Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2012, Article ID 943621, 20 pages doi:10.1155/2012/943621 Research Article A Regularization of the Backward Problem for Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with Time-Dependent Coefficient Pham Hoang Quan,1 Le Minh Triet,1 and Dang Duc Trong2 1 Department of Mathematics and Applications, Sai Gon University, 273 An Duong Vuong, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Natural Science, Vietnam National University, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Correspondence should be addressed to Le Minh Triet, lmtriet2005@yahoo.com.vn Received 31 March 2012; Revised 21 June 2012; Accepted 11 August 2012 Academic Editor: Theodore E. Simos Copyright q 2012 Pham Hoang Quan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study the backward problem with time-dependent coefficient which is a severely ill-posed problem. We regularize this problem by combining quasi-boundary value method and quasireversibility method and then obtain sharp error estimate between the exact solution and the regularized solution. A numerical experiment is given in order to illustrate our results. 1. Introduction We consider the inverse time problem for the nonlinear parabolic equation ut x, t − atuxx x, t fx, t, ux, t, u0, t uπ, t 0, ux, T gx, x, t ∈ 0, π × 0, T , t ∈ 0, T , x ∈ 0, π, 1.1 1.2 1.3 where at is thermal conductivity function of 1.1 such that there exist p, q > 0 satisfying 0 < p ≤ at ≤ q, for all t ∈ 0, T . 1.4 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences In other words, from the temperature distribution at a particular time t T final data, we want to retrieve the temperature distribution at any earlier time t < T . This problem is called the backward heat problem BHP, or final-value problem. As known, this problem is severely ill-posed in Hadamard’s sense; that is, solutions do not always exist, and when they exist, they do not depend continuously on the given data. In practice, datum g is based on physical measurements. Hence, there will be measurement errors, and we would actually have datum function gδ such that gδ − gL2 0,π ≤ δ. Thus, form small error contaminating physical measurements, the solutions corresponding to datum function gδ have large errors. This makes it difficult to make numerical calculations with perturbed data. In our knowledge, there have been many papers on the linear homogeneous case of the backward problem, but there are a few papers on the nonhomogeneous case and the nonlinear case such as 1–6; especially, the nonlinear case with time-dependent thermal conductivity coefficient is very scarce. Moreover, the thermal conductivity is the property of a material’s ability to conduct heat. Therefore, the thermal conductivity is not a constant in some cases. In this paper, we extend the result in 7 for the case of the time-dependent thermal conductivity at. In future, we will research the BHP problem for the case of the time- and spacedependent thermal conductivity ax, t. In 8, the authors used the quasi-reversibility method to regularize a 1D linear nonhomogeneous backward problem. Very