Platform for measurement of Cooperation and Development-related Exchange flows between Developing Countries Draft proposal by the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation (ABC) SYNTHESIS TABLE YEAR: ______ II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) I - CATEGORY Capacity Development 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Hours per Person (technical instructors) Hours per Person (undergraduated) 1.6 Training 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Internships (Professional / Specialized) Secondment of civil servants/ experts sector) Deployment of Teachers (public officials) Volunteering (from civil society) Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Hours + Monetary value Scholarships Technical studies Quantity Hours + Monetary value Hours per Person (graduated) 1.5 Unit of measurement (public Number of hours worked Number of hours worked Monetary Value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Unit of measurement Quantity Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Hours + Monetary value Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Number of hours worked Monetary Value IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Unit of measurement Quantity 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) Hour Numbers of hours worked National Reports National Reports Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Unit Number of technical cooperation innitiatives implemented National Reports National Reports Hour Number of hours worked National Reports National Reports Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Unit Number oftechnical cooperation innitiatives implemented National Reports National Reports Hour Number ofof hours worked National Reports National Reports Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Unit Number of technical cooperation innitiatives implemented National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports Number of Students Scholarships + Monetary value Scholarship slots granted Scholarships + Monetary value Scholarship slots granted Individual Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Unit Vacancies + Monetary value Number of training vacancies offered Vacancies + Monetary value Number of training vacancies offered Individual Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Hours + Monetary value Number of hours worked Individual Individuals Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individual Individuals + Monetary value Teachers + Monetary value Individuals + Monetary value Number of Teachers Individuals Teachers + Monetary value V - EXPECTED OUTCOMES (Contribution to the SDG) % of Gender Number of estudies delivered Individuals % of Gender Individuals % of Gender Individuals % of Gender Individuals Number of Teachers Individual % of Gender Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individuals Individual % of Gender X:\CGCM\Quantificação da Coop Sul-Sul - ABC_IPEA_CEPAL_SEGIB_UNDESA_UNOSSC\final_dez\Platform_Measurement_SSC_plus_Exchanges_Version_1 1.11 Unit + Monetary value Number of (S&T) scholarship slots granted Unit + Monetary value Number of basic S&T research programs developed Science, Technology and Innovation - Joint research Unit + Monetary value Unit + Monetary value 1.12 Science, Technology and Innovation Researchers Number of applied S&T research developed Unit + Monetary value Number of (S&T) scholarship slots granted Unit + Monetary value Number of basic S&T research programs developed Unit + Monetary value Nuber of experimental developments in S&T Unit + Monetary value Number of applied S&T research developed Nuber of experimental developments in S&T Unit Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Unit Number of patents registered in the country and abroad National Reports National Reports Unit Number of documents published National Reports National Reports Unit Number of researches approved National Reports National Reports Unit Number of patents registered in the country and abroad National Reports National Reports Unit Number of documents published National Reports National Reports Unit Number of researches approved National Reports National Reports Unit Number of patents registered in the country and abroad National Reports National Reports Unit Number of documents published National Reports National Reports Unit Number of researches approved National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports Individuals Researches + Monetary value Number of Researchers Researches + Monetary value Number of Researchers Unit % of Gender 1.13 Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Public sources Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports 1.14 Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Private sources Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports 2 Capacity Development Associated Costs Unit of measurement Quantity Unit of measurement Quantity Unit of measurement Quantity 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) 2.1 Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value Monetary value 2.2 Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value Monetary value 2.3 Administration and management Monetary value Monetary value 2.4 Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Public sources Monetary value Monetary value 2.5 Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Private sources Monetary value Monetary value 2.6 Services (associated with capacity development) Monetary value Monetary value 2.7 Tax exemptions Monetary value Monetary value 2.8 Operational costs in the country Monetary value Monetary value 2.9 Operational costs abroad Monetary value Monetary value Monetary