Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. I0 No. 4 (1987) 787-796 787 UNSTABLE PERIODIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF NERVE AXlON DIFFUSION EQUATIONS RINA LING Department of Mathematics and Computer Science California State University, Los Angeles, California 90032 (Received September 9, 1986) BSTRAG’. studied. Unstable periodic solutions of systems of parabolic equations are Special attention is given to the existence and stability of solutions. KEY WORDS AD PHRASES. Periodic wave solutions, Diffusion equations, existence and stability analysis 1980 AS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION ODE. |. IHTRDDUTION. of partial differential equations are of great importance in Diffusion systems biosciences. In this paper, unstable periodic solutions of systems of the form u are studied. impulses on u t w xx + F(u,w), (I.I) G(u,w), t Equations of this type arise in neurophysiology in the study of nerve nerve axon, see [1,2]. involved in biology, see for example 2. 35k40, 35K57. Other classes of diffusion equations are also [3-9]. ZISTZNCE OF SOLUTIONS It is known that for u, if > 0 is sufficiently small, equation G(u,w) (I.I) has two types of wave solutions, namely, pulse travelling wave solutions and A travelling wave solution is a solution of periodic travelling wave solutions. equation (I.I) of the form [u(x,t), w(x,t)] hence [(z;c), (z;c)] d2T dz 2 [(z;c), (x;c)], z x + ct, satisfies the ordinary differential equation c __+d F (,) 0, dz d G(,) c-+ 0. A pulse travelling wave solution is a non-constant solution of (2.1) satisfying (2.1) 788 R. LING [0,01, [(z;c), (z;c)] lim and a periodic travelling wave solution is a periodic solution of (2.1). In [I0], Evans showed that equation (1.1) has two pulse travelling solutions with propagation speeds different and c c On the existence of 2. wave solutions, Hastings [II] showed that equation (2.1) with constant 0 < a <I/2 solution if is sufficiently [12] eu has a non- small and the speed studied the case in which c is F(u,w) u for u u-I for a < < a, u, Under this assumption, equation (2.1) has a non-constant periodic smooth function of the two cases when and the period c < c < c 2 They demonstrated the behavior of the function limited in the range p(c) is a c. p(c) under is c 0 only given by u F(u,w) where > Rinzel and Keller limited to a certain range. is a function of e if periodic solution periodic travelling G(u,w) is not very small and when a is very small. a Dai [13] proved the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a general case and studied stability of the solution. 3. STABILITY ANALYSIS. Stability of periodic travelling wave solutions is related to the eigenvalues of a matrix in the following theorem. Let A(z;%,c) be the matrix 0 0 A(z;I,c) l-Fl G [#(z; c) l[(z;c), (z;c)] (z;c)] 0 F. and (z:c)] c c where (z;c)] -F2[#(z;c) G2[(z;c), c denote the partial derivatives as usual, and let G. X (z;,c) be a matrix satisfying the differential equation d A X d--X with the initial condition X (0;l,c) I. Suppose the functions TaEOIM 3.1. F and G in equation (I.I) staisfy (a) the matrix X (p(c);/,c) has an eigenvalue of 0 and (c) 0, (b) G(0,0) I, for some complex number k with Re k > 0, then a periodic travelling wave solution [#(z;c), (z;c)] is unstable. F(0,0) modulus PROOF. With the change of variables, Z X t t, + Ct [u(x,t), w(x,t)] [(z,t), (z,t)], UNSTABLE PERIODIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF NERVE AXON DIFFUSION EQUATIONS 789 equation (I.I) becomes ] t t The -c + z F(],), + z (3.1) G(,). linearized perturbation equation of the above system with respect to the solution [(z;c), (z;c)] is t t where