Department of Curriculum and Instruction The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers programs leading to a degree and/or licensure in three areas: Early Childhood Education (Pre-K- Grade Four), Middle Level Education (Grade Four-Grade Eight), and Secondary Education (Grade Seven-Grade Twelve). Early Childhood Education1 The Early Childhood Education program meets the needs of today’s children building on the common core of knowledge, performance, and dispositions needed for early childhood professional educators. There are three stages in the Bachelor of Science Early Childhood Degree program. Teacher candidates begin the first stage by taking general education requirements and are introduced to basic concepts, theory and practices in early childhood courses. Dr. David Bell, Head Crabaugh Hall, Room 210 (479) 968-0392 Professors: Bell, Carter, Field, Paxton, Rollans, D. Underwood, Womack Associate Professors: Callaway, Costley, Leggett, V. C. Smith, Walsh Assistant Professors: Hanna, Ibrahim, Lawson, Pepper, Stephenson During the second stage teacher candidates complete general education requirements and take courses specifically designed to prepare them for the profession. Admission requires minimum scores as determined by the Arkansas State Board of Education on the Praxis I; a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on all college work attempted with no grade below “C” (including work from other colleges and universities); and beginning the development of a portfolio which must include a philosophy and documented evidence of observations of young children. During the third stage of the early childhood program, teacher candidates are placed in an appropriate environment for their internship. Admission to this stage requires a minimum grade point average of 2.50 with no grade below “C” in all courses and a satisfactory score on the licensure exam as established by the Arkansas Department of Education. Teacher candidates should make application for admission to the internship for the spring semester by October 1, or the fall semester by March 1. 1 Information regarding the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education is listed under the College of Professional Studies and Community Outreach. Curriculum in Early Childhood Education Freshman Fall ENGL 10131,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 Science with Lab1,T 4 MATH 11133,T 3 T HLED 1513 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Spring Fine Arts & 3 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 ENGL 10231,T Humanities1,T SPH 2003T Science with Lab1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 EDMD 3013T 3 4 MATH 2043T 3 MATH 30332 3 MATH 2033T 3 ECED 20012,T 1 ECED 30232,T 3 3 2,T 2 ECED 30332 3 T PE 2513 ECED 2002 T 3 Spring Elective 16 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 ECED 31132 3 ECED 32132 3 BIOL 3213 or PHSC 3213 3 ECED 31222 2 ECED 32222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Total Hours Junior Fall Fine Arts & Humanities1,T T 16 Total Hours 3 HIST 2153 2 ECED 3043 2 ECED 3053 3 3 ECED 3162 2 ECED 3172 2 ECED 3183 2 Total Hours 3 ECED 3192 15 Total Hours 2 3 ECED 3262 ECED 3272 ECED 3283 2 2 ECED 3292 14 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 15 Spring ECED 4915 15 14 Total Hours 15 2 Freshman Spring ENGL 10131,T Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall Fine Arts & 3 ENGL 10231,T 3 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 Humanities1,T Social SciencesT 3 Science with Lab1,T 4 MATH 11133,T 3 T HLED 1513 3 SPH 2003T Science with Lab1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 EDMD 3013T 3 4 MATH 2043T 3 MATH 30332 3 MATH 2033T 3 ECED 20012,T 1 ECED 30232,T 3 3 2,T T PE 2513 ECED 2002 T 2 Fall 3 ECED 31132 3 ECED 32132 3 BIOL 3213 or PHSC 3213 3 ECED 31222 2 ECED 32222 2 2 2 2 2 T 16 Total Hours 3 HIST 2153 2 ECED 3043 ECED 30532 2 ECED 3162 15 2 14 Total Hours 15 ECED 3172 2 ECED 3272 2 ECED 31832 3 ECED 32832 3 2 ECED 3292 14 Total Hours 15 ECED 4915 3 ECED 3192 15 Total Hours 3 Fall 3 2 ECED 3033 15 Total Hours 2 2 Total Hours ECED 3262 2 3 Elective 16 Total Hours Senior Spring Total Hours Junior Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Must be taken concurrently. 3 Any higher level Mathematics course may be substituted for MATH 1113, College Algebra T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Middle Level Education The Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence degree exists to provide quality preservice educational programs and services in preparation for teaching grades 4-8. The program prepares and nurtures interdisciplinary teachers who reflect content knowledge as well as facilitate creative talents. The program is designed around a conceptual framework which organizes learning expectations and experience into manageable discipline-specific strands including: professional and pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of the student, developmentally appropriate and effective practices, knowledge of integrated disciplines, global and cultural perspectives, technology, and a liberal arts and science background. The teaching candidate entering