BRANT AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL 64 Brant Avenue, Guelph, Ontario N1E 1G2 519-824-2671 Fax: 519-824-6159 Mair Ann Gault, Principal Renate Smith, Office Co-ordinator December 2013 Christmas season in particular, I challenge us as a school community to put this motto in action. “At Brant Avenue Public School we treat others the way we want to be treated. “ Last month at Brant Ave. Public School we kicked off our year with a promise to live the motto written above. We promised, as a school and as individuals, to do our best to treat each other the way we want to be treated. The big question is then, what does this type of treatment look like? How do you want to be treated? Myself, I want to be treated with respect, even when someone doesn’t agree with me. I want to be helped when things are difficult. I want to be heard when I have something to say. I want to be loved and treated kindly. I believe all our students would say the same. I believe all our staff would say the same. I believe all our parents would say the same. So this year in general, and this When you see someone who looks left out, invite them to join you. When you see someone who is sad and lonely, take time to talk and listen. When someone is happy and excited, join them in their joy. When you see someone in need, comfort them in practical ways. Walk a mile in another’s shoes. Take the time to see the world through their eyes. This is the beginning of kindness. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Mair Ann Gault – Principal Brant Ave. P.S. Christmas Concert classroom. The dress rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, December 11th at 12:05 a.m. The performance will be on Thursday, December 12th at 2:05 p.m. Parents and guardians are well at both of these performances. Please consider keeping your child home an extra day so (s)he can recover and return prepared for the full school day. School Arrival It is getting chilly out and snow may fly soon! Please remember to assist your child(ren) in wearing proper clothing to school. This includes a warm jacket, hat, mitts and waterproof footwear. Thanks for sending labeled extra socks and pants in your child’s backpack just in case. Twenty minutes can be a very long time if you are not dressed properly return prepared for the full school day. Please discourage your children from arriving before 8:40 a.m. There is no supervision on the school yard until 8:40 a.m. and no one to supervise students inside before the bell rings. Fifth Disease “Slapped Cheek” If you or your family should contract Fifth Disease or as it is often called “slapped cheek”, please notify the office immediately. It is a virus that spreads easily through contact with fluids from the noise and lungs, and through contact with blood. The cheeks will be red as if someone has slapped them. December Break Students finish school on Thursday, December 19th at the regular time. School resumes again on Monday, January 6th. Outdoor Recess. We have had a number of parents requesting that their child remain inside at recess time as (s)he is still getting over being ill. It is not possible to supervise these children during break time. All students are expected to participate in outdoor recess, as this is an important activity. Active break aids concentration and success in the Lost and Found During the second week of December, we will be sorting the lost and found bins. Items will be displayed down the length of the hallways. Classes will walk down the hallway to have a look and claim their belongings. All unclaimed clothing will be donated to charity. Please remember to label all items of clothing, especially at this time of year when hats, mitts and even coats go missing. We want to be able to return as many lost and found items as possible. Parent/Teacher Interviews Staff enjoyed meeting with parents and discussing strengths, next steps and learning goals this month. Thank you for finding time to meet with your child’s teacher. The school-home connection is very important to us as we work together to make your child’s year a successful one. If you have not yet had an interview, please contact your child’s teacher to set this up. Kindergarten Registration Registration for junior kindergarten and new senior kindergarten students for September 2014 will take place in February. Your child must turn four before December 31st, 2014 for the junior kindergarten program. Your child must turn five before December 31st, 2014 for the senior kindergarten program. If your child is currently attending the junior kindergarten program, please do not register again. Please be sure to return the Kindergarten Pre-Registration Form that is attached. A registration package will be sent out in January with further details. Parking and Student Safety Parents are reminded to park on the street when visiting the school. Children and parents walk through the parking lot both in the mornings before school and at the end of the day. As a safety precaution, we ask that all parents and older siblings, who are coming to the school to pick up students, please meet at an outside meeting place at the end of the day. Students are asked to independently enter and exit through their assigned doors Students are not to use the front doors for entry/exit. Your support in keeping your children safe is greatly appreciated. Safety Patrollers and -25c or Below On extremely cold mornings, patrollers and parents should listen to the radio for an announcement regarding altered patrol post coverage times: • • If no announcement is made, carry on a usual. • At -25c (including the wind chill factor) an announcement will be made on air indicating that patrollers will be on duty for only the last five minutes of their scheduled morning time. At afternoon dismissal, usually the temperature has warmed up above 25c. If not, then the patrollers would also shorten their time on duty to 10 minutes. Hats Off to Olivia! • Congratulations to Olivia Blackwell whose poster was selected to be featured on the Mayor’s Christmas card this year. Aaron Rahman also received an honourable mention. The Mayor will be visiting our classroom to congratulate the students on their success. • • Council Members responsibilities: • What is School Council? • • • • • • • • It is an advisory board that represents the parents, staff and students in the community Council provides input to the principal and to the board where it is applicable It contributes to improving students environment and learning by working cooperatively with staff and the parent community The majority of council members are parents Parents can act as a parent representative or can run to be an executive on council Executive positions are : chair or co-chairs, secretary and treasurer Council also includes 1 teaching staff member, 1 non-teaching staff member and the principal All positions are for the school year taking effect in September If you were on council you could: • • • Assist in the development of the school improvement plans (system/school) Participate with fundraising and provide input on fundraising events Work as an executive member Provide input on the allocations of funds from fundraising events Be informed about programs and school based decisions Provide input into the schools code of conduct • • Attend meetings which are held once a month Contribute positively to the discussions at the meetings Solicit the views of other parents and the community and share at the meetings. School Council Meeting The next school council meeting is on Monday, December 16th at 6:30 p.m. for a Pot Luck Dinner. All welcome even if you have never attended before. School Council Fundraising Update The fundraising committee has been hard at work this fall: • • • • Dieleman Fundraising – approx. $450 profit QSP Magazine Drive – to date $100 Just a reminder that you can order magazines all year long – the website is and use our school account number 7821 Subs – profit for the first term is $590 Campus Estates Hairstyling – would like to offer you the following: Haircuts for students up until the age of 12 – their age plus $5 Haircuts for students 12 and up - $17 for males and $19 for female $2 of the price goes towards our school • 10% discount for school staff Movie Night – profit of $113 Maple Leaf Fudge – to be announced Thank you to all of our parents for supporting your school community. Electronic Equipment As in past years, we are requesting that all electronic toys (ipods, gameboys, cell phones, digital cameras, etc.) not be brought to school. The reason for this rule is to encourage physical activity at recess time and imaginary and organized play with friends and classmates. Thank you for your continued support. School Safety Patrols Our safety patrols have been doing an excellent job in safeguarding our students and parents as they walk to and from school. We would like to remind parents of the following: PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR EXIT OUR PARKING LOT BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:30 – 9:00 AM AND 3:00 – 3:30 PM. • • • Please come to a full stop at stop signs. Please do not stop to let your children off at the crosswalk or wave to students to cross. Please do not leave your car unattended in the kiss and drive area. This causes congestion • • and often dangerous situations arise for other parents trying to pull up to get their children. Please take care in attending to our patrols and be patient. Please do not park/stop in a no parking/no stopping areas. This blocks the line of view for our patrols. Unfortunately, all of the above behaviours have been observed by teachers/patrols on duty in front of our school. Our only concern is the safety of all children and parents as they arrive to and leave from school each day. Recess Games Leaders Our recess games leaders: Atrab, Kashvi, Cassie, Karleigh, Lily, Paislee, Miah, Madeena, Alexis and Seaira have been leading fun, active games outside at recess every Monday and Wednesday in November. Many primary students have joined in the fun; playing “Cross Canada”, “Freeze Tag” and more. Technology Use in Grade One Our students are highly engaged as they practice reading, science and math skills using our class ipad and computer. They use this technology to play learning games and to watch/listen/read books. Students also listen to books on CD and MP3 players as they follow along in the books. Listening to reading helps students develop their vocabulary and reading fluency. It’s fun too! Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Pye-Clifford No Dogs on the Schoolyard A reminder to parents and visitors that dogs are not allowed on the school yard during the school day. As much as we like and trust our own dogs, when they are on school property and encounter fast moving and often unpredictable children, they can become stressed and a dog’s natural reaction is to bite. Please help us to safeguard our students by keeping your dog(s) off school property during school hours. Library Update Dropping Students at School Recently, a number of parents have been taking their students to their classroom after the morning bell has rung. This is a reminder that parents need to drop late students off at the office to report in and get a late slip from the office. This assists us greatly with our Safe Arrival Program. Thank you for helping to keep our children safe! ON BEHALF OF THE BRANT AVENUE STAFF, WE WISH YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! On November 19th James Qhobela, a community activist from Lesotho, Africa came to visit our school. He brought pictures and told stories of children living in Lesotho. Many of these children have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS and are now living in foster homes. All students who saw the presentation loved it! Mrs. Lightfoot ‘s grade 2/3 class drew pictures of things they like to do in Guelph for James to take back to show the children in Lesotho. Stay tuned for fundraising opportunities in the new year as our school brainstorms ways to help these children. For more information on how you can help visit the Bracelet of Hope website at: teacher provides to help students know exactly where they’re heading in a lesson. Learn about positive parenting strategies, community resources and programs. Parents can call and speak with a public health nurse about parenting, child development and health related topics up to age 13 by calling KIDS LINE 1800-265-7293 ext. 3616. KIDS LINE is also the access point for Growing Great Kids which coordinates services from many local agencies for children zero to six who have special physical, social, emotional, communication and development needs. Speak with a public health nurse Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. • Success Criteria: Success criteria often start with the words “I can ….”