757 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0 No. 4 (1987) 757-776 SOME THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT NEYAMAT ZAHEER Mathematics Department King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and AIJAZ A. KHAN Mathematics Department Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India (Received September 2, 1986) The present paper, which is a continuation of our earlier work in Annali di ABSTRACT. [1] Mathematica Greece, deals of vanishing of product and with Journal the Math. problem generalized polars abstract homogeneous Seminar [2] (EE6EPIA), University of Athens, of determining sufficiency conditions for the non- (with a vanishing or nonvanishing weight) polynomials in the general case when the of the factor polynomials have been preassigned independent locations for their respective nullOur main theorems here fully answer this general problem and include in them, sets. as special cases, all the results on the topic known to date and established by Khan, Marden and Zaheer cited above). Marden’s (see Pacific J. Math. 74 (1978), 2, pp. 535-557, and the papers one of Besides, general theorem flf2"’’fp/fp+l’’’fq f’l KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. the main theorems critical on points of leads to an improved version of rational functions being complex-valued polynomials of degree Generalized circular regions, of the form n..1 circular cones, generalized polars, abstract homogeneous polynomials. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. Primary 30C15, Secondary 12DIO. INTRODUCTION. A few years ago, the concept of generalized polars of the product of abstract homogeneous polynomials (a.h.p.) was introduced by Marden [3] while in his attempt to generalize to vector spaces a theorem due to Bcher [4]. use of hermitian cones [5], a concept which was first His formulation involves the used by HSrmander [6] in obtaining a vector space analogue of Laguerre’s theorem on polar-derivatives [7] and, later, employed by Marden [3], [8], in the theory of composite a.h.p.’s. In all these areas the role of the class of hermitian cones has been replaced by a strictly larger class of the so-called circular cones. This was successfully done byZaheer [9], [I0], [11] and [5] in presenting a more general and compact theory which incorporates into A complete it the various independent studies made by Hormander, Marden and Zervos. account of the work to date on generalized polars, which fall in the category of composite a.h.p.’s in the wider sense of the definition of the latter now in use (cf. [5], [12], [13], [14]) can be found in the papers due to Marden [3], Zaheer [5], and N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 758 the authors [1], [2]. Generalized polars with a vanishing weight as well as the ones with a non-vanishing weight have beea considered in the first two papers, while the (resp. the fourth) deals exclusively with the ones having a vanishing (resp. a third But all have a common feature that the factor polynomials non-vanishing) weight. involved in the generalized polar of the product have been divided into two or three groups, each of which is preassigned a circular cone containing the null-sets of all polynomials belonging to that group. a with or vanishing Our aim here is to consider generalized polars where, weight non-vanishing a general, in no factor two polynomials are necessarily required to have the same circular cone in which their null-sets In lie. must fact, take we the up of problem general determining sufficiency conditions for the non-vanishing of generalized polar (with a vanishing or a non-vanishing weight) where the factor polynomials have been preassigned mutually independent locations for their respective null-sets. Our main theorems fully answer problem and include in them, as special cases, all the corresponding general this results on the topic known to date and established in Marden authors [I], [2]. [3], Zaheer [5] and the One of the main theorems of this paper leads to a slightly improved form of Marden’s general theorem on critical points of rational functions [7]. 2. PRELIMINARIES. E Throughout we let A zero. istic mapping vector-valued a.h.p, V and e E of degree denote vector spaces over a field is n if (for each x, y n r. P(sx + ty) k=o where the Ak(x,y) Ak(X,y coefficients [6], (cf. V e V called [15], K [16], of characterand [9]) a E) skt n-k s, te K, depend only on x and y. We shall call P an if V is taken as K (resp. an algebra). a. h. p. (resp. an algebra-valued a. h. p. Pn the class of all vector-valued a.h.p.’s of degree n from E to V We denote by (even if to from K. V is an nhpo The E n algebra) and by P n to V is the unique symmetric n-linear form P(x,x,...,x) such that [15] Hille and Phillips P, for given P of x l,x2,...,x P(x l,x for in k x 2 the class of all a.h.p’s of degree its P(x) existence for all and P.(.x n from E ,x 2,... ,x n) [6] and x : E (Hormander uniqueness). The kth polar of E, is defined by k,x) P(x xk,x x). The following material is borrowed from Zaheer [17], [I] and [2]. Given k : K and Q(x) Qk (x) Pk Pn k (k 1,2 ,q), we write Pl(X)P2(x)"" Pq(x)’ (2.1) Pl(X)’’" Pk-l(X)Pk+l(X)’’" Pq(X), (2.2) and (Q;x ,x) q Z k=l mkQk(X) Pk (Xl ,x) V x,x (2.3) THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT (Q-Xl,X) and define algebra-valued generalized polar as an 759 Q(x) of the product q [5]. r. scalar The is called its mk k=1 weight. terminology [5]. that Q e nk-I in x K, so as to conform with the existing + n we ren + n + As in Hille and Phillips [15], if n , , Pn’ Qk e Pn_nk degree and of x in n-1 < I, L , LP Obviously, LP nomials g L(P(x)) k _< V K n x in is an I. [18] and [I] and a polynomial by g V x (2.4) E. the product of the poly- (LQ)k and the corresponding partial product LQ is given by (Q:x l,x) Therefore, q. In the notations of (2.1) and (2.2) P. Pnk k K E we define the mapping LP algebra-valued a.h.p, of degree an and of degree x in is Given a nontrivial scalar homomorphism (LP)(x) q 2 Pk(Xl,X) and algebra-valued a.h.p, of degree P e P will be V used in special reference to the case when call ’generalized polar’ The Term (achieved by deleting the kth factor in the expression for LQ) is given by This LQk. immediately leads to the following REMARK 2.1. The algebra-valued generalized polar (LQ;xl,x) and the generalized polar k’s same L((Q;x l,x)) K K L adjoining to m element an K subsets of K and of Izl z + (a2 + o a+ ib e K (a,b b2) I/2 in [19] K (i), K such that o E K o) we analogy with the [5] and [2 I] achieved by having the properties of infinity, and, by D(K), K We denote by K and the projective class of all generalized circular convex V. For any element K. )/2, (z + ib, Re(z) complex plane. the on contain a maximal ordered subfield must is the unity element in a define Q(x) with the is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, then we know and [20] that -i2 (LQ)(x), (LQ;x l,x) for every nontrivial scalar homomorphism where of the product satisfy the relation m If (Q;xl,x) of the corresponding product D(K) field K. The notions of Kregion (g.c.r.) of o are due to Zervos [21], but the definitions and a brief account of relevant details can be found in [5]. For special emphasis in the C of complex numbers, we state the following characterization of D(C): The nontrivial g. c. r. ’s of are the open interior (or exterior) of circles or the open half-planes, adjoined with a connected subset (possibly empty) of their boundary. field The g.c.r. ’s of C, with all or (classical) circular regions (c. r.) In vector space the terms Given a E no boundary points included, over an algeraically closed field K N circular cone E (N,G) o E (N G) o E2 of and a circular by x,y )N TG(X termed as of characteristic zero, ’nucleus’, ’circular mapping’ and ’circular cone’ are nucleus are of y) mapping G N due D(K), to Zaheer [5]. we define the N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 760 where {sx + ty TG(X,y) REMARK 2.2. (so that K of oone in {sx E (N,G) o A for some D(K), g E (N,G) is of the form o A} K; s/t g s,t o are any two linearly independent elements of Xo,Yo G(xo,Yo and E, A. that any two (and, hence, any finite number of) We remark [5] (III) E. + ty o where {(Xo,Yo )} N with G(x,y)}. K; s/t g 2, then [I0] every circular cone dim E If s,t (I) [I]. If G is a mapping {tom N into the class of all subsets G(x,y) may not necessarily be a g.c.r.), the resulting set E o (N,G) will be termed only a (II) @ o circular cones can always be expressed relative to an arbitrarily selected common nucleus. THE CENTRAL THEOREM. 3. Unless mentioned characteristic zero, K. over the subspace set product E of generated L ix, y] the set field of an algebra with identity V K, and L ix,y] We denote by C. E, of x and y of all ordered elemeats by L ix,y] (i.e. closed algebraically an denotes a vector space over of complex numbers is denoted by field The K otherwise, E 2 L ix,y] and by the the pairs of elements from [x,y] ). In this section we establish the central theorem of this paper, which gives sufficiency conditions for the non-vanishing of generalized polars having a vanishing or a non-vanishing weight problem mentioned in the the general and which answers Apart from deducing the main theorems of the authors proved earlier in [I] and [2] the present theorem applies in the complex plane to yield an improved form In the following theorem we take, without of a general theorem due to Marden [7]. loss of generality (cf. Remark 2.2 (III)), circular