WAVE RADIATION AND DIFFRACTION BY A FLOATING SLENDER BODY by JAMES HARRY MAYS B.S.E., Basic Engineering, Princeton University (1966) S.M., Division of Engineering and Applied Physics Harvard University (1973) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1978 Signature of Author. Redacted Signature . . . . -w-: . . . . . fo., . Redacted Signature Sup erv h. . . . . ...... t Accepted by. Thesis Supervisor Signature Redacted Chairman, Departmelta-l Commit . Certified by . e on Graduate Students Massachusetts Institute of Technology ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AU G 1 6 1978 LIBRARIES . Department of Ocean Engineering, May 22, 1978 1978 -2WAVE RADIATION AND DIFFRACTION BY A FLOATING SLENDER BODY by JAMES HARRY MAYS Submitted to the Department of Ocean Engineering on May 22, 1978, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT A linearized theory is developed for the oscillation of a slender body floating on the free surface of an ideal fluid in the presence of incident oblique plane progressive The method of matched asymptotic expansions is waves. used to derive a unified slender-body velocity potential valid for all frequencies that accounts for axial interactions at low frequencies (ordinary slender body theory) and transverse sectional interactions at high frequencies The source strengths and dipole moments (strip theory). of the inner and outer problems are related through an integral equation the solution of which is used to express the added mass, wave damping and exciting forces as the sum of the two-dimensional hydrodynamic forces and an axial Numerical computations are performed interaction term. Results for for spheroids of several length/beam ratios. added mass and wave damping in heave and pitch show very good agreement with "exact" three-dimensional solutions. Thesis Supervisor: Title: J. Nicholas Newman Professor of Naval Architecture -3ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Support during my graduate study has come primarily from the Veteran's Administration National Science Foundation Traineeship). and the (G.I. Bill) (Energy Related Graduate Funds from the Office of Naval Research Fluid Mechanics Program (Contract No. N00014-76-C-0365) the National Science Foundation (Contract No. 7402576-A02-ENG) are also gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to the criticism, encouragement, and advice from members of my thesis committee: Professors J. H. Milgram, C. C. Mei, and Ronald W. Yeung. For his ideas, stimulation, patience, and enthusiasm it is to my advisor, Professor J. N. Newman, that I direct my most sincere thanks. and -4TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 LIST OF TABLES 5 LIST OF FIGURES 6 NOMENCLATURE 7 12 I. INTRODUCTION II. RADIATION BY A SYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY 19 III. RADIATION BY AN ASYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY 69 IV. DIFFRACTION BY AN ASYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY 85 V. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 121 148 REFERENCES APPENDIX A: The 2D Source Potential S(y,z) 152 APPENDIX B: Summation of G* for Small Ikir 156 APPENDIX C: Behavior of G* at Low Frequency: K= 0(k) = O(1) 165 Behavior of G* at High Frequency: K>> Iki 167 Inverse Fourier Transform of the Low Frequency Matched Wave Source 169 Application of Green's Theorem to the Homogeneous Solution 173 Other Slender Body Theories 178 APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: APPENDIX F: APPENDIX G: -5LIST OF TABLES Page I.2D Source Strength, Added Mass and Damping 131 of a Circular Cylinder LIST OF FIGURES Page II-1 Matching Region and Cumulative Error versus Wavenumber 68 V-1 Source Strength of 8:1 Spheroid at KB/2= .3 135 V-2 Sectional Added Mass of 8:1 Spheroid at KB/2= .1 136 V-3 Sectional Damping of 8:1 Spheroid at KB/2= .1 137 V-4 Heave Added Mass of 16:1 Spheroid 138 V-5 Heave Damping of 16:1 Spheroid 139 V-6 Heave Added Mass of 8:1 Spheroid 140 V-7 Heave Damping of 8:1 Spheroid 141 V-8 Heave Added Mass of 4:1 Spheroid 142 V-9 Heave Damping of 4:1 Spheroid 143 V-10 Pitch Moment of Added Inertia of 8:1 Spheroid 144 V-ll Pitch Damping of 8:1 Spheroid 145 V-12 Pitch Moment of Added Inertia of 4:1 Spheroid 146 V-13 Pitch Damping of 4:1 Spheroid 147 A-l Contours of Integration Il, 12 for S(y,z) 152 -6LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page A-2 Contours of Integration I3' 14 for S(y,z) 154 F-1 Contour of Integration for Application of Green's Theorem 174 -7NOMENCLATURE a (x) - 2D conjugate source strength a.. - added mass 13 A2 A. - 2D source strength (x) 1 - 2D even wave-free multipole moments b. - wave damping b. (x) - B - beam B - body boundary condition of forced motion problem (Equation 2.8) BI - body boundary condition of diffraction problem (Equation 4.4) B (x) - 2D conjugate dipole moment 2D dipole moment B2n (x) - 2D odd wave-free multipole moments C - D(y,z) - wave dipole = 1 D2n (y,z) - Dh(y,z) ey = 1.781... S(y,z) 2D odd wave-free multipoles - 2D Helmholtz dipole = 1 (Equation 4.7b) K S (Y'z) D 2n (y,z) - 2D odd wave-free Helmholtz multipoles h (Equation 4.13) E (u), Ei(u) - exponential integrals - iwb.. f.. - complex hydrodynamic force = (Equation 2.56) F - time dependent exciting force = Re{e iWtX F. iw - time dependent hydrodynamic force = Re{eiwt s f 13 1 g -JaJ - gravitational acceleration (2a.. 1J 1J -8- (Equation 2.6) G(x,y,z) - H (u) - Hankel function of order 0 H (u) - Struve function of order 0 J (u) 0 (u) 3D wave-free multipoles - modified Bessel function of lst kind of order n - Bessel function of lst kind of order 0 K - wave number = w 2 /g K n(u) - modified Bessel function of 2nd kind of order n L - L - Laplace equation length (L = 1) L (u) - slender body interaction kernal (Equation 2.38) L (u) - slender body free surface kernal (Equation 2.38) L2(u) K-v - slender body free surface scattering kernal = L 1( K u) cL(a(x)) - (7 (x)) - interaction operator (Equation 2.39) scattering interaction operator (Equation 4.18) OC 7 (x))Ct 7 x) O7~ 7x) cos ~logI2 4 7r -l + cosh sics +ine 1s j ... (Equation 4.19) -6(x-u) (Ix - ui)- (x ('rri+ log K + y) + 1K L0 (x-u) + L (x-u) ... (Equation 3.22) n - 3D body normal vector N - 2D transverse body normal vector P2n (u) - Legendre polynomial of order 2n -9- sectional transverse radial coordinate = /Y2+ z2- r - r (x) - sectional transverse body radius R - R - radiation boundary condition (Equation 2.4) R(x), R 3D radial coordinate = /x2+ y2 +z2- - reflection coefficients sgn (u) - signum function = S (y, z) - 2D Green function (wave source) and 2.12) S (y, z) - 2D conjugate wave source (Equation 2.13) 1x> (Equations 2.10 Z - 2D even wave-free multipoles (Equation 2.11) SS2nn(y,z) S - linearized free surface boundary condition (Equation 2.4) Sh(yz) - 2D Helmholtz wave source (Equations 4.7a, 4.9) 2n 5h (y,z) - 2D Helmholtz wave-free multipoles (Equation 4.13) T(x), T - x,yz - Cartesian coordinates with origin at body center X. - exciting force (Equations 4.42c, 4.44) W..1] 0J - weight factor (Equation 5.2) Y0 (u) - Bessel function of 2nd kind of order 0 transmission coefficients 2n 2n ^2n ^2n.. 2n, 2n a', ,2n ,rn moments of strip solution of ith mode - - moments of generalized radiation potential p2n A'2n rVA 'Ay 'A S A 2n I ~2n%'AA O %M 7 = gecr1-4i,--2n I 1 - snlti aIf eve9='nh1%T M 1mnt A&"4 .#s _& of eV~r C, 2n ,ag 2n - moments of odd homogeneous solution - angle of incidence -10- - Euler's constant = log C = .5772... Y r 0 r0 - (Equation 2.28) - (Equation 4.16) - K/IkI 6 (x) - Dirac delta function ={u A - (1 + /1 - k 2 7K 2 ) /2 A - (1 + IsinSI)/2 E - slenderness parameter = B/L C -z 0 - sectional transverse angular coordinate X - wavelength A - even interaction coefficient =Ot(y() A7 - ev n scattering interaction coefficient = 0 + iyl = 2h (a7W y S (x) 2n (x) V - 3D unified dipole moment of ith mode - 3D odd wave-free multipole moments - K cos - complex amplitude of i th mode p - fluid density a . (x) - 3D unified source strength of i th mode a2n (x) - 3D even wave-free multipole moments P(x,y,z) - spatial velocity potential 9(x,y,z,t) - time dependent velocity potential = Re{ (x,y,z)elot} (Equation 2.2) -11- $. (x,y,z) - outer velocity potential (Equation 2.4) o.(y,z;x) - inner velocity potential (Equations 2.8, 2.14, 2.15) 0. (y,z;x,3) - generalized radiation potential (Equation 4.50) - cosh 1 (K/IkI) X - cos $(n) - Psi function w - radian frequency Q - odd interaction coefficient = 07 - odd scattering interaction coefficient = * - Fourier transform (Equation 2.16) X (Equation 2.23) ~1. A - (Equation 2.23) (K/Ikl) (Equation B.4) (overbar) complex conjugation - non-dimensional (p(x)) (y7 (x)) -12CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The study of the motions of a floating body in the presence of waves has intrigued scientists for decades. It has only been in the last thirty years that the mechanics of such motions have been understood to the extent that Two-dimensional reasonable motion predictions are possible. problems may be solved with relative ease by a variety of methods. The extension to three dimensions is much more difficult requiring considerable time and cost. It is for this reason that slender bodies have been almost exclusively analyzed using a quasi-three-dimensional theory. The problem at hand concerns a floating rigid body with one length scale much larger than the others and along which the body geometry varies gradually. The body is regarded as slender and assumptions simplifying the governing equations can be made to advantage as described in Chapters II and IV. We shall only discuss in this oscillatory body motions based on linear theory. thesis The problem of steady forward motion by itself or in conjunction with oscillatory motions is not discussed. The application of the theory developed here to ships with forward speed is outlined in Newman (1978b). Zero-speed slender body motions, however, can be applied specifically -13- to the study of stationary ships or elongated offshore structures. By assuming "small" amplitude motions, we can linearize the equations, decouple the excitation from the response, and thus solve the diffraction and radiation problems independently. The separate analyses yield the complex hydrodynamic forces (in terms of the added mass or moment of inertia, and wave damping) and the excitation forces exerted on the body by the incident waves respectively. This information constitutes a transfer function that determines the body motions as a function of the "input" ambient waves. Linearity also implies the ability to analyze motions in "irregular" seas by spectral decomposition (Price and Bishop, 1974). To motivate the analysis to follow, we describe in primitive form two complementary theories that have produced much discussion in recent years. "Strip" theory is a method originally promoted by Korvin-Kroukovsky (1955,1960) that assumes the flow around each section of a slender body is essentially two-dimensional. One can intuitively understand why this approach indeed does work especially at high frequencies of oscillation. If we consider a slender body in vertical oscillatory motion (heave) such that the wave length of oscillation is small, -14- say on the order of the beam of the ship, then such waves created instantaneously along the length will add to produce in effect a wave system that appears to propagate at right angles from the axis of the body. As the wave length of radiation increases with decreasing frequency, the directivity of the radiated waves becomes less focused (Ogilvie, 1977). The components of the waves that propagate along the length of the hull will not necessarily cancel each other. Thus, at lower frequencies, we anticipate interactions along the length of the body. This phenomenon was the basis for what we shall refer to as the "ordinary" slender body theory of Ursell Newman (1964), and Newman and Tuck (1964). (1962), This theory, described in greater detail in the sequel, presupposes that the only interactions of any consequence occur along the axis. Strip theory, on the other hand, assumes inter- actions only around transverse sections. are mutually exclusive. These two theories Strip theory is not satisfactory at low frequency and ordinary slender body theory is invalid at all but low frequency. Strip theory has gradually gained acceptance so that today it provides the rationale for most seakeeping programs (e.g., Salveson, Tuck, and Faltinsen, 1970). Strip theory computations are relatively inexpensive and -15- give quite good results over much of the frequency range of interest. Numerical three-dimensional solutions are possible (Chang, 1977) but are too expensive for most design applications. Theoreticians were skeptical of strip theory for many years because of its derivation by intuition rather than rational mechanics. Much of the doubt was removed by the work of Ogilvie and Tuck (1969), who showed its justification at high frequency. The optimism that accompanied the early discussion of ordinary slender body theory (Newman and Tuck, 1964) was shortlived as the theory was not found to be of much utility in the range of frequencies relevant for ship motions. Grim (1960) attempted to synthesize a theory that had the proper behavior at all frequencies by postulating the existence of a "longitudinal wave" that would correct the local strip theory to account for the three dimensionality of the body. Maruo (1970, 1978) developed an "interpolation" theory that partly reconciled strip theory and ordinary slender body theory. His results appear to demonstrate good correlation with experiment but the theory has theoretical deficiencies as discussed in Chapter V and Appendix G. This thesis presents a "unified" slender body theory uniformly valid for all frequencies. The unified theory -16- is formulated in terms of separate "inner" and "outer" problems. In contrast to the strip theory approach (Ogilvie, 1977), the inner problem has no specified radiation condition. The method of matched asymptotic expansions is then used to determine the three-dimensional source strength of the outer problem in terms of the twodimensional source strength of the inner problem. Expressions for the added mass and wave damping in sway, heave, roll, pitch, and yaw (i= 2,3,4,5,6) for bodies of general cross-sectional shape are derived. They are shown to consist of a strip theory term and an interaction term: f.. = dx f (x) + 2p dxA . ( ((1.1) The longitudinal axis is x; f.. is the three-dimensional 1J 2D force given by the integration of f. (x), the sectional 1J strip theory force, and the sectional interaction term 2ffp. A. (x)oa. (x). J 1 The two-dimensional source strength 27ra. is multiplied by the integral transform A .(x) operating on the J three-dimensional wave source strength a. (x) defined in J Chapter II; i.e., A. (x) = A(a. (x)). J J (1.2) The source strength a. is determined by the solution of the J -17- integral equation: 2T = O. 3 .- (a /-a + 1)A. 7F j (1.3) j where a., a., and A. are all functions of x. J J I The oblique wave diffraction problem is solved as well with expressions for the exciting forces X dx e-iKxcos dxeX. = 17 2D (x;S) 1 d eiKxcos + 2p +27rp fdx eA ;3A 7x..i(x; ) X.(3) given by: where S is the angle of wave incidence and X dimensional strip sectional exciting force. 2D is the two- As discussed by Bolton and Ursell (1973), a. is a generalized source strength that corresponds to the sinuous motion of the body generating waves that propagate away from the body at an The coefficient A7 (x; ) is a complicated integral transform of the scattering source strength a 7 (x; ) angle S. discussed in Chapter IV. The remarkable feature of both the unified radiation and diffraction solutions is that the hydrodynamic forces can be given in terms of the two-dimensional added mass and -18- damping (or excitation) of a two-dimensional strip solution that is commonly computed today in seakeeping programs and a term derived from the solution of an integral equation involving two-dimensional source strengths. Chapter V discusses the solution of the integral equation (1.3) and presents the added mass and damping for heave and pitch of slender ellipsoids of beam/length ratios 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16. Comparisons with ordinary slender body theory, strip theory, and a primitive composite slender body theory are presented. The unified theory is found to be superior to these other methods and to compare quite favorably with "exact" results obtained independently by W.D. Kim (1975) and Yeung (Bai and Yeung, 1974) by numerical procedures that treat the three-dimensional problem explicitly with no slenderness approximations. The encouraging results for zero speed suggest optimism for application of unified slender body theory to ships with forward speed in a seaway. -19CHAPTER II RADIATION OF A SYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY IN HEAVE AND PITCH Z z -L/2 L/2 y -- 'I B-d L If1 E = B/L Consider a body symmetric about y= 0 of length L, beam B, and draft H whose offsets vary smoothly along its length. The axial direction is taken as x, z is positive upwards with respect to the free surface (z=0), y is orthogonal to x and z in the horizontal transverse direction. Polar coordinates in the body section are defined by z = -r cosO y = r sine The body section is described by a local radius r 0 = r0 (6;x). -20- The fluid is assumed inviscid and incompressible. The fluid is considered irrotational, thus potential theory can be used. The body is allowed to heave and pitch with small oscillations of radian frequency w on the surface of a The "deep water" dispersion fluid of infinite depth. relation defines the wave number K in terms of the frequency w and gravitational acceleration g: 2 K = (2.1) -- g A time dependent velocity potential will be defined in terms of a spatial velocity potential with simple harmonic time dependence (Newman, 1977): O(x,y,z,t) (2.2) = Re{f(x,y,z)e it. The boundary value problem for P is given by the Laplace equation V2 0= x + y + z = 0 (L) throughout the fluid domain; the linearized free surface boundary condition, -21- K 9 -)z = 0 (S) on the free surface z=0; a kinematic body boundary condition, Re{fn iot} = velocity of body (B) on the body surface; and a radiation condition stipulating only outgoing waves far from the body, lim 0 r' ir = (R) y2-. X-2--+ The indicial notation and normalization of Ogilvie (x,y,z) where 3 and = ( 3 1 3 (x,y,z) + For this particular problem, 5 505 (x,y,z) , (1977) will be followed here. 5 are the complex heave amplitude and pitch angle respectively. The equations above describing the complete boundary value problem pertain as well to 93 and 5 with the body boundary condition (B) given specifically by: -22- Re {_3n3 iwt it t = Re{iwn3 (2.3) Re iwt '05 Re n where n Re{ion 5 eit 5 = nz and n 5 =-xn w + zn ; n and n are longitudinal and vertical components of the unit body normal n. Define E as a slenderness parameter such that = B/L = O(H/L). If the wetted radius is ro (e;x) , ro = 0(eL) . E Now assume the body is of unit length L= 1; then r0 = O(E). The coordinate system is located at the midsection of the body; pitch motions are defined accordingly. If the body geometry is such that there are only negligible or slowly varying changes in the transverse dimensions along the x axis, then D/Dx = O(1). Transverse gradients, however, will be 0(1/s). We warn that such is not the case in the immediate vicinity of the ends where longitudinal gradients are significant. Newman (1964) and Ursell (1962) simplified their slender body results by assuming various degrees of taper near the ends. Methods of dealing with these local singularities are discussed in Thwaites (1960) and Tuck (1964) for flows in infinite fluids. The recent paper by Ogilvie (1978) discusses end effects for stationary vessels -23- as well as for vessels with forward speed on the free surface. The boundary value problem for fi(x,y,z) above is not well posed when the limit E+O is approached. The slender body problem described when s is "small" is a singular perturbation problem necessitating particular solution techniques. The method of matched asymptotic expansions has been widely used in recent years to solve such problems and will be applied to the problems discussed in this thesis. The review article by Ogilvie (1977) discusses many of the applications of this technique to singular perturbation problems in ship hydrodynamics. The method of matched asymptotic expansions will allow us to derive a velocity potential 99 that is uniformly valid throughout the fluid domain and across the radiation frequency spectrum. The "global" potential 0 will be described by either an inner potential or an outer potential depending upon the region under examination. We shall derive partial solutions for the boundary value problems in these two separate regions and resolve the indeterminacy in each solution by matching these solutions in a region common to both to lowest order. To motivate the procedure the following physical analog is offered. The outer problem is described by an observer -24- many body widths from the body. He sees wave motion caused by the body heaving and pitching. From his panoramic vantage point it appears as if the waves are generated from a single line. Because he is so far away the outer field observer cannot distinguish any of the detail of the body itself or of the nature of the fluid motion in the vicinity of the body. Contrast the outer observer with an inner observer who sees all the detail of the body and the local flow but because of the apparent great length of the body cannot see the ends. In fact, he has no depth perception along the longitudinal axis as changes there are very slight. considers his problem as essentially two dimensional. He The technique of matched asymptotic expansions reconciles mathematically these two disparate and incomplete perceptions of the problem by a synthesis of both solutions. The Outer Problem In the outer region, all length scales considered 0(1). / -- -0 'g shall be -25- Because of the transverse symmetry of the body, this observer will see a symmetrical wave pattern with respect to the plane y=O. Define the outer field potential f(x,y,z) as the solution of the forced-motion boundary value problem: (L) xx + - x yy (2.4) Z~r -iKr lim $~= OC( Kr,' ' - = 0 zz = 0 z -K (S) + r' =5 2 + y2 - (R) We note that we have not specified a body boundary condition (B). There is no unique solution to the problem To ensure uniqueness we insist that it match as posed above. asymptotically with the solution of an inner problem posed below in a region in which both the inner and outer solutions are valid and hence overlap. function G (x,y,z) The 3D source potential or Green representing a wave source at x= y= z= 0 that satisfies (L), (S), and () is documented and discussed in Thorne Wehausen and Laitone (1960), Ogilvie (1953), (1977), and Newman (1978a,b). satisfies a 3D Laplacian with 6(x)-6(y)-6(z) To be precise, G on the right hand side (L') rather than 0 as in (L): 00 G (x,y,z) = f 0 --A-K* y (p/ 2 +y2)ez . (2.5) -26- Although we shall demonstrate that,to leading order,the heave and pitch forced motion potentials in the outer problem are described in terms of wave sources, we shall include here additional contributions offering more hydrodynamical detail by considering 3D wave-free multipoles (Havelock, 1955). These potentials satisfy (L') and (S) but form non-propagating waves that decay as O(R ) rather than outgoing progressive waves with a decay factor O(R-1/2) prescribed by P2n (-z/R) 2n 2 (-z/R) 2nR2 2n R where R = VIE 2 + y 2 + z K P 2n- (R). and P2n (-z/R) are Legendre poly- nomials. The outer potentials will be described by a continuous distribution of these 3D wave sources and wave-free multipoles along the centerline of the body at the free surface: $i (x,y,z) = + - fdE[a i(E)G (x-Ey,z) r2n (C)G2n (x- ,y,z)] i=3,5 (2.7) The 3D wave source and multipole strengths are given by a (x) and a 2n (x) respectively. The Einstein convention of implicit summation over repeated indices will apply throughout -27- The integration is over the length of the body this thesis. to+-- as the source and multipole strengths are from-- necessarily zero outside that interval. The solution of the 2n outer problem is thus the determination of a.I (x) and a 1 (x). The Inner Problem One could strain the coordinates and define a perturbation scheme to show formally that the following Because of the amount of work problem is properly posed. that has been done on this problem and because only leading order behavior in e, the slenderness parameter, The interested reader we shall merely state the problem. (1970) and Ogilvie is referred to Newman /ax + 9. iyy (L") - (S) (B) - 0. Z a/Dy, = O(1), 0 = izz S= 1 3D 3 3 D a/az = (1977). O(1/E) i i=3,5 = EKO. 3n3 O(C2) is desired, -( nn ( n ,n 5 an 3D5 x ,nz) = iwnz ,nz) z = iw(-xnz+ zn ). z x -28- Now the inner problem to leading order in e can be given by dropping terms in (L"), order. (g), and (B) that are of higher We will, however, keep both terms of the free surface boundary condition (S) in order to preserve the existence of wave motion in the inner solution regardless of the magnitude of K. When K = 0(l) the inclusion of both terms is inconsistent with the rest of our slender body simplification, however the inclusion of higher order inconsistent terms should in no way affect the accuracy of our solution to lowest order. The original contribution of this thesis is to solve for the global potential 92 over a wide range of radiation frequencies by keeping both terms of (S) and hence preserving wave motion in the inner problem for all K. The boundary value problem for the inner potential is now: (L") + . 1 1 yy (S) - . = 0 D. zz K .= 0 z (B) V2D 3 -N V 2 D 5 -N iwnZ =-iwxnz (2.8) -29- where N is the 2D body section unit normal with components n y and n. z The inner potential has now become only parametrically We shall incorporate the sectional x dependent upon x. dependence in a "stripwise" fashion by weighting a distribution of two-dimensional solutions according to: (. (y,z;x) = A. (x)S(y,z) + a. (x)S(y,z) + A2 1 (x) S 2 n (y,z). (2.9) 2n where S(y,z), S(y,z), and S (y,z) are the 2D wave source, conjugate 2D wave source, and 2D wave-free multipoles respectively. As in the 3D case, we note that these singularities are Green functions and as such satisfy a Laplacian (with a delta function on the right hand side), the free surface condition (a), and, by proper choice of source strength A. (x), conjugate source strength a. (x) and 1 1 2n wave-free multipole source strengths A. 1 o. (y,z;x) can be made to satisfy (B). (x), We shall show that the inclusion of S, the conjugate wave source, is essential in the outer 3D solution. -30- We recognize the absence of a radiation condition in the inner problem. In fact, in (2.9) we have already implied that we shall admit the existence of incoming waves by allowing contributions from S, the complex conjugate of the 2D Green function S. The "radiation condition" that ensures solution uniqueness will be achieved through matching with the outer solution for which no body boundary condition was specified. The two dimensional boundary-value problem can be solved by numerous methods all involving numerical analysis to greater or lesser degrees. Ursell Pioneering the solution was (1949) who calculated the radiation potential of a heaving circular cylinder. Various refinements through the years have been added to include finite depth, motions other than heave, and families of shapes other than circles by conformal mapping. Integral equation techniques utilizing wave sources of unknown strength distributed over the wetted surface of the body have also been popular methods (Frank, 1967; Garrison, 1969). Other methods that also solve this two dimensional problem include the finite element/hybrid element approaches of Bai (1976) and Chen and Mei (1974) , and the singularity source distribution technique of Yeung (Bai and Yeung, 1974). -31- The classical two-dimensional solutions of the radiation problem only admit to outgoing waves by virtue of the usual radiation condition which was motivated by physical considerations to provide a unique solution. In the inner two-dimensional problem we can ignore intuitive physical reasoning that specified only outgoing waves and instead allow both incoming and outgoing waves, the relative amounts of which will be determined through matching with the outer Uniqueness is assured when matching. solution. by Ogilvie and Tuck (1969) The analysis "justifying" strip theory on theoretical grounds imposes a radiation condition on the inner problem. That work, however, only claimed to be valid for high frequency, K = O(l/s). spectrum, K = 0(1), Ursell and Tuck t1964) At the lower end of the (1962), Newman (1964), and Newman essentially approximated away the existence of waves in the inner solution by imposing a rigid lid @ = 0 on z=O. The solutions 5. (y,z;x) of the inner problem will be expressed in terms of 2D wave sources, 2D conjugate wave sources, and 2D wave-free multipoles located along the centerline of the body. surrounded by a circle Suppose the 2D body is completely in the y-z plane. (1949) has proven that the velocity potential Ursell -32- can be expanded in terms of a wave source, and wave-free potentials outside the circumscribing circle. This representation is an analytic continuation of the potential that satisfies the boundary-value problem between this circle and the body. The outer problem will be described by 3D wave sources, dipoles, and higher order wave-free multipoles following Grim (1957,1960) and Ursell The requisite 2D wave source is d zcosy . (2.10) S(y,z) = -J. (1962). (Thorne, 1953): P p-K fo This potential, derived from the logarithmic singularity, is symmetric about y=0, satisfies (L") except at r=0, the free surface boundary condition (S), and contributes only outgoing waves as y+I The symmetric S 2n (y,z) = -.- 0 (even in y) cos 2n6 2n r K cos (2n-1)0 ~2n-l (2n-1) r such that r is a 2D radius, r = with R = /X2 y2+ 2D wave-free multipoles are: /ry2+ z 2 -, (2.11) 2.1 not to be confused 2- Now we can specify the solution of the 2D forced motion problem resulting in outgoing waves as some combination of -33- S(y,z) and S2n(y,z) such that the body boundary condition is satisfied. Appendix A proves that S(y,z) can be written as the sum of a wave term and a local term involving the exponential integral E 1 S(y,z) = ,rieK(z-ilyI) = ffieK - Re[eK(z-iyJ)E 1(K(z-ilyi))] - Re[eKCE( (2.12) where C = z+ ilyl = z- ily. For small values of Kr the local term behaves as log Kr+ y where y is Euler's constant, .577.... Far from the body this term diminishes as O(1/K). To describe the potential whose far field expansion results in incoming waves, the contour of (2.10) is changed from -L. to -. v-..4 which can also be interpreted as taking the complex conjugate of (2.12). This modification is reasonable as this would be the change if the time dependence were e- . S(y,z) Thus: = -7ieKC - Re[eKE 1 (KC)] . (2.13) -34- Expressed in terms of undetermined 2D source and multipole strengths, the complete inner solution takes the form (x, y,z) = A(x)S(y,z) + a(x)S(y,z) + A 2n 2n y'z) . = A(x)rrie - Re[e KE cos 2n r 2n - a(x)7rie (KC)] + _ K cos - [A(x) . .(2.14) + a(x)] A 2n(x) (2n-l)0] 2n-1 r2n-1 (2.15) where use has been made of the fact that Re[eK E 1 (KC)] = Re[eKE 1 (K )] Fourier Transform of the Inner Solution The matching will be done in Fourier transform space. Defining the Fourier transform pair by -3500 dx eikxf(x) = f(x) = dx e-ikxf*(k) , f*(k) 00 -00 rf00 - (2.16) we see that the transform of the inner solution is trivial involving only the local 2D source strengths A, a, and A 2n Thus, * (k,y,z) = frie Kzcos Ky[A*(k) + re Kzsin KjyI [A*(k) - [A*(k) + - a*(k)] + a* (k)] + a*(k)]Re[eK E A 2n k) S2n (Kg)] i=3,5 (2.17) . For brevity, we shall not include the argument of terms when their interpretation is obvious; e.g., we shall use S for S (y, z) . For now the mode symbol i will be suppressed. Expansion of the Inner Solution at Low Frequency, Kr =o(l) The inner solution in terms of a distribution of 2D wave sources and 2D wave-free multipoles is valid outside a circle C of radius rc, such that rc > r0 (e) where r (0) is the -36- sectional vector radius. If r0 is O(e), then rc = 0(c) as *(k,y,z) we fit C just outside the body section. expanded for small values of Kr. will be We seek a region where the matching can legitimately take place, r= eE, If K= E~q, then q< p is Kr is to be o(l) 0< p<1. for the expansion The inner expansion of the outer solution of 0*(k,y,z). will be effected in the same way. We use the same transverse variable r in both the inner and outer problems. Because the wave-free multipoles are 0(r- 2n), one might expect a significant contribution from them in the matching region. However, when their strengths A are estimated by application of the body boundary condition (B) we see they are negligible in comparison to the source strength A: n (B) DN N -iw( Z ~xn VO-N = 0(l) since w= /K (2.18) 0(-1) N = 0(l). Thus, 0 = O(E), but since the part of 0 that is composed of multipoles is A2n O(E-2np), then by transposing the last relation above we see that A2n = (,2pn) -37- Applying the same argument to the wave source S, we arrive at A = O(c). The expansion of S(y,z) for small Kr is tedious but straightforward. Higher order terms than needed for matching the source strengths of the inner and outer solutions will be kept for illustration in a later section dealing with asymmetric bodies and wave dipoles. =z - iyj = e -re Expanding terms of (2.12): z = -r cos e y= r sin -ie 2 2 + K2 + O(K r ) = 1 + K E 1 (K?) = -y - log KC + K? - K (2.19) 2 + O(K r3 Substituting these small parameter expressions into (2.17) and ordering 0*(k,y,z) O(log Kr): 0(l): in terms of Kr: A* + a* ffi(A* - 0(Kr log Kr): a*) + y(A* + a*) -(A* + a*)cos 0 (2.20) -38- - -7r(A* 0(Kr) : O(K2 r 2log Kr): a*)cos0 (A* + a*) - COS 2e fi(A* - a*) COS 20 r):2 O2(Kr2 O( ) : + a*)((y - 1)cos0 - esine) (A* (A* + a*)((i 2 - y) cos 20 + 6 sin 20 2 2 Above the dotted line is the information we need to The wave-free multipoles are not match the wave sources. considered in light of the discussion above. Fourier Transform of the Outer Solution There are a number of ways to represent the Fourier transform of the 3D Green is: (Newman, 1978b) z~k2 Tj+ G*(k,y,z) An integral form function. 2+ iyy 0 d = (2.21) _ , _2A 42 Ursell tion; (1962) developed an infinite series representa- the following result is the complex conjugate of Ursell's series because of the different harmonic time dependence; coshmX -(7Ti+ X)cothX ()mI(Iklr)cosme (Iklr)+ 4 G*(k,y, z) = (fr - X)cot m=l 1 cos mX -39- + 2K (kIr)+ 4 f13I sinh(mX)cothX (-)m- (IkIr)cosve m=1 sin (mX)cot X (2.22) where X and X are defined according to X = cosh 1(K/Ikl) for K > jkj (2.23) X = cos~ (K/Ik) for K < Jkj. The Fourier transform of the far field potential is the transform of the convolution of G (x,y,z) with the source strength a(x) as given by (2.7). By the convolution theorem: $*(k,y,z) = - 4 7r *(k)G*(k,y,z). (2.24) The three-dimensional multipoles will be of higher order throughout the outer region including the matching region. For that reason, we shall neglect them from here on. In the Fourier transform domain the slender body assumption of slight longitudinal gradients can be interpreted as equivalent to k = 0(1). Consider the far field -40- potential created by line distribution of wave sources appropriate for a slender body. We anticipate that the magnitude of the Fourier transform of the source strength a*(k) will be peaked at k=Q and will decay at least as 0(1/kE). If the body were of a shape characterized by a constant source strength over the length of the body, a(x) = 0 0 0 < x < 1 0, otherwise then the Fourier transform of the "boxcar" function is the well known result a*(k) = . sin k = 0(1/k). The side bands of sin k/k are a result of the additional harmonic content needed to generate the sharp corners of the boxcar. The smoother the axial gradients of the body, the more the Fourier transform of the inner solution behaves like a delta function as E-0. Because the Fourier transform of the far field potential of the body is the product of a*(k) and G*(k,y,z), we can ignore the behavior in G* that will be suppressed by the source strength a* (k). -41- We assume the existence of a matching region where r = O(EcP) , O< p< 1. From above, and we can sum (2.22) IkI =O(1) , then IkIr= O(CE) analytically. For K > k, we show in Appendix B that, with no upper bound on the magnitude of K, (2.22) becomes: G* (k,y, z) K>IkI -- k 2 --'-k2y 2Tricothx[e K co .,--_KAz e sin KAIyI] + (-coth X) (log 2 - 2 Xcoth X[e Kzcos2 -k - Ikr 22 (/-2- - e KAzcos KAy] 2- 26cothX[e Kz sin K- :-kTI y + 2cothX - + y) - Az e Kzsin KAy] cose(log k2|r + y - 1) 6) + 2cothX- Re{eKA (z+iy) E 1 [KA(z+iy)]} , + O(k 2 r 2 ) (2.25) where 1 + 1/-k2-2 ~ 2* To match with the inner source solution (2.20) we want -42- to show that in the matching region, A*S + a*~S = -a G* (2.26) The complexity of G* makes it impossible to algebraically simplify (2.25) further. matchings: We shall perform two separate one at low frequency Kr= o(l) frequency K/kl and one at high >> 1. Low Frequency Matching When Kr = o (l) , G* can be determined to leading order by expansion of either the series representation (2.22) or of Equation (2.25) above as is performed in Appendix C for K > Iki. G*(k,y,z) Kr=o(l) = -2log For K < Ik 2 |kCrr -2y - we use 2 (B.9) giving: (w+ X) coth X (-T+ ^)cot + 2Kr log + 2Kr 2 cos O (7i+ X)cothX los - esine - cose (l-y)) (-7F+ X) Cot 2 2 + O(K r logikir) X K 2 IkI. (2.27) -43- For brevity, we shall introduce two new notations, -(ri+ X)cothX = and f 6 = K/IkI As in the case of the 2D wave functions expanded in (2.28) (2.20), we shall keep terms of higher order than are needed for the source potential matching for use in a later section. We can isolate log Kr terms by addition of log 26 terms in (2.27). The following expansion keeps terms through O(K2 r 2 G* (k,y,z) = + -2log Kr + 2F 0 2Kr log Kr cos - 2y + 2log 26 e + 2Kr[- 0cos6+ (y-l)cosO- esine- 2log 26cosO] - K 2r2 log Kr cos 20 + K2 r 2 cos 20 - cos 20(y- 3/2) + Osin 20 + log 26cos 20 + O(K3r 3 log Kr). (2.29) -44- We now have all the information to match the Fourier transforms of the inner and outer solutions. solution is given in expanded form in solution is -l/41 a*(k) times (2.29). The inner (2.20); the outer The purpose of the match is to relate the 2D source and conjugate source strengths A(x) and a(x) with the far field 3D source strength a(x). We do the matching via Fourier transforms because of the relative simplicity of the algebraic manipulations that are needed in the transform variable as opposed to the more cumbersome manipulations with convolution integrals in x-space. We have introduced an extra degree of freedom in the inner solution by allowing for the existence of "incoming" waves. Physically one might say that the combination of incoming and outgoing waves in the inner solution produce a standing wave and a net outgoing wave, both of which are necessary to match with the outer solution. At O(log Kr) and O(1), the match gives us what we need. $*(k,y,z) O(log Kr): 0(1) : -- D*(k,y,z) (outer solution) (inner solution) a*/27T A*+ a* (F0 - y+ log 26) Fi(A* - a*) + y(A*+ a*) . . .(2.30) -45- The 2D and 3D source strengths are related by: - = A* + a* 2irf (2.31) A* - a* A*= - (Fo + log 26) -,y or (i - F - log 26) (2.32) a* = - icy* (fi + F + log 26) The error of the inner and outer source strength match 22 2 2 at this point is 1 + O(k r log kr, K r log Kr, 2 e /r 2 The ). last error is attributable to the neglect of the multipoles in the matching region. High Frequency Matching In this case the matching is trivial. For K/Ik >> 1, the inner solution is preserved with the outer solution giving in the limit a term proportional to the 2D wave source. The following result is derived in Appendix D: Okr/K), G* K>>kl = -2S(y,z) + Kr = O 2 {O(l/K2 r 2), (2.33) Kr >> l -46- The match then is: cr* A*= (2.34) a* = 0. This result is expected as it implies that at high frequency the far field source strength is proportional to the 2D source strength. The analysis of Ogilvie and Tuck (1969) to provide a rational justification for strip theory bounded this result by 0(1/Kr). The above analysis shows, however, that strip theory may be valid at a much lower frequency, bounded by an error O(1/K 3r) source. in the wave This improvement is because the exponential integral term in the source strength (which behaves like 0(1/Kr)) was preserved identically in both the inner and outer solutions. High Frequency Inverse Transform To leading order G* for K>>Ik is independent of Iki so the inverse transform is simply A =.5 (2.35) a = 0 -47- Low Frequency Inverse Transform We seek the inverse of (2.31) or alternatively which, rewritten with the equivalents of 1' A* + a* =r* A*- a* =-(7i+ x)coth x 2rL(Tr - X) cot 'X Applying the inverse operator for + log 2 (2.32) and 6, is: ] K> Ik (2.16) and substituting in : CO A + a 2r = fdk 2 e ikx (y*(k) -CO 00 if A - a = - dk e -ikx - -00o K i - cosh + log 2 K cos (K/IkI)] (K/IkI)1 (2.36) The details of the inverse transform are recorded in Appendix E; the results are: A +A27aa =(x) -481/2 jaix) A - a = log CK - d- ')L(x1- 1/2 1/2 - f K da(E)Ll(x- () (2.37) -1/2 where log C = y = .577..., L (x) and L1 (x) L (x) a' () = V/D a(), and the kernals are defined by = -log(21xI)sgn(x) (2.38) L (x) H = TT [H(KIx) + Y 0(Klxi) + 2iJ (Klxl)] is the Struve function of order 0 and J and Y are Bessel functions of the first and second kind (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964). We shall define the integro-differential operator (with operand a(x)) as: 1/2 t(a Wx)) = 7T (-ni - log CK) + 1 -1/2 K 87r f d~a (E) L 1(x - -1/2 Then, . 1/2 + d~a' ( )L(x-() (2.39) -49- A + a= (2.40) A- + a =-- 2Tr -((x) Tr I or A = 2 r +r iL t(Y(x) (2.41) a =( Y((x) Type A and Type a Solutions Equation (2.9) demonstrates how the inner solution can be written in terms of incoming and outgoing waves. refer to this formulation as a "Type A" solution. We shall An equivalent approach, which we shall call "Type a", allows the inner solution to be specified by a linear combination of a particular and a homogeneous solution. The particular solution is precisely the 2D strip theory potential. That is, it satisfies the 2D Laplace equation (L"), the free surface boundary condition (a), a body boundary condition a radiation condition of outgoing waves. of this strip potential (B), and The source strength 2D is given by a or, -50- 2D (x,y,z) = a(x)S(yz) (2.42) The homogeneous solution satisfies a homogeneous condition on the body surface such that when it is added to the particular solution, the appropriate body boundary condition of the strip solution is still satisfied. In the case of a symmetric body in heave (pitch) the homogeneous solution consists of the bi-diffraction potential resulting from the scattering of two oppositely directed incident waves. The potential of the bi-scattering solution will have a source strength a A. The amount of homogeneous solution that is to be added to the particular solution will be determined by the coefficient A. Because of the symmetry of this problem, only wave sources and even wave-free multipoles need be considered. When we consider the slender body symmetric/asymmetric diffraction and asymmetric radiation problems, not only will wave dipoles and odd wave-free multipoles be included, but an odd homogeneous bi-diffraction problem will also be considered. The inner Type a solution of the radiating symmetric body in heave =as (pitch) is + a 2n 2n + A( 2 eKzcos Ky+ a S+ a2n )2n (2.43) -51- = 2D + A (Type a Solution) The source strengths of the 2D radiation problem and 2D even bi-diffraction problem are a and a respectively. The remaining wave-free multipole terms are defined accordingly. Consistent with the analysis of (2.18), the contribution of the multipoles will be neglected when the matching with the outer solution takes place. However, when discussing the potential on the body itself as is necessary when determining the hydrodynamic forces, the multipoles must be kept. The Type A solution including multipoles is: = AS + a + A2n 2n The 2D wave sources S, part W (W S = W L s (Type A Solution) S can be decomposed into a "wave" ) and a "local" part + L s = -Re[eK E 1 (K )] = z + ilyl L S=W Ws (L s = L ): + L s K(z-ijy|) (2.44) -52- The even bi-incident wave can be written as Kz W - W Ws cos Ky s - 2e With these terms the Type A solution can be rewritten: A(W + L ) + a(W + L ) + A 2n 2n S (2.45 ) = The Type a solution is then: D = a(W s + L )+ s a2n 2n + A s 7l + a2nS 2n s + a (W + L) A s s ) (2.46 Equating the Type A and Type a solutions and isolating the coefficients of Ws' Ws, L, A W; A=a + -- + Aa W: w : S a = A A Tr Ls: A + a = a + AaA Tri - s and S5, A (2.47) -53- S2n A2n _ 2n + Aa2n A which are clearly consistent. These equations allow us to go back and forth between the equivalent Type A and Type a representations. The matching of the wave sources between the inner and outer solutions used the Type A model. An Integral Equation for a(x) Up to now A has been completely unspecified. the results of the matching from (2.40); A + a = a + Aa and from Recalling (2.47): = 2 Tr A (2.48) A - a = a + 2 TT). + Aa A -+ 2Tr 7Ti a x cy (X)) , Thus, the homogeneous solution weighting A is equivalent to A = A(x) = c (a(x)) = (-7i - log CK) 1/2 + 1 C d~a'( )L (x- () -1/2 1/2 + dca()L (x- () -1/2 (2.49) -54- Writing out (2.48) provides an integral equation from which a(x), the 3D slender body source strength, can be determined from the source strengths a(x) and aA (x) of the 2D radiation and bi-scattering ax) = a + (a(x))a, problems: or = a + aA (-Tri - log CK) + 1 d~a' (E)L (x- ) 1/2 -1/2 1/2 K 8Tr d /2 ( )L (2.50) (x - + Consider an even bi-incident wave eKz+ iKyI upon the body , producing the scattered wave (R+ T- 1)e Kz-iKlyjI Kz+iKI y (R+T-l)eKz-iKIyI (R+T-l)eKz-iky The source strength of the even bi-scattered by matching the outgoing waves Kz+iKIyI wave is provided -55- (R+T-l) eKz-iK I y = s A ieKz-iK y 2.51) Thus, R+ T- 1 = lffiaA Now, rewriting the integral equation (2.50) in terms of R and T, 1/2 R+T+1 log CK + +- + f da (x-) ' (E) L -1/2 1/2 + K d(() - L (x - E) (2.52) -1/2 We recall that R, T, a, and a are all functions of x. kernals L and L are defined in The (2.38). The integral equation for the determination of the 3D source strength from the 2D strip source strength was derived from the low frequency matching. The low and high frequency solutions are consistent with each other as they were deter- mined from the behavior at different limits of the same function G*. A question arises as A is determined from the Fourier -56- inversion of the low frequency matched solution. Is the 3D interaction specifically predicted by the function A valid for high wavenumbers as well? We shall show that the behavior of A is asymptotically the same as the result obtained from the separate high frequency analysis. Reverting back to the Fourier domain, the inner solution is written as: 4* = A*S + a*S which, by matching with the outer solution, becomes [-i+ T* ('ri+ X)cothX - = - - 2 log 26]S [Tri- (Tri+ X)cothX + log 26]S and A* = -Tria* cothX = - [Tii- (7ri+ X)cothX + log 26] ki: 6 V62 _: l + + For K >> = 262 for K > ki: -57- X = cosh -1 6 % log 26 - 4 and e zcos Ky log a~ Kz 4*-:FT + 0() where we have used the relation S-S = 27ieKZcos Ky. * [y Thus, + 0(T) log 2 The high frequency match produced a solution G*S 27 If + * k2 log jkr) g r = O(c ), K = 0 (C~q), and k = 0(1), (2.33) then the inner solutions derived by asymptotic analysis of the low frequency and high frequency match are respectively: - 27r S + O(a*e2 q loge (2.53) C*S + O(c*6 2q S lor) p In the inner solution the sectional radius r cannot be -58- smaller than the body radius nor larger than the distance to the matching region, thus 0 < p < 1. The range of K for the assumptions made above is K >> 1 implying q > 0. The respective errors of (2.33) and (2.53) are O(a*qE2q and If O(p) q) 0(a*p 2qlogEp) = O(q), which is not very restrictive at all, both errors are the same. Thus, the high frequency behavior of the inner solution determined from the low frequency match is asymptotically the same as the inner solution behavior determined from the high frequency match. justified in using the interaction function A We are for all K. The error analysis performed in the last section of this chapter describes the matching region r that minimizes the cumulative error. Added Mass and Damping of the Symmetric Radiation Problem in Heave and Pitch The determination of forces and moments on a body requires a contour integration over the immersed surface of the body. To that end we shall use the following form of the inner solution for heave and pitch (mode index= 3,5): . i = i2D+ A i Geven homo i = 3,5 (2.54) -59- From Newman (1977), we define the hydrodynamic force (moment) as: F3 Re Re-e t ti 3 33 + F5 where 3 f5 3 . .35 (2.55) 5 55- are body motions, and 1/2 f + 5f =-ipW 1/2 dx dl Ni i, j = 3,5 D. . (2.56) -1/2 -1/2 The slender body assumption that derivatives with respect to x are 0(E) over most of the body allow us to approximate the 3D normal n by the 2D sectional normal N, n= [n ,n y nz (ynz-zny) (-xnz+zn ) , (xn -yn)] (2.57) 'u [(0, n , n , 0, -xn , xn )] The complex force tensor f.. 1J = N is usually decomposed into its real and imaginary parts, where a.. 1J is the contribution to the added mass of the ith mode due to motion in the jth mode and b.. is similarly defined as the wave 1s damping which is associated with the damping of body motions as a result -60- of radiated waves, thus, 2 f..= a.. - iwb... IJ iJ The contour CB of (2.56) is around the wetted portion of the two-dimensional section. of (2.58) = 3,5 i,j Writing out the components (2.56): 1/2 . IJ = -iwp dl N. dx -1/2 or . f. CB 1/2 f3 3 = -iwp f dx J -1/2 f53 = -iWp I (2.59a) dl N 3 CB 1/2 dx fdl N53 -1/2 CB 1/2 = iWp f dx x dl N 3 -1/2 3 = 35 CB 1/2 = -iwp dx -l/2 dl N 3 (2.59b) 5 CB The identity between f35 and f53 is a special case of the -61- reciprocity relation f .. = f .. which is well known in ship Ji 1J 1976) (Newman, . hydrodynamics Continuing the above, we arrive at: 1/2 f 5 5 = -iWp fdxf -1/2 dl N 5 5 CB 1/2 = -iwp x2 fx -1/2 dl N 3 4 5 (2.59c) . CB We can replace the normal N inside the contour integral (B). by iwON by virtue of the body boundary condition Substituting (2.43) in for : 1/2 f. 13 = -p fN -1/2 j H ) (2.60) 21/2 fdx f d145D CB i p fdxAj(x) -1/2 dleve CB - -1/2 i,j = 3,5 j CB 1/2 = -P (. + A. (x) dl dx The left hand term of the last expression can be viewed as the integral along the body length of the sectional 2D (strip) hydrodynamical force -62- 2D 2D 2D = W 2 a. . (x) - i b. . (x) . (x) 1J J1 J1J f. (2.61) . Appendix F derives a theorem allowing us to express the right hand term in (2.60) with respect to the 2D source strength a. of the i th mode: = -2ra. . dl (2.62) CB The respective components of the hydrodynamic force tensor consist of the integrated 2D sectional forces and an interaction term containing 2D source strength a3 and the interaction coefficient A. (x) which we recall is a compli- J cated but straightforward convolution integral of the 3D source strength along the body axis. 1/2 1/2 f.. + 27rp dx f2(x) dxA (x)a (x) -1/2 -1/2 1/2 1/2 dx f 2(x) f33= + 2i f5 (2.63a) dxA3 (x) a 3 (x) p (2.63b) 1/2 1/2 = or, -1/2 -1/2 f The force tensor is simply = - dx xf -1/2 (x) - 27p dx xA -1/2 3 (x) 3 x) (2.63c) -631/2 f f dx x2f2 (x) + 21TP -1/2 1/2 dx x 2A 5 (x) a 3 (x) . (2.63d) -1/2 The added mass and damping coefficients according to this unified slender body theory follow directly from (2.58) with due care taken to remember that both A.(x) and a 3 (x) are complex. The assertion that f 3 5 = f 5 3 made in (2.63c) will be proved for the general case f.=1 f.. ] J in Chapter III. -64- Matching Regions Throughout the analysis we have been accumulating errors of different magnitudes due to various assumptions. To examine these errors and their importance upon the justification of the method of matched asymptotic analysis, we refer to the method taken by Newman (1978b). The slender body assumptions that allow the use of the 2D Laplace equation in the near field give 22 of 1+ 0(k r ). an error The low frequency matching (2.32) has 22 22 errors 1+ O(k r , K r ). Neglect of the multipoles leads to errors 1+ O(E 2/r2 ). We define the cumulative error of the low frequency matching to be E 1 22 E 0 = 1 + O(K r , 2 2 k r , 2 E /r 2 where, ). We define a similar quantity for the high frequency match. From (2.33) the difference between G* and S is 2 1+ O(k r/K) for Kr= 0(l) 2 2 and 1+ 0(1/K r ) for Kr >> 1. 2D multipoles also contribute, giving a cumulative high frequency error: 1 + O(E 2 /r2 , k2r/K) hi 1 + 0 (2/r 2, k2 r 2, Kr = 0(l) 1/K2 r 2) Kr >> 1 The -65- We have solved the matching problem in two frequency regimes - primarily because of the intractability of the 3D Green function G. If we can find a region where both the inner and outer solutions overlap, then the matching can be assumed valid (Van Dyke, 1975). We shall determine the matching requirements for such a region (r= EP) to exist for both low and high frequency matching problems and show that there is a frequency overlap region common to both the high and low problems. spatial Thus, we have a (r) matching problem and a frequency overlap problem that have to be satisfied for a uniformly valid station. We examine E o first. 22 2 At low frequency 2 O(k r ) and O(2 /r ) errors will dominate. (K < 0(1)), If we set ~q , k = 0(l), and choose as the optimum value r= , K= of r (p) where these two errors are equal, then 2p= 2- 2p or p = 1/2 and E = 1 + O(e). Recall that 6 << r << 1 or 0 < p < 1 for the matching region to really exist. 22 2 2 At K = 1, O(K r ) will dominate O(k r ). 22 2 2 O(K r ) = O(E /r ), or r = O(e 1 / 2 K-1 /2). -2q + 2p = 2 -2p, Setting then p = 1/2 4 q/2 The error is now 1 + O(K 2 r 2) = 1+ O(K). As we increase in frequency we shall have to transition to the high frequency matching. The terms of Ehi that predominate for "low" values of K are O( 2/r ) and O(k 2r/K) -66- giving r = 0(c2/ 3 K 1 /3). The transition will be effected = O(Ks) equals or O(k 2/K 3r) = O(- 2K- 6). Thus, when the low frequency error E 1 Ehi = O(E 2/r 2) = O( 2K-2/3 - 4 / 3 ) O(Ks) Ktransition _ Or -1/5 Going still higher in frequency we can define another crossover where the high frequency error contributions 2 22 O(k r ) and O(k r/K) 22 O(k r ) = 2 O(E /r 2 are equal. Solving for r from ): r = 0(El:/2). This also specifies a new error: E hi 1 + O(E). This crossover is determined by setting the previous error O(E2/3K 2/3) equal to the new error O(c), giving K = E-1/2 Figure II-1 below delineates the respective frequency regions, the magnitude of r (the overlap region of minimum error), and the error incurred. The actual magnitudes of the ordinates in the graphs for E and r were determined -67- for 6 = 1/8. Observe that as we sweep over the wavenumber range, the contributions to the leading order cause the optimum value of r to vary in different ways. however, always remains between O(e 1/2 The value of r, and O(E3/5 this choice of the transition wavenumber (K= Eerror is always bounded by 1 + O(E) 1 + O(C4/5 < Ecumulative For ) , the I = < 1 +0(e) O(e K < 1 K < 2 0(e1/ K-1/ -1/5 < K < c-1/2 1 +0(Ke) 3 1 +0(C2/3K-2/3 1 0(e1/2 E-1/2 < K ) 1 2 ) 3 1 0(e2/ K / .5 Ii. 6 E ) 1 1 - 0 < Cumulative Error ) K .6 1/8 Matching Region r 11.5 -1 +O(c) FIGURE II-1 1.4 .4 -1-11-141 -1:44411:1-1 -11111- 1 111 X] r i -1 I I I .3 0 1, 11 ,I I I I I I1 1- -1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 -11 1 1-1 .3 tt j .2 I d 1-1- E-- t [ff --.00 1 V- t .... K -t ~ 1.0 -. E ....... 14+ -14 -----------T JiT -ttt1111111VTTt1TFFflTPFFFFF 2.0 1.02.0 3.0 K. . 1 Lip I I II 4.0 I t ~~ -TT- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -69CHAPTER III RADIATION OF AN ASYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY The groundwork has been laid in Chapter II for the extension of unified slender body radiation theory to bodies not possessing symmetry about the plane y=O and for forced motions other than heave and pitch. The 2D wave dipole D(y,z) will be defined as _ D(y,z) K - Thus, a3 S(y Dy D z) Re[eKCE = 'isgn(y) K eK(z-ijy|) (KC)] the potential for an arbitrary 2D body on the free surface in the ith mode can be described by wave sources, dipoles, and even and odd wave-free multipoles 2D D = a S + D + a 2n 2n S2 + 2n 2n nDn (Ursell, 1949): i= 2,...,6 The odd wave-free multipoles are: D2n K sin 2N_ 2N sin(2N+ 1)8 D r2N r2N+l The inner solution can be expressed in "A" form as in (2.14): -70- 1 = A.S + B.D + a.S + b.D + A2n 2n 1 1 1 + B 1 D2 n (3.1) As in the earlier analysis for the case of symmetric heaving and pitching, the multipoles will not contribute at leading order to the matching. They, however, will be retained during the contour integration over the body when hydrodynamic forces are computed. The outer solution to leading order can be characterized as the integrated distribution of 3D wave sources and dipoles along the length of the body: 1/2 d[r 1 (1 G(x-Eyz)+p ( ! G(x-E,y,z)].(3.2) -1/2 The matching is performed with the Fourier transforms of these solutions. The inner solution transforms to: 1 = A*S + B*D + a*S + b*D 1 1 1 1 (3.3) while the convolution theorem provides the transformed outer solution: -71- S *= (*G* 47 + p* 1 a i K ay i G*). (3.4) The matching can be performed exactly as in Chapter II for both high and low frequencies. Kr= o(l), The low frequency match, used the expansions for small Kr of (2.20) and (2.29) for the inner and outer solutions respectively: $ I(k,y,z) (D#(k,y,z) (outer solution) (inner solution) 0(1/Kr): -p*/2r B# + b# O(log Kr): c A# + a# 1 1 1 /27r (3.5) 2 O(): 3i O(Kr): -2 - a A (r+log 2 -* 127r (F 0 + log 2 T B* - 1 b* 1 2 2 The source matching error we recall was O(K r 22 log Kr,k r logkr) Note, however, the matchings determining A* and a* in terms of a* were done at two adjacent orders, O(log Kr) and 0(1). To find a corresponding relation between B*, b*, and p* we have to correlate results at 0(1/Kr) and O(Kr), a difference in orders of magnitude of 6 2 . Thus, we infer that interactions at low frequency associated with the dipole (i.e., non-vanishing b ) are existent at 0(6 2 ) which is inconsistent with the leading order slender body assumptions. -72- We shall, inconsistently, carry the results of both the source and dipole matchings through further analysis to demonstrate the higher order coupling that is implied. The dipole interaction represented by b. will implicitly be 0(6 2 ). assumed to be The inverse transforms present no difficulty having been performed for the symmetric problem, viz. 1 A. 1 2 T - A. + a. -I a.1 = (2.40). 2 + 21(a.) l TT 7 - (3.6) vi B. S b. I - 2Tr + 7Ti - ( . - B. + b. = 2r I or A. = 0i +1_ 2. T'r r a. = (3.7) b. = I . Tni . i . - + r I = 2n B. -73- We now invoke the alternate representation of the "a" solution that the inner solution can be represented as the sum of a particular 2D solution and a weighted homogeneous solution. Because of the asymmetry and the inclusion of dipoles, we need an odd homogeneous solution as well as an even homogeneous solution to complete the description. The mode symbol i will be implied in the following equations. The symbols A and 0 weight the amount of even and odd homogeneous solutions to be added. S=: aS + 2nD2n D + a 2n 2n + + A (2eKzcos Ky + a S + + Q(-2ie Kzsin Ky + aS + + Q2n 2n + The A and a solutions Thus, AD + oA2n 2n + A2nD2n D (3.8) Q2nD2n (3.1 and 3.8) can be related by decomposing the wave sources and dipoles into their wave and local (L) components: S = Ws + Ls D = Wd + Ld 5 = Wd + Ld s + Ls (W) -74- K(z-ijyj) W= Ls = -Re[e KE (K)] .Kz. sin Ky = = 1DRe[eKCE L (3.9) (KC)] s = 2e Kzcos Ky -2ie Wd = fsgn y eK(z-ilyl) wd W - __ d ._d Thus, we can associate the coefficients of the wave and local terms as well as multipoles: A= a + s B= W d: + A('A A T -Tri S : b s -Q A+a = a L:dL B+b S2N : A 2N (3.10) -7r = + L 1 + 6 a A a =A W: s d: A ) + Q(a A(--+ Tri + W AaA A Qa + Q + A =a + 2N 2N 2N + AaA +0 -75- A 2N + 2N + A2N + B2N D2N These relations are self-consistent and can be correlated with the matching relations (3.6): A+ a a + AuA + Qa =G= (3.11) B+ b = "r= + AA + Qa or in terms of the operator C(2.49), o Z + = - P7 = + (x~3 + (3.12) The source and dipole strengths aA, a ' A, and S, of the even and odd bi-diffraction solutions can be related to the reflection and transmission coefficients. For even bi-diffraction: eKz -iKy (R-+T )e Kz+iKy (R +T -e Kz-iKy K z+iKy -76- The incident wave from y= +oo + a reflected wave R e Kz- scatters off the body producing i~yy + and a transmitted wave T e Kz+iKy The reflected and transmitted waves exist outside the body in y 0 respectively. side y= -c is The incident wave from the opposite scattered oppositely. Now, if we represent the even bi-incident wave by 2e Kzcos Ky, then we have to subtract off the component eKz iKy on the + side of the body if waves are to be accounted for properly. Thus, the waves resulting from the diffraction of the even bi-incident wave are, on ( (R + y: + -1)e Kz+iKy (3.13 (.3 For odd bi-diffraction: eKz-iKy (R- T+)e Kz+iKy (-R++ T-)e Kz-iKy _ Kz+iKy The difference in this case is that the right hand incident wave has a 180* phase shift from the even problem. The same phase change occurs in R+ and T+. Describing the odd bi-incident wave by -2ie Kzsin Ky, the odd bi-diffracted -77- wave is: -( (+R- T T + - l )e Kz+iKy (3.14) Now the source strength and dipole moment of the even and odd bi-diffracted waves can be given: aA = + 2T - R+ + R- 2 2Tri - R~ 2T R A (3.15) - R R S= 2'ri -R + - R~ + 2T - 2 277 We have made use of the fact that T+ = T (Newman, 1976). The coupled integral equations whose solutions are the 3D source strength a and dipole moment p are: a 2Tr a + (a) (R+ +R +i2T - 2) + .d(R- R+ 22 Tr) -27Ti (3.16) P _)(R+ 2'ir - + - R) 27P + (-R+ - R~+ 2T - 2) 27T -78- At this point we must recognize that the dipole-dipole 0C(y) was derived by a higher order matching as noted earlier. Inclusion of,(p) or Q interaction represented by is inconsistent with the slender body derivation that ignored terms of 0(62) in posing the inner boundary value problem. The consistent equations are then: - a + C1 (G) (R++ R + 2T- 2) (3.17a) 2 2Y The source These equations are no longer coupled. strength a can be solved for explicitly in (3.17a) and the dipole moment p is given directly by (3.17b). (R+/ R~) there is a Note that with an asymmetric body source-dipole interaction. Physically this suggests that an asymmetric body in pure heave, for example, creates an asymmetric fluid disturbance that is neither odd nor even in y and thus needs both sources and dipoles. The source- like behavior then induces the interaction that contributes to the dipole moment p. For another illustration, consider an asymmetric body in sway (yaw) or roll. Except at low fre- quency, the fluid disturbance will be asymmetrical and thus described to leading order by both sources and dipoles. existence of the sources creates a slender body The -79in interaction sway (yaw) and roll. We recall that the variables in these equations are x dependent as well as mode dependent; i.e., a The coefficients R~(x), T~(x), a(x), and 3(x) (x), i(x). are themselves parametrically x dependent. Added Mass and Damping of an Asymmetrical Slender Body The inner solution of the ith mode radiation problem is the sum of a particular 2D "strip theory" potential D2D and an even homogeneous bi-diffraction solution weighted by the interaction parameter A. No further reference will be made to the odd homogeneous solution as that too was a consequence of higher order matching. The inner potential is simplified to: i =D.2D + A4 even n i ihomo where A. 1 [y.(x) i and =even 2 eKZs Dhomo =2'cos Ky + 0 DA is defined in (F.2). i= 2,..6 -80- The hydrodynamic force tensor is; 1/2 f. = -p ij f dx f dl DN . dx ~-p -1/2 CB dl j . 1/2 -1/2 CB ji, j= 2,...,6 = W 2 a.. 13 (2.58) iwb.. 1) where a. . and b. . are the added mass and damping tensors and 1J 1] the 3D body normal n is approximated to a 2D body normal N by [nn ,y,n, (yn Z-zn y) (-xn +zn ),(xny -yn X)] n= (3.18) ~ [0, ny, nz, n , -xnz, xn =N The roll normal n 4 is retained even though it is 0(c) in order to discuss the behavior of a slender body in this mode. Surge, however, is not discussed. Appendix F derives an important relationship between the even homogeneous solution and the particular strip solution: dl 0even homo 312D = i -2_a. (3.19) aN CB Substituting this into f.. J and recalling the relationship -81- between the body normal N and the normal derivative of the (2.18), potential on the body D(./N, 1/2 1/2 =-iP-lJWPJ dx dl N. ' 2D + 27p (x) dx a.x -1/2 -1/2 CB 1/2 1/2 dx f .x) + 2 p dx a. ( A . f.. 13 2r 2D -1/2 -1/2 . (3.20) Now f . f 2D as can be easily Ji J by invoking Green's shown theorem (Newman, 1976), but it remains to be proved that the and damping coefficients are symmetric. 3D added mass Examine the second term of (3.20). The interaction describes the 3D interaction in f... coefficient A is the result of the It is this term that operator on a. 0A ;(here operating upon a.) Recall that J is: a . (x) (x) - + 81 y= W 4Tr fJ~ (ffi + log CK) o( + K d~ca L~,~ (X . ) (a . (3.21) -82- can also be regarded as the integral transas defined by form with kernal = fd(t (lx- J) . ( ) (a. (x)) ) The operator d where CI) + + ('ri+ log CK) =4~x- Tr L (x (3.22) KL L (x87rf 1 C- When written out with the definitions of L and L , (|x- Ix- C|) becomes -(x- j) 4T 0) (Tri + log CK) - 1 + K [H + 2iJ 0(Klx- CI)] log 21x - Jsgn(x- (Klx- CI) + Y 0 ) (Ix- (KJx- CI) (3.23) use of the absolute value sign inside the kernalk . which is clearly an even operator about x= C justifying the -83- The integral equation that determines a (3.17a) and transposed to a. as a I can be rewritten in terms of a function of ai: -I x- OI)a aAfd I( - (3.24) ( ) = . a.. Substituting this result into the right hand side of (3.20) we get: 2 p fdx a (x)A (x) fdx{ c. (x) 2lff = p2dx 2w Cr ) f)}d-n t( I x --n 1 ) a ( n) - - aA (x)fd;(I x = 2rp fdx a (lx - ml) x) dfdma i (C) a = 2 p fdx a (x) A (x). (T) X ( I x I I ) - a (x) a. (Tn) - f = P dx f d (3.25) Thus, the integrated slender body contribution to the -84- hydrodynamic forces is mode symmetric, confirming the symmetry of the unified slender body added mass and damping tensor. We note that the strip theory contributions are naturally sectionally symmetric but that the interaction is only symmetric when integrated over the length of the body. -85CHAPTER IV OBLIQUE WAVE DIFFRACTION BY AN ASYMMETRIC SLENDER BODY With the analysis of the radiation of an asymmetric slender body, we have the basic tools to formulate the solution for the general case of the diffraction of an oblique incident wave by an asymmetric slender body. The simpler problems involving symmetric bodies or beam seas are special cases. We shall set up separate inner and outer problems and correlate their solutions by matched asymptotic expansions such that the two solutions will collectively describe the potential throughout the entire fluid region. The Inner Problem As discussed in Newman (1970) and more recently by Troesch (1976) and Ogilvie (1977), the inner diffraction problem differs from that of the radiation problem in that there now exists another length scale in addition to the wavelength and beam (draft), viz., the projection of the incident wavelength along the length of the body, X/cos . The length of the body has been normalized to 1; the slenderness parameter c is given as the ratio of beam The angle of incidence measured from the axis of the body is . (draft) to length (1). -86- The incident wave is given as: = Re{(x,y,z)eiot = Re - eKz-iK(cos = Re - e(Kz-ivx-i/K1:) such that v = Kcos , k2--2 = Ksin x+ sinSy) + iWt y +iot . O(x,y,z,t) One might expect that the inner scattering potential can be given in the form iWt Re D 7 (x,y,z)e-ivx + where 0 7 (x,y,z) is assumed to vary slowly along the length of the slender body. The projected wave component is thus mathematically separated out of the inner solution; however, any equations that have derivatives with respect to x are consequently modified. Applying the Laplacian to the spatial potential 4 7 (x,y,z)e-ivx 7-ivx - - 2i77- 2 -87- + 2 + (_ az2) (4.2) 7 = 0. Now, if we want a theory that is valid over a wide range of wavenumbers where 0 < q K = O(C~) then, in general, the term v2 7 will be O(6 -2q7) except The slender body assumption implies for beam seas. a/ay, a/3z = O(1/c) so that to leading order the governing equation becomes a Helmholtz equation, - V22+ (4.3) = 0 Newman (19.70) and Ogilvie (1977) discuss this derivation at greater length. The free surface boundary condition (g) is invariant under this change. The diffraction body boundary condi- tion is (B') () 7 e recalling that P ) a (4 7 e has explicit e ) (4.4) dependence (4.1). As in the radiation problem, we shall not specify a radiation -88- condition in the inner problem but shall pose a general solution that can be matched with the outer 3D solution. The Outer Problem The specifications remain the same as in the radiation problem. The velocity potential satisfies the 3D Laplace equation, (L), the free surface boundary condition, (S), and a radiation condition of outgoing waves at infinity, (R). As r-+ 0, the potential must match with the outer expansion of the inner solution. The far field potential of wave sources 7 will be given as a line distribution The Green functions for the source and and dipoles. dipole remain the same as in the radiation problem; the factor e- iv is inserted in the convolution integral to provide the anticipated x-wise variation, thus, $ 7 (x,y,z) = - f 1/2 d [c + 7 7 K (-G(x-y,z)e-iVE -1/2 S. . (4.5a) which has the Fourier transform $* (k,y, z) 7 = [a* (k-v) 4. 7+. 7(4 + (k-v)1 y]G*(k,y,z) .(4.5b) -89- The Inner Solution As in the asymmetric radiation problem, the potential will have both source (even with respect to y) and dipole (odd) behavior; the exception occurring for head seas upon a symmetric body. = 0 is a The case of head seas special problem by itself and will not be examined here. Thus, we can specify that to leading order the potential will have the form 07 = A 7 (x)Sh(yz) + B 7 (x)Dh(yz) + a 7 (x) h(yz) + b 7 (x)Dh(y~z) (4.6) where overbar implies complex conjugation and the subscripts 7 and h refer respectively to the amplitude associated with scattering and the wave singularity that satisfies the Helmholtz Equation (4.3) in the near field. From Ursell Sh(y~z) = (1968), dt cosh t evzcosh tcos(Vly~sinh t) cosh t - K/v 0 (4.7a) -90- Dh(y,z) h =1 rdt J K cosh t sinh t evzcosh tsin(vlylsinh t) cosh t -K/v 0 . (4.7b) This 2D Helmholtz source is similar mathematically to the Fourier transform of the 3D wave source potential in integral form discussed in Chapter II: G*(k,y,z) de = (2.21) + -jI which becomes, after a change of variable, = 2 dt cosh t e IkIz cosh tcos(k ly sinh t) cosh t - K/IkI 0 Thus, Sh(y,z) = -1/2 G*(v,y,z). (4.8) The Fourier transforms of both the inner and outer solutions contain functions of the form G*; however, the inner solution appears in terms of G*(v,y,z) while the outer solution appears in terms of G* (k,y, z) . The two forms are incommensurable because of the different arguments and no direct advantage can be gained by the similarity. -91- Rewriting (2.25), replacing Iki by IvI = Kicos and performing some simplification: Sh (Y Z) = si L sin| [e Kzcos(KIsin 1y)- ieKzsin(KA |y|) og Kr co 2 1 2 sinS| + sinI cosh~1 (cos [eKzcos(Kysin|) - e + in Kz s-I) + y1 I) KAz cos (KAy)] KAzs sinf1 Krcose[log(Krlcos) + Y-] 2 2|sinS| 1 . Isin I where Re [eKA (z+iy) E e1 (KA^(Z+iy))] (4.9) -92- A = + IsinI. 2 (4.10) As 1j| approaches ff/2, all the terms are well behaved except possibly for the term containing cosh~ 1(1/lcosfl). However, formally taking the limit of this term with a Taylor series about f/2 reveals that the behavior is O[(- r/2) 2logjS- f/21] At and thus nonsingular at = f/2. = ff/2, Sh(yz) = 7i(e Kzcos Ky- ie Kzsin Klyl) - Re[e K(z+iy)E (K(z+iy))] (4.11) = S(y,z). It should be borne in mind that the derivation of (2.25) was based on the fact that k= O(l). However, when the argument is changed to v= Kcos , we have to be more careful. For beam seas, v= 0, so that the wavenumber K can take on any value. The problem in this case is in almost exactly the same form as the case of asymmetric radiation. The more oblique the incident wave train becomes, the more stringent the bounds on K have to be if Kcos is to be an 0(1) quantity. If the second series of -93- (2.22) could be summed exactly, then this restriction on the magnitude of K could be lifted. As Sh(y,z) becomes singular as O(1/ ). + O, The head sea diffraction problem cannot be modelled in a consistent manner by the approach used here. The behavior of the potential downstream of the "bow" is clearly dependent upon the nature of the upstream diffraction, thus violating the relative sectional independence of our Recall that interactions in the near field inner solution. were only allowed parametrically through the local 2D source strengths and dipole moments. A stronger mathe- matical statement of the upstream dependence is clearly in fact, a separate singular perturbation necessary; problem is indicated. Faltinsen (1971). discuss this This problem has been studied by Recent papers by Ogilvie point in some detail. , At low frequency,or more precisely, Kcos Sh(yz) (1977, 1978) = log( + - Krj cosI3I 2 ) + Y . cosh -l ( 1 - [rii+ si gcossi sin6I Kr cosO log( 2rcs 1s low values of -94- - Kr s - (i+ cosh IcosI esinO - cose(l- y) 22 + O(K r log r) (4.12) Recall the inner solution (4.6) which kept only leading order terms of the wave potential. Among the neglected terms was an infinite series of wave-free multipoles which, following Ursell (1968), satisfy the same boundary conditions as Sh and Dh except for being Their inclusion is essential when specifying wave-free. the detailed behavior of the potential near the body. As one goes farther away from the body into the matching region where r= O(EY), 0 < p < 1, the same arguments as in Chapter II can be used to show that the multipole terms may be neglected during the matching procedure. The wave-free Helmholtz multipoles are: S2n = K h - 2n-2 (-vr)cos(2n-2)O+ K 2n (vr)cos 2n6 2 K K 2 n-(vr)cos( 2 n-l) 0 and -95- D2n h K - 2n-1 K V (vr)sin(2n-l)6 + K 2 - Kn(vr)sin 2n 2n+l (vr)sin (2n+1)0 6 2 nv~i (4.13) where K is the wavenumber and K 2n is the modified Bessel function. Taking the Fourier transform of the inner solution (where here we have included the multipoles), we get: 7 = A*S 7 h + B*D 7 h + a*S 7!h + b*D 7h + An2n + *2n2n (4 The Outer Solution The same expression is used in the outer problem as in the asymmetric radiation problem except that in the present case, the Fourier inverse has a frequency shift of -v as illustrated in (4.5) to account for the axial wave component. Matching of the Scattering Solution The inner solution given in "A" form (4.14) is expanded and ordered below as in the radiation problem. -96- Details are omitted, but the results are straight-forwardly derived from Equation (4.2). The expansion of the outer solution is the same as in (3.5). 7 (k - v,y, z) (outer solution) $p* <D* (k,y,z) (inner solution) 0(1/Kr): B* + b* (4.15a) 0 (log Kr): A* + a* 7 7 (4. 15b) 7 7 2ir2 r0 +log2K/I k I) 0(1) : 7 A7 2 ( o g'cosSI' +i a* 2 -(r0+log 2 . -P* 0 (Kr) : 2 i, . B *7 2 (Fo+log2K/Ikl) 7r 1 . (4.15c) 2 ( -+log)cos 0 Io~ b* 7 0 W 2 *r 0 +log coS| . . . (4.15d) -97- where r0 and F i+ cosh (1/1Cos (4.16) is defined in (2.28). The matching error is the same as derived in Section II: 22 22 O(k r log kr, K r log Kr) with an additional error of 22 2 O(K r cos 23 log Kr) which of course is bounded by the previous error. In Appendix B we noted that G* could be derived using two complementary sets of assumptions: viz, K= O(l), r<<l, or k/K= O(l), Kr<<l. The redimen- sionalization affects the inner scattering solution according to G*(K cos ,y,z) ++ G*(cos ,Ky,Kz) such that our expression for Sh (4.12) is valid for cos = O(l), which it always is, and Kr<< 1. Thus, we can argue that Sh and consequently the inner solution is valid so long as Kr<< 1. The primary restriction on the inner scattering solution lies in the singular behavior of near 0 or ff. In the radiation problem we were able to match separately at high frequency K/k>>l because of the behavior of G*(k,y,z) in this range. The inner scattering solution, as we have just seen, is valid for Kr<< 1, cos = O(l) or alternatively, Kcos3= O(l), r<< 1. The second case clearly -98- restricts the frequency to K < 0(1/cosS) while the first case places greater demands on the matching region, r << 0(1/K). Below, when we associate waves between the "A" and "a" inner solution representations and the matching results, we have to be careful not to attempt implicitly to extend the analysis to regions of K, r, or cosS that are unjustified according to the present discussion. Inverse Transform of Oblique Scattering Solution Again, relying upon earlier analysis III), the inverse Fourier transform of (Chapters II and (4.15) is: P 7 /2ff = B 7 + b7 (4.17a) CY 7/2fr = A 7 + a7 (4.17b) 7 2+ 2 Y7) 7 = 7 =- DA + log _ 2 U [ 2 + log-coCOW a7 -i 7) 2iTr (c Tni _7 7 Tr 2 r + r - l (4.17c) 2_ Igo-s- b 72 7Tn1 og [P I,(4.17d) ICOW~+og -99- where (a = - a 7(x) 47)['ii+ logC(K-v)] 1/2 + 1/2 -d~a (C)L0 (x-C) + (K dr -1/2 ( )L2(X-0 -1/2 . .(4.18) .0 and L 2 (x) 2 = L 1 (K-v K x) We can provide a more compact notation by combining the terms on the right hand side of (4.17c) and (4.17d). Utilizing the results of the two preceding equations and (4.17b), we define a7(x 47 7 a new operator . Lhi+ dh 2C(K-v) log IcosI (4.17a) cosh + (1/ 1cos) sinS J 1/2 d~ a - ()(L(x- ) + K 1/2 - dEa (E)L2 -1/2 (4.19) * + -100- The inverse transform of the matching relations becomes: (4.20a) P7/2f = B 7 + b a7 /2ff 27T + = A 7 + a7 2 i (4.20b) 7a) = A h 7~ 7 - a 7 P7 2 *h 2 (P7) = B7 - b (4.20c) (4.20d) A = i/2, Jh = f= , and the matching When r relations are identical to (3.6) found in the asymmetric radiation problem. Type A and Type a Solutions of the Diffraction Problem As in Chapters II and III, the inner solution can be expressed in two seemingly different but equivalent ways. Type A solution consists of a certain combination of Helmholtz sources and dipoles and their conjugates such that matching to leading order with the outer solution can occur. The Type a representation is motivated somewhat more physically by casting the solution in terms of a particular strip solution and a homogeneous scattering The -101- solution weighted by an interaction coefficient. In fact, we showed in the case of asymmetric radiation that two homogeneous solutions appeared to need consideration: an even bi-scattering solution and an odd bi-scattering solution. It seems plausible to expect that a similar construct would be appropriate for this problem with necessary modifications made to account for the oblique angle of incidence. The Type a solution has the following form, where A 7 is the weighting factor for the even homogeneous solution and Q7 is the weighting factor for the odd homogeneous solution: 0 7 = Here, 02D, 2D + A Deven + Q 0 7 homo 7 7 homo the 2D (4.21) . oblique scattering potential, is para- metrically dependent upon x through the coefficients modifying the Helmholtz singularities. Written out, this potential is: a 72D h + 7 Dh + a2n S2n + 2nD 2n. (4.22) The homogeneous potentials also bear close resemblance to the asymmetric radiation problem except that they too are -102- expressed in terms of Helmholtz singularities rather than the more simple 2D wave sources and dipoles of the radiation problem. The even and odd homogeneous solutions are respectively: even = 2ezcos (Ksin~y)+ aA Sh + homoAh + a2n 2n + A Sh ADh Ah (4.23) 2nD2n Ah + (.3 and odd .Z omo = -2ie Kzsin(K singy)+ a QSh + homo, + a2n 2n + + h 0 Dh (4.24) . 2nD2n h We recall that Sh, Dh' 2n D2n are functions of y, z, and 5; the coefficients aA' A, etc. are themselves dependent upon x and S. In light of the above discussion, the Type A solution is: (D 7 =A S +aS 7h 7h + BDh+b + B 2nD 2n(4.25) 7 h 7h 7h + A2n S2n 7 h -103- In the radiation problems we demonstrated a method for going back and forth between these two conceptualizations by examining the wave-like and local behavior of the constituent parts of the wave singularities and bi-incident waves. This same method may be used in this case except that the complicated expression (4.9) for the Helmholtz source makes this decomposition more tedious. We define a "wave" term, Wh E jeKz-iKisinSly, (4. 26a) a "standing wave" term, KA sin(KAy) + sinI e Ws - [e -l .1 ___KAz Kz cos (Ky lsinS| ) -e KAz + jsin FKesin (Kyjsin|) - eKsin and a "local" term, Ls E sinej Isine|- 1l [ KrIcosSI 2 1 csin~I Cosh Icossi + Y cos (KAy) ] (KAy) (4.26b) -104- + y-lfl Krcose (log Krcos - - si (4.26c) 1(KA (z+iy)). yE | Re[eKAz Then the Helmholtz source and dipole are, in terms of these factors: S h = h h + 2|sinr+ s + L (4.27a) s and Wh + Wh + 2i + Dh a y s + y s (4. 27b) If we write out both the a and the A solutions in terms of these factors, it will be observed that they are equivalent representations if the following conditions are met: 7 + A 7a 7 + A7 - 7 = b + 7 a E= A + Q72= A7 + a 7 B7 + b (4.28a) (4.28b) (4.28c) -105- sin A7 - i 7 = (4.28d) 2 + Q at2n + 7 A7 An 2n 7= A 27n (4.28e) 2n + Q n = B2n (4.28f) 2n + A These relations are the diffraction analog to (3.10). Note the inclusion of sine in the conjugate Helmholtz source strength term a 7 . These results can be immediately applied to the matching conditions (4.20) giving the equations: 7a Q= a7/2c (4.29a) 7 + A7 A + Q7Q = P7/27 (4.29b) a7 + A7a + + A 7 2 1 sin L+ . 2 )- +? h7 + (4.29d) 7 A 7 + A 7A ) + Q a Oi h(7 (4.29c) 2 7T =dh7 S 7= + - lsin T ( i ()(4.29f) 2 2r riJ -7 (4.29e) -106- Solution of the Scattering Problem Equations (4.29a) and (4.29b) represent two coupled integral equations in a7 and p 7 . into a more familiar To put these equations form we seek to determine Helmholtz source strengths and dipole moments of the even and odd bi-scattering solutions in terms of the oblique reflection and transmission coefficients. The strategy will be the same as performed in earlier sections. We shall examine the fluid motion of the inner solution as we go far from the body, yet still remain in the region of validity of the inner solution. We recall that if we want the solution to apply over a broad range of wavenumber K, we will have to make two matchings. We shall assume that waves incident from y= -o refer to 3= -ir/2; waves from +oo, seas 0 < < = 7r/2. In fact, for non-beam F corresponds to y> 0 and -r< fB< 0 to y< 0. The labelling chosen here for the reflection and transmission coefficients refers to the angle of incidence of the wave causing the disturbances. Thus, R( ) is the 2D reflection coefficient corresponding to the wave from direction . Two-dimensional oblique wave diffraction assumes that the body is infinitely long. R( ) and T(O) for the same body vary by both magnitude and phase as changes. -107- The "single-sided" diffraction problem with incident wave from 6 is: ,-iK eiKIyI sin3 IyI sin ,-iK y sinj|S The factor eKz-ivx is implied in the above wave terms. The even and odd bi-scattering problems are set up as in Chapter III, except that now we account for the variable incidence. Even bi-scattering: (~N e iK lyjsinj| ~ E|R~ ( ) + T+ (M I -iKjyjsinjSj [R+ ( ) + T_ ( ) ]I .,1-iKjyjsinjSj e-iKjyjsin 6 -108- Odd bi-scattering: eiKjyjsinSL [R (S) -T (r3)] T(-)] [-R()+ T+MI-eiKlysin e -iKjy sinijI .e-iKy sinj where the factor eKz-ivx is implied in the above wave terms. The sign of the argument in R( ) and T(S) uniquely defines R and T; e.g., S> 0 will always refer to reflection in y> 0 due to an incident wave from y> 0. We shall label R and T redundantly by superscripts + and - when the value of 3 is not specified. replacing by jSWsgn This convention is simpler than in the argument. existence of waves at y= co Although the for the 2D oblique diffraction problem is expected, it is not supported by Equation (4.9) which is valid strictly only for Kr<< 1. Asymptotic analysis of (4.7a) and (4.7b) by Ursell (1968) confirms the existence of these waves which, of course, are suggested by the first terms of (4.9). Far from the body the Helmholtz wave source and dipole potentials are: S h UKz-iKjylsin|SI IsinI e (4.32a) -109- y+->- Dh % Trsgn(y)eKz-iKIyjsinj (4.32b) . With the above observation we can associate the scattered waves of the even and odd bi-scattering problems with their respective Helmholtz source strengths and dipole moments. From the even bi-scattering (4.30): a T- -1 y +++ 7rA + (4.33) y A Tr R- + T + - +-O and from the odd bi-scattering (4.31): -R++ T~+1 =sin y++o + (4.34) -1T . R-T-a y+--1 Transposing and recognizing that we find: A Ag sin 2Ri 1 297r (R++ R~+ 2T - 2) +R-) -R) T+ T- (Newman, 1976), -110- S= IsinSI 2'rri (-++ (-e +R-) - R (-R = (4.35) + 2T- 2). Substituting these results into the integral equations (4.29a) and (4.29b): 7 + jsin | A 7 (R++ R~+ 2T- 2) 7 27ri 7 2= Tr 2,ffi P7+A 2 - 7 + 7 + 2 (4.36a) 0 (-R++ R~) |sin (R+-R) +7 ~7 + - + (-R --R2+ 2T- 2). (4.36b) The reflection and transmission coefficients of the waves scattered by the body due to a single incident wave, say, from y= o with incidence to a 7 and 7: S= Isin 7 can of course be related 2 Tri (R + T -1) (4.37) R - 7 T + 1 2r -111- Equivalently, the integral Equations (4.36a) and (4.36b) are: CY7 _ 21T + T - 1+ A (R+R+2T-2) + 0 (-R +R)} 7 7 2ri . P 2Tr (4.38a) . . . .(4.38b) {R - T+ 1+ A(R+-R~) + 07 (-R+-R+2T-2)} =fT . The coefficients of these equations are of course dependent upon x and f. coupled as A Recall that these equations are = /h(Y7 (x)) and Q7 = (7 (x))' We make the same observations at this point of our derivation of the integral equations as we did in the radiation problem. The matching that yielded the dipole- dipole interaction term Q = (p) is not consistent with the degree of approximation that, for example, allowed us to use the Helmholtz equation in the inner problem. Equations sini 2R i r 2= 23 (4.38a) and (4.38b) then properly become: 7 1[R2TfT [R+ T - 1+ A + 7 T+ 1+ A 7 (R- 7 (R++ R~+ 2T - 2)] R-)] (4.39a) (4.39b) -112- Again we notice how the asymmetry of the body induces a source-coupling into the dipole term. For a symmetric = R~, and: body R 7 _ 2,f 7 2,f lsinS| (R+ T - 1) (l+ A )(4.40a) 7 2,ffi (R-T+1). 1 2,f The source interaction term A7 (4.40b) (4.29e) is defined with a factor 1/jsinS| so that the source strength does not vanish as -*Q as it might appear above (4.40a). Exciting Forces and Moments in Oblique Waves The procedure for evaluating the exciting forces on a slender body in oblique waves is similar to the derivation of the hydrodynamic forces in the radiation problem. inner solution of the unified scattering potential, including the axial wave component e~ separated out in e-ivx 7 _ that had been (4.2), is: -ivx [2D + , even( 7homo 7 We recall that 12D and 0homonare each dependent upon B and x. The -113- (1977) , the exciting Adopting Newman's conventions forces and moments are defined: F iWAeiwt J n2 ) rxn 0 + 4 e (4.42a) VX)ds 7 ) -pRe M SB (4. 42b) Re{AeiwtX eA = X. -iwp , ((D o + + . F ex (4.42c) S7 )n.ds. SB n.i n.= I (rxn) i-3 i= 2,3 i= 4,5,6 We make the slender body assumption that the normal (nx , n rxn = % , n ) (yn -zn , (0, n , n ) = -xn z+znx , xn -yn (N1 , N 2 , N (4.43) ) (yn -zn , -xn , xn ) = (N 4 , N 5 , N 6 ) n = ) derivative on the body can be approximated according to -114- where we retain n 4 = even though it is O(E) N4 in order to be able to calculate a roll exciting moment; however, as in the radiation problem, surge forces will be neglected. Substituting (4.41) into (4.42c): + 4) dl(U2D X. = iWp dx eivx fJ 7 0 J I CB dx e iP Vx A7 dl 7)C CB -X (4.44) even N.. homo The exciting forces are now expressed by the sum of two terms, the first of which is the integral along the length of the body of the oblique 2D sectional exciting force, e 7 edl(12D + 1) 0 -e X2D (4.45) i CB Note that this integral term contains a scattering due to 0c force due to 42D 70 and a component commonly referred to as the Froude-Krylov exciting force. The force X2D has been calculated by different techniques by Bolton and Ursell (1973), Bai (1975), Choo (1975), and -115- Troesch (1976). All of these authors properly treat the Helmholtz equation. The second term of (4.44) represents the contribution to the slender body exciting force from the interaction of adjacent body sections as weighted by A N. The normal can be related to the normal derivative of the potential (D according to i= 2,3,4,5,6. iwN. = 1 1 (4.46) satisfies all the conditions of the The potential $ radiation potential (. (3.17) except that it is governed by the Helmholtz equation rather than the Laplace equation. In this sense it is comparable to the potential created by Bolton and Ursell (1973) in their "generalized heaving For the case of a circular cylindrical body problem". section, their potential can be identified with $3 which creates a flexural wave travelling along the length of the =/2, 03 30 body. For f We examine the integral fdl[i CB where (H = N H H even as in Appendix F. (4.47) By Green's theorem, -116- the above equals ffds[iV2H - (4.48) HV2i]. A Adding and subtracting -v 2 D H to this integral, we see that the same result obtains as when the governing equation was the Laplace equation: Jds[.(V2 ffd[Di _-2 H H -VH 2 2 8.)] = (4.49) (449 0. 0. A Thus, (4.47) = 0. As in the radiation problem, assume there are source and dipole strengths modifying the Helmholtz wave source and dipole Sh, Dh such that a.iSh + (.= 1 (4.50) iDh + wave-free multipoles. i We shall refer to 1. as the generalized radiation potential. The integration of (4.44) proceeds in the manner of Appendix F. at z= -- (CO) The integrals on the free surface (fC) and vanish as in the radiation case. Helmholtz multipoles tend to zero at C and Cr. The The wave -117- components of Sh, Dh, etc. are described by (4.32). Equation (4.47), which we have shown to be equal to zero, now becomes + D S dl [ (2e Kz cos(Kjylsin)+ a Sy+ D C L+C (2 eKzcos(Kjysin ) + a Sh + * (&.S (tiSh,y f dl H + +i A. -W ADh) Dh,y) ) - i where Shiy h, etc. (4.51) CB The reduction of this integral is exactly the same as in the radiation case except for the inclusion of a Isinfl factor on the dipole term. As in the earlier problem, the dipole contribution is even in y which when integrated with respect to the normal a/ay vanishes leaving us with a result analogous to (F.5), f dl CB evenA A I= -27rct. (4.52) -118- The final expressions for the exciting forces and 1 1 are: moments in terms of integrals over the body length (-gg) , -iKxcos 2D X 2 = fdx e - iKxcos X 2 + 27Tp fdx e A 7 a2 X= fdx e -iKxcos ^ iKxcos 2D X 3 + 2Tp fdx ei A 7 a3 M= X4 = fdx e-iKxc X4D + 21rp fdx e-iKxcos -iKxcos X -fdx M2 = X5 S = M3 = X6 = x e 2 3 A7 4 - iKxcos D -2p dx x e ^ A733 eiKxcos fdx xe-iKxcos X2D + 2-rrpfdx x xe +7"'d xxeX2 . . a y20 .(4.53) The slender body exciting forces of a symmetric body in beam seas X 1 1 = ff/2 become: = fdx X2D -119- 1 X = x x2D + 2p dx A7 a3 0 M = X = fdx X2D M2 = X = - dx x X D M 3 =X6 = 2p dx x A7 a3 (4.54) dx x X2D We observe that a symmetric body in oblique waves has inner generalized radiation inner potentials consisting of both Helmholtz sources and dipoles (plus even and odd Helmholtz multipoles): = Sh + i Dh + wave-free multipoles which of course are neither even nor odd in y. Thus, what is purely an odd mode in 2D radiation (e.g., sway or roll) as expressed by dipoles and odd multipoles now acquires a source-like component due to the asymmetry forced upon 4. by oblique incidence. The source-like component induces -120- slender body interaction through A7 , thus contributing to the exciting forces and moments. -121CHAPTER V. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS It has long been realized that for a symmetric body the only motions that demonstrate a 3D interaction to leading order are those that are "source-like". In Chapter II we verified that, for a symmetric slender body, heave and pitch are such motions. We have excluded surge from consideration in this study. For sway and yaw, there are no such interactions and the strip theory suffices. The archetypal slender body is the spheroid which in the folklore of marine hydrodynamics has been called "God's gift to the Naval Architect". We shall compute the added mass and damping in heave and pitch for spheroids of several length to beam ratios (c). Before presenting the results of the unified theory, we shall describe briefly other slender body approaches that have been used to predict body response in waves. Appendix G describes in greater detail these other methods. Strip theory assumes that there are no longitudinal interactions regardless of frequency. This is the assump- tion generally used in practice which leads to errors at low frequency. The added mass and damping of the 3D body are given by the integrated distribution of the sectional -122- added mass and damping weighted appropriately. Thus, .st st st = W 2 a.. f.. - iwb.. 1] dx (W 2a. = where a.. Ij IJ) and b.. J (x) - (5.1) iwb. .(x))w.. x) iJ iJ are added mass and damping coefficients and the weight factor is: i,j 1 w. =1 <4 -x i or x 2 i or x i,j i,j j j = 5 (5.2) =6 = 5 or = 6 Ordinary slender body theory as mentioned in Chapter I is The inner relevant only at quite low frequency. solution here assumes that the free surface boundary condition can be approximated by 4 z= 0, essentially suppressing waves. heave We reproduce the expressions for the (pitch) added mass and damping of a body of revolution of local beam B(x) derived in Appendix G: 1 P fdx B 2 (x) - x r 2rx 2 3 (log 2B (x)- 1 1 x Jd B() L 0 (X-0 + = ) f osb -123- + KB() (5.3) L1(x- The integrand of the first term represents the added mass (moment of inertia) of a circular cylinder in the zero frequency heave (pitch) mode. The second term is the slender body correction term while the third term contributes the slender body free surface effect. We can construct a composite solution to cover the high and low frequency range by adding the strip potential Dst and the ordinary slender body potential dosb and subtracting their common limit. As derived in Appendix G, this potential is @cp = + where a(x) D st + -d~c(E)L dca()L (x- ) (x-) - (log K+ y+ wi) (5.4) = -2iwB(x). Appendix G also gives the hydrodynamic forces fcp ii for a body of revolution in terms of the local beam B. The composite solution then has the correct asymptotic behavior at high and low frequencies. At intermediate -124- frequencies it has an error no larger than the error of its constituents (Van Dyke, 1975). The composite solution is not unique and the primitive additive solution we construct is not guaranteed to model the solution well at intermediate frequencies. An "interpolation" theory suggested by Maruo demonstrates good agreement with experiment Takura, 1978). (1970) (Maruo and Maruo's theory is similar in many respects to the unified theory; however, it only retains the low frequency leading behavior of the proper homogeneous solution. We can compare Maruo's potential: Maruo 0 st with the unified potential: i st i .un + A.