the middle-level program must complete an integrated math/science or English/social studies curriculum. The first stage of the middle level program is a pre-professional program and admission to this stage does not constitute approval for admission to the professional program in teacher education. Stage II is the professional stage of the preparation program. Teacher candidates must satisfactorily complete the requirements of the first stage, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on all coursework, completion of English composition courses, an oral communication course, a college-level mathematics course, and completion of MLED 2003 with grades of "C" or higher. Competence in oral and written grammar will be assessed. Teacher candidates must submit scores on Praxis I (PPST) that meet or exceed the levels established by the Arkansas Department of Education. After satisfying all of the requirements at this level, the teacher candidate will apply for internship. Admission to internship requires completion of all professional education courses, senior standing, satisfactory completion of all prerequisites listed in the course descriptions, a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50, and the minimum score on the licensure examination as required by the Arkansas Department of Education. Teacher candidates should make application for admission to the internship for the spring semester by October 1 or for the fall semester by March 1. Teacher candidates must present scores on the appropriate licensure examination as directed by the Arkansas Department of Education. Curriculum in English Language Arts/Social Studies Licensure Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Freshman Fall ENGL 10131,T HIST 1503T 1,T BIOL with Lab 2,T MATH 1113 T 3 ENGL 10231,T 3 HIST 1513T 4 3 GEOG 2013 Total Hours Junior Fall ENGL 4703 MLED 3012 3 1,T PHSC with Lab MATH 2033 T T 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 HIST 2003T 4 ECON 2003 3 T 3 16 MLED 2003 Total Hours 16 3 2 Spring ENGL 2063 MLED 3041 3 1 MLED 3024 4 MLED 3062 2 MLED 3034 4 MLED 3072 2 MLED 3102 2 Total Hours 15 Freshman Spring ENGL 10131,T 3 1,T BIOL with Lab 2,T MATH 1113 SPH 2003 T T MLED 2003 Total Hours Junior Spring 4 3 T 3 3 ENGL 2043 T Elective Total Hours Senior Fall ENGL 3013 ENGL 3323 4 EDMD 3013 16 Total Hours HIST 2153T MLED 4004 3 Spring 3 MLED 4912 3 ENGL 10231,T 1,T PHSC with Lab T 2 4 GEOG 2013T 3 MLED 3024 4 3 T 3 MLED 3034 4 3 MLED 3102 2 T 3 3 T 3 T 3 HIST 1503 HIST 1513 Total Hours 16 Fall EDMD 3013 T HIST 2003 HIST 2013 15 Total Hours Total Hours Senior Spring ECON 2003 3 HIST 2153 3 MLED 4912 ENGL 2043 3 ENGL 3323 3 ENGL 3013 3 ENGL 2063 3 MLED 4004 4 HIST/POLS ElectiveT 3 MLED 4023 MLED 3041 1 HIST/POLS Elective MLED 3062 MLED 3072 Total Hours 2 2 17 Total Hours 3 T 15 Fall 3 3 T 12 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 6 MLED 3012 T ENGL 4703 12 3 T POLS 2003 3 15 4 MLED 4023 3 HIST/POLS Elective 6 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall MATH 2033 16 3 T 3 POLS 2003 T 3 T 3 3 3 HIST 2013T T SPH 2003 Spring Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T T T Elective 4 Total Hours 13 Total Hours 12 3 16 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 Any higher level Mathematics course may be substituted for MATH 1113, College Algebra T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. Curriculum in Mathematics and Science Licensure Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Freshman Fall 1,T 1,T ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 HIST 1503T 3 HIST 1513T 1,T 3 Fine Arts & Humanities HIST 1903, HIST 2003 or 3 HIST 2013T Spring 3 SPH 2003 T 3 3 EDMD 3013T 3 BIOL 1114 or BIOL 2124T 4 BIOL 2134T MATH 11133,T 3 MATH 1203T T T 4 MATH 2033T 3 CHEM 1113T and CHEM 1111T 4 3 MATH 2163T 3 MATH 2043T 3 2,T POLS 2003 Total Hours Junior Fall Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 MLED 2003 16 Total Hours MLED 3012 Freshman Spring 2 PHYS 1114T 4 BIOL 3223/PHSC 3223 3 4 MATH 2243 3 MATH 3033 3 4 MLED 3041 1 MLED 4004 4 2 MLED 3062 2 MLED 4023 3 2 MLED 3072 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall ENGL 10131,T 3 ENGL 10231,T MLED 3024 MLED 3034 MLED 3102 Total Hours Spring 16 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 HIST 2153T 3 ENGL 4703 4 3 MLED 3034 4 3 MLED 3102 2 3 Electives 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 2 MATH 2043T 14 Total Hours 3 15 3 ENGL 4703 3 MLED 4912 4 MATH 2163T 3 BIOL 3223/PHSC 3223 3 1 MATH 3033 3 MATH 2243 3 2 MLED 4023 3 HIST 2153T 3 MATH 11133,T 3 HIST 1513T MLED 2003 Total Hours Junior Spring 3 MATH 1203T 16 Total Hours Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T 2 MLED 4004 MLED 3072 MATH Elective Total Hours 2,T 12 3 MLED 3024 3 HIST 1503T MLED 3062 12 4 EDMD 3013 HIST 1903, HIST 2003 or 3 HIST 2013T 3 MATH 2033T SPH 2003T CHEM 1113T and CHEM 1111T MLED 3041 16 Spring 3 MLED 4912 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 2 T BIOL 1114 or BIOL 2124 4 BIOL 2134 POLS 2003 2 MATH Elective 14 Total Hours 3 MLED 3012 T T 3 Electives T 4 PHYS 1114 T Fall 12 4 3 15 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirement". MATH electives may not be MATH 1003 or MATH 1103. 