Vertexing and Kinematic Fitting, Part IV: Building Virtual Particles Lectures Given at SLAC Aug. 5 – 7, 1998 Paul Avery University of Florida Paul Avery 1 Virtual Particles Overview of plan 4th of several lectures on kinematic fitting Focus in this lecture on building virtual particles Plan of lectures Lecture 1: Basic theory Lecture 2: Introduction to the KWFIT fitting package Lecture 3: Vertex fitting Lecture 4: Building virtual particles References KWFIT or Several write-ups on fitting theory and constraints Paul Avery 2 Virtual Particles What is a Virtual Particle? Basic idea We want to take a set of particles and build a new particle using a vertex constraint. The 4-momentum of the new “virtual particle” is the sum of the 4-momenta of the tracks (at the vertex location) and the position is the fitted vertex. The 7 7 covariance matrix is also desired. What’s so great about that? Once the virtual particle and its covariance matrix is built, it behaves like any other track. You can throw away the tracks that made it up and use it in later fits. For example, you can apply a mass constraint to the new track to further improve the track parameters. Software for this exists in KWFIT kvir_add_nofit kvir_vertex_unknown kvir_vertex_known kvir_vertex_fixed Paul Avery No vertex fit. Just add 4-momenta Vertex location unknown Prior vertex and error already exists Vertex location fixed 3 Virtual Particles Example Fit the decay sequence shown below (measured particles shown in boldface) by combining particles starting at the bottom and building up the chain: B 0 D* D* D0 D0 There are 5 measured particles in this example. Build 4 virtual particles in order: 0 1. D K 2. 0 (apply mass constraint) 3. D* D0 4. B 0 D* (apply mass constraint) (optional) Paul Avery 4 Virtual Particles Theory The 7 parameters are the 4-momentum and the 3-position. Let x be the fitted vertex. The virtual particle track parameters are d i a f az x f a ax x f ax x f a dy x i pV x pi x az i yi x y ay i zi x z i pV y pi y ax i i pV z pi z ay i i z zi i x i x xi i y i EV Ei i xV x where, e.g., ax i 0.299792458Bx Qi , Qi is the charge on the particle and Bx is the x component of the B field. Paul Avery 5 Virtual Particles This can be written in matrix form: pV A Bx i Ai i Bx xV x where F I G J GJ J G G J K H F0 G a A f BG a G G H0 1 2 n a A A1 A 2 and F1 0 G 0 1 A G 0 0 G G H0 0 i Paul Avery zi n 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 az i 0 ayi 1 0 6 yi az i 0 ax i 0 ay i I ax i J J az i 0 ax i 0 0 ayi ax i 0 0 0 J J K I J J J J K Virtual Particles This part is easy since the track parameters are determined from the vertex constraint. The harder part is getting the covariance matrix right. It can be written generally as V V V covb p ,x g F I G Hcovbx , p g V J K pV V V V V xV Vp V AV AT A cov , x BT B cov x, AT BVx BT b g cov pV , x V A cov , x BVx VxV Vx From CBX 98–38, we find the covariance matrix for the virtual particle V V where F AV d G H i i i T T T A S V S TV T 0i i 1i Di 1i x Vx TT TVx Vx I J K S1i Ai V0 i DiT S3 i Ai V0 i DiT VDi Ei T B i S3i . Paul Avery 7 Virtual Particles Further issues Should we incorporate mass constraint directly in the particle building? NO! 1. The code to do so is much more complicated. 2. The 2 step procedure gives 2 2 values. This provides more discrimination against background. 3. 2 step process is mathematically identical to 1 step process Paul Avery 8 Virtual Particles Flexibility issues I have implemented a more useful version of the procedure above in KWFIT. Three kinds of tracks can be used: 1. Those that are used to determine the vertex Normal tracks 2. Those that are not used to determine the vertex, but are required to pass through it Soft pions from D*+ 3. Those that only contribute 4-momentum (no vertex info) Photons, pi0s This procedure is mathematically rigorous, as proven in CBX 98–38 Paul Avery 9 Virtual Particles