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ENGR 210 – Engineering Statics (3 cr.)
Fall 2015
Meeting Times & Location
M-W-F 9:00-10:15 AM
ENGR 313
Web: Blackboard
Final Exam: Mon Dec 14, 9:30-11:30 AM
Dr. Janelle Wharry
(208) 426-5659
Office Location: MEC 403A
Office Hours: Tue 3:00-4:30 PM, or by appointment
R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics – Statics. Prentice Hall, 14th ed., 2015.
Grades will be determined based on the following weights:
Three Midterms
45% (10% lowest + 15% middle + 20% highest score)
Cumulative Final
Attendance + Attitude 5%
Letter grades will be based on the following scale:
B through B+ range
C through C+ range
My grading philosophy centers around helping your GPA and avoiding hurting your
GPA. Therefore, I do not believe in “minus” grades (e.g. A-, B-, C-). If you make the
cutoff for an A range, B range, or C range, you get that grade fair and square. I will,
however, assign “plus” grades only when they can help your GPA (e.g. B+, C+).
Homework will be assigned twice weekly via Mastering Engineering. Mastering
Engineering is not without its quirks – you will quickly get frustrated when your
seemingly correct answer is marked incorrect due to formatting or significant digits
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carried throughout the calculation. But I believe the purpose of homework is for you to
practice the material, not to learn how to use Mastering Engineering.
So if you exhaust all of your attempts on a Mastering problem without getting the right
answer, you may turn in the problem on paper for up to full credit, depending on
accuracy and ease of following your work. This option should not be used in lieu of
Mastering. You can only use this option on three problems over the course of the
semester. Choose wisely.
Office Hours
Friday class session is an optional office hours during which the student assistants and I
will be available in a casual, informal setting to answer questions and help you work
through homework, other example problems, or practice exam questions.
This is a large class in a tight classroom space. Please respect your classmates
and their personal space, especially during exams.
Tardiness is a distraction in such a densely-populated classroom. Be on time.
Do not turn in any work that is not your own.
Make-up exams will be administered only in the case of emergencies. You must
request a make-up exam a minimum of 12 hours prior to the scheduled exam.
Make-up exams must be taken within a week of the scheduled exam.
Important Dates
9/18 – Exam 1 covering Knowledge Survey 1-31
10/16 – Exam 2 covering Knowledge Survey 31-50
11/13 – Exam 3 covering Knowledge Survey 51-70
12/14 – Final Exam covering Knowledge Survey 1-80