3 Any higher level Mathematics course may be substituted for MATH 1113, College Algebra. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Secondary Education The secondary education curriculum is designed to prepare teacher candidates for teaching careers at the junior high school and senior high school levels. Teacher candidates completing the NCATE approved program in secondary education will qualify for licensure in an area appropriate to their major field. The program recognizes three important components in the education of a prospective teacher: a strong general education, an in-depth knowledge in a selected teaching field, and a knowledge of the school, adolescents, and the teaching-learning process. The unit’s conceptual framework is Professionals for the Future. The framework emphasizes the concepts of teacher as instructional leader, reflective decision-maker, and problem solver who has knowledge of the teacher candidate, a strong content and pedagogical knowledge, a commitment to their profession, and a desire to continue their development. Teacher candidates preparing to teach in secondary schools must complete the courses required for specialization in the appropriate curriculum, see “Curriculum in Secondary Education”. Teacher candidates desiring entrance to the teacher education program in secondary education should apply for admission to Stage II during the second semester of their sophomore year. Teacher candidates who are admitted to Stage II of the teacher education program for secondary teachers enroll jointly in course work for their degree specialization and course work in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. For example, teacher candidates planning to teach mathematics enroll in the math department and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. The requirements of both departments must be satisfied. Teacher candidates should make application for admission to internship for the spring semester by October 1 and for the fall semester by March 1. Teacher candidates must present scores on the Praxis II specialty area test equal to or greater than the state-established level in order to be approved for internship. Any questions concerning internship placement should be addressed to the Director of Teacher Education Student Services located in Crabaugh 109. Professional requirements for the secondary education program include SEED 2002; SEED 3702, SEED 4503, SEED 4556, and SEED 4809 or SEED 4909. SEED 2002, SEED 3702 and SEED 4556 must be completed prior to internship. Secondary teacher education candidates enrolling in internship should register for SEED 4503 and either SEED 4809 or SEED 4909. In addition to the course requirements specified, the state also requires that the applicants for an Arkansas teaching license supply a copy of his/her score on the Praxis II (Principles of Learning and Teaching, if applicable and Specialty Area Tests) and the criminal background check as required by Act 1310. The Specialty Area Test is required for entry into internship. The Principles of Learning and Teaching, if applicable, may be completed during internship (see “Requirements for Teacher Licensure”). Curriculum in Agricultural Education For Teacher Licensure2 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Spring Freshman Fall ENGL 10131 3 ENGL 10231 U.S. History/Government1 COMS 1003 AGBU 1013 AGPS 1024 BIOL 1014 4 MATH 1113 AGED 1001 AGED 1012 AGPS 1003 Total Hours Junior Fall 3 1 2 3 16 Total Hours 3 SPH 2003 3 Social Sciences1 3 CHEM 1113 and CHEM 1111 4 Fine Arts & Humanities1 3 3 3 4 MATH 2163 SEED 2002 AGPS 3044 3 2 4 AGAS 1014 AGEG 3203 AGME 1003 16 Total Hours Senior Fall 16 Total Hours Spring 1 Social Sciences Fine Arts & Humanities1 SEED 3552 SEED 4052 AGAS 3021 AGME 3023 Total Hours 4 3 3 16 Spring 3 SEED 3702 2 SEED 4556 6 SEED 4503 3 3 AGAS 2084 4 AGED 3013 3 SEED 4909 9 2 2 1 3 14 AGED 3003 AGME 3003 AGME 3013 3 3 3 AGED 4003 AGED 4013 3 3 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall 12 3 ENGL 10231 3 Social Sciences1 SPH 2003 3 3 MATH 1113 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1 3 SEED 2002 2 4 BIOL 1014 4 AGEG 3203 3 AGAS 1014 4 3 3 AGBU 1013 AGED 1001 3 1 AGME 1003 AGPS 1024 3 4 AGAS 3021 AGPS 3044 1 4 Freshman Spring ENGL 10131 U.S. History/Government1 CHEM 1113 and CHEM 1111 COMS 1003 AGPS 1003 3 3 AGED 1012 16 Total Hours Total Hours Junior Spring 2 16 Fall MATH 2163 3 SEED 3552 2 SEED 3702 2 SEED 4052 2 AGAS 2084 AGED 3003 AGME 3003 AGME 3013 Total Hours 4 3 3 3 18 AGED 3013 AGED 4003 AGED 4013 AGME 3023 Total Hours 3 3 3 3 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 16 Total Hours 14 Fall 1 Fine Arts & Humanities 3 3 Social Sciences1 SEED 4503 3 SEED 4909 9 SEED 4556 6 Total Hours 12 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Art for Teacher Licensure Freshman Fall ENGL 10131,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 1,T Mathematics 3 Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Spring Fall Fine Arts & 3 ENGL 10231,T Humanities1,T Science with Lab1,T ART 1503 T 4 3 Science with Lab1,T SEED 2002 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 4 SPH 2003 3 