recently, in 9, the methods of integral equations and of Fourier transform have been used to solve a 1D problem in an unbounded region. In recent articles considering the nonlinear backward heat problem, we refer the reader to 10. In 11, the authors used the quasi-boundary value method to regularize the latter problem. However, in 11, the authors showed that the error between the regularized solution and the exact solution is uδ ·, t − u·, t ≤ Ktδt/T , 0 < t < T. 1.5 It is easy to see that the convergence of the error estimate between the regularized solution and the exact solution is very slow when t is in a neighborhood of zero. For this reason, the error estimate in initial time is given by 1 uδ ·, t − u·, t ≤ K ln1/δ 1/4 . 1.6 We can easily find that the exact solution of 1.1–1.3 satisfies ux, t ∞ uk t sinkx, 1.7 k1 where uk t ek 2 fk us π 2 λT −λt π gk − T ek 2 λs−λt fk usds, fx, s, ux, s sinkxdx, 0 1.8 t 1.9 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 π gx sinkxdx, gk π 0 t asds. λt 3 1.10 1.11 0 In this paper, we will approximate 1.1–1.3 by using the regularization problem: ∞ e−k λT f uδ t sinkx, uδ t x, t − atuδ xx x, t −k2 λT k k1 αk δ e 2 1.12 uδ 0, t uδ π, t 0, uδ x, T ∞ e−k λT g sinkx, −k2 λT k k1 αk δ e 2 where αk δ δk2 . Actually, in 12, we also considered the problem 1.1–1.3 for the homogeneous case f 0 in R. Hence, we want to extend for the nonlinear case fx, t, u in bounded region 0, π, and this is the biggest different point in this paper. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we shall regularize the ill-posed problem 1.1–1.3 and give the error estimate between the regularized solution and the exact solution. Then, in Section 3, a numerical example is given. 2. Regularization and Error Estimates For clarity of notation, we denote the solution of 1.1–1.3 by ux, t and the solution of the regularized problem 1.12 by uδ x, t. Throughout this paper, we denote λ1 max{1, λT }, and, δ be a positive number such that 0 < δ < λT . Hereafter, we have a number of inequalities in order to evaluate error estimates. Lemma 2.1. Let at be a function satisfying 1.4, αk δ δk2 , Bδ δ lnλT /δ−1 and λt be as in 1.11. Then for k > 0 and 0 ≤ t ≤ s ≤ T , one gets i ek λs−λt−λT /αk δ e−k λ1 Bδ λs−λt/λT , 2 ii e−k 2 λt /αk δ e−k 2 λT 2 λT ≤ ≤ λ1 δ lnλT /δ λ1 δ lnλT /δλt−λs/λT λt−λT /λT λ1 Bδ λT −λt/λT . Proof of Lemma 2.1. The proof of Lemma 2.1 can be found in 12. Theorem 2.2. Let g ∈ L2 0, π and f ∈ L∞ 0, π × 0, T × R such that there exists L > 0 independent of x, t, u, v satisfying fx, t, u − fx, t, v ≤ L|u − v|. 2.1 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Then problem 1.12 has a unique weak solution uδ ∈ W C0, T ; L2 0, π satisfying the following equality: uδ x, t ∞ k1 e−k λt gk − αk δ e−k2 λT 2 T t 2 ek λs−λt−λT fk uδ sds sinkx, αk δ e−k2 λT 2.2 where 2 π gk 2 fk uδ s π π gx sinkxdx, 0 π 2.3 fx, s, uδ sinkxdx. 