INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PLANNING Process Name: Designation According to Act 113 PLANNING OFFICIAL Recommend that LUM Application is made according to LUPO if development is conventional housing HOUSING Land Identification Request LUM comment LUPO PROCESS IS FOLLOWED HOUSING PLANNING OFFICIAL PLANNING OFFICIAL Makes one of 3 recommendations Recommend that land be designated according to Act 113 unconventional / incremental housing PLANNING OFFICIAL Prioritise project & makes a recommendation to Council LUM comment to Housing PLANNING OFFICIAL PROCESS FOR SUBDIVISION OF AREAS DESIGNATED AS ACT 113 IS FOLLOWED Already Act 113 COUNCIL PLANNING OFFICIAL HOUSING Approves Housing Project Idendifies Responsible Housing Project Manager HOUSING PROJECT MANAGER HOUSING PROJECT MANAGER Consult with Internal Planning Official & Civil Engineer. Discuss appointment of Land Surveyor & Town Planner before compilation f brief to ensure LUM conditions are included Responsible for Project Plan, Funding and minimum operational requirements INDEPENDANT PLANNER Appoint with assistance of Project Manager Independant Planner & include LUM & LUM: GIS conditions in brief Prepares LUM Application INDEPENDANT PLANNER ENVIRONMENTALIST Appoints Environmentalist for EIA Place NEMA Advertisement ENVIRONMENTALIST Submit comment and Application PGWC (Env Dept) PGWC (DEADP) Decides: Exemption (ROD: Record of Decision) OR Sensitive Area: Full EIA Carry on with Act 113 & notify Council Cannot carry on with Act 113. Consult Environmental Dept (Council) GIS PLANNING PROCESSOR INDEPENDENT PLANNER *Receives Application *Verify completeness of application *Calculate Fees (Fees only calculated to indicate amount of income not generated by City) *Application to Registry: File Opened, File Ref No allocated Submit LUM Application to designate to Act 113 (Subject to ROD or Approved Full EIA) If Full EIA is required, Process will pend untill the EIA is approved PLANNING PROCESSOR If Erf is not in LUM:GIS Database contact LUM:GIS to create new properties -Create new Record -Capture: File No, Applicant’s Name (Independant Consultant), Contact Person’s Name, Planning Processor’s Name, Planning Official’s Name, Applicant’s Address & Tel, Fax -Select erf details -Add type of Application (Designation to Act 113) -Describe briefly what applicaton entails -Capture current Zoning and Designate according to Act 113 -Capture Submission Date -Tick if ROD Exemption/Approved Full EIA -Capture Date to Registry and Date received from Registry -Capture Date to Planning Processor -Capture date to Planner Planning Module PLANNING OFFICIAL PLANNING PROCESSOR Planning/GIS Module & LIS Forward to Planning Processor Generate Maps Request Locality & Route Map from GIS (These maps will form part of Report) PLANNING PROCESSOR *Compiles Draft Advertisement *Complete Checklist for Internal & External Circulation (Planning Official to verify) PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING PROCESSOR Place Locality and Route Map on File. File to relevant Planning Official -Search LUM:GIS Database for erf number -Search LIS for owner information -Scrutinize Application -Verify/Check Draft Advertisement is complete and in line with legislation -Verify/add Checklist for external/internal circulation (Responsible for completeness of Checklist) -Verify/add parties to be notified of Application PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING OFFICIAL -Finalise advertisement (document, address list of neighbours) -Forward advertisement to newspapers -Post to surrounding neighbours -Circulate Internally & Externally File back to Planning Processor Capture Advertisement/Notice Detail: -Advertising Date -Closure Date -Internal Circulation Date -Internal Closure Date, and -External Circulation Date if applicable -External Closure Date if applicable -Complete Internal Circulation Details PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING PROCESSOR -Document for advertisement forwarded to Cape town for Advertising in press -Document to surrounding Neighbours PLANNING PROCESSOR Receive internal & external commment -Tick Comment Received -Complete dates Comments were received on Internal Circulation Details PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING OFFICIAL The date the Application is forwarded to Planning Official is captured -Receives Application PLANNING OFFICIAL Planner compiles a Report for makes a recommendation & support on condition that ROD Exemption be obtained Planning Module Planning Module Planning Module COLOUR CODE Trigger Application Processor Planning Official Principle Planner Interface Applicant LUM: GIS Version 1 January 2004 Trigger System Task Input/Output Document Interface End Process Manual Task INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PLANNING Process Name: Designation According to Act 113 (Continue) SECTION 79 PLANNING OFFICIAL Capture date to Principal Planner Planning Module Sign Report PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING OFFICIAL PRINCIPAL PLANNER PLANNING OFFICIAL Report to Principal Planner PLANNING PROCESSOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER PLANNING OFFICIAL Capture date the Report was received PRINCIPAL PLANNER Signed Report to Planning Official Planner captures: -Date of Report -Date of Committee PLANNING PROCESSOR Forward file to Planning Processor Section 79 makes a recommendation and refers to LUM (nondelegated Item) -Captures Section 79 Recommendation All relevant documentation to Independent Planner Planning Module Planning Module INDEPENDENT PLANNER Planning Module Planning Module MEC: HOUSING PLANNING PROCESSOR PGWC (DEADP) PGWC (DEADP) PGWC (DEADP) Submits Application to PGWC (DEADP) on behalf of Council Circulate Report Internally Capture Date to Independent Planner PGWC (DEADP) 1. Compiles Report 2. Makes a Recommendation to MEC Housing (Prov Level) 3. Verify Full EIA was approved or EIA Exemption Approves Application: Area is designated Officially in Government Gazette INDEPENDANT PLANNER Approval to Council (LUM) Capture PGWC’s Approval. Submits PGWC’s Approval to Council Date published in Government Gazette is Approval Date Planning Module