Hidden Fermion as Dark Matter ! in Stueckelberg Z Model Tzu-Chiang Yuan National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu (In Collaboration with Kingman Cheung) (arXiv: hep-ph/0701107 to appear in JHEP) March 29, 2007 NTHU HEP Seminar Outline • Introduction to Stueckelberg Z ! extension of Standard Model (StSM) • Hidden Fermions • Collider Implication • Astrophysical Implication • Conclusions Introduction • Stueckelberg Lagrangian (1938) 2 m 1 1 µ 1 µν µ (Bµ − ∂µ σ)(B − ∂ σ) L = − Bµν B + 4 2 m m • Gauge invariant δL = 0 under δBµ = ∂µ $ , δσ = m$ • Rξ gauge: LRξ = −(∂µ B µ + ξmσ)2 /2ξ L + LRξ 2 2 1 m 1 1 m = − Bµν B µν + Bµ B µ − (∂µ B µ )2 + ∂µ σ∂ µ σ − ξ σ2 4 2 2ξ 2 2 ! • R∞ → Unitary gauge: Bµ = Bµ − 1 m ∂µ σ 2 ! ! ! 1 ! m µν L + LR∞ =⇒ − Bµν B + Bµ B µ 4 2 • Massive QED. Unitarity and renormalizability are manifest! 4 • Stueckelberg mechanism only works for abelian group! • However, Stueckelberg shows up in compactification and string theory. • Stueckelberg extension of SM [Kors and Nath (2004)] SU (2)L Wµa LStSM LSt × U (1)Y × [U (1)X ]hidden sector Bµ Cµ = LSM + LSt 1 1 µ 2 µν = − Cµν C + (∂µ σ − M1 Cµ − M2 Bµ ) − gX Cµ JX 4 2 • JXµ is the matter (both visible and hidden sectors in general) current that couples to the hidden gauge field Cµ . More later. √ • After EW symmetry breaking by the Higgs mechanism !Φ" = v/ 2 Cµ 1 3 2 (Cµ , Bµ , Wµ ) M Bµ 2 Wµ3 2 M12 M = M1 M2 0 M1 M2 M22 + 1 2 4 gY 0 v − 41 g2 gY v 2 2 − 41 g2 gY v 2 1 2 2 4 g2 v • Diagonalize the mass matrix Cµ Zµ! 2 T 2 2 2 Bµ = O Zµ , m O M O = diag(m , m , ! γ = 0) . Z Z Wµ3 Aµ 6 • The m2Z ! and m2Z are given by " ! 1 1 2 2 2 2 mZ ! , Z = M1 + M2 + (gY + g22 )v 2 ± ∆ 2 4 # 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ∆ = (M1 + M2 + gY v + g2 v ) − (M12 (gY2 + g22 )v 2 + g22 M22 v 2 ) 4 4 • The orthogonal matrix O is parameterized as c ψ c φ − sθ sφ sψ sψ c φ + sθ sφ c ψ O= sψ sφ − sθ c φ c ψ c ψ sφ + sθ c φ sψ −cθ sψ cθ cψ −cθ sφ cθ cφ sθ where sφ = sin φ, cφ = cos φ and similarly for the angles ψ and θ. 7 • The angles are related to the parameters in the Lagrangian LStSM by M2 δ ≡ tan φ = M1 tan ψ gY cos φ , tan θ = , g2 tan θ tan φ m2W , = 2 2 2 cos θ[mZ ! − mW (1 + tan θ)] where mW = g2 v/2. • The Stueckelberg Z ! decouples from the SM when φ → 0, since M2 tan φ = → 0 ⇒ tan ψ → 0 and M1 where θw is the Weinberg angle. tan θ → tan θw Matter current JX : • If SM fermion carries X charge, one can has 1 gX 2 gX tan φ QX (u), Qd = − − tan φ QX (d) Qu = − 3 gY 3 gY However, Qneutron = 0 implies Qu + 2Qd = 0 to high precision. QX (SM particle) = 0 =⇒ SM JX =0 But, for the hiddden sector, one can has QX (hidden particle) #= 0 =⇒ hidden sector JX #= 0 • Mixing effects in neutral current of SM fermions ψf C −LN int 3 τ 3 µ µY = g2 Wµ ψ̄f γ ψf + gY Bµ ψ̄f γ ψf 2 2 # !" $fZL! PL + $fZR! PR Zµ! # $ " fR fL + $Z PL + $Z PR Zµ + eQem Aµ ψf = ψ̄f γ µ where fL,R $Z fL,R $Z ! = = cψ % % g22 + gY2 c2φ sψ g22 + gY2 c2φ & & −c2φ gY2 c2φ gY2 3 ' ' Y + cψ sφ gY . 2 Y 2τ + g2 2 2 3 Y 2τ − g2 2 2 Y + sψ sφ gY , 2 • Constraints on StSM. [Feldman, Liu, and Nath, PRL 97, 021801 (2006)] • Z mass shift requires (mZ /M1 ! 1) ! |δ| ≤ 0.061 1 − (mZ /M1 )2 • Drell-Yan data of Stueckelberg Z ! mZ ! > 250 GeV for δ ≈ 0.035 , mZ ! > 375 GeV for δ ≈ 0.06 . • Z ! width is narrow, since Z ! → SM fermions are suppressed by mixing angles! • Constraints on StSM. P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T 97, Nath, 021801 (2006) [Feldman,PRL Liu, and PRL 97, 021801 (2006)] • Z mass shift requires (mZ /M1 ! 1) Stueckelberg Z’! Signals 0 10 • D0≤ Run II 246−275 1−1pb −−1(mZ /M1 )2 |δ| 0.061 • CDF Run II 200 pb σ ⋅Br(Z’ → l+l−) [pb] • Drell-Yan data of Stueckelberg Z ! −1 10 mZ ! > 250 GeV for δ ≈ 0.035 , mZ ! > 375 GeV for δ ≈ 0.06 . StSM ε constrained by EW StSM ε = 0.05 StSM ε = 0.04 StSM ε = 0.03 StSM ε = 0.02 + − CDF µ µ 95% C.L. + − CDF e e 95% C.L. + − 95% C.L. CDF l l + − 95% C.L. D0 µ µ D0 (e+ e− + γ γ) 95% C.L. the region 1 2 # %1 # sin W 2 of Eq. (5) on Next we obta by using a fit We follow cl [14] [see als vector (vf ) an in the StSM. plings of the • Z ! width is narrow, since Z ! → SM fermions are suppressed by mixing angles! −2 10 −3 10 200 250 300 350 11 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 StSM Z’ Mass [GeV] FIG. 1 (color online). Z0 signal in StSM using the CDF [1] and D0 [2] data. The data put a lower limit of about 250 GeV on MZ0 for " ) 0:035 and 375 GeV for " ) 0:06. v‘ %a‘ & where %L;R a (in general c corrections f Hidden Fermions • Add a pair of Dirac fermion χ and χ̄ in the hidden sector. Then JXµχ C −LN int = χ̄γ µ QχX χ = · · · + gX Cµ JXµχ " ! χ χ ! µ χ = · · · + χ̄γ #γ Aµ + #Z Zµ + #Z ! Zµ χ #χγ = gX QχX (−cθ sφ ) , #χZ = gX QχX (sψ cφ + sθ sφ cψ ) , #χZ ! = gX QχX (cψ cφ − sθ sφ sψ ) • Z ! couples to χ is not suppressed. Its width needs not to be narrow. Drell-Yan constraint may be relaxed, if Z ! → χχ̄ is kinematic allowed. • Photon couples to χ can be milli-charged! (#χγ # e) • χ is stable! In general, all hidden fermions are stable w.r.t. U (1)X . [Feinberg, Kabir, and Weinberg, PRL 3, 527 (1957)] 12 Collider Phenomenology • Z ! → invisible χχ̄ mode is dominant. 100 Z’ -> ! -! branching ratio 10-1 10-2 10-3 u+d+s+c+b e+µ " 10 -4 200 t # 300 400 500 600 700 mZ’ (GeV) 800 900 1000 • LEPII constraint (e+ e− → Z " γ → γ + missing energy). 0.3 45 < !" < 135 DELPHI data Cross Section limits (pb) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 100 120 140 160 mZ’ / Missing mass (GeV) 180 200 • CDF Drell-Yan constraint (pp̄ → Z ! → e+ e− ) 10-1 !(Z’) * B(Z’ -> e+ e-) (pb) 10-2 CDF 95% C.L. upper limit 10-3 10-4 10-5 Stueckelberg Z’ 10-6 10-7 200 300 400 500 600 mZ’ (GeV) 700 800 900 • LHC prediction: pp → Z ! + monojet 10 0 LHC: pp -> j+Z’ Cross Section (pb) pTj > 20 GeV, |!j| < 2.5 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 200 gX = g2, " = 0.03 400 600 800 1000 mZ’ (GeV) 1200 1400 • ILC prediction: e+ e− → Z " + γ 10 -1 | cos !" | < 0.95 Cross Sections (pb) E" > 10 GeV 10 -2 Ecm = 0.5 TeV 10 -3 Ecm = 1 TeV Ecm = 1.5 TeV 10 -4 200 400 600 800 mZ’ (GeV) 1000 1200 1400 Astrophysical Implication • χ as milli-charged dark matter candidate. [Goldberg and Hall (1986); Holdom (1986)] • WMAP constraint ΩCDM h2 = 0.105 ± 0.009 (WMAP) 0.1 pb ! "σv# ! 0.95 ± 0.08 pb Ωχ h ! "σv# 2 • Relic density calculation • χχ̄ → fSM f¯SM , γZ ! , ZZ ! are considered. • Thermal average in σv is ignored and v 2 ! 0.1 is used. 0.1 0.14 (a) (b) "v = 0.95 +- 0.16 pb 0.08 0.12 "v = 0.95 +- 0.16 pb mZ’ = 300 GeV m# = 60 GeV ! m# = 60 GeV ! 0.06 mZ’ = 600 GeV 0.1 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 gX 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 gX 500 (d) 450 mZ’ (GeV) 400 350 300 "v = 0.95 +- 0.16 pb 250 gX = g2, ! = 0.03 200 150 50 100 150 m# (GeV) 200 250 • WMAP constraint =⇒ gX ∼ g2 and δ = tan φ = M2 /M1 ∼ O(10−2 ) • Indirect detection of χ • Monochromatic line from χχ̄ → γγ, γZ, γZ ! could be “smoking gun” signal of dark matter annihilation at Galaxy center. • Photon flux −12 dNγ Φγ (∆Ω, E) ≈ 5.6 × 10 dEγ ! σv pb "! 1 TeV mχ "2 J(∆Ω)∆Ω cm−2 s−1 with the quantity J(ψ) defined by ! "2 # 1 1 2 J(ψ) = dsρ (r(s, ψ)) 3 8.5 kpc 0.3 GeV/cm line of sight • J(ψ) depends on the halo profile ρ of the dark matter • TeV gamma-rays from Sgr A* (hypothetical super-massive black hole) near the Galactic center had been observed recently by CANGAROO, Whipple, HESS. • These may play the role of continuum background for dark matter detection. Detectability of photon line above continuum background at GLAST and HESS [Zaharijas and Hooper, PRD 73 (2006) 103501] 2 −14 −13 −2 −1 1.9 × (TeV/m ) × (10 − 10 ) cm s Photon flux > χ ∼ 21 Fig. 1.—Broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of Sgr A*. Radio data are from Zylka et al. (1995), and the IR data for quiescent state and for flare are from Genzel et al. (2003). X-ray fluxes measured by Chandra in the quiescent state and during a flare are from Baganoff et al. (2001, 2003). XMMNewton measurements of the X-ray flux in a flaring state is from Porquet et al. (2003). In the same plot we also show the recent INTEGRAL detection of a hard X-ray flux; however, because of relatively poor angular resolution, the relevance of this flux to Sgr A* hard X-ray emission (Bélanger et al. 2004) is not yet •established. The same is true also for the EGRET data ( MayerTeV gamma-rays from Sgr A* (hypothetical super-massive black Hasselwander et al. 1998), which do not allow localization of the GeV source hole) near the Galactic center had been observed recently by with accuracy better than 1% . The very high energy gamma-ray fluxes are obCANGAROO, Whipple, HESS. tained by the CANGAROO (Tsuchiya et al. 2004), Whipple ( Kosack et al. These may play the et role continuum background dark matter 2004), and•HESS (Aharonian al.of2004) groups. Note thatforthe GeV and TeV Detectability line above background gamma-raydetection. fluxes reported from of thephoton direction of thecontinuum Galactic center may originate in sources different from Sgr A*; therefore, strictly should at GLAST and HESS [Zaharijas and Hooper, PRDspeaking, 73 (2006) they 103501] be considered as upper limits of radiation2 from −14 Sgr A*.−13[See −2 the −1 electronic > 1.9 × (TeV/mχ ) × (10 Photon flux − 10 ) cm s edition of the Journal for∼a color version of this figure.] • Aharonian and Neronov, Astrophys. Journal 619, 306 (2005) # Gamma Ray Fluxes from ΧΧ & ΓΓ,ΓZ,ΓZ, $Γ !cm#2 s#1 " 1. " 10#12 # ΧΧ & ΓZ, #14 1. " 10 '''' J ( 100, )* ( 10#3 MZ' ( 300 GeV 1. " 10#16 # ΧΧ & ΓΓ # ΧΧ & ΓZ 1. " 10#18 100 200 300 mΧ !GeV" 400 500 600 Conclusions • Stueckelberg Z ! extension of SM is interesting. • Phenomenology of Stueckelberg Z ! is different from traditional Z ! . Mass limits can be much lower. • Hidden fermion carries milli-charge. • Hidden fermion is viable dark matter candidate. • New invisible decay mode of Z ! → χχ̄ other than neutrinos has great impact on phenomenology. • Hidden fermion annihilation at Galactic center can give rise “smoking gun” signal of monochromatic line that can be probed by next generation of gamma-ray exps. However, it faces big challenge from astrophysical background, e.g. gamma-ray from Sgr A*. Perhaps continuum spectrum from secondary photons due to processes like χχ̄ → fSM f¯SM , W + W − , ... are important!