c zz #(z;c) c ZZ + F Z + G C Z +F + G [,] (z;c), and [,] since 2 2 [#,] [#,] (3.2) G(0,O) F(0,0) Equation (3.2) has a O. solution of the form where (Yl’ Y2 U(z,t) e Yl (z;A), W(z,t) e Y2 (z;A), satisfies the following system of linear ordinary differential equations d2y Ay dz AY2 dY c 2 FI d-- + [ ’] Yl + F2 [ ’] + G2 [#’] Y2’ dY c-a2 + G1 [#’] Yl Y2’ (3.3) (z;c). Note that if equation (3.3) has a solution which then equation is bounded for all z for a number A with Re(A) > 0, in (-,) (3.2) has a solution [U(z,t), W(z,t)] which grows exponentially, and hence, the travelling wave solution [#(z;c), (z;c)] is unstable. Using Floquet’s theory, we can show that equation (3.3) has a bounded non-trivial solution if and only if one of the eigenvalues of X( p( c) A ,c) is a modulus I. Equa- where tion #(z;c) and (3.3) can be rewritten as A-El [0’] Yl d- \dz c dY2 d- GI [’] Yl + (G2[#’] + c -a F2 -A) Y2’ and so can be represented by the matrix differential equation d d---v A(z;A,c) __v, ’ Y2’ R. LING 790 where v dz Y2 I J Now, since the coefficient matrix A (z;k,c) z, Floquet’s theory yields that equation (3.3) has a and the matrix A is as defined before. is a p(c)-periodic function of bounded non-trivial X(p(c) ;k ,c) if solution oaly and defined before is of modulus I. In the following lemma, X(p(c);0,c) eigenvalue of if one of the eigenvalues of the matrix The proof is now complete. it is shown that under the special case 0, one is unity and the product of the other two eigenvalues is greater than one. L 3.1. i .(l,c), l G2(u,w) _> (a) Suppose I, 2, 3, 0 all for denote the eigenvalues of and u w X (p(c);k,c), and (b) k 0, let then one eigenvalue, say I, i(0,c) 2(0’c) 3(0,c) > and PROOF. I. Differentiation of equation (2.1) leads to dO d d) (c-z where O O(z;c) G [0,] d0 + (z;c). and z G2 satisfies the matrix equation d-that is, Wz A (z;0,c) d, -z Therefore the vector dO d [0,] Wz, d (3.4) EQUATIONS UNSTABLE PERIODIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF NERVE AXON DIFFUSION 791 We know that (see for example, Sanchez) w and since w Z (z;c) p(c) is a w X(z;0,c) (z;c) Z Z (O;c) w w Z (O;c) periodic function of Z (p(c);c) z, it follows that X (p(c);0,c) w Z (0;c). (3.5) Thus there is an eigenvalue, say (O,c) I I. Further, by Jacobi’s formula, {X(z;k,c)} det f {det X(O;%,c)} exp - tr 0 G z (I) exp (c+ 2 # , C 0 In particular, det {X(p(c);0,c)} {A(;l,c)} exp [c p(c)] exp d$ j(c) P G2[#,] 0 C d > since But c > O, p(c) det {X > 0 (p(c);O,c)} I Note that [123 (k,c[ > L(c) is under k for (0,c) I, the _> 2 (u,w) (0,c) I for all u,w. 0 (0,c) 2 hence 2 of assumptions L’(c) < 0, then (0,c) Suppose (a) p’(c) < B1 actually holds. [k=O -p’ (c) (0,c) > 3.1, either (l,c) I. [2 (%,c)[ - is increasing at Vl (x’c) I (l,c) > We claim that the following equality Tf- a (), ,c) and > or In the next theorem, we will see that if 0, then the assumptions in Lemma 3.1 also hold, then 3 Lemma IX=0 > 0. TIiEORKM 3.2. PROOF: (0 ,c) 3 sufficiently small. decreasing, i.e. a-- l(X ,e) G and X=0 for > 0, O, i.e. and hence if (b) sufficiently small. R. LING 792 Recall the vector w (z;c), namely, which satisfies the periodicity (p(c);c) w w (0;c). Differentiation of the above equation with respect to w _v _v Let Z [Yl (p(c);c) p’(c) + w C (p(c);c) (z;%,c), Y2 (z;%,c)] w (0;c) + k w C (0;c), w c C leads to (0;c). (3.6) be a solution of equation (3.3) satisfying the initial condition v (0;%,c) Z (3.7) [dz (z;c), _v (z;k,c) is the vector defined before. We have observed before that (z;c), which satisfies equation (3.4), is a solution of equation (3.3) under %=0. In view of the condition (3.7) and by uniqueness of solutions, we have where -d] v (z;0,c) w (3.) (z;c). Z -- - Differentiation of equation (3.3) with respect to Under % O, Yl + % Y2 + k and Yl d2 dz Y2 d (z;c) dz where Yi respect to d* (z;c) d- Yi ---(z;O,c) c, we get now. YP d -c- (-) [YI’ Y2 replacing (3.8) becomes c 2 d .Yl. 2 dz2 c -) d d + G by d + [’] [YI’ Y2 ]’ .Yl. Cz ---) Y2. t--) + leads to GI[*,*I FI[,] + G2 Yl Yl + G2[* Y2 ---, Y2 [’] k---" (3.9) equation + V I[0,] + F 2 [,] aYl *] + F2[O Y2 ---, (3.9) by equality ] aY2 -, (3 lO) On the other hand, differentiating equation (2.1) with _ UNSTABLE PERIODIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF NERVE AXON DIFFUSION d2 dz d dz # (z;c) where b-7 (z;c), cc d# z c 2 c d + c + G1 [# (z;c). and (z;c)] d c , FI[#’@] 3 + F2[ vx - --X-- w 0 (3.1) (z;0,c)] and In addition, differentia- (3.7) yields (0;X,c) c G2[#’] c 0, , ,3Yl 3Y2 both (z-0;c), satisfy the same differential equation. tion of the initial condition ] 3 + Therefore 793 EQUATIONS (0;c), c in particular, x (0;0 c) w vl (z;0,c) w v (0;c) C and hence the equality < (z;c), 0 C < z (3.12) p(c). The equalities (3.8) and (3.12) together give , v w (z;,c) 0 Knowing also z _v* (z;k,c) (z;c) + Z < z X (z;k,c) < , p(c), v_* (z;c) + w C O(X2), (3.13) O. as (O;k,c), by equation (3.13) for z p(c) and O, we get w Z "ptc);c) + k w C (p(c);c) + 0 X (p(c);l,c) [w z (o;e) + I We (),2) (3.14) (0;e)]. Substitution of the equation (3.6) containing p’(c) into the left hand side of equation (3.14) and periodicity lead to X (p(c);X,c) [w z (O;c) + X [I -I p’(c)][w z (O;c) + X Hence the eigenvalue l(X,c) satisfies ,(X,c) -p’(c). ,=0 The proof is now complete. (O;c)] We Wc (0;c)] + 0 (X2). 794 R. LING On the other hand, under certain conditions, two eigenvalues have modulus less than one and one has modulus greater than one. (u,w) and THEORFa 3.3. Suppose (a) F (u,w) is a non-zero constant and (b) 2 are constant, then for sufficiently large, two eigenvalues of X (p(c);k,c) (u,w) 2 G! G < have modulus > and one has modulus I. A(z;,c) Decompose the matrix PROOF: as follows B (k,c) + E (z;c) A (z;k,c) X c -F G 0 G2-X Let s. (k,c) 0 0 0 0 + 2 -F 0 2 3 be the eigenvalues of B (k,c) i -s 3 + 0 0 The characteristic equation of eigenvectors. (z;c)] l[(z;c), G2-I (-----+c)s 2 + (2k-G2)s 0 B(l,c) + X and the corresponding qi is X-G2 (----) F2GI c 0. It follows that as sl(X,c) s2(l,c) s The vectors =- + 0(1) /[ + 0(1) 3(x,c) + o(1). qi (X’c) are qi(k,c) s. s 2.1 c s. -F 2 and let (3.15) Q(X,c) be the non-singular matrix Q(,,c) - 1,2,3, i (3.16) ql(,,c), q2(),,c), q3(),,c)], then Q-1BQ Sl(X,c) o 0 0 s2(),,v) 0 0 0 s3(, ,c UNSTABLE PERIODIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF NERVE AXON DIFFUSION EQUATIONS 795 Now consider the matrix -I Q X(z;,c) Q Y(z;l,c) X(z;l,c), which has the same eigenvalues as in particular with z p(c), and satisfies the differential equation dz Y(z;%,c) Q A(z;l,c) Q Y(z;,c) [Q -I B(%,c)Q + Q -I E(z;c)Q] Y(z;%,c), d zX since -IBQ But Q and (3.16) (z;l,c) A (z;k,c) X (z;k,c). is the diagonal matrix from before and it can be shown easily using (3.15) that eigenvalues of all exp It follows from < elements Y( p( c) l ,c) Q-IEQ of and hence of [si(l,c) p(c)], i (3.15) that as > I. % X(p(c) ;l ,c) 1,2,3 , o(I) are , as therefore the approach . as X( p( c) k ,c) two eigenvalues of have modulus and one has modulus To summarize, under the assumptions of both Theorem (3.2) and Theorem (3.3), at X( p( c) % ,c) least two eigenvalues of values of X( p( c) k ,c) must have modulus solution have modulus < have modulus for some (#(z;c), (z;c)) > 0 as > ==. as % 0+, and two eigen- Hence one of the eigenvalues and under Theorem (3.1), the travelling wave is unstable. 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