s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants Aspects of Design and Operating Performance Dr. J. Franke, R. Kral and E. Wittchow Siemens AG, Power Generation Group KWU Introduction The requirements to be met by the next generation of power plants are subject to various criteria depending on regional considerations. Whereas efficiency together with environmental protection, availability and power generating costs head the list of priorities in the highly industrialized countries, investment costs and financing are becoming increasingly important factors in the growth countries. Steam generators, as the most costly component and the component of fundamental importance to power plant availability, play a significant role in both cases. Against this background, Table 1 summarizes various development tasks which may give rise to new design and operating solutions for future steam generators. Table 1: Development tasks for steam generators. Adaptation to process with high power plant efficiency • Improved materials for supercritical steam conditions • Minimization of exhaust gas loss • Utilization of exhaust gas heat for heating condensate and feed water Meeting increasingly stringent requirements for operating behaviour • Low part loads with high steam temperatures • Start-up process with low service life consumption despite shorter start-up times • Low material stress even with large and rapid load changes • Minimization of NOx-emissions with simultaneous increase in combustion efficiency Reducing investment costs • • • Simplified combustion chamber tubing Reduced and simplified start-up system Optimized thermodynamic design ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 1 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adapting the Steam Generator to the Power Plant Process Figure 1 shows the correlation between main steam conditions (MS conditions) and the semi-net heat rate of a steam power plant. The semi-net heat rate in this context is the net heat rate corrected for the auxiliary power requirement for the turbine-driven feed pump. The lines of equal heat rate on this diagram refer to a 700 MW unit with single reheat and a condenser pressure of 0.04 bar. Intervals between lines of equal heat rate correspond to 100 kJ/kWh. Main steam pressure upstream of turbine [bar] When considering Fig. 1 we are 400 confronted 360 by the following 100kJ/kWh question: given the same heat 320 rate, for example, should main 280 steam 240 parameters of 220 bar/610°C or 300 bar/580°C be 200 selected? This question regarding 160 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 the correct main steam Main steam temperature upstream of turbine [°C] Figure 1: Lines of constant heat consumption (half net) for various main steam conditions. parameters is answered by the degree of material stress sustained by the most highly stressed thick-walled component, i.e. the main steam header. Studies performed in this field have produced interesting results, as discussed below. Table 2: Materials for steam generators with high steam temperatures. Components Membrane wall Superheater tubes Headers Material 13CrMo4 4 7CrMoVTiB9 10 HCM 12 X3CrNiMoN17 13 Esshete 1250 TP 347 H FG Alloy 617 Alloy 625 P 91 E 911 / NF 616 NF 12 TP 347 H FG Alloy 617 modified Possible 5 Temperature at 10 creep resistance at 100 mm²/(s.t.p.) 515 °C 580 °C 600 °C 630 °C 640 °C 655 °C ∼ 690 °C ∼ 740 °C 590 °C 615 °C 645 °C 655 °C ∼ 700 °C materials for future steam generators are listed in Table 2. This consists of materials which are either already proven, are currently being developed or are under discussion. Figure 2 5 shows the 10 hours creep fatigue values, based on VdTÜV material specifications, for a number of materials which are suitable for main steam information headers. supplied for The the material NF12, a ferritic steel with a 12 % chrome content, which is still in development, is based 5 on a published anticipated value of "100 N/mm² at 650°C (10 h)". Straight line curves for the ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 2 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ same level of material stress, i.e. same fatigue life, are plotted for these materials in Fig. 3. and provide information on possible MS pressure and MS temperature combinations at the turbine inlet. These values apply to MS headers with a 1.8 ratio of outside to inside diameter, a ligament efficiency of 0.8, and take appropriate design margins for pressure and temperature into account. The different gradients of the straight line curves reflect the corresponding profiles of the material strength curves in the relevant Creep resistance [MPa] temperature range in a simplified 200 180 160 140 120 100 1 80 2 3 4 5 1 X20 2 P91 3 NF616 4 NF12 5 TP 347H FG 6 Alloy 617 form; other sizes of headers result in a minor parallel displacement of the straight line curves for the same level of material