2 3 3 1 ART 2103 3 ART 2113 ART 1303T 3 ART 2403T 3 ART 2413T ART 2123 T T ART 2303 Art Elective (3000-4000) 3 3 3 3 16 Total Hours Spring 3 1,T ART 3073 3 ART 3403 or ART 3533 3 ART 3603 3 Social Sciences SEED 3552 SEED 3702 SEED 4052 Art History (3000-4000)2 3 ART 4823 Total Hours 3 T TECH 1001 ART 1403T Total Hours Junior Fall ART 3003 Spring 16 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 SEED 4556 2 2 2 15 Total Hours 6 ART 3013 3 ART 3803 3 Art Elective (3000-4000) 3 15 Spring SEED 4503 3 SEED 4809 ART 4701 9 1 3 Art Elective (30004000) 15 Total Hours 3 15 Total Hours 1 15 Total Hours 13 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Art history electives ART 3113, ART 3123, ART 3133, ART 3143, ART 4103, ART 4113, ART 4123, ART 4723, ART 4823 can be used toward this requirement. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Business Education For Teacher Licensure3 Freshman Fall Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Spring Science with 3 4 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T ENGL 10231,T Lab1,T ENGL 10131,T 3 SPH 2003 or SPH 2173T 3 HIST 19031,T 3 ECON 2003T 3 ECON 2013T 3 MATH 11132,T 3 MATH 2223T 3 ACCT 2003T 3 ACCT 2013T 3 3 T 3 BDA 2003 3 BUAD 1023 T BUAD 1111 T 1 T BUAD 2003 Total Hours Junior Fall 3 16 Total Hours ANTH 2003 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T MGMT 3003 MKT 3043 SEED 3552 SEED 3702 BUAD 3023 Total Hours 3 3 2 2 3 16 MGMT 3103 FIN 3063 SEED 4052 VOBE 4023 POLS 2003 BUAD 2043 T Spring Freshman Spring 3 SEED 2002 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Science with 3 Lab1,T 3 MGMT 4013 3 MGMT 4083 2 SEED 4556 3 2 T 3 T 3 BLAW 2033 BUAD 2053 3 15 Total Hours 15 Spring 4 SEED 4503 3 3 3 6 SEED 4809/SEED 4909 VOBE 4701 9 1 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall Science with 3 4 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T ENGL 10231,T Lab1,T 13 ENGL 10131,T 3 SPH 2003, or SPH 2173T 3 HIST 19031,T 3 ECON 2003T 3 ECON 2013T 3 MATH 11132,T 3 MATH 2223T 3 ACCT 2003T 3 ACCT 2013T 3 BUAD 1111 T 1 T 3 BDA 2003 3 BUAD 2003 T 3 T 3 SEED 2002 2 T 3 BUAD 2043 Total Hours Junior Spring POLS 2003 BUAD 1023 ANTH 2003 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T MGMT 3003 MKT 3043 SEED 3552 SEED 3702 VOBE 4023 Total Hours 3 3 2 2 3 16 MGMT 3103 FIN 3063 SEED 4052 BUAD 3023 15 Total Hours Senior Spring Science with 3 Lab1,T 3 MGMT 4013 3 MGMT 4083 2 SEED 4556 3 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 1 16 Total Hours Fall T 3 T 3 BLAW 2033 BUAD 2053 3 15 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 15 Fall 4 SEED 4503 3 3 3 6 SEED 4809/SEED 4909 VOBE 4701 9 1 13 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Students who have two years of high school algebra with a grade of "C" or better and a math ACT score of 22 or above may omit College Algebra and enroll directly in MATH 2223, Quantitative Business Analysis. If omitted, an additional 3 hours of electives will be required. 3 For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Creative Writing For Teacher Licensure4 Freshman Fall Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall U.S. 3 3 ENGL 10231,T History/Government1,T ENGL 10131,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 1,T 1,T Mathematics 3 Science with Lab T Science with Lab1,T T 4 ENGL 2003T 3 3 ENGL 3023 3 ENGL 2043 3 ENGL 2063 3 ENGL 3043 3 3 SEED 2002 2 1 SPH 2003 Beg. Foreign Lang I2,T Total Hours Junior Fall ENGL 3093 4 14 Beg. Foreign Lang II2,T 4 Total Hours 17 3 Spring ENGL 3013 3 ElectiveT Total Hours Senior Fall ENGL 4093 ENGL 3313T 3 ENGL 3083 3 ENGL 4733 3 SEED 4556 16 Total Hours 3 3 3 SEED 4909 9 Total Hours 12 ENGL 3413 3 ENGL 3323 2 ENGL 3423 SEED 3702 or EDMD 3013 SEED 4052 Elective Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 2-3 ENGL 4813 3 2 2-1 17 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 15 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring U.S. 3 3 3 ENGL 10231,T History/Government1,T 3 3 4 Social Sciences1,T Science with Lab1,T Mathematics1,T 3 ENGL 10131,T 1,T Fine Arts & Humanities TECH 1001 3 1 3 Science with Lab1,T SPH 2003 4 T Beg. Foreign Lang I 3 2,T 4 17 ENGL Elective 3 3 Fall ENGL 3093 ENGL 3413 3 3 Total Hours Senior Spring ENGL 3423 ENGL 4813 ENGL 3323T 3 ENGL 4093 3 SEED 4556 SEED 3702 or EDMD 3013 2-3 ENGL 4733 3 ENGL Elective Elective 2 2 16 Total Hours 1 3 Beg. Foreign Lang II Total Hours Total Hours 3 ENGL 2063 13 2-1 SEED 3552 SEED 4052 13 Total Hours 6 3 ENGL 2043T Total Hours Junior Spring ENGL 3013 ENGL 3083 14 Spring SEED 4503 SEED 3552 Freshman Spring 3 4 TECH 1001 T Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 2,T Fall ENGL 2003T 3 ENGL 3023 3 ENGL 3043 3 T 3 ENGL 3313 3 4 SEED 2002 2 ElectiveT 17 Total Hours 3 3 Fall SEED 4503 SEED 4909 3 17 3 9 6 3 3 15 Total Hours 12 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". All minimum college hours (at least three semesters) should be in one language. Students with previous study in a foreign language should refer to Foreign Language Advanced Placement and Credit under Credit by Examination. 3 Any 2-4000 level English courses excluding ENGL 2003, ENGL 2013, ENGL 2173, ENGL 2881, and ENGL 4881-4. 