Value Monetary Value X:\CGCM\Quantificação da Coop Sul-Sul - ABC_IPEA_CEPAL_SEGIB_UNDESA_UNOSSC\final_dez\Platform_Measurement_SSC_plus_Exchanges_Version_1 3 Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees Unit of measurement Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Tonnes Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Monetary Value Quantity 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) Tonnes 3.1 Donation of food Quantity + Monetary value Tonnes Tonne + Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports % of Gender Unit 3.2 Donation of medicines and health supplies Unit + Monetary value Units donated Unit + Monetary value Individuals Individuals + Monetary value Units donated Unit + Individual Number of Individuals benefited Number of agents involved 3.3 Deployment of Health professionals Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individual Number of Individuals benefited % of Gender Number of agents involved 3.4 Humanitarian workers (public sector) Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individual Number of Individuals benefited % of Gender 3.5 Volunteers (humanitarian action)( from civil society) Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Individual Number of Individuals benefited % of Gender 3.6 Expenses associated with support to refugees Monetary value Monetary value Individual Number of Refugees assisted % of Gender Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Public sources Quantity + Monetary value Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Private sources Quantity + Monetary value 3.9 Services (associated with humanitarian action) Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value 3.10 Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value 3.11 Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value 3.12 Administration and management Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value 3.7 3.8 Quantity Quantity Quantity + Monetary value Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Quantity Quantity + Individual Quantity National Reports National Reports Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Quantity National Reports National Reports Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports Quantity + Individual X:\CGCM\Quantificação da Coop Sul-Sul - ABC_IPEA_CEPAL_SEGIB_UNDESA_UNOSSC\final_dez\Platform_Measurement_SSC_plus_Exchanges_Version_1 Peacekeeping Operations 4 4.1 Preparation and Mobilization Unit of measurement Quantity Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Unit + Monetary value Units donated Monetary Value Unit of measurement Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Quantity 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports Number of Operations Individuals + Monetary value Individuals Unit + Monetary value Units donated Unit + Individual Number of Individuals benefited Quantity 4.2 Logistical support Quantity + Individual Number of Individuals benefited 4.3 Troop engagement Individuals Individuals Individuals Individuals Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports 4.4 Demobilization Individuals Individuals Individuals Individuals Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Quantity Unit of measurement Monetary Value 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) 5.1 Grants - Public sources Financial Cooperation Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 5.2 Grants - Private sources Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 5.3 Concessional loans (only concessional %) Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 5.4 Debt relief Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 5.5 Official exports credits 5 6 Financial Contributions to International Organizations/Funds Unit of measurement Quantity Monetary Value Monetary value Unit of measurement Unit of measurement Monetary Value Monetary value Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Monetary value Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Monetary Value National Reports National Reports 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) 6.1 Payment of cotas in multilateral development funds Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 6.2 Regular contributions Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 6.3 Voluntary Contributions Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 6.4 Financial transfers for trilateral cooperation with international organizations, complementary to inkind inputs Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value National Reports National Reports 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports National Reports 7 Economic Cooperation Unit of measurement Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Quantity Monetary Value Unit of measurement Monetary Value Number of jobs created 7.1 Direct investment - Primary Sector Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value + Jobs % of Gender Number of jobs created 7.2 Direct investment - Secondary Sector Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value + Jobs % of Gender Number of jobs created 7.3 Direct investment - Service sector Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value + Jobs % of Gender 7.4 Construction of public facilities Monetary value 7.5 Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Public sources Quantity + Monetary value 7.6 Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Private sources 8 Foreign Trade Monetary value Monetary value + Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Quantity Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Monetary value + Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Quantity + Monetary value Quantity Monetary value + Individual Number of Individuals benefited National Reports National Reports Unit of measurement Quantity Unit of measurement Quantity 17 SDG (A) SDG/Country-level (B) Monetary Value 8.1 Exports to developing countries Monetary value Monetary value 8.2 Imports from developing countries Monetary value Monetary value Monetary Value Unit of measurement Monetary Value National Reports (A) Section V does not involve statistical data. Its purpose is to introduce a method to assist in the collection of qualitative data regarding the contributions of horizontal/South-South partnerships to the achievement of the SDG by developing countries. This analytical task would be shared between the partner developing countries as follows: i. The Government of the developing country using the Platform can describe in their national-level reports on international cooperation its contributions to the achievement of the SDG in its Partner Countries (“end-flow partners”). ii. The “end-flow Partner Countries” using the platform can describe in their national-level SDG follow-up reports the contribution of horizontal/South-South exchanges to their achievement of the SDG. (B) It is suggested that the contribution of foreign trade to a country´s development be reported separately, taking into account the following indicators: technology transfer; impact on human resources development; growth of productive capacity; increase in productivity; increase in "per capita" income; increase in tax collection. X:\CGCM\Quantificação da Coop Sul-Sul - ABC_IPEA_CEPAL_SEGIB_UNDESA_UNOSSC\final_dez\Platform_Measurement_SSC_plus_Exchanges_Version_1 II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development 1.1 - Hours per Person (technical instructors) 1.2 - Hours per Person (undergraduated) 1.3 - Hours per Person (graduated) 1.4 - Scholarships Category Number of hours worked LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value Scholarship slots granted Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development 1.5 - Technical studies Number of hours worked 1.7 - Internships (Professional / Specialized) 1.6 - Training Monetary value Number of training vacancies offered Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value 1.8 - Secondment of civil servants/ experts (public sector) Individuals Monetary value 1.9 - Deployment of Teachers (public officials) Number of Teachers Monetary value 1.10 - Volunteering (from civil society) Individuals Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development 1.11 - Science, Technology and Innovation joint research Number of (S&T) scholarship slots granted Monetary value Number of basic S&T research programs developed Monetary value Number of applied S&T research developed Monetary value Nuber of experimental developments in S&T Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development 1.12 - Science, Technology and Innovation Researchers Number of Researchers Monetary value 1.13 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment 1.14 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Public sources (associated with capacity building activities) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value Quantity Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development Associated Costs Category 2.1 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 2.2 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value 2.3 - Administration and management Monetary value 2.4 - Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Public sources Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Capacity Development Associated Costs 2.5 - Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Private sources Monetary value 2.6 - Services (associated with capacity development) Monetary value 2.7 - Tax exemptions Monetary value 2.8 - Operational costs in the country Monetary value 2.9 - Operational costs abroad Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.1 - Donation of food 3.2 - Donation of medicines and health supplies 3.3 - Deployment of Health professionals 3.4 - Humanitarian workers (public sector) Category Quantity (Tonnes) LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Units donated Monetary value Individuals Monetary value Individuals Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.5 - Volunteers (humanitarian action - from civil society) Individuals Monetary value 3.6 - Expenses associated with support to refugees Monetary value 3.7 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Public sources Quantity Monetary value 3.8 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.9 - Services (associated with humanitarian action) Monetary value 3.10 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value 3.11 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value 3.12 - Administration and management Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Peacekeeping Operations 4.1 - Preparation and Mobilization 4.2 - Logistical support 4.3 - Troop engagement 4.4 - Demobilization Category Individuals LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Units donated Monetary value Individuals Individuals II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Financial Cooperation 5.1 - Grants - Public sources 5.2 - Grants - Private sources 5.3 - Concessional loans (only concessional %) 5.4 - Debt relief 5.5 - Official exports credits Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Financial Contributions to International Organizations/Funds Category 6.1 - Payment of cotas in multilateral development funds Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 6.2 - Regular contributions Monetary value 6.3 - Voluntary Contributions Monetary value 6.4 - Financial transfers for trilateral cooperation with international organizations, complementary to in-kind inputs Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Economic Cooperation Category LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 7.1 - Direct investment Primary Sector 7.2 - Direct investment Secondary Sector Monetary value Monetary value 7.3 - Direct investment - Service sector Monetary value 7.4 - Construction of public facilities Monetary value 7.5 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Public sources Quantity Monetary value 7.6 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value II - INPUTS from the "Reporting Partner" (outward-bound) Foreign Trade 8.1 - Exports to developing countries 8.2 - Imports from developing countries Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development 1.1 - Hours per Person (technical instructors) 1.2 - Hours per Person (undergraduated) 1.3 - Hours per Person (graduated) 1.4 - Scholarships Category Number of hours worked LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value Scholarship slots granted Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development 1.5 - Technical studies Number of hours worked 1.7 - Internships (Professional / Specialized) 1.6 - Training Monetary value Number of training vacancies offered Monetary value Number of hours worked Monetary value 1.8 - Secondment of civil servants/ experts (public sector) Individuals 1.9 - Deployment of Teachers (public officials) Monetary value Number of Teachers Monetary value 1.10 - Volunteering (from civil society) Monetary value Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development 1.11 - Science, Technology and Innovation joint research Number of (S&T) scholarship slots granted Monetary value Number of basic S&T research programs developed Monetary value Number of applied S&T research developed Monetary value Nuber of experimental developments in S&T Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development 1.12 - Science, Technology and Innovation Researchers Number of Researchers Monetary value 1.13 - Donation of goods, materials and 1.14 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Public sources activities) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value Quantity Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development Associated Costs Category 2.1 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 2.2 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value 2.3 - Administration and management Monetary value 2.4 - Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Public sources Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Capacity Development Associated Costs 2.5 - Technical and operational infrastructure in science and technology - Private sources Monetary value 2.6 - Services (associated with capacity development) Monetary value 2.7 - Tax exemptions Monetary value 2.8 - Operational costs in the country Monetary value 2.9 - Operational costs abroad Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.1 - Donation of food 3.2 - Donation of medicines and health supplies 3.3 - Deployment of Health professionals 3.4 - Humanitarian workers (public sector) Category Quantity (Tonnes) LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Units donated Monetary value Individuals Monetary value Individuals Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.5 - Volunteers (humanitarian action - from civil society) Individuals Monetary value 3.6 - Expenses associated with support to refugees Monetary value 3.7 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Public sources Quantity Monetary value 3.8 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.9 - Services (associated with humanitarian action) Monetary value 3.10 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value 3.11 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value 3.12 - Administration and management Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Peacekeeping Operations 4.1 - Preparation and Mobilization 4.2 - Logistical support 4.3 - Troop engagement 4.4 - Demobilization Category Individuals LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Units donated Monetary value Individuals Individuals III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Financial Cooperation 5.1 - Grants - Public sources 5.2 - Grants - Private sources 5.3 - Concessional loans (only concessional %) 5.4 - Debt relief 5.5 - Official exports credits Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Financial Contributions to International Organizations/Funds Category 6.1 - Payment of cotas in multilateral development funds Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 6.2 - Regular contributions Monetary value 6.3 - Voluntary Contributions Monetary value 6.4 - Financial transfers for trilateral cooperation with international organizations, complementary to in-kind inputs Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Economic Cooperation Category LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 7.1 - Direct investment Primary Sector 7.2 - Direct investment Secondary Sector Monetary value Monetary value 7.3 - Direct investment - Service sector Monetary value 7.4 - Construction of public facilities Monetary value 7.5 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Public sources Quantity Monetary value 7.6 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Private sources Quantity Monetary value III - INPUTS from the "End-flow Partner" (when applicable) Foreign Trade 8.1 - Exports to developing countries 8.2 - Imports from developing countries Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Capacity Development 1.1 - Hours per Person (technical Instructors) 1.2 - Hours per Person (graduation) 1.3 - Hours per Person (post-graduation) Category Numbers of hours worked LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Number of Individuals benefited Number of technical cooperation innitiatives implemented Numbers of hours worked Number of Individuals benefited Number of technical cooperation innitiatives implemented Numbers of hours worked Number of Individuals benefited Number of technical cooperation innitiatives implemented IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Capacity Development 1.4 - Scholarships Number of Students 1.5 - Technical studies % of Gender Number of estudies delivered 1.6 - Training Individuals 1.7 - Internships (Professional / Specialized) % of Gender Individuals % of Gender 1.8 - Secondment of civil servants/ experts (public sector) Individuals % of Gender IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Capacity Development 1.9 - Deployment of Teachers (public officials) Individuals % of Gender 1.10 - Volunteering (from civil society) Individuals % of Gender IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Capacity Development 1.11 - Science, Technology and Innovation joint research Number of basic S&T research programs developed Number of Individuals Number of patents benefited Number of patents registered Number of registered in the country and in the country and abroad published abroad Number of applied S&T research developed Number experimental development in S&T documents Number of patents registered in Number of patents registered Number of documents Number of patents registered Number of patents registered in Number of documents published the country and abroad in the country and abroad published in the country and abroad the country and abroad IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Capacity Development 1.13 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Public sources 1.12 - Science, Technology and Innovation Researchers Individuals % of Gender Number of Individuals benefited 1.14 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with capacity building activities) - Private sources Number of Individuals benefited IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.1 - Donation of food 3.2 - Donation of medicines and health supplies Category Tonnes LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Number of individuals benefited % of Gender Unit Number of individuals benefited Number oftechnical cooperation innitiatives implemented 3.3 - Deployment of Health professionals Numbers of agents involved Number of individuals benefited % of Gender IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.5 - Volunteers (humanitarian action - from civil society) 3.4 - Humanitarian workers (public sector) Numbers of agents involved Number of individuals benefited % of Gender Number of individuals benefited % of Gender 3.6 - Expenses associated with support to refugees Number de refugees assisted % of Gender IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.7 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with humanitarian action) - Public sources Quantity Number of individuals benefited 3.8 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated 3.9 - Services (associated with with humanitarian action) - Private sources humanitarian action) Quantity Number of individuals benefited Monetary value 3.10 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for foreigners Monetary value IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Humanitarian Cooperation and Assistance to Refugees 3.11 - Tickets, daily allowances and insurance for nationals Monetary value 3.12 - Administration and management Monetary value IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Peacekeeping Operations 4.1 - Preparation and Mobilization Category Number of Operations LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Number of individuals benefited 4.2 - Logistical support Quantity 4.3 - Troop engagement Number of individuals benefited Number of individuals benefited 4.4 - Demobilization Number of individuals benefited IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Financial Cooperation 5.1 - Grants - Public sources 5.2 - Grants - Private sources 5.3 - Concessional loans (only concessional %) 5.4 - Debt relief 5.5 - Official exports credits Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value Monetary value IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Financial Contributions to International Organizations/Funds Category 6.1 - Payment of cotas in multilateral development funds Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) 6.2 - Regular contributions Monetary value 6.3 - Voluntary Contributions Monetary value 6.4 - Financial transfers for trilateral cooperation with international organizations, complementary to in-kind inputs Monetary value IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Economic Cooperation 7.1 - Direct investment - Primary Sector Category Monetary value LDC (...) Subtotal % of Total Developing Countries (...) Subtotal % of Total Economist in Transition (...) Subtotal % of Total TOTAL (100%) Number of jobs created 7.2 - Direct investment - Secondary Sector % of Gender Monetary value Number of jobs created 7.3 - Direct investment - Service sector % of Gender Monetary value Number of jobs created % of Gender IV - IMMEDIATE OUTPUTS Economic Cooperation 7.5 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Public sources 7.4 - Construction of public facilities Monetary value Number of individuals benefited Monetary value Number of individuals benefited 7.6 - Donation of goods, materials and equipment (associated with productive activities) - Private sources Monetary value Number of individuals benefited