Curriculum Vitae Education Lorraine Marie Arangno, PhD.

Curriculum Vitae
Lorraine Marie Arangno, PhD.
Doctoral Degree in Philosophy, from the University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado. .Dissertation: "The Dynamics of American Moral Realism.'' Advisor:
Dale Jamieson
Master of Arts Degree in Philosophy, from the University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia. Advisor: Anthony Nemetz. Thesis: “Locke's Theory of Education in
Relation to the Citizen and Civil Society”
B. A. Degree, from Mercer University, Macon, Georgia: Psychology.
B.S. Degree Cum Laude, from Mercer University, Macon, Georgia: Majors:
Biology and Philosophy.
Teaching Affiliations
Senior Instructor of the University of Colorado Philosophy Department..
Awarded Graduate Part-Time Instructor, C. U. Boulder, Philosophy Department
Courses Taught
(**Responsible for the creation of and introduction into
The UCCS Core Curriculum, LAS.
*Responsible for the creation of newly adopted course).
**Medical (Health Care) Ethics
**Death and Dying
Business Ethics
Professional Ethics
Philosophy and Society
Values in a Technological Society
Philosophy and Religion
Critical Thinking (Introduction to Logic)
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Epistemology
Humanities (Existentialism)
*What is Justice (Crime and Punishment)
Awarded a Three-Year contract as Senior Instructor 2013
Instructor of the Year Award for 2003, UCCS, LAS
Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award, C. U. Boulder
Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society
Published Books
A Critical Thinking Workbook: Formal and Informal Reasoning, 3nd edition
Arangno and Yarnell (Kendall/Hunt), publication 2013
A Critical Thinking Workbook: Formal and Informal Reasoning, 2nd edition
Arangno (Kendall/Hunt), publication 2013
A Critical Thinking Workbook: A Sentential Logic Work Book, (Kendall/Hunt),
Arangno publication 2012
Books Now Under Contract for Publication
New contract signed for the second edition entitled: Critical Thinking: Formal and
Informal Reasoning, (Kendall/Hunt), publication 2015. Co-authored with Patrick
Yarnell, and Rex Welshon
New contract signed for the first edition of A Philosophical Journey into Ethics
textbook slated to be published 2015.
Published Articles
“Pleasure: The Choice of Hercules,” The European Legacy (Taylor and Francis),
publication pending 2013.
"Reflections on the Duty to Aid According to the Philosophy of
John Stuart Mill," Journal of Ethical Studies.
“The Ethicist," The Value of Many Voices (Denver: Center for
Health Ethics and Policy at the University of Colorado at Denver's
Graduate School of Public Affairs,).
"An Overview: the Medical Ethics Committee at Rose," Dimensions
“The Technological Imperative: A Commentary on Baby Fae," Frontlines, VoI. 1,
“Transcendence of the Imminent," Symposium: The Secularization
Of the Law, Mercer University Law Review.
Research including the following works:
“A Conceptual Map for Ethical Reductivism,” under review by the
Analytical Journal of Philosophy 2014
A Few Thoughts on Ethical Naturalism.
Kant and the Concept of Prudence
On the Human Condition
Sophivor (co-author)
“A Passport to the Ethical Dilemmas Arising in the Health Care System“
“An Eternal Treblinka“: A Case for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Who
are Destined for the Slaughter-Houses
The Language of pain; A Case for the Humane Treatment of Animals
Non-human Persons: A Few Thoughts on Non-human Animals and a
Case for Personhood
Philosophical Tales (Contes Philosophique)
The Antique Shop: A Study of the Dilemma that is Foster Care
University Service
Acting member of the Student Retention Program (Spring 07 to present).
Member of the Chancellor Schwartz Advisory Committee
Guest Lectures
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Mathematics Department. Lecture: "An
Introduction to Logic."
Dekalb College, Atlanta Georgia, Mathematics, Department Lecture: "Ethics
and the Law."
UCCS Philosophy Club, Lecture: "Medical Ethics: The Issue of Informed
Beth El School of Nursing in Colorado Springs, Subject: "Ethical Concerns
Regarding the Issue of Informed Consent."
Other Professional Activities
Member of the Student Retention Program, UCCS,
Reviewer of A Modern Day Heretic, D. C. Arangno
Member of the Medical Ethics Committee at Rose Medical Center,
Denver, CO
Ethics: The Value of Many Voices. A Guest Speaker. Sponsored by
AMI/Presbyterian/S t. Luke’s Center for Applied Biomedical
Ethics at Rose Medical Center Denver, Colorado.
Member and Ethicist of the St. Francis Hospital Medical Ethics
Member of the Chancellor Advisory Committee at the University
Of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Professional Conferences
Ethics on the Frontlines: Access to Health Care: In cooperation with Rose
Medical Center and the members of the former President's Commission for
the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Bio-Medical and Behavioral
Research. Denver, Colorado
Ethics: On the Frontlines of Medical Care: Bio-Ethical Dilemmas at the
Beginning and End of Life. Sponsored by Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical
Center The Center for Applied Biomedical Ethics at Rose Medical Center: and
the Institution of Society, Ethics at the Life Sciences/The Hastings Center.
Denver Colorado
Conference on the Mediation of Technology. Sponsored by the University of
Colorado Philosophy Department at Colorado Springs. Colorado.
Second International Congress on Psychiatry, Law and Ethics. I was invited
to give a presentation for the Congress by Joel Levi, Advocate and member
of the organizing committee. Israel. Because of schedule conflicts I was
unable to attend the conference
Ethics/On the Frontlines of Ethical Care. Non-Natural Death: Coming to
Terms with Suicide, Euthanasia, Withholding or Withdrawing Treatment.
Sponsored by Rose Medical Center and the Hastings Center. Denver,
Ethics: The Value of Many Voices. Sponsored by AMI/Presbyterian/St.
Luke’s/Center for Applied Biomedical Ethics at Rose Medical Center. Denver,
Colorado. I participated as a guest speaker.