Ross R. MacKay Public School 35 Trafalgar Road, R.R.# 2 Hillsburgh, ON N0B 1Z0 Website: Principal: Mr. P. Huddleston Office Coordinator: Mrs. E. Lantz Principal’s Message Dear Parents & Guardians: Mid November, you will receive an Elementary Progress Report that outlines how your child is progressing towards achievement of the curriculum expectations. On Thursday, November 20th evening and all day on Friday November 21st, there will be interviews for all students and parents with the classroom teacher. The progress report is just a ‘jump off’ spot for discussions at these interviews, so it would be extremely beneficial for both student and parent to attend. When parents are seen as partners in education, students become more engaged and motivated to strive for their very best at school. Ongoing communication throughout the school year also ensures that expectations are clear and misunderstandings are minimized. Please plan to attend an interview with your child’s teacher to help clarify expectations or, if you wish, to share information that would help better understand your child’s current situation and learning experience. Phone: (519) 855-4957 Fax: (519) 855-6901 November, 2014 Our goal is to ensure that students are happy, healthy, engaged, and experiencing positive interactions on a daily basis. If you would like more information about the report card, please use this Ministry website link . rd.html. Ross R. students are very fortunate to have teachers who are not only experts in their sport area, but are enthusiastic encouragers. Without these teachers’ support many of our extra programs would not run. Thank you Mrs. Miller, Mr. Gaidies and Mme Pearce for investing your time and enthusiasm for cross country running and soccer. Your support is invaluable. Students enjoyed showing off their orange and black/costumes on October 31st. The parade was wonderful. As always, please feel free to contact me at the school to share good news stories, questions, or concerns. Yours sincerely, Mr. Huddleston Get Your Flu Shot The flu is a respiratory illness that spreads quickly from person to person. Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, joint pain, and weakness. The flu is more serious for the very young and elderly. They can get the flu from school-aged children who don’t seem sick but may have a mild case. Get your free flu shot. It protects everyone. Visit to find a flu clinic near you. If you don’t like needles, there is an alternative. FluMist is a nasal spray available for children and adults ages 2 to 59. FluMist is not available at drop-in clinics. Call 1-800-2657293 to make an appointment. There is a cost of $20 for the vaccine. Friday, November 21, 2014 Parent Teacher Interviews (No classes for students.) Prescheduled parent meetings with staff. Dates to Remember • Monday, November 3, 2014 Lockdown Drill • Wednesday, November 5, 2014 School Council at 6:30 p.m. • Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Remembrance Day • Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Vision Screening for JK/SK • Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Superintendent Talbot visits Ross R. MacKay • Thursday, November 13, 2014 Progress Reports Home • Monday, November 17, 2014 Thursday, November 20, 2014 ‘Bag-to-School’ runs all week • Thursday, November 20, 2014 Friday, November 21, 2014 Book Fair in Learning Commons Make a difference in the lives of children and youth: say 'yes' to participate in the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys The 1983 Ontario Child Health Study told us that 1 in 5 children and youth experienced serious mental health challenges. This estimate is outdated as is much of what we know about child and youth mental health in Ontario. The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study will tell us about the mental health status and needs of children and youth living in Ontario today. From October 2014 to May 2015, Statistics Canada will be inviting 7,000 families with children aged 4 17 years to complete an interview in their home. At the same time, McMaster researchers will be conducting School Mental Health Surveys in 240 Ontario schools to help us learn new ways of promoting and addressing student mental health needs. Together, these studies will be the first of their kind in Canada to examine the influence of family, community and school environments on child and youth mental health. The results will be used to develop programs and services to improve the mental health of young people in Ontario. Results from the 1983 Study were partially responsible for over 3 billion dollars of investment in federal and provincial programs and services, resulting in the creation of programmes such as the Ontario Early Years Centres. Participation in the 1983 Ontario Child Health Study was over 90%. Make sure you are heard in 2014 as well. Let's make our province a better place for children and youth. If invited to participate, please say ‘yes’ to the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys. Breakfast Club The Ross R. MacKay Public School Breakfast Club has been underway for over a month and are happy to announce that we have been providing hot, nutritious breakfasts to over 30 students each morning that we serve breakfast! We were very pleased to introduce hot oatmeal, fresh baked muffins and fruit and yogurt smoothies to our Club members recently and all were a huge hit! All food that we prepare is in keeping with tight nutritional standards and all is prepared in the school kitchen. This year I am thrilled to have two wonderful ladies that have agreed to help me run Breakfast Club, they do all the cooking and clean-up each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A huge thank you to Daniella Wright and Jacqueline Holm for preparing delicious and healthy food, keeping the kitchen spotless and most of all, being so friendly and helpful to our Club members!! Unfortunately, our funding for Breakfast Club was reduced this year and we are surviving on a surplus from the past two years. While we cannot accept food donations at Breakfast Club we would greatly appreciate any monetary donations. A small collection box that asks for support for our Breakfast Club has been placed in the school office and we welcome any donations. We are also happy to accept coupons, especially for bagels, eggs, milk and Iogo yogurt. Thanks for your continued support! Linda Campbell Breakfast Club Co-ordinator Message from the Lunch & Milk Program Thank you to all students that purchased our Halloween cupcakes. All proceeds will be used for students needs within the school. We will be posting monthly lunch orders on our school website. These forms can be printed and sent in with your child prior to the due date. Having online forms available will help with those who have misplaced their forms or did not receive an order form. December Lunch Order Forms are due: Friday, November 14th, 2014 Please ensure your orders are submitted into the school on time. Thank you, Cherie Jardine Lunch & Milk Coordinator Ross R. MacKay Public School 519-827-4556 Ross R. MacKay is endeavouring to post updates to its website and Twitter in addition to communications sent home. Please check regularly to keep informed: School Website: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Save energy – show your COURAGE by being a leader! Saving energy and reducing the use of electricity is necessary to help our planet. Electricity is a type of energy that was discovered over 100 years ago. One of the most common ways to make electricity is by converting other energy sources, such as coal, natural gas, and oil or solar, wind and falling water. Right now we get most of our energy from nonrenewable energy sources, which include the fossil fuels — oil, natural gas, and coal. Unfortunately the burning of fossil fuels to produce power causes air pollution an is linked to global warming and climate change, which is the gradual, harmful, increasing temperature on our planet. But the good news is that recently Ontario became the first province in Canada to no longer make electricity using coal-fired power plants! And we as individuals can also help solve this problem by learning more about it and making energy conservation one of our goals at school and home. Did you know? Turning off the lights in one classroom for one hour keeps over two pounds of pollutants out of the environment. Let’s remember to turn the switch off whenever we leave an empty room. We all can make a difference in helping the environment. Demonstrate your courage in making a difference and conserving energy by enforcing the following tips at home. Set your home’s thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter or a few degrees higher in the summer. Your family will save money and reduce greenhouse emissions. Turn off lights and all electronics (like computers, televisions, stereos, and video-games) when you leave a room. Use machines like washers, dryers, and dishwashers only when there is a full load and after 8pm when energy consumption is lower. Open your blinds or curtains on sunny winter days to let the sun shine into and warm your home. In the summer remember to close them and keep the hot sun out. It takes courage to make changes to your own habits and help others to do the same. But you have what it takes to be an environmental leader! Global Warming is not Cool! - Let’s go green, everyone!