4 For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. 2 T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university Curriculum in English For Teacher Licensure5 Freshman Fall ENGL 10131,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 1,T Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Spring U.S. Fine Arts & 3 3 ENGL 10231,T History/Government1,T Humanities1,T Social Sciences1,T 3 Mathematics 3 Beg. Foreign Lang I2,T 4 Elective4,T Total Hours Junior Fall 1 14 SPH 2003T Total Hours ENGL 3313T 3 Spring ENGL 3013 ENGL 3413 SEED 3702 or EDMD 3013 English Elective 3 4 Elective Science with Lab Beg. Foreign Lang.II2,T T 1,T 4 4 Science with Lab1,T 3 4 SEED 2002 2 ENGL 2003 3 ENGL 3023 3 ENGL 2063 3 English Elective3 3 T 3 Elective4,T 17 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 ENGL 4013 3 Elective4,T 16 Total Hours 3 Spring SEED 4503 3 SEED 4909 9 3 ENGL 3323 3 ENGL 4733 3 2-3 ENGL 3423 3 SEED 4556 6 6 SEED 3552 2 ENGL (3000-4000) 3 2-1 SEED 4052 2 3 14 4 Total Hours Freshman Spring ENGL 10131,T Social Sciences1,T Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 Elective Total Hours 16 Total Hours 15 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall U.S. 3 3 ENGL 2003T 3 ENGL 10231,T History/Government1,T 3 3 ENGL 3023 Social Sciences1,T 3 ENGL 2063 16 12 3 3 3 Science with Lab1,T 4 Science with Lab1,T 4 ENGL 3313T 3 Mathematics1,T 3 Beg. Foreign Lang 4 I2,T Beg. Foreign Lang II2,T 4 SEED 2002 2 Elective4,T Total Hours Junior Spring ENGL 3013 4 T ENGL 3323 SEED 3702 or EDMD 3013 English Elective3 4 Elective Total Hours 1 16 SPH 2003T Total Hours 3 3 3 Elective4,T 14 Total Hours Fall ENGL 3413 ENGL 4013 17 Total Hours Senior Spring 3 ENGL 3423 3 SEED 4556 3 6 2-3 ENGL 4733 3 English (3000-4000) 3 6 SEED 3552 2 English Elective3 3 2-1 SEED 4052 2 3 16 Elective4 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Fall SEED 4503 SEED 4909 15 Total Hours See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". All minimum college hours (at least three semesters) should be in one language. Students with previous study in a 2 3 14 3 9 12 foreign language should refer to Foreign Language Advanced Placement and Credit under Credit by Examination 3 Any 2-4000 level English courses excluding ENGL 2003, ENGL 2013, ENGL 2173, ENGL 2881, and ENGL 4881-4. 4 At least 40 of the 120 hours required for graduation must be earned in 3000-4000 level courses. 5 For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university Curriculum in Foreign Language with Concentration in Spanish For Teacher Licensure2,4,5 Freshman Fall Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall Spring 1 1 SPH 2003 Fine Arts & Humanities1 3 U.S. History/Government1 3 3 SPAN 3013 3 3 Science with Lab1 4 SPAN 3123 3 4 SPAN 3003 3 SEED 2002 2 4 Electives 3 ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 3 Social Sciences1 3 Social Sciences1 3 Mathematics1 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1 TECH 1001 1 Science with Lab1 2,3 2,3 SPAN 2014 4 Total Hours Junior Fall 14 Total Hours SPAN 3133 3 SPAN 3213 SPAN 4203 SPAN 4213 SEED 3552 Elective Total Hours 3 3 3 2 1 15 Total Hours SPAN 2024 Spring SPAN 3143 or SPAN 3163 SPAN 4023 SPAN 4223 SEED 4052 Electives Spring SEED 3702 or EDMD 3013 Electives 16 Total Hours 17 Total Hours Senior Fall 2-3 2-3 16 Spring 3 SPAN 4003 3 SPAN 4701 1 3 3 2 3 SPAN 4703 SEED 4556 Electives 3 6 3 SEED 4503 SEED 4909 3 9 14 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 13 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Students with previous study in a foreign language should refer to Foreign Language Advanced Placement and Credit under Credit by Examination. 3 Lab attendance is required for beginning and intermediate foreign language courses. 4 For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. 5 An oral proficiency level of Advanced Low, as demonstrated by a score on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview, will be required of all foreign language education majors for admission to the internship. 2 Curriculum in Mathematics For Teacher Licensure2 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Freshman Fall 1,T ENGL 1013 3 1,T ENGL 1023 3 PHYS 2114 T Spring 4 PHYS 2124T 4 U.S. History/Government1,T TECH 1001 T MATH 2914 T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 COMS 2803T 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 1 HLED 1513T 3 MATH 2934T 4 ANTH 2003T 3 4 MATH 2703 3 MATH 3003 3 MATH 3123 3 4 SEED 2002 2 MATH 3243 3 16 16 Total Hours 16 3 Spring SEED 4503 3 SEED 4909 9 Total Hours 12 4 Elective Total Hours Junior Fall 15 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 T T MATH 2924 Total Hours Spring MATH 3203 3 Total Hours Senior Fall MATH 4033 SPH 2003 MATH 3153 MATH 4003 3 MATH 4123 3 MATH 4113 3 3 3 MATH 4703 SEED 3702 3 2 MATH 4772 MATH 4971 2 1 SEED 3552 2 ElectiveT 3 SEED 4556 6 SEED 4052 Total Hours 2 16 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 15 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Freshman Spring ENGL 10131,T U.S. History/Government1,T 3 TECH 1001 1 3 T 4 MATH 2914 T ENGL 10231,T Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 3 ANTH 2003T 3 3 COMS 2803 