257 I ntern. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. (1978)257-267 NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS LLOYD K. WILLIAMS Department of Mathematics Texas Southern University Houston, Texas 77004 U.S.A. (Received April 17, 1978) ABSTRACT. In this paper we obtain the general solution of scalar, first-order differential equations. The method is variation of parameters with asymptotic series and the theory of partial differential equations. The result gives us a form like a differential quotient requiring only that a limit be taken. Like the familiar expression for the solution of linear, first order, ordinary equations, it is the same in all cases. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Riccati Equation, Abel Equatns, Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem, Cauchy-Kowalski System, Unival Cauchy-Kowalski System. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i. 34AOS, 34A10, 34A15. INTRODUCTION. We present a unified treatment for the general scalar, first-order, ordinary differential equation y’ G(x,y) G e C I L. K. WILLIAMS 258 Particular examples are linear equations, Riccati equations and Abel equations. 2. PRELIMINARIES. We begin with the differential system IVI’ V VIV 2 f(VI,V2) 2’ h(VI,V2) V V 1 (2.1) 2 v#0 with general solution V l(x,c I,c2), V I V V 2(x,c l,c 2). 2 Here Cl,C 2 are arbitrary constants. Now let x x(t). Then we get ddt i UI V U 2 U21 1 f(Vl,V2) (2.2) U 2 h(Vl,V2) We are now ready to present the algebraic system referred to in the title. 3. THE CAUCHY-KOWALEWSKI SYSTEM. Let wI Wl(t,e) w 2 w2(t,e) be two functions of t and e (at present unknown). VI,V2 have been given by (2.1). Finally K(Wl,W2,t,e) and L(Wl,W2,t,e) will be defined by The functions functions ential equations later. two more unknown partial differ- They will contain another variable, %. possible to substitute an arbitrary G(Wl,t) It will be for % to solve specific equations. NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS DEFINITION. 259 The system of algebraic equations (a) w (b) w (c) x K(Wl,W2,t,e)V I I L(Wl,W2,t,e w I + tw 0 V 2 0 2. Wl#0 is called the Cauchy-Kowalewski system, for a specific G(Wl,t). Using % we will get a universal system. Under suitable conditions on the functions K and L, we can solve it for w I Wl(t,e) and w w2(t,e). 2 We proceed by defining these functions as solutions of appropriate partial differential equations. these functions L(Wl,W2,t,e,% like universal constants. 4. THE FIRS and - K(Wl,W2,t,e,% We will derive and regard them as fixed FUNCTION K IN THE CAUCHY-KOWALEWSKI SYSTEM. We differentiate 3(a-b) with respect to t to get expressions for Denoting the expression for To simplify notation, let K i Some of the derivatives. . Now let h + Ai, i 1 R (4.) e in (4.1) and get AIL2 + A2L 3 + A3 R _A2LI + A4L2 + (4.1a) A5 i,...,5 are given explicitly later. These are not partial By contrast LI L- i’2" by R we get w and note that z in the new notation. L w-- etc. from (2.1), 3(a-b) we have f L. K. WILLIAMS 260 We arbitrarily set The following equation is of fundamental importance. where K a tf 2 2WlW2eI witha I + Wl 3 + A2 (L,Wl,W2,t,e) and e -,etc., I for real e > 0. By the Cauchy-Kowalewski theorem [See e.g. (2.1)] let be an analytic solution of (4.2). A Let o n=0l Cne conditions on c O DEFINITION. o )re where are analytic. we give the following definitions. w 1 of the A [(---+ z)(wlo4 wlW2ao2 + w2o) L ao(L’wl,w 2,t,e) 1,2,3,4,5. i Cn(L,w1,w2,t) Cn eo Further, we will write Ai(a o), i (4.2) e Before imposing Si(L,wi,w2,t will now be given explicitly. i w 