Volume 27 No. 6 2016 01 27 Together, Making A Difference…..One Student At A Time From The Principal’s Desk There are a number of exciting items coming in February that I wanted to make you aware of. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the report, as we are most effective in educating our students when the school and parents are all on the same page. First, we have a group called X Movement that will be coming into our school to work with all of our students on positive social interactions through physical activity. Our students will be learning some wonderful character education skills that can be directly applied at school while having a fun and engaging experience. The members of X Movement are Australian, so our students will also be learning a bit about Australian culture. A big thank you to our school council for supporting this learning experience and making it possible. Please mark Thursday, February 4th from 6:30 to 7:30 on your calendars! All families are invited to participate in an X Movement community evening!! Thank you for your on-going support. I look forward to seeing you at one or all of our upcoming events!! Second, our school council will be hosting a Valentine’s Dance for our families on Thursday, February 11th from 6:30 to 8:00 in the school gym. The event will once again be DJ’d by Mark Haynes so it will be a lot of fun for everyone! Please see the school council section of our newsletter for more information on this event. Inclement Weather Reminder Third, we have started our grade 1-3 intramural floor hockey games. Each team will play 4 games at recesses over the next 4 weeks with the emphasis being on having fun and developing good sportsmanship skills. Our kindergarten floor hockey games will follow the grade 1-3 “season”. Fourth and finally, teachers are working hard to finish assessments and write report cards. Term 1 report cards will be going home on Thursday, February 11th. Yours truly, Mr. Creighton, Principal Additional P.A. Day!! The 2015/16 Board Wide Calendar has been revised to include a PA day on Monday, April 25th. Please make note of this addition. Thank you. Just a reminder for bus cancellations and school closure please check the Upper Grand District School Board website for updates or listen to the local radio stations. When listening or checking, remember that we are Division 2 BLUE (Centre Wellington). Also, you do NOT need to call the school to report your child absent if they ride a bus. However, if they DO NOT ride a bus but you are not sending them due to the weather, you MUST call the school office. As a reminder.…when the buses are cancelled the school is still open unless otherwise stated. Please Keep Checking! Please remember that it is very important to check your child regularly for head lice and report it to the school office if found. Pizza Day Orders for March are due on Monday, February 22nd . If your child needs an order form they can be picked up in the office from Mrs. Hopf. You may send one cheque for your family but please remember you MUST SEND AN ORDER FORM FOR EACH CHILD TO THAT CHILD’S TEACHER!! Cheques are made payable to: James McQueen P.S. School Council Corner Spirit Wear School Council is excited to let you know that JMQ spirit wear is being designed and order forms are on their way! Parents/caregivers will be notified when everything is ready. Valentines Dance – February 11, 6:30 to 8:00 pm – Entry by donation We love to see the kids out having fun at dances. School Council is hosting the Valentines Dance at the school on February 11, entry is by donation. We are looking for parents/caregivers to pitch in with set up, break down or nut-free baked goods for the Council Café. Please email us at jmqparentcouncil@hotmail.ca if you are keen to lend a hand. If you would like to contribute baked goods (remember – keep it nut-free!) please bring them in a container (labelled with your name) to the Staff Room on the day of the dance. Bunny Breakfast – March 5, 9:00 to 11:00 am – $3/person or $10/family Calling all pancake lovers! We are gearing up to put on another yummy Bunny Breakfast, March 5 at the school. Admission is $3 per person or $10 per family (of four or more) to enjoy an-allyou-can-eat pancake breakfast, meet the Easter Bunny, win great prizes in the silent auction, the baking auction, and more! We are looking for the following help – if you are able to provide something from the list below, please email us at jmpsbunnybreakfast@gmail.com. Volunteering There are a few tasks the day-of where many hands make light work! From set up to break down, there’s an opportunity to help. Auction Prize Donations *In the silent auction, we can give new life to those unopened Christmas gifts or, those well-intentioned projects that never got off the ground - or even that sweater you bought, lost the receipt, yet decided just wasn’t your colour… Don’t let these things take up valuable storage space and de-clutter while helping out a great cause! *Does your