0 Proof of Theorem 2.2. Step 1. The existence and the uniqueness of the solution of the problem 2.2. Put Fux, t ∞ Pk t − Kk ut sinkx, 2.4 k1 where e−k λt gk , αk δ e−k2 λT 2 Pk t Kk ut T t ek λs−λt−λT fk usds. αk δ e−k2 λT 2 2.5 We claim that, for every u, v ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π, k ≥ 1, we have 2 T − tk k 2 2k Bδ 2kq/p Cλ2k F u·, t − F k v·, t ≤ 1 L u − vC0,T ; L2 0,π , k! 2.6 where C max{1, T } and · C0,T ; L2 0,π is supremum norm in C0, T ; L2 0, π. We shall prove this inequality by induction. For k 1, we have Fu·, t − Fv·, t2 ∞ π Kk ut − Kk vt2 2 k1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 5 2 ∞ T k2 λs−λt−λT e π fk us − fk vs ds 2 k1 t αk δ e−k2 λT ⎤ ⎡ 2 T ∞ T k2 λs−λt−λT 2 e π ⎣ ≤ ds fk us − fk vs ds⎦. 2 k1 t αk δ e−k2 λT t 2.7 From Lemma 2.1, we get Fu·, t − Fv·, t2 ⎤ ⎡ λt−λs/λT 2 T ∞ T 2 π λT ⎣ λ1 δ ln ≤ ds fk us − fk vs ds⎦. 2 k1 t δ t 2.8 It follows Fu·, t − Fv·, t2 T ∞ T 2 π 2λs−λt/λT 2 ≤ λ Bδ ds fk us − fk vs ds 2 k1 t 1 t T ∞ T 2 π 2qs−pt/pT 2 λ Bδ ds fk us − fk vs ds ≤ 2 k1 t 1 t T ∞ T 2 π 2q/p 2 λ Bδ ds fk us − fk vs ds ≤ 2 k1 t 1 t 2q/p λ21 Bδ T − t T π t 2.9 2 fx, s, ux, s − fx, s, vx, s dx ds. 0 Therefore, we have Fu·, t − Fv·, t2 ≤ 2q/p λ21 L2 Bδ T 2q/p ≤ T − tBδ where C max{1, T }. − t T π t ux, s − vx, s2 dx ds 0 Cλ21 L2 u − v2C 0,T ; L2 0,π , 2.10 6 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Thus, 2.6 holds for k 1. Supposing that 2.6 holds for k n, we shall prove that 2.6 holds for k n 1. In fact, we get 2 n1 F u·, t − F n1 v·, t ∞ π Kk F n ut − Kk F n vt2 2 k1 2.11 T 2 2 ∞ ek λs−λt−λT π n n fk F us − fk F vs ds . −k2 λT 2 k1 t αk δ e Hence, we obtain 2 n1 F ux, t − F n1 vx, t ≤ π Bδ 2q/p λ21 T − t 2 Bδ 2q/p λ21 T − t T ∞ t k1 T t ≤ Bδ 2q/p λ21 T − tL2 2 fk F n us − fk F n vs ds f·, s, F n u·, s − fk ·, s, F n v·, s2 ds T 2.12 F n u·, s − F n v·, s2 ds. t Thus, we have 2 n1 F ux, t − F n1 vx, t T T − sn n C u − v2C 0,T ; L2 0,π ds n! t T T − sn 2 2n1q/p 2n2 n 2n2 ds ≤ C Bδ λ1 T − tL u − vC0,T ; L2 0,π n! t ≤ Bδ 2q/p λ21 T − tL2 ≤ L2n Bδ 2nq/p λ2n 1 2.13 T − tn1 n1 C Bδ 2n1q/p λ2n2 T − tL2n2 u − v2C0,T ; L2 0,π . 1 n 1! Therefore, by the induction principle, we have T − tk/2 k Bδ kq/p Ck/2 λk1 Lk u − vC0,T ; L2 0,π , √ F ux, t − F k vx, t ≤ k! for all u, v ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π. 2.14 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 We consider F : C0, T ; L2 0, π → C0, T ; L2 0, π. Since T − tk/2 Bδ kq/p λk1 Ck/2 Lk −→ 0, √ k! 2.15 when k → ∞, there exists a positive integer number k0 such that T − tk0 /2 Bδ k0 q/p λk1 0 Ck0 /2 Lk0 < 1, k0 ! 2.16 and F k0 is a contraction. It follows that the equation F k0 u u has a unique solution uδ ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π.We claim that Fuδ uδ . In fact, one has FF k0 uδ Fuδ . Hence, F k0 Fuδ Fuδ . By the uniqueness of the fixed point of F k0 , one has Fuδ uδ ; that is, the equation Fu u has a unique solution uδ ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π. Step 2. If uδ ∈ W satisfies 2.2, then uδ is the solution of the problem 1.12. For 0 ≤ t ≤ T , we have uδ x, t ∞ k1 e−k λt gk − αk δ e−k2 λT 2 T t 2 ek λs−λt−λT fk uδ sds sinkx. αk δ e−k2 λT 2.17 We can verify directly that uδ ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π ∩ L2 0, T ; H01 0, π ∩ C 0, T ; H01 0, π. In fact, uδ ∈ C∞ 0, T ; H01 0, π. Moreover, one has 1 uδ t x, t ∞ − k2 at e−k 2 λt gk − ∞ ∞ ek 2 λs−λt−λT fk uδ sds sinkx e−k λT f uδ t sinkx −k2 λT k k1 αk δ e 2 − atuδ xx x, t uδ x, T t αk δ e−k2 λT k1 T ∞ 2.18 −k2 λT e fk uδ t sinkx, α e−k2 λT δ k1 k e−k λT g sinkx. −k2 λT k k1 αk δ e 2 Hence, uδ is the solution of 1.12. Step 3. The problem 1.12 has at most one solution uδ ∈ C0, T ; L2 0, π ∩ L2 0, T ; H01 0, π ∩ C1 0, T ; H01 0, π. In fact, let uδ and vδ be two solutions of 1.12 such that uδ , vδ ∈ W. Putting wδ x, t uδ x, t − vδ x, t, then wδ satisfies wδ t − wδ xx ∞ e−k λT fk uδ t − fk vδ t sinkx. 2 λT −k k1 αk δ e 2 2.19 8 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences It follows that wδ t − wδ xx 2 ≤ ≤ ∞ 2 1 fk uδ t − fk vδ t 2 δ k1 1 f·, t, uδ ·, t − f·, t, vδ ·, t2 δ2 2.20 L2 ≤ 2 uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 δ L2 wδ ·, t2 . δ2 By using the result in Lees and Protter 13, we get wδ ·, t 0. This completes the proof of Step 3. Finally, by combining three steps, we complete the proof of Theorem 2.2. Theorem 2.3 stability of the modified method. Let f be as in Theorem 2.2, αk δ δk2 , g and let gδ in L2 0, π satisfy gδ − g ≤ δ. If one supposes that uδ and vδ defined by 2.2 are corresponding to the final values g and gδ in L2 0, π, respectively, then one obtains uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t ≤ √ λt−λT /λT λT 2 2 2λ1 eL λ1 T T −t δλt/λT ln . δ 2.21 Proof of Theorem 2.3. Using the inequality a b2 ≤ 2a2 b2 and Lemma 2.1, we get the estimate uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 2 2 ∞ e−k λt ≤π gk − gk,δ −k2 λT k1 αk δ e 2 ∞ T k2 λs−λt−λT e π fk uδ s − fk vδ s ds −k2 λT k1 t αk δ e 2.22 2 2 ∞ e−k λt ≤π gk − gk,δ −k2 λT k1 αk δ e ∞ T πT − t k1 t ek λs−λt−λT fk uδ s − fk vδ s αk δ e−k2 λT 2 2 ds. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 9 Thus, we get uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 ≤ πλ21 Bδ 2λT −λt/λT ∞ gk − gk,δ 2 2.23 k1 πT − t ∞ T k1 t 2 λ21 Bδ 2λs−λt/λT fk uδ s − fk vδ s ds. Hence, we obtain uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 ≤ πλ21 Bδ 2λT −λt/λT ∞ gk − gk,δ 2 k1 λ21 πT Bδ 2λT −λt/λT ∞ T k1 ≤ πλ21 Bδ 2λT −λt/λT 2 Bδ 2λs−λT /λT fk uδ s − fk vδ s ds t ∞ gk − gk,δ 2 k1 λ21 πT Bδ 2λT −λt/λT T Bδ 2λs−λT /λT t ∞ fk uδ s − fk vδ s2 ds. k1 2.24 Thus, we get Bδ 2λt−λT /λT uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 2 ≤ 2λ21 g − gδ T 2 2λ21 T Bδ 2λs−λT /λT f·, s, uδ ·, s − f·, s, vδ ·, s t 2.25 2 ≤ 2λ21 g − gδ T 2 2 2L λ1 T Bδ 2λs−λT /λT uδ ·, s − vδ ·, s2 . t By using Gronwall’s inequality, we have 2 2 2 Bδ 2λt−λT /λT uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t2 ≤ 2λ21 e2L λ1 T T −t gδ − g . 2.26 10 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences It follows uδ ·, t − vδ ·, t ≤ ≤ √ 2 2 2λ1 eL λ1 T T −t Bδ λT −λt/λT gδ − g λt−λT /λT √ λT 2 2 2λ1 eL λ1 T T −t δλt/λT ln . δ 2.27 This completes the proof of Theorem 2.3. Theorem 2.4. Let u be the exact solution of problem 1.1–1.3 such that Qt 3λ21 e3L T λ1 T −t uxx ·, 02 < ∞, T π ∞ 2 2 k2 λs 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t Mt 6T λ1 e us x, s − asuxx x, s dx ds < ∞, k e 2 0 2 2.28 0 k1 for all t ∈ 0, T . Letting αk δ δk2 and