News from the lattice Laurent Lellouch CPT Marseille with Dürr, Fodor, Frison, Hoelbling, Katz, Krieg, Kurth, Lellouch, Lippert, Portelli, Ramos, Szabo, Vulvert (Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal Collaboration) lavi net Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Some of the questions that we would like to answer Can one show that the mass of ordinary matter comes from QCD? What are the masses of the light u, d (and s) quarks which are the building blocks of ordinary matter? Is our understanding of quark flavor mixing and the fundamental asymmetry between matter and antimatter, which it leads to, correct? Does dark matter couple strongly enough to ordinary matter to make it visible with current detectors? Can one show that QCD and QED explain why the proton is lighter than the neutron? (If Mp > MN , there would be no atoms . . .) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle allows the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs which can induce the decay of other particles (e.g. vac. → ūu ⇒ ρ → ππ) Does QCD describe ρ → ππ correctly? Can a confining gauge theory such as QCD explain electroweak symmetry breaking and the masses of elementary particles? (Technicolor at LHC?) → ask C.-J. David Lin! All require quantitative understanding of nonperturbative strong interaction effects ⇒ only known ab initio approach is Lattice QCD Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 What is Lattice QCD (LQCD)? Lattice gauge theory −→ mathematically sound definition of NP QCD: Uµ (x) = eiagAµ (x) UV (and IR) cutoffs and a well defined path 6r r r r r r integral in Euclidean spacetime: r r r r r r Z r r r r r r R −SG − ψ̄D[M]ψ r r r r r r hOi = DUDψ̄Dψ e O[U, ψ, ψ̄] T r r r rr r Z ? r r6 r r r r = DU e−SG det(D[M]) O[U]Wick DUe−SG det(D[M]) ≥ 0 and finite # of dof’s → evaluate numerically using stochastic methods r r r r r r ?r r r r r r r r r r NOT A MODEL: LQCD is QCD when a → 0, V → ∞ and stats → ∞ In practice, limitations . . . Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 r r r r L r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ψ(x) r a 6 r ? r r r r r r r r - Limitations: statistical and systematic errors Limited computer resources → a, L and mq are compromises and statistics finite Quenching: in past, det(D[M]) → cst Being removed w/ difficult 2+1 calculations √ Statistical: 1/ Nconf Eliminate w/ Nconf → ∞ Discretization: aΛQCD , amq , a|~p|, with a−1 ∼ 2 − 4 GeV Eliminate w/ a → 0: need at least three a’s ph ph ph Chiral extrapolation: mud barely reachable ⇒ mq [> mud ] → mud Difficult calculations w/ Mπ < ∼ 350 MeV + χPT or Taylor expansions ph Better: simulate directly at mud 2 −M L π Mπ e → Mπ L > Finite volume: simple quantities ∼ πF ∼ 4 usually safe (Mπ L)3/2 π Resonant states more complicated Eliminate with L → ∞ (+ χPT) Renormalization: in all field theories must renormalize; Can be done in PT, best done nonperturbatively Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Why is LQCD so numerically difficult? # of d.o.f. ∼ O(109 ) and large overhead for det(D[M]) (∼ 109 × 109 matrix) phys cost of simulations increases rapidly when mu,d → mu,d &a→0 L = 2.5 fm, T = 8.6 fm, a = 0.09 fm 10 Tflops x year/500 configs Physical point 8 Wilson fermions (≤ 2004) Wilson −3 −7 a cost ∼ Nconf V 5/4 mu,d 6 4 Serious cost wall Staggered (R-algorithm) ⇒ can physical mu,d ever be reached? 