work have products they could donate, or would they be willing to donate something, that they could attach their name to (for example, Easter gift baskets are popular that time of the year). The business will be listed at the event as a sponsor, as well as in the paper, as a token of thanks for their generosity. *Do you offer a great service or know someone that does? The auction is a great way to introduce your service to a number of people all at once - nearly 700 people passed through the auction doors last year! Food Donations The breakfast needs donations of frozen orange juice mix, syrup, butter, cream & sugar. Yearly Donation to The Upper Grand Learning Foundation It’s been brought to our attention that donating through the Learning Foundation’s website has been challenging! So now we are encouraging parents/caregivers to use the form recently sent out and/or sending the cheque with your child to school, or directly to the office. Thanks in advance – we are excited to put your donation to work at the school. Come Join Us Next Meeting School Council is gaining traction in time for a fun spring! The meetings are a time for planning, but also a time to bring up concerns and to hear the latest and greatest going on behind the scenes at James McQueen. So come on out! We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in the Library – our next meeting will be February 10. See you then! Thank You! Yearbook Thank you so much for supporting our dance-a-thon this year by giving to the Food Bank!! We had a fabulous time and saw some pretty amazing dance moves and collected a lot of food!! Thank you to DJ Mark Haynes for playing the music and we look forward to hearing him again at our Family Valentine’s Dance on Thursday, February 11th !! Thank you and Merci!!!! Enclosed you will find a yearbook order form. If you are interested in ordering a yearbook please make sure to return the form with payment to Mrs. Hopf. Orders must be into the office no later than Friday, May 20th. Kindergarten Registration Just a reminder that registration takes place from now until February 5th!!! Don’t delay, we need to get registrations into the office as soon as possible. There is information through the Upper Grand District School Board website or feel free to give Mrs. Hopf a call at 519-843-1700. Cookies for Sale!! During the month of February, students can purchase a large Valentine’s cookie for just $1.00 with all the proceeds going right back to the Food and Friends program to help provide healthy nutritious snacks to our students. Cookies are nut free and will be sold by Mrs. Hopf in the office during the first break every Friday for the month of February!!! Dates to Remember…… Monday, February 1 Kindergarten registration this week!! Thursday, February 4 X Movement Family Night from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please join us!! Friday, February 5 Mrs. Wasson’s & Mr. Campbell’s class visit the Guelph Lake Outdoor Education Centre for some fun in the snow!! Last day of kindergarten registration. Monday, February 8 Lion’s Club Skate-a-thon this morning. Forms have come home with your child. Don’t forget your skates and helmet!!! Tuesday, February 9 Lockdown Drill. Wednesday, February 10 School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. Everyone is welcome! Thursday, February 11 Report cards go home today. Valentine’s Family Dance from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Friday, February 12 Skating today for grades 1-3. Don’t forget your skates and helmet!! Red and White Day! Last day of reading for M.S. Read-a-thon. Please return your pledge forms to the office asap if your child is participating. Monday, February 15 Family Day – enjoy the day! Monday, February 22 Pizza orders for March are due today. Wednesday, February 24 Humane Society visits today. Thursday, February 25 Humane Society visits today. Friday, February 26 Comfy Cozy Games Day!! PLEASE NOTE THAT AN ADDITIONAL PA DAY HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE CALENDAR – APRIL 25TH! Last month’s newsletter draw winner was…..Ainsley Stewart!! Congratulations!!! Comments……. James McQueen Public School Yearbook Order Form We are selling yearbooks again this year to those parents and students who wish to purchase one as a memento of their 2015-2016 school year at James McQueen. If you wish to order, please complete the order form below and send it in to Mrs. Hopf in the school office. Please make sure to enclose $10.00 either case or cheque made payable to: James McQueen Public School. Orders are due NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 20th. The yearbook will be ready for the students to take home before the end of the school year. Sincerely, Mrs. Hopf James McQueen Yearbook Order Form 2015-2016 I wish to order ______ yearbook(s). Enclosed please find $_______ Cheque Cash Student’s Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: _____ Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________________