Industrial self generation a cross-commodity hedge in the EU emissions trading Georg Rosenbauer & Harald Dichtl Siemens Power Generation M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Industrial self generation a cross-commodity hedge in the EU emissions trading Georg Rosenbauer & Harald Dichtl Siemens Power Generation The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) bears various uncertainties and price risks for the commodities CO2, power and fuel. However, real life cases and the insight into market mechanisms show that industrial self generation is a valuable cross-commodity hedge against these risks. Example: Combined cycle plant with steam extraction 122 MW el – 75 MW steam (10 bar) Annual fuel costs: 22 M€ Impact of a 10% gas price increase ... loss of annual contribution margin M € /a w/o emissions trading with EU Emissions Trading Scheme 3 3 2 2 1 1 CHP reference CHP reference CCPP w. steam extraction grid + gas boiler CCPP w. steam extraction grid + gas boiler Fig. 1: With the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in place a natural gas price increase will hardly reduce the contribution margin of a CHP plant. M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme introduced CO2 as a new commodity. The scope of this paper is to demonstrate that, contrary to the common perception, this new commodity is leading to a reduced risk for CHP plants. gas price heat demand CO2 price regulation: in feed tariffs ... power price allocation of CO2 allowances Fig. 2: External factors influencing the economic performance of a CHP plant. The EU ETS has introduced two new factors: CO2 allocation and CO2 price Allocation to new entrant CHP and Power Plants (gas-fired, high efficiency) in allowances per tonne of CO2 emitted 1.8 1.6 CHP Sources: Vattenfall and preliminary results of a COGEN Europe survey Power Plant 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Germany Sweden UK Lithuania Fig. 3: Allocation of CO2 allowances varies considerably across different EU member states M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. The allocation effect is centered around the question: ”how many allowances does a plant get for free?”. This has been very much in the focus of the 2004 ”allocation battle” in the policy-making and lobbying arena. Indeed there are considerable differences in the allocation of EU Allowances (EUA) to new entrant plants. Although the allocation process in the EU is amazingly lacking in transparency, there are first studies comparing new entrant allocation in different member states (Fig 3.). In many member states the environmental benefits of CHP are rewarded by a somewhat better allocation compared to plain power generation. This allocation effect can change the annual power revenues by as much as 2% to 5%. gas price heat demand ? CO2 price ? ? regulation: in feed tariffs ... power price allocation of CO2 allowances Fig. 4: The new commodity CO2 is not independent from gas and power price The economic impact of revenues or costs for EU Allowances is understood as the direct impact of the EU ETS. There is, however, no doubt, that the EU ETS has considerable indirect impacts. This is due to the fact that gas, CO2 and power prices are fundamentally linked (Fig.4.). As these links are not so obvious at first glance, they are often overlooked. This paper will also demonstrate that the indirect impact of the EU ETS on the profitability of CHP can exceed the direct impact. The impact of gas price changes on power price is not at all new. In plain theory there should be a full pass-through of gas price increases, when a gas fired plant is at the margin (=defines the market closing price), while there should be no pass-through in times where a coal plant is at the margin. Of course there are some practical constraints like contractual structure (take or pay contracts) or plant dispatchability. The average share of time, where M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. gas plants are at the margin, will vary markedly from country to country (Fig.5. left hand side). Although power markets are linked to some extent in the EU, the pass-through of a gas price increase to the power market should be analyzed country by country. In this case the example of Germany is taken for the further model calculation. Gas plants are determining market prices 20% of the time. Hence it is simply assumed that only 20% of the increase of the short-term marginal costs of a gas plant will be observed in the average power price (Fig.5. right hand side). assumption: share of hours with gas plants at the margin €/MWh power price inc. per €/MWh gas price inc. Austria 0% 0,00 Spain 4% 0,08 Germany 20% 0,60 Denmark 30% 0,79 UK 40% 0,85 Practical constraints: • take or pay contracts • constraints in plant dispatch ability • links between European power markets 4 €/MWhel power price adder from gas Plain theory: • 100% pass through of gas price increase to power prices, if the marginal plant is a gas plant • 0% pass through, if the marginal plant is a coal plant model assumption 2 0 0 2 4 6 gas price increase €/MWh Fig. 5: Link between natural gas and power price – a very simplified approach How is the price of CO2 allowances linked to gas price changes? To understand this link, one has to consider CO2 reduction options and the EU-wide marginal abatement cost curve. One of the largest reversible short-term options to reduce CO2 is the redispatch from coal plants to existing gas plants. Most of the other abatement options require investment and hence are neither short term nor reversible. The basis for the economics of this redispatch is the fact that CO2 costs will have to be added to the short-term marginal costs of a plant. As this CO2 cost adder is bigger for coal plants than for gas plants, at a certain break-even price of CO2 a coal plant with relatively high short-term marginal costs will be pushed out of the merit order and a gas plant will be included instead. This switching price is very plant-specific. Based on a market model of the EU power plant fleet one can determine a ranking of these switching opportunities in terms of the break-even CO2 price. Thus an EU-wide marginal abatement cost curve (for redispatch only – other M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. options are not included here) can be determined. (Fig.6. left hand side). If, for example, EU-wide 40 Mt CO2/a has to be reduced, one could determine the resulting CO2 price, if all of this reduction has to be achieved in the short-term by redispatch. With a higher gas price and a stable coal price a higher CO2 price will be necessary to compensate the difference in short-term marginal costs of a coal and a gas plant. Thus the marginal abatement cost curve will be strongly dependent on the gas/coal price ratio. The sensitivity is remarkably strong. To observe this fundamental effect from current EUA prices, it is necessary to separate it from various other effects like weather, amount of available hydropower, market inefficiencies - particularly in this early phase of the market -, impact of political allocation decisions and, in a later stage, the discontinuity at the end of 2007, where EUAs cannot be banked. However, there is strong consensus, that this fundamental link does exist and is implemented in various market models. For the sample model calculation in this case a simplified own model is used, based on a simplified country-bycountry assessment (Fig.6 right hand side). 20 20 Gas: € 4,57 /GJ Coal: $ 60/t 15 10 Gas: € 3,77 /GJ Coal: $ 55/t 05 Source: Climate Change Capital – 07.12.2004 Strategic Consequences for Corporates HypoVereinsbank 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Reduction potential through redispatch [Mt CO2/a] €/t CO2 break even CO2 price to switch from coal to gas break even CO2 price to switch from coal to gas €/t CO2 Source: Siemens PG internal model 15 break even price for redispatch from coal to gas in EU25 to reduce 40 Mt CO2 per year 10 05 0 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 Gas/Coal price ratio Fig. 6: Link between Natural Gas price and CO2 price – demonstrating the fundamental principle There has been an intensive debate about the question as to how much of the value of EU Allowances will be passed into power markets. Based on plain theory in deregulated markets, 100% of the value of allowances required to produce one MWh power will have to be included in the short-term marginal costs of a plant. Hence a plant at the margin should increase the market closing price by 100% of the value of its required CO2 M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. allowances (see Fig.7. grey field). This looks puzzling at a first glance, as only 1-10% of these allowances really have to be purchased. The remaining 90-99% can be understood as opportunity cost – in case of a no bid decision these allowances could be sold to the emissions market, irrespective of whether they are obtained free or were purchased. So the pass-through of opportunity costs is simply system-immanent. This fact has been discussed in many studies and has been subject to an intense debate between policy makers, powerintensive industry and utilities. In practice there will be some constraints