Nonlocal Cosmology arXiv:0705.0153 & soon S. Deser & R. P. Woodard Modifications of Gravity Only local, stable, metric-based is f(R) Nonlocal modifications proposed for Summing quantum IR effects from inflation Explaining late time acceleration w/o DE Explaining galaxies & clusters w/o DM Isaac Newton in 1692/3 “that one body may act upon another at a distance thro' a Vacuum, without the Mediation of any thing else, by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it.” Was Newton wrong about action-at-a-distance? We don’t think so Primordial inflation IR gravitons Fundamental theory is local But quantum effective field eqns are not M=0 loops could give big IR corrections N(t,k) ~ [Ha(t)/2kc]2 for every k Perhaps their attraction stops inflation Late modifications from vacuum polarization Would affect large scales most But for now, just model-building Late-Time Acceleration (arXiv:0705.0153 with Deser) Nonlocality via -½ for □ = (-g) ∂µ(√-g gµν∂ν) Retarded BC {□-1 & ∂t□-1} = 0 at t=0 Act it on R □-1R dimensionless L = √-g R[1 + f(□-1R)]/16πG □-1 f(X) the “Nonlocal distortion function” Gµν + ∆Gµν = 8πGTµν ∆Gµν = [Gµν + gµν□ - DµDν] (f + □-1[Rf’]) (ρ σ) ρσ + (δµ δν - ½gµνg ) ∂ρ(□-1R) ∂σ(□-1[R f’]) Specialization to FRW ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t) dx.dx R = 6Ḣ + 12 H2 t t’ -1 3 □ = -∫0 dt’/a ∫0 dt’’a3 Two Built-In Delays R=0 during Radiation Dom. (H = 1/2t) 5 No modification until t ~ 10 years □-1R ~ -4/3 ln(t/teq) during Matter Dom. 10 □-1R ~ -15 at t = 10 years Reconstructing f(X) for ΛCDM (arXiv:0904.0961 with Deffayet) Screening f(R) models have a problem R > 0 for cosmology AND solar system Need “screening mechanism” to suppress response inside solar system f(□-1R) models avoid this problem 2 □ ~ -∂t + ∂x 2 □-1R < 0 for cosmology □-1R > 0 for gravitationally bound systems f(X) = 0 for X > 0 means NO solar system change How It Works for slowly varying a(t) Gµν + ∆Gµν = 8πGTµν ,∆Gµν ~ Gµν(f + □-1[Rf’]) Just rescale G! Geff = G/(1 + f + □-1[Rf’]) Friedman Eqn: 3H2 ~ 8πGeff ρ0/a3(t) But Geff strengthens gravity! Growth of Geff balances 1/a3(t) Not relevant for solar system But should increase structure formation Dodelson & Park (arXiv:1209.0836) Not purely Geff(t) when space dependent Delayed so late that only ~10-30% effect Local Version Is Haunted (Nojiri & Odintsov, arXiv:0708.0924) R[1+f(□-1R)] R[1+f(Φ)] + Ψ[□Φ–R] Varying wrt Ψ enforces □Φ = R NB both scalars have 2 pieces of IVD Ψ□Φ -∂µΨ∂νΦgµν -½∂µ(Ψ+Φ)∂ν(Ψ+Φ)gµν + ½∂µ(Ψ-Φ)∂ν(Ψ-Φ)gµν Ψ-Φ has negative KE No new initial value data for the original nonlocal version Synch. gauge: ds2 = -dt2 + hij(t,x) dxidxj IVD for GR: hij(0,x) & ḣij(0,x) = 6 + 6 4+4 for constrained fields 2+2 for dynamical gravitons IVD in nonlocal cosmo count the ∂t‘s 2 -2 0 R ~ ∂t & □-1 ~ ∂t □-1R ~ ∂t 2 ∆Gµν has up to ∂t □-1 Hence hij(0,x) & ḣij(0,x), but what are they? t=0 Constraints same as GR Recall Gµν + ∆Gµν = 8πGTµν ∆Gµν = [Gµν + gµν□ - DµDν] (f + □-1[Rf’]) (ρ σ) ρσ + (δµ δν - ½gµνg ) ∂ρ(□-1R) ∂σ(□-1[Rf’]) Retarded BC [□-1 & ∂t□-1] = 0 at t=0 f(X) also vanishes at X=0 Only [gµν□ - DµDν] {f(□-1R) + □-1[Rf’(□-1R)]} ≠ 0 Synchronous constraints ∆G00 & ∆G0i g00□ - D0D0 = ½hijḣij∂t - ∆ 0 at t=0 g0i□ - D0Di = -∂0∂i + ½hjkḣki∂j 0 at t=0 No Ghosts check ∂t2 terms Recall Gµν + ∆Gµν = 8πGTµν ∆Gµν = [Gµν + gµν□ - DµDν] (f + □-1[Rf’]) ρσ (ρ σ) + (δµ δν - ½gµνg ) ∂ρ(□-1R) ∂σ(□-1[Rf’]) Dynamical eqns Gij + ∆Gij = 8πGTij 2 gij□ - DiDj -hij∂t + O(∂t) -1 ∆Gij = 2 hij R f’(□ R) + O(∂t) kl Rij = ½ḧij + O(∂t) & R = h ḧkl +hij□ + O(∂t) + O(∂t) kl Gij + ∆Gij ½ḧij – [½-2f’(X)]hijh ḧkl + O(∂t) No graviton becomes a ghost! Still might have a potential energy instability