Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. (1987) 181-185 181 Vol. 10 No. ANALYTIC APPROACH TO q SYSTEMS IN POTENTIAL MODELS LALI CHATTERJEE Physics Department Jadavpur University 700032, India Calcutta and S. BHATTACHARYYA Gokhale Memorial College Calcutta 700020, India (Received May 7, 1985 and in revised form January 21, 1986) ABSTRACT. solutions Analytic approximation funnel the to for qq from obtained systems are potential bb to applied a and cut-off cc type systems. Perturbative corrections to oscillator energy levels due to inclusion of short range a/r effect are also obtained. KEY WDRDS AD PBRASES. Potential Models, Schrodinger 1980 ANS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. Equations. 81. IlCrRODUCTION. Bound state characteristics of heavy quark-antiquark pairs are generally well The funnel potential described in the framework of non-relativistic potential models. (1.1) a/r + gr + C Vl(r) which takes both confinement and asymptotic freedom into account by J 2fm f fpe2JeJy Is gnel co_ns h [2], [3], using has been shown y inverse scattering methods that parameters in potentials and qualitative, often in quantitative V2(r) oscillator potential V2(r) However, radial wave aroriate lJ. Vl(r) agreement with those evaluated at (I/r) part of Vl(r) V(r) 2 mm. m As the origin are required in expressions for the V2(r) to r 0 that dominates close to r=0. Vl(r) by a cut-off type potential air 0 Kr2/2 r r r r2 r < =0 K from the obtained Kr2/2. In this communication we approximate with are generally completely ignores the short-range Coulombic type potential. functions It charmonium and upsilon decay width, it does not seem a good approximation to extrapolate when it is the linear and are flavour-independent for the range 0.I fm It has also been found that solutions obtained from fm. r quarkonium o$ reduced mass of the system. r r 2 (1.2) L. CHATTERJEE and S. BHATTACHARYYA 182 We investigate the solution obtained for Quarkonium systems in such a potential, Vl(r). and compare the results with those using not possible with Vl(r) of permits us to obtain exact analytic wave functions which are V(r) The use of and avoids the necessity of neglecting the Coulombic part Vl(r) V2(r) that occurs if We take a alone is used. from funnel .27 potential parameters [3]. We calculate also the perturbation to the oscillator energy due to the inclusion of (-a/r) potential for a 0 r rl, relying heavily on the assumption that the colour interaction has a small coupling constant for small r, thereby justifying use of perturbation techniques. 2. TE WAVE FNTIONS FOR EA RFION. equation which is operative for a potential (-a/r) can be The radial Schrodinger reduced to the confluent form x --2x ) Y 8x + (C ay (2.1) 0 with This yields general solutions ?(a,c,x) F(a, c, x) and As (a,c,x) is not regular F(a,c,x) as the solution. So, Ae R -r/2 FI( + 1- X for integer c 2 + 2 which coincides 0) we reject this, and 0 (or r at x with our case. retain X + 2 + 2, a r, c x (2.2) or) where 2/2mE We assume m The X am/(2#E ), IEI E mass of the constituent quarks of the heavy bound quarkonium system. radial Schrodinger equation for potential with non-zero V2(r Kr2/2 can be reduced by suitable substitutions to the form where z (r) 2 ) X z} +2+3 4 y (2.3) 0 for the range rl r r 2. R This yields solutions for 2 B e 3 ( + + 8z 2 -(= r) /2 as + C e -(s + 2 + 3 IF1 (.X 4 r) 2/2 -2-2 (a r) (’r) IFI (X 2 3/2, (e r) -2+I 4 +/-2 , (= r) 2 (2.4) q ANALYTIC