to this pass-through of opportunity costs: different levels of competition and dispatch constraints. Thus, for our model calculation we will assume that only about 50% of the opportunity costs will be passed through (Fig.7. red line). In terms of the introduced hypothesis that CHP will turn out to be a great hedge across gas-, CO2- and power prices, this is a conservative approach. Practical constraints: • increase of short term marginal costs is not necessarily same as increase of price • constraints in dispatch ability • depends on intensity of competition 10 Sources: DRKW 2003, ILEX Energy Consulting July 2004,Siemens PG internal model th 10 eor 0% y: pa ss t hr ou gh €/MWhel power price adder from CO2 Plain theory (for liberalized markets): • 100% pass through of value of CO2 allowances from the marginal plant although only 1%-10% really have to be purchased. • Depends, whether gas or coal is at the margin 05 model assumption 0 0 5 10 CO2 price €/t Fig. 7: Link between CO2 price and power price M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. 15 gas price 20 Source: Siemens PG internal model break even CO2 price to switch from coal to gas €/t CO2 break even price for redispatch from coal to gas in EU25 to reduce 40 Mt CO2 per year 15 10 05 4 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 Gas/Coal price ratio 05 th ro model assumption 2 0 0 2 4 6 gas price increase €/MWh th 10 eor 0% y: pa ss power price adder from CO2 10 Sources: DRKW €/MWhel 2003, ILEX Energy Consulting July 2004,Siemens PG internal model ug h CO2 price power price adder from gas €/MWhel 0 model assumption 0 0 5 10 CO2 price €/t 15 power price Fig. 8: Very simplified model to study sensitivities of CHP economics Fig.8. shows the very rudimentary model of linked gas, CO2 and power markets, which is used for the further case studies. The approach of the case studies is to determine only the change of contribution margins, not the absolute economic performance of the CHP plants considered. This is necessary, as the absolute performance will always be highly casespecific with lots of local boundary conditions. The changes of the annual contribution margin of a CHP plant will consist of the following components: • Additional costs for gas • Additional revenues from CO2 allowances (as the value of the excess allowances increases) • Additional value of the produced power (as the power market price is taken as a reference) The reference case (purchase power from the grid and produce the heat with a gas-fired boiler) will see changes in the contribution margin due to • Additional fuel costs for the boiler • Additional power costs M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Only differences, not absolute values: • In CHP economic assessments are always very case specific • Only changes of the annual contribution margin are assessed Example: 10% gas price increase -> 48% CO2 price increase -> 4 % power price increase reference-case CHP-case 1 resulting loss of contribution margin 2 additional fuel costs (boiler) additional power reven. 1 additional CO2 revenues 2 resulting loss of contribution margin 3 additional fuel costs (CHP) loss of annual contribution margin M € /a 3 additional power costs grid + gas boiler 122 MW CCPP with steam extraction Fig. 9: How the loss of contribution margin is determined – based on data from Fig.18 and Fig.19 It should be noted that, in this comparison, the boundaries of the calculation are the power and heat production of the plant, not the power and heat demand on the site. Although this is quite unconventional, the approach is taken to focus the further calculation on the considered hedging effect. The examples considered might be typical for a wide range of CHP applications. (Examples will be described under headings below.) Type of plant gas fired CHP typical application Electrical capacity Heat capacity Fuel capacity Full load operation Average power load factor Average heat load factor Fuel consumption Power production Useable heat production Electrical efficiency Thermal efficiency Total efficiency MW MW MW h/a % % MWh/a MWh/a MWh/a % % % Case 1 CCGT with backpressure Steam Turbine Case 2 CCGT with extraction condensing Steam Turbine (process steam 10 bar) Case 3 Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Utility, District Heating and Power Generation 19 21 45,5 8.000 100% 100% 364.000 152.000 168.000 42% 46% 88% Industry, Chemicals Industry, Paper Fig. 10: Typical CHP cases and assumed performance data M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. 