. Success Criteria lists what the student needs to do/accomplish for the lesson or unit of study. • Descriptive Feedback: Descriptive feedback can be oral or written. It is provided by the teacher and offers the student information on how he/she is doing. Descriptive feedback lets students know what their next steps are and what they can do to improve. • Guided Reading: Guided reading is small group learning where the teacher helps students practice and improve his/her reading skills. The instruction, strategies taught and reading material are carefully chosen to meet the needs of each student. • Three-Part Problem-Solving: Three-part problem-solving is students learning mathematics and developing an understanding of mathematics through reasoning and working through a problem. It has 3 distinct stages: 1. Before – Getting started or Minds On is introducing and practicing mathematical ideas and strategies that connect to the day’s learning goal. 2. During – Learning or Action is solving the lesson’s problem in “Progress Report Language” Like all professions, educators sometimes use language specific to teaching and learning. We often don’t even realize when we have slipped into using “edubabble”. On the Progress Report that has just come home, we have made every attempt to use language that is meaningful to parents. We want you to know and understand what we are doing at school, and how you can help support your child’s learning. Below are some of the terms you may have read on the Progress Report or hear at the Parent/Teacher interview. • Learning Goal: A learning goal is a stated or written goal the pairs, small groups or individually. The students develop their knowledge, thinking and strategies while the teacher pushes and guides their learning using questioning and feedback. 3. After - (a) Consolidation is a wholeclass discussion where the teacher and the class analyze the solutions the students came up with to the problem. Together they highlight key mathematical ideas and strategies. (b) Independent Practice is the students solving a problem(s) similar to the lesson to practice the same skills and try out the new ideas. Adapted from: “A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics, Problem Solving and Communication, K-6”’ “Bansho (Board Writing)”, Capacity Building Series, 2011 “Communication in the Mathematics Classroom”, Capacity Building Series, 2010 “Early Reading Strategy, The Report of the Expert Panel on Early Reading in Ontario”, 2003 “Grand Conversations in the Junior Classroom”, Capacity Building Series, 2011 “Growing Success, Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario”, 2010 “Making Room for Talking to Learn”, Adolescent Literacy: Engaging Research and Teaching, Literacy Gains Alert, 2012 Family Math Games Night Our Family Math Games Night was a huge success! Over 34 families came and played games such as “Number Battle”, “Race for $5.00”, “Race for 1000” and “Score with Four”. All families went home with a package of cards, dice, dominoes and game instructions. Thanks to the families who came out and to all staff who helped host this night. BRANT AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE/MITTEN TREE DECEMBER 2013 At this time, it is especially important to teach our students to give back to the community. To help meet the needs of our community, we are asking students, parents and the staff of Brant Avenue P.S. to help collect food for the Brant Avenue Community Centre. All items must be non-perishable. A few examples are: All canned items: soups, pasta, tuna, salmon, milk etc. Dry good items: pasta, rice, peanut butter, jam, ketchup, mustard, relishs, granola bars, juice boxes etc. Baby goods: formula, diapers, baby food, baby cereal Household items: dish detergent, soaps, shampoo and other personal items If you are able to, we ask that parents send in an item for our Food Drive. Children learn by example. Collection boxes will be located under the Christmas Tree in the Front Foyer. We will be decorating our tree with new mittens and hats. These will be shared with our students. Your help in decorating would be appreciated. All food collected will be used to meet the needs of the community either at Christmas or during the winter months. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! KINDERGARTEN PRE-REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 December 2013 Dear Parents: We are attempting to project our school’s enrolment for September 2014. Specifically, we would like an indication of those pre-school children who will be attending Kindergarten at Brant Avenue Public School in September 2014. Senior Kindergarten children must be five years of age by December 31st, 2014 and have not attended school. Junior Kindergarten children must be four years of age by December 31st, 2014. Our Kindergarten Registration will be held sometime in February, 2014. You will be provided with a complete registration package in January. Please return the form as soon as possible to the school office. PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 13th! Parent’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Complete Address: ____________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: ___________________________ Cell Phone Number: ___________________________ Work Phone Number: ___________________________ Name of New Kindergarten Child Who Will be Four or Five as of December 31, 2014: Date of Birth: _______________________________ Siblings Presently Attending Brant Avenue Public School: _________________________________________________ MONTH of DECEMBER 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 11:15 Girls Volleyball Tournament 5 12:45 Gr 1 and 1/2 to River Run 6 1:15 Jr Yoga and Mindfulness 7 8 10 11 12:05 Winter Celebration Performance for Students 12 2:05 Winter Celebration Performance for Parents 13 1:15 Jr Yoga and Mindfulness 14 15 9 11:00 Patrol Pizza Lunch 9:00 School Safety Programs 16 17 18 11:00 Mayor Visiting Gr 4/5 19 Spirit Day 20 MINISTRY MANDATED DAY – NO SCHOOL 21 First Day of 22 23 24 25 26 27 WINTER BREAK 29 30 31 First day of school is January 6th, 2014