cones with a common nucleus. Consistently, we shall denote by Z (x,y) the null-set of an a.h.p. P (with respect P to given elemeats x,y E), defined by introduction. Zp(x,y) For k 3.1. THEOREM {sx + ty * ols,t 1,2, m k If > is the generalized polar (Q;Xl,X for o k < p( < q) and m k linearly independent element q x N E- n 2 u k=1 Eo [x,x I], x let q, (k) u < o for x,x! of Ts(xo,Yo) Xo + 6Yo Pk e and where of k p, then E such that (Xo,Yo) E for all the )roduct > o}. and Pnk ZPk(X,y) c_ TGk(X,y) circular cones in E such that k. e K; P(sx + ty) x kjot Eo(N,Gk) (x,y) e N be and for all Q(x) (cf. (2.1)-(2.3))with (Q;x l,x) q E- u k--I $ 0 E(k)o is the unique element for all and in THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT q {0 e S(Xo,Yo E=I q I k=l Ok) S(Xo,Yo m must belong to OkeGk(Xo,Yo)}. y/6). mk)/(O Y/6 in the case when (k)’ q q u m k Let us note that 0 REMARK. and Kml mk/(O 761 Gk(Xo,Yo). Also the hypothesis ’x nk=l E o would be all of K and the theorem would S(x ,yo o # m For is necessary. k=l otherwise, Let PROOF. q (u x x,x! E(k))o u Ts(xo,Yo) ,B,Y, scalars independent and o x q E (k)o BY (with 6 o q k=l S BY and (Xo,Yo) 0). q (u m says that m. y/ case m m q due to y/ (since Gk(Xo,Yo), k=l So that (Xo,Yo)" m and YXo + Yo" x u S(x o,yo ), Gk(X o,yo )) y/ and m S must belong to and This is trivial when It is obvious also when However, in Gk(X o,yo) / We claim that is the unique element Xo + BYo k=l the notation in (2.5). that such Then there exists a unique set of x a/B E (Xo,Yo) where such that implies that x Obviously, the choice of O) become uninteresting. of elements (cf. definition of nucleus [5]). [x,x I] in linearly be belongs to definition of the /B m m in all cases The fact that K is algebraically closed allows us to write, for each k-- 1,2,...,q, n Pk(SX N k + tx I) j=l y (jk s J kt). n k 3=I jk Pk (x) Since for all j # If we set 1,2,...,n k. we have that for each k, for all 0 Yjk/jk Ojk e U (Gk(Xo,Yo)) U(Gk(Xo,Yo)) and, further, that homographic transformation [21] fore (3. I) and the are Ko-COnvex j=l U(Ok) Let us write g.c.r.’s of U(Gk(Xo,yo )) give U(Gk(Xo,Yo)) (0 for Pk e Gk(Xo,Yo) (Ok Y)/(-BOk + ) q) jk <k<q k, U(O) (I/nk) Ojk < 0 [5], we conclude that m for (3I) U is the Y)/(-BO + a). There- where K, k E This implies that there exist elements k n given by Km of o k(say) ..... j K -convexity of n 1,2 for k then, using the same technique as in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 2.5 due to Zaheer Ojk < k (I k =1,2 ..... (3.2) q. such that k=l,2 (33) q. n k mk k We now claim that simultaneously. k l j=l (mk/nk) 0jk I + v2 +’’’+ q O. V k (3.4) 1,2,..,q. First we notice that the For, otherwise, Y/ would belong to all the g.c.r.’s k’S cannot vanish Gk(Xo,Yo) N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 762 for k=l,2,...,q, which in turn would imply that Yxo + x q T n G k k=l 6Yo This contradicts the fact that (Xo,Yo) q f n x k;1 said n q k=l E(k)o" E (k) o Therefore, in order to establish the claim, it remains only to deal with the case when at least any two of the do not vanish (since the claim is obvious otherwise). I+2 suppose on the contrary that + q + O. k’S Now, with thts assumption, Then equations (3.3) amd (3.4) would imply that q l mk(6 k=l , a/8 Since O Y)/(-8 O + a) k k that see we 8 0 0. and, the last equation can be consequently, written as q r. m [-618 + k k=l {(a618) -‘(}1(-8 + =)] k 0. Therefore, q (alS) where A sd 8‘( q l k=l z mkI(-8 Pk + k=l O. mk/(a/8 6 ink) 6 or 0 q (kE= 8"( (a/8) O, -‘( (kE=l ink)" we get q z mkl(al8 Z pk k=1 k=1 mk)l(alS-‘(l), Gk(Xo,yo) for k 1,2,...,q, (XoYo) e N o L 2 [x,x I} and ‘(Xo + 6y o. This implies that a/8 e S(Xo,Yo) and, hence, that aXo + 8Yo Ts(Xo,Yo ), contradicting the choice of x already made. + v2 + + O. But we know ([5] or [3]) that q nk q q #(Q;xl,x) ]. (mk/nk) Pk(X) Pjk [k=II j=II where x mk’ q 68 pk q V k=l Or, That is, irrespective of whether x q r. (618) a) 0 k e: Therefore k q I k=l Since Pk(X) 0 If we take when x.t varies for all q l m k k=l freely k 0 in q k). and since k=l v Pk(X) + (due to (3.4)). + v q O, in the above theorem, the set i[x O ,yo the proof is complete. S(xo,Yo) subject to the condition that remains unchanged x.i q C=I (k) E0 THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT 763 . In order to get a simpler and more interesting version in xl varies freely q k We do precisely n Eo over all of E it is desirable to further assume that k=l this to obtain the following theorem which deals exclusively with generalized polars whicht having a vanishing weight. o q q (k) E k=! r. and o m k=! k 0 (Q;x ,x) then q+! elements the cone E such that of x,x x E-u g - defined by for all (x ,yo o PROOF. x,x q:u"+l E o-k- then k=l x!_ YXo + Yo and, are k=l from Theorem 3.1. (k)o 0; (x E (N o ’Gq+l is Gk(Xo,Yo)} gk e E k=l (k))o o yo) u Ts(Xo,Yo ). (since E x [.2 [X,Xl] e N n Gq+l(Xo’Yo) S(xo,Yo q (u x and (q+l) independent elements such that linearly in the present set up, n q E x where E o there exists a unique element x That is, any E(k) o mk/(P -Pk k=I N. If for all linearly independent q KI O Gq+l(Xo,Y o) k=l 0 and such that q k=IE 0). m k Now the proof follows As application of Theorem 3.1 in the complex plane we prove the following corollary which, apart from generalizing the two-circle theorem and the cross-ratlo theorem of Walsh [22] (cf. also [7], Theorems 20,1 and 22,21, improves upon Marden’s general theorem on critical points of rational functions ([7] or [23] and [24]). the following, Z(f) denotes the set of all zeros of f. For each k COROLLARY 3.3. to ) o" degree p and if k=o Ck, n k. then every P+I k=o n PROOF. k in --@ x o k Z(fk such that Ck for finite zero of the derivative of the (q fq+l(Z)fq+2(z)’’’fp(Z) or - P {p < (from p 0,I k rational funon p) E mk/(p [ k=o k according as 0; pk <_ q or k Pk > e Ck} q. In view of Remark 2.2 (II), the sets Eo(k) where D() be a polynomial Ck, where Cp+ and mk C fk (z) let fo(Z)fl(z)’’’fq(z) f(z) lies in If O,l,...,p, In (I,0) such that y o Xo Eo(N,Gk) (0 I) (I,0) N {SXo + tYo Ols,t C; s/t ((Xo,Yo)} and Gk(Xo,Yo) p k=o E " ko" Letting fk(z k}, 0 _< k _< p, C Ck, are circular cones .k ajkzj, j =o 0 _< k_< p, we N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 76 define the mappings Pk(X) Then Pk by C Pk: + Pk(S xo is an a.h.p, of degree ZPk(Xo,Y o) c_C TGk(xo,Y o) and because Z(f k) __c k 2. such that C to (s,t) e C V fk(s/t) (s,t) Vx (3.7) 0 (Xo,Yo). T C t nk-j This is so because O,l,...,p. + ty o) Pk(SX 2 C from k n Pk(X) ajk t j=o n k for Enk tYo Now we consider the generalized polar k of the product Q(x) of these a.h.p.’s, with m n or-n according as k < q or k k k k > q. If we take x and t (I,0) (so that s o), we see as in G k (Q;Xl,X Xo [5], that (I/nk)3Pk/S Pk(Xo,X) fr 0,I k ,p. If we set Fk(Z) equations (3.7) and n t P r. m. k=o t t x O n p k=o and 6 (with Y the element x + n + n m p (3.8) and define (k) EO P 7. Eo(P+I) and r. Fk(S/t fv (s/t) [f Fk(S/t)] k=q+l q+l (s/t) ..f y/6 ), Eo(N,Gp+ (s/t)j2 (3.9) (Q;Xl,X) it implies that is linearly independent to x =_ p Theorem 3.1 is applicable in the present set up since so that 0, (s,t) m (mk/nk) Fk(S/t q m k=o x + nk-I f(s/t) fo(Z)fl(z)’’’fk-l(z)’f(z)’fk+l(Z)’’’fp(Z)’ (3.8) imply that, for x (s,t) e C2, #(Q;xo,x) Since o (I/nk)t o such that x ff u p+l k= O {SXo + tYo ojs,t 0 E whenever (k) o where Gp+ l(xo,yo)} C; s/t and whe re Gp+l(Xo,Yo) CO CO P e Ii [ k=o mk/(O is, #(Q;x O ,x) 0 k O; O k e Gk(Xo,Yo)} k O; O k C P E mk/(O [ k=o Cp+ That -O for all elements -O k} (due to the choice of m k x (s,t) for which made above). t # 0 and for which 765 WEIGHT THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY p+l u s/t C k=O s,t e C such that t for all 0 0 p+l u s/t and (3.9) says that f’(s/t) k. Finally, C This establishes the corollary. k. k=o In the special case when the g.c.r.’s are specialized as C k the above corolthat we claim the closed interior or the closed exterior of circles, (I) REMARK 3.4. lary essentially reduces following Marden’s Theorem 21,1, the C of Marden 21,1 Theorem to If arguments: [7]. This the regions taken to be are k then Lemma 21,1 [7] of Marden upheld by is OkCk(Z) < the of 0 and the succeeding arguments p+l the that show therein region C u k=o corollary is precisely the region in our k satisfying the p+2 inequalities 21,3 in Marden’s theorem. placed by In what follows we show that Corollary 3.3 holds as such when C is reK, provided the term ’derivative’ is replaced by ’formal derivative’. We know ([5] (II) n by [12]) or the that f’(z) polynomial k k=l the polynomial formal derivative of the ak zk f(z) k=o from K ak zk-I to K called is and that n ).’ (flf2...fn)’ fl/f2 (fl quotient flf2...fk_l f fk+l’’’fn If we now define the formal derivative of the are polynomials [12]. f.l where the k--1 being polynomials) to be given by (fl/f2) )2 (fl,f2_f f,)/(f2 2 then the formal derivative of the quotient (z)...f (z) f (z)f (z)...f (z)/f p q+l o q is given by equation (3.9). q P ).’ Fk(Z k=o )’. k=q+l Fk(Z)]/[fq+l(Z)...fp(Z)] 2. f’ (z) In view of the definition of the formal derivative from K to K and of formal partial deruatives %P/Ss 2 (3.10) of a polynomial f(z) P(s,t) from of a polynomial K [5], we can easily show that Corollary 3.3 stll holds when C is replaced by K. The proof proceeds exactly on the lines of the proof of Corollary 3.3, except only that we replace C by K all along. Let us point out that the expression (3.10) is K to precisely the formal derivative of the function f(z) in (3.5) and it justifies the validity of steps (3.8) and (3.9) in the proof of Corollary 3.3. We remark that in Corollary 3.3, we must add the hypothesis (Ill) n P C k=o order in n o + have to + n then fixing n q P q+l a + P o P,: k=o and, hence, that p p f(z) with Ck’S for the rational is P mkl( k Cp+ C. ’, common to all the For, if a point p >-’ m 0) in (3.6) we see that (since k k=o result nont rivial + n k k=o mk)l( ) 0 V C function N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 766 It has been shown by Marden [7] that Walsh’s cross-ratio Theorem 22,2, is a (IV) special case of Marden’s general Theorem 21,1, but only in terms of closed interior or D(C)). closed exterior of circles (a proper subclass of Whereas, our Corollary 3.3 g.c.r.’s. In fact, applying our corollary in C.’s taken as g.c.r.’s, we conclude that every validates Walsh’s theorem in terms of the set up of Walsh’s theorem with fl(z)f2(z)/f3(z) finite zero of the derivative of the function u lies in where C IV 4 e CInl(p pl) + n2/(p p2) n3/(p p3) In veiw of Lemma 4.2 of the next section, we see that G HA 4 0; for K Ci, Pi g Ci}. , A n2/n and that Ci, i C 4 i=I (C {}) 4 u 3 C {’}) (RA i i=l 3 u C i, i=! where m,CI(P P3’92’Pl IV RA n2/nl;- P i C i Consequently, every finite zero of the derivative of the said function lies in C C3U C, (V) This shows that 6In improved ve60n 0 uC2u W0/h’ cao-azut/0 It may be observed that an improved form of Walsh’s two-circle theorems in its complete form [5], ([5], Corollaries 2.8 and 4.3) may also be obtained from the above To this effect we apply Corollary 3.3 in the set up of Zaheer’s Corollary corollary. 4.3 {}. RA C where D.’s the with by g.c.r.’s replaced C i such m e C that conclude that every finite zero of the derivative of the function 3 in where C n C 2, fl(z)/f2(z) and lies i C 3 {a Inll(P -pi CIP (nlP 2 IV of Zaheer [5], the region In the case when C n 3 2 Pl)/(n 2 C and 2 O; P i Ci} ni) Pie C.}.. are taken as the regions is precisely n holds, but in this case the region in [5]. 4. n C.’s We point out that, in case the done. -n21(P -p2 C 3 D(c3,r 3) n C , D.1 of Corollary 4.3 (cf. notation there) and we are the conclusion just drawn still i 2 is empty, and we are done with Corollary 2.8 THE CASE OF ALGEBRA-VALUED GENERALIZED POLARS. Our aim in this section is to obtain a more general formulation of Theorem 3.1 that could answer the corresponding problem for algebra valued generalized polars having an arbitrary weight. In fact, it will be shown that, whereas the main theorem of this section does include in it the main theorem of the preceding section, it also incorporates into it a variety of other known results. First, we describe some concepts and establish some results that we need in this section. and [2] for the following material. We refer [17], [I] THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT 767 A subset of M of V is called fully supportable(initially termed as ’A-supportable’ by Zaheer [9]) if every point V subspace of M outside is contained in some is a unique nontrivial scalar homomorphism L on V for every v e M [18]. such that ideal maximal e V In other words, for every M. which does not meet L() M, there L(v) $ 0 but 0 If M is a fully supportable subset of V, then M is a supportable (regarded as a vector space), but not conversely (for definition of supportable subsets see [6]). We remark that the complement in V of every ideal maximal of V subset subspace of V fully supportable subset of a is M supportable subset REMARK 4.1. (take V K, K- {o} M the set Zp(x,y) K K to P of p e K E, M}. (4.1) is the only nontrivial scalar Ep(x,y), as given by (P’ K (4.1), stands for the cross- PI’ P2’ P3 with respect to given distinct elements K(for > A Given an element and a fully n as defined in the beginning of Section 3. and it designates a unique element in LEMMA 4.2. P P is the only fully supportable subset of next few lemmas, the notation the ratio of an element let us x,y K in the definition) and the corresponding set becomes the null-set In Given e K; P(sx + ty) Since identity map from on homomorphism 01s,t {sx + ty Ep(x,y) V. V, we shall write, for given of PI’P2’P3 K e definition and other relevant details see [5]). 0 in K and g.c.r. ’s G. e D(K)for i 1,2,3 define HA {p e Kmll/(p -pl) RA {P e Km I(p’ P3’ P2’PI + A/(p (I+A)/(p -p2) O; -p3 Pi e Gi} and If , G n G n G 3 2 PROOF. u G 2 u 3 In order to u {m} and l/(p (RA Gi i=l u G 3 G’}’l Pi then {m}) (H A A; prove Pl A/(p pl + the Gi (i p2) {m} u 3 i=1 lemma it 1,2,3), (I + A)I(p G..l sufficient is to show that, if the equation p3 o (4.2) holds true if and only if the equation (P’ holds true. P3’ P2’ of cross-ratio. coincide K PI’ P2’ P3 This is obvious in case of (4.3) due to the definition K case of (4.2), this follows from the fact that if any two of the In and G n G dicting that elements of (4.3) First, we claim that none of these equations can hold unless are distinct elements of P.’s 1 -A P if 2 n G . (4.2) 3 holds then all the three must coincide, contra- Therefore, we assume that PI’ P2’ P3 and so we divide the proof into the following two cases: are distinct N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 768 Case (i). In this case, since 0, 01 02 0 are distinct 3 the equation (4.2) holds if and only if K, elements of . 