vδ ·, t given by 2.2 corresponding to the perturbed data gδ , then one has for every t ∈ 0, T λt−λT /λT λT , u·, t − vδ ·, t ≤ Ctδλt/λT ln δ where Ct √ 2λ1 eL λ1 T T −t 2 2 2.29 Qt Mt. Proof of Theorem 2.4. From 1.1, we construct the regularized solution corresponding to the exact data and the perturbed data uδ x, t ∞ uk,δ t sinkx, 2.30 vk,δ t sinkx, 2.31 k1 vδ x, t ∞ k1 where e−k λt uk,δ t gk − αk δ e−k2 λT 2 e−k λt gk,δ − αk δ e−k2 λT 2 vk,δ t T t T t ek λs−λt−λT fk uδ sds, αk δ e−k2 λT 2.32 ek λs−λt−λT fk vδ sds. αk δ e−k2 λT 2.33 2 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 11 Since 1.8 and 2.32, we get |uk t − uk,δ t| T 2 αk δe−k2 λt k2 λT αk δek λs−λt−λT k2 λT gk − fk usds e 2 λT α δ e−k2 λT e −k αk δ e k t . 2 T k λs−λt−λT e − f ds f u s us k δ k 2 −k λT t αk δ e 2.34 From αk δ δk2 , we get |uk t − uk,δ t| T k2 λs−λt−λT δe−k2 λt δe 2 2 2 k λT 2 k λT ≤ 2 k e g − k e f usds k k 2 2 2 −k λT δk e−k λT δk e t T ek2 λs−λt−λT fk uδ s − fk us ds t δk2 e−k2 λT T δe−k2 λt 2 k2 λT 2 k2 λs ≤ 2 gk − k e fk usds k e 2 λT −k δk e 0 δe−k2 λt T 2 k2 λs 2 e f us ds k k 2 δk e−k λT 0 T ek2 λs−λt−λT fk uδ s − fk us ds. t δk2 e−k2 λT 2.35 By applying the inequality a b c2 ≤ 3a2 b2 c2 , we get u·, t − uδ ·, t2 ∞ π |uk,δ t − uk t|2 2 k1 2 2 T ∞ −k2 λt 3π δe 2 k2 λT 2 k2 λs k ≤ e g − k e f usds 2 k k 2 k1 δk e−k2 λT 0 2 2 T ∞ −k2 λt 3π δe 2 k2 λs fk usds k e 2 k1 δk2 e−k2 λT 0 2 ∞ T k2 λs−λt−λT 3π e fk uδ s − fk us ds . 2 k1 t δk2 e−k2 λT 2.36 12 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Using Lemma 2.1, we obtain u·, t − uδ ·, t2 3π 2 λ L1 t L2 t L3 t, 2 1 2λt−λT /λT ∞ 2 λT 3π 2 2λt/λT 2 λ1 δ ln k uk 0 2 δ k1 ≤ 2 T 2λt−λT /λT ∞ 3π 2 2λt/λT λT 2 k2 λs λ δ fk usds ln k e 2 1 δ 0 k1 2λt−λT /λT 3π 2 2λt/λT λT λ1 T δ ln 2 δ T 2λT −λs/λT ∞ λT fk uδ s − fk us 2 ds, × δ−2λs/λT ln δ t k1 2.37 where 2λt−λT /λT ∞ 2 λT 2 L1 t δ2λt/λT ln k uk 0 , δ k1 L2 t δ 2λt/λT 2 T 2λt−λT /λT ∞ λT 2 k2 λs fk usds , ln k e δ 0 k1 2λt−λT /λT λT L3 t T δ ln δ T 2λT −λs/λT ∞ λT fk uδ s − fk us 2 ds. × δ−2λs/λT ln δ t k1 2λt/λT 2.38 Hence, we get the following estimates 2λt−λT /λT 3π 2 λT 2 2λt/λT λ L1 t ≤ 3λ1 δ ln uxx ·, 02 , 2 1 δ 2λt−λT /λT T ∞ 3π 2 λT 3π 2 2λt/λT 2 λ1 L2 t ≤ T λ1 δ k4 e2k λs fk2 usds, ln 2 2 δ 0 k1 2λt−λT /λT 3π 2 λT 2 2 2λt/λT λ L3 t ≤ 3L λ1 T δ ln 2 1 δ T 2λT −λs/λT λT × δ−2λs/λT ln u·, s − uδ ·, s2 ds. δ t 2.39 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 13 From the estimate 2.39, we get u·, t − uδ ·, t2 2λt−λT /λT λT ≤ 3λ21 δ2λt/λT ln δ T ∞ π 2 4 2k2 λs 2 × uxx ·, 0 T k e fk usds 2 0 k1 2.40 2λt−λT /λT λT 3L2 T λ21 δ2λt/λT ln δ T 2λT −2λs/λT 2 λT −2λs/λT × δ ln u·, s − uδ ·, s ds. δ t Hence, we have 2λT −λt/λT λT δ−2λt/λT ln u·, t − uδ ·, t2 δ T ∞ π 2 2 4 2k2 λs 2 ≤ 3λ1 uxx ·, 0 T k e fk usds 2 0 k1 3L2 T λ21 T t 2λT −2λs/λT 2 λT δ−2λs/λT ln u·, s − uδ ·, s ds. δ 2.41 Applying Gronwall’s inequality, we obtain 2λT −2λt/λT λT δ−2λt/λT ln u·, t − uδ ·, t2 δ T ∞ π 2 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t 4 2k2 λs 2 ≤ 3λ1 e k e fk usds . uxx ·, 0 T 2 0 k1 Hence, we get 2λT −2λt/λT λT δ−2λt/λT ln u·, t − uδ ·, t2 δ T ∞ 2 π 2 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t 