Higgs, Supersymmetry, and CP Violation Jae Sik Lee National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, TAIWAN ♠ Contents ♠ The 1st part: Introduction to Higgs, Supersymmetry, CP Violation and the LHC ... Please don’t be too picky ♠ The 2nd part: My works on manifestations of CP Violation through the Supersymmetric Higgs sector at the LHC and other low-energy experiments ... Please don’t feel too sleepy ♠ the 1st part st the 1 part ♠ Higgs (1/5) • Why Particles Physics? ... to find answers to the Eternal Questions of ”What is the world made of?” and ”What holds it together?” The Particle Adventure the fundamentals of matter and force http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/ ♠ Higgs (2/5) up u d νe e c s νµ µ t b ντ τ γ g charm top photon down strange bottom gluon electron neutrino muon neutrino tau neutrino Z boson electron I muon II tau III Three Generations of Matter Z W W boson Force Carriers Leptons Quarks • Answers to the Questions in 2011: Standard Model They are all Massive except γ and g The BIG question is : How do they become massive? ♠ Higgs (3/5) • Spontaneous breaking of Electroweak symmetry Y. Nambu, PRL4(1960)380 Nobel Prize 2008 We are NOT living in ”True Void” ⇒ The ”Vacuum” is filled with Nonvanishing Field Strength of a scalar field called a Higgs boson : hHi0 6= 0 Yukawa interactions ⇒ ml and mq Gauge interactions ⇒ MW and MZ ∗ Something else may be needed for mν ♠ Higgs (4/5) • Status of the SM Higgs: SM ≥ 114.4 GeV (95 % C.L.) – LEP bound: MH ADLO, arXiv:hep-ex/0306033 SM < – Electroweak precision data: MH ∼ 185 GeV (95 % C.L.) ACDDLOS, arXiv:0811.4682[hep-ex] 6 mLimit = 154 GeV July 2008 Theory uncertainty ∆α(5) had = 5 0.02758±0.00035 0.02749±0.00012 incl. low Q2 data ∆χ 2 4 3 2 1 0 Excluded 30 Preliminary 100 mH [GeV] 300 direct-search limit included ♠ Higgs (4′/5) • Status of the SM Higgs: ... continued – Tevatron exclusion: arXiv:1007.4587[hep-ex] SM < 158 GeV < ∼ MH ∼ 175 GeV (95 % C.L.) 95% CL Limit/SM Tevatron Run II Preliminary, <L> = 5.9 fb LEP Exclusion 10 1 Expected Observed ±1σ Expected ±2σ Expected -1 Tevatron Exclusion SM=1 Tevatron Exclusion July 19, 2010 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 2 mH(GeV/c ) CDF/D0, ♠ Higgs: (4′′/5) 12 8 6 G fitter Tevatron exclusion at 95% CL 10 4 2 0 100 Gfitter, arXiv:0811.0009 150 SM Jul 10 LEP exclusion at 95% CL ∆χ 2 • Status of the SM Higgs: combining all... 3σ 2σ Theory uncertainty Fit including theory errors Fit excluding theory errors 1σ 200 250 300 MH [GeV] We anticipate the SM Higgs boson lighter than ∼ 200 GeV ♠ Higgs (5/5) Higgs = the God particle ? Leon Lederman, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? • elusive ... • controlling behind indirectly... and ... causing conceptual problems ... ♠ Supersymmetry (1/4) • The Naturalness Problem 2 MH ∼ m0 2 Λ2 19 2 with − Λ ∼ 10 GeV and M ∼ 10 GeV H 2 16π P ≪ a thunderbolt ⊗ a lottery ticket Isn’t it natural to assume there is something ? ♠ Supersymmetry (2/4) • Introducing Supersymmetry 2 2 2 δMH ∼ −ւ Λ2 (Particles) + ր Λ2 (”S”Particles) + MSUSY log(Λ2/MSUSY ) MSUSY ∼ O(1) TeV Great Discoveries at the LHC ! ♠ Supersymmetry (3/4) • Support for the existence of ”S”Particles (I) 1/αi 1/αi Unification of the Coupling Constants in the SM and the minimal MSSM 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 5 10 15 10 log Q 0 1/α1 MSSM 1/α2 1/α3 0 5 10 15 10 log Q ♠ Supersymmetry (4/4) • Support for the existence of ”S”Particles (II) C. L. Bennett et al., “First Year WMAP Observations: Preliminary Maps and Basic Results,” Astrophys. J. Suppl. 148 (2003) 1 [arXiv:astro-ph/0302207]; M. Tegmark et al. [SDSS Collaboration], “Cosmological parameters from SDSS and WMAP,” Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 103501 [arXiv:astro-ph/0310723]; P. Gondolo [arXiv:hep-ph/0501134] ΩΛ = 0.72 ± 0.08 Ωm = 0.27 ± 0.016 Ωb = 0.0448 ± 0.0018 = ΩCDM = 0.226 ± 0.0016 CDM = Lightest Supersymmetric Particle ? ♠ CP violation (1/4) • What is CP Violation?: If Nature treated Left-handed particle moving right Right-handed antiparticle moving left differently, we are saying CP is violated http://universe-review.ca and ♠ CP violation (2/4) • Why CP Violation?: ⇒ There IS CP Violation! η Phys. 49 (1973) 652 Nobel Prize 2008 γ 1 β 0.5 εK ∆md ∆md ∆ms V ub V cb 0 sin(2β+γ ) α -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ρ M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa, Prog. Theor. ♠ CP violation (3/4) • Then, who ordered ”more” CP violation beyond the SM CKM phase? A. D. Sakharov, JETP Letters 5(1967)24 CP violation in the SM is too weak to explain the matter dominance of the Universe J. Cline, arXiv:hep-ph/0609145 The matter-dominated Universe did! ♠ CP violation (4/4) • Even the minimal SUSY model contains many possible sources of CP violation: – Gaugino mass terms: 3 ⊕ 3 = 6 1 fW f + M1 B eB e + h.c.) −Lsoft ⊃ (M3 gege + M2 W 2 – Trilinear a terms af ij ≡ hf ij · Af ij : 3 × (3 ⊕ 6 ⊕ 9) = 54 e 2 − de∗R ad QH e 1 − ee∗R ae LH e 1 + h.c.) −Lsoft ⊃ (e u∗R au QH – Sfermion mass terms: 5 × (3 ⊕ 3 ⊕ 3) = 45 ∗ 2 e∗ M2 deR + ee∗ M2 eeR e+L e † M2 L e+u e † M2 Q e −Lsoft ⊃ Q M u e + d R R R R e e e e e u e Q L d 1 KM phase (SM) =⇒ 1 + 45 (Minimal SUSY Model) ♠ LHC (1/6) • LHC = the Large Hadron Collider ♠ LHC (1′/6) • LHC = the Large Hadron Collider “Human beings can’t see anything without wanting to destroy it, Lyra, That’s original sin. And I’m going to destroy it.” ... Lord Asriel HIS DARK MATERIALS trilogy #1 ♠ LHC (2/6) • Two protons collide with a kinetic energy of 14 TeV 1 GeV ≃ a proton mass • then the two protons are destroyed to disappear and we will see something ... ♠ LHC (3/6) • Past and present ... 1989 1997 2003 2008 : : : : R&D starts Construction starts Underground installation starts Installation completed 11 Sep 2008 : First beam circulated 20 Sep 2008 : Magnet failures ... LHC.JPG √ 23 Nov 2009 : First collisions at √ s = 900 GeV 8 Dec 2009 : First collisions at √s = 2.36 TeV 30 Mar 2010 : First collisions at s = 7 TeV From Junichi Kanzaki’s talk @ KEKPH2010 ♠ LHC (3′/6) ♠ LHC (4/6) • ... and near/far future of the LHC 2010 ∼ 2011 : 7 TeV (3.5+3.5 TeV) runs until 1 fb−1 LHC 1/2 ⇒ For SUSY searches with 35 pb−1, see next page 2012 ∼ 2012 : Shutdown for repairing to achieve 7 (6.5) TeV/beam collisions 2013 ∼ 2014 : Go