(2eKzcos I Ky+ a S+ A 2n 2). A (2.43) Maruo develops an integral equation for the determination of ac; however, the solution will vary from the unified source strength because of the difference between (2.43) and The interaction of the hydrodynamic forces given by Maruo, 2ip fdxA.(x)[B(x)+ KS(x)], (S(x)= sectional area) . . .(5.6) (5.5). -125- can be compared to the unified interaction: (5.7) 2pu fdxA i(x)a i(x). For the unified slender body theory, a computer program has been written to solve the following integral equation (2.50) for the 3D source strength a Y. iCx) 2 Yix iT .- (x): x tA()4T (-Ti- y - log K) 1/2 + 1 (x-) '(C)L -1/2 1/2 + K da ( )L i= (X-) 3,5 (2.50) -1/2 where we recall: L0 (x) L = (x) = -log (2 Ix 1) sgn (x) (Koex) svr[H + Y (K and + 2iJ nxa) (Kbjxea We shall make several observations about the behavior -126- of this equation. At very low frequency, K<< 1, the second integral vanishes; the logarithmic singularity of the Y0 Bessel function is dominated by the linear factor K. The major contribution will come from the log K term outside the integrand. More importantly, though, is the behavior of the source strength a A of the homogeneous solution which can be written, R + T -1 (5.8) TTl- as previously noted in (2.51). From Newman (1976) we also know that there is a relationship between the scattered waves and the radiated waves, in this case caused by heave of a symmetric body, a3 + a 3 (R+ T) = 0. (5.9) R+T-l wi Tr i 33+1) -(a5/5+1) (5.10) A because = 1 - Then we can say, r 5= -x at3 . However, the 2D source strength at very low frequency is proportional to the local beam times the heave velocity (Newman and Tuck, 1964) and -127- consequently is imaginary. The ratio a3 3 in this limit is zero so that aA vanishes at K= 0. The solution of the integral equation at very low frequency is: a. ~ 27a. (5.11) i= 3,5. If we substitute this low frequency source strength into the inner solution, the result is equivalent to the ordinary slender body theory described above. At high frequency, K>> 1, Equation (2.50) is most easily examined in the Fourier transform domain. From Chapter II, =- 1 (7i + r 0 + log 2K/Iki) k 2 -1/2 _l where P = -(1 -2) K (ri+ cosh K/IkI). Expanding all terms for k/K<< 1: * = O(a k -). K (5.12) -128- If we assume "reasonable" behavior of a* as was done 3 by Ogilvie and Tuck (1969): a* 3 , B = max beam (5.13) k then with these assumptions: * = 0(1/K5 ). (5.14) Thus, at high frequency the 3D source strength again is given by the 2D source strength: a.1 = 2fa.1 (5.15) which, upon substitution into the outer solution, recovers the zero speed strip theory as examined by Ogilvie and Tuck (1969). Even though the 3D source strength a. is given by the 2D source strength 27a. at both high and low frequencies, the behavior of a. for intermediate frequencies must be derived from the integral equation (2.50). -129- Although there are a number of numerical approaches to this problem, we have chosen an iterative method of solution because of our confidence in the zeroth order approximation, 27a .. There is no proof that such an approach converges to a unique solution. This technique is sometimes associated with the method of Picard used in the solution of differential equations (Ralston, 1965). The unified source strength a. was approximated by the method of successive iterations. The starting solution was given by the 2D source strength. With the source strength and its derivative approximated by linear piecewise-continuous functions, the logarithmic singularities in L and summed. and L (due to Y ) were integrated analytically The remaining integrations were performed by Simpson quadrature. expansions, Equations "Economized" Chebychev series (9.41, 9.42) of Abramowitz and Stegun (1964) were used for small arguments of the Bessel functions J and Y . Struve function H . -o A Taylor series was used for the For larger arguments, the formula (9.43) of Abramowitz and Stegun was used to calculate J 0 and Y . For argument greater than 5, the Struve function -130- was determined by a six term rational approximation of the asymptotic expansion (Luke, 1969). The values of the complex non-dimensional source 2D 2D and damping b3 3 of a circular strength C, added mass a cylinder of unit radius were provided by Yeung (personal communication). These data (Table I) were computed by the hybrid integral equation method (Yeung, 1975) for finite depth, where the minimum wavelength to depth ratio was 1.33. At very low frequency (KB/2 , .075) asymptotic solutions (5.17a, 5.17b) were substituted for Yeung's results as indicated. The heave (pitch) source strength in dimensional form is given by: 2wa. (x) = iwB(x)C(x) i= 3,5 (5.16) -x The added mass (moment of inertia) is non- dimensionalized by the mass (second moment of inertia) of the displaced fluid. The damping terms are defined similarly except divided by the radian frequency. Interpolation and evaluation of x-derivatives were performed when necessary by use of a cubic spline curve routine that is well behaved for smoothly varying functions. TABLE KB/2 Re C 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.700 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.500 1.700 1.900 2.100 2.300 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.086 0.156 0.217 0.270 0.359 0.431 0.541 0.617 0.670 0.724 0.728 0.698 0.645 0.578 0.501 0.419 0.336 0.255 Im C -1.847 -1.759 -1.684 -1.618 -1.501 -1.396 -1.212 -1.050 -0.904 -0.646 -0.428 -0.244 -0.092 +0.030 +0.123 +0.198 +0.249 +0.280 Im C (1) -2.000 -1.858 -1.760 -1.679 a3 (0) 3 (1) a3 3 b 3 - (o) 00 2.483 1.922 1.615 1.411 1.152 0.988 0.801 0.700 0.642 0.597 0.597 0.615 0.640 0.668 0.694 0.719 0.741 0.762 2.522 1.960 1.632 2.187 1.992 1.841 1.717 1.518 1.360 1.122 0.944 0.806 0.599 0.453 0.347 0.270 0.212 0.169 0.136 0.111 0.091 2.177 1.985 1.836 1.713 1.516 1.358 1.122 0.944 0.806 0.600 0.454 0.348 0.271 0.213 0.170 0.137 0.111 0.091 33(1) 2.547 2.204 1.998 1.852 refers to Yeung's computations, are asymptotic calculations according to: C -)u 2 -2 a33 (log KB/2 (log KB/2 + y) 7i + y + 2log2 3 -~ - (o) (1) Re C(1) I r 8~ (5.17a) (5.17b) ^ indicates damping computed by conservation of energy (Newman, 1976): b33 3|Ck7 = 2 (5.17c) H LA.) H -132- The average relative error is defined as the absolute value of the average relative error between successive approximations for a : Average Relative Error Between mth and (m+l)th iterations Ia (xk i (m))(m+) k a(m) - k (xk i= 3,5 . . .(5.18) where N is the number of stations along the body length. Iterations were continued until the Average Relative Error was less than .001 or the number of iterations exceeded a preset limit, usually fifteen. On the IBM 370/168 each iteration took approximately one second with the body divided into 24 intervals. At low frequency convergence was rapid, usually three or four iterations. For example, after five iterations at KB/2= .4 the Average Relative Error for a 3 was .002. No appreciable advantage was gained by going to more intervals except in the high frequency range when the oscillatory kernal L required it to preserve accuracy. -133- For illustration, the heave source strength along the length of the spheroid e = 1/8 for three different theories are depicted in Figure V-1 for KB/2 = 0.3. Figures V-2 and V-3 = 0.1 are plotted in . heave added mass and damping at KB/2 The sectional The efficacy of the unified slender body theory lies in its ability to compute the integrated quantities of added mass and damping. Figures V-4 through V-9 show the unified added mass and damping for different slenderness ratios E= 1/6, 1/8, and 1/4. Other curves represent the results of ordinary slender body theory, strip theory, a composite slender body theory, and the numerical results by W.D. Kim (1965) and Yeung (Bai and Yeung, 1974). Kim solved the 3D problem in an "exact" numerical fashion by determining the source strength over the surface of the body by solution of a large set of integral equations. Yeung's results by the fundamental source singularity distribution are shown. We observe the goodness of fit of the unified theory to Kim's and Yeung's results. The frequency range over which the computations were performed can be given in terms of wavelength X to body length L=l and X to beam as given below. The observation that strip theory is valid when X= O(B) is clearly validated here. We note, however, that ordinary slender body theory is inadequate except for very low frequencies. -134Range of E: KB/2 X/B _/L 1/4 0. - .8 o - .98 c - 3.93 1/8 0. - .7 o - .56 o - 4.49 1/16 0. - .5 o - .39 c - 6.28 The primitive composite solution generally fails worse than either of the two theories that comprise it. In fact, it even shows a negative damping at very low frequencies because of the O(K log K) behavior of the second convolution integral in (5.4). The added moment of inertia and damping for pitch are shown in Figures V-10-13. Pitch in the strip theory sense can be regarded as heave motion linearly weighted along the body length from the midsection. Although ' the 2D pitch source strength is given by 27a = -2rxa 5 3 the unified pitch source strength a5 has to be determined by a separate solution of the integral equation. quently, a 5 (x) / Conse- -xa 3 (x). We note that where the composite solution gave poor results for heave, for pitch. it gives totally meaningless results SOURCE STRENGTH 0.5 Real Source Strength - K8/2 =0.3 0 Strip Theory -- Unified Slender Body Theory -0.5 - 4b ft " " - - - - - 0- / "ft - Imaginary SourceStrength Ordinary Slender Body Theory - K -1.5 -2 I 0 I 0.2 7 I I I I 0.4 II 0.6 x FIGURE V-1 I I II 0.8 I I I H L&J I, EPS E 1/8 SECTIONAL ADDED MASS KB/2 = .16 0.009 T Heave 0.008 t 0.007 t 0.006 2DW (x) 0.005 t 0.004 t Re(2'r-A 0.003 t s = 7 2 0.002t A -0.001 ' - 0 -- 0.1 -- 0.2 - - 0.3 - -- 0.4 0.5 x FIGURE V-2 - a3 3 a 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.9 H (..J SECTIONAL DAMPING EPS 0.01 I S1/8 KB/2 = .1 Heave 0.008 0.006 Tr 2 0.004 b2DW b33 0.002 1 b 38S 0% I -0.002 I -0+004 4. Im (2TrA WA S043 -0.006 0 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 x FIGURE V-3 0.8 0.9 C-.-) -.1 HEAVE ADDED MASS e =1/16 4 Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory Ordinary Slender Body Theory --- 3 033 ~\ e- 0 33 Heave Added Mass pV 0 I .2 I I I .4 KB/2 .6 - 0 - Displacement I .8 I FIGURE V-4 11-110"PMW! OP. HEAVE DAMPING E= 4 1/16 -- Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory Ordinary Slender Body Theory 3 b33 2 Heave Damping I D33 ispm pV= Displacemnent 0 I 0 I .2 I .4 KB/2 I .6 I I .8 I FIGURE V-5 1 -I '111 1 1, 1 011 a ON 1 ww. HEAVE ADDED MASS E= 1/8 4 Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory - 3 -r 033 Ordinary Slender Body Theory -- Composite Slender Body Theory r K Nmnr ica IS +ti +- Kim 3D A + Yeung 3D Nume rical Solution 1+ 2 + %^\Heave Added Mass \ = Displacement +pV 44t 0 0 .2 .4 K8/2 FIGURE V-6 .6 .8 H HEAVE DAMPING e =1/8 4 Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory Ordinary --- Slender Body Theory Composite Slender Body Theory + Kim 3D Numerical Solution A Yeung 3D Numerical Solution / / 3 b3 3 'I 'I 2 'I / ~ + I b33 1 Heave Damping wp V p-V= Displacement I .5 ...W...Mm ..MM." 0 .2 .4 KB/2 FIGURE V-7 .6 .8 I HEAVE ADDED MASS e = 1/4. 4 Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory Ordinary Slender Body Theory 3 T + I a3 Kim 3D Numerical Solution 3 Heave Added Mass 2 033: = Displacement + 0 I 0 I .2 .4I 1.1 .6 KB/2 FIGURE V-8 .8I I I II I H HEAVE DAMPING 4 -1I/4 Unified Slender Body Theory -- -- Strip Theory -- Ordinary Slender Body Theory LA /+ b3 3 Kim 3D Numerical Solution Heave Damping b 33 WV pVz Displacement 0 0 I .2 I .4 I .6 I .8 I KB/2 FIGURE V-9 I PITCH MOMENTOFADDED INERTIA E = 1/8 4 + 3 055 W Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory Ordinary Slender Body Theory Composite Slender Body Theory Kim 3D Numerical Solution Yeung 3D Numerical Solution /Pitch Moment )f Added Inertia 55 2 I I =2 nd Moment o f Displaced + Fluid '~ ift 0 I 0 I .2 . I I .4 KB/2 FIGURE V-10 I I .6 I I .8 I-J PITCH DAMPING E 1/8 4 - -- Ordinary -- / / N Slender Body Theory Composite Slender Body Theory + Kim 3D Numerical Solution A Yeung 3D Numerical Solution K -- / 3 2 - / '4 4% 4% 4% '4 41% 0000, IN .9' 9% / %%bj / 4. 9, ~ + + Pitch Damping 9 b555 = +I0+ 0 + Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory me I1a2nd Moment of Displaced Fluid 04- / 0% 8 I U, KB/2 FIGURE V-1l PITCH MOMENT OF ADDED INERTIA 4 E 1/4 Unified Slender Body Theory Strip Theory 4 3 -- Ordinary Slender Body Theory I 055 + Kim 3D Numerical Solution I 2 I / I a5 5 Pitch Moment of Added Inertia I 2nd Moment of Displaced Fluid 1 ) +K C .2 .4 .6 KB/2 FIGURE V-12 .8 1.0 I 1.2 H I PITCH DAMPING Unified Slender -- 6= 1/4 4 r- Body Theory - Ordinary Slender Body Theory / 3 Strip Theory + / 2 Kim 3D Numerical Solution b5 5 = Pitch Damping wI I +_.+________--_ 0 ft's I WWWWWW1910 .2 .4 .6 KB/2 .8 I= 2nd Moment of Displaced Fluid I 1.0 1.2 FIGURE V-13 H -148REFERENCES "Handbook Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I., eds. 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These expressions are almost in the form of exponential integrals except that we have to take special note of the contour and the branch cut that specifies the exponential integral function E 1 (z) which, Stegun following Abramowitz and (1964), is: 00 E (z) sds = (argjzj < fT)6 z Im S KC I3 1R 4 K Figure A-2 -155- Going from s = K to w for I3 in the upper half plane is straightforward and -A- is satisfied automatically. The integral of 14, however, demands we go above the pole s=0 but this means crossing the branch cut. The branch of is associated with log z so the toll for crossing the E 1 (z) next Riemann sheet is -2rri. =E 1 = E 1 (K) - (K ) I3 2fi Hence, 00 S(y,z) =f_ de Cos Py eKCE (KC) 0 + eKC [E(K ) -2Tri] = rieK(z-ilyl) - Re[eKCE1 (KC)] (A.6) -156APPENDIX B SUMMATION OF G* FOR SMALL Ikir function is The Fourier transform G* of the 3D Green (1962) in the form of an infinite series: given by Ursell -2(Tri+ X)COthX = G*(k,y,z) I (jkjr) -2(-T+ X)cot Xo + 21 (-1)mI (Ikir)cos mecos Cos mx M= X + 2K0 (ikjr) + 4 1 (-1)m-1 m=l sinh mX cothX -2- I ( klr)cos (B.1) vol cot X sin mX where {E 1 (K/IkI) log(6 cos~1 (K/Iki) -ilog(6 cosh and + /62 1) (B.2) + i/l- 62) 6 E K/IkI. Taking the derivative with respect to order in the second series generates two series, the first of which is similar to the first series of (B.1). Application of Graf's -157- (Abramowitz and Addition theorem for Bessel functions Stegun, 1964) allows the summation of these series in Im(Iklr): = Kz e- cos( 2 - k2 + -2(i+ x)cothX G* (k,y, z) -2(-7r+ ^Xcot ^X + 2K cothX + (B.3) (IkIr) 26 Kz ez siA 2 - k2 y cot X coth X oo ml sinh mX I kr) I cos mO (-1) + 4 sin mX cot X m=1 v=m So far the summation is exact. In the matching region, r= O(cP), while the slender body assumption in the Fourier domain suggests that k= 0(1). The derivative with respect to order of the modified Bessel function can be described in terms of the following infinite series (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964): (-)m a I (kr)= (-)m[lok 3v V 2 - O(m+1)]I m (kr) v=m + where i(m+l) = -Y + 1 j=lj (-l) (1 m+I (m+2 i) Im+2i (Ikjr) i=l i (m+i) (B.4) -158- For small argument, Im (Ikr) can be expanded Im(Iklr) = (B.5) (Ikr)m/m! + O(Ik m+2rm+2) which, upon substitution into the series of klk0 r cothX * (-1)iCos me sinh mX k ( 2 2 sin m^( o cot Xt M=l (B.3), is: m + $ (m+1)). (-log . . . (B.6) The terms in X and 'Rcan be expressed as follows: sinh mX= (eMX_ e-MX) = + V2---) 1 = I [ (6 + sin mX = [ (6 + i/l- 62)m - 2 ---i (6 - i/ -6 We treat first the case K < Iki. m - 6+ - (6 /_ 2 -im Ikir only Adding this to the rest of the series for G* where the modified Bessel function K 0 (IkIr) has been expanded, ) -m I (B.7) 2 )m] For small the first term of the series need be taken. VI62 ---- -159- G* (ky, z) = -2 (-ir+ cos K K -1 K<Iki - K 2 V r + y.) 2 (logi - Kz e cos /E-k2T K2 .