• L A N D U S E A P P L I CAT I O N S • R E M OVA L O F R E ST R I C T I O N S • R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S Building), or fax 0862399070 or e-mailed to asanda.solombela@capetown.gov.za or comments_objections.tablebay@capetown.gov.za on or before the closing date 08 July 2013. If your response is not sent to these addresses or fax number, and if, as a consequence it arrives late, it will be deemed to be invalid. Applicant: Tommy Brummer Town Planners Application number: LM7084 (228253) Address: 20 Chepstow Road Nature of Application: Amendment of restrictive title conditions pertaining to Erf 1281, 20 Chepstow Road, Green Point, to enable the owner to partly demolish the existing dwelling house and redevelop the property with a three-storey double dwelling house, with two (2) double garages taking access from Chepstow Road. The current vehicular entrance in the passage (to High Level Road) will be closed with only a pedestrian gate. Street building line will be encroached. Departures applied for on the first and second floor are as follows: Section 47: To permit the bedrooms on the first storey to be 3.0m in lieu of 4.5m from the Street boundary. To permit the proposed driveway and refuse enclosure areas from the second floor to be 0.0m and 1.5m respectively, in lieu of 4.5m from the Street boundary. Section 54: To permit a portion of the driveway and the refuse bin rooms to be 0.0m in lieu of 1.375m from the east and west boundaries. AMENDMENT OF TITLE DEED RESTRICTIONS, COUNCIL’S CONSENT AND REGULATION DEPARTURES Due to an omission this application is being re-advertised. Details are as follows:Property Description to be leased Clifton Surf Life- Portions of saving Club – Erven 476, 465 Fourth Beach and Rem. Erf Clifton 148, Cliff Road, Clifton APPLICANT Applicant Applicant’s Erf No. N/A Shell South Erven 3963 and Erf 3931 Cape Africa Marketing 3964 Cape Town (Pty) Ltd Town, Orange Street, Cape Town Extent Rental of lease area 147 m² Tariff rental of R and 629.82 p/a excl. 96 m² VAT subject to increases as determined by Council 413 m² Market rental of R 6 900.00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a Lease term 10 years PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TO BE LEASED Purpose For the Clubhouse and Boathouse 5 years plus Parking option to purposes renew for 5 years For further details of the transaction please contact Lee Dickinson, tel 021 400 6553, Property Holding, 3rd floor, Media City Building, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 between 08:00-16:00 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Cape Town Region, PO Box 4557, Cape Town 8000, fax 021 425 3605 or e-mailed to lee.dickinson@capetown.gov.za on or before 1 July 2013. APPLICNT’S ERF NO. • Operating from Council owned facilities Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Council By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2011, considering an application from the department of Social Development for the granting of rights to regularise Educare Centres operating from Council owned facilities: The granting of rights will be regulated by means of an Management Agreement with each Educare Centre. • Erf 526 Bantry Bay Council has received the following planning application for consideration. Location of application property: 264 Ocean View Drive Applicant: Tommy Brummer Town & Regional Planner Application number: LM6090 (225141) Nature of Application: Amendment of Restrictive title condition, regulation departures and council’s consent to enable the owners to undertake certain alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling house on the property. The “built upon” restriction will be Details are as follows:encroached. APPLICANT PROPERTY Council’s consent in terms of Section 11 of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations: DESCRIPTION To permit the extension to the ground floor to be raised 3.39m in lieu of 2.1m above TO BE LEASED existing ground level Joyce Ndinisa C/o Stulo & Joyce The following departures from the Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations have been Enrichment Centre Street applied for: Crossroads Section 47(1): To permit a proposed second storey entrance hall to be setback 0.0m in lieu 4.5m from the street boundary (Ocean View Drive). To permit a proposed lift to be setback 3.9m in lieu of 4.5m from the street boundary (Ocean View Drive) on the ground, first and second storeys. Section 54(2): Vuyolwethu 67 Osmabeet To permit the proposed first and second storey windows (with overlooking feature) to be Enrichment Centre Street, Delft South setback 1.9m in lieu of 3.24m from the south west common boundary. Enquiries The application may be viewed at the office of the District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town. Direct enquiries on weekdays between 08:00 to 14:30 to: Isisbane Sethu 5872 Ngqabe Beverley Soares (beverley.soares@capetown.gov.za, tel 021 400 6456, fax 021 421 1963, Enrichment Centre Street, Lower P O Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000) Crossroads The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town week days from 08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:30. Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 Dore Tamana N132 Ngqika 3098. Educare Street, Khayelitsha Comment and/or objection Written objections, with full reasons therefore, must be directed to both the: • District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, at PO Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000 or fax 021 421 1963 or e-mailed to comments_objections.tablebay@capetown.gov.za. • : Land Use Management: Region 2, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Western Cape Government, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Vukile Tshwete 7 Mathew Goniwe Town, 8000 or fax 021 483 3098. Educare & Oliver Tambo In all instances above the relevant legislation, the application number, your erf number, Road, Weltevrede your address and contact telephone number must be quoted. Valley, Samora If you are unable to submit an objection or comment in writing, make an appointment Mechel with an official to assist you during office hours. Comments and/or objections form part of public documents and are forwarded to the applicant for response. Comments or objections received after the closing date may be regarded as invalid and could possibly Cuddly Bear St Josephs not be considered. Educare Avenue, Closing date: 08 July 2013 Scottsdene, Relevant legislation Kraaifontein This notice is given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), Section 9 of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations and Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 If you are unable to submit an objection or comment in writing, make an appointment Luyolo Crescent, with an official to assist you during office hours. Comments and/or objections form part Sing for Africa Educare Happy Valley, of public documents and are forwarded to the applicant for response. Comments or Blackheath objections received after the closing date may be regarded as invalid and could possibly not be considered. General If you are not the owner of the property where this notice was sent to, or not the sole owner, please forward this notice to the relevant owner or owners or bring it to their Ruth First Educare 4926 Chris Hani, attention. APPLICNT’S ERF NO. Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 9623 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 5872 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 13925 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 4062 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 71 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 9563 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Erf 4926 Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Erf 125376 Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Erf 16169 & 16170 Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes Avon-Wood Educare Halt Road, Elsies River Erf 22336 Sunshine Educare c/o Frank Louw & Stilwayney Crescent, Bellville South Erf 32003 Shelly Street Educare Little Bambinos 7 Shelly Street, Salt River c/o Cradock Road and Cosort Blv, Retreat Erf 107662 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes PURPOSE C/o Sabeie & Scheldt, Mannenberg Erf 101900 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Eulalie Stott Educare C/o Merry-Dale & Sunflower Erf 10536 Tariff rental of 2 years and 11 months R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Mighty Minds Daycare 36 Zuberg Road, Heideveld Erf 139741 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Hazendal Nursary School 1 Kuilsriver, Bokmarie Erf 32707 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Happy Valley Educare Centre Luyolo Crescent, Happy Valley, Blackheath Erf 9563 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Mustadafin Educare 5830 Bida Street, Erf 9140 Site B, Khayelitsha Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Mfuleni Educare Mfuleni Erf 6173 Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Retreat Nursay School Cnr Concert Blv & Cradock Roads, Retreat Erf 107662 Sonwabile Educare Centre Witsand, Atlantis Erf 13952 Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Tariff rental of R719.00 per annum, Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Ecclesia Educare Centre C/o Modderdam Road and Waterberry, Greenlands, Bellville South Erf 37990 PURPOSE Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Phillipi 62 Camelia Street, Bonteheuwel LEASE TERM Erf 1914 REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS & SUBDIVISION Bonteheuwel Nursery RENTAL LEASE TERM Little Lillies Educare Centre TYGERBERG DISTRICT GRANTING OF RIGHTS TO THE UNDERMENTIONED EDUCARE CENTRES RENTAL 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes For further details of the transaction please contact Mr Alexander Matiesie, tel 021 590 1425, Property Holding, Municipal Offices, Corner Voortrekker and Molteno Roads, Goodwood, between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections or alternative proposals must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Tygerberg Region, PO Box 100, Goodwood, 7459 or fax 021 590 1581 or e-mailed to alexander.matiesie@capetown.gov.za on/or before 29 June 2013. PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: CONTERMANSKLOOF RESERVOIR: DESIGN, TENDER DOCUMENTATION, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING OF A 100 Mℓ RESERVOIR AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE Notice is hereby given in terms of section 33 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Act, No. 56 of 2003 that the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality (“the City”) intends entering into contract(s) relating to the Provision of Professional Services: Contermanskloof Reservoir: Design, Tender Documentation, Contract Administration and Construction Monitoring of a 100 Mℓ Reservoir and Associated Infrastructure. The contract(s) will impose financial obligations on the Municipality for a period longer than three (3) financial. Notice is further given in accordance with Section 21A and Section 21 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000 that: (a) The Local community and other interested persons are invited to submit comments or representations to the Municipality in respect of the proposed draft contract(s). Such comments or representations must be received by no later than 01 July 2013 via electronic mail on the email address provided below or be delivered to the mailing address provided hereunder. (b) Copies of the contract document and information statement summarising the Municipality’s obligation in terms of the draft agreement(s) are available for inspection at the locations listed hereunder and will also be accessible on www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay (official website of the Municipality). (c) Further details and clarity may Samuel.Engelbrecht@capetown.gov.za (d) Persons who are physically disabled or unable to write but need to participate in the process may present themselves during office hours at the office as indicated below where a staff member will assist them to transcribe the relevant comments or representations. be requested via email to Physical Address: City of Cape Town, Bulk Water Branch, 8th Floor, 38 Wale street, Cape Town, tel 021 487 2445 2 years and Early 11 months Childhood Development Centre purposes Tariff rental of 2 years and R719.00 per annum, 11 months Including VAT increasing annually in terms of City’s Tariff Structure approved by Council Early Childhood Development Centre purposes Postal Address: City of Cape Town, Bulk Water Branch, PO Box 16548, Vlaeberg, 8018. Submission must be marked: PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: CONTERMANSKLOOF RESERVOIR: DESIGN, TENDER DOCUMENTATION, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING OF A 100 Mℓ RESERVOIR AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE. Achmat Ebrahim: City Manager 31 May 2013 THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU