April 5 to April 23, 2013 

April 5 to April 23, 2013 In order to protect the identity of all individuals who have submitted correspondence with regard to the
Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7/8 Feasibility Study and in keeping with the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, all personal information and/or identifiers have been
severed from all recorded communication (i.e. e-mails and letters) prior to distribution. The intent or
message has not been changed.
April 5, 2013
I am very saddened to receive this letter today. The thriving intermediate program at Rickson
including fabulous music/science/phys.ed/art/drama components, taught by specialist teachers (who
are passionate about their subjects) would be lost to both our students and the Sir Isaac Brock
students if this change happened. I fear our students will not be properly prepared for high school
without it. Right now, our graduating students finish as well-rounded, enthusiastic citizens and this
won't be attainable without a full rotary program. The community feel of the group of intermediate
students is also extremely valuable. These students leave Rickson as a cohesive group to start high
school together. Sir Isaac Brock parents: make sure you know what you will be missing by removing
your students from our school!!
April 5, 2013
I have 2 kids currently going to SIB, 4 once they're all school age. Expanding the grades to include 7
& 8 would be a tremendous help. There are tons of families within the school boundary who would
benefit - the area is largely made up of families with young children. I hope they all speak up so that
this decision moves forward.
April 5, 2013
I fully support the inclusion of grades 7/8 at SIB. This makes sense for a number of reasons:
-the population of 'walkers' at SIB is enormous (it would be ideal to continue this healthy lifestyle)
-older children can assist younger students/siblings walking to and from school (fewer child care
costs/commitments for parents)
-the transition to grade 7 is stressful for SIB students because Rickson students are grounded/settled as
a cohort)
-grade 7/8 students at SIB would be able to participate in after school sports/activities without
worrying about transportation home
-SIB students are proud of their school and would love to graduate from their home school
-I believe it is the only JK-6 school recently built in Guelph (why is that? Why are all others JK-8?)
April 5, 2013
As a parent of 3 children who currently attend SIB, I would like to see them stay together until
their move to Centennial. It made sense for students to move on to Rickson Ridge for grades
7 and 8, before Westminster Woods opened and SIB was over capacity. This is not the case
any more. Westminster Woods is a K-8 school with a similar population.I know,I am a
1 April 5 to April 23, 2013 teacher there. They have only 2 grade 7 classes and 2 grade 8 classes and they are able to
provide a full, top quality program to their intermediate students. This would be the same
scenerio for students at Sir Isaac Brock. I feel the students from SIB entering Rickson Ridge in
Grade 7 are at a disadvantage when they start a school at the end of their elementary career
with classes of students who may possibly have been there since kindergarten. I saw this first
hand as a teacher at Waverley Drive Public School when students from Brant Ave came for
grade 7. The student body at SIB would benefit from having intermediate students included in
their population as they add to the school community through their leadership.
On a personal note, my oldest child has been assessed as Non-verbal LD and the transition
to a new school is already creeping into her thoughts (she is currently in grade 5) and it
would be beneficial for her to remain where adminstration, classroom teachers and SERTs
know her needs. This area has already had to wait for full-day kindergarten and then they are
disadvantaged yet again when they can not have their intermediate aged children look after
younger siblings for before and after school care because they are bused earlier and get
home later. When my husband and I bought a house in the SIB area, we were fully aware
that our children would attend Rickson for grades 7 and 8. However, SIB is now not at
capacity (minus the FDK). French, planning and resource teachers have full classrooms. This
is not the norm across our school board.
We would like to see families kept together, in their neighbourhood. I think that this should be
a priority. Thank-you for considering my family's comments on this issue.
April 5, 2013
I wish grade 7 & 8 starts this year 2013. My youngest daughter is in JK, oldest daughter is in Grade 6.
If Grade 7 starts here then it'll be better time management for us.
April 6, 2013
Please have Sir Isaac Brock grade 7/8 expansion completed as soon as possible.
April 6, 2013
more convenient,kids can be in the same school.don't need to go for 2 years to different school.
April 6, 2013
we should have a grade 7 and 8 at SIB because kids will get the opportunity to stay there for the full
primary and move to a secondary school. that makes it fair to rickson ridge and us!
April 6, 2013
I would like to have the school upgraded to whole primary level,to facilitate our children to continue
their studies
2 April 5 to April 23, 2013 April 7, 2013
thank you! For making the idea for gr.7/8 in S.I.B
April 8, 2013
As parents of two girls we would be thrilled if SIB added grades 7&8. In light of the change in
structure for the school on Zaduk Place, we hope that the Board will seriously consider adding the two
additional years at SIB.
Thank you,
April 6, 2013
Making Sir Isaac Brock a K-8 school is way to go. It has been delayed for too long.
April 8, 2013
I think that adding grade 7 and 8 would be very beneficial to the students. I am new to the
neighbourhood and my son is just starting in Grade 5 at Sir Isaac Brock and I was very
disappointed to hear he would have to be bussed for grade 7&8. I look forward to this option
being explored.
April 8, 2013
Our kids have developed a comfortable relationship with the staff and facilities in SIB-PS through
many years. They will do better in the same school for the extra 2 years (Grade 7/8). However,
changing the school at this sensitive age is very stressful and risky for them. The staff who knew the
kids from their early ages may better monitor and support them rather than the new school staff who
has to learn them from the beginning. I am very concerned especially because this is a tender age.
April 8, 2013
I support the idea of adding grades 7/8 to SIB-PS. It is my believe that kids change their behaviour
when they are changed from their stable environment especially at a tender age. I also feel like
loosing control as I would not know the new school staff. I prefer to have such changes, if at all, after
grade 8.
April 8, 2013
This expansion of grades makes sense for our family and many others as it:
-enables us (as parents) to be more active in our childrens' school as the school is RIGHT in our own
-allows for greater parent participation in school events as we wouldn't need to divide our time among
two schools (one for each child)
-allows our older child to provide after school care for our younger child
-allows the opportunity for physical activity as our children can walk to/from school
3 April 5 to April 23, 2013 -provides a greener solution (no school bus!)
-creates a sense of community within our neighbourhood, keeping our children close to home for a
longer period of time.
April 8, 2013
After reading the report and realizing there is a Board meeting tomorrow on this matter I wanted to
make sure the Board is aware that there is a great amount of support for 7 and 8 at Sir Isaac Brock.
Since we have only received the letter home on Friday we are only in the process of establishing our
group to be able to have our say on this matter. We definitely want our children back in our
community where we feel as parents we can better support them through their education. We agree
with the fact that the more parents are involved in their childs education the greater success they will
have in school. Looking forward to communicating further with you. Thank you
April 8, 2013
Is there a reason that justifies the time and cost demanded of such a study?
The current arrangement between Rickson and SIB offers a wonderful rotary and specialist program,
appropriate use of space and resources, and excellent social and academic preparation for high
school for all of the intermediate students involved. Changing this arrangement does a disservice to
BOTH schools' intermediate students, because the two schools will not be able to offer separately
what one school can offer together. As a former grade 8 teacher (with a different board), I am well
aware that you cannot have a complete rotary program with specialist teachers if you only have two to
four intermediate classes. In addition, I know that students will be less prepared socially for high
school if they have stayed with the same small cohort of students for 10 consecutive years. Even extracurricular opportunities will be limited if the two populations of students are divided. As a parent of
two children at Rickson Ridge, I strongly support the current intermediate program at Rickson. My
children, like all children from both Rickson and SIB, deserve the best education that the Board can
offer them, and that is by having the opportunity to be intermediate students in the existing rotary
program at Rickson.
As a taxpayer, I am also very concerned about this possible new arrangement. When resources are
so limited, why
is the Board considering making costly changes to a relatively new school to accommodate 7s and 8s,
as well leaving classrooms empty in an even newer school?
April 9, 2013
My name is Theresa Barras and currently have 2 children attending Sir Isaac Brock. My daughter in
grade 3 and son in grade 1.
I also support our school having a 7/8 class. For reasons being that we have one of the best rated
schools along with some of the greatest staff. The way our teachers prepare our children for the
following grades is absolutely amazing. Their dedication and community is beyond words.
4 April 5 to April 23, 2013 Our current principal..Ms. Donaldson an staff member (unnamed) recently took the time to help me
with a personal tragedy that struck our family. My nephew was murdered...their support and and on
going commitment to me and family has been truly remarkable. This is the staff I want my children to
grow with through their elementary years. Not be be shuffled off to another school with no sense of
roots. This is by far the best community and school you have in your board system...I am very proud
to have my children attend.
Thank you for your time.
April 9, 2013
I and many others in my community feel very strongly that our children MUST remain in our
community. There sense of belonging is so critical in the grades of 7 and 8. To take this away from
them is unfair. It is also key to younger siblings to have their older siblings with them. In addition, part
of the choice I made to move across from a school was to have my childrenATTEND that school.
Please ensure this happens for our children. If there are other avenues to have my voice heard
please let me know..
April 11, 2013
My 13 yr old went to SIB from kindergarten to grade 6 and I still have one child there (9 yrs old). SIB
is a FABULOUS school and as a parent I was, and am, able to be quite involved with school activities.
I was happy that I could walk my kids to and from school. At first this year was strange having the two
kids at different schools. I missed relying on the older child to take care of the younger one after
school walking home. I feel Rickson could have done a better job at welcoming the SIB students and
their families. I don't feel the connection to Rickson as I do to SIB and know very little of what goes on
since my child is bused there. I feel that Rickson could do a better job of keeping us informed. All
that being said, I strongly recommend that SIB not have grades 7& 8 and that the students continue to
move to Rickson for these grades. I think that changing schools at this point is a great mini-transition
in preparation for the move to grade 9. I think if they remain at SIB until such time, the transition
would be that much harder. Rickson is better equipped with the second floor to segregate the grade 7
& 8's. Being on a bus and the rotary program have both fostered more independence in my child. I
think my lack of involvement at his/her school has also allowed for growth, maturity and responsibility.
I am not sure this would happen if he/she had stayed at SIB for these grades. I think as parents we
tend to keep them close and sheltered...delay them growing up. I think the parents have bigger issues
with this than the kids. At first, the unknown is scary and we want to protect them. Of course they
would choose to pick the more comfortable option, staying with what they know. After a brief period
of uncertainty my child has loved this transition, enjoys the new friendships formed as well as new
subjects taught. The transition has instilled a new confidence in taking on new challenges. A benefit
that I never anticipated was the one on one time I now have with my younger child as we walk home
from school together and those extra few minutes alone before and after school while the other one
travels on the bus. The loss of the rotary program would be a huge downfall. True not all schools
have this, but I truly believe it can only benefit them for when they get to grade nine when they will
have to juggle all their different courses, different teachers and homework schedules. The kids going
to Rickson does not mean we are supporting our children any less just because they are not in our
neighborhood anymore. Our form of support changes as we help them learn to cope with new
challenges. At no point are our children leaving friends, they are moving on together as a group. We
5 April 5 to April 23, 2013 are also still welcome to help out at Rickson if that is what we wish to do. The kids are not going
across town, they are five minutes away. Parents need to expand their definition of 'community' to
include a bigger area, not just a couple blocks. Our community area is both schools. Please allow
our children this important step in social development.
April 11, 2013
I support the study regarding adding grades 7/8 to SIB. Hopefully this time the decision will be
approved to accommodate the 7/8 grades.
April 13, 2013
Why it is important for SIB to includes grades 7/8:
SIB is a central part of my Boys academic and social development. Given that it is so close to our
home, it is ideal that our boys continue to go there through gr 7 and 8 as they transition to being
teenagers and the responsibilities of high school. Having the consistency and comfort of being at such
a great academic institution for JK through 8 can only help in there development.
If we want are children to respect and care for the communities they live in, then I think we should
keep them in the communities they live in and not bus them all over Guelph because their school
doesn't have room for them.
April 19, 2013
Sir Iasaac Brock Public School ABSOLUTELY requires the additon of grades 7 and 8! As a SIB parent I
know my child will benefit from being able to remain in the same elementary school. There are so
many reasons and validators I need alot more space to fully express how strongly I support this
April 21, 2013
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input toward the boundary review for SIB/Rickson Ridge 7/8.
I can imagine it is a difficult process as you will be hearing many views. I am a parent of two children
who currently attend Sir Isaac Brock Public School and I would be very appreciative if the decision will
be made in favour to bring grades 7 & 8 grades to our school.
I would first like to start off by saying how impressed I am with this school. There is a very strong
sense of community amongst the students, staff, parent council and families. I truly believe children
do better at school when they feel a sense of belonging and have a good support network. By adding
grades 7 & 8, this will allow siblings to stay together at the same school for longer. It will also allow
for kids to walk to school within their own neighbourhood, rather than get bussed away.
I have recently heard some parents mention that if grades 7 & 8 does not come to SIB, they may
consider switching their kids to the new catholic school down the street because it does go up to
grade 8. I think this would be a shame to lose students for this reason. Thank you.