2012 01 24
CP: 12-02
Issued: 2012 01 24
Memo To:
Martha Rogers, Director of Education
Paul Scinocca, Capital Projects Manager
Shelburne Public School (New)
Concept Design Report
Report Classification:
At the September 27, 2011 meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board the following
motions were approved: That,
“the report entitled, ‘Shelburne Public School (New) Building Project Report’,
dated September 13th, 2011, CP:11-08, be received,
a new Shelburne Public School be constructed to accommodate a JK-8
program with a target opening date of September 2013,
the ‘Shelburne Public School (New) Building Project Report’, attached as Appendix
A dated September 13th, 2011, CP11-08, be approved,
the Building Committee required by Policy 309 be replaced by a single meeting of
a User Advisory Committee to provide for consultation with the school and
During the month of October, in advance of the purchase of property for the new school,
the concept design for the new Shelburne Public School was prepared based on schematic
drawings prepared by staff.
At the end of October, work on the project was suspended pending conclusion of the
property negotiations. Agreement in principle for the property acquisition has recently been
obtained in order to allow Board staff to diligently pursue completion of the required rezoning and purchase of the property.
Shelburne Public School (New)
Concept Design
Page 2 - CP:12-02
The project design is significantly behind the already compressed schedule approved by
Trustees in September 2011.
To present the Concept Design Report for the new Shelburne Public School Building
Project as required by Policy 309 for consideration by the Board.
THAT the report entitled “Shelburne Public School (New), Concept Design
Report” dated January 24th, 2012, CP:12-02, be received.
THAT the Concept Design report for the new Shelburne Public School
Building Project, including the Preliminary Budget of $6,903,954.82 as
outlined in Appendix A of CP:12-02, be approved.
THAT the construction model for the new Shelburne Public School
Building Project be Lump Sum Tender.
Staff is bringing this Concept Design Report forward for Trustees consideration
in an attempt to expedite the design work and thereby deliver the completed
school as soon as practical.
In lieu of the single User Advisory Committee approved by Trustees, staff is
suggesting a meeting in Shelburne to present the design to the community and
elicit comments. Comments will be considered by the design team and built into
the plans where possible.
A modified repeat design of the school constructed as Westminister Woods PS
is suggested for this project. The design for the new Shelburne Public School is
developed for 426 pupil places in accordance with the approved building
program accommodating a JK to Grade 8 program.
Attached as Appendix A is the Concept Design Report including the Projected
Expenditure Budget, Architect’s Concept Design Report, Site Plans, Floor Plan,
Elevations and Architect’s Cost Estimate.
Shelburne Public School (New)
Concept Design
Page 3 - CP:12-02
This report shows two site configurations under development. The final
configuration will be developed to best suit the site and will be presented to
Trustees in the final Project Approval Report.
The Preliminary Expenditure Budget is based on the estimate of construction
cost supplied by the Architect (see Appendix A). His estimate is based on
recent tender results for similar schools.
Given the project scope and timing, the lump sum tender construction model is
\\BOFS.STAFF.UGDSB.ED\Home\mweidmark\boundary - shelburne\concept design files\CD-CP-12-02.wpd
Shelburne Public School (New)
Concept Design Report
Capital Projects Report: CP:12-02
January 24th, 2012
Projected Expenditure Budget
Architect’s Concept Design Report
Site Plans
Floor Plan
Architect’s Cost Estimate
New; shelburn"e Rub lie, School
January 2012
Project Budget
Construction/Site Development
Furniture and Equipment
Architect's Estimate
Build. Permit
Site Contingency
Other Consultants
F&E Total
Project Contingency
Concept Design Report
New Shelburne Public School
January 2012
Upper Grand District School Board
New Shelburne Public School
Fiddle Park Lane, Shelburne
Building OTG
426 Pupil Places (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8)
Building Area
Gross Floor Area- 38,751 square feet (3,600 square metres)
Site Area
5.93 Acres (2.4 Hectares)
Site Amenities
26 Parking Spaces (including 1 Accessible) & Bus Drop-Off on School Site
46 metre x 78 metre Soccer Field I Play Area
Hard Surface Play Area
Fully Fenced Kindergarten Play Area
Provision for 3 Future Portables
Provision for Future Classroom Addition
Moffet & Duncan Architects Inc.
Structural Engineer:
Ravens Engineering Inc.
Mechanical & Electrical
DEl & Associates Inc.
Civil Engineer:
W.G. Notenboom Consulting Inc.
Landscape Architect:
Fleisher Ridout Partnership Inc.
Moffet & Duncan Architects Inc.
Concept Design Report
New Shelburne Public School
January 201 2
Upper Grand District School Board
The proposed school site is located in Shelburne's subdivision on the north east edge ofthe Town of
Shelburne. This vacant land is just south of Fiddle Park Lane and west of Park Ave. Fiddle Park Lane
connects with Owen Sound St. a divided boulevard, which is Town's major road.
The west property line of the proposed school site abuts a Recreation Centre owned by Town of
Shelburne which together with the school, will form the heart of a new residential community.
Board staff met with the Town of Shelburne staff to discuss how the school site will relate to'
Recreation Centre Property and how driveways will be shared.
With consideration for the .unique grading at the front of the lot, a strong site design concept has been
developed for the school which minimizes amount of excavation on the school site and creates clear
drop-off and parking areas in front of school building.
Also, the playing field area for the proposed school is located behind the building with strong connection
to the fairgi:qunds apjacent to Centre Dufferin Recreation Complex, providing continuity of the landscape
environment adjacent to res.idential properties abutting the east & south property line of the proposed
school site.
Parking & drop-off areas are proposed at the north & west edge of the site, The drop-off Janes and
concrete slc:]e walks are. on the proposed school site. The future plan for purchasing fairgrot.md site by
School Bo9r:d for parking accommpdation will help to reduce the impact .of traffic on '!;he..school sitEL
Proposed amenities on the school site are as follows:
Kincl!"rgar!.an play: area with access into the School adjacent to the. kindergan:e/l cla.ssrooms
including complete fencing and two sets of doubl.e gates
Large hard suriace.d play area acce.ssible from two stairs located at either end of the school
and frori1 General Purpose Room
The ,drivevv§ly accel:;s pqints pn school property provioe the opportunity t6 develop t;i.fi[e route.
c;Jcro:.ss the hard s.urfac::ed play area if necessary, forfuture portables.
The following are Town of Shelburne general zoning requirements applicable to this site:
Minimum Lqt Area = ·950 square metres (10,222 square feet)
Minimum Lot Frontage = 30 metres {98.4 feet)
Minimurrf Front Yard == 7.5 metres (24.6 feet)
Minimum B<tel"iqr Side Y 13\.d = 7.5 metres (24.6 feet)
Minimwin Interior Sid?Yard = 7.5 m.etres(24.6 feet)
Minimum Rear Yar:d = 7.5m (24.6 feet}
Maximum Lot Coverage of All Buildings = 30%
IVlinimum Setb:ack: froni· Street Centreline =20 metres (65.6 feet)
Minimum L.andsc:ape. Op,en S,cape Reqt;Jirement = 20%
Maximum Buil.ding Height = l.Ometres (32.8 feet)
Parking Required = 1 .5 Space per classroom
Typical Parking Space. Size = 2.75 nietres X5.5 metres
Typical Dis.abled Parking Space Size = 4 ..5 metres X 6.0 metre.s
Number of Dis.abled Parking Spaces Required = 1 per 20- 99 spaces, or 2 per T00-199 spaces
Moffet .& D!-lncari Archit!>bts Inc.
Concept Design Report
New Shelburne Public School
January 2012
Upper Grand District School Board
The proposed floor plans for Shelburne Public School are based upon the most efficient ('L' shaped)
layout for a 426 pupil place school, modified to reflect the unique nature of the site. The proposed two
storey plan includes all elements noted in the Building Programme in a compact design which allows
for expansion in future towards the southwest end of the building. This plan also offers the added
benefits of being easily supervised from one central location on each floor and having a low ratio of
teaching space to total floor area, consequently resulting in lower construction costs.
Relationships between the main elements in the building programme result from disqussions with
Westminster Woods Public School Building Committee members and reflect unique opportunities
afforded this school by the site layout. Main features of the Floor Plans can be itemized as follows:
Windows are provided for all Classroom areas
General Purpose Room is centrally located with resf)ect to the main entrance, administration,
access to exterior play areas and connecting corridors to cl{':lssrooms
Library R.esource Centre is located on the Second Floor at the intersection of connecting
corridors to classrooms, marking the corner .of the building as a Welcoming landmark and
beacon tpthe community visible from Fiddle P{':lrk Lane..
Kindergartens are conveniently located adj o9cerit to the· mF~in drqp.-off area
The main entrance to Shelburne Public. School faces Fiddle Park Lane proViding) a direct accessfro:m the
municipal sidew-.alk into the lobby next to the adminiJ>ttati 0 n /stl'!fearE)as. Tbe administrl"!tibn .area iswE)JI
located to provide supervision of the front entrance C)S well a$ the inaih doors into. the General Purpose
Room. The staff room, accessible from the administration area is located at the intersection of the
ground floor corridor system at the corner of the school, providing passive supervision of the. corridors
and offering VieWs towards Fiddle Park Lane, similar to the library abOve~
The school lobby prqvides direct access to the general qffice; >general p.urp.ose room and the 'Corridors
leading to classr.o.oms along the west and east ends of the school.,
The general purpose r 0om is accessible from both cotripor:s dnthe riiaih floor pf th~s9hl:56l ahd in¢1Lides
a retractable st13ge on.the.north wall {adjacent to the entrance from the, lobby). A curtain loco9!ed on 'the
centr,e line oft he general purpose room allows for flexible programming :olthe spac.e by more tho9n one
group and games lines will provide a range of indoor activities opportunities in ac·cordance, with the
Board'.s $to9nclar:d layouts.
Mpffet & Dunqan Architects Inc.
Concept Design Report
New Shelburne Public School
January 2012
Upper Grand District School Board
The library resource centre is ideally located at the intersection of second floor corridors and will
incorporate extensive windows towards the exterior corner of the space creating pleasant reading and
group activity areas. The space will be well supervised from the librarian's office I work area adjacent
to the library entrance.
The washrooms are perfectly stacked on the ground and second floor centrally located with respect to
classroom areas and a lift Located at the intersection of the corridors provides barrier free access to the
second floor in close proximity to the administration area.
The building design includes a range of resource room spaces distributed throughout the school tq
provide convenient access from classrooms serving different age groups. Likewise, groups of
classrooms are located on corridors providing an opportunity to organise the school according to grade
level with convenient access to corridor coat .areas.
The exterior eleVations illustrate generous window openings as part of the design strategy for this
school and the ferie:stration i~, generally, emphasising the horizontal nature of the school design ~xcept
at the library and staff room ex-terior a:t the no[thwest corner of the school which includes a rnqre
vertical expression with regularly spaced vertical curtain wall mullions. The rendering and the exterior
elevations indi.cate. other important elements such as stairs and .glazing above both the. play area
entrance .and the rnai() \9.riW:ince ·ar~a expres~ecJ With slrghtly larger glazing in an "order" which is
different from :that established fqr Windows on qther building elevations.
The approach to the.selection of exterior materials is based upon the use of time tested materials and
detailing which proVide an appropriate expression for a new school building and are assembled td
maxirnize the use of n&turajlignt While :minimizirig maintenance COStS. A.lso, the consistent two storey
building height eHminat.es. potentiC11 prqblems <:.~ssoc.iated w.ith high wall/low roof intersec.tions.
Materials are primarJI'V1 Vjntage Matt priCk Veneer with light grey honed decorative concrete masonry
unit accent at the b<'::l$6 pf th$ pl_lildi!lg. Qle;:ir pnddised aluminwm windows ar~ sealed tC> maximize
daylight and permit the JJ,se of ;;liding tackbo~td? as blackouts on the interior of the classrooms, A steel
canopy structure will mark the mainentrance. Signage is indicated on the north wall ohhe school,and,
as such, is an Important part of the c6rporate identity of the school and the Board, providing community
identification ofthe f9Qility :and reinforcing the rnairi entranc? to the school.
Moffet & Dungan Arohit~?t:ts Inc.
Concept Design Report
New Shelburne Public School
January 201 2
Upper Grand District School Board
The approach to the selection of interior materials is based upon the use of time tested materials
assembled with simple and durable detailing which will stand the test of time and will be easy to
maintain. Materials are, primarily, painted concrete block, vinyl composition tile and lay"in .acoustical
tile ceilings except at washroom and vestibules which will have porcelain tile floors. Acoustic roof deck
and wall treatment will be provided in the general purpose room and the vinyl composition tile floor will
include games lines in accordance with the Board's standards for new elementary schools. The general
9olour palette has not beE:Jn established, however, natural colours which rE:Jinforce thE> bright i3hd airy
qualities of the school are recommended, becoming a backdrop to the focus of i3Qtivity and life which
are created by .the students and staff of the school.
MPffet & [)un·o:<m An:::hit13cts Inc.
architects inc.
( 41 6) 239-2775
(416) 239-67;
Cash Allowances (General)
General Conditions
Excavation and Backfill
Fencing & Hoarding (temporary)
Permanent Fencing
Concrete (miscellaneous)
Precast Slabs
Miscellaneous Metal
Structural Steel
Insulation and Sealants
Metal Deck and Siding
Roof Hatches
Firestopping I Caulking
Aluminum Panels
Hollow Metal Doors & Frames
Aluminum Windows
Drywall and Acoustic Tile
Resilient and Ceramic Tile
Sport Flooring
Manufactured Specialties
Site Services
$312 ,000.00
$152 ,556.05
$10 ,000.00
$2 ,000.00
$140 ,000.00
$1 ,040 ,000.00
$21 ,500.00
$127 ,000.00
$205 ,000.00
$2 ,500.00
$21 ,000.00
$99 ,000.00
$178 ,000.00
$65 ,000.00
$180 ,000.00
$3,824 ,556.05
Mechanical (includes Controls)
$1 ,330,000.00
$532 ,000.00
Sub-Total (HST excluded)
$1 ,862,000.00
Total (HST excluded)
$5,686 ,556.05
Gross Floor Area
Moffet & Duncan Architects Inc.