to 7 (6.5) + 7 (6.5) TeV runs to get ∼ 10 fb−1 LHC 2015 ∼ 202? : accumulate 3000 fb−1 with 250 ∼ 300 fb−1 per year again, from Junichi Kanzaki’s talk @ KEKPH2010, or LHC Performance Workshop - Chamonix 2010 (Jan) ♠ Initial SUSY searches with 35 pb−1 at the LHC • CMS (jets + missing ET ; left) and ATLAS (lepton + jets + missing ET ; right) m1/2 [GeV] CMS, PLB698(2011)196,2011, arXiv:1101.1628 [hep-ex] and ATLAS, arXiv:1102.2357 [hep-ex] 400 MSUGRA/CMSSM: tanβ = 3, A = 0, µ>0 0 ATLAS 350 int L = 35 pb-1, s=7 TeV Observed limit 95% CL Median expected limit 1 lepton, ≥3 jets Expected limit ± 1σ 300 CMS jets (αT), 35 pb-1 ~± LEP2 l ± LEP2 χ∼ 1 ± 0 D0 χ∼ , χ∼ ~ g (700 GeV) 1 250 ~ g (600 GeV) 200 2 D0 ~g, ~q, µ<0, 2.1 fb-1 CDF ~g, ~q, tanβ=5, 2 fb-1 ~ g (500 GeV) ~ g (400 GeV) 150 ~ q (400 GeV) 100 200 300 400 ~ ~ q (500 GeV) q (600 GeV) 500 600 ~ q (700 GeV) 700 800 900 m0 [GeV] ATLAS, more stringent ... ♠ LHC (4′/6) • ... and near/far future of the LHC 2010 ∼ 2011 : 7 TeV (3.5+3.5 TeV) runs until 1 fb−1 LHC 1/2 2012 ∼ 2012 : Shutdown for repairing to achieve 7 (6.5) TeV/beam collisions 2013 ∼ 2014 : Go to 7 (6.5) + 7 (6.5) TeV runs to get ∼ 10 fb−1 LHC 2015 ∼ 202? : accumulate 3000 fb−1 with 250 ∼ 300 fb−1 per year again, from Junichi Kanzaki’s talk @ KEKPH2010, or LHC Performance Workshop - Chamonix 2010 (Jan) ♠ LHC (5/6) • ... and near/far future of the LHC: ... continued 3000 fb−1 ≈ 2,400,000,000 tt̄ pairs : Top factory ≈ 100,000,000 130 GeV SM Higgs bosons ≈ 3,000,000 O(1) TeV gluinos + squarks ≈ 300,000 O(1) TeV charginos + neutralinos ♠ LHC (6/6) Higgs Top • ... and near/far future of the LHC: ... continued DM SUSY 3000 fb−1 ≈ 2,400,000,000 tt̄ pairs : Top factory ≈ 100,000,000 130 GeV SM Higgs bosons ≈ 3,000,000 O(1) TeV gluinos + squarks ≈ 300,000 O(1) TeV charginos + neutralinos Great Expectations at the LHC! ♠ the 2nd part the 2 nd part ♠ Preliminary (1/4) • The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008: ”Passion for symmetry” (broken?) ♠ Preliminary (2/4) • My works aim at ...: ♠ Preliminary (3/4) • Introducing SUSY =⇒ Introducing lots of additional CP phases ! : 1 KM phase (SM) =⇒ 1 + 45 (Minimal SUSY Model) My Question: How does the SUSY CP violation manifest itself through the Higgs sector ? more specifically, Where to find it? and Why through Higgs sector? ♠ Preliminary (4/4) • Where to find it? Colliders : LHC 8 < SM Higgs M SSM Higgs : CP V Signatures B-meson Obsrvables 8 + − > < ∆MBd,s , Bs → µ µ , B → τ ν , B → Xsγ , > : ··· Dark Matter ˘ Electric Dipole Moments http://www.er.doe.gov/hep/vision/index.shtml χχ → γ , p̄ , etc ♠ Preliminary (4′/4) • Why through Higgs sector? – Experimental Side: LHC ∗ Higgs boson will be searched most intensively ∗ Higgs boson will be studied most extensively – Theoretical Side: Quantum sensitivity ∗ Large quantum correction ∗ Resonant enhancement ♠ CPsuperH • Tool: CPsuperH : △ RG-improved effective potential approach – For experimentalists as well as phenomenologists who are exploring the MSSM Higgs sector both in CP-conserving and CP-violating cases V. M. Abazov et al. [D0 Collaboration], “Search for neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons in multijet events at s**(1/2) = 1.96-TeV,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 151801 [arXiv:hep-ex/0504018]; A. Abulencia et al. [CDF Collaboration], “Search for charged Higgs bosons from top quark decays in pp̄ collisions at √ s = 1.96-TeV,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 042003 [arXiv:hep-ex/0510065]. – Consistent computational tool for both Energy- and Intensity-Frontier experiments including several B observables and EDMs ♠ Where to find it ? II-A Colliders Colliders : LHC 8 < SM Higgs M SSM Higgs : CP V Signatures B-meson Obsrvables 8 + − > < ∆MBd,s , Bs → µ µ , B → τ ν , B → Xsγ , > : ··· Dark Matter ˘ Electric Dipole Moments http://www.er.doe.gov/hep/vision/index.shtml χχ → γ , p̄ , etc ♠ SM Higgs (1/2) expected significance • LHC Discovery Significance of the SM Higgs • H → ττ 18 16 Combined (*) ZZ → 4l γγ ATLAS -1 14 L = 10 fb • H → γγ ττ WW0j → eν µν WW2j → eν µν 12 ⊲ H → W W ∗ → lνlν (GF) 10 ⊲ H → W W ∗ → lνlν (VBF) 8 6 2 H → ZZ (∗) → 4 l 4 2 0 100 ATLAS TDR, arXiv:0901.0512[hep-ex] 120 140 160 180 200 220 mH (GeV) The W W channel plays a dominant < role for 130 GeV < ∼ MH ∼ 190 GeV ! ♠ SM Higgs (2/2) W+jets 45 WW 40 tt Signal Pseudodata 35 30 25 20 ATLAS 15 ∫ 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 End point Number of events / 8 GeV / 10 fb-1 Events / ( 10 ) • The 2 missing neutrinos: Transverse mass vs. MAOS Higgs mass 300 SM MH = 150 GeV 250 200 150 100 -1 L dt=10 fb 500 600 MT(GeV) 50 0 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 mmaos [GeV] H Mass peak K. Choi, S. Choi, JSL, C.B. Park, PRD80 (2009) 073010; K. Choi, JSL, C.B. Park, arXiv:1008.2690 [hep-ph], to appear in PRD ♠ MSSM Higgs (1/2) • LEP Limits on the MSSM Higgs: A. Djouadi, hep-ph/0503173 and references there in: P. Bechtle, CPNSH Report, CERN-2006-009, hep-ph/0608079; ADLO, hep-ex/0602042, Combined results with FeynHiggs tanβ CP Conserving mh°-max 10 Excluded by LEP 1 Theoretically Inaccessible 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 mh° (GeV/c2) MH1 & 90 GeV ? MH1 < ∼ 10 GeV ! ♠ MSSM Higgs (2/2) • LHC Discovery of the MSSM Higgs: ATLAS TDR(1999); M. Schumacher, CPNSH Report, CERN- 2006-009, hep-ph/0608079 CP Conserving CP Violating tanβ ATLAS preliminary 30 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 theoretically inaccessible 1 No Lose ? 0 20 40 60 80 100 No Higgs ! 120 140 MH1 (GeV) ♠ b-quark Fusion (1/2) • Strong dependence of Higgs-boson production via b-quark fusion on CP phases: CPX Scenario with Φ3 = 0◦ or Φ3 = 180◦ and MH1 = 115 GeV. F. Borzumati and JSL, PLB595(2004)347 and PLB641(2006)486 ∗ Solid: Φ3 = 180◦ and Dashed: Φ3 = 0◦ ∗ Around ΦAµ = 100◦, MH2 − MH1 ≃ 3 GeV =⇒ Distinguishable ? ♠ b-quark Fusion (2/2) • Invariant mass distribution when Higgs bosons decay into two γ’s and/or µ+µ− At the LHC, the experimental resolution δMγγ ∼ 1 GeV and δMµµ ∼ 3 GeV ATLAS TDR, Vol 2, CERN-LHCC-99-15, ATLAS-TDR-15 (1999); CMS Physics TDR, Volume II, CERN-LHCC2006-021, 25 June 2006 H1,2 → γγ One peak H1,2 → µ+µ− T wo peaks ♠ CP Asymmetries (1/3) • CP asymmetry in Higgs decays in the tau leptons : J. Ellis, JSL and A. D71(2005)075007 W+ τ+ Hi W Hj τ− − σRR ACP = σRR − σLL σRR + σLL with ( σLL σRR ≡ σ(pp → H → τR+ τR−X) σLL ≡ σ(pp → H → τL+ τL−X) Pilaftsis, ♠ CP Asymmetries (2/3) • Resonant transitions between Higgs bosons enhance the asymmetry!: Hi Hj i 6= j ≃ Hi Hi when ∆MH ≃ ΓH The neutral Higgs bosons should not be treated separately ! J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, D70(2004)075010 ♠ CP Asymmetries (3/3) W WW • Integrated CP asymmetry AW CP with σtot > 0.2 pb: 1 0.75 Φ3 = − 10 o WW ACP 1 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -1 -100 0 100 -1 ΦA [ ] o Φ3 = − 90o WW ACP -100 0 100 ΦA [ o ] CP asymmetry is large over the whole ranges of CP phases ! ♠ Diffraction (1/3) • Diffraction is a process with a t-channel exchange leading to a Large Rapidity Gap M. Arneodo, M. Diehl, hep-ph/0511047 The differential cross section dσ (pp → pp) dt elastic has a resemblance to the diffraction pattern in optics: I(θ) λ I(θ) θ λ /2Ro Ro θ ♠ Diffraction (2/3) • Exclusive double diffractive process p1 s → p2 p′1 ga Hi ⊕ Hj gb (M , y) p′2 f √ † M 2 = s − 2 s(E1′ + E2′ ) + (p′1 + p′2)2 ⇒ δM ∼ 1 GeV ! f¯ † Clean environment due to the large rapidity gap Outgoing protons remain intact & scatter through small angles with p⊥ ≪ 1 GeV A. De Roeck, et al., EPJC25 (2002) 391; M. Boonekamp, et al., PLB598 (2004) 243; K. A. Assamagan et al. hepph/0406152; B. E. Cox, hep-ph/0409144, hep-ph/0501064; J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, D71(2005)075007 B.E. Cox∗ , J.R. Forshaw, JSL, J.W. Monk∗ and A. Pilaftsis, ∗ Need TOTEM/ATLASFP detectors PRD68 (2003) 075004; V.A. Khoze, A.D. Martin and M.G. Ryskin, EPJC34 (2004) 327 ♠ Diffraction (3/3) CP a τ • pp → pHip ; Hi → τ +τ − (ΦA , Φ3) = (90◦ , −90◦) (ΦA , Φ3) = (90◦ , −10◦) 1 0.8 y=0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Invariant mass distribution can be studied ! -0.8 -1 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 M [ GeV ] ♠ Beyond the Minimal SUSY Model (1/2) • The µ problem J. E. Kim and H. P. Nilles, Phys. Lett. B 138, 150 (1984) µ H1H2 200 −→ S H1H2 More Higgs bosons and more CP violation ! 1 150 100 10-1 50 0 10-2 -50 -100 10-3 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 K. Cheung, T. J. Hou, JSL and E. Senaha, PRD82(2010)075007 ♠ Beyond the Minimal SUSY Model (2/2) • We are working on ... – Constraints from EDMs on the new CP violation – ElectroWeak Phase Transitions – New CP-phase driven baryogenesis – B- and K-meson observables – Collider signatures of the light Higgs bosons – Higgs Inflation(?) – etc ♠ Summary (LHC) • Phases of the LHC : I (2013 ∼ 2014) : LHC with L ∼ 10 fb−1 SM Higgs Discovery, Non-SM-like Higgs decays and productions, Multiple Higgs peaks II (2015 ∼ 2016) : LHC with L ∼ 300 fb−1 I ⊕ Strongly-coupled Higgs, CP asymmetries, Final-state spin-spin correlations III (2017 ∼ 202?) : LHC with L ≫ 300 fb−1 I ⊕ II ⊕ Exotic Higgs productions ♠ Conclusions and Future Prospects • Spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry may be responsible for the masses of SM particles • Supersymmetry may stabilize the Higgs-boson masses against the Quantum corrections • The additional CP phases in the models extended by Supersymmetry may explain the matter dominance of the Universe • The Supersymmetric CP phases may manifest themselves through the Higgs sector in Energy-, Intensity-, and Cosmic-Frontier experiments • The LHC is to give definite answers to these may’s ♠ Where to find it ? II-B B-meson Observables Colliders LEP Holes LHC Signatures B-meson Obsrvables 8 + − > < ∆MBd,s , Bs → µ µ , B → τ ν , B → Xsγ , > : ··· Dark Matter ˘ Electric Dipole Moments http://www.er.doe.gov/hep/vision/index.shtml χχ → γ , p̄ , etc ♠ B Observables (1/4) • Higgs-mediated B-meson mixing and rare decays: LHCb and SuperB J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, PRD76(2007)115011 d H −Leff = g cd gL ¯ PL d Hi + h.c. dM Hidd 2MW −1 † L gH ∝ V ¯ CKM [1 + tan β ∆d ] i dd Φ†1,2 Φ†1,2 ∆d[ΦCP] : ej Q QjL × g̃ VCKM ei D diR ek U × el Q QjL He u He d diR QjL × ej Q fi W e B × ed eu H H Φ†2 diR Non-universal Quantum interactions inducing the mixing and rare decays ! ♠ B Observables (2/4) ΦM = 180 o 10 -2 ΦM = 0 10 10 10 ΦM = 180 o -1 MEASURED SUSY -1 10 2 EXP MEASURED 10 ∆ MBs ∆ MBd SUSY 10 EXP [ ps ] 1 -1 [ ps ] SUSY • ∆MBSUSY and ∆M as functions of tan β(MSUSY ) for three values of ΦM ≡ B s d fL,E = 200 GeV and ΦGUT = 0◦ Φ1 = Φ2 = Φ3 SPS1a-like scenario M A o -3 ΦM = 90 ΦM = 0 1 -4 ΦM = 90 o -5 10 20 30 GUT ΦA = 40 o 0 10 50 o GUT ΦA = -1 10 20 tanβ Strong CP phase dependence 30 40 o 0o 50 tanβ ♠ B Observables (3/4) 10 RBτν B(BS → µµ) x 10 7 • B(B̄s0 → µ+µ−) and the ratio RBτ ν as functions of tan β(MSUSY ) for three values fL,E = 200 GeV and ΦGUT = 0◦ of ΦM ≡ Φ1 = Φ2 = Φ3 SPS1a-like scenario M A GUT ΦA = 0o ΦM = 90 EXP 1 UPPER EXP (1 σ) o 10 o -1 ΦM = 180 o -1 10 -2 GUT ΦM = 180 o -2 10 20 o 1 SM 10 ΦM = 90 (90 %) ΦM = 0 10 10 30 40 50 10 -3 10 ΦM = 0 ΦA = 0o 20 tanβ Strong CP phase dependence 30 40 50 tanβ o ♠ B Observables (4/4) ACP [ % ] B ( b → s γ ) x 10 4 • B(B → Xsγ) and Adir CP (B → Xs γ) as functions of ΦM for four values of fL,E = 200 GeV and ΦGUT = 0◦ tan β(MSUSY ) = 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 SPS1a-like scenario M A tanβ = 40 30 10 20 6 GUT ΦA = 0 o 4 2 10 0 -2 EXP ( 2 σ ) -4 GUT ΦA = 1 0 100 ❏ o 0 200 EXP Bb → s γ -6 300 0 100 ΦM [ ] o Strong CP phase dependence 200 300 ΦM [ ] o ♠ Where to find it ? II-C EDMs Colliders LEP Holes LHC Signatures B-meson Obsrvables 8 + − > < ∆MBd,s , Bs → µ µ , B → τ ν , B → Xsγ , > : ··· Dark Matter ˘ Electric Dipole Moments http://www.er.doe.gov/hep/vision/index.shtml χχ → γ , p̄ , etc ♠ EDMs (1/4) • Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs): T violation ⇒ CP violation (under CPT ) H |dTl| < 9 × 10−25 e cm , EDM = −d E · ŝ |dHg | < 3.1 × 10−29 e cm , |dn| < 3 × 10−26 e cm B. C. Regan, E. D. Commins, C. J. Schmidt and D. DeMille, PRL88 (2002) 071805; W. C. Griffith, M. D. Swallows, T. H. Loftus, M. V. Romalis, B. R. Heckel and E. N. Fortson, PRL102 (2009) 101601; C. A. Baker et al., PRL97 (2006) 131801 – No large CP phases? -No! But, one needs to introduce some hierarchy between first two and third generations and/or some moderate tuning among parameters ♠ EDMs (2/4) • EDM constraints and cancellation: CPX Scenario with ΦA t,b = Φ3 = 90◦, ΦA u,d,c,s = 0◦ tan β = 5, MH ± = 300 GeV, |M2 | = 2|M1 | = 100 GeV, and MSUSY = 0.5 TeV The hierarchy factor ρ: = ρ MX̃ with X = Q = U = D = L = E J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, JHEP08(2008)049 2 | dn / d 10 1 10 -1 10 10 10 10 | o 2 10 10 10 ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o o -25 χ ± -26 -1 ρ | -24 0 H 10 10 10 10 ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o o 2 d -28 G 1 10 ρ 10 10 10 10 10 E d u,d -1 10 10 1 10 -1 1 10 1 0 2 ρ 3 C χ o 10 10 d u,d -27 3 1 1 | dn / d 10 ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o EXP | dEe | [ e cm ] 10 3 1 1 10 10 | dCd | [ cm ] EXP | dTl / d 10 o EXP ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o | dHg / d 3 3 | 10 | 1,2 EXP MX̃ ρ -23 10 ρ ( Φ1 , Φ2 ) = (0 , 90 ) o o -24 0 H -25 ~ χ -26 χ -27 g ± 0 -28 1 10 ρ ♠ EDMs (3/4) • Analytic determination of the cancellation regions: EDM-free Optimal direction J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, JHEP10(2010)049 EDM vector directions and An Observable vector Φ = E × (O × E) An Optimal direction CP-phase space Subspace of EDM-free directions ♠ EDMs (4/4) • Optimal direction : the higher-dimensional generalization with N CP phases and n EDM constraints (1) Φα = ǫαβ1···βnγ1···γ N −n−1 (n) E β1 · · · E βn B γ1···γN −n−1 where (N -n-1)-dimensional B form is B γ1···γN −n−1 = ǫγ1···γ N −n−1 σβ1 ···βn (1) (n) Oσ E β1 · · · E βn ♠ Where to find it ? II-D Dark Matter Colliders LEP Holes LHC Signatures B-meson Obsrvables 8 + − > < ∆MBd,s , Bs → µ µ , B → τ ν , B → Xsγ , > : ··· Dark Matter ˘ Electric Dipole Moments http://www.er.doe.gov/hep/vision/index.shtml χχ → γ , p̄ , etc ♠ Dark Matter (1/1) • LEP Holes ⇒ Very light 7.5 GeV Higgs signals through the inclusive process χχ → H → γ , p̄ JSL and S. Scopel, Phys. Rev. D 75 (2007) 075001 [arXiv:hep-ph/0701221] ♠ MAÔS momenta of the missing neutrinos (1/2) • MAÔS = M T 2-Assisted On-shell Scheme: H → W (p + k) W (q + l) → l(p) ν(k) l′(q) ν ′(l) (MH2 )MAÔS = (p + k MAÔS + q + lMAÔS)2 ÔS = −qT kMA T ÔS k MA L = ÔS and lMA = −pT T ÔS |kMA | T |pT | pL , ÔS lMA L = ÔS |lMA | T |qT | q L ♠ MAÔS momenta of the missing neutrinos (2/2) • Is the modified MAÔS scheme working well?: MH = 140 GeV MH = 180 GeV ∆ kT ∆ kL (modified) ∆ kL (original) 14000 12000 Number of events Number of events 18000 16000 ∆ kT ∆ kL (modified) ∆ kL (original) 16000 14000 12000 10000 10000 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 ∆ k T, L [GeV] 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 ∆ k T, L [GeV] ♠ MT 2: 1/2 • Transverse Mass MT : V (p) p p = ( mV 2 + |pT |2 + p2L , pT , pL) µ p k = ( mχ2 + |kT |2 + k 2L , kT , k L) µ X χ(k) 2 2 2 MX = mV + mχ + 2 2 2 2 MT = mV + mχ + 2 p p kT = p/T (fully determined) p mV 2 + |pT |2 + p2L mχ2 + |kT |2 + k 2L − pT · kT − pLk L mV 2 + |pT |2 p mχ2 + |kT |2 MT ≤ MX − pT · kT ♠ MT 2: 2/2 • ... then MT 2 ?: Generalization of MT when there are 2 missing particles V (p) X(1) X(2) χ(k) χ(l) V (q) kT + lT = p/T Only determined are ... the 2 among the 4 unknown degrees of freedom ! ... but we know: (1) (2) true max{MT , MT }(ktrue T , lT ) ≤ MX ♠ MT 2: 2′/2 • ... then MT 2 ?: Generalization of MT when there are 2 missing particles kT + lT = p/T Only determined are ... the 2 among the 4 unknown degrees of freedom ! ... but we know: (1) (2) true max{MT , MT }(ktrue T , lT ) ≤ MX (1) (2) (1) (2) min true true max{MT , MT }(kmin T , lT ) ≤ max{MT , MT }(kT , lT ) ≤ MX oi h n (2) (1) ≤ MX MT 2 ≡ minkT +lT =p/T max MT , MT ♠ AFB at the Tevatron: 1/2 • q q̄ → tt̄ and AFB at the Tevatron AFB ≡ Shabamina(Blois2010) Nt(cos θ ≥ 0) − Nt̄(cos θ ≥ 0) = (0.15 ± 0.05 ± 0.024) Nt(cos θ ≥ 0) + Nt̄(cos θ ≥ 0) Pertinent ∼ 2σ deviation ! ♠ AFB at the Tevatron: 2/2 • Effective Lagrangian approach to explain the anomaly D.-W. Jung, P. Ko, JSL, S.-h. Nam, PLB691(2010)238; D.-W. Jung, P. Ko, JSL, arXiv:1012.0102 [hep-ph] gs2 AB L6 = 2 C8q (q̄AT aγµqA)(t̄B T aγ µtB ) Λ 6 0.5 09 g 8t )= V 1 0. = FB 0. 21 = DFB 2 FB )= A 2 2 /m -1 0 L g 8q -0.1 L g 8t -2 V 2 )= IV /m (Λ V I 2 L g 8t 2 /m pb 0.1 0 (Λ L 2 pb (Λ A L g 8q L 98 0.2 g 8t 7. 02 7. C2 (1 TeV/Λ)2 L L = 0.3 = II g 8q σ σ 2 g 8q 0.4 4 2 /m -2 )= V -0.3 2 -4 (Λ -0.2 III -0.4 -6 -6 LL RR , + C8q C1 ≡ C8q -4 -2 0 2 2 C1 (1 TeV/Λ) 4 6 RL LR , + C8q C2 ≡ C8q -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 D RL LR LL RR ) − C8q ) ± (C8q − C8q D , DFB ∝ (C8q ♠ Backup • CPX Scenario: 2 Recall CPV mixing ∝ ℑm(Af µ)/MSUSY MQ̃3 = MŨ3 = MD̃3 = ML̃3 = MẼ3 = MSUSY |µ| = 4 MSUSY , |At,b,τ | = 2 MSUSY |M3| = 1 TeV Varying parameters are : pole tan β , MH ± , MSUSY (Φµ) , ΦAt , ΦAb , ΦAτ , Φ3 * * M1 and M2 For simplicity, common ΦA ♠ Backup pole • Large tan β and MH ± ∼ 150 GeV ⇒ Trimixing scenario J. Ellis, JSL and A. Pilaftsis, PRD70(2004)075010, PRD71(2005)075007, PRD72(2005)095006, and NPB718(2005)247 pole tan β = 50, MH ± = 155 GeV, MQ̃3 = MŨ3 = MD̃3 = ML̃3 = MẼ3 = 0.5 TeV, |µ| = 0.5 TeV, |At,b,τ | = 1 TeV, |M1,2| = 0.3 TeV, |M3| = 1 TeV, Φµ = 0◦, Φ1,2 = 0◦ . For ΦAt ,Ab,Aτ = 90◦ and Φ3 = −90◦, we have (in GeV) MH1 = 117.6, MH2 = 118.7, MH3 = 122.6, ΓH1 = 1.48, ΓH2 = 8.12, ΓH3 = 8.21. All Higgs bosons are nearly degenerate with Γi & ∆MH ! ♠ Backup • SPS1a-like scenario – – – – At At At At MZ : Three gauge couplings α1(MZ ), α2(MZ ), and α3(MZ ) mpole : Quark and Lepton masses mq,l (mpole ) and VCKM(mpole ) t t t MSUSY : tan β(MSUSY ) MMFV = MGUT: 19 MCPMFV Parameters iΦ 2 2 fQ,U,D,L,E |M1,2,3| ei Φ1,2,3 , |Au,d,e| e Au,d,e , M , MH u,d Specifically, we have taken the parameter set: |M1,2,3| = 250 GeV 2 2 2 f2 f2 fQ fL2 =M fE2 = (100 GeV)2 MH =M = = = = M M M M H U D u d |Au| = |Ad| = |Ae| = 100 GeV This parameter set is equivalent to SPS1a when ΦA u,d,e tan β = 10 pole = 180◦ and Φ1,2,3 = 0◦ if MSUSY = mt and ♠ Backup • The B-meson observables strike against CPX!: B(Bs → µ+µ−) (95 %), B(B → Xsγ) (2 σ), RBτ ν (1 σ), Υ(1S) → H1γ CPX scenario with ΦA = Φ3 = 90◦ and MSUSY = 0.5 ρ=1 50 45 tan β tan β TeV JSL, M. Carena, J. Ellis, A. Pilaftsis, C.E.M. Wagner, arXiv:0712.2360; JSL and S. Scopel, PRD75(2007)075001 B(b → sγ) 40 50 45 40 Υ → H1 γ 35 ρ = 10 35 30 30 25 25 B(Bs → µµ) 20 20 RBτν 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 MH1 [ GeV ] 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 MH1 [ GeV ] The CPX scenario excluded ? ... flavour-mixing terms