Emergency Admin/Mgmt Course Descriptions EAM 1003: Living in a Hazardous Environment Overview of emergency management systems with an analysis of the causes, characteristics, nature and effects of such disasters as avalanches, drought, earthquakes, epidemics, fires, flooding, hazardous materials, hurricanes, industrial accidents, nuclear power plant accidents, power failures, volcanoes, and other catastrophic hazards. Required for major. EAM 1013: Aim and Scope of Emergency Management Analysis of disasters in historical settings and current situations. Areas covered include the role of local, state, and federal government, the unique problems of business/industry crisis management, disaster prevention and mitigation policy, technology support, and professionalism and litigation issues. Required for major. EAM 2033: Citizen/Family/Community Disaster Preparedness Education Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course covers the need for citizen disaster preparedness; research findings on the subject; program design models; team and coalition building, materials and approaches, effective presentation skills, overcoming disaster denial and apathy; preparedness with children, the elderly, and other high-risk populations. EAM 3003: Developing Emergency Management Skills Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. Topics covered in this course include: program planning and management, financial planning and management, managing information, managing people and time, personality types, leadership styles, followership styles, decisionmaking skills, team-building skills and group dynamics; community-building skills, intergovern-mental relationships, negotiating skills, communications skills, emergency management ethics, and professionalism. EAM 3013: Public Policy Issues in Emergency Management Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course will analyze the role of public policy in relation to disaster planning issues, financial impact of disasters, disaster mitigation issues, land use planning, disaster recovery issue, legal and liability issues, management of largescale disaster response/recovery, and disaster legislation. EAM 3023: Principles and Practice of Disaster Planning and Response Operations Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of advisor. The course is an in- depth study of pre-plan requirements, hazards and resource assessments, vulnerability analysis, methodology of planning, and public policy considerations. Course content will include steps necessary for implementing a disaster plan and recovery efforts with consideration given to disaster warning systems, emergency center operations, public health issues in large-scale disasters, the press and communications issues, utilizing local, state, and federal interfaces. Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of EAM 1023 and 2023. EAM 3033: The Social Dimension of Disaster Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. Overview of empirical vs. theoretical approaches; human behavior in disaster, myths and reality; group disaster behavior; community social systems and disaster; cultures, demographics and disaster behavior distinctions, and model-building in sociological disaster research. EAM 3123: Public Information Skills for Emergency Managers This course provides the student with experience in dealing with the media before, during and after a crisis or disaster. The student will be able to demonstrate presentation skills using a variety of communication styles, graphics integration, informational brochures, and electronic resources. Note: Much of the course will involve working at onsite locations with actual media contact. EAM 3143: The Economics of Disaster Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course concentrates on the implications of disaster on state, regional, national, and international economies; case studies in false economies; economics of disaster modeling; and current issues in state, federal, and global economic disaster policy. EAM 3206: Externship Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. This course should be completed by the end of the junior year. Students will enroll in this course, pay the regular tuition and fees, and complete an assessment portfolio documenting their experience and training totaling 150 contact hours. No more than 100 contact hours of FEMA study courses can be applied. At least 50 hours of training or related activities must be included. This course is graded Pass/Fail. EAM 3243: Introduction to Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism This course is an overview of terrorism in which students will explore various aspects of terrorism in a Post 9/11 world leading to a basic understanding of a global phenomenon. Subject matter will include the history of terrorism, its strategies, and why those strategies are effective. The student will examine the psychology of fundamentalist religious movements and extreme political organizations. While studying the effects of terrorism the student will examine governmental concerns, preparedness, response, and defensive operations of dealing with terrorism. EAM 4003: Principles and Practice of Disaster Relief and Recovery Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. Recovery issues are studied and how they relate to ethical, medical, and economic and environmental considerations; initial, short-term, and long-term recovery efforts and group exercises; and documentation and record-keeping. EAM 4013: Business and Industry Crisis Management Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course provides an analysis of the players involved; conjunction with governmental emergency management; legal requirements; employee disaster awareness and preparedness; disaster mitigation and response; business resumption considerations and public policy considerations and community outreach. EAM 4023: Information Technology and Emergency Management Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. This course emphasizes the application of computer technology to emergency management issues. It includes determining information requirements and the acquisition, analysis, modeling and data management processes used to address those requirements. Technologies covered include geospatial, networking, communications, remote sensing, and decision support systems and other emerging technologies related to emergency management. Required for major. EAM 4033: Emergency Management Research Methods/Analysis Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 and ENGL 2053 or consent of instructor. The course covers the basic research methodology and statistical analysis required for managing a research/data base to be utilized for decision-making and policy development. Required for major. EAM 4043: Disaster and Emergency Management Ethics Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course will involve a study of a variety types of ethical theory (teleological, deontological, distributive theories of justice, natural law), a review of specific ethical dilemmas per disaster phase, professional ethics, overcoming biases, avoiding discrimination, and developing sensitivity. Detailed ethical case studies will be conducted (Bhopal, Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island, Love Canal, Exxon Valdez). EAM 4053: Community Management of Hazardous Materials Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The course addresses chemical properties of hazardous materials and wastes; legal requirements for their handling, storage, transportation, and disposal; and methods for protecting employees, facilities, and the community. EAM 4083: Introduction to Legal Issues in Emergency Management Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. This course allows students to become familiar with key, basic legal issues in each phase of emergency managementpreparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. And at each level of government -local, state, federal, and international. Interaction between the government, private and volunteer sectors will also be addressed from a legal perspective. Students will become familiar with the fundamental legal concepts with which emergency managers need to be equipped. EAM 4106: Practicum/Internship Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 75 hours including 21 hours of EAM Core (EAM 1003, 1013, 4023, 4033 and 9 additional hours) and EAM 3206 or consent of the instructor. Students will enroll in this course and pay the regular tuition and fees in order to obtain credit on their transcripts toward degree requirements. A portfolio will be required to document competencies attained. A minimum of 400 hours of relevant work experience must be completed in an approved internship site. The student will work with an advisor to have a site approved at least one semester in advance. EAM 4951,4952,4953,4954: Undergraduate Research in Emergency Administration and Management Offered: On demand Prerequisite: Departmental approval Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made. EAM 4991,4992,4993: Special Problems and Topics Prerequisites: EAM 1003 and 1013 or consent of instructor. The topics will vary to reflect the continual changes in the emergency management field. This course may also serve as an independent study course upon recommendation of the advisor and approval by the dean.