122 75 242,0 8.000 100% 90% 1.936.000 976.000 540.000 50% 28% 78% 5 8 16,0 8.000 100% 100% 128.000 40.000 64.000 31% 50% 81% Siemens Power Generation Industrial Applications is currently modernizing a coal and gas- fired plant for the Utility ESTW Erlangen, Germany, that will provide power and heat to the city district system. Siemens is delivering a 13 MW SGT-400 gas turbine, a fired heat recovery steam generator and a 11 MW steam turbine SST-300. The peak electrical and thermal output will be more than 20 MW each. The plant is scheduled to begin commercial operation in October 2005. Fig. 11: CHP case ”Utility district heating” ESTW Erlangen in Germany Sappi Europe Limited, is located at the Sappi paper mill in Blackburn, Lancashire with the primary objective of meeting the paper mill’s power and process steam requirements, and exporting the power generated into the grid. The plant has been equipped with the 45 MW SGT-100 and a 19 MW intermediate pressure steam turbine as a combined cycle power plant (SCC-800), supplying process steam and up to 60 MW electrical power. The heat recovery steam generator is a two pressure boiler delivering high pressure steam to the steam turbine and low pressure steam to the paper mill. The total steam production is 40tons/hr. M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Fig. 12: CHP case ”Industrial steam supply”, Blackburn Paper Mill in UK Under contract to Essent Belgium, Siemens PG is building a combined heat and power plant as a turnkey project in Antwerp. The plant will comprise two 45 MW SGT-800 gas turbines. The new 120-MW gas-fired plant (SCC-800) will supply electricity and 220 metric tons of steam to the Ineos Petrochemical complex. The plant is scheduled to begin commercial operation in early 2006. Fig. 13: CHP case ”Petrochemical Industry”, INESCO, Belgium M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. In Fig.14 the allowance allocation situation for Germany is taken as an example. For new entrant CHP, Germany has a double benchmark approach, applied to planned production. In this case a 365 g/kWhel power benchmark is assumed. It might turn out that smaller gas plants can even apply for slightly higher benchmarks. The benchmark for heat depends on the supplied temperature level: hot water or steam. As already indicated in Fig.3, a slight over-allocation for CHP is the result, rewarding the well-known efficiency benefits. Economic base data are shown in Fig.15. Case 1 CCGT / back pressure ST CO2 allocation - example Germany Assumed power benchmark for CO2 allocation allocation for power production Assumed heat benchmark for CO2 allocation allocation for heat production total allocation excess allowances kg/kWh el t/a kg/kWh el t/a t/a t/a 365 55480 215 36120 91600 18.800 Case 2 CCGT / extraction ST Case 3 Simple cycle GT 365 356240 225 121500 477740 90.540 365 14600 215 13760 28360 2.760 Fig. 14: Assumed allocation of CO2 allowances – example Germany with double benchmark Case 1 CCGT / back pressure ST Economic base data: CHP Power price Gas Price Coal price Gas/coal ratio CO2 price annual revenue from power annual revenue from CO2 overallocation CO2 revenue rel. to power revenue annual fuel costs Economic base data: reference case (grid + boiler) power costs fuel costs Case 2 CCGT / extraction ST Case 3 Simple cycle GT €/MWh €/GJ €/GJ €/t €/a €/a % €/a 42,00 3,10 1,72 1,80 9,06 6.384.000 170.334 2,67% 4.062.240 42,00 3,10 1,72 1,80 9,06 40.992.000 820.323 2,00% 21.605.760 42,00 3,10 1,72 1,80 9,06 1.680.000 25.007 1,49% 1.428.480 €/a €/a 6.384.000 2.083.200 40.992.000 6.696.000 1.680.000 793.600 Fig. 15: Economic boundary conditions and reference assumptions for both scenarios: CHP and reference (power from the grid and heat from gas-fired boiler) To better understand the system, a first sensitivity calculation considers an ”external” change of the CO2 price (Fig. 16 and Fig.17). This external change might be a reduced import of allowances from project-based mechanisms from outside the EU, a cold winter with increased demand for space heating, a dry year with lower hydropower production or a hot summer with increased cooling demand. Due to the pass-through of opportunity costs (see Fig.7) the power price effect is already bigger than the direct impact of the CO2 allowances. The changes in the scenario without emissions trading are, of course, zero (red line in Fig. 17). M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Case 1 CCGT / back pressure ST EU ETS CHP case additional revenue from power additional revenue from CO2 additional fuel costs net loss of contribution margin EU ETS reference case additional power costs additional fuel costs (boiler gas) net loss of contribution