T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 MATH 2703 3 MATH 2934 T HLED 1513 Fall PHYS 2114T Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 4 3 MATH 3003 3 4 MATH 3243 3 3 T Elective 4 MATH 2924 4 SEED 2002 2 Elective 3 Total Hours Junior Spring 15 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 15 Total Hours 16 Fall T 4 PHYS 2124 MATH 3123 MATH 4703 MATH 4772 SEED 3552 SEED 4052 Total Hours 3 3 2 2 2 16 T Fall SPH 2003 MATH 4003 MATH 4033 MATH 4113 SEED 3702 3 MATH 3153 3 SEED 4503 3 3 3 3 2 MATH 3203 MATH 4123 MATH 4971 SEED 4556 3 3 1 6 SEED 4909 9 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university Curriculum in Music Education for Teacher Licensure7 (Instrumental Music Option) Freshman Fall Spring 1,T ENGL 1013 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 3 0 ENGL 1023 Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 1,T Science with Lab MUS 1000 3 1,T 4 0 Spring 1,T Social Sciences T SPH 2003 MUS 1000 3 3 0 SEED 2002T Science with Lab MUS 1000 2 1,T 4 0 MUS 1__28,T MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 MUS 1__28,T 2 1 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 1 MUS 1501T 1 MUS 1501T MUS 1713 T 3 MUS 1731 T 1 MUS 2441 T 1 Total Hours Junior Fall MUS 1__28 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 2 1 MUS 1501T MUS 1723 3 MUS 1741 1 15 Total Hours 1,T Social Sciences 3 U.S. History/Government MUS 3000 0 MUS 3000 MUS 3__2 8 2 2 1 MUS 1501T 1 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2723 3 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2741 1 MUS 3401 1 MUS 3481 1 8 MUS 3__2 1 Sophomore Barrier Jury3 Piano Exit Exam 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T Spring 1,T MUS 1__28,T MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T 3 Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 1 0 0 15 3 0 SEED 35525 2 SEED 45565 6 2 5 SEED 4052 2 MUS 4001 1 8 2 MUS 4281 1 1 2 MUS 4701 1 MUS 3421 1 MUS 3281 1 MUS 3501 MUS 3773 1 3 MUS 3431 MUS 3501 1 1 MUS 3802 MUS 4461 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 1 2 15 MUS 3702 MUS 3762 MUS 3783 Total Hours 2 MUS 38534 2 3 15 Total Hours MUS 3__2 MUS 3501 MUS 3692 3 15 Total Hours 12 3 6,7 9 SEED 4809 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Piano (MUS 1441 or MUS 1201) to be taken each semester until successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 3 Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees 4 Prerequisite: successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 5 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 6 See admission policy and procedure. 7 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II music specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. 8 See course descriptions for the appropriate applied music course number. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Music Education for Teacher Licensure4 (Keyboard Instrumental Music Option) Freshman Fall Spring ENGL 10131,T 1,T 3 ENGL 10231,T Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 3 Social Sciences1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 0 Science with Lab MUS 1000 MUS 1202T 2 T 1 MUS 1501 1,T 4 0 Science with Lab MUS 1000 MUS 1202T 2 T 1 MUS 1501 1,T Spring 3 SPH 2003T 3 T 4 0 SEED 2002 MUS 1000 MUS 1202T 2 MUS 1202T 2 T 1 T 1 MUS 1501 MUS 1501 2 0 MUS 1713T 3 MUS 1723T 3 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2201 1 MUS 1731 T 1 MUS 1741 T 1 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2723 3 MUS 2441 T MUS 2201 T 1 MUS 3401 1 MUS 2741 1 1 Total Hours Junior Fall 14 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 MUS 3000 U.S. History/Government1,T 2 MUS 3000 1 MUS 3202 1 MUS 3281 2 MUS 3431 3 MUS 3501 2 MUS 3783 2 MUS 4461 16 Total Hours Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 0 MUS 3202 MUS 3421 MUS 3501 MUS 3702 MUS 3773 MUS 3802 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 3 3,4 9 SEED 4809 Total Hours MUS 3481 Sophomore. Barrier Jury2 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T 3 1 0 14 Spring SEED 35523 SEED 4052 MUS 3202 MUS 3501 MUS 3692 MUS 3853 0 2 1 1 1 3 1 15 Total Hours 3 SEED 45563 6 2 MUS 3442 2 2 2 1 2 3 MUS 3762 MUS 4001 MUS 4281 MUS 4701 2 1 1 1 15 Total Hours 13 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion of all music degrees. 3 See admission policy and procedure. 4 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Music for Teacher Licensure5 (Keyboard Vocal Music Option) Freshman Fall Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall Spring ENGL 10131,T 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 ENGL 10231,T 3 Science with Lab 0 MUS 1000 T T 1,T 1,T 4 Science with Lab 0 MUS 1000 2 MUS 1202 MUS 1202 MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 1 MUS 1231 MUS 1681T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 3 MUS 1713T MUS 1681T T 1 MUS 1723 MUS 1731 2 MUS 1202 MUS 2441T 1 MUS 2731 1 1 MUS 1741 MUS 2201 Spring 3 Social Sciences1,T T 1 MUS 1231T 3 SPH 2003T 3 T 4 SEED 2002 0 MUS 1000 2 T 2 MUS 1202 2 1 MUS 1231T 1 0 MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or MUS 1571, MUS 1581 1 1 MUS 1681T or MUS 1681T 3 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2201 