2 0 0 (Ukawa ’02) 0.25 0.5 0.75 Mπ/Mρ a=0.04fm 20 15 Observe very long-lived autocorrelations of topological charge vs MC time (Schaefer et al 5 Q ’09, quenched) 10 ⇒ a → 0 may be even harder than anticipated 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 100 200 300 τ Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 400 500 How we overcome these problems Dürr et al (BMW), PRD79 2009 Nf = 2 + 1 QCD: degenerate u & d w/ mass mud and s quark w/ mass ms ∼ msphys 1) Discretization which balances improvement in gauge/fermionic sector and CPU cost: tree-level O(a2 )-improved gauge action (Lüscher et al ’85) tree-level O(a)-improved Wilson fermion (Sheikholeslami et al ’85) w/ 6-stout or 2-HEX smearing (Morningstar et al ’04, Hasenfratz et al ’01, Capitani et al ’06) ⇒ approach to continuum is improved (O(αs a, a2 ) instead of O(a)) 2) Highly optimized algorithms (see also Urbach et al ’06): Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) for u and d and Rational HMC (RHMC) for s mass preconditioning (Hasenbusch ’01) multiple timescale integration of molecular dynamics (MD) (Sexton et al ’92) Higher-order (Omelyan) integrator for MD (Takaishi et al ’06) mixed precision acceleration of inverters via iterative refinement 3) Highly optimized codes Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Where does the mass of ordinary matter come from? → Higgs? SEWSB? . . . ? ⇒ mass of fundamental particles ⇒ / mass of ordinary matter > 99% of mass of visible universe is in the form of p & n Mass of object usually sum of mass of constituents: not true for light hadrons Light hadron masses are generated by QCD through energy imparted to q & g via: m = E/c 2 Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Ab initio calculation of the light hadron spectrum Dürr et al, Science 322 (2008) 1224 Aim: determine light hadron spectrum, at few percent level, directly in QCD in calculation w/ all sources of systematic errors under control ⇒ i. Inclusion of Nf = 2 + 1 sea quark effects w/ an exact algorithm and w/ a unitary, local action whose universality class is known to be QCD (→ see above) ⇒ ii. 3 parameters of Nf =2 + 1 QCD (mud , ms & ΛQCD ) by observables w/ small undisputed errors, transparent connection to experiment and no hidden assumptions ⇒ iii. Complete spectrum for the light mesons and octet and decuplet baryons ⇒ iv. Large volumes to guarantee negligible finite-size effects (→ check) ph ⇒ v. Controlled interpolations to msph (straightforward) and extrapolations to mud (difficult) ph Of course, simulating directly around mud would be better! ⇒ vi. Controlled extrapolations to the continuum limit → at least 3 a’s in the scaling regime ⇒ vii. Complete analysis of systematic uncertainties Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Simulation parameters: BMW ’08 β, a [fm] 3.3 ∼ 0.125 3.57 ∼ 0.085 3.7 ∼ 0.065 amud -0.0960 -0.1100 -0.1200 -0.1233 -0.1265 -0.03175 -0.03175 -0.03803 -0.03803 -0.044 -0.044 -0.0483 -0.0483 -0.007 -0.013 -0.02 -0.022 -0.025 Mπ [GeV] 0.65 0.51 0.39 0.33 0.27 0.51 0.51 0.42 0.41 0.31 0.31 0.20 0.19 0.65 0.56 0.43 0.39 0.31 ams -0.057 -0.057 -0.057 -0.057 -0.057 0.0 -0.01 0.0 -0.01 0.0 -0.07 0.0 -0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 L3 × T 163 × 32 163 × 32 163 × 64 163 × 64 | 243 × 64 | 323 × 64 243 × 64 243 × 64 243 × 64 243 × 64 243 × 64 323 × 64 323 × 64 483 × 64 483 × 64 323 × 96 323 × 96 323 × 96 323 × 96 403 × 96 # traj. 10000 1450 4500 5000 | 2000 | 1300 700 1650 1650 1350 1550 1000 1000 500 1000 1100 1450 2050 1350 1450 # of trajectories given is after thermalization autocorrelation times (plaquette, nCG ) less than ≈ 10 trajectories 2 runs with 10000 and 4500 trajectories −→ no long-range correlations found Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 ad ii, iii: QCD parameters and light hadron masses Nf =2+1 QCD in isospin limit has 3 parameters which have to be fixed w/ expt: ΛQCD : fixed w/ Ω or Ξ mass don’t decay through the strong interaction have good signal have a weak dependence on mud → 2 separate