4 2k2 λs ≤ 3λ1 e k e fk us ds uxx ·, 0 T 2 0 k1 2.42 14 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences T 2 π ∞ 2 2 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t 4 2k2 λs 3λ1 e k e fx, s, ux, s sinkxdx ds uxx ·, 0 T π 0 k1 0 T π ∞ 2 2 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t 4 2k2 λs fx, s, ux, s dx ds . k e ≤ 3λ e uxx ·, 0 2T 1 0 k1 0 2.43 From 1.1, we have 2λT −2λt/λT λT δ−2λt/λT ln u·, t − uδ ·, t2 δ T π ∞ 2 2 2 3L2 T λ21 T −t 4 2k2 λs fx, s, ux, s dx ds ≤ 3λ1 e k e uxx ·, 0 2T 0 k1 0 ≤ 3λ21 e3L T λ1 T −t 2 × 2 T π ∞ 2 2 k2 λs us x, s − asuxx x, s dx ds uxx ·, 0 2T k e 2 0 0 k1 Qt Mt, 2.44 where Qt 3λ21 e3L T λ1 T −t uxx ·, 02 , T π ∞ 2 2 2 2 k2 λs Mt 6T λ21 e3L T λ1 T −t us x, s − asuxx x, s dx ds. k e 2 0 2 2.45 0 k1 Therefore, we get the estimate u·, t − uδ ·, t ≤ λt−λT /λT λT Qt Mtδλt/λT ln . δ 2.46 Let vδ be the solution of 1.12 corresponding to the perturbed data gδ , and let uδ be the solution of 1.12 corresponding to the exact data g. From Theorem 2.3 and 2.46, we can get vδ ·, t − u·, t ≤ vδ ·, t − uδ ·, t uδ ·, t − u·, t λt−λT /λT √ λT L2 λ21 T T −t λt/λT δ ≤ 2λ1 e ln δ International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 15 λt−λT /λT λT Qt Mtδ ln δ λt−λT /λT λT Ctδλt/λT ln , δ λt/λT 2.47 √ 2 2 where Ct 2λ1 eL λ1 T T −t Qt Mt. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.4. 3. Numerical Experiment Consider the nonlinear parabolic equation with time-dependent coefficient: ut x, t − atuxx x, t fx, t, ux, t, u0, t uπ, t 0, ux, T gx, x, t ∈ 0, π × 0, 1, t ∈ 0, 1, 3.1 x ∈ 0, π, where at 2t 1, fx, t, ux, t u 4et sinx cosx2t 1, 3.2 gx e sinx cosx. The exact solution of the equation is ux, t et sinx cosx. 3.3 Letting t 0, from 3.3, we have ux, 0 sinx cosx. 3.4 Consider the measured data gδ x δ 1 g gx 1 δ gx. 1.7034 3.5 Then we have gδ − g δ. 3.6 16 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Table 1 δ δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 δ7 δ8 vδi n·, 0 − u·, 02 3.763414e − 001 3.735245e − 001 3.475127e − 001 2.048545e − 001 4.012725e − 002 4.491189e − 007 2.638466e − 013 2.179771e − 013 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−10 10−20 10−50 From 2.31 and 3.5, we have the regularized solution for the case t 0 in the form of iteration vδ nω, 0 ∞ vδ,k nx, 0 sinkx, 3.7 k1 where 1 exp k2 s2 s − 2 1 vδ,k nx, 0 gδ,k − fk vδ n − 1sds, 2 αk δ exp{−2k2 } t αk δ exp{−2k } 2 π gδ x sinkxdx, gδ,k π 0 3.8 vδ 1x, 0 1 δ sinx cosx, αk δ δk2 . We consider δ1 10−1 , δ2 10−2 , δ3 10−3 , δ4 10−4 , δ5 10−5 , δ6 10−10 , δ7 10−20 , δ8 10−50 , and n 10. Now, we get Table 1 for the case t 0. We have in Figure 1 the graphs of the regularized solution vδi n·, t, i 1, 2, 3 and n 10. We have in Figure 2 the graphs of the regularized solution vδi n·, t, i 4, 5, 6 and n 10. We have in Figure 3 the graphs of the exact solution u·, t and of the regularized solution vδi n·, t, i 7, 8 and n 10. Now, Figure 4 can represent visually the exact solution and regularized solutions corresponding to δi , i 1, . . . , 8 at initially time t 0. Notice that, in Figure 4, the curve number 0 expressing the exact solution