1 1 1 MUS 2723 MUS 2741 Sophomore Barrier Jury2 3 1 0 Total Hours Junior Fall 14 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 Fine Arts & Humanities1,T MUS 1231 MUS 3000 Spring 16 Total Hours Senior Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T Spring 6 1 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 SEED 35524 2 MUS 3442 2 4 0 SEED 4052 2 MUS 3202 2 MUS 3762 2 2 MUS 4001 1 1 MUS 3441 1 MUS 4701 1 0 MUS 3000 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3681 3 MUS 3692 2 1 MUS 3853 3 MUS 3773 3 MUS 3702 2 MUS 3802 MUS 3821 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 MUS 3783 1 MUS 4821 2 15 Total Hours 15 Total Hours SEED 4809 Total Hours 14 3 SEED 45564 MUS 3202 2 MUS 3202 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3681 MUS 3681 4,5 15 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 12 3 9 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees. 3 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 4 See admission policy and procedure. 5 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Music Education for Teacher Licensure7 (Vocal Music Option) Freshman Fall Spring ENGL 10131,T 1,T Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 3 ENGL 10231,T 1,T Mathematics MUS 1000 3 Social Sciences 0 MUS 1000 MUS 1232T 2 MUS 1232T MUS 1441 or MUS 1 MUS 1241 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 1 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T MUS 1681T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 or 3 MUS 1713T MUS 1681T MUS 1731T 1 MUS 1723T MUS 1741 Spring 3 Science with Lab1,T 4 Science with Lab1,T 4 3 MUS 1000 0 SEED 2002 2 2 MUS 1000 0 1 MUS 1232T 2 T 0 MUS 1232 MUS 1441 or MUS 2 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 1 or MUS 1681T 1 MUS 2241 MUS 1441 or MUS 12012,T MUS 1571, MUS 1581 1 or MUS 1681T 1 1 1 1 MUS 2713 3 MUS 2251 1 3 MUS 2731 1 MUS 2723 3 1 MUS 2741 1 3 Total Hours Junior 14 Total Hours 15 Total Hours Senior Sophomore Barrier Jury 0 Piano Exit Exam 0 13 Total Hours 15 Fall Spring Fall Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T SPH 2003T 3 Social Sciences1,T MUS 3000 0 U.S. History/Government1,T 3 SEED 35525 MUS 3232 5 2 MUS 3000 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or 1 MUS 3232 MUS 3681 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3702 2 MUS 3681 MUS 3773 3 MUS 3762 MUS 3802 2 MUS 3783 Spring Fine Arts & 3 Humanities1,T 3 2 SEED 45565 6 0 SEED 4052 2 MUS 4001 1 2 MUS 3232 2 MUS 4701 1 1 MUS 3441 1 MUS 4832 2 MUS 3571, MUS 3581 or MUS 3681 3 MUS 3692 2 4 MUS 3821 1 MUS 4821 1 MUS 3853 MUS 4712 Total Hours Senior 9th Semester Fall SEED 4503 2 16 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 1 2 3 16 Total Hours 13 3 6,7 9 SEED 4809 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements" Piano (MUS 1441 or MUS 1201) to be taken each semester until successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 3 Required for enrollment in upper-level applied study for two-hour credit and for completion for all music degrees. 4 Prerequisite: successful completion of Piano Exit Exam. 5 Prerequisite: admission to Stage II. 6 See admission policy and procedure. 7 For licensure, students must pass the Praxis II specialty and Principles of Learning and Teaching exam. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 Curriculum in Life Science and Earth Science For Teacher Licensure2 Freshman Fall Spring 1 1 Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 3 GEOL 1014 ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 MATH 11133 BIOL 1011 BIOL 1114 CHEM 2124 Total Hours Junior Fall 3 1 4 4 15 HIST 1903 BIOL 2124 or BIOL 2134 CHEM 2134 PHSC 3053 BIOL 3124 or BIOL 3174 CHEM 3254 MATH 2243 SEED 3702 Total Hours Total Hours Spring 1 3 4 4 MATH 2163 BIOL 2124 or BIOL 2134 PHYS 2014 SEED 2002 14 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 Fine Arts & Humanities 3 Fine Arts & Humanities 4 BIOL 3034 4 2 3 2 2 16 4 3 2 BIOL 3252/PHSC 3252 PHSC 3033 SEED 3552 SEED 4052 16 Total Hours 1 4 Spring SPH 2003 3 3 4 4 2 17 ANTH 2003 BIOL 3114/FW 3114 PHYS 2024 POLS 2003 Total Hours 3 4 4 3 17 Spring 3 BIOL 4701 1 BIOL 3054 or BIOL 4033 3-4 SEED 4503 3 BIOL 3233/PHSC 3233 BIOL 4891 SEED 4556 3 1 6 SEED 4909 9 Total Hours 16-17 Total Hours 13 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". For teacher licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. 3 Any higher level Mathematics course may be substituted for MATH 1113, College Algebra. 