analyse and compare (mud , ms ): fixed using Mπ and MK Determine masses of remaining non-singlet light hadrons in K ∗0 r − ρ r T T ρ0 rK T rrr ω φ Tr r K K̄ ∗− ∗− T + Tr ρ ∗0 r rp T n − Σ r T T Tr Ξ Laurent Lellouch − Σ0 rr Λ r q T q ∆− T + Tr Σ TqΣ T Ξ0 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 q∆+ ∆0 ∗− qΣ ∗0 q∆++ qΣ∗+ ∗− q ∗0 q TΞ Ξ TT qΩ− ad iii: fits to 2-point functions in different channels e.g. in pseudoscalar channel, Mπ from correlated fit + ~ + ~ 1 X 0tT h0|d̄γ5 u|π (0)ihπ (0)|ūγ5 d|0i −Mπ t CPP (t) ≡ h[d̄γ5 u](x)[ūγ5 d](0)i −→ e (L/a)3 2Mπ ~ x aM Effective mass aM(t + a/2) = log[C(t)/C(t + a)] 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Effective masses for simulation at a ≈ 0.085 fm and Mπ ≈ 0.19 GeV N K 4 8 Gaussian sources and sinks with r ∼ 0.32 fm (BMW ’08) 12 t/a Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 ad iv: (I) Virtual pion loops around the world In large volumes FVE ∼ e−Mπ L Mπ L > ∼ 4 expected to give L → ∞ masses within our statistical errors For a ≈ 0.125 fm and Mπ ≈ 0.33 GeV, perform FV study Mπ L = 3.5 → 7 0.8 volume dependence MpL=4 0.225 volume dependence MpL=4 -M L -3/2 0.22 aMN aMp -M L -3/2 c1+ c2 e p L fit Colangelo et. al. 2005 c1+ c2 e p L fit Colangelo et. al. 2005 0.75 0.215 0.7 0.21 12 16 20 24 L/a 28 32 36 12 16 20 24 L/a 28 Well described by (Dürr and Colangelo et al, 2005) 2 MX (L) − MX Mπ 1 −Mπ L =C e MX πFπ (Mπ L)3/2 Though very small, we fit them out Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 32 36 ad iv: (II) Finite volume effects for resonances Important since 5/12 of hadrons studied are resonances Systematic treatment of resonant states in finite volume (Lüscher, ’85-’91) 4 e.g., the ρ ↔ ππ system in the COM frame Non-interacting: E2π = 2(Mπ2 + k 2 )1/2 , ~k = 2π~n/L, ~n ∈ Z 3 E2π/Mπ 3.5 3 Interacting case: k solution of 2.5 nπ−δ11 (k ) = φ(q), n ∈ Z , q = kL/2π 2 Mρ/Mπ = 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 MπL Know L and lattice gives E2π and Mπ ⇒ infinite volume mass of resonance and coupling to decay products in this calculation, low sensitivity to width (compatible w/ expt w/in large errors) small but dominant FV correction for resonances Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 8 ph ad v: extrapolation to mud and interpolation to msph Consider two approaches to the physical QCD limit for a hadron mass MX : 1 Mass-independent scale setting 2 Simulation-by-simulation normalization For both normalization procedures, use parametrization (0) MX = MX + αK MK2 + απ Mπ2 + h.o.t. linear term in MK2 is sufficient for interpolation to msph ph curvature in Mπ2 is visible in extrapolation to mud in some channels → two options for h.o.t.: ChPT: expansion about Mπ2 = 0 and h.o.t. ∝ Mπ3 (Langacker et al ’74) Flavor: expansion about center of Mπ2 interval considered and h.o.t. ∝ Mπ4 Further estimate of contributions of neglected h.o.t. by restricting fit interval: Mπ ≤ 650 → 550 → 450 MeV → use 2 × 2 × 3 combinations of options for error estimate Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 ad vi: including the continuum extrapolation Cutoff effects formally O(αs a) and O(a2 ) Small and cannot distinguish a and a2 Include through MXph → MXph [1 + γX a] or MXph [1 + γX a2 ] → difference used for systematic error estimation not sensitive to ams or amud 2 Ω N M [GeV] 1.5 K 1 a~0.125 fm a~0.085 fm a~ ~0.065 fm 0.5 physical Mπ 0 0.1 * 0.2 0.3 2 2 Mπ [GeV ] Laurent Lellouch 0.4 0.5 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 ad vii: systematic and statistical error estimate Uncertainties associated with: Continuum extrapolation → O(a) vs O(a2 ) Extrapolation to physical mass point → ChPT vs Taylor expansion → 3 Mπ ranges ≤ 650 MeV, 550 MeV, 