Success starts in the control room Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical

Success starts in the control room
SPPA-T3000 Cue – raising performance in power plant operation
Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical
Control is the core
for high-performance plant operation
Comprehensive expertise
Operator needs
Clever HMI
Flexible connectivity
Lifetime strategy
24 / 7 service
Conditions in today’s power generation industry are getting tougher. Now
more than ever, power generators have to rely on top plant performance, which
is ultimately powered by dependable and predictable operation.
Power plant control and automation solutions can help reach those goals.
More specifically, the Human Machine Interface (HMI) – the focal point for
the operator’s management of the plant – is where critical advancements
can be made. Siemens focuses on making the operator’s job efficient by
providing faster response to disturbances, an intuitive design, smooth
handling, and reduced chances for unwanted operation. This has a direct
effect on the availability of the plant as a whole.
SPPA-T3000 Cue, the new release of Siemens’ distributed power plant control
system, has evolved under this operator centric approach. Based on proven
technology that has been successfully applied in over 2,700 units worldwide,
it is infused with innovations specially designed for effective and efficient
operation. By supporting operators with the right tools, targeted cues, and
guided procedures for sound operation, SPPA-T3000 Cue provides the platform
to increased power plant performance.
Get the
most out of
your plant
Comprehensive expertise
for best-in-class automation
We gained a great deal of experience on the design of a vast power plant fleet
across the globe. And we have translated this knowledge into beneficial control
system technology.
At Siemens, we have handled power plant
engineering, design, and construction
in-house for decades; so we are intimately
familiar with all the tasks surrounding
power plant automation. Having automated
more than 2,700 units worldwide over the
past 50 years with great success, we have
the most extensive automation experience
in the power plant market.
Valuable know-how: Siemens
boasts 150 years of experience
in power generation.
Plant automation –
the brain of the power plant
In automation, process engineering is cast
in bits and bytes. The intelligent use of this
data forms the very basis of the availability,
reliability, and efficiency of your plant. The
SPPA-T3000 design is tailored to power
generation – with specific electronic
technology, control algorithms, function
libraries, and concepts developed on
our deep plant expertise, and focused on
Market-leading technology: Siemens’ equipment
automates power plants worldwide.
time-proven standards. You get automation
and controls from power plant experts for
power plant experts.
Operator needs
for more effective and efficient plant operation
Operators deserve an HMI that supports them in every manner.
Because it is the operator’s capability to be in control that defines
the performance of the entire plant.
The human factor: A recent ARC
study* reveals a huge potential
for greater system availability.
Ultimately, the power plant’s output is
formed by thousands of sensors and signals,
motors and pumps, drives and fans. The
daily responsibility of the operator is to
monitor, readjust, and correct all of these
components. Smooth periods spent working
through the various required tasks can
suddenly be interrupted by periods of hectic
activity to counter disturbances in the plant’s
operation or failures of the plant equipment.
Less is more
In these situations, operators need to focus
on what really matters. They need less raw,
unfiltered information. Information floods,
unfiltered messages, alerts, or inappropriate
analysis reporting simply complicate the
operator’s ability to adequately respond to
a plant disturbance. Their ability to function
in an appropriate manner is supported by
a control system which delivers the right
information, in the right manner, at the
right time.
* “Minimizing Operational Risk trough Procedural
Automation”, Larry O’Brien, ARC Advisory Group,
Presentation on 18th Annual ARC Industry Forum,
Orlando, FL, 2014-02-11
Operation and
Predictive assurance of
business continuity
Management of
unavoidable incidents
Running the plant, having
the process under control
Detecting deviations
early, analyzing and
initiating remedy
Reacting safely and quickly
to disturbances and
SPPA-T3000 Cue offers specific tools for all operator tasks
Features that give cues
▪▪Accurate information from process
engineering – for a comprehensive
▪▪Proactive forecasts of component and
process status – to ensure availability
and simplify maintenance planning
▪▪Inventive alarm handling – to keep the
message flood under control
▪▪Intelligent help functions – to answer
questions intuitively
▪▪Real-time health display – to evaluate
the plant’s condition at a glance
▪▪Precise handling instructions and direct
access to analysis and data – to be able
to act, and react, quickly
Operator in focus: While developing SPPA-T3000 Cue,
we put ourselves in the operator’s shoes.
Focus on
what really
Give your
operator the
right tools
Optimized workflows
thanks to a clever HMI
You can have confidence that everything is under control when a capable operator can
perform with a cool head. Supported by the control system when the situation calls for it.
A control system that is intuitive to operate –
with an HMI that provides the operator with
complete control of his plant. SPPA-T3000 Cue,
with its ergonomic design, achieves maximum
ease of operation, e.g. through:
▪▪Information at the touch of a button
▪▪Intuitive, icon-based navigation
▪▪One-click access to important functions and
to Siemens’ own and further applications
▪▪Comprehensive help in the event of faults,
such as automatic first-value searching
and suppression of subsequent messages
▪▪Customizable user interfaces geared to
the operator’s specific needs
areas of the daily routine. Highly advanced
diagnostic tools visualize detailed facts about
the plant systems or specific equipment at a
glance. Built-in operations management and
shift logs make handovers and scheduling
more manageable than ever. All critical
information is recorded for all necessary
parties, while integrated access reduces the
potential for errors or lost information: The
user can easily tap into non-local applications,
such as maintenance management,
equipment diagnostic systems or task lists
all from the HMI workplace. So all plant
data can be in sight.
Less stress in day-to-day business
Analyses, diagnoses, shift handovers, logs and
report documentation – these are all timeconsuming tasks that get done easier and
faster with the right HMI. SPPA-T3000 Cue
offers well thought-out support for various
Support in the event of an alarm
Routine, daily responsibilities are sometimes
thwarted with unavoidable incidents. Pumps
fail, motors stop. Often, the things that
go wrong are random and unforeseeable.
Though controlled safety mechanisms can
ensure that workers, machines and the
environment are safe – the operator must
respond quickly and prudently to keep the
unit up and running. For these reasons,
we have further improved the alarm
management. It classifies alarms, directs
critical information to the operations, and
re-directs unimportant messages to be
either archived or dealt with at a more
opportune time. The SPPA-T3000 HMI
manages torrents of messages and
automatically guides the user through
root cause analysis in the event of a fault.
Alarms and warnings are accompanied by
detailed information and guidance for rapid
resolution. Special alarm classes, specifically
designed to avoid a plant trip or forced
outage, include an alarm control window
with clear instructions for action – this is
ideal for fast, precise action when required
to keep the plant running.
Beyond the usual
scope of a DCS:
SPPA-T3000 Cue
facilitates direct
access to third-party
systems as well as
the integration of
Siemens’ own or
further applications
– all in one spot.
SPPA-T3000 Cue highlights
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are
customizable in order to provide optimum
support to operators and may include
production data, output, emissions values,
trend reports on pressures and temperatures,
and other values where needed.
Alarm Counts provide transparency
about the plant’s situation and allow for
quick and targeted reaction. Each alarm
class is shown with the numbers of raising,
unacknowledged and pending alarms;
double clicking opens the alarm classspecific ASD.
“DR“ Diagnostic Recommended is a
new message class that detects the status
of availability-relevant components by using
model-based condition monitoring. It then
reports subtle changes before DCS limit
values are reached.
Group Alarm Indicators reduce reaction
time in critical situations: When an alarm is
shown in a Plant Display, it will be indicated
in the Group Alarm Indicator. By clicking
the alarm class of the Group Alarm
Indicators, the operator has direct access to
the corresponding Plant Display.
New alarm classes:
▪▪Trip Stop
▪▪Trip Warning
▪▪Diagnostic Recommended
Wake-up Alarms
Scroll-down Side bar
Buttons to own and further applications
Cues and tools for
smooth operation
To control the power plant reliably and
predictively. To recognize discrepancies
early, and – in the worse-case scenario –
to be in position to manage a disturbance.
The operator’s job is to ensure that the
power plant is up and running on a daily
basis, contributing in turn to the plant’s
ultimate success. And operators supported
by SPPA-T3000 Cue are positioned to
manage unfavorable circumstances which,
in turn, promotes increased plant availability
and reduces the chances of unplanned
Ideal shift handover
The daily shift handover can be performed very
efficiently – if it is managed electronically and
intelligently. SPPA-T3000 Cue allows going through
the five basic displays: plant overview, alarm
sequence display with open alarms, shift schedule
with resources, pending repairs, and open tasks.
Operators can then load the tasks at the click of a
mouse onto the task list for the following shift. This
gapless information flow saves time and promotes
safety and reliability.
Maintenance routines made easy
The SPPA-T3000 HMI makes the daily operations and
maintenance routine simple, facilitating preparation
for component repair. One mouse click takes the user
directly to the status display for the damaged equipment;
at which point the operator can open the associated
Faceplate, deactivate the component and quickly apply
the lockout-tagout protocol. Any necessary work can
then be easily confirmed with the integrated shift
logging, and the appropriate time stamp.
The system provides
direct access to
diagnostic information
and clear handling
Preventive condition monitoring
“Diagnostic Recommended” (DR) flashes – attention
is advised. This special alarm class detects the status
of components by using model-based condition
monitoring. The alarm reports unexpected deviations
before limit values are reached. With one click, the
“DR” simplifies root-cause analysis by showing plain
text messages and opening all relevant displays.
“Advanced Diagnostics”, a related application, then
allows for in-depth analysis. This integrated condition
monitoring makes a substantial contribution to
increased availability.
Safe handling of common warnings
This message might appear during any shift: Warning –
the level in the lube oil tank for a feedwater pump
has fallen to “minimum”. At the click of a mouse, the
operator can access information about the disturbance.
Just one look at the status display reveals: The feedwater
pumps are intact, but the disturbance relates to the
oil level. A quick check shows a fault in the inlet valve.
After this has been rectified, the operator enters the
activity into the shift log – directly from the workstation.
A convenient way to deal with smaller interruptions.
Fast reaction in case of alarm
Alarm! The oil level has decreased again – this time
below “minimum”. Just one click and the system status
display shows the protection-off function of the lube
oil pump for feedwater pump #1. The indication: The
feedwater is still running, but the lube oil pump is
expected to fail shortly. The loss of a main unit is
critical. Normally, the operator will now reach for the
telephone and send service an alarm message. During
the call, the fault might escalate and a “Trip Warning”
will appear. The response time is limited.
Trip Warning with guided procedures
A trip-relevant disturbance occurs – a feedwater pump
has failed. Operators now need the right information,
fast. The alarm class “Trip Warning” of SPPA-T3000 Cue
crucially channels their attention and their scope of
action. It triggers visual and acoustic alarms. The
operator can quickly request context-relevant
information on predefined scenarios containing
specific details of the cause and precise guidance
about what to do. Consequently, they can take fast
action to avert a trip.
Trip Stop for faster reaction
If issues develop with a feedwater pump’s oil supply, a
warning message is displayed. Though this is generally
a manageable problem, what if the automatic switch‑
over to the redundant feedwater pump does not
respond? In a conventional DCS, the unit would now
be lost since time would be too short for a manual switch‑
over. With “Trip Stop”, a visual and acoustic alarm is
issued and clear instructions are displayed together
with the relevant Faceplate. Within seconds, the
operator can activate the switch manually to attempt
to rescue the unit.
Make security
a top priority
Flexible connectivity
plus built-in security
A control system that is easy to operate should be just as easy to integrate. Its connections
should be just as open to variable protocols as they are barred against unauthorized access.
Secure communication into internal and
external networks, access to third-party
systems using a specially qualified terminal
server, the integration of internal and
external systems – SPPA-T3000 is designed
for the highest demands on communication
security and openness. It supports common
standards in industry communication as
well as future-oriented IEC standards.
Traditional control systems based on
proprietary protocols can be connected
to the HMI, and individual HTML or RDP
applications can be accessed within the
operator’s work environment. SPPA-T3000
opens up a world of communication
plant and corporate world just as secure as
the connection to external service partners
and the central fleet management.
Versatile protective barriers
The comprehensive security zone architecture
of SPPA-T3000 is based on the relevant cyber
security standards from NERC, VGB, and ISO*.
In addition, the clearly structured DMZ*,
NIDS*, firewalls, terminal servers, and VPN*
encryption, make communication with the
Essentially, SPPA-T3000 supports all relevant
protocols of power plant automation.
Innately high level of security
In stand-alone operation, not connected to
intranet or Internet, SPPA-T3000 is proven to
operate securely without additional measures.
Hardening and protocol changes between
the application, the automation, and the
field level speak volumes for the security
of SPPA-T3000. The system is designed to
block intrusions and report attempted
intrusions electronically. Regular updates
in the form of patches and checks maintain
this high level of security.
* ISO 27019 = Standard for critical infrastructure
DMZ = Demilitarized Zone
NIDS = Network Intrusion Detection System
VPN = Virtual Private Network
Uncompromisingly secure: SPPA-T3000
communicates with internal and external
systems via a vast variety of protocols.
Rely on
Constantly up to date
with a lifetime strategy
The goal is to keep your power plant running reliably throughout its lifetime.
We support this with a control system that is designed to last.
During the life of a power plant, power
producers can benefit from control system
migrations and upgrades. These investments
pay dividends and are readily accepted,
providing the system is designed to
accommodate such updates – by keeping
a maximum of the existing hardware, by
maintaining the engineering data, and by
minimizing outage time.
One HMI for everything: Vintage and
recent control systems are seamlessly
united under the SPPA-T3000 HMI.
Evolving progress
Siemens designs systems for the entire
lifetime of a power plant. Upgrades,
migrations and concepts for the transition
to new technologies are an integral part of
our system development from day one. The
possibility to run different generations of
control systems in parallel provides the
flexibility to tailor life cycle concepts to
your requirements. Our innovations and
technical advances are designed to be
integrated without system interruption
providing operations benefit from gradual
Retaining hardware platform
Using the operator-centric approach, a
conversion to SPPA-T3000 Cue can often be
easily carried out as an upgrade: without
re-engineering, without the need for new
optimizations and certifications, without
making any changes to the automation
systems, and in many cases without
updating hardware at the HMI level.
Durable investment
The advantages of a state-of-the-art system
strategy are obvious: With Siemens power
plant control technology, you can bank on
investment security for the lifetime of your
Engineering data retained: When introducing
a new generation of automation devices, data
transfer minimizes effort.
Prescribed availability
by our 24 / 7 service for life
Siemens’ system specialists support you – resolving your specific problems before they
become serious. So your on-site personnel can keep a cool head – at any time.
Of course, problems sometimes arise at the
least convenient time: for example, at night
when engineering and maintenance
personnel are not available. To support your
on-site staff, we have Remote Expert
Centers (RECs) on three continents available
around the clock, 365 days a year. And with
an average problem-solving time of less
than 60 minutes, Siemens experts are the
best in their field.
On site, fast: Our teams for
spare parts, troubleshooting
or engineering service can
be at your plant quickly.
System specialists for full service
Remote Expert Centers provide direct access
to qualified system specialists: project
managers, developers and experienced
engineers who have an in-depth knowledge
of the system and the plant in question.
When necessary, they can hook up to the
plants – over specially secured lines – to
diagnose and rectify a fault. They organize
spare parts, provide engineering support,
and install updates. But above all – and this
service is growing in popularity – they take
preventive action to reduce the likelihood
that the need for traditional emergency
service will arise.
Online Communication
Know-how as if we were there
Field Engineer
On standby
for all events
Expert Center
Peace of mind
when you need it
Spare Parts Logistics
Investing only what you
need when you need it
Regional Service Center
Your local task force at your site
Contracts for your individual needs
Regardless of how you use our services –
to promote availability, as a leverage for
minimizing maintenance costs, or as a
task force that augments your staff when
most needed – Siemens’ in-depth service
is exceptional in every way.
Comprehensive service: You get the
support you need – no matter when
or where.
Get the care
your business
Published by
Siemens AG 2016
Power and Gas Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
For more information, please contact
Article No. PGIE-B10002-02-7600
Printed in Germany
Dispo 05401
hl 15029820 WS 01160.5
Subject to changes and errors.
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