©Fry Texas A&M University Math 150 Contract NAME: ____________________________________________________ ! ! Spring 2016 SECTION: _____________ Please read and initial statements 1 through 8. Then provide your signature below. _________ 1 I have read and understand Ms. Fry’s Math 150 Course Information. _________ 2 I understand that I must sign up for the Learning Catalytics, an online response system that will be used during nearly every lecture. There is an access fee for Learning Catalytics. Responses in Learning Catalytics are scored, and these scores are part of my Math 150 grade. _________ 3 I understand that I must sign up for the WebAssign online homework system through which I will complete graded homework assignments and have access to our online text. There is an access fee for WebAssign. Due dates for homework are not extended unless there are prolonged excused absences and written documentation has been provided. _________ 4 Due to privacy issues, I may pick up only my own graded papers. I may not pick up anyone else’s paper, even if the person tells me I can pick up his/her paper. Doing so would be a violation of FERPA, a federal law. _________ 5 Once I leave class with my graded exam, quiz, or assignment, I accept its grade. _________ 6 I understand that if I miss an exam, quiz, or group worksheet, it is my responsibility to contact Ms. Fry to schedule a make-up. Consistent with Texas A&M Student Rules, students are required to notify their instructor by the end of the second working day after missing an exam or assignment; otherwise, they forfeit their rights to a make-up. For injury or illness too severe or contagious to attend class, I must provide written documentation of a visit to a health care professional including date and time of visit. To receive a make-up exam, quiz, or group assignment, written documentation of the excused absence is required. _________ 7 “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” I understand what constitutes cheating and copyright violations, and I understand the penalties of cheating and copyright violations. It is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code to continue writing or taking the exam after time is called. It is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code to discuss the exam contents before the exams are returned in class. If a calculator, phone, or camera is in my hand while I am in a room during an exam, quiz, or group assignment, it will be assumed that I am using it to cheat. _________ 8 I understand that I should check my email on a daily basis since Ms. Fry will frequently send out important class information. Signature: _______________________________________________________ You can turn this in at lecture or recitation. It is due by Thursday 28 January 2016