450 MeV Normalization → MX vs RX ⇒ contributions to physical mass point extrapolation (and continuum extrapolation) uncertainties Excited state contamination → 18 time fit ranges for 2pt fns Volume extrapolation → include or not leading exponential correction ⇒ 432 procedures which are applied to 2000 bootstrap samples, for each of Ξ and Ω scale setting Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 ad vii: systematic and statistical error estimate → distribution for MX : weigh each of the 432 results for MX in original bootstrap sample by fit quality median median 0.25 Nucleon 0.3 Omega 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 900 920 940 MN [MeV] 960 980 1640 1660 1680 MΩ [MeV] 1700 Median → central value Central 68% CI → systematic error Central 68% CI of bootstrap distribution of medians → statistical error Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 1720 Post-dictions for the light hadron spectrum 2000 Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration O X* 1500 M[MeV] X S S* D L 1000 r 500 K* N experiment K width input p QCD 0 Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 |Vus /Vud | from K , π → µν̄(γ) In experiment see _ u 1111 0000 0000 _1111 0000 1111 0000 π 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 d 1111 µ W ∝ Vud h0|ūγµ γ5 d|π − i ∝ Vud Fπ ν Have (Marciano ’04, Flavianet ’08) Γ(K → µν̄(γ)) |Vus | FK −→ = 0.2760(6) [0.22%] Γ(π → µν̄(γ)) |Vud | Fπ ⇒ need high precision nonperturbative calculation of FK /Fπ Use our ’08 data sets (Mπ → 190 MeV, a ≈ 0.065 ÷ 0.125 fm, L → 4 fm) to compute FK /Fπ Perform 1512 independent full analyses of our data ⇒ systematic error distribution for FK /Fπ (as above) Get statistical error from bootstrap analysis on 2000 samples Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 FK /Fπ in QCD Dürr et al, PRD81 ’10 1.25 β=3.3 β=3.57 β=3.7 Taylor extrapolation FK/Fπ 1.2 0.12 Distribution of values Taylor SU(2) SU(3) 0.1 0.08 1.15 0.06 1.1 0.04 0.02 1.05 0 1.17 1 100 2 200 2 2 300 2 2 Mπ[MeV ] 400 1.175 1.18 1.185 1.19 1.195 1.2 1.205 2 FK = 1.192(7)stat (6)syst [0.8%] Fπ phys Main source of sytematic error: extrapolation mud → mud ; then a → 0 Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 1.21 FK /Fπ summary and CKM unitarity FK/Fπ 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.26 Nf=2 Nf=2+1 BMW 10 JLQCD/TWQCD 09A MILC 09A MILC 09 ALVdW 08 PACS-CS 08, 08B HPQCD/UKQCD 07 RBC/UKQCD 07 NPLQCD 06 MILC 04 x our estimate for Nf = 2+1 ETM 09 ETM 07 QCDSF/UKQCD 07 our estimate for Nf = 2 x FLAG ’10 estimates (direct) FK Fπ FK Fπ = 1.193(6) = 1.210(6)(17) ⇒ FK /Fπ , |Vud | and |Vus | in terms of lattice f+ (0) (Flavianet Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG) ’10) h i Gq2 2 2 2 |Vud | 1 + |Vus /Vud | + |Vub /Vud | = 1.0001(9) [0.09%] Gµ2 If assume true result within 2σ then, naively, ΛNP ≥ 1.9 TeV Laurent Lellouch Nf = 2 (x) FLAG determinations assuming the SM: expt for ΓK ` , 2 ΓK ` and |Vub | (neglible contribution), plus SM 3 universality and CKM unitarity (|Vud |2 + |Vus |2 + |Vub |2 = 1) 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.26 Find Nf = 2 + 1 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Light quark masses at the physical mass point Masses of light u, d and s quarks → fundamental parameters of the Standard Model (SM) Stability of atoms, nuclear reactions which power stars, presence or absence of strong CP violation, etc. depend critically on precise values Values carry information about flavor structure of BSM physics Quarks are confined w/in hadrons ⇒ a nonperturbative computation is required Deviation of mud ≡ (mu + md )/2 from zero brings only very small corrections to most hadronic observables ⇒ its determination is a needle in haystack problem Fortunately, QCD spontaneously breaks chiral symmetry ⇒ masses of resulting Nambu-Goldstone mesons very sensitive the light quark masses ⇒ presence of chiral logs near physical point ph ⇒ must get very close to mud to control mass dependence precisely → quark masses are an interesting first “measurement” to make w/ physical point LQCD simulations Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Current knowledge of the light quark masses FLAG has performed a detailed analysis of unquenched lattice determinations of the light quark masses (“our estimate” = FLAG estimate) mud 4 5 60 6 Nf=2+1 Blum 10 PACS-CS 09 HPQCD 09 MILC 09A MILC 09 PACS-CS 08 RBC/UKQCD 08 CP-PACS 07 MILC 07 HPQCD 05 MILC 04 our estimate for Nf = 2+1 Nf=2 JLQCD/TWQCD 08A RBC 07 ETM 07 QCDSF/UKQCD 06 SPQcdR 05 QCDSF/UKQCD 04 JLQCD 02 CP-PACS 01-03 our estimate for Nf = 2 2 3 MS mud (2 GeV) 4 MeV = 5 80 ms 100 120 Blum 10 PACS-CS 09 HPQCD 09 MILC 09A MILC 09 PACS-CS 08 RBC/UKQCD 08 CP-PACS 07 MILC 07 HPQCD 05 MILC 04 our estimate for Nf = 2+1 RBC 07 ETM 07 QCDSF/UKQCD 06 SPQcdR 05 ALPHA 05 QCDSF/UKQCD 04 JLQCD 02 CP-PACS 01-03 our estimate for Nf = 2 Dominguez 09 Narison 06 Maltman 01 Dominguez 09 Chetyrkin 06 Jamin 06 Narison 06 Vainshtein 78 PDG 09 PDG 09 6 60 3.4(4) MeV [12%] FLAG 2.5 ÷ 5.0 MeV [30%] PDG 80 MS ms (2 GeV) 100 MeV = 120 ⇒ phys MILC,eff mud ≥ 3.7 × mud perturbative renormalization (albeit 2 loops) Laurent Lellouch 140 95.(10) MeV [11%] FLAG 70 ÷ 130 MeV [30%] PDG Even extensive study by MILC does not control all systematics: MπRMS ≥ 260 MeV 140 Nf=2+1 3 Nf=2 2 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 My dream calculation Requirements for ab initio calculations (i-vii) given earlier + 2 ingredients which guarantee added precision: Nf = 2 + 1 calculations all the way down to Mπ ∼ 130 MeV to allow small interpolation to physical mass point (Mπ = 134.8(3) MeV) Full nonperturbative renormalization and nonperturbative continuum extrapolated running for determining renormalization group invariant (RGI) quark masses Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Where do we stand? All simulations w/ Nf ≥ 2 + 1 and Mπ ≤ 400 MeV . . . (points for our currently running, next-to-finest simulations at β = 3.7 are estimates) MILC ’10 QCDSF ’10 PACS-CS ’09 RBC/UK. ’10 HSC ’08 ETMC ’10 BMW ’08 This work 2 2 a [fm ] 2 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] (from C. Hoelbling, Lattice 2010) Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Where do we stand? . . . and w/ unitary, local gauge and fermion actions. . . QCDSF ’10 PACS-CS ’09 RBC/UK. ’10 HSC ’08 ETMC ’10 BMW ’08 This work 2 2 a [fm ] 2 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Where do we stand? . . . and w/ sea u and d quarks clearly in the chiral regime, i.e. Mπmin ≤ 250 MeV. . . PACS-CS ’09 BMW ’08 This work 2 2 2 a [fm ] 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Where do we stand? . . . and w/ sea u and d quarks at or below physical mass point . . . PACS-CS ’09 This work 2 2 2 a [fm ] 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 Laurent Lellouch 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Where do we stand? . . . and w/ volumes such that FV errors ≤ 0.5% – PACS-CS has LMπ = 1.97 . . . This work 2 2 2 a [fm ] 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 Laurent Lellouch 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Where do we stand? . . . and w/ at least three a ≤ 0.1 fm – PACS-CS has only 1 a ∼ 0.09 fm This work 2 2 2 a [fm ] 0.100 2 0.050 0 0 2 200 Laurent Lellouch 2 300 2 2 Mπ [MeV ] NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 2 400 Does our smearing enhance discretization errors? ⇒ scaling study: Nf = 3 w/ 2 HEX action, 4 lattice spacings (a ' 0.06 ÷ 0.15fm), Mπ L > 4 fixed and q Mπ /Mρ = 2(MKph )2 − (Mπph )2 /Mφph ∼ 0.67 1750 1750 1700 1700 1650 M∆ MN 1600 1650 0.20 fm 0.18 fm 0.15 fm 0.15 fm 1800 M[MeV] M[MeV] 1800 0.10 fm 0.06 fm 1850 0.10 fm 1850 0.06 fm i.e. mq ∼ msph M∆ MN 1600 1550 1550 1500 1500 1450 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 αa[fm] 0.04 0.05 0 0.06 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 2 a [fm ] BMW ’10 BMW ’08 MN and M∆ are linear in αs a out to a ∼ 0.15 fm ⇒ very good scaling: discret. errors < ∼ 2% out to a ∼ 0.15 fm Laurent Lellouch 2 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 Does our smearing enhance discretization errors? Perhaps 2 HEX works for spectral quantities but not for short distance dominated quantities ⇒ repeat ALPHA’s 2000 quenched milestone determination of r0 (ms + mud )MS (2 GeV) Perform quenched calculation w/ Wilson glue and 2 HEX fermions 5 β w/ a ∼ 0.06 ÷ 0.15 fm At least 4 mq per β w/ Mπ L > 4 and fixed L ' 1.84fm Calculate (1 − amW /2)mW m(µ) = ZS (µ) w/ mW = mbare − mcrit Determine ZS (µ) using RI/MOM NPR (Martinelli et al ’95) and run nonperturbatively in continuum to µ = 4 GeV (see below) Interpolate in r0 MPS to r0 MKphys mRI (4 GeV) −→ mMS (2 GeV) perturbatively Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Quenched check: determination of r0 (ms + mud ) Perform continuum extrapolation of r0 (ms + mud )MS (2 GeV) (preliminary) 0.34 0.32 (mud+ms)r0 0.3 0.28 0.26 0.24 Garden et al., [Nucl.Phys.B 2000] αa-extrapolation 0.22 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 αa/r0 With full systematic analysis r0 (ms + mud )MS (2 GeV) = 0.262(4)(3) Excellent agreement w/ ALPHA r0 (ms + mud )MS (2 GeV) = 0.261(9) Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Nf = 2 + 1 simulation parameters 38 + 9, Nf = 2 + 1 phenomenological runs: 5 a ' 0.054 ÷ 0.116 fm Mπmin ' 135, 130, 120, 180, 220 MeV L up to 6 fm and such that δFV ≤ 0.5% on Mπ for all runs phys 10 + 3 different values of ms around ms Determine lattice spacing using MΩ 17 + 4, Nf = 3 RI/MOM runs at same β as phenomenological runs: phys At least 4 mq ∈ [ms phys /3, ms ] per β for chiral extrapolation L ≥ 1.7 fm in all runs Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Do we see chiral logs? Simultaneous fit of Mπ2 and Fπ vs mud to NLO SU(2) χPT expressions (Gasser et al, ’84) 2 2 1 Λ Λ4 3 Mπ2 = M 2 1 − x log F = F 1 + x log π 2 M2 M2 w/ M 2 = 2Bmud and x = M 2 /(4πF )2 Fixed a ' 0.09 fm and Mπ ' 130 → 400 MeV (preliminary) 2.8 0.055 aFπ 0.05 2.6 2 aMπ/mud PCAC 2.7 0.045 2.5 2.4 0.04 0.005 0.01 0.005 Consistent w/ NLO χPT . . . Laurent Lellouch 0.01 PCAC amud PCAC amud NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 VWI and AWI masses: ratio-difference method With Nf = 2 + 1, O(a)-improved Wilson fermions, can construct the following renormalized, O(a)-improved quantities (using Bhattacharya et al ’06) (ms − mud )VWI bS bare 1 W W = (msbare − mud ) 1− a(mud + msW ) − b̄S a(2mud + msW ) + O(a2 ) ZS 2 w/ mW = mbare − mcrit and i msPCAC h msAWI bare bare = PCAC 1 + (bA − bP ) a(ms − mud ) AWI mud mud w/ mPCAC P ¯ 1 ~x h∂µ [Aµ (x) + acA ∂µ P(x)] P(0)i P ≡ 2 ~ x hP(x)P(0)i and bA,P,S = 1 + O(αs ), b̄A,P,S = O(αs2 ), cA = O(αs ) Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Ratio-difference method (cont’d) Define d≡ amsbare − bare amud , msPCAC r ≡ PCAC mud and subtracted bare masses sub amud ≡ d , r −1 amssub ≡ rd r −1 Then, with our tree-level O(a)-improvement, renormalized masses can be written mud i sub h a sub mud sub 1 − (mud + ms ) + O(αs a) = ZS 2 i mssub h a sub sub ms = 1 − (mud + ms ) + O(αs a) ZS 2 Benefits: Only ZS (non-singlet) is required and difficult RI/MOM ZP is circumvented No need to determine mcrit Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Improved RI/MOM for ZS Determine ZSRI (µ, a) nonperturbatively in RI/MOM scheme, from truncated, forward quark two-point functions in Landau gauge (Martinelli et al ’95), computed on specifically generated Nf = 3 gauge configurations Use S(p) → S̄(p) = S(p) − TrD [S(p)]/4 (Becirevic et al ’00) ⇒ tree-level O(a) improvement ⇒ significant improvement in S/N ⇒ recover usual massless RI/MOM scheme for mRGI → 0 For controlled errors, require: (a) µ 2π/a for a → 0 extrapolation (b) µ ΛQCD if masses are to be used in perturbative context i.e. the window problem, which we solve as follows Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Ad (a): RI/MOM at sufficiently low scale Controlled continuum extrapolation of renormalized mass ⇒ renormalize at µ where RI/MOM O(αs a) errors are small for all β For coarsest (β = 3.31) lattice, 2π/a ' 11 GeV Restrict study of ZSRI (µ, a) to µ < ∼ π/2a ' 2.7 GeV (β = 3.31) Pick µren ∼ 2 GeV as common renormalization point for all β Can take a → 0 ⇒ continuum mRI (µren ) determined fully nonperturbatively . . . . . . but not very useful for phenomenology since RI/MOM perturbative error still significant at such µren Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Ad (b): nonperturbative continuum running to 4 GeV To make result useful, run nonperturbatively in continuum limit up to perturbative scale For µ : µren → 4 GeV, always have at least 3 a w/ µ < ∼ π/2a ⇒ can determine nonperturbative running in continuum limit ZSRI (4 GeV, a) R (µren , 4 GeV) = lim a→0 Z RI (µren , a) S RI 0.9 ^ RI 2 ZS (µ ) 0.8 Preliminary 0.7 Running is very similar at all 4 β β=3.8 β=3.7 β=3.61 β=3.5 β=3.31 0.6 ⇒ flat a → 0 extrapolation 0.5 0 10 20 2 µ [GeV ] 30 40 2 Rescaled ZSRI (µ, aβ ) for β < 3.8 to ∼ match ZSRI (µ, aβ=3.8 ) Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Ad (b): running above 4 GeV For µ > 4 GeV, 4-loop perturbative running agrees w/ nonperturbative running on our finer lattices Preliminary β=3.8 µ=4GeV 2 ZS,nonpert(µ )/ZS,4-loop(µ ) 1.2 RI 2 RI 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 10 20 2 µ [GeV ] 30 2 Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 40 Continuum extrapolation of renormalized masses Renormalized quark masses interpolated in Mπ2 & MK2 to physical point using: SU(2) χPT or low-order polynomial anszätze w/ cuts on pion mass Mπ < 340, 380 MeV Example of continuum extrapolations (only statistical errors on data) Preliminary Preliminary 120 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 0.04 Laurent Lellouch 0 0.01 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 40 a=0.08 fm 80 RI a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 1 a=0.08 fm 2 ms (4GeV) [MeV] 3 RI mud(4GeV) [MeV] 4 0.04 Continuum extrapolation of renormalized masses Renormalized quark masses interpolated in Mπ2 & MK2 to physical point using: SU(2) χPT or low-order polynomial anszätze w/ cuts on pion mass Mπ < 340, 380 MeV Example of continuum extrapolations (only statistical errors on data) ... and syst. error due to chiral interp. Preliminary Preliminary σχ w/ Mπ >= 120 MeV 120 0 0 0.01 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 0.04 Laurent Lellouch 0 0 0.01 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 40 a=0.08 fm 80 RI a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 1 a=0.08 fm 2 ms (4GeV) [MeV] 3 RI mud(4GeV) [MeV] 4 0.04 Continuum extrapolation of renormalized masses Renormalized quark masses interpolated in Mπ2 & MK2 to physical point using: SU(2) χPT or low-order polynomial anszätze w/ cuts on pion mass Mπ < 340, 380 MeV Example of continuum extrapolations (only statistical errors on data) ... and syst. error due to chiral extrap. if Mπ ≥ Mπval |min MILC ' 180 MeV Preliminary Preliminary σχ w/ Mπ >= 120 MeV 0 0.01 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 0.04 Laurent Lellouch 0 0 0.01 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 40 a=0.08 fm 80 RI a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 1 a=0.08 fm 2 ms (4GeV) [MeV] 3 RI mud(4GeV) [MeV] 4 0 120 σχ w/ Mπ >= 180 MeV 0.04 Continuum extrapolation of renormalized masses Renormalized quark masses interpolated in Mπ2 & MK2 to physical point using: SU(2) χPT or low-order polynomial anszätze w/ cuts on pion mass Mπ < 340, 380 MeV Example of continuum extrapolations (only statistical errors on data) ... and syst. error due to chiral extrap. if Mπ ≥ MπRMS |min MILC ' 260 MeV (very small range) Preliminary Preliminary σχ w/ Mπ >= 120 MeV 0 0.01 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 0.04 Laurent Lellouch 0 0 0.01 NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 0.02 αa[fm] 0.03 a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm 40 a=0.08 fm a=0.06 fm a=0.12 fm a=0.10 fm a=0.06 fm 1 a=0.08 fm 2 80 RI 3 ms (4GeV) [MeV] σχ w/ Mπ >= 260 MeV RI mud(4GeV) [MeV] 4 0 120 σχ w/ Mπ >= 180 MeV 0.04 Conclusions Ab initio calculation of light hadrons masses → excellent agreement w/ experiment ⇒ vindication of (lattice) QCD in nonperturbative domain FK /Fπ in same approach → very competitive determination of |Vus | → stringent tests of the SM and constraints on NP phys Nf = 2 + 1 simulations have been performed all the way down to mud and below w/ ms ' msphys : 5 a ' 0.054 ÷ 0.116 fm Mπmin ' 135, 130, 120, 180, 220 MeV L up to 6 fm and such that δFV ≤ 0.5% on Mπ for all runs phys → eliminates large systematic error associated w/ reaching mud Described an RI/MOM procedure which includes continuum limit, nonperturbative running → eliminates large systematic error associated w/ the “window” problem Currently finalizing analysis of light quark masses Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Conclusions Systematic error will be estimated following an extended frequentist approach (Dürr et al, Science ’08) → expect total uncertainty on mud and ms to be of order 2% ⇒ will significantly improve knowledge of mud and ms whose errors are, at present, 12% [FLAG] ÷ 30% [PDG] HPQCD published results on mud w/ similar uncertainties, but these are obtained by fixing Nf = 2 + 1 QCD parameters w/: r1 for the scale – their r0 is 3.5 σ away from PACS-CS ’09 mc for the scale (?) and for renormalization – their mc has an error 13 times smaller than PDG! Ms̄s for ms – but ms is needed to determine Ms̄s !? MILC ms /mud for mud – not their ms /mud !? Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Conclusions In addtion, these results are obtained from simulations w/ MπRMS ≥ 260 MeV Imposing the cut Mπ ≥ 260 MeV on our results ⇒ δχ mud ∼ 0.1% −→ δχ mud ∼ 15% Imposing the cut Mπ ≥ 180 MeV (lightest MILC valence pion) on our results ⇒ δχ mud ∼ 0.1% −→ δχ mud ∼ 2% ⇒ smaller error requires assumptions on mass dependence of results which go beyond (partially quenched) NLO SU(2) χPT Fully controlled LQCD calculations can now be envisaged w/out any assumptions on light quark mass dependence of results The dream of simulating QCD w/ no ifs nor buts is finally becoming a reality Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010 Our “particle accelerators” IBM Blue Gene/P (Babel), GENCI-IDRIS Paris 139 Tflop/s peak IBM Blue Gene/P (JUGENE), FZ Jülich 1. Pflop/s peak BULL cluster (1024 Nehalem 8 core nodes), GENCI-CCRT Bruyère-le-Châtel 100 Tflop/s peak And computer clusters at Uni. Wuppertal and CPT Marseille Laurent Lellouch NCTS, Hsinchu, 26 Oct. 2010