stress. On 6 the basis of this, the level of 60 material stress sustained by a P91 40 20 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Temperature [Cº] Figure 2: Creep resistance (105 h) of several highly heat-resistant materials for steam generators. header, for example, is the same at main steam conditions of 250 bar/595°C and 350 bar/568°C. If the lines plotted in Fig. 1 and the straight line curves for ferritic chrome steels shown in Fig. 3 are now combined in Fig. 4, it is possible to mark the main steam conditions for every material which will produce the lowest heat rate for a certain header size assuming the same level of material stress. Combination of these points then produces a curve with optimum steam conditions for these chrome steels. Main steam pressure upsteam of turbine [bar] This method was used to ascertain 400 the optimum main steam conditions Do /Di =1.8 fv =0.8 360 for the individual material groups 320 (Fig. 5). Allowing for the material 280 strength values given in Fig. 2, the 240 optimum main steam conditions are Alloy 617 200 X 20 P 91 NF 616 NF 12 within TP 347H FG 160 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 the indicated range. Austenitic steel was included here Main steam temperature upstream of turbine [°C] Figure 3: Lines of equal material stress for given main steam header dimensions. for reference purposes only as it is now rarely used for thick-walled ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 3 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ components because of its unfavorable characteristics with regard to operating flexibility. The same method can also be used in principle for the main steam line and produces two interesting results: • Main steam pressures of around 300 bar upstream of the turbine should not be exceeded even with the newly developed chrome steels. This also applies to high-temperature projects which necessitate use of nickel-based alloys, such as the Advanced 700°C PF Power Plant which is being discussed as part of the THERMIE project. • Taking investment costs for the HP feed heater train and for a major part of the steam generator into consideration, cost-effective main steam pressures are below the optimum values given in Fig. 5. Main steam pressure upstream of turbine [bar] Main steam pressure upstream of turbine [bar] 360 Da / Di = 1.8 =0.8 fv 320 NF 12 E 911/ NF 616 320 100kJ/kWh Alloy 617 X 20 280 240 240 Ferritic X 20 200 540 560 P 91 580 E911/ NF616 600 NF 12 620 640 660 200 540 560 580 Further development of materials 600 620 Ni-based material 640 660 Further development of processes and components 0,6 48 47 46 45 250 bar 540/ 560ºC 44 167 bar 538/ 538ºC 1.5 X20 X20 270 bar 580/ 600ºC 285 bar 600/ 620ºC 300 bar 625/ 640ºC 1.6 0.7 0,6 0,8 Double reheat 0,4 Steam turbine efficiency Auxiliary power requirements Waste heat utilization in steam generator Boiler efficiency Pressure losses (vertical tubing 0.6 1.3 Water / steam cycle Fuel: bituminous coal Condenser pressure: 0.04 bar 41 P 91 E 911/ NF 616 NF 12 Ni-based 720 The optimum main steam conditions 300 bar 700/ 720ºC 700 Figure 5: Optimum main steam conditions with given main steam header dimensions. 50 49 680 Main steam temperature upstream of turbine [°C] 51 42 Austenitic Main steam temperature upstream of turbine [°C] Figure 4: Optimum main steam conditions for ferritic chromium steels with given main steam header dimensions. 43 TP 347H FG P 91 Optimum main steam conditions 280 360 identified in these studies will then produce the net efficiencies shown in Fig. 6 subject to further advances in the field of materials development. Net efficiencies in the region of 50 % are feasible in conjunction Figure 6: Measures for increasing efficiency of steam power plants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 4 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ with appropriate process engineering measures and component improvements. It is also necessary to examine the arrangement of heating surfaces in the flue gas path. Hightemperature corrosion and steam-side scaling become increasingly significant in heat exchanger tubes at steam temperatures above 600 °C. Measurements published by the CEGB in 1988 show that maximum corrosion occurs in -9 Material thinning rate [10 m/h] austenitic at wall temperatures of between 650 and 1400 50 700°C and that rates of material 1200 40 thinning rise with increasing flue gas 1000 30 640 800 20 700 °C temperatures (Fig. considerations are 7). Cost therefore not always the only criterion on which to 10 0 materials Gas temperature [°C] 60 580 600 620 640 660 Tube wall temperature [°C] Figure 7: High temperature corrosion in austenitic heat exchange surfaces. base the arrangement of final superheater heating surfaces in the flue gas path. Improved Utilization of Exhaust Heat Feedwater temperatures will remain at around 280°C to 300°C in future. Because of thermodynamic considerations and the problems associated with the dew point of sulfuric acid, this places strict limits on any further reduction in the flue gas temperature to below 120°C which can be achieved through use of larger air heater heat exchange surfaces. One potential solution to this problem is the heat recovery system in which the flue gases are cooled to 80 °C directly upstream of the flue gas desulfurization plant. With this process, either the flow of flue gases through the air heater is decreased or the flow of air increased. In both cases, the slopes of the temperature curves plotted for flue gas and air converge because some of the heat output is transferred to the water-steam cycle (Fig. 8). In a coal-fired steam generator without a high-dust DeNOx system, this can be implemented with a gasside air heater bypass with feedwater and condensate heating surfaces. However, a hot gas recirculation system is useful in steam generators with high-dust DeNOx systems in order to prevent fouling of the feedwater and condensate heating surfaces with corrosive ammonium hydrogen sulfate, which is difficult to remove. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 5 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This heat recovery system allows efficiency improvements of up to 0.6 percentage points in hardcoal-fired power plants and in excess of 1 percentage point in lignite-fired plants due to the larger Combustion air 340 °C HP heater Flue gas 380 °C specific flue gas flows. It Temperature [°C] 400 Air heater, Bypass heater Indu- Flue gas ced- cooler draft Air heater 120 °C LP heater 93 °C 300 only appropriate for power Feedwater 200 100 42 °C Condensate plants which do not use flue gas heat to reheat the flue gases downstream of the flue 125 °C Flue gas cooler however, that this system is Flue gas Air Bypass heater should be borne in mind, 80 °C 38 °C Figure 8: Exhaust gas heat recovery system Configuration and temperature profile in air heater. gas desulfurization system, i.e. where the flue gases are discharged via the cooling tower. Design and Process Engineering Measures to Improve Operating Performance Use of rifled tubes for water walls of the combustion chamber can significantly improve operating performance. Rifled tubes have two important advantages over smooth tubes: 1. At pressures below 200 bar, heat transfer is so efficient that the tubes are safely cooled even at extremely low mass flow densities. The difference between smooth tubes and rifled tubes is particularly evident in terms of their impact on tube wall temperatures in areas of high heat flux in the burner region, for example (Fig. 9). 2. The amount of heat transferred from the inner wall surface to the fluid is also higher in the pressure range between 210 and 220 bar that is unfavorable for heat transfer. Given the same boundary conditions, the same wall temperatures as in a smooth tube are achieved at about half the mass flow density. Use of rifled tubes for the water walls therefore allows the "BENSON minimum load" to be reduced from the previous value of 35 % (smooth tubes) to 20 %. This permits the operating range with high main steam temperatures to be extended downwards without necessitating additional control and changeover actions. Thanks to this low "BENSON minimum load", night-time or weekend shutdowns with their associated increased life expenditure are no longer necessary, even for ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 6 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ intermediate peaking duty. This is an important advantage particularly for the future generation of high-temperature plants. A "BENSON minimum load" of 20 % simultaneously means that the mass flow rate through the evaporator during startup can be reduced to 20 %. Transition to BENSON mode operation can therefore already take place at 20 % load; rapid elevation of main steam temperature up to the necessary conditions for turbine rolloff for a warm or a hot start takes less time and entails lower startup losses than previously. A superheater bypass is worth thinking about again for high-temperature plants. This reduces dips in main steam temperature during the initial startup phase and supports the main steam temperature setpoint controller while the plant is being run up to temperature. This reduces material stresses throughout the power plant unit during startup. Main steam temperature [°C] Inner wall temperature [°C] Smooth tube Rifled tube 500 Upper limit curve 400 Minimum BENSON load 380 [%] Mass flux [kg/m²s] External heat flux [kW/m²] Pressure [bar] 360 35 20 700 200 Lower limit curve 250 700 200 Temperature difference [K] 340 40 320 Fluid 300 Max. allowable temperature difference Burner range 280 -40 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Steam fraction [-] Figure 9: Tube wall temperatures in burner area at low loads. 0 25 50 Time [min] Figure 10: Typical startup behaviour on cold start with forecasting load margin computer. Instrumentation and Control Measures for Improved Operating Performance There is also still scope for I&C measures to significantly enhance the steam generator's operating performance. Out of the measures listed in Table 3, this report will be looking at only the newly developed predictive load-margin computer and the combustion diagnostics system. The load-margin computers used to date make insufficient allowance for the significant thermal inertia of thick-walled components during startup, and stress limits are frequently exceeded. Wall temperature measurements are also subject to considerable time lags. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 7 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 3: I & C measures for improved operating behaviour. Forecasting load margin computer Steam temperature behaviour is calculated in advance with a model, from which setpoints for steam temperatures pressure and output are determined. Condensate throttling for frequency stabilization Step changes in unit load are transferred to the steam generator only as a continuous load change. New feedwater control Accounting for evaporator storage behaviour prevents unnecessary temperature changes at the evaporator outlet on load changes. Improved main steam pressure control on start-up Smooth transition from pressure increase to maintaining constant pressure prevents temperature fluctuations. Combustion diagnosis Measurement and evaluation of spectral lines in combustion chamber enables determination of flame temperatures and gas concentrations and analysis of combustion process. The predictive load-margin computer uses a computer model which predicts future differential temperature and thermal stresses from the measured variables steam temperature, steam pressure and steam mass flow for set time intervals (Fig. 10), producing continuously a updated forecast. The maximum permitted temperature is calculated from the results of this forecast by means of parameter variation. The temperature computed in this way is used to control the setpoints for steam temperature, pressure and firing rate resulting in a straightforward startup and shutdown strategy with minimized material stresses. Not only the water-steam cycle but also the combustion process is likely to see further improvements in operating performance. The keyword here is combustion diagnostics. Besides visual observation of the flame pattern, the quality of the combustion process has always been evaluated to date by measurement of input parameters - air flow and delivery rate of coal feeder system - and by analysis of the flue gases (O2, CO, NOx) at the steam generator outlet. Combustion processes are optimized during the planning phase using simulated computer models and by specialist teams during commissioning and subsequent operation. None of these methods, however, has ever involved acquisition and subsequent evaluation of metrological data on the combustion process. The combustion diagnostics system developed by Siemens now fills this gap (Fig. 11). Special cameras - one camera per burner - measure the spectral lines of the gas in the furnace. A software program uses this data to compute temperatures and gas concentrations, so producing an analysis of the combustion process. The major advantages this gives the operator are self-evident: • The commissioning phase for the combustion system, which generally takes several months to complete, can be shortened considerably. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 8 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Burner and classifier settings are easily adjusted to match the burnout behavior of different types of coal; material thinning of furnace walls resulting from CO spiking is avoided. • Low NOx operation, even during dynamic processes, reduces costs for NH3 and catalyst consumption. • It may also be possible to reduce the total excess air requirement because all burners can now be supplied with the correct air flow with greater precision than previously. The suitability of this innovative Standard Control New Measurement Sensor Operation Observation Evaluation Combustion Analysis Boiler technology been power plants. As the next step it is combustion into Air Control Damper already demonstrated in a number of planned Closed-Loop Control has the to integrate this diagnostics system combustion control system. This would allow it to initiate automatic actions to control Figure 11: Combustion Diagnosis Optical Measurement with Combustion Analysis. air distribution if changes in the combustion process are required. Reduced Investment Costs Increased power plant efficiency achieved by raising main steam parameters and/or by installing a heat recovery system entails a higher level of investment. However, this additional outlay can be offset by various cost-reducing factors, some of which will be discussed below. One interesting cost-cutting option is the provision of vertical tubing for water walls of the combustion chamber (Fig. 12). Membrane walls of this type with rifled tubes are considerably easier and therefore more cost effective to manufacture and install than water walls with spiralwound, smooth tubing. This is in addition to the operating advantages discussed earlier and illustrated in Fig. 10. The BENSON boiler with vertical tubing, which has attracted major interest worldwide, is supplied by BENSON licensees with the usual function-based warranties. An expert's report commissioned by a bank in connection with the financing of a specific project also rates this concept positively in comparison with conventional water wall designs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 9 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moreover, use of rifled tubes - regardless of whether the water walls are spirally or vertically tubed - means that the startup system can be dimensioned for a 20 % evaporator flow rate. Circulating pumps are no longer necessary provided that an adequate water inventory can be stored for the startup procedure. Since it is known from previous experience that steam pressure is generally between 60 and 120 bar prior to a warm or hot start, cheap, rugged centrifugal pumps of standard design and dimensioned for pressures of up to 130 bar can be used in other cases, irrespective of the type of evaporator tubing and the BENSON minimum load, instead of expensive circulating pumps with wet-rotor motors. These pumps, which are installed in a secondary loop, merely have to be fitted with an additional safety valve (Fig. 13). Turbine 35% minimum BENSON output Turbine 20% minimum BENSON output Mass flux reduction from 2000 to 1000 kg/m2s flow characteristic as in drum boilers: increased heat input to an individual tube increases throughput in that tube Cost-effective fabrication and assembly Minimum BENSON output: 20% Simple startup system for 20% evaporator throughput Reduced slagging on combustion chamber walls Figure 12: Vertical tube combustion chamber for BENSON steam generators Principle and characteristics. Figure 13: Startup systems for BENSON steam generators. A standard feature of two-pass steam generators of American or Japanese design is the inclusion of widely spaced platen walls to form part of the furnace heating surfaces. Only when the flue gases come into contact with heating surfaces with a transversal spacing of less than 300 to 400 mm is it necessary for the average flue gas temperature to have decreased to around 50 K below the ash softening point. By bringing the central European approach into line with this design philosophy it would be possible to raise the temperature of the flue gases as they enter the platen heating surfaces, thereby reducing investment costs. One particular reason for the apparent feasibility of this approach is that improved combustion due to finer coal pulverization and more highly differentiated admixture of air is known to reduce the tendency of the platen heating surfaces to become clogged with slag. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 10 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other potential methods of reducing costs which have already been proposed by other parties are included only briefly here: • Avoidance of excessive design margins • Economizer with externally ribbed tubes • Simplified platform design and construction • Single-train air and flue gas path • Warranties to be restricted to most frequently burned coal types (e.g. acceptance of load restrictions when burning adverse types of coal) Summary The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that state-of-the-art steam generator technology still has considerable potential for further development which can be exploited for the steam generators of the next generation of power plants (Fig. 14). This applies not only to the steam generators themselves but also to their integration into the power plant process. Startup system for 20% output Optimum combination of main steam pressure and main steam temperature Additional implementation of intelligent I&C systems Combustion diagnosis Rifled combustion chamber tubes Vertical tube combustion chamber Finned economizer tubes Heat recovery system Figure 14: Features of modern steam generators Summary. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Steam Generators for the Next Generation of Power Plants This article first appeared in VGB Power Tech 12/99 11 of 12 s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References |1| Naoi, H., Ohgami, M., Mimura, H., Fujita, T.: Mechanical properties of 12Cr-W-CO ferritic steels with high creep rupture strength. Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 1994. 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