RES bid price to show that Airline 1 can obtain an additional 1.0% to 1.5% revenue increase with the introduction of RES Fare Adjustment in a head-to-head environment. In addition, it was also demonstrated that in such a network, the use of input psup (which allowed us to change the psup of the higher fare classes without affecting the psup of the lower fare classes) produces better results than when psup are derived using forecasting FRAT5 values. A summary of the findings for Network D is illustrated in Figure 6-3. Figure 6-3: Results Summary - RES Fare Adjustment in Network D 4.0% 3.8% --- O Calculated psup 0 RES Bid Price UInput psup .J 3.4%3.2%- LU 3.00%oW 0 4C 2.8% 2.6/a . 0 2.4 /40 L M 2.2% E 2.00/. .2.01% 0 1.8%1.6 0/ HBP EMSRb - 93 - The use of RES Fare Adjustment in a more complex and competitive environment also showed revenue gains of approximately 0.5% for both EMSRb and HBP (as summarized in Figure 6-4). However, unlike the head-to-head environment, the FRAT5 psup gave better results than input psup in this scenario as it was able to capture more spill-in from the higher fare classes without losing the spill-in from other fare classes. Figure 6-4: Results Summary - RES Fare Adjustment in Network S 2.8% -- M RES Bid Price O Calculated psup * Input psup 0 2.6 % 2.56% 2.4% 2.20/ 2.190/ 2.08% 2.08% W LIl 2.0% 1.92/ 1.80/ 1 C0 EiS E 1.910 1.88. - 1.40/a 6% 1.62% 1.52% 1.4* 1.20/a- 1.2% - 1.00/a EMSR All 6.2 EMSRLCC HBP All HBP LCC FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS As a demonstration of the concept of fare adjustment in both revenue management and reservation system, we have limited our simulations to the use of standard forecasting techniques. One related area of interest for future investigation lies in the segmentation of demand between product oriented and price-oriented demand - the use of Hybrid forecasting over standard forecasting. Hybrid forecasting allows one to forecast each of these demand independently so as to capture the maximum revenue from the productoriented demand (by managing them with traditional revenue management methods) and then apply Q-forecasting techniques to the price-oriented method for which the traditional method do not perform very well. In his thesis, Reyes 9 had shown the positive impact of using hybrid forecasting with Fare Adjustment in a two carrier network for DAVN. However, in such a network, a loss of passengers or revenue by one airline usually leads to a respective gain for the other due to the feedback effects. To better simulate the performance of Fare Adjustment, one could implement Fare Adjustment with hybrid forecasting in a more competitive and complex network such as Network S, with the two airlines using different combinations of seat inventory optimizers. -94- In addition, for all the experiments in this thesis, we have assumed various different levels of passengers' willingness-to-pay", through the use of different FRAT5 values in PODs, so as to manage passengers' sell-up behavior. As a result, there is a need to run simulations at various levels of FRAT5s or input psup, complicating both the experimental and analyzing process. In addition, the absence of an estimate of passenger WTP hinders the applicability of fare adjustment in the airline industry as it would be difficult for the airlines to know which level of FRAT5 or which input psup they should be using to maximize the returns from fare adjustment. Therefore, methods of estimating passenger willingness-to-pay and the probabilities of passenger sell-up based on historical data are also critically important avenues of research. These are airlines' estimates of passengers' willingness-to-pay. It is important to note that the underlying willingness-to-pay of the simulated passengers did not vary. 6 - 95 -