1 (--+ z)(Wleo4 WlW2So2 + W2ao) O o Wlmo2 + a2f A 4 DEFINITION. L A -0 I L DEFINITION. (z) = /o 0 Substituting o O G(w 1 l,t)A--4) S 2(L,wl,w2,t). can be stated now as follows: (2) S 7. c n=0 Wlhm o A. (-- The conditions on c m I(L,wl,w2,t) $ n in 0, (3) a#o. (4.2) we get w 1 Z)Col + WlC03 + tWlZC o 2WlW2Col- Wlt(--+ O --0 (4.3) NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 261 of which some solutions are given + I H[8(Co,Z,Wl),W2 P(Co,Wl,8(Co,Z,Wl)) (4.3a) constant where (i) H is arbitrary (2) 8 satisfies the partial differential equation w (3) P + (--O + z)82 (wi8 3 + Co81 0 0) is defined as follows: Q(Co,wl,a ). for z I CoZSl first solve 8(Co,Wl,Z)_ a Then set d c CoQ (Co,wl,a) THEOREM i. conditions PROOF. The function H can be chosen analytic in (4.3a) so that (2.1), (2.2), (3.1) hold for cO Let y i w 2 +P and then (4.3a) becomes H(B,y) constant. The partial derivatives of c o are computed from (4.3a) and from them we see that H + 0 implies that implies merely w18 3 + cO -i--on ( + w2)HY Hy Col 0. Now S 0. 1 + 0, + + So H 0 implies A Y 0 implies that tw2(wlB 3 + CoBl)H8 0, we can choose H so that S Summarizing the results of this section, K solution of (4.2) where H is analytic (3.1) however, we 5. c O 0 e S + H 0. Since This completes the proof. 0. l (2.2) hold if Thus (2.1) 0. L-AI +0 Further, A so condition (2.i) holds. 1 e 0 O can be defined as the and A 0 To solve must define L. SOLUTION OF THE CAUCHY-KOWALEWSKI SYSTEM. To solve the system (3.1), we must now define the function L(Wl,W2,t,e). 0 L.K. WILLIAMS 262 o G, Setting and A 2 , (4.2) in (4.1a) suggests defining L by GL L I L I 8w 1 + ( GA4)L2 + eL 3 GA5 This does not seem to be feasible. etc. A 3. Instead, letting tend to zero leads to 8L 8w L2 2 GA5 A3 A--I (5.) GA--4 This will be used to define L. Let - be a new variable and consider XA5 A L2=_ 3 (5.2) Note that the right side of (5.2) is analytic where w # 0 and I A4 # 0. So let L L(Wl,W2,t,e, ) Pl(W2) + P2(Wl,W2,t,e,) be an analytic solution on (5.2) and assume that none of the expressions A vanish when L c o Pl(w2 )" Now since the value of 2 ((Wl,W2,t,e,G(wl,t)) w -2(’(Wl,W2,t,e,)t) we see that solution of (5.1) for any G. is analytic. $1’ Let K G s for )t L(wl,w 2,t,e) G(Wl,t) is the same as L(wl,w 2,t,,G(w 1,t)) is a I Moreover L e C since G is continuous and L (L,Wl,W2,t) and L L. We now prove the solvability near suitable points of the Cauchy-Kowalewski system. The variable gives our functions the universal character referred to previously. LEMMA I. Let (a,b,c) be such that Sl(Pl(b)a,b,c) the Jacobian of (3.1) is nonzero at (a,b,c,e). # 0. Then, for small t, 263 NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS If the Jacobian of (3.1) PROOF. -A2LI + A4L2 0, then + A5 0 The subsidiary equations of (5.3) are: dwl dw2 A -A2 dL so that -A 5 4 Thus AIA5 A3A4 -As A--4 GAs A3 dL But from (5.1), dL dw 2 0. w But AIA5 A3A4 1 (Wlao4 WlW2ao2 + w2s o)(--o + z). So w L E+0 (WlUo4 1 WlW2ao2 + w2uo) (L---o + z) (WlUo4 WlW2Uo2 + 0. However w L e-0 I W2Uo) (--o + Sl(Pl(W2)’Wl’W2’t) z) # 0 and the proof is complete. We next consider continuity in order to apply the implicit function theorem to (3.1). We first observe that Now consider the case where LEMMA II. PROOF. L A # 0. 1 L A # 0, but 4 If Pl(W2) L(Wl’W2’t’G(Wl’t)) 0, then 4) GA L There is at most one function G such that L(Wl’W2’t’e) L A4 + L ( -I 0. GA4) eP2(Wl’W2’t’e’G(Wl’t)) So it and its partials with respect to Wl,W2,t do not contain G as 0. n + I ’w2’ t) + Z cn (L,w ’w2’ t) I n=0 c o(L ’Wl’W2’ t) Cl(L w 0. c2(L,Wl,W2 Since t)e 2 + L. K. WILLIAMS 264 the same holds for it. eAl 0A4 G So L A are independent of G. eO 4 L A and e0 I Thus , This completes the proof. In the sequel, we ignore this possible exception and assume that L GA--4) (A--I LEMMA III. 0 for any G. S2(Pl(b),a,b,c) If (a,b,c) is such that e > 0 such that the left sides of (3.1) are C I at PROOF. of $2, Based on analytic properties of 0, there is an (a,b,c,e). and the nonvanishing VI,V2,L,KG we will not give details. Choosing constant values for Wl,W2 in (3.1), we can get Cl(e),c2(e) so that left sides vanishes and apply the implicit function theorem to (3.1). Then we solve for Wl(t,e) and w2(t,e). Here Cl,C 2 come from equation (2.1) of section 2. 6. THE PRINCIPAL DIFFERENTIAL EUATION. We now consider the differential equation dx DEFINITION Y (6.1) g(x,y) L wl(t,e). W l(t) It will be shown that Wl(t) Of course we change y,x satisfies (6.1). to W" t respectively. 1, We begin this process wlth THEOREM II. PROOF. and also L / Let S Pl(W2) 0 as e / d l,W--2,t--). Then wl(t P2(Wl,W2,t,G(Wl,t)) so that 0 at 1 + O. Thus L1,L 3 / 0 as - ) --i 0. / 0 Gl,t-6) as as + 0 / 0. NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Thus R AIA5 A3A4 + A5 A4L2 Also A GA I eL 3 + G(A4L 2 + 4 AIL 2 + A 3 L + 3 -eL + 1 + A5) (A1 + A5 A4L2 + GS 1 GA4)L 3 + + GS Therefore GA A I AIL 2 + A2L 3 + A3 i SI 4 -A2L1 + A4L2 + A5 So i S--1 as / By the last theorem, -> L e->0 G(Wl (t), t) 265 0 and S d 0. 1 # This completes the proof. G(wl(t,e),t) wl(t’) G( L wl(t,e),t) But also it is true [2: P.461] that L (6.2) w 2 t) y’ Let J (Wl, t) L(wI w2 t e,J(wI t)) and Let Q be the set of points in (i) W W 7 (a) PARTICULAR SOLUTIONS. L* (wI l’(t). Wl(t,e)) G(Wl(t),t) I (t) PARTICITLAR AND GENERAL SOLUTIONS OF So 7. Wl(t,e) G(x,y). I C * (wl,w2,t) (Wl,W2,t)-space n o(L*,wI ,w2 where 0 (3) S 1 # 0 (2) Co # 0 (4) S 2 # O. I # Let Q be the projection of Q on the (Wl,t) plane. w The Universal Cauchy-Kowalewski System DEFINITION. (Wl’W2’ t’ e’ ) o (L’Wl’W2, t) DEFINITION. F + 1 w I eVl(W1 tw2,cl,C2). t) L.K. WILLIAMS 266 DEFINITION. F DEFINITION. F 2 3 =_ w L(Wl,W2,t,e,% -V2(wI 2 =- AI J(wl,t)A4 with F DEFINITION. F The system + tw2,cl,c2). % replaced by J(wl,t). 0 I is also called the Universal 0 2 F#0 Cauchy-Kowalewski System. We refer to it in the following THEOREM III. P of i (i) Let P e Q. J(wl’t) In FI,F 2 There is a region in which the solution through is determined as follows: J(Wl,t replace % by and (2) Equate the results in (2.1) to zero. (3) Solve the resulting system for (4) Take the limit of PROOF. Let P such that wl(t, (a,to)’ *(a,b,to E) P wl(t,) Q" Since Let (V + tob) 2(a + tob) and . w2(t,). as e + 0. L,V-2) # 0. Vl(a E by suitable functions of Cl,C 2 # 0, there Co(Pl (b)’a’b’to) is an be a solution of (2.1) such that *(a b,t o ,) b2 L*(a,b,to,e).i Solve the syst era: to get suitable c Since S I (1) Vl(a + tob’Cl’C2) e(a a b t (2) V2(a + tob,CI,c2) b2 L*(a,b,to,) Cl(), c 2 + 0 0 c2( ). 0 our system has nonzero Jacobian. I # get the result. o’ e) l(t,e) We solve for w and 267 NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 7(b) GENERAL SOLUTIONS. Alternatively, eliminating w 2 from the Universal Cauchy-Kowalewski System we get X(Wl,t,e,,Cl,C2) where cl,c 2 (7.1) 0 are constants. The general solution of a specific equation is obtained as follows: (I) Replace (2) Take the limit as e + 0 of the result. by G(Wl,t ) in (7.1). X is derived from L and K and is like the familiar differential quotient in generality. REFERENCES i. Garabedian, P. R. 2. Olmsted, J. Partial Differential Equations Advanced Calculus, Appleton-Century. John Wiley, 1964.