Check Sheet for Sociology Education Majors Name ___________________________________ Date __________

Check Sheet for Sociology Education Majors
Name ___________________________________
Date __________
General Studies (Follow College of Arts & Science Sheet B.A. Requirements)
ENGL 110
Mathematics Requirement1
Multicultural Requirement2
First Year Experience
Discovery Learning Experience3
Second Writing Course4
You must take MATH114, 115, 117, 221, 241, 242
or 243 as a pre/co-requisite for ECON 101.
EDUC 419 satisfies multicultural requirement.
HIST 491 and EDUC 400 satisfy DLE.
Please email professor to confirm course is being
offered as second writing.
Language Requirement
_______________________ ___
_______________________ ___
_______________________ ___
Proficiency Test__________ ___
University Breadth Requirements5;
3 credit hours each; minimum grade of CGroup A: _____________ Group B: _____________
Group C: _____________ Group D: _____________
Must be from 4 different academic departments but not from
the major department; can be combined with CAS Group
Requirements. Check the registrar’s website for the most
current list of courses that fulfill group requirements.
CAS Group Requirements
A. Creative Arts & Humanities
C. Social and Behavioral Sciences
Minimum 9 credits in at least 2 programs
Minimum 9 credits in at least two programs
B. History and Cultural Change
D. Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and
Technology Science with lab
*Science w lab
Minimum 9 credits in at least 2 programs
Minimum 10 credits in at least two programs
Academic Studies: 54 Credit Hours. 3.0 g.p.a. in sociology, minimum grade of CSociology (3 credit hours each)
SOCI 201___
SOCI 301___
SOCI 312___
Related Work (3 credit hours each)
ANTH ____
ECON ____
GEOG ____
PSYC 100___
____ ____
(Note: These courses can also fulfill
group requirements)
Seven Sociology courses (21 credits)
*SOCI ___
*SOCI ___
*SOCI 4___
*SOCI ___
*SOCI ___
*SOCI 4___
*The seven courses in asterisks must be divided in the following manner: no more than 9 credits at the 200
level. At least 6 credits must be at the 400 level or higher, but cannot be fulfilled with 466 or 464
410, 412, 441, or 442 internship courses.
Professional Studies (29 Credit Hours - minimum grade of C-)
*EDUC 419___
*EDUC 413___ (4 credits)
EDUC 414___
EDUC 420 ___
*HIST 491 ___
HIST 492 ___
HIST 493 ___
**EDUC 400___
(3 credit)s (Senior year - fall ONLY)
(Senior year - fall ONLY)
(1 credit) (Senior year - fall ONLY)
(Senior year - spring ONLY)
(9 credits; spring ONLY; See Social Studies
advisor for prerequisites)
*Courses with classroom observation hours
**To be eligible to student teach, History Education students must have a g.p.a. of 3.0 in their major and an overall
g.p.a. of 2.75 and must pass a teacher competency test as established by the University Council on Teacher
Education (UCTE).
Credits Required for Degree & Certification: 124 minimum: 2.75 overall g.p.a.
Revised 9/2015