Department of Philosophy
University of Colorado
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(0) 719-255-4088
Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 2003 to present.
AP English Teacher, Christian Heritage School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, January 2004 to May 2009.
Adjunct Faculty, Colorado Mountain College—Alpine Campus, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, January 2006 to
August 2007.
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 1993 to July
Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Block 3, October-November,
Part-Time Faculty, Saint Thomas Theological Seminary, Denver, Colorado, September 1994 to June 1995.
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 1990 to July
Instructor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 1988 to July 1990.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Denver, August 1988 to July
Research Assistant, Center for Ethics, Medicine, and Public Issues, Baylor College of Medicine, affiliated with
the Institute of Religion and Rice University, Houston, Texas, January 1983 to July 1988.
Research Associate, Institute of Religion, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas, January 1983 to July 1988.
Research Assistant, Center for Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, September 1980
to December 1982.
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Responsibilities
Include scheduling classes, hiring instructors and lecturers, managing departmental budget, attending
Chairs’ meetings, overseeing assessments, among others. August 2008 to present.
Director, Center for the Arts and Humanities, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Responsibilities include directing the Core Humanities Program, the Music Program, the Theatre
Program, and the Film Studies Program. The Center also functions as a forum for bringing nationally
and internationally recognized speakers and performances to campus. September 1994 to January
Associate Director, Center for Arts and Humanities, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Responsibilities include assisting Director in supervising Core Humanities
courses, in coordinating guest lectures and performances, and in writing grants. January 1994 to
August 1994.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
(Philosophy of Medicine), Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University, 1989.
Dissertation: "Explanation in Clinical Medicine: Analysis and Critique"
Committee: Tom L. Beauchamp (mentor), Edmund D. Pellegrino, and Robert M. Veatch.
(Ethics), Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University, 1982.
Philosophy and Psychology (Double Major), Pre-Medical Track, Georgetown University, 1979.
Ethical Choices in Contemporary Medicine. Co-authored with Raphael Sassower (first author). England:
Acumen, 2007.
Reframing Disease Contextually. Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Science, Technology, and the Art of Medicine: European-American Dialogues. Holland: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1993. Edited with Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes (first editor).
Competency: A Study of Informal Competency Determinations in Primary Care. Holland: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1991. Edited with Earl E. Shelp (second editor).
“Molecular Genetics and the Transformation of Medicine,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 27, No. 3,
Bioinformatics and the Human Genome Project. Co-authored with M. Bloom, et al.. Colorado: Biological
Sciences Curriculum Study, 2003. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Genetics and Major Psychiatric Disorders: A Program for Genetic Counselors. Co-authored with J. McInerney,
et al. Maryland: The National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics, 2002.
Genetics, Genomics, and Genethics. Co-authored with the National Center for Science Literacy, Education, and
Technology. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 2002.
The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology through the Study of Addiction. Co-authored with M. Dougherty, D.
Friedman, J. Dombroski, P. Henderson, N. Landes, L. McNicholas, G. Seelman, E.L. Way, and A.
Westbrook. U.S. National Institutes of Health, BSCS, and Videodiscovery, Inc., 2001. Funding
provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior. Co-authored with M. V. Bloom, R. Davidson, M. J. Dougherty, E.
Drexler, J. Gelernter, L. B. McCullough, J. D. McInerney, J. C. Murray, and J. Zola. Colorado:
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2000. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Cell Biology, Genes, and Cancer. Co-authored with J. Sigstedt and V.L. Venne. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
National Institutes of Health, BSCS, and Videodiscovery, Inc., 1999. Funding provided by the U.S.
National Institutes of Health.
Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases. Co-authored with K. Andrews, C. Pierce, and J. Sigstedt.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Institutes of Health, BSCS, and Videodiscovery, Inc., 1999. Funding
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
provided by U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Human Genetic Variation. Co-authored with E. Drexler, R. Fineman, and J. Sigstedt. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
National Institutes of Health, BSCS, and Videodiscovery, Inc., 1999. Funding provided by the U.S.
National Institutes of Health.
The Puzzle of Inheritance: Genetics and the Methods of Science. Co-authored with E. Drexler, E. Friedman, L.
B. McCullough, J. D. McInerney, J. C. Murray, B. Rossiter, and J. Zola. Colorado: Biological Sciences
Curriculum Study, 1997. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Human Genome Project: Biology, Computers, and Privacy. Co-authored with E. Drexler, K. Gottesman, P.
Goulding, L. McCullough, L. Micikas, J. D. McInerney, R. J. Mural, J. C. Murray, G. P. Vogler, and J.
Zola. Colorado: Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 1996. Funding provided by the U.S.
Department of Energy.
Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy. Co-authored with E. Drexler,
L. B. McCullough, J. D. McInerney, J. C. Murray, B. Rossiter, and J. Zola. Colorado: BSCS and
American Medical Association, 1992. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Translation in Spanish by the University of California (1995).
“Our Genes, Our Choices,” a three-part PBS special, a co-authored project through the Fred Friendly Foundation
and the American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, 2003.
“Strategies for Teaching Ethics in the High-School Biology Curriculum,” Biology Teacher 12 (3), August 2009,
“On Women’s Health Care: In Search of Nature and Norms,” in Mark Cherry (ed.), The Death of Metaphysics,
the Death of Culture: Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Morality. Holland: Springer Academic
Publishers, 2006.
“Expert Moral Choice in Medicine: A Study of Uncertainty and the Importance of Context,” in Lisa Rasmussen
(ed.), Ethics Expertise: History, Contemporary Perspectives, and Applications. Holland: Springer
Academic Publishers, 2005.
“Disease Through the Gendered-Looking Glass,” in P. Crowley (ed.), Disease in the Twenty-First Century. New
York: Pantheon Press, 2004, 125-140.
“Menopause as Disease,” in J. Holly (ed.), Women’s Health and Disease. Massachusetts: Sage Publications,
2004, 45-58.
“Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Related to the Human Genome Project,” Natural Selection, Spring 2003, 1728.
“The Mind’s Eye and the Hand Brain: On Wartofsky’s Philosophy of Medicine,” in Carol C. Gould,
Constructivism and Practice: Toward a Historical Epistemology. Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield,
2003, 243-257.
“Ethics of Managed Care: In Search of Grounding?,” in J. Jones and W. Bondeson (eds.), The Ethics of
Managed Care: Professional Integrity and Patient Rights. Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
“Local Bioethical Discourse: Implications for Understanding Disease,” in J.T.L. Po-wah (ed.), Cross-Cultural
Perspectives on the (Im)Possibility of Global Bioethics. Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002,
pp. 319-334.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
“Roman Catholic Moral Theology and the Allocation of Resources to Critical Care: Boundaries of Faith and
Reason,” in H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. and M. Cherry (eds.), Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Roman
Catholic Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2002, pp. 310-319.
“Introduction,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Vol. 27, No. 3 (2002), 251-256.
“Genetic Prediction: The End of the Gene?,” Theoretical Medicine Vol. 243, No. 3 (2001), 243-258.
“Managing Genetic Testing Information: Legal, Ethical, and Social Challenges,” Law and the Human Genome
Review (Revista de Derecho Genoma Humano), No. 10 (January-June), 1999, 43-59.
"Negotiating Diverse Values in a Pluralist Society: Limiting Access to Genetic Information," in Robert F. Weir
(ed.), Ethical and Legal Implications of Stored Tissue Samples, Iowa: University
of Iowa Press, 1998, pp. 143-159.