2 Curriculum in Physical Science and Earth Science For Teacher Licensure2 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall 3 ENGL 10231 3 HIST 2003 or HIST 2013 3 Freshman Fall 1 ENGL 1013 GEOL 1014 4 MATH 1914 CHEM 2124 PHSC 1001 Total Hours Junior Fall 4 MATH 2914 4 CHEM 2134 1 16 Total Hours Fine Arts & Humanities1 6 BIOL 1114 Spring GEOL 3153 PHSC 3053 PHYS 3213 Total Hours Freshman Spring ENGL 10131 Fine Arts & Humanities1 BIOL 1114 MATH 1914 1 4 4 GEOL 1014 4 GEOL 2024 4 MATH 2914 4 MATH 2924 Fall 1 SEED 2002 16 Total Hours Senior Spring PHYS 2024 or PHYS 2124 and PHYS 2010 GEOL 2024 CHEM 3313 4 4 2 17 Total Hours 3 4 4 3 14 Spring POLS 2003 3 ANTH 2003 3 COMS 2003 or 3 3 PHSC 3233/BIOL 3233 3 COMS 2803 3 PHSC 3033 3 SEED 3552 2 3 PHSC 3252 2 SEED 4052 2 SEED 3702 2 SEED 4556 6 Elective 1 15 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 16 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring COMS 2003 or COMS 3 ENGL 10231 3 3 2803 3 CHEM 2124 4 CHEM 2134 4 PHSC 1001 14 Total Hours Total Hours Junior Spring PHYS 2014 or PHYS 2114 4 and PHYS 2000 4 MATH 2924 4 CHEM 3254 SEED 2002 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Spring SPH 2003 PHSC 4701 1 SEED 4503 3 SEED 4909 9 Total Hours 13 Fall HIST 2003 or HIST 2013 3 CHEM 3254 4 SPH 2003 PHYS 2014 or PHYS 4 2114 and PHYS 2000 2 SEED 3702 17 Total Hours 4 3 4 2 16 Fall Fine Arts & Humanities ANTH 2003 3 GEOL 3153 3 POLS 2003 3 PHSC 4701 1 3 3 PHSC 3033 3 SEED 4503 3 CHEM 3313 3 3 SEED 3552 2 SEED 4909 9 PHSC 3252 PHYS 2024 or PHYS 2124 and PHYS 2010 Total Hours 2 PHSC 3053 PHSC 3233/BIOL 3233 PHYS 3213 3 SEED 4052 2 4 Elective 1 SEED 4556 6 1 15 Total Hours 13 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 13 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 For licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. Curriculum in Social Studies For Teacher Licensure2 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Freshman Fall 1,T 1,T ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 3 POLS 2003 HIST 1503T 3 HIST 1513T 3 HIST 2003T 1,T 4 Science with Lab 1,T 3 Mathematics 2 SEED 2002 Total Hours Junior Fall Science with Lab SOC 1003 1,T 4 T 3 Elective 2 15 Total Hours 1,T 3 3 T ANTH 2003 T T GEOG 2013 15 Total Hours Senior Fall Spring 1,T PSY 2003 T Spring SPH 2003 or SPH 2173 HIST 2013T 3 3 T 3 ECON 2003 3 SEED 3702 3 2 T 3 GEOG Elective HIST/POLS Elective 15 Total Hours 3 3 17 Spring Fine Arts & Humanities 3 Fine Arts & Humanities 3 HIST 4963/POLS 4963 3 SEED 4503 3 HIST 4714 4 ECON 2013T 3 SEED 4556 6 SEED 4909 9 POLS 3033 3 HIST 4153 3 HIST/POLS Elective (3000-4000 level) 3 HIST/POLS Elective (30004000 level) 6 SEED 3552 2 Elective 2 Total Hours 2 SEED 4052 HIST/POLS Elective (30003 4000 level) 16 Total Hours 16 Total Hours Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Freshman Spring 1,T 1,T ENGL 1013 3 ENGL 1023 3 POLS 2003 HIST 1503T 3 HIST 1513T 3 HIST 2003T 1,T 4 Science with Lab 1,T 3 Mathematics SEED 2002 2 Total Hours Junior Spring Science with Lab SOC 1003 1,T 4 T 3 Elective 2 15 Total Hours Fall 1,T 1,T Fine Arts & Humanities 3 T ECON 2013 3 Fine Arts & Humanities HIST 4153 POLS 3033T 3 HIST/POLS Elective (30004000 level) 6 PSY 2003 T 3 3 T ANTH 2003 14 Total Hours T T GEOG 2013 15 Total Hours Senior Spring 3 HIST 4963/POLS 4963 Fall SPH 2003 or SPH 2173 HIST 2013T ECON 2003 3 SEED 3702 3 2 T 3 3 3 T 3 3 GEOG Elective HIST/POLS Elective 15 Total Hours 17 3 Fall SEED 4503 3 SEED 4909 9 3 SEED 4556 6 HIST 4714 4 HIST/POLS Elective (3000-4000 level) 3 SEED 3552 2 Elective 2 2 SEED 4052 HIST/POLS Elective (3000- 3 4000 level) 12 3 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 17 Total Hours 14 Total Hours 12 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". For licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university 2 Curriculum Speech For Teacher Licensure2 Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Spring Fall Freshman Fall ENGL 10131,T 3 ENGL 10231,T U.S. History/Government1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 1,T 3 Mathematics 1,T Science with Lab 4 Science with Lab SPH 2003 3 1,T T T 3 Elective 16 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 TH 2703 3 JOUR 2133 3 SEED 2002 2 SPH 2013 3 3 SPH 2023 3 SPH 3073 3 T Social Sciences TH 3513 SPH 3063 3 Spring TH 3803 3 3 TH 4263 SPH 3003 3 3 SPH 3123 SEED 4556 3 6 SEED 3552 2 ElectiveT 6 ElectiveT 3 SEED 3702 SEED 4052 Total Hours 2 2 15 Total Hours 1,T 6 4 3 Elective 16 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 TH 4273 SPH 1003 Total Hours Junior Fall Spring Fine Arts & Humanities1,T 15 Total Hours 4 15 Total Hours 3 Spring SPH 4701 1 SEED 4503 SEED 4909 3 9 15 Total Hours 1 15 13 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 For licensure, students must achieve the minimum score on the Praxis II Specialty Area and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests as determined by the Arkansas Department of Education. For further requirements see Admission and Retention to Teacher Education and also the Criteria for Internships located on the College of Education home page. 3 Certain electives and social sciences are recommended based on student's emphasis. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university Internship Internship is the capstone of the teacher preparation program. Placements are the responsibility of the College of Education and are selected on the basis of providing the best experience available for the teacher candidate. The assignments require full day experiences for the semester. Teacher candidates should make plans with these requirements in mind. Praxis II All candidates for licensure must meet minimum scores as required by Arkansas Department of Education on the Principles of Learning and Teaching, if applicable and the appropriate specialty area test. Please refer to “Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees".