1 UCCS Psychology Department 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

UCCS Psychology Department
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs CO 80918
(719) 255-4172 (office)
Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, 1997
Thesis title: Learning and Memory for Proper Names in Young and Older Adulthood
Thesis advisor: Deborah Burke
M.A., Cognitive Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, 1994
B.A., Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1991
Associate Professor. Psychology Department, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
6/08 - present.
Visiting Associate Professor. Psychology Department, University of California, Los Angeles,
7/08 – 6/09.
Assistant Professor. Psychology Department, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
8/01 – 6/08.
Research Director. Cognition and Aging Lab, UCLA, 6/97 - 7/01. Dr. Don MacKay
supervised this NIH-funded postdoctoral position.
Research Assistant. Claremont Project on Memory and Aging, Pomona College, 6/92 - 7/97.
Dr. Deborah Burke supervised my research on this NIH-funded position.
Research Assistant. Department of Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, 9/91 - 6/92.
Dr. Kathy Pezdek supervised my research on suggestibility in memory.
(* indicates student co-authors)
*Douglas, A., & James, L.E. (2014). The effects of prohibiting gestures on speech production.
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 19, 58-64.
*Castro, N., & James, L.E. (2014). Differences between young and older adults’ speech in
descriptions of negative versus neutral pictures. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition,
21, 222-238.
Davis, H.P., Klebe, K.J., *Guinther, P.M., *Schroder, K.B., Cornwell, R.E., & James, L.E.
(2013). Subjective organization, verbal learning, and forgetting across the life span:
From 5 to 89. Experimental Aging Research: An International Journal Devoted to the
Scientific Study of the Aging Process, 39, 1-26.
MacKay, D.G., *Johnson, L.W., *Fazel, V., & James, L.E. (2013). Compensating for language
deficits in amnesia I: H.M.’s spared retrieval categories. Brain Sciences, 3, 262-293.
*Oberle, S., & James, L.E. (2013). Semantically- and phonologically-related primes improve
name retrieval in young and older adults. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28, 13781393.
James, L.E., *Tauber, S.K., *McMahan, E.A., *Oberle, S., *Martinez, A., & *Fogler, K.A.
(2012). Searching for interference effects in learning new face-name associations.
Memory, 20, 155-166.
*Steinmetz, S.E., Benight, C.C., Bishop, S.L., & James, L.E. (2012). My Disaster Recovery:
A pilot randomized controlled trial of an internet intervention. Anxiety, Stress and
Coping: An International Journal, 25, 593-600.
James, L.E., & *Kooy, T.M. (2011). Aging and the detection of visual errors in scenes.
Journal of Aging Research. Article ID 984694, 6 pages. doi:10.4061/2011/984694
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., Hadley, C.B., & *Fogler, K.A. (2011). Speech errors of amnesic
H.M.: Unlike everyday slips-of-the-tongue. Cortex, 47, 377-408.
*Fogler, K.A., James, L.E., & *Crandall, E. (2010). How name descriptiveness impacts proper
name learning in young and older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 17,
*Tauber, S.K., James, L.E., & *Noble, P.M. (2010). The effects of age on conveying meaning
and judgments of communicative effectiveness. Psychology and Aging, 25, 702-707.
*Miller, M.M., & James, L.E. (2009). Is the generic “he” still miscomprehended as excluding
women? American Journal of Psychology, 122, 483-496.
MacKay, D.M., & James, L.E. (2009). Amnesic H.M. exhibits selective deficits in visual
cognition: Evidence from the what’s-wrong-here and hidden-figure tasks. Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31, 769-789.
James, L.E., *Fogler, K.A., & *Tauber, S.K. (2008). Recognition memory yields
disproportionate effects of aging on learning face-name associations. Psychology and
Aging, 23, 657-664.
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., & Hadley, C.B. (2008). Amnesic H.M.'s performance on the
Language Competence Test: Parallel deficits in memory and sentence production.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 280-300.
*Fogler, K.A., & James, L.E. (2007). Charlie Brown versus Snow White: The effects of
descriptiveness on young and older adults’ retrieval of proper names. Journal of
Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 62B, P201-P207.
James, L.E., & *Fogler, K.A. (2007). Meeting Mr. Davis vs. meeting Mr. Davin: The
effects of name frequency on learning proper names in young and older adults. Memory,
15, 366-374.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.M. (2007). New age-linked asymmetries: How aging
impacts familiar versus novel language processed on the input versus output side.
Psychology and Aging, 22, 94-103.
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., Taylor, J.K., & *Marian, D.E. (2007). Amnesic H.M. exhibits
parallel deficits and sparing in language and memory: Systems versus binding theory
accounts. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 377-452.
James, L.E. (2006). Specific effects of aging on proper name retrieval: Now you see them,
now you don’t. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 61B, P180-P183.
*Isele, C.L., & James, L.E. (2005). Age-related changes in producing proper names: A
test of the inhibitory deficit hypothesis. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 10,
James, L.E. (2004). Meeting Mr. Farmer vs. meeting a farmer: Specific effects of aging on
learning proper names. Psychology and Aging, 19, 515-522.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2004). Sequencing, speech production, and selective effects
of aging on phonological and morphological speech errors. Psychology and Aging, 19,
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2002). Aging, retrograde amnesia, and the binding problem
for phonology and orthography: A longitudinal study of "hippocampal amnesic" H.M.
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 9, 298-333.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2001). H.M., word knowledge and aging: Support for a new
theory of long-term retrograde amnesia. Psychological Science, 12, 485-492.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2001). The binding problem for syntax, semantics, and
prosody: H.M.'s selective sentence-reading deficits under the theoretical-syndrome
approach. Language and Cognitive Processes, 16, 419-460.
James, L.E., & Burke, D.M. (2000). Phonological priming effects on word retrieval and tipof-the-tongue experiences in young and older adults. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 26, 1378-1391.
James, L.E., Burke, D.M., *Austin, A., & *Hulme, E. (1998). Production and perception of
“verbosity” in younger and older adults. Psychology and Aging, 13, 355-367.
James, L.E., & *Oberle, S. (2012). Word retrieval. In V.S. Ramachandran (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of human behavior (2nd Ed.; pp. 690-696). Elsevier.
James, L.E., & *Adkins, P.M. (2005). Amnesia. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
human development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., & Abrams, L. (2002). Cross-language facilitation, repetition
blindness, and the relation between language and memory: Replications of Altarriba
and Soltano (1996) and support for a new theory. In J. Altarriba & R.R. Heredia
(Eds.), Bilingual sentence processing. Elsevier Science.
Burke, D.M., MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2000). Theoretical approaches to language and
aging. In T. Perfect & E. Maylor (Eds.), Models of cognitive aging (pp. 204-237).
Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Burke, D.M., & James, L.E. (1994). Word retrieval. In V.S. Ramachandran (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of human behavior (pp. 537-545). San Diego: Academic Press.
James, L.E., & Abrams, L. (2005). Invited review of “Tip-of-the-tongue states:
Phenomenology, mechanism, and lexical retrieval” by Schwartz, B.L. (2002).
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A, 58, 573-576.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2001). Is cognitive aging all downhill? Current theory versus
reality. Essay review of The Handbook of Aging and Cognition (2nd Edition). Human
Development, 44, 288-295.
(* indicates student co-authors)
Benight, C.C., Shoji, K., James, L.E., Waldrep, E., Delahanty, D.L., & Cieslak, R. (2014).
Trauma coping self-efficacy: A context specific measure for traumatic stress.
James, L.E., *Hendricks, M., *Schmank, C., & *Castro, N., & Buchanan, T.W. (2014). Salient
and concurrent psychosocial stress increases tip-of-the-tongue states.
*Tyrrell, C. J., James, L. E., & *Noble, P.M. (2014). Repetition blindness and homophone
blindness in younger and older adults.
(* indicates student co-authors)
*Chambers, B., *Placzek, C., & James, L.E. (2014). Speech disfluencies in picture descriptions
of young and older adults.
*Wiggers, I.C.S., & James, L.E. (2014). Competitors and logo name production in younger and
older adults.
(* indicates student co-presenters)
James, L.E., *Placzek, C., & *Chambers, B.N. (2014, November). Speech fillers and
disfluencies in picture descriptions of young and older adults. Paper presented to the
55th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
*Schmank, C., & James, L.E., (2014, November). Stress effects on word retrieval across the
lifespan. Poster presented to the 55th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long
Beach, CA.
James, L.E. (2014, August). The story of H.M.: Findings indicating more than memory deficits.
Invited G. Stanley Hall Lecture to the Annual Convention of the American
Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
James, L.E., & *Wiggers, I.C.S. (2014, May). Logo naming is not harmed by semanticallyrelated distractors. Poster presented to the Annual Convention of the Association for
Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
James, L.E., & Johnson, B.J., & Marle, P. (2014, May). Assessing an online disaster behavioral
health intervention for survivors and first responders. Poster presented to the Annual
Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
*Chambers, B.N., *Placzek, C., & James, L.E. (2014, April). Age related changes in
descriptions of pictures with visual errors. Paper presented to the Annual Convention of
the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
James, L.E., *Placzek, C., & *Chambers, B. (2014, April). Picture content affects older adults’
speech fluency. Poster presented at Mountain Lion Research Day, Colorado Springs, CO.
James, L.E., *Schmank, C., *Castro, N. (2013, November). The impact of stress on young and
older adults’ word retrieval. Paper presented to the 54th Annual Meeting of the
Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ONT.
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., & *Johnson, L.W. (2013, November). Effects of aging on
retrograde amnesia: Longitudinal data from amnesic H.M. Paper presented to the 54th
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ONT.
*Tyrrell, C.J., Maxfield, M.M., & James, L.E., (2013, November). Age differences in the
effects of mortality salience on the use of social language. Poster presented to the
Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
James, L.E., *Schmank, C., *Castro, N. (2013, August). Word retrieval is harmed by stressful
conditions. Poster presented to the Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Association, Honolulu, HI.
Johnson, B.D., *Clinton, M., *Eden, J.C., James, L.E., & Benight, C.C. (2013, August). Journey
to Disaster Recovery: An online intervention following the Waldo Canyon wildfire. Poster
presented to the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,
Honolulu, HI.
*Tyrrell, C.J., *Noble, P.M., & James, L.E. (2013, August). Repetition blindness and
homophone blindness in older and younger adults. Poster presented to the Annual
Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
James, L.E., *Schmank, C., *Castro, N., *Hendricks, M.A., & Buchanan, T.W. (2013,
April). Recent discoveries regarding stress and the tip of the tongue phenomenon. Paper
presented to the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Tyrrell, C.J., James, L.E., & Maxfield, M.M. (2013, April). The effects of mortality salience
on language production. Poster presented to the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
James, L.E., *Sprague, L.M., *Bowman, A., *Crandall, E., & *Oberle, S. (2012, November).
Ingesting caffeine does not impact phonological priming effects on word retrieval. Poster
presented to the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis MN.
*Castro, N.M., & James, L.E. (2012, April). How anxiety-provoking pictures impact speech
production in young and older adults. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Atlanta, GA.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2012, April). Evidence for supra-normal age-linked retrograde
amnesia in patient H.M.. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta,
James, L.E., & *Oberle, S. (2011, November). Related prime names improve name retrieval in
young and older adults. Poster presented to the 52nd Annual Meeting of the
Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA.
*Castro, N.M., & James, L.E. (2011, April). The effects of anxiety on language production in
young and older adults. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Crandall, E.A., & James, L.E. (2011, April). The impact of caffeine on older adults’
name learning. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological
Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Douglas, A.M., & James, L.E. (2011, April). The effects of gestures on speech production.
Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Salt
Lake City, UT.
James, L.E. (2011, April). Searching for interference effects in young and older adults’
performance on a name learning task. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Oberle, S., & James, L.E. (2011, April). The effects of priming on tip-of-the-tongue states for
young and older adults. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Tyrrell, C., James, L.E., & *Noble, P.M. (2011, April). Repetition blindness and homophone
blindness in rapidly presented lists. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
James, L.E., *Hendricks, M.A., *Gunn, A., *Schmank, C., & Buchanan, T.W. (2010,
November). Tip-of-the-tongue states: A role for cortisol response but not laboratory
stressor tasks. Paper presented to the 51st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,
St. Louis, MO.
*Crandall, E., Ansburg, P.I., & James, L.E. (2010, April). Priming effects in young and older
adults’ ability to solve riddles. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference,
Atlanta, GA.
*Oberle, S., James, L.E., *Tauber, S.K., & *Gunn, A. (2010, April). The effects of guessing on
proper name learning in young and older adults. Poster presented at the Cognitive
Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2009, November). A review of supranormal aging effects in
amnesic patient H.M. Poster presented to the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Boston, MA.
*Gunn, A.P, James, L.E., & Ansburg, P.I. (2009, May). “Use it or lose it”: Transfer effects and
placebo effects in young and older adults. Poster presented to the 21st Annual Meeting of
the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2009, May). Visual cognition in amnesic H.M. Poster presented
to the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco,
James, L.E., *Fogler, K.A., *Crandall, E., & *O’Byrne, K.S. (2009, March). Effects of aging on
learning different types of proper names. Poster presented to the Baycrest/Rotman
Conference, Toronto, ONT, Canada.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2009, March). Relations between aging and memory in amnesic
H.M.: Supra-normal age-linked retrograde amnesia. Poster presented to the
Baycrest/Rotman Conference, Toronto, ONT, Canada.
James, L.E., *Tauber, S.K., *Fogler, K.A., *Crandall, E., & *Gunn, A. (2008, November).
Factors that facilitate learning and memory for proper names. Paper presented to the
49th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL.
MacKay, D.G., James, L.E., & Hadley, C. (2008, November). The unusual language production
errors of amnesic H.M. Paper presented to the 49th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Chicago, IL.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2008, November). Visual cognition in amnesic H.M. Claremont
Graduate University, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2008, October). Visual cognition in amnesic H.M. University of
California, Los Angeles, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium.
*Fogler, K.A., *Crandall, E., & James, L.E. (2008, April). The effects of name descriptiveness
on proper name learning in aging. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference,
Atlanta, GA.
James, L.E., *Tauber, S.K., McMahan, E., & *Fogler, K.A., (2008, April). Proper name
learning in aging: No evidence for interference. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Atlanta, GA.
James, L.E., *Fogler, K.A., &*Tauber, S.K. (2007, November). Searching for interference
effects in proper name learning. Poster presented to the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
MacKay, D.G., Hadley, C.B., & James, L.E. (2007, November). Amnesic H.M.’s sentence
production: Parallel deficits in memory and language. Paper presented to the 48th
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA.
James, L.E. (2007, September). More than amnesia: Selective cognitive deficits in patient H.M.
St. Louis University, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium.
*Fogler, K.A., James, L.E., & *Tauber, S.K. (2007, July). Recall versus recognition memory for
proper names in young and older adults. Paper presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Adelaide, AUS.
*Tauber, S.K., & James, L.E. (2007, July). Effects of ambiguity on name learning in young and
older adults: Wasn’t Mr. Dean the butler? Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Adelaide, AUS.
*Fogler, K.A., & James, L.E. (2007, April). The effects of generational names on memory for
proper names: Rose by any other name. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Fogler, K.A., *McMahan, E.A., & James, L.E. (2007, April). Age-related effects of
interference on proper name learning. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Miller, Megan M., & James, L.E. (2007, April). The effect of generic masculine pronouns on
thought and the exclusion of women. Poster presented at the Fourth Annual Colorado
Springs Undergraduate Research Forum, Colorado Springs, CO.
*Miller, Megan M., James, L.E., *Fogler, K.A., & *Tauber, S.K. (2007, April). The effect of
generic masculine pronouns on thought and the exclusion of women. Poster presented at
the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Miller, Mindy M., & James, L.E. (2007, April).The effects of gender-ambiguous names on
memory recall. Poster presented at the Fourth Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate
Research Forum, Colorado Springs, CO.
*Tauber, S.K., & James, L.E. (2007, April). The effects of aging and ambiguity in proper name
learning. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological
Association, Denver, CO.
*Tauber, S.K., James, L.E., & *Adkins, P. (2007, April). The impact of age on the use of
prosody and estimation of communication effectiveness. Paper presented at the Meeting
of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Tauber, S.K., James, L.E., & *Munk, R.M. (2007, April). The effect of guessing in proper
name learning. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological
Association, Denver, CO.
James, L.E., *Tauber, S.K., & *Fogler, K.A (2006, November). Proper name learning in aging:
A comparison of recall and recognition memory tests. Poster presented to the 47th
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2006, November). Amnesic H.M.: New data indicate selective
parallel deficits in language and memory. Poster presented to the 47th Annual Meeting of
the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.
*O’Byrne, K.-S., *Gonzales, R., & James, L.E. (2006, April). Does phonological frequency
impact name learning? A comparison of homophone, homonym, and non-homograph
names. Poster presented at the Third Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate
Research Forum, Colorado Springs, CO.
James, L.E., & *Fogler, K.A. (2006, April). The effects of name frequency on name
learning: Are rare names hard or easy to learn? Poster presented at the
Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
James, L.E., *Tauber, S., & *Adkins, P.M. (2006, April). Age related changes in the use of
prosody to disambiguate sentence meaning and the estimation of communicative
effectiveness. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
MacKay, D.G., & James, L.E. (2006, April).New age-linked asymmetries: How aging
impacts familiar versus novel information processed on the input versus output side.
Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
James, L.E., & *Fogler, K.A. (2005, November). Retrieving the names of cartoon characters:
Effects of name descriptiveness and aging. Poster presented to the 46th Annual
Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ONT.
James, L.E. (2005, May). Is memory for proper names specifically impaired in normal
aging? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society,
Los Angeles, CA.
James, L.E. (2005, May). Social, developmental, perception, or cognition? Information on
non-counseling graduate program options. Discussant for Psi Chi Symposium at the
Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA.
*McMahan, E.A. & James, L.E. (2005, May). The age-related effects of interference on
proper name and occupation learning. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA.
Wood, S.A, & James, L.E. (2005, May). The anchoring bias diminishes in late life. Poster
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles,
*Fogler, K.A., & James, L.E. (2005, April). The effects of meaningfulness on proper name
retrieval in young and older adults. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ.
James, L.E. (2005, April). The challenge of learning and recalling people’s names.
University of Kansas, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium.
James, L.E. (2005, April). The challenge of learning and recalling people’s names. Colorado
State University, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium.
James, L.E., *Drage, L., *Beavers, S., & *McClure, B. (2004, Nov.). Priming and proper name
retrieval in young and older adults. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of
the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.
James, L.E., & *Fogler, K.A. (2004, August). Learning people’s names: Effects of age and
name frequency. Poster presented at the Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Honolulu, HI.
*Fogler, K.A., & James, L.E. (2004, May). Age differences in learning proper names. Poster
presented at the First Annual CU-Colorado Springs and United States Air Force
Academy Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarly, Creative, and Public
Service Activities, Colorado Springs, CO.
*Kooy, T., & James, L.E. (2004, May). Age differences in error detection and description.
Poster presented at the First Annual CU-Colorado Springs and United States Air Force
Academy Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarly, Creative, and Public
Service Activities, Colorado Springs, CO.
James, L.E. & *Kooy, T. (2004, April). Age differences in the detection and description of
errors. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Wood, S., James, L.E., *Cox, C., *Miles, M. & *Harrison, J. (2004, April). Use of the
availability heuristic in older adults: The letter R paradigm. Poster presented at the
Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
James, L.E., & *Adkins, P.M. (2003, November). Young and older adults overestimate their
communicative effectiveness. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the
Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC.
*Stephens, M., *Cox, C., James, L., & Wood. S. (2003, November). The use of anchoring: Is
there an age-related bias? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.
James, L.E. & *Kooy, T. (2003, May). Age-related impairments in the representation of
novelty. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Society, Atlanta, GA.
James, L.E., MacKay, D.G., *Roth, L., & *Trujillo, C. (2002, Nov.). Age-linked asymmetries
between language perception vs. production: Predicted and observed. Poster
presented at the University of Kansas Language Comprehension Across the Lifespan
conference, Kansas City, MO.
James, L.E., *Stephens, M., & *Shambhu, K. (2002, Nov.). What causes the specific agerelated impairment in learning proper names? Poster presented at the 43rd Annual
Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Kansas City, MO.
MacKay, D.G., Taylor, J.K., *Gould, M., & James, L.E. (2002, Nov.). Detecting novel vs.
familiar hidden-figures in complex arrays: Age-linked vs. hippocampus-linked deficits.
Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Kansas
City, MO.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2002, April). Age-linked asymmetries in the perception vs.
production of words and pseudowords. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
James, L.E., & MacKay, D.G. (2001, Nov.). Speech errors reveal selective age-linked
deficits in language production. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting
of the Psychonomic Society, Orlando, FL.
Primary investigator, R21 Resubmitted Proposal to National Institute on Aging (not funded).
Submitted: 7/14. Requested amount: $359,461. Project title: “The effects of stress and
aging on proper name memory.”
Committee on Research and Creative Works Proposal (not funded), University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs. Submitted: 3/14. Project title: “Stress and language production in
young and older adults.”
Primary investigator, subcontract from Blue Sun for National Institute of Mental Health STTR
Grant (R42 MH082498, PI: Charles Benight). Project duration: 2011-2014. Funded
amount of subcontract: $133,922. Project title: “Web-based empowerment program
for disaster survivors.”
Primary investigator, subcontract from Blue Sun for National Institute of Mental Health STTR
Supplemental Grant (R42 MH082498-04S1, PI: Charles Benight). Project duration:
2013-2014. Funded amount of subcontract: $68,859. Project title: “Web-based
empowerment program for first responders.”
Faculty Advisor Research Grant, Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology). Project
duration: 2013-2014. Funded amount: $2000. Project title: “The Impact of Stress on
Older Adults’ Word Retrieval Ability.”
Committee on Research and Creative Works Proposal (not funded), University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs. Submitted: 3/13. Project title: “The impact of stress on retrieval tasks.”
Primary investigator, R21 Proposal Submitted to National Institute on Aging (not funded).
Submitted: 2012. Proposed duration: 7/13-6/15. Project title: “The effects of stress and
aging on proper name memory.”
Committee on Research and Creative Works Proposal (not funded), University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs. Submitted: 3/11. Project title: “The effects of stress-based cortisol
response on word and name retrieval ability.”
Primary investigator, R15 Resubmitted Proposal to National Institute on Aging, (not funded).
Submitted: 2011. Proposed duration: 9/11-8/14. Project title: “Mechanisms of proper
name memory.”
Primary investigator, R15 Proposal Submitted to National Institute on Aging, (not funded).
Submitted: 2010. Proposed duration: 12/10-11/13. Project title: “Mechanisms of proper
name memory.”
Faculty Advisor Research Grant, Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology), 2009-2010.
Funded project: “Effects of aging and anxiety on word and name retrieval tasks.”
Primary investigator, National Institute of Aging Grant (R15 AG024067). Project duration:
2005-2009. Funded project “Effects of aging on learning and retrieval of proper names.”
Faculty Advisor Research Grant, Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology), 2006-2007.
Funded project: “Proper name learning in aging: A comparison of recall and
recognition memory tests.”
Co-investigator, National Institute of Aging Grant (R15 AG021442, awarded to Stacey
Wood). Project duration: 2002-2006. Funded project: “Cognitive and social aspects of
decision making.”
Faculty Advisor Research Grant, Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology), 2004-2005.
Funded project: “Effects of meaningfulness on proper name retrieval in young and
older adults.”
Committee on Research and Creative Works Award, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, 2003-2004. Funded project: “Age-related changes in the ability to produce
proper names.”
Committee on Research and Creative Works Award, University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, 2002-2003. Funded project: “Effects of novelty on visual cognition in young
and older adults.”
Haynes Dissertation Grant Fellowship, Claremont Graduate School, 1997. Funded project:
“Age related changes in picture naming.”
Beverly Foundation-US Trust Fellowship, 1995. Funded project: “Production and perception
of verbosity in young and older adults.”
Guest Co-Editor
Special issue on Cognitive Aging for International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journals
Psychology and Aging
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Memory and Cognition
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (section A)
Language and Cognitive Processes
Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Brain and Language
The Mental Lexicon
Consciousness and Cognition
Metacognition and Learning
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition
Experimental Aging Research
Consciousness and Cognition
Discourse Processes
Language and Speech
Student Thesis Supervision
M.A. Thesis
Paula Adkins (completed 2005)
Morgan Clinton (completed 2013)
Elizabeth Crandall (completed 2011)
Sara Goring (in progress)
Julie Harrison (completed 2005)
Kethera Fogler (completed 2008)
Shalyn Oberle (completed 2011)
Christopher Schmank (in progress)
Miki Tanaka (completed 2008)
Sarah Tauber (completed 2007)
Caitlin Tyrrell (completed 2014)
B.A. Honors Thesis
Austin Bowman (completed 2013)
Elizabeth Crandall (completed 2007)
Nichol Castro (completed 2011)
Allison Douglas (completed 2011)
James Cody Eden (completed 2014)
Kethera Fogler (completed 2005)
Ashley Gunn (completed 2009)
Connie Isele (completed 2004)
Toni Kooy (completed 2004)
Ethan McMahan (completed 2005)
Marissa Metz (completed 2014)
Megan Miller (completed 2007)
Mindy Miller (completed 2007)
Katie-Scarlett O’Byrne (completed 2006)
Isaac Wiggers (completed 2013)
Introduction to Psychological Research and Measurement (Undergraduate)
Survey of Learning and Cognition (Undergraduate)
Profession of Psychology (Undergraduate)
Psychology of Aging (Graduate)
Proseminar in Cognitive Psychology (Graduate)
Proseminar in Developmental Psychology (Graduate)
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs’ College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Outstanding
Teaching Award (2011)
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs’ College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Outstanding
Research Award (2014)
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association Division 20 Executive Committee (Listserv Moderator,
8/13- present)
Association for Psychological Science
Psi Chi
Psychonomic Society
Psychology Department
Director of Undergraduate Training (2011-present)
Undergraduate Studies Committee (2003-2011)
Diversity Committee (Acting Chair; 2001-2011)
Psi Chi Faculty Co-advisor (2002-present)
Psychology Graduate Student Association Faculty Advisor (2005-2011)
Psychology M.A. Experimental Program Division Coordinator (2010-2011)
Ad hoc Hiring Committees (multiple years; chaired committees 2007-2008; 2014)
Ad hoc Graduate Admissions Committee (multiple years)
Graduate Training Committee (2011-2013)
Multiple reappointment and post-tenure review committees (2007-present)
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Admissions Committee (2012-present)
Committee on Academic Progress (2010-2013)
Research Committee (2004-2007)
Social Science Symposium Committee (2001-2006)
Gerontology Center Faculty Affiliate (2001-present)
Gerontology Center Newsletter Editor (2001-present)
Gerontology Center Colloquium Series Organizer (Fall 2010)
Gerontology Minor Oversight Committee (2002-2011)
Library Advisory Board (2006-2011)
Transportation and Traffic Advisory Board (2001-present)
New Student Summer Orientation Faculty Advisor (2004-2009)
Mentor—Office of First Year Experience and MOSAIC (2011-present)