01, 02, 03 03)1(0 (01 0 I)(0 + 03 (02 03)1(0 02)(03 0 I)1(0 (0, This is true if and only if 01 )(03 03 02 0 (4.3) holds. Case (ii). One of the are distinct elements of 0 0 0 3 . or, if and only if (0 02)(0 2 -. That is, (4.2) holds if and only if . In this case, Ol.’s is K with only one of the . let us point out that O.’s being 0,01,02,0 3 Therefore, the equation (4.2) is equivalent to the equation Xl(0 0 /Co 01 I/(0 01 2) (I + X)l(0 (4.4) ( + )/(o (4.5) o according as (4.6) (03 are, I(0 , 02 01 or pl)/(p , pl m, 03 equivalent respectively, under consideration. (4.6) 02 the to 02)/(0 (p and , Now, the equations (4.4) equations (0 02 respectively. 0 , I) 02)/(03 the in respective cases The definition of cross-ratio implies that each of the equations (4.2) holds if and only if (4.3) holds. (0, 0 0 3 That is (4.2) holds if and only if k. 2,01 Cases (i) and (ii) complete our proof. q any r, < r k 1,2,3, < q) i for k_< p(P 0 K, and a p, , > m such that < D(K) for Let G i e LEMMA 4.3. 1,2 we e K- {0} 0 for k > for k p. Giuen q q Pr+ k m k < define KI kZ=l mkl(P {0 R and Zet and m (k=IZ mk)/(P -); pk) e ,0p G2; 0 .,0 p+l q e G GI; 01 ..,Or 3}, and KI {P e H r mk, kl then If 2 (}) 0 E ink, 3 k=p+l (H* G. iffil {}) (H u 3 i--I (i=1,2,3) such that Al/(p -pl) 0 + G i=l Ai)l(p -); q u , E AilCP -01) i=l l k=r+l A (R PROOF. 3 r. P Z with A 3 u G 2 mk. {}) Gi, u G 3 u {} then n With 3 i=l 3 U G iffil there 01 E Gi} G i, i. exist elements 0 i G i and A2/(p -p2) +A3/(p -p3) (A + A + 2 A3)/(p -r.). (4.7) THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT Obviously, O " Pl’ P2 P3’ If we choose elements for k 1,2, for k O 1,2 q, such that r ,p r+l,. for k k Ok, 769 ,q, p+l, then equation (4.7) can be written as r p r. mk/(p -pk k=l + q )". mk/CP k=r+l -p q r. + k) Z mk)/Cp -) k=l mk/CP -pk) k=p+l or q q Z mk/(p k=l r. p) {}) p e (R* This implies that k)l (p m k=l u 3 ). Hence G.. i=l (H* {}) 3 u (R* G. {)) u i=l For the reverse 3 (4.8) G.. i=l if containment, p e (R* {}) u 3 i=I O e G for u G k 2 r, < {} G Pk 3 e G 2 and there exists elements < r for k < q p Pk e G for 3 O p (I k < k < < k < q G i, then q) such that O k eG and such that q r. k=l r. mklCP pl) k=l ink)/( p ;). p) + Z k=r+l Therefore, q r E mk)/( k=l B Since that G i e @p(Gi) D(Km) is p Z k=l p) p and Ko-cOnvex mk/(p + B G 2 + B3 p(G2) p) p(G 3 we conclude that such hat Bi/Ai Bi/Ai I/(P #p(Gi) i O) + Z k=p+l mk/(O (say). p) (4.9) for i 1,2,3, we see from the definition of g.c.r.’s i for i 1,2,3 [5]. In view of this and the fact that p(G 1/(P. q mk/(O -O). for for for k-- 1,2,...r k r+l,...,p k p+l q, 1,2,3. Therefore, there exist elements p e G i q i Now, (4.9) implies (since A + A + A mk) that 3 2 for i k Z= N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 770 3 3 l A I (p i i=l p e (H* which says that r. i Ai) / ( i=l -{})- u 3 G ) Hence i=l (R* u 3 {}) (H* Gi i=l u 3 {}) (4.10) G..x i=l Finally (4.8) and (4.10) prove our lemma. Next, we take up the most general theorem of this paper, which we establish via application of Theorem 3.1. THEOREM 4.4. Let M be a fully supportable subset let Pk e P* n TGk(X,y) and k < x, of for 0 V k where PROOF. > S(xo,Yo f L() 0 If #(Q;x 1,x) k. is the > e M 1,x) q EPk(X,Y) algebra-valued 0 for k _< L(v) * x e E- (u q E k=l defined in Theorem for all v e: M. 0 < p (p (k))o q) u 3.1. L there is a unique nontrivial scalar homomorphism but _c for all linearly independent elements and is the set as 1,2,...,q, k for E such that (cf. (2.1)-(2.3)) with E’k’o( k=l e E- x.i Now, Pk (x,y) _c k(x,y) _c TGk(X ,y) can be easily shown that all for all then 0(Q;x p, e V- M, If such that and V and, of be circular cones in of the product Q(x) E such that Ts(X o,yo ), Eo(N’Gk) all (x,y) e N for generalized polar and m k E(k) o LP Pnk k for all on (2.4) and it (x,y) e N and for In view of remark 2.1 and the discussion immediately preceding it (with the k. notations therein), we have both sides (LQ;Xl,X) using the k’s. same of the product (4.11) (LQ;x 1,x), L(’ (Q;x ,x)) m LQ Applying of the polynomials for all linearly independent elements x,x of LPk, E we see that as claimed. for all x,x (Q;x l,x) # (in V-M) completes the proof. relations (4.11) implies that arbitrary nature of to the generalized polar 3.1 Theorem - (LQ;x l,x) as claimed. q The following version of Theorem 4.4 for the case when k=l 0 Finally, the q 0 and n k=l m k # Consequently, the E(k)o is a result exclusively in terms of algebra-valued generalized polars with a vanishing weight. The proof is immediate as in the case of Theorem 3.2. THEOREM 4.5. Under the notations and q k--I E(k) 0 x,x elements i8 the cone as hypotheses of Theorem 4.4 if we assume that q and Z k--I of defined m k 0 then (Q;x l,x) e M q+ E such that in Theorem 3.2. x e E- Uk=l ’k’j Eo for all linearly independent where Eo (q+l) =- Eo(N,Gq+ I) THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT Since Theorem 4.4 reduces to Theorem 3.1 on taking V K 771 M and Remark 4.1), it becomes the most general result of this paper. {o} (c.f. K Besides, it leads to the following corollary, which combines two earlier results due to the authors [I] and [2] which includes in it (as a natural consequence) a number of other known results due to Zaheer [5], [17], Marden [3], Walsh [22], and to Bcher [4]. COROLLARY 4.6. Let Eo(N’G’i )’ Eo,i i=l ,2,3, E. be rculcm cones in 4.4, if the circular cones the notations and hypotheses of Theorem Eo(N’Gk) e given by E(k)o E (k) Eo E x e E- x xo for Eo,2 then (Q;x ,x) e M < for for o,3 < r k 3 3 x e E- i=lU < p) (4.12) < q, Eo,i) u Ts’(Xo,yo ), x,x E such that of where(xo,yo) e N o L 2 [x,x ,yo o 3 I {p e K r i E i i--I p E m k k=r+l If x,x PROOF. A /(p -p i=l E ink, I--I A Ai)/(p I -y/); pie G yo)} (x q an A E 3 mk. k=p+l E are linearly independent elements of 3 such that x i=l u and x 3 i--I (see E O) 8y U o,i definition a Ts,(X yo ), N) of 3 , a6 (u 3 i=l S’(xo,Yo) 8Y G’ i 0 x for implies that (Xo’Yo) )" alS Since H n3 E i=l , R o ,yo is the unique element of a unique set of scalars exists aXo BYo’ Xl Yxo Yo + x (Ui=l where (x there then such that a/8 d where I], Yo and / 3 with r (r for all linearly independent elements i=In Eo,i S’(x < k_< p < p k Under G + i’ (Xo,Yo)) u S’(xo,Yo N o,i’ a,8,Y,6 (with (cf. (2.5)) and Y/ Gi= G.(Xo,Yo) (cf. Lemma 4.3). Note that a/8 Y/. This implies that a/8 H u {y/6} u {16)) we see that u 3 G(xo,Yo) y/6 n 3 G i=l q {p e Lx,x I] and Therefore, (H* Eo" i Kl.r- K= mkl(P -pk) q I: k--I (x o,yo ), mk)l(P where -Y/(); Pl "’’P r e N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN 772 Pp G2 (Xo’Yo); Pp+l’ GI (Xo’Yo); Pr+l’ G (xo,yo)}. Pq That is, R* u {y16} u =/ e/8 Consequently, R. 3 U G’.l (Xo’Yo))" i=l of Theorem 4.4 in the present set up are Since the fpr < k < r for r < k < p fpr p < k <_ q, G k given by G G G 4 k 2 G have we (4.12)). S(x Therefore linearly u R* that ,yo ), E(k) o u q k=l E of elements u 3 S(x E i=l ,yo ). O q n and o,i such that )(Q;x l,x) By Theorem 4.4, E i=l /B we see that independent Ts(Xo,Yo). o (4.13) (k) n x E (k) and x (cf. o,i x and x q u k=l k-I as was to be proved. M, E i=l Consequently, q 3 n o are (k)) Eo q l m # 0, Corollary (4.6) is Theorem 4.3 of a paper due to the authors [2], k k=l and if (in addition) V K and M=K {o}, it is Theorem 3.1 in the same paper. q 3 l m In case when 0 and n E #, Corollary 4.6 leads to the following cork o,i k=l i=l ollary, which is again a result due to the authors [I] and which reduces to Theorem If K- {o}. V K and M Under the notations and hypotheses 3.1 [I] when specialized for COROLLARY 4.7. and n 3 E i=l of (Q;x ,x) then O,i E such that G 4 x E E 4 i--Iu Eo,i, {P e (Xo,Yo) (x PROOF. o ,yo N with Eo,4 -= Eo(N,G 4’) where __I l k= then there exist a unique element 4 i=l i BY Gi(Xo,Yo) O) where l m k k=l e 0 x,x defined by Gi (Xo’Yo)} p m A k and l 2 k=r+ mk. are linearly independent elements of E such that x If x,x (with 6 is the cone zA"/AI; Pi ,I<I(’3’P2’Pl A 4.6 for all linearly independent elements M r for all q of CoroIL2y (Xo,Yo) such that G4(xo,Yo) x N N SXo [2 [X,Xl] + By Rx for X u 4 E o,i’ i=l and a unique set of scalars and h/Al Xl YXo + 6Yo" and G i Then Gi(xo,Yo) THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT We divide the proof into the following two cases: (Lemma 4.2). . 18 Case (i). a/6 and so 773 a/8 /6 + A + A 3 2 0, u 3 u () u R% Gi(xo,Yo)), i=l u 3 {}) (R% implies that In this case {}) (H- , Lemma n Gi(xo,yo) Gi(xo,Yo). Since i=l 3 /A Gl(Xo,Yo) where (since i=l i=l 4.2 and q A A where r. 3 mk) k=p+l 3 {p HI KI E= g S (x O Gi(xo’Yo)} O; P i Ai/(p -Pi i (cf. Corollary (4.6). ,yo Therefore, a/8 and (hence) a/8 S (Xo,Yo) u 3 u {m} u Gi(xo,Yo)) i=l S’(Xo,Yo). Ts.(Xo,Yo). x That is, linearly independent elements of E such that n3 E x i=l Ts,(Xo,Yo). m. /8 and x x 3 u x and o,i are E i=l #(Q;Xl,X) Finally, Corollary 4.6 says that Case (ii). Consequently, 6 u as was to be proved. M. In the case under consideration o,i 0 and a/6 If L() E V M, 0 but m g v ( 3 Rk (4.14) G.