Life Science Division Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2015

Life Science Division Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2015
Minutes from last meeting were discussed, with some changes needed to better define the
GOBI e-book portion. Melody will enhance and send out.
Melody will invite Tom Teper to a meeting to discuss the PRI project
Melody will also invite Lisa Hinchliffe to discuss strategic planning
AC minutes sent out via e-mail previously were discussed (MA)
a. spend money now
b. anything over $5000 needs to be submitted by early February
c. Indiana Journal Repository work is ongoing; all of our potential duplicates they may
need have available backfiles already in our collection
d. E-book Task Force is planning an informational forum
Reference Services (EK). The group is examining the results from the customer satisfaction
survey – the impending split of RRSS into two separate units was discussed
Web Delta (EK) has been on hiatus over the holidays but will start up again with new semester
Vet Med Library Reconfiguration (EK) is ongoing and will look at some user survey results this
AUL for User Services Advisory Group (PA) meets to advise the AUL for User Services on a variety
of topics. The group is composed of the heads from Grainger, Funk, UGL, RRSS, Information
Literacy, and document delivery. The group has been working on a position request for an AUL
for User Services to replace Sue Searing upon retirement.
PRI New Service Model (SW)
a. Plans are tentatively to close the facility in December, 2015 (not set in stone?)
b. Some listening sessions have been conducted with PRI survey staff
c. IT problems within the PRI have slowed things down due to Active Directory issues
d. The work is going slower than expected
e. Some professional staff have already been moved out into other parts of the PRI
E-Research Implementation (SW). An upcoming project may focus on Life Sciences and
Geographic Information Systems data needs with subject specialist groups formed regarding
data management
Strategic Planning Steering Team (PB). A feedback survey for the Retreat is being conducted
from an e-mail sent by Lisa Hinchliffe
Members present: Pat Allen (PA), Melody Allison (MA), Peg Burnette (PB), Erin Kerby (EK), Kelli Trei (KT),
and Sarah Williams (SW)
Minutes taken by Pat Allen