is indistinguishable from the curve number i expressing the regularized solution corresponding to δi , i 6, 7, 8. Remark 3.1. From 1.7 and 3.5, we obtain the exact solution corresponding to the measured data gδ x: wx, t ∞ k1 wk t sinkx, 3.9 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences The regularized solution (eps = 0.1) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 3 2 x 1 0 0 17 The regularized solution (eps = 0.001) The regularized solution (eps = 0.01) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 t 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 t 2 x 1 0 a 0 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 −0.25 3 2 x 1 0 b 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 t c Figure 1: The regularized solutions corresponding to δi , i 1, 2, 3. The regularized solution (eps = 1e − 005) The regularized solution (eps = 0.0001) The regularized solution (eps = 1e − 010) 1.5 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 3 2 x 1 0 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 3 −1.5 3 1 2 x 1 0 a 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 1 2 x 1 0 b 0 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 0.8 1 c Figure 2: The regularized solutions corresponding to δi , i 4, 5, 6. where wk t ek fk ws gδ,k 2 π 2 π 2 λT −λt π gδ,k − T ek 2 λs−λt fk wsds, t fx, s, wx, s sinkxdx, 0 π 0 gδ x sinkxdx. 3.10 18 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences The regularized solution (eps = 1e − 020) The regularized solution (eps = 1e − 050) The exact solution 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 0 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −1 −1.5 3 −1.5 3 −1.5 3 2 x 1 0 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 1 2 x 1 0 a 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 1 2 x 1 0 b 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 t 0.2 1 c Figure 3: The regularized solutions corresponding δi , i 7, 8 and the exact solution. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Figure 4: The exact solution and the regularized solutions corresponding to δi , i 1, . . . , 8 at initial time t 0. Now, we cannot calculate the formula 3.9 exactly we need to find fk ws while we have not known w yet. From Theorem 2.2, we use the iteration for 3.9 at initial time t 0 as follows: wnω, 0 ∞ k1 wk nx, 0 sinkx, 3.11 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 19 Table 2 δ δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 δ7 δ8 wδi 5·, 0 − u·, 02 1.1856e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 1.0e 031 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−10 10−20 10−50 where 1 2 wk nx, 0 exp 2k gδ,k − exp k2 s2 s fk wn − 1sds, 0 gδ,k 2 π π gδ x sinkxdx, 3.12 0 w1x, 0 1 δ sinx cosx. Then we get the error in the Table 2. We can see that the error wδi 5·, 0 − u·, 02 is very large. Therefore, the problem is ill-posed and a regularization is necessary. Acknowledgment All authors were supported by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development NAFOSTED. References 1 Z. Qian, C.-L. Fu, and R. 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