I nternat. J. Math. Vol. Math. Sei. 31 (1978) 31-40 COMPARISON THEOREMS FOR ULTRAHYPERBOLIC EQUATIONS C. C. TRAVIS Department of Mathematics University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 E. C. YOUNG Department of Mathematics Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 (Received July 2, 1977) ABSTRACT. Sturmian comparison theorems are obtained for solutions of a class of normal and singular ultrahyperbolic partial differential equations. In the singular case, solutions are considered which satisfy non-standard boundary conditions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Compon thrzm, hyprbolie singular boundary value pblems, EDP equatn. AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS (1970). 34B05, 35L20. 32 C. C. TRAVIS & E. C. YOUNG I. Introduction. The Sturmian comparison theorems for ordinary differential equations have been extended extensively to partial differential equations of the elliptic type. For example, see Kuks [13, Swanson [2], [3], Diaz and McLaughlin [4], and Kreith and Travis [5], to mention only a few. By employing Swanson’s technique, Dunninger [63 obtained a comparison theorem for parabolic partial differential equations. His result was recently generalized by Chan and Young [7] to time-dependent However, for partial differential quasilinear differential systems. equations of the hyperbolic type, very little is known. In fact, as far as these authors know, the only comparison results known for hyperbolic equations were obtained just recently by Kreith [8], Travis [9], [i0], and Young [ii]. In this paper, we shall present some comparison theorems for the pair of normal ultrahyperbolic equations (Aij (X)Ux)x. i 3 (aij (y)uYi Yj + p(y)u 0 (Bij(X)Vx.)x.J (bij(y)Vy)i Yj + q(y)v 0 1 and the pair of singular ultrahyperbolic equations (Ux.I X i (v in a domain E n and E m, x.x.11 D x +--u X. 1 X. 1 )- + ___1 v (b x.1 x.1 H G, (aij (y) Uy)iYj where respectively. ij H (y)Vy)i Yj and G p(y)u + + 0 q(y)v 0 are bounded regular domains in For brevity, we let x (x I ,xn) denote ULTRAHYPERBOLI C EQUATIONS H a point in and ,ym (Yl Y 33 Moreover, we adopt G. a point in Einstein’s summation convention concerning repeated indices. The matrices and (Aij), (aij), (Bij) (bij) are all assumed to be symmetric and positive definite with continuously differentiable elements in their respective domains of definition. are continuous in G, a.’s 1 while the The coefficients p and q are real parameters, i= l,...,n. We associate with the above equations the following eigenvalue problems -(aijyi )yj X + pC G in (i.I) + r(y) 0 G on and - (bijyi)yj 3n where r and + ’Vm) 2. q s(y) G in 0 G on b - s are continuous functions on a na (Vl + ij b Yi j, nb ij Cyi G, j being the outward unit normal vector on The Normal Case. (AijUx)x i + ru (aijuYi Yj 0 3G. We consider the following boundary value problems + pu (2.1) u na and on H x 3G 0 in D C. C. TRAVIS & E. C. YOUNG 34 and {BijVx.)x.- {bijvYi Yj qv + 0 in D (2.2) in v nb + sv Theorem 2.1. Let D, u {2.3) on 0 {Bij) < 0 C 2 (D) u H H on G. DG. be a solution of {2.1) such that If {Aij), {aij) < {bij), p < q, r _< s, where at least one strict inequality holds, then every solution of {2.2) has a zero in Proof. u > 0 C2{D) v e D. Suppose v is a solution of {2.2). Let 0 and be the 0 positive eigenfunctions [12] corresponding to the first eigenvalues and 0 of (1.1) and {1.2), respectively. U(x) V(x) Since u and v I G I G X u(x’Y)00(Y)dY v(x’Y)qo(Y)dY" satisfy (2.1) and (2.2), respectively, and 0 and are eigenfunctions of (1.1) and (1.2), respectively, it follows by the divergence theorem that (Aij Ux.)x. 0 Define + X U 0 in H U 0 in 3H 0 (2.4) 0 ULTRAHYPERBOLIC EQUATIONS 35 and (2 5) (BijVx.) x. u0V + 1 H. in 0 By the variational characterization of the eigenvalues of (i.i) and (1.2), (2.3) that it follows from the assumptions of [4], G, V H, has a zero in say at x x Hence, by Theorem i0 0 < 0" 0. Then, since Y Y0 40 > 0 in the equation I V(Xo’Y)qo(Y)dY V(Xo) 0 G implies that v must vanish at some point is a zero of v in D, in G. Thus (x0,Y 0) and the theorem is proved. We remark that if the solution u of (2.1) is required to satisfy the boundary condition A..u ij on H x G, x t. + R(x)u instead of B..v i xi H x G, where normal vector on 3. prob i ems u t. + S(x)v R(x) H. the conclusion of Theorem 2.1 remains 0, of (2.2) satisfying the additional condition v valid for solutions on 0 i j <_ 0 S(x) and (tl,...,t) n is the outward unit This is a consequence of Theorem 2 of [3]. The Singular Case. We consider the singular boundary value C. C. TRAVIS & E. C. YOUNG 36 C. O x.x. _!u + x. I 1 1 x. (a i j u na 0 on 1 + ru Uy i y: H + pu 0 in D 0 in D G x and VX’X’I (b +--v X.1 X.1 1 ij v + qv Yi Yj (3.2) v --+ sv 3n H where now H If x 3G is the domain {x E n < (aij) 2 u e C (D) I0 x i < a., 1 < <_ i <_ n}. 1 Let a. (bij), p Theorem 3.1. (3.3) H on 0 b <- -i, i 1 < < s q, r l,...,n, in and assume that G. (3.1) which is positive in is a solution of satisfies the conditions fa I 0 x=[u(x’y)[2 dydx < G (3.4) u(x,y) then every solution 0 on x i 2 v e C (D) x=lv(x,y) [’2dydx (3.5) 0 has a zero in G D. ai(l -< i -< n) of (3.2) satisfying < D and ULTRAHYPERBOLIC EQUATIONS 37 Here denotes the integral Ian I al 0 0 G dx where as usual al ...xan [v[2dydx x dx I n l...dxn dy l...dy dy and m. As in the proof of Theorem 2.1, we let Proof. 0 and 0 be the positive, normalized, eigenfunctions of (1.1) and (1.2) corresponding to XO the first eigenvalues and Then the functions UO" U and V, defined as in the proof of Theorem 2.1, satisfy the equations (XaUx.)x. xO xaU + (3.6) 0 xa[u(x) 12dx U(x) 0 in H 1 1 on 0 < x. a., (i < i < 1 n) and (xaV x (3.7) )xi oXaV + i 0 in H fa xalV(x) 12dx . < 0 It can be shown, [13], that for a. 1 <- -1, i of (3.6) and (3.7) are given by n U(x) il= x (1-ai)/2 J (l_ai) / 2 (.]. x i 1 ,n, the only solutions C. C. TRAVIS & E. C. YOUNG 38 and n V(x) X where X1 0 x il J i +...+ X and n xi) (l-ei)/2 U0 +’’" + i Un’ the X.’s being the roots of the equation J(l_ai)/2( Xia i) i ’s and the l,...,n) 0, (i are arbitrary constants. function of the first kind of order Here X. such that denotes the Bessel X0 < u0" Hence there exists p. From condition (3.3), it follows that an integer J (t) p V vanishes along > 0 in G a. < a.. Since 3 3 the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 2.1 that V we conclude by j This implies that /X-./. x. the line u.. < Let Theorem 3.2. (3.3) holds. 0(y) 3 3 If u a. >-i, i n, 1 has a zero in and assume that condition is a solution of (3.1) which is positive in D and satisfies the conditions lim X.-J x.u i 1 u(x,y) X. 0, then every solution x .i 0 x 1 has a zero in i 0, (i n) 1 1 Vx. on v x. I a., (i 1 l,...,n). of (3.2) satisfying 0, (i l,...,n) D. The proof of this theorem is similar to that of Theorem 3.1 and is therefore omitted. D. ULTRAHYPERBOLIC EQUATIONS We conclude this paper with a theorem that is valid for all values of the parameters .. Theorem 3.3. Let < . < i holds. If u , i n, 1 and assume that (3.3) (3.1) which is positive in is a solution of D and satisfies the conditions u(x,y) 0 lu(0,y) has a zero in 1 for < then every solution ]v(O,y)[ x. on v < a., (i i i y 39 n) e G of (3.2) satisfying ,y D. REFERENCES Sturm’s Theorem and Oscillation of Solutions of Strongly Elliptic Systems, Kokl. Aka. Nauk. SSSR 142 (1962) 32-35. i. Kuks, L. M. 2. Swanson, C. A. Comparison and Oscillation Theory of Linear Differential Equa.tlo.n.s, Academic Press, New York, 1968. 3. Swanson, C. A. 4. Diaz, J. B. and J. R. McLaughlin. Sturm Separation and Comparison Theorems for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Atti. Accad. Naz. Lincei Mem. CI. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. 9 (1969) 135-194. 5. Kreith, K. and C. C. Travis. Oscillation Criteria for Selfadjoint Elliptic Equations, Pacific J. Math. 4__1 (1972) 743-753. 6. 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