margin Case 2 CCGT / extraction ST Case 3 Simple cycle GT €/a €/a €/a €/a 172.146,41 85.167,17 (257.313,58) 1.105.361,14 410.161,47 (1.515.522,61) 45.301,69 12.503,27 (57.804,95) €/a €/a €/a 172.146,41 172.146,41 1.105.361,14 1.105.361,14 45.301,69 45.301,69 Fig. 16: Change of contribution margin due to a 50% CO2 price increase – considered only for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (obviously not applicable for a scenario without emissions trading) reference grid + boiler 1,0 0,5 w/o Emissions trading (0,5) reference grid+boiler with Emissions trading CHP increase of annual contribution margin M € /a loss of annual contribution margin M € /a Example: 50% CO2 price increase -> 2,7 % power price increase 1,5 (1,0) CHP with Emissions trading (1,5) case 1: CCGT / back pressure ST case 2: CCGT / extraction ST case 3: Simple cycle GT Fig. 17: Change of contribution margin caused by an ”external” 50% increase of the CO2 price The CHP benefit in this scenario is mainly based on the fact that the operator can benefit from the pass-through of CO2 opportunity costs to the power market and in addition can sell excess allowances at a higher price. An even more impressive case is the sensitivity of the contribution margin to a 10% gas price increase (stable coal price assumed). Fig.18 shows the sensitivities if no emissions trading is in place (red lines in Fig.20). Fig.19 shows the same sensitivities with the EU ETS. Increased fuel costs are now almost compensated by the higher revenues from power and CO2. In relative terms this effect is not so strong in case 3 (Gas Turbine (GT) Simple Cycle) and strongest in case 2 (Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (CCGT) with extraction steam turbine (ST). M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Case 1 CCGT / back pressure ST CHP (no Emissions Trading) additional revenue from power additional fuel costs net additional costs Reference case (no Emissions Trading) additional power costs additional fuel costs (boiler gas) net additional costs Case 2 CCGT / extraction ST Case 3 Simple cycle GT €/a €/a €/a 101.779,20 406.224,00 304.444,80 653.529,60 2.160.576,00 1.507.046,40 26.784,00 142.848,00 116.064,00 €/a €/a €/a 101.779,20 208.320,00 310.099,20 653.529,60 669.600,00 1.323.129,60 26.784,00 79.360,00 106.144,00 Fig. 18: Change of contribution margin due to a 10% natural gas price increase – scenario without emissions trading Case 1 CCGT / back pressure ST EU ETS CHP case additional revenue from power additional revenue from CO2 additional fuel costs net loss of contribution margin EU ETS reference case additional power costs additional fuel costs (boiler gas) net loss of contribution margin Case 2 CCGT / extraction ST Case 3 Simple cycle GT €/a €/a €/a €/a 265.925,28 81.209,11 406.224,00 59.089,60 1.707.520,23 391.099,64 2.160.576,00 61.956,13 69.980,34 11.922,19 142.848,00 60.945,47 €/a €/a €/a 265.925,28 208.320,00 474.245,28 1.707.520,23 669.600,00 2.377.120,23 69.980,34 79.360,00 149.340,34 Fig. 19: Change of contribution margin due to a 10% natural gas price increase – scenario with EU Emissions Trading Scheme In Fig.20 it can clearly be seen that the CHP option is a kind of physical hedge across the commodities gas, CO2 and power. The contribution margin of CHP in the EU ETS environment is much less sensitive to a gas price change than either CHP without emissions trading (red line) or the reference case with emissions trading (grey bar). 2,5 2,0 w/o Emissions trading 1,5 reference grid+boiler with Emissions trading 1,0 CHP with Emissions trading CHP 0,5 case 1: CCGT / back pressure ST reference grid + boiler loss of annual contribution margin M € /a Example: 10% gas price increase -> 48% CO2 price increase -> 4 % power price increase case 2: CCGT / extraction ST case 3: Simple cycle GT Fig. 20: Change of contribution margin due to a 10% natural gas price increase M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved. Summary and conclusions The new commodity CO2 brings some unexpected changes. Beyond the direct impact of allocation one should have a closer look at the indirect impacts of the new links: gas price -> CO2 price -> power price In the EU ETS CHP will be much less sensitive to gas price changes and can be regarded as a physical cross-commodity hedge Of course investments in CHP will primarily have to be based on absolute profitability, which is highly case-specific. However, the reduced risk should have a clear value in investment planning. Sources: To be added M:\IDCO\papers\Papers 2005\PGE05_ Rosenbauer Dichtl_draft_final.doc © Siemens AG 2005. All rights reserved.