"Engelhardt's Analysis of Disease: Implications for a Feminist Clinical Epistemology," in Brendan Minogue,
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, and James E. Reagan (eds.), Reading Engelhardt.
Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 139-148.
"Ambiguities and Irresolvable Tensions in the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990: A Reply to Loretta M.
Kopelman and Anita Silvers," The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 21 (2)
(1996), 225-235.
"Technoscience Metaphors and Contemporary Genetics," Voices, a publication of the Rocky Mountain Center
for Health Care Ethics 1 (2) (Summer 1994), 3-4.
"Medicine: Explanation, Manipulation, and Creativity," in C. Delkeskamp-Hayes and M.A.G. Cutter (eds.),
Science, Technology, and the Art of Medicine: European-American Dialogues. Holland: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1993, pp. 251-258.
"Value Presuppositions in Diagnosis: A Case Study of Cervical Cancer," in Jose Luis Peset et al. (eds.),
The Ethics of Diagnosis. Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, pp. 147-154.
"Introduction," in M.A.G. Cutter and E.E. Shelp (eds.), Competency: A Study of Informal Competency
Determinations in Primary Care. Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp. ix-xix.
"Euthanasia: Reassessing the Boundaries," Journal of NIH Research (May, 1991), pp. 59-61. [Reprinted in
The Hemlock Newsletter (October 1991), 7-9.]
"Negotiating Criteria and Setting Limits: The Case of AIDS," Theoretical Medicine 11 (September 1990), 193200.
"Ethics in the Archival Profession," Society of Colorado Archivists: Occasional Papers 1 (August 1990), 1-5.
"Moral Decision-making in Optometry," Journal of the American Optometric Association 61 (5) (May 1990),
"Bibliography," in G. L. Ormiston and R. Sassower (eds.), Prescriptions: The Dissemination of Medical
Authority. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1990, pp. 177-182.
"Explaining AIDS: A Case Study," in E. T. Juengst and B. Koenig (eds.), The Meaning of AIDS:
Perspectives From the Humanities. New York: Praeger Scientific, 1989, pp. 21-29.
"Moral Pluralism and the Use of Anencephalic Tissues and Organs," The Journal of Medicine and
Philosophy 13 (4) (November 1988), 89-95.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"The Baby Doe Controversy: An Outline of Some Points in Its Development," in R.C. McMillan et al.,
Euthanasia and the Newborn: Conflicts About Saving Lives. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1987,
pp. 293-299. Authored with H.Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. (second author).
"Sexual Ethics: Some Perspectives From the History of Philosophy," in Earl E. Shelp (ed.), Sexuality and
Medicine, Vol. II. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1987, pp. 3-16. (Translated into Japanese in
"Licensing, Certification, and the Restraint of Trade: The Creation of Differences Among the Health Care
Professions," in B.A. Brody and H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. (eds.), Bioethics: Readings and
Cases. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1986, pp. 89-94. Authored with Susan Costello (first author) and H.
Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. (second author).
"June, Bioethics, and the Supreme Court," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 11 (1986), 286-290.
"Moral Pluralism in Abortion," in W.B. Bondeson et al. (eds.), Abortion and the Status of the Fetus. Holland:
D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1983, pp. 325-331.
"The Best is Yet to Come," in W.B. Bondeson et al. (eds.), New Knowledge in the Biomedical Sciences.
Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1982, pp. 193-218.
"The Insensitivity of Developing Benzodiazepine Receptors to Chronic Treatment with Diazepam, GABA, and
Mucimol in Brain Cell Cultures," Brain Research 6 (1982): 471-474. Authored
with Deborah Barnes Shibla (first author) and Joseph H. Neale (third author).
"SB-058: Concerning Limitations on Genetic Testing," authored with Frederic R. Abrams, Lynda M. Fox, Judy
Hutchison, Walt A. Oppenheim, Bernard A. Poskus, and Dean Woodward, and sponsored by Senator
Dottie Wham and Representative Jeanne Faatz. The Bill prohibits the health, group disability, and
long-term care insurance industry from using, keeping, and seeking genetic testing information when
underwriting present and potential clients. The Bill was signed into law by Governor Roy Romer on
June 2, 1994. It is the result of deliberations by the Sub-Committee on Genetics and Insurance (which I
chaired from December 1992 until June 1994) of the Colorado Governor's Commission on Life and the
"Conceptual and Legal Background of Senate Bill 94-058," testimony before the Health, Environment, Welfare,
and Institution Committee of the Colorado State Senate regarding SB-058, "Limitations on Genetic
Testing," February 10, 1994 (taped, transcribed, and in Senate records).
Governor's Commission on Life and the Law, Guidelines for Making Treatment Decisions for Persons in
Long-Term Care Facilities. Colorado: Colorado Department of Health, 1994.
“John Moser, The Nature of The Gene,” in The Biology Teacher, Spring 2004, 3-4.
"Cal Thomas, The Death of Ethics in America," University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Library
Newsletter 6 (Spring 1989), 3-4.
"Thomas and Celia Scully, Playing God: The New World of Medical Choices," New England Journal of
Medicine 319 (7) (August 18, 1988), 450-451.
"Fred Frohock, Special Care: Medical Decisions at the Beginning of Life; Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, Should
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
the Baby Live? The Problem of Handicapped Infants; Jeff Lyons, Playing God in the Nursery; Joseph
E. Magnet and Eike-Henner W. Kluge, Withholding Treatment from Defective
Children," Bioethics 2 (1) (1988), 456-458. Authored with H.Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. (second author).
"Henrik R. Wulff et al., Philosophy of Medicine," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12 (4) (1987), 413-415.
"Angela R. Holder, Legal Issues in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine," Journal of Medicine and
Philosophy 11 (1986), 293-294.
"Bibliography of Bioethics, Vol. 10," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (1985), 360-361.
“Ethical Challenges in Gender-Specific Medicine,” Interview by Jon Wyatt, USA Today, November 15, 2007.
“The Morality of Selling Organs,” Interview by Brian Newsone, Colorado Springs Gazette, October 19, 2007.
“Religion at UCCS,” Interview by Arielle Webb, Scribe, Vol. 31, Issue 23, March 1-7, 2007.
“Death, Philosophy, and Religion,” Interview by Cathy Grossman, USA Today, July 1, 2005.
“Update on the Schiavo Case,” Interview by Susan Davis, KOA-TV, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 5 and
May 30, 2005.
“Cloning,” CNBC, Interview by John Martin, May 13, 2001.
"Medical Ethics," interview by Sylvia and Wayne Jensen, Noon Show, Channel 11 (KKTV), Colorado Springs,
Colorado, June 16, 1994.
"Doctors and Ethics," interview by Sandra Mann, Sunday Evening Show, Channel 11 (KKTV), Colorado
Springs, Colorado, June 9,1994.
"Response," Journal of NIH Research (July 1991), 12, 16.
"News and Notes," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (1981), 341-342.
Gender-Specific Disease: Ethical Implications of Description and Prescription in Social Context, accepted with
revisions, Georgetown University Press, July 2008, December 2009.
“School Safety,” educational project through CU Trauma, Health and Hazards Center, Homeland Security
Center, University of Colorado, June 2008 to present.
Philosophies of Death and Dying, a textbook in development, proposal to be submitted.
“Nosological and Nosographical Possibilities and Constraints in Women’s Health Care,” to be submitted in
December 2009.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
“Ethical Decision-Making in Science, presented to students in Bio/Chem498, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, Colorado March 1, 2010.
“Gender-Specific Disease: Ethical Implications of Description and Prescription in Social Contexts,” presented to
members of the “Our Own Book/Article Club,” Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 4, 2009.
“Academic Freedom,” presented to faculty at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado,
October 13, 2009.
“Health Care Reform: A Study of Competing Values,” presented to teaching faculty at Denver Jewish Hospital,
Denver, Colorado, September 18, 2009.
“Physician-Assisted Suicide/Oregon’s Right to Die Statute,” presented to students in the professional
advancement certificate program in gerontology, April 28, 2009, Senior Center, Colorado Springs,
“Augustine on Free Will,” presented to students in Medieval Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, Colorado, September 1, 2009.
“A Logic of Disease?: The Roles of Taxonomy, Etiology, and Treatment in Ancient Accounts,” presented to
students in “Women in Classical Antiquity,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, November 18,
“Gendering Disease: The Case of AIDS and Menopause,” presented to conference participants,
“Issues in Contemporary Medicine,” Orlando, Florida, November 22, 2007.
“Why Gender Matters in Health Care,” presented to conference participants, “Gender and Medicine,” Phoenix,
Arizona, September 5, 2007.
“Teaching World Literature and Religion in Christian Education: A Suggested Model,” presented to conference
participants, Foundations of Christian Education, Breckenridge, Colorado, October 6, 2006.
“Gender and Medicine: On Structuring Women’s Health Care Education,” presented to conference participants,
“Integrative Medicine,” Phoenix, Arizona, September 5, 2006.
“The Possibility of Peace,” presented to Steamboat Springs Interfaith Group, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, May
4, 2006.
“Ethics in Biotechnology,” presented to graduate students in Biotechnology, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs (televised to all CU campuses), November 28, 2005.
“Predestination, Divine Foreknowledge, and Human Freedom,” presented to students in Philosophy of Religion,
Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, July 19, 2005.
“ The Rise of Women’s Health Care in the U.S.: Promises and Pitfalls,” presented to conference participants,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 5, 2005.
“The Ethics of Genetics,” presented to students in AP Biology, Steamboat Springs High School, Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, April 6, 2005.
“The Schiavo Case: Rethinking How Ethical Decisions Are Made,” presented at Denver Jewish Hospital,
Denver, Colorado, April 5, 2005.
“The End of the Gene: Against Reductionism and Determinism,” presented to participants of New Trends in
Genetics, Big Sky, Montana, March 22, 2005.
“The DaVinci Code: Fact or Fiction?” Colorado Mountain College, December 7, 2004.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
“Bioinformatics: Epistemological and Ethical Challenges Regarding the Nature and Management of Genetic
Information,” presented at University of Northern Arizona, Tempe, Arizona, November 22, 2004.
“Concepts of Health and Disease,” presented at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
September 23, 2004.
“Does Gender Matter in Medicine?” presented at the Women’s Health Initiative, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, April 24, 2004.
“Race, Gender, and Pharmacogenomics,” presented at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
April 28, 2004.
“Gendering Disease: The Need for Nature and Norms,” presented at St. Edward’s College, Austin, Texas,
November 2003.
“Developing a Philosophical Argument,” presented to tutors in The Writing Center, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, October 9, 2003.
“Concepts of Health and Disease,” presented at Creighton University, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 15, 2003.
“Operation Iraqi War: Challenges to Just War Theory,” presented to participants of “Current Themes in War and
Terrorism,” Regis University, Denver, Colorado, March 19, 2003.
“Language, Ambiguities, and Interfaces: Sex, Gender, Race, and Class,” presented to participants of “Issues in
Gender Studies,” University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, February 12, 2003.
“Science in the Service of Gender Identity,” presented to participants of “Contemporary Issues in Bioethics,”
Creighton University, Lincoln, Nebraska, November 12, 2002.
“Writing Philosophy,” presented to tutors in writing class (with R. Sassower), November 6, 2002.
“Judging History: A Suggested Methodology,” delivered to students in HIST 600, “Historiography,” University
of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 15, 2002.
“Does Gender Matter in Medicine?” delivered to participants of “Race, Class, and Gender in Medicine,”
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 12, 2002.
“Euthanasia,” presented to students in Health Sciences 454, “Death and Dying,” University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, March 11, 2002
“Gendering Disease,” presented to students in WMST 101, “Introduction to Women’s Studies,” University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, March 4, 2002.
“Genetic Prediction: The End of the Gene?” presented to participants of “The Genetic Revolution,” HampdenSydney College, Virginia, February 8, 2002.
“The Context and Consequences of Disease,” presented to participants of “Philosophy of Medicine,” University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 31, 2002.
“Disease in an Era of Genetic Medicine,” presented to participants of “Medicine in the New Millennium,”
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., August 18, 2001.
"Managing Health Care: A Postmodern Predicament," presented to participants in “Managed Care: Rethinking
Patient Freedom, Quality of Care, and Professional Integrity,” Kansas City, Missouri, May 4-6, 2001.
“The Belmont Report, Federal Guidelines, and Human Subject Research,” presented to participants in
“Advanced Legal Training,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April 16, 2001.
“The Challenges of Genethics,” presented to students in Health Sciences 454, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, March 6, 2001.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
“Gendered Medicine: The Possibility of Women’s Health Care,” presented to students and faculty, Regis
University, Denver, Colorado, March 10, 2001.
“The Molecular Turn in Medicine: Implications for Disease,” presented to participants of “Genomic Medicine:
Ethical, Legal, and Public Policy Considerations,” George Washington University, Washington, D.C.,
February 3, 2001.
“Choosing Death: Political and Philosophical Challenges,” presented to students in ID 101, “Life and Death,”
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 30, 2000.
“Bioethics in the New Millennium: European-American Dialogues,” presented to participants of the 2000 World
Health Care Association, Budapest, Hungary, June 21-26, 2000.
“Introduction to Bioethics,” presented to students in biology, Steamboat Springs High School, Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, March 24 and 27, 2000.
“Interpretation and Judgment: Lessons from Philosophy and Applications to History,” presented to graduate
students in HIST 599, “Seminar,” October 14, 1999.
“Life and Death: Choices and Implications,” presented to students in ID 101, “Life and Death,” University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 7, 1999.
“Modes of Explanation: Societal and Communal Perspectives,” presented to participants of “Individual,
Communities, and Society: Bioethics in the Third Millennium,” Kowloon, Hong Kong, May 21, 1999.
“Roman Catholic Moral Theology and the Allocation of Resources to Critical Care: Boundaries of Faith and
Reason,” presented to participants of “Limiting Access to Medical Treatment,” Kildaire, Ireland, May
15, 1999.
"Dying in the 90s: Public Policy Considerations," presented to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental
Psychology," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 7, 1998.
"What Do Scientists Do? What Ought They To Do?" presented to students in BIO, Colorado Mountain College,
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 9, 1998.
"Ethical Issues in Managing Health Care," delivered to graduate students in PAD 600, "Health Policy,"
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, November 25, 1997.
"Advance Directives and Wishing to Die: A Slippery Slope?" delivered to graduate students in Gerontology
Certificate Program, University of Colorado, Eagleview Middle School, Colorado Springs, November
11, 1997.
"Interpreting and Judging the Past: In Search of Grounding," presented to graduate students in HIST 600,
"Historiography Methods," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 14, 1997.
"The Case of Susan Jansen: What Do You Think and Why?" presented to students in ID 101, Freshman Seminar,
"Life and Death," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 3, 1997.
"Dying, Medicine, and the Law," presented to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental Psychology," University
of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 8, 1997.
"Genetic Prediction: The End of the Gene?" presented to students in PHIL 338, "Philosophy of
Science," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 6, 1997.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide: Courts and Legislatures Speak," presented to participants of Curiosity Unlimited,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, March 14, 1997.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"Gendered Medicine: So What's Her Problem?" an invited lecture in honor of Women's History Month,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, March 13, 1997.
"Physician-Assisted Suicide: What Do The Courts Have to Say?" delivered to graduate students in Gerontology
Certificate Program, University of Colorado, Eagleview Middle School, Colorado
Springs, November 12, 1996.
"Managing Genetic Information: The Ethics of Prediction," presented to participants of the 31st Research
Seminar of the American Diabetes Association, Estes Park, Colorado, September 28, 1996.
"What Ought We To Do?" presented to students in Freshman Seminar, ID 101, "Life and Death," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 6, 1996.
"Genetic Privacy: Fiction or Fact?" delivered to participants of the Obermann Seminar, University of Iowa, Iowa
City, Iowa, June 17, 1996.
"End-of-Life Decisionmaking: Overview and Reflections," presented to students in PSYCH 468,
"Developmental Psychology,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 2, 1996.
"Ethics of Health Care Reform," presented to graduate students in "Health Care Policy," Beth-El College of
Nursing, Colorado Springs, March 21, 1996.
"Introduction to Health Care Ethics," presented to graduate students in "Health Care Policy," Beth-El College of
Nursing, Colorado Springs, March 7, 1996.
"Humanizing Science and Grounding Humanities," presented to students in GEC 134, "Science and
Humanities," Texas Lutheran College, Seguin, Texas, February 14, 1996.
"Ethical Implications of Genetic Testing," presented to participants of the 16th Annual Krost Symposium, Texas
Lutheran College, Seguin, Texas, February 13, 1996.
"Informed Consent: History, Ethics, and Research," presented to participants of Jane Engelberg Memorial
Foundation Grantsmanship Seminar, Colorado Springs, February 9-10, 1996.
"Testing Teenagers for Late-Onset Diseases: Ethical and Policy Considerations," presented to participants of
field-test orientation for The Puzzle (see publications), Biological Sciences Curriculum Study,
Colorado Springs, December 8, 1995.
"Toward a Feminist Clinical Epistemology: Women's Health and Disease in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century
America," delivered to students in HIST 300, "Bonds of Womanhood, 1607-1877," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, November 21, 1995.
"Advancing Directives in Colorado: Overview and New Challenges," delivered to graduate students in
Gerontology Certificate Program, University of Colorado, Eagleview Middle School, Colorado Springs,
November 14, 1995.
"The Bioethics Project: Initial Trial of Integrated Distance Learning Techniques in the Classroom," with Lance
E. Urven, Howard L. Ross, and Carl A. Raschke, presented at the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Core Curriculum (AAACC), Birmingham, Alabama, November
10, 1995. Project addresses use of real-time, point-to-point, telecommunication capacities in academic
"How to Write Philosophy Papers," delivered to tutors in the Writing Center, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, October 27, 1995.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"Managing Life and Death: Contemporary Ethical Considerations," delivered to guests of the Summit Series,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 24, 1995.
"Engelhardt's Analysis of Disease: Implications for a Feminist Clinical Epistemology," presented to participants
of "Ethics, Medicine, and Health: An Appraisal of the Thought of H.
Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.," Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, September 30, 1995.
"Workshop on Ethical Analysis," presented to students in Freshman Seminar, "Life and Death," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 8, 1995.
"The Biological Basis of Sexuality and Gender," delivered to students in Biological Sciences course, "Special
Topics: Bioethics," University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, June 26, 1995.
Lecture was delivered using AT&T's Vistium.
"Research Involving Non-Human Animals," delivered to students in Biological Sciences course, "Special Topics:
Bioethics," University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, June 23, 1995. Lecture was delivered
using AT&T's Vistium.
"Informed Consent: Philosophical Basis and Clinical Implications," delivered to students in Biological Sciences
course, "Special Topics: Bioethics," University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, June 21,
1995. Lecture was delivered using AT&T's Vistium.
"Contemporary Themes in Health Care Ethics," delivered to graduate students in "Health Care Policy," Beth-El
College of Nursing, Colorado Springs, June 9, 1995.
"Cases Involving Dementia: An Ethical Analysis," delivered to participants of the monthly Alzheimer's
Association meeting, Penrose Hospital, Colorado Springs, April 22, 1995.
"The Ethics of Health Care Reform," delivered to graduate students in "Health Care Policy," Beth-El College of
Nursing, Colorado Springs, April 15, 1995.
"Limiting Genetic Testing Information: The Colorado Experience," delivered to participants of the Association
for the Advancement of Science, Atlanta, Georgia, February 18, 1995.
"Medical Futility and End-Of-Life Issues," delivered to students in Gerontology Certificate Program, University
of Colorado, Eagleview Middle School, Colorado Springs, December 7, 1994.
"Protecting Client Confidentiality: Historical and Ethical Considerations," delivered to health care professionals,
"Protecting Clients' Confidentiality: A Professionals' Conference," Fifth Annual Senior Care
Conference, Colorado Springs Marriott, Colorado Springs, September 23, 1994.
"Whose Wishes Should Be Followed Anyway?: Some Ethical Issues Regarding Advance Medical Directives,"
delivered to participants of "Practical Interpretations of Advance Directives," organized by the Council
of Nursing Inservice Coordinators of Colorado Springs, The Hilton Inn,
Colorado Springs, September 13, 1994.
"Technoscience Metaphors and Contemporary Genetics," delivered to guests of the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
as part of a lecture series, "Genetic Ethics: The Challenge of the Nineties," Denver, Colorado,
September 12, 1994.
"The Ethics of Healthcare Reform," delivered to members of the Case Management Coordinating Organization,
First Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, July 26, 1994.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"DOE Curriculum on Ethical and Social Implications of Genome Project--Development and Implementation,"
delivered to high-school teachers and invited guests, a day-long conference,
"Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Genetic Research," Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, Denver,
Colorado, July 21, 1994. Funded by the Colorado Endowment for the Humanities.
"Current Health Care Proposals: Perspectives from the Federal and State Levels," delivered to graduate students
in "Health Care Policy," Beth-El College of Nursing, Colorado Springs,
June 8, 1994.
"The History of Health Care Politics: The Past 100 Years," delivered to graduate students in "Health Care
Policy," Beth-El College of Nursing, Colorado Springs, June 6, 1994.
"Making Health Care Decisions and Advanced Directives," delivered to students in PSYCH 468,
"Developmental Psychology," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 17, 1994.
"Writing Philosophy Papers: So What Makes Writing a Challenge?" delivered to students in ENG 390, "Peer
Tutoring Writing Across the Disciplines," University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, March 17, 1994.
"Technological Metaphors: Philosophical Perceptions--The Case of Contemporary Genetics," Society for the
Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Antler's Hotel, Colorado Springs,
March 11, 1994.
"Health Care: A Changing American Institution--Panel Discussion," a public lecture, Colorado Springs Senior
Center, Colorado Springs, March 9, 1994.
"Health Care: A Changing American Institution--Where Do We Go From Here?" a public lecture, Colorado
Springs Senior Center, Colorado Springs, February 23, 1994.
"Health Care: A Changing American Institution--Government Involvement in the Provision of Health Care," a
public lecture, Colorado Springs Senior Center, Colorado Springs, February 16, 1994.
"Ethics in the Sweep of History," delivered to students in ACCT 451, "Accounting Ethics," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, January 18, 1994.
"Ethical Issues in an Era of Aging Populations," delivered to students in the Professional Advancement
Certificate in Gerontology, University of Colorado, Coronado High School, Colorado Springs,
December 15, 1993.
"Dying Well," delivered to students PSYCH 468, "Developmental Psychology," University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, December 9, 1993.
"Reforming Health Care: Foundations, Benefits, and Costs," delivered to the League of Women Voters, Parker,
Colorado, December 3, 1993.
"The Human Genome Project: Science, Medicine and Ethics," delivered to participants of the National Science
Teacher Association, Denver Radisson Hotel, Denver, Colorado, October
28, 1993.
"Good Death," delivered to students in ID 101, "Health and Disease," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
October 27, 1993.
"Health and Disease in the 90s: Fever, Fluxes, Figments of Imagination, and AIDS," invited lecture for Frontier's
Series, a lecture symposium featuring work of the faculty, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
October 21, 1993.
"So Whose Client is She Anyway? The Ethics of the Travel Industry," delivered to members of the Institute of
Certified Travel Agents, Colorado Springs, September 22, 1993.
"Genetics, Ethics, and Public Policy," delivered to students in ID 101, "Back to the Future," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 10, 1993.
"A Proposed Genetic Information Statute," delivered to the Board of Health, Colorado Department of Health,
Denver, Colorado, August 18, 1993.
"Introduction to Bioethics," Keynote Address, delivered to high-school teachers, Woodrow Wilson Summer
Institute, Buena Vista, Colorado, August 9, 1993.
"Ethics and Genetics," delivered to high-school science students and teachers, 16th Annual Genetics
Symposium, sponsored by the March of Dimes, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, May 20, 1993.
"Choosing a Good Death," delivered to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental Psychology," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 6, 1993.
"Advance Directives: Living Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care, and Non-Hospital DNR
Orders," delivered to students in BIO 204, "Biomedical Aspects of Aging," University
of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April 29, 1993.
"Introduction to Medical Ethics," delivered to members of the Briargate Sertoma Club, Colorado Springs, April
28, 1993.
"Advance Directives: Public Policy Developments in Colorado," delivered to students in GRNT 400,
"Introduction to Gerontology," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April
26, 1993.
"Health Care Reform: Clinton, Coloradans, and Concerns," delivered to graduate students in "Health Care Policy
and Ethics," Beth-El College of Nursing, Colorado Springs, April 12, 1993.
"Colorado Health Care Reform: Present Considerations and Future Worries," delivered to participants in
"Managed Health Care," the Fourth Colloquium in Science, Technology, and Society, University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, March 4, 1993.
"Ethics and the Business Profession," delivered to students in ACCT 451, "Accounting Ethics and Institutions,"
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, January 19, 1993.
"Issues at the End of Life," delivered to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental Psychology," University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, December 10, 1992.
"Medicide: History and Controversies," delivered to students in SOCIO 467, "Sociology of Death and Dying,"
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, December 3, 1992.
"Rationing Health Care: A Postmodern Predicament," delivered to participants in "Rationing Health Care," the
Fourth Medical Ethics Symposium sponsored by the Colorado Springs Osteopathic
Foundation, the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, November 12, 1992.
"Reproductive and Cosmetic Technologies: Refashioning Ourselves--For What?" delivered to students in WMST
100, "Introduction to Women Studies," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, November 3, 1992.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"Mapping Sequencing the Human Genome: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy--The BSCS Curriculum
Explained," delivered to high-school teachers and friends of the Institute, Eleanor Roosevelt Institute,
Denver, October 21, 1992.
"Ethics and Genetics," delivered to high-school science students and teachers, 15th Annual Genetics
Symposium, sponsored by the March of Dimes, Colorado Springs, May 12, 1992.
"Recent Developments in Advance Directive Legislation," delivered to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental
Psychology," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, May 12, 1992.
"Who Cares? The Allocation of Public Health Care Resources," delivered to participants of the Western Social
Science Association Annual Meeting, Radisson Hotel, Denver, April 25, 1992.
"The Right to Die: An Interdisciplinary Discussion," delivered to lawyers and judges at "The Right to Die," a
conference sponsored by Continuing Legal Education (CLE) International, Hyatt Regency Hotel,
Denver, April 21, 1992.
"Introduction to Biomedical Ethics," an open lecture sponsored by the Biology Faculty Symposium, University
of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April 13, 1992.
"Ethical and Public Policy Implications of the Human Genome Project," delivered to students in SOCIO 412,
"The Body, Culture, and Power," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April 8, 1992.
"Humans, Air, and Mountains: Contemporary Issues in Environmental Ethics," an open lecture, All Souls'
Unitarian Church, Colorado Springs, March 8, 1992.
"Ethics in Engineering," delivered to undergraduate engineer students, Colorado School of Mines, Golden,
March 3, 1992.
"Ethical and Public Policy Implications of the Human Genome Project: Challenges in Teaching," Eleanor
Roosevelt Institute, Denver, February 24, 1992.
"The Right to Die: Contemporary Philosophical and Public Policy Issues," delivered to Curiosity Unlimited,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, February 14, 1992.
"Dying a `Good' Death: Contemporary Issues," delivered to students in PSYCH 468, "Developmental
Psychology," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, December 12, 1991.
"Ethics, Self-Deliverance, and Suicide," delivered to the Colorado Springs Hemlock Society, All Souls' Unitarian
Church, Colorado Springs, October 18, 1991.
"Issues in Death and Dying," delivered to the Gerontology Club, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
October 17, 1991.
"Bioethics and Ecological Politics," delivered to participants of the 1991 Mont Pelerin Society Regional
Meeting, "The Greening of Political Economy: Classical Liberal Perspectives," Bozeman,
Montana, August 24, 1991.
"Commentary on Reproductive Ethics," delivered at the North American Society for Social Philosophy,
Colorado College, Colorado Springs, August 8, 1991.
"Defining Death: Philosophical Quandaries," delivered to health care professionals, Swedish Medical Center,
Englewood, Colorado, December 7, 1990.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
"Moral Pluralism and Tolerance: Contemporary Reflections," delivered to the Alumni Association, Texas
Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, November 20, 1990.
"Euthanasia: Choosing the Good Death," delivered to the public, the Summit Series, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, October 24, 1990.
"The Role of Ethics Committees in the Health Care Setting," delivered to health care professionals, Porter
Memorial Hospital, Denver, Colorado, August 6, 1990.
"Recent Developments in Colorado Law: The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care," delivered to ethics
committee members, Rose Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, June 8, 1990.
"Euthanasia: Reassessing the Boundaries," delivered to students and health care professionals, University of
Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, March 9, 1990.
"Personhood: Sanctity of Life Versus Quality of Life Determinations," delivered to members of the Colorado
Medical Society, "Ethics and the Economy: Defining a Balance in Making Health Care Decisions,"
Denver, Colorado, December 13, 1989.
"Ethics Committees: Past, Present, and Future Considerations," delivered to health care professionals, Rose
Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, November 10, 1989.
"Euthanasia: Public Policy and Philosophical Considerations," delivered to graduate students, School of Public
Affairs, University of Colorado, Denver, November 2, 1989.
"Personhood: Sanctity of Life Versus Quality of Life," delivered to health care professionals, Grand Rounds,
Rose Medical Center, Denver, October 10, 1989.
"Contemporary Issues in Medical Ethics," delivered to the Women's Brown Bag Group, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, October 3, 1989.
"Ethical Dimensions of Freezing Embryos," delivered to the Rose Medical Center Ethics Committee, Denver,
April 14, 1989.
"Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction," delivered to the Philosophy Club, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, November 16, 1988.
"Ethics, Archives, and Acquisitions," delivered to the Colorado Historical Society, Annual Meeting, Regis
College, Denver, October 21, 1988.
"Obstetrical Care: Who's in Charge?" delivered to midwives and students of midwifery, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, Texas, February 11, 1988.
"Access to Health Care," delivered to physician assistants, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas,
September 16, 1987.
"The Role of the Humanities in Health Care Education," delivered to students and faculty of Texas Women's
University, Houston, Texas, March 9, 1987.
"AIDS and Concepts of Clinical Explanation," delivered at the Society for Health and Human Values
conference, "AIDS and the Humanities," held at the University of California Medical
School, San Francisco, California, April 11, 1986.
"Informed Consent and Its Role in Medical Decision-making," delivered to first year medical students,
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida, February 13, 1986.
"Moral Decision-making in Medicine: An Introduction," delivered to first year medical students, University of
Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida, February 13, 1986.
"AIDS: An Emerging Ethical Dilemma," delivered to residents and physicians, University of Miami Medical
School, Miami, Florida, February 12, 1986.
"Introduction to Biomedical Ethics," delivered to graduate anesthesiology students, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas, July 18 and 22, 1985.
"The Role of Informed Consent in the Clinical Setting," delivered to graduate health students, University of
Houston, Houston, Texas, June 27, 1985.
"Physicians, Nurses, and Patients: Understanding the Triad," delivered to graduate anesthesiology students,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, July 28, 1984.
Panel Member, “Tenure Workshop,” University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 24, 2008.
“On Liberty,” Foundation for American Christian Education,” Dillon, Colorado, July 11-15, 2004.
Advisory Board, “Bioinformatics and the Human Genome Project,” Biological Sciences Curriculum Study,
Colorado Springs, May 15-16, 2002; March 2-3, 2001.
“Inner Liberty: Classical, Jewish, Christian, and Modern Perspectives,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, November 8-10, 2001
“Francisco di Vitoria and the Foundation of Human Rights,” sponsored by the Liberty Fund, Houston, Texas,
August 23-26, 2001.
“Milton on Freedom and Responsibility,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, October 19-21,
“Liberty and Responsibility in Blaise Pascal,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Pasadena, California, November 5-7,
“Barth on Grace, Freedom, and Life in Community,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Pasadena, California, May 6-9,
"Liberty and Responsibility in Plato, Machiavelli, and Berlin," sponsored by the Liberty Fund, Pasadena,
California, March 26-28, 1998.
"Liberty and Responsibility in the Works of S. Kierkegaard," sponsored by the Liberty Fund, Pasadena,
California, October 30-November 2, 1997
"Responsibility, Freedom, and Fellowship in Francois Suarez," sponsored by the Liberty Fund, Houston, Texas,
June 5-7, 1997.
Advisory Board, "Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior," Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, Colorado
Springs, March 7-8, 1997.
Advisory Board, "Nontraditional Inheritance: Genetics and the Nature of Science," Biological Sciences
Curriculum Study, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 12-13, 1996.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Discussant, "The Changer and the Changed: The Women's Health Movement, Organized Medicine, and Health
Policy in the United States," a lecture by Sandra Morgan, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
April 11, 1996.
Advisory Board, "Genetic Information in the Employment Context: New Horizons and Challenges," DOE-ELSI
Grant submitted by Popham, Haik Schnobich, and Kaufman
LTD, and the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, Summer 1995.
"Community, State, and Society," sponsored by the Liberty Fund, Houston, Texas, July 20-23, 1995.
Advisory Board, "Nontraditional Inheritance: Genetics and the Nature of Science--Development of an
Instructional Module for High-School Biology," sponsored by the Biological Science Curriculum Study
(BSCS) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 17 and 18,
Provider Team, "Bioethics Consortium: Initial Planning Meeting," American Association for the Advancement
of Core Curriculum, August 31 and September 2, 1994.
Moderator, "Feminism in Family Therapy," a lecture by Professor Leigh Leslie, The Women's Studies Lecture
Series: Feminism in the Public and Private Spheres, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, March 11, 1993.
Advisory Board, "Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy-Development of an Instructional Module for High-School Biology," sponsored by
Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Colorado,
March 1991 to August 1992.
Moderator, Session I, Sixteenth Annual International Conference of Merleau-Ponty Circle, University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs, September 18, 1991.
Chair, Session on "Reproductive Rights," North American Society for Social Philosophy, Colorado College,
Colorado Springs, August 9-11, 1991.
Chair, "The Role of the Humanities in Graduate Medical Education," Society for Health and Human Values
Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 6, 1987.
Founder and Organizer, “Our (Own) Book/Article Club,” monthly meeting of faculty who discuss their own
work, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, August 2008 to present.
Co-organizer (with Colorado Springs Hemlock Society), "Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Netherlands
Experience," University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 18, 1997.
Co-organizer (with Professor Dorothea Olkowski), "Managed Health Care," the Fourth University of Colorado
Colloquium in Science, Technology, and Society, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, Spring 1993. Sponsored by the Center for Women's Studies and the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
Session Coordinator, "Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences," Philosophy Section, Western Social Science
Association, Denver, Colorado, April 24-25, 1992.
Director, "Society, Parents, and Children: The Web of Responsibility in Child Care," Second University of
Colorado Colloquium in Science, Technology, and Society, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
November 7, 1991.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Session Coordinator, "Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences," Philosophy Section, Western Social Science
Association, April 26-17, 1991, Reno, Nevada.
AP Coordinator, Christian Heritage School, developed and received authorization for 8 AP courses to be taught,
June 2007 to present.
Invited Faculty Member, Knowledge International, Amherst, Massachusetts, July 2001 to present.
College Counselor, Christian Heritage School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Fall 2005 to present.
Certified Teacher, approved to teach AP Language and AP Literature courses, AP Central, College Board,
June 2007 to present.
Mentor, District 11 Side-Kicks Program for Gifted and Talent, Colorado Springs, Colorado Spring 2009.
Certified Scorer, SAT Essays, College Board, Pearson Educational Services, Iowa City, Iowa, May 2005 to
August 2009.
Interviewer, Georgetown University, Undergraduate Admissions, August 1998 to August 2009.
Daniel’s Leadership Colloquium, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, September 2007 to March 2009.
Certified Scorer, General Education Development Degree (GED), National Scoring Service, Inc., Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, August 1999 to August 2005.
Coach, Writers’ Workshop, Steamboat Springs Middle School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 2001 to
May 2001.
Coordinator, Destination Imagination, Soda Creek Elementary School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, October
2000 to present. (placed 1st in Regional Competition, Grand Junction, April 2001, and 7 th in State
Competition, May 2001)
Coordinator, with Steve Bender, “End of Life Issues,” Gerontology Certificate Program, Fall 2000.
Coach, Odyssey of the Mind, Soda Creek Elementary School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, November 1998 to
May 2000. (placed 3rd in Regional Competition in Grand Junction, April 2000)
Reading Enrichment Volunteer, Accelerated Reading Program, Soda Creek Elementary School, Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, October 1998 to May 1999.
Faculty, 1998 Schweitzer Regional Conference on Medical Ethics, Budapest, Hungary, June 15-19, 1998.
Invited Fellow, Center for Ethics and Community, University of Colorado, Denver, September 1996 to May
Participant, Training Program for Bereavement Counselors, Benet Hill Monastery, Colorado Springs, March 8
through 11, 1995.
Invited Member, Collaborative Working Group, "Ethical Issues Regarding Genetic Diagnosis and Treatment,"
organized by Chancellor Vincent Fulginiti, University of Colorado
Health Sciences Center, Denver, February 24, 1995.
Teacher, Orientation Session for fifteen high-school teachers from across the United States, introducing The
Human Genome Project: Information Management, Access, and Regulation (see description under
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
publications), Antler's Doubletree Hotel, Colorado Springs, December 3-4, 1993.
Invited Guest, "Medical Ethics and Meditation," training session sponsored by Memorial Hospital and given by
members of the Center for Medical Ethics and Meditation (San Diego, California), El Pomar
Foundation, Colorado Springs, May 21, 1993.
Member, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), September 1992 to present. Through the
coordinated efforts of Professor Sara Honns Qualls of the Department of Psychology,
UCCS is now a recognized member of the AGHE.
Invited Board Member, “Early Intervention Trauma Recovery Website,” Trauma, Health and Hazards Center,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, April 24, 2007 to present.
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Christian Heritage School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, December 2002
to 2005.
Elected Member, Board of Directors, Colorado Foundation for Medical Care (a non-profit, private Colorado
corporation performing Medicare, Medicaid, and private health care quality utilization and
improvement activities as well as medical peer review), Denver, October 1994 to 2001.
Invited Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Holy Name Catholic Church, Steamboat Springs, Colorado,
September 2002 to 2003.
Member, Medical Humanities Interest Group, University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, April 1993
to 2000.
Invited Judge, El Paso County Medical Society Ethics Committee Medical Ethics Contest for High-School
Students, March 1998; April 1997; February 1996; and April 1995.
Invited Member, Institutional Review Board (IRB), Beth-El College of Nursing, Colorado Springs, Colorado,
November 1995 to 1997.
Invited Member, Ethics Advisory Board, Mile High Transplant Bank, Denver, March 1993 to 1996.
Invited Member, Bioethics Committee, The Penrose/St. Francis Healthcare System, Colorado Springs, January
1992 to 1995.
Invited Member, El Paso County Medical Society Ethics Committee, July 1990 to January 1994.
Invited Member, (Colorado) High School Biomedical Ethics Consortium, November 1991 to January 1994.
Invited Member, Women's Educational Committee, Advisors to National Organization of Women (NOW)
(Colorado Springs Chapter), October 1991 to May 1992.
Invited Member, Advisory Committee, "Humanistic Perspectives on Science," coordinated by Professor Robert
Larkin (UCCS), and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer
Invited Member, and philosopher-historian, Rose Medical Center Ethics Committee, Denver, February 1989 to
December 1991.
Liaison, Baylor College of Medicine, Clinical Rounds, Departments of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
and Psychiatry, 1983 to 1988.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Appointed Member, (Colorado) Governor's Commission on Life and the Law (created by Governor Roy Romer,
Executive Order B 064 90), December 1990 to September 1996. The Commission has advised the
Governor of Colorado on legislation regarding (1) medical durable powers of attorney for health care,
proxy decisionmakers, and non-hospital do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders (the Colorado "Patient
Autonomy Act," which was passed in May 1992); (2) mandatory AIDS testing for Colorado health care
practitioners; and (3) the privacy of genetic information. Other issues receiving the Commission's
attention include guardianship, privacy of medical computerized information, physician-assisted
suicide, and managed health care.
Member, Sub-Committee on Education, June 1994 to September 1996.
Chair, Sub-Committee on Genetics and Insurance, December 1992 to June 1994.
Member, Sub-Committee on Health Care Reform, December 1991 to 1992.
Member, Sub-Committee on Definitions, January to November 1991.
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, October 1997 to present.
Editorial Board Member, Annals of Bioethics, Routledge, October 2004 to present.
Editorial Reviewer, Norton and Co., February 2010.
Editorial Reviewer, Pearson Educational Group, February 2010.
Editorial Reviewer, Bloomsbury Academics, January 2010.
Editorial Reviewer, British Medical Journal, April 2009.
Editorial Reviewer, Philosophy and Medicine Series, Springer/Kluwer, October 2007; May 2007, May 2004,
May 2003, February 1998, August 1996, February 1995.
Editorial Reviewer, Wadsworth Publishing Co., May 2007; April 2005, February 2004, February 2002, February
2001, August 1994, February 1994.
Editorial Reviewer, Blackwell Press, February 16, 2005.
Editorial Reviewer, Oxford University Press, March 2004, November 2002, December 2000; November 1995.
Editorial Reviewer, Pharmacogenomics: Applications to Patient Care, American College of Clinical Pharmacy,
September 2002, October 2003, February 2004.
Editorial Work, MIT Press, May 2003.
Editorial Reviewer, The Journal of Health and Social Behavior, April 2002.
Editorial Reviewer, Handbook of Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine, Kluwer Academic Publishers, June
1998 to June 2001.
Member, Editorial Board, “Limiting Access to Medical Treatment in an Age of Medical Progress: Developing a
Christian Consensus,” October 1998 to 2001.
Editorial Reviewer, Second Opinion, September 2000.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, October 1988 to October 1997.
Editorial Reviewer, Biological Science Curriculum Study, November 1997; February 1995.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Editorial Reviewer, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., January 1996; November 1994; July 1994 and February 1993.
Editorial Reviewer, Bioscience, October 1995.
Editorial Reviewer, Mayfield Publishers, August 1995.
Editorial Assistant, Guidelines for Making Treatment Decisions for Persons in Long-Term Case Facilities, a
publication of the Governor's Commission on Life and the Law, Summer 1994.
Editorial Reviewer, Prentice-Hall Publishing Co., February 1993,November, 1992, August 1992, January 1992,
and April 1991.
Managing Editor, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Baylor College of Medicine, October 1983 to June 1988
Referee, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, June 1981 to June 1988.
“The Gender of Disease,” NIH sponsored travel funds ($2,000), awarded February 2004, for April 2004.
“Nature and Methods of Science,” Howard Hughes Medical Institute ($2,000), denied May 2004.
University of Colorado, Recipient (with Lorraine Arangno and Perrin Cunningham) of $372, Excellence in
Teaching, Research, and Service Grant, November 1997.
University of Iowa, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, Recipient of $2,500 for participation in Obermann
Center's Faculty Research Seminar on "Ethical and Legal Implications of Stored Tissue
Samples," June 10-21, 1996. Grant submitted in January 1996 and awarded in February 1996.
University of Colorado, Chancellor's Office, Recipient of $1,500 for Fourth Annual Holocaust Memorial Lecture,
October 3, 1995.
University of Colorado, President's Fund for the Humanities, Recipient of $3,850 for project entitled, "MultiCultural Perspectives on Journey," submitted in November 1994, awarded in December 1994 for January
1995 through May 1995.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Recipient of $557.80 award for travel to and
lodging during the February 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1994.
University of Colorado, President's Fund for the Humanities, Recipient of $1,500 for project entitled, "Ghandi and
Native American Views in the Scale of History," May to October 1994. (Co-authored with Raphael
Sassower, first author).
University of Colorado, Committee for Research and Creative Works (CRCW), Recipient of $300 award for grant
writing assistance for project entitled, "Reassessment of the Concept of Genetic Disease," July 1992.
University of Colorado, UCCS Center for Arts and Humanities, Recipient of $1,000 (which goes to student) for
Collaborative Research Project between Faculty and Student, Summer 1992.
University of Colorado, President's Fund for the Humanities, Recipient of $3,000 for project entitled, "Society,
Parents, and Children: The Web of Responsibility in Child Care," December 1990 to 1991.
University of Colorado, Committee for Research and Creative Works (CRCW) Grant, Recipient of $2,500 award
for project entitled "Explanation in Clinical Medicine," Summer 1991.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
University of Colorado, Office of Faculty and Staff Development, Recipient of $100 for participation in Faculty
Discussion Seminar, "Ethics and Science," January to March 1991.
Texas Committee for the Humanities, Project Coordinator for $15,923 grant, "When Are
Competent Patients Incompetent?," November 1983 to 1984.
Invited Member, Excellence in Leadership Program, August 2009 to present. Involves monthly meetings with CU
administrators, faculty, and staff.
Dedicatee, Christian Heritage School Yearbook, May 2008.
Recipient, Bank One Colorado Corporation 1997-98 Faculty Community Service Award (in the amount of $2,500),
University of Colorado (System-Wide), June 1997.
Fellowship, Georgetown University Graduate School, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, September 1980 to December
University of Colorado (Fall 1988 to present) (courses ordered by academic ranking, lowest to highest):
Lower Undergraduate: Introduction to Philosophy; Introduction to Ethics; Philosophy and Religion;
Philosophy and Society; Ethics in the Professions; Science, Technology, and Values
Upper Undergraduate: Advanced Topics in Philosophy: Women's Health and Disease; Philosophy of
Psychology; Business and Management Ethics; Ethical Theory; History of Philosophy: Modern
Classical; Philosophical Issues in Death and Dying; Social and Political Philosophy;
Philosophy of War and Terrorism; Humanities: 1789; Humanities:1848; Humanities: The
American West; Humanities: Science, Technology and Society; Humanities: Femininities and
Masculinities; Modern Philosophy; Theories of Knowledge; Medical Ethics; Liberty and
Justice for All?; Senior Thesis; Senior Seminar; Independent Study
Graduate Level: Medical Ethics (through the Graduate School of Public Affairs), Independent Study
Colorado Mountain College (Steamboat Springs, Colorado): Ethics (Spring 2006)
Christian Heritage School High School: AP European Literature (Fall 2007-2008); AP World Literature (Fall
2008-Spring 2007; Spring 2004); AP British Literature (Fall 2005-2006), AP Literature and
Composition (Fall 2004-2005), AP Literature and Composition (Spring 2004)
Colorado College (Fall 1996, Block 3): Undergraduate: Special Topics in Philosophy--Biomedical Ethics
St. Thomas Theological Seminary (Fall 1994, Spring and Summer 1995): Graduate Level: Medical Ethics; Ethical
Issues in Rural Medicine; Independent Study
Baylor College of Medicine (Fall 1983 to Spring 1988): Graduate Level: Ethics in Medicine
Rice University (Fall 1983 to Spring 1988) (invited lectures): Upper Division: Ethics and Public Policy; Justice
and Health Care; Kant and Hegel; Modern Philosophy; Philosophy of Medicine
Member, Dissertation in Geropsychology, Mary Stephens, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 2005 to December 2006.
Member, Dissertation Advisory Board, Marilyn Coors, Joint Ph.D. Program in Religious and Theological Studies,
University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, October 1996 to April 1998.
Reader, Ph.D. Dissertation in History, Fred Campbell, J.D., Department of History, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado, May 1992.
Designated Exam Proctor, M.A. in Spiritual Counseling, Lisa-Marie Schmitz, Franciscan University of
Steubenville, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Fall 2006 to present.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Editor, Thesis in Spiritual Direction, Barb Kollenkark, Regis University, Denver, Colorado,
December 2002.
Reader, M.A. Thesis in Sociology, Katherine Lane, Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, defended April 1996.
Bereavement Training, Benet Hill Monastery, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 8-9, 2007; June 9-11, 2005; May
23-25, 2003.; May 11-12, 1998.
TLC Institute of Teaching Excellence, “Getting Started with On-Line Learning,” Summer 2002.
Invited Member, Student Retention Project, Student Success, April 2007 to present.
Coordinator, Philosophy Department Assessment Committee, Fall 2004 to present.
Member, Faculty Review Committees, November 2009 (Rex Welshon), November 2008 (Susan Taylor),
November 2008 (Sonja Tanner), December 2004 (Rex Welshon and Louis Cicotello), December 2002
(Teresa Jillson, F. Bender, and R. Sassower), Rex Welshon (December 1999), November 1999 (Paul
Harvey), November 1996 (Teresa Jillson), February 1996 (Susan Taylor), December 1995 (Robert von
Dassanowsky), November 1995 (Harlow Sheidley), and April 1995 (Roberto Trevino).
Appointed Member, CU System-Wide Faculty Senate Privilege and Tenure Committee, May 2004 to May 2009.
Testified in Denver District Court, March 30, 2009.
Secretary, Philosophy Department Meetings, Fall 2004 to August 2008.
Appointed Member, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Review Committee, Fall 2004 to January 2008.
Coordinator, Philosophy Essay Contest, Spring 2006, 2005.
Library Liaison, Philosophy Department, September to December 1997; January 1992 to September 1992;
September 1997 to 2003.
Member, Women's Studies Faculty, September 1992 to 2003.
Member, Scientific Misconduct Committee, September 1995 to January 2001.
Member, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Program Access Committee, September 1992 to January 2001.
Member, Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, September 1997 to February 1999.
Member, Bank One Colorado Corporation Faculty Community Service Nomination Committee, March 1998.
Member, Human Subject Research Policy and Procedures Committee, September 1996 to February 1997.
Chair, Humanities Petition Committee, September 1994 to May 1996.
Elected Representative, Graduate Executive Committee, August 1994 to May 1996.
Representative, Faculty Governance, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Committee on Academic Programs,
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010
Research, and Teaching, February through May 1996.
Appointed Faculty Liaison, The Scribe (the student newspaper), August 1993 to May 1996.
Organizer, Center for the Arts and Humanities, Faculty Workshop, September 1, 1995.
Participant, Center for the Arts and Humanities, Faculty Workshop, August 26, 1994; September 3, 1993;
September 12, 1992; February 7, 1992; and June 3-4, 1991.
Member, Faculty Executive Council, January 1992 to January 1994.
Member, Child Care Advisory Board, April 1992 to December 1992.
Advisor, Philosophy Club, September 1990 to May 1992.
Co-organizer (with Professor Fred Bender), "What Can You Do With A Philosophy Degree?" and "What Can You
Expect in Philosophy Graduate School?," October 28 and 29, 1992.
Representative, Faculty Futures, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 19, 1992.
Member, Faculty Search Committee in Philosophy Department, October 1991 to February 1992.
Member, American Studies Advisory Committee, September 1990 to September 1991.
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, February 2010