APPROACH TO SYSTEMS IN POTENTIAL MODELS 183 where 4/--, a 3. % --, E c i. ESTIMATE OF HEAVY QUAI MASSES. At the outer boundary, which we expect to be the hadronic radius or confinement radius r 2 R (3.1) 0 2 and at the inner boundary R For values of R 3100 MeV [4], E the boundary conditions. inverse pion mass So that (3.2) 2 (M)’( 300 MeV [3] o We note, for m 2 r 23 and GeV I) we have evaluated and ( r I) and r r 2 m, using are of order of 36. asymptotic expansion of the confluent hypergeometric functions at the boundary may be considered valid. the ratio of the wave function and This yields their derivatives at the boundary, as the equation H B (I + k/= r)] [- r(x + 3) 4 (3.3) + H + H3] + H4 2 [H where 2 2 [1/2 (= r I) ], [-= /2(= r I) ], H 2 H ,2 H 3 [= rl)]/[2( rl)] + (X /2- 1/2)/(= r ,2 H 4 C [(= r (( + l)/=r) H From (3.2) we have B P p [B/{2a (X r r I/2)/(e + ( / 2 I) << rl)]/F(% 4+ I) =/2 and [( /2 + 3)}] 4 + [C/F ., + I/2)/(= r I)] << = r 1. [(----)1 pc, where ’-F2"-2" = r .06 2 (% +4 3.) (i/2) F for m (l’ (I/#(= r2 I/2 i" + (3.4) F (1/2) 4 1GeV. Equation (3.3) can be reduced to p / 2mE 4#2 F( + 4 F(X’4 + I) 3) + rl ,r mm 0 (3.5) 184 L. CHATTERJEE and S. BHATTACHARYYA Neglecting the Ist term on the 1.5m 3 and 87m 2 /, (m~1 GeV), /- /E / since it is of order r.h.s., We find .0046 MeV r the -i rlm 0 a, when and and is not dependent much on r m0’ when 1650 MeV m I/M .0073 MeV -1 Alternatively, if we wish to fix r I/2 fermi r behaviour falls off and the linear confining effect sets in, .0025 MeV which is assumed generally to be the region where inverse we get a much larger 5.5116 GeV. m Further, from we can get straight away A s 707.107 from Eq. (2.2). B Similarly -r If we assume the Upsilon of C and /5 x I0 may be found. potential to be of the same form with the same value 5 GeV for the mass of as obtained by level fitting from charmonium a value of 0 is obtained for 300 MeV. 0 r_2 at value for 2 is small. a funnel potential prediction of mass We can then choose compared to we estimate Thus m is sensitive to the value of r and on the magnitude of .02m, the beauty quark is obtained. A value 372 MeV for lower value of obtained by level fitting of IS, 2S levels of mO b. For the case of Upsilon, 9460 [4], we obtain by similar analysis m using E 4967.416 for the beauty quark with Coulombic radius MeV for m The 0 yields a m level fitting yields from analytic solutions obtained m 3230.647 MeV for q be can -i 0.0046 MeV used in while a value 372 0.0046 MeV r problems involving -1 the non- relativistic potential models for heavy quarkonium systems assuming the potential to be . flavour independent. CORRECTIONS TO ENEI LEVELS. We now estimate the correction to the first oscillator energy level due to the perturbation by the Coulombic potential for AE where 0 (V-V0) ?0 r O, J The perturbation energy for the L between zero and r I. 0 level may be written (4.1) dr the unperturbed wave function and the perturbation potential (V-V a/r O) 0 V 0 V 0 0 for for r for r 2 r r r r r 2 (V-V 0) is ANALYTIC APPROACH TO where V unperturbed potential. 0 Due to confinement 0 for 0 AE f I where rl r e 2 dr and n I .5 fm, and m0 f 12 r 4 12121 -K e -br 185 and we have eventually r2, (4.2) 2 We dr have used for the unperturbed 0 I/2 e-( a as given by r r 0 wavefunction SYSTEMS IN POTENTIAL MODELS 12/ {-a I 4(a _br q r12) i 2nn! 2 H n (r) (4.3) [6]. 12 are evaluated using the error function [6]. 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