(Xo,Yo ))" iffil there exists a unique nontrivial scalar homomorphism L on L(v) 0 v E M. for hypotheses the Since (4.12), satisfied for the choice of circular cones given by hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 with the , Pk fact that E G and the O n of degree is an a.h.p, k k E from such that 4.4 Theorem are we proceed as in the proof say) satisfy the given by (4.12) and (4.13). The of Theorem 4.4 and again observe that the polynomials (k) of V to LPk (--Pk’ allows us to write it in K the form , Pk n k (6jk s Tjkt), j=l (sx + tx I) 3 Since x is not in the set E iffil for all q o,i Pk (x) k, we see that kffil J=l 6Jk E (k) for all k. the lines of proof of Theorem 3.1 (except that we replace all along) and Pk Gk(Xo’Yo) using the such that vanish simultaneously (since notations, same v ink(6 Pk- k q k=l E (k) o Y)/ 3 i=1 Z and since o 0 1,2,...,q. k we a" Eo,i find (x k o,yo TGk(Xo,Yo) Now, proceeding exactly on Pk by that Pk and take there exist Note that all the )" Now, Vk 8 0 elements s cannot 774 N. ZAHEER and A.A. KHAN q r E k=l (/a) [B are Gi(xo,Yo) Since Bi/A i e Gi(xo,Yo) 0 i e Gi(x yo) such ko-cOnvex where A3 because A + A + A 2 B that q l v k k=l (6/a) LQ Gi(xo,Y o) A2/A (4.16) 02, I, m 0) k say. conclude Now, mk. k=p+l A 0 i i for 03 + from (4.13) that there must elements exist 1,2 3, and (hence) i A2(02 q g k=l (LQ;Xl,X 0 3 + Pk" A2(02 -03 03)] (4.15) ffq k). k=l Pk(X) Since Pk(X) 0 # (4.16) 0, for all k, (4.15) would 0. must be distinct elements of and so a/ and E mk0k(since k=l q r. and (4.14) holds). holds q E k=p+l 0) AI(0 I- 03 0 I, B3], (4.14), we is the product of a.h.p.’s imply that (since Note that + 2 [A1(P L((Q;x l,x)) where i + B + Ok] From Remark 2.1 and equation (3.4) [5] we have 0. 3 q p E m 0 + E m k k k k=l k=r+! /a k m (Q;x l,x) RX # Therefore, (, (since K 03, 02, 01) A I, A 2 > for any M. That is, 3 i=l (03 01)/(03 02 This contradicts equation (4.14). e V O, n Consequently, (Q;x l,x) e M, as was to be proved. Finally, cases (i) and (ii) complete the proof. The following Corollaries 4.8 and 4.9 can be proved directly from Theorem 4.4, via applications of a suitably modified form of Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, exactly in the manner in which Corollaries 4.6 and 4.7 have been derived with the help of Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3. But it would neither be necessary nor worthwhile to do so. This is because it has already been proved in earlier papers due to the authors Corollary 4.5 [I] and Corollary 4.4 [2], that Corollary 4.8 (resp. Corollary 4.9) follows from Corollary 4.6 (resp. Corollary 4.7). We, therefore, state these without proof. COROLLARY 4.8 Eo(N,Gi ), i 1,2, be circular cones in [17].LetEo,i the notations and hypotheses (k) Eo =- Eo (N’Gk) are given by of Theorem 4.4, if q Z m k k--! # 0 and if E. Under the circular cones THEOREMS ON GENERALIZED POLARS WITH ARBITRARY WEIGHT p (p k 1,2 k p+l,...,q, o,I < 775 q) (k) Eo o,2 then x! (Q’x ,x) e M E o, n E /_2[x,x I] x and o,2 E E o,I u o,2 o {P e K (p,/6 co ,yo r. A and o Yo p ,p A /A 2 pi e G’.(x o, yo)} Under the same notations and hypotheses as in Corollary 4.8, we have that k__E1 mk 0 and all Zinearly independent elements x,x of E such that q except that this time (Q;x l,x) e M for u E x E- E V (x where mk k=p+l COROLLARY 4.9 [17]. For TS* (xo Yo E such that q P l m k k=l with A U of Yx o + 6x o and x S * (x x,x for all lnearly independent elements ,2 o,l K and M K {o}, ’ Eo,2 Eo,l the above Corollaries 4.8 and 4.9 are known results [5]. At the end it emerges that Theorem 4.4 of this paper happens to be the most general result known thus far on (algebra-valued) generalized polars, whether having a due to Zaheer vanishing a nonvanishing weight, or and it includes in it all the results that have been established earlier in the papers due to Marden [5], and to the authors [I] and [2]. [II], Zaheer It also includes improved versions of some well- known classical results, such as: Walsh’s two-circle theorems theorem [7] corresponding [5], Marden’s general expressed in Corollary 3.3, and Bocher’s theorem [5]. To sum up: apart from the fact that all the previously known results [3], [5], [2], have been jacketted into Theorem 4.4, the present study answers in full generality the type of problem on generalized polar pursued since 1971, and, it unifies the hitherto unnecessary and separate treatments traditionally meted out to the cases of the vanishing and the nonvanishing weight. scope left for further With Theorem 4.4 in view, stu.dies it may be pointed out there is no in this subject area, except possibly when different new concepts are developed on some other lines. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This paper was supported by the Re search Project No. Saudi Arabia. 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