- k 2 T Kz i + y- + 2Krcos a (log' But since K< Iki = 0(1), 2 sink-k e - k2 Kr = 0 ( P) TY 1), (B.8) and the above is further expanded to K G*(k,y, z) -- 2 K<IkI K2 -7k 2 T 2OKy - - + -2(log2 (1 + Kz) (-Tr + Cos~ ) )) y) 2Kz (log 2 + y - + 0(r 2log r). For the case K> ( 1) (B.9) k I, we have to evaluate the two series C -2coth Xlog k 2r (-1) mcos me ( Ikir)m m=1 [ (6 + /62-Z-1- I -_ ( 6 /6-2-Z1-) m] B.10 (B. ) - of : -160- +2cothx (_l)mcos mOep(m+l) m=l m! [( 6 2_-)m - + ,ftfry (/_ m 2 m] 2-4 (B.11) The first series is summable by inspection with the value: -2cothX log r/2(5+ r Re e- - The second series 2 -- 1)e IkIr/2(6 - 2)-- (B.ll) is more involved. 1 (B.12) We use the relation taken from Hansen (1975): (-1) mum$p(m+l) _ e-u (log u - Ei(u)) + y m! m=l where Ei(u) e dt = - uo and u is real and positive. We can extend this series to the complex plane by (B.13) -161- analytic continuation of Ei(u). u real and positive. argument E 1 (-w) Ei(u) is valid only for The exponential integral of complex (w=u+iv) is analytic everywhere except for Connectivity between Ei(u) Re(w) > 0, the domain of Ei(u). and E 1 (-w) along the branch v=O, u> 0 according to Abramowitz and Stegun (1964) is E 1 (-u iO) Thus, = -Ei(u) + iT (B.12) can be extended to ) $^(m+1) =-we (log w + E (-w) + i'rsgnv) + y m=l . (B.14) allowing us to sum the second series (B.10): 2cothX Re exp[-Ik r- [log + E [kr 2 6 (6+ e -i6 + e-i -/2 2f) 2 _) l)] + iTrsgn 0]+ y -162- exp[_ [log + [- 6 (6 _ ie r r 2 r -i6 _5 2 - _ 2 Combining this s eries with 2xcothX-e-IkIr/2 + e-IkIr/2 V2_) 2 (5+ (5-C 2 _ 1) 1) ] + inrsgn6] - - (B .15) y (B.12) and collecting terms: -l)cos6 : -l)cos6 C cos[ k2r(6+ /6 2 os[ k2r ( -v =1) sine] 2 -1) sine] } +2 (6 - 7Tsgn6) cothX e{ek I r/2 (6 + VT2 l)cosG (6 2---l) COS sin [sinIk [ k2 2 Ir ( 52 + 1 /6 2 ii II :T) sine] } -163- +2cothX Ree kr2e- - E [- 2 -i6 + Now (6+/32-1) = 0(6), 2 6 (6 ie but that by expanding terms in (B.16) - /62 ) Ik r /-62::r) /62j) - IkIr/2 e~ i(6- -E[- (6+ (6_ - 2 (6 _ 2-1), T) = 0(6 ) for K> k so (B.16) now becomes: 2Xcothxe KAzcos KAy + 2(6- isgn)cothXe KAzsin KAy + 2cothXRe eKA (z+iy) E + 2cothX y + logIk (log k2 - + y - Ik 1)] (KA (z+iy)) 2 Ir cosO (6- /2-l) (B.17) where 1 + ~E k2/K2 2* Finally, we can combine the results of this summation -164- to the remaining parts of G* from (B.3). The equation below places no restriction on the magnitude of K; assume, however, that k = 0(1). The error given is attributable to the approximation (B.5): = -27cothX eKzcos (VK2 - k 2Y) - ieKAzsin(KAIyI) + (1- cothX) (logIkIr + G*(k,y,z) - 2XcothX eKzcos - 2ecothXe Kzsin/K2 - k 2 y kr + 2cothX + 22 _ eKAz cos KAy7 2-k2 cos6(log 2cothX Re eKA(z+iy) E + O(k r it does - 2 eKAz sin KAY] + y - 1) (/2--7- 6) [KA(z+iy)] ) (B.18) An alternative approach is to assume that Kr<<l and IkI/K= 0(l). Then, Ikir = K Kr<< 1 so the expressions derived in this appendix apply equally well to the two sets of assumptions: Kr<<l, K= (l) or r<<l, Iki = O(l). -165APPENDIX C BEHAVIOR OF G* AT LOW FREQUENCY K = O(k) = 0(l) The terms in are expanded in Taylor series: '\, -27TicothX[ (l+ Kz) - i(l+ KAz) (KAIy )I y) (1-cothX) - 2XcothX[(l+ Kz) - 28cothX[(l+ Kz) / + 2cothX - (f 2--I) - (1+ KAz)] 2-- 2 y (1+ KAz)KAy] 2|Ir cose (logIkjr + y - - 2 - k2(log - + 6) + 2cothX[-logk2r + X - Ikir y + - cos6 (6+ V2l---')logIk2r + |kr - (e - TrsgnO) cose (6 + /- 2 2 --- j) X sine (6 + V 2 ---- ) G* (k,y,z) K= O(k) (B.18) 1) -166- - = (1- Y) krCOS -2log k2r - 2y - ] (6 + V-21) 2(Tri+ X)cothX + 2Krcos 0 10g32 + 2Kr [ - (Tri+ X)cothXcose cosO (1 - y) ] - OsinG + O (K2r 2log r) (C. l) This last equation can be obtained, of course, by expanding to leading order the original series representation of G* (B.2) as was done by Ursell (1962). -167APPENDIX D BEHAVIOR OF G* AT HIGH FREQUENCY K > Iki The various terms of G* given in (B.18) have the >> 1: following behavior for K/IkI sin VI 2 2 - k 2 y % cos Ky - k 2 y % sin Ky cos KAy b cos sin KAlyI Ky + K sin ky I 2K k 2 y co 2K 4K sin Ky -. sin KjyI eKGE - 4K (KG) (1 - Ky , cos k 2z eKz eKAz + 1-4K 2 ky 1 + k/2K - A - , cothX = X lg 2K X *109k k2 4Kz cos Ky , and Kr= 0(1) k) 4K eKAE 1 (KAC) = (D.l) ) ( + +(K2r2) where I | Kr> >1l = r Substituting these expressions into G*, retaining terms of O(r) and less, -168- -27rie K(z-iIy I) k2 (sin K2 +2 2 1 + K) - 2(log Y) + % G*(k,y,z) 2 k 2K g FZT k 2r 4K -2) - eKz (sin e sin Ky - cos e cos Ky) + 2 Kz k r e (sin 0 cos Ky +K=6 k2r (19 2K + 2(1+ k+-r 2 cos 0 sin Ky) +y-1 k2)Re eK(z+iy)E (D.2) [K(z+iy) I} TK-2k1 log k2r 2 (1 + k 2K2 2(1 + ) - -27rie K(z-i yI + % 0 (k 2r/K) -2S(y,z) - + IkI = 0(1), 0(1/K r Kr>>l (D.3) /K 2 (1/K r) Kr>>l where S (y, z) is the 2D Green function. region for Kr=O (1) 2 2 Kr=0(1) 0 (k 2r/K) - + ) eK (z+iy) E 1 [K (z+iy) I Thus, in the matching the Fourier transform of the 3D Green function approaches the 2D source: G(x,y,z) K>>kl ~ -2S(y,z). -169APPENDIX E THE INVERSE TRANSFORM OF THE LOW FREQUENCY MATCHED WAVE SOURCE (2.36) results in: Rearranging 00 = 8 - a dk e 8TrT (k) +i sgn (K-k si 1-k2-K2- -00 2K-1 + [log Ursell -ikx* ) I log Tk - K (E.l) - A (1962) determined the contribution of the second term in parentheses to be: 1/2 + I + y) d~a ' (E) sgn (x - E) (log 2K x- 7 -I - -1T3 1/2 fdc d K jx-Ej ' (2 )sgn (x- fd[H () ) log 2 1x-( - T ) - 0 -1/2 2 (log K + y) + + d'( )sgn -1 /2 (x - (x) - Y 0 (h)] } -1701/2 d~ac(C)[H - (Kjx-Cj) - Y (Kjx-E|)] (E.2) -1/2 cy(0) =a(1) = 0 if a' (x) = and a (x) H (r) is the Struve function of order 0 (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964). 1 dk e-ikx*(k) sgn(K-Ik k2-K 8 -00l O- Jd1a(E)jdk e-ik(x-) 1 fd~~a(C) -1/2 where 1 k continuing: 2iK ds cos Ks(x0 +2K -d k 2-2 01 /T = +i; [2wa(x) sgn(K-Ik 1/2 ds Cos Ks (x-) f 1/2 1-s 2 ) 1/2 ) 1 ) The first term in parentheses of (E.1) can be analyzed: -171- S 27r Adding (E.2) x) + K'Ii[Y (KIx-EI) + iJ (KIx- 1)] } (E.3) and (E.3), A. {-i2xra (x) ,-22c 8i a 2a(x)log CK 1/2 fda'()log 2jx-Cjsgn(x-C) -1/2 + f dca(E) [H (KIx-El ) + Y0 (K IX-C ) 1/2 -1/2 + 2iJ (Kx-CI)] } where log C = y (E.4) Define L (x) = -log(21x Ign(x) (E.5) L 1 (x) - .[H (KIxI) + Y Then in more compact form, (KIxI) + 2iJ (Kixi)]. -172- a = (x) a Ta(x)log 1T 4f 2 f dcy (~Lo(X-C) - CK d ) 1/2 y A -1/2 1/2 iKd~a (E) L (x-0) (E. 6) -1/2 or expressed as the sum and difference of the above: A + a = W 27r (E.7) 1/2 - a ia(x)log 27r 2 CK - 4'rr 2 f da'(c -1/2 1/2 iK d c (C) L (X-) . A -1/2 ) L 0 (x-) -173APPENDIX F APPLICATION OF GREEN'S THEOREM TO THE HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTION Green's Theorem is widely used in ship hydrodynamics to prove many useful relations. Newman (1976) catalogs most of the presently known applications. A common form of Green's Theorem applied here to 0 1 and 0H is ([c.V2, JJ A i H _ V H 2 [ 5.]dS = i .- @ H i iDN - -5 H3N G.i]dt= Q C (F.1) where (D. is a radiation potential 1 (i= 2,3,4) and H H 0 oeven homo is an even homogeneous potential consisting of waves incident from y= <o waves 0 The zero equality of of V 2 ,iH and 0~ and their corresponding = 0 in the fluid. (F.l) is a consequence The discussion in this section is concerned exclusively with the 2D case. the bi-scattering A A 7+ scattered We shall define solution 7- aAS A + +A AD + a2n 2n + a 2 nD 2 n AD (F.2) where S and D are the 2D wave source and dipole, S2n and D2n are even and odd wave-free multipoles. These singular- ities and their coefficients are discussed in Chapter II. -174- The incident waves that contribute to S+- even H sum to Kz cosKy. 0=2e Figure F-1 depicts A and C of (F.1). includes the body (Cb) , the free surface right boundaries (C1 , Cr) The contour C (Cf), left and far from the body, and a bottom boundary (C o) at z=-w. C C f f CB A kC r C 11 C =C 1 + C r + C f + C B + C 0 Coo Figure F-1 The normal N is taken with respect to the contour of integration, not the fluid. We assume a counter-clockwise contour with the normal directed at right angles out of the fluid region A. Thus, /DN at C and Cr -175- are both +3/Dy. C is over the free surface where the linearized free surface boundary condition (S) holds, hence fC Because of the eKz dependence in all potentials, cally zero. fC is identi- is also zero. Integration over C , Cr, and CB will give us the results we seek. Writing out (F.1) in detail, fdl (a S + D + a2n 2n + 2nD2n C +C r+CB a 2e aN + 2n2n 2n 2n cos Ky + a S + A N - (2eKzcos Ky + aS + - (ctS i N + .D i N + a2n 1 N2n + A ~A D + A N a A S 2nD2n N) A S2n 2n + N A D2nD2n N + ~AD = 0. (F.3) Summation is implied over the multipoles; SN,DN imply normal derivatives on S and D, etc. On C and Cr only the wave- like components of S and D will play a role, the multipoles can also be neglected. S Similarly: % K'sgn y eK ziKyl Dy . -iKre iKjy Transposing the integral over the body and simplifying the -176- integrand of the remainder: dl(-2ffKa. sgn y e 2KZ + 2iiK.e2Kz C 1 +C r + 45 [D = + (AD N (F.4) dk. CB The integral over the body has been simplified because of + the diffraction body boundary condition 3/N(O ++ A) = Recalling the convention of the normal in integrating the left hand side: 0 -00 2'rrK(ax i i)fdz(+)e2Kz + 2TrK(-a + + i) fdz(+)e 2Kz -00 0 22 (a+ is ) + 2(TK + i ) = 27K- i i 2 12W = . Thus, (D CB + 4~ + A) = Id kH B N = -2ra . (F.5) -177- = odd , the homogeneous diffraction homo H potential corresponding to incident waves of opposite phase We now let o converging on the body such that odd 0] - S+ [0 + = 2 ie Kz sin Ky The analysis is the same as for the odd wave except that t he result is -2Tr The results m ay be summarized: dl 0even f homo i 3N = -21Tc. CB dl0 = homo CB aN -2OD2. bi-incident i instead of -2Wa. -178APPENDIX G OTHER SLENDER BODY THEORIES Strip Theory Strip theory is the name given to the method of representing the hydrodynamic forces on the body strictly by superposition of sectional 2D solutions. Thus, the added mass of the sectional 2D added mass and damping coefficients - and damping of the 3D body is the integrated distribution normalized in a consistent fashion. The hydrodynamic force tensor is defined in Equation (2.56) and for strip theory is: st 2 st . st I 1J LJ = = x(22D (2a. . fdx - .2D iwb..)w... (G.1) where w.. is a weighting function, 1J F -x x ij <4 i or j = 5 i or j = 6 i,j = 5 or_ i,j = 6 Assume we are given the following 2D added mass and damping coefficients non-dimensionalized (-) as indicated: -1792D 13 b -D a. . a.. = a2b -2D pS 1J 2D b. (G.2) pSc such that p is the fluid density, and S= S(x) sectional area of the immersed body. is the local The quantities a.. 1J and b. . then refer to the added mass and damping of a body JJ of unit radius at a given frequency. We shall normalize with fdxS(x)w. . (x) the 3D terms similarly except replacing S in the denominator. Thus, the 3D strip added mass and damping in terms of ~2D f iare: ~s f. 3 2D dx S (x) f - (x) w. -(x) (x) fdx S(x)w. . (x) (G.3) Ordinary Slender Body Theory "Ordinary" slender body theory (OSB) refers to the approach taken by Ursell (1962), Newman (1964), and Newman and Tuck (1964) briefly alluded to in Chapter V. We rewrite the equation for the inner OSB potential: 1/2 osb =0 + fda 1/2 (E) Lo (x-E) + -1/2 di (E) L (x-) -1/2 i=3,5 i. . .(G.4) -180- where () is the potential of the 2D infinite-fluid doublebody heave (pitch) problem at zero frequency. This potential satisfies a Neumann boundary condition = . 0 z on the free surface and is most easily interpreted as a vertical pulsing as shown below. z= 0 As this potential is strictly only valid at K= 0, to leading order D. may be represented by a. (x)/2Tr log r. Using a conservation of flux argument, it can be shown that for small wavenumber the heave (pitch) source strength can be represented by a (x) = -2iwB(x) 1 (G.5) where B(x) is the local beam (width) of the body at the free surface. (G.4) yields: Substitution of this source strength into -181- Iosb = -iwB(x) o r 7rg - dE BdB(E) L dCB (E) i L ( - (x- ) (G.6) All integrals are over the body length from -1/2 to 1/2. This potential describes the leading order behavior of the fluid motion. It does not, however, provide enough information for the evaluation of the hydrodynamic force on the surface of the body where additional detail in the form of the neglected multipoles is needed. Thus, we need a more complete description of 1)m to be able to determine the added mass and damping. For a body of revolution of local beam B(x), Newman (1964) gives the complete ordinary slender body potential: (-l)n n=1 n(4n -1) - -x iwB(x) Jl~-x Bx)/2_ [ B(x)2 r dC[B(C) - 1 cos 2n0 ] L (x-) - =x)~ log r 1 iB (x) osb 1 J -182- fd B( L ) - r The hydrodynamic heave (x-). i= 3,5 (G.7) (pitch) force for a body of revolution with fore and aft symmetry is given by STr/2 S 1 0 osb dO8 1sbcose. dx B (x) - f.. (G.8) Tr/2 i= 3,5 Substituting (G.7) into this equation and performing the reduction, we arrive at: 11 - L TT f1 - P f dx dx B (x) 2 2 (3 (Ltog 2B (x)-) ( f B(x) L(X- -x + KB() L (x-K)). (G. 9) -183- A Primitive Composite Slender Body Theory (1966) and Newman Tuck (1978a) noted that the low frequency limit of the strip theory potential was equal to the high frequency limit of the ordinary slender body potential: lim Dosb = lim where 4 0+ 1 ist (x) (logK +y +Tri) (G.10) K+O K+o is the 2D solution to the Neumann problem discussed above. A composite solution is created by summing the strip theory potential and the ordinary slender body potential minus the limit (G.10). For heave (pitch) this potential is: st + K + - dol ( )L (x-) i -da (E)L (X-0 27r (log K+y+Tri). i= 3,5 The heave (G.11) (pitch) source strength used is the same as derived for ordinary slender body theory (G.5). -18 4- The hydrodynamic heave force (pitch moment) for a body of revolution with fore and aft symmetry is: f9 ii = f St ii dx B(x) W - 2Tr Sw 2 Kp fdx f B(x) 27r-x + IL2 (log K + y + Ti) dC B(C) - J L 0 (x-) L 1(x-() dCB(C)[ 3. dx B 2(x) i= 3,5 (G.12) Maruo's Interpolation Theory Maruo (1970) and Maruo and Takura (1978) have developed an "interpolation" theory which is similar in some respects to the unified slender body theory. Maruo's potential takes the form: Maruo Daru= 1 2D D 2D + 2A. (l+ Kz) 1 i= 3,5 (G.13) which by comparison with (2.43) is seen only to retain the leading order behavior at low frequency of the unified theory. -185- Maruo's first approximation for the source strength, a (x), and thus 2wfa i(x). for A. (x) as well, is the 2D source strength The second approximation is obtained by iteration of an integral equation determined from the body boundary condition. Because (G.13) is only strictly valid at low frequency, the solution derived from the integral equation will not be uniformly valid. The second approximation of the source strength a (x) is used to determine the interaction A (x) in the expression for the determination of the added mass and damping (cf., 2.63a) according to: 2ip fdxA(x)[B(x) + K S(x)]. (G.14) The added mass and damping results presented by Maruo and Takura (1978) for a Series 60 ship, however, do match experimental results quite well and qualitatively resemble the results of the unified theory.