February 26  to March 20, 2013 

February 26th to March 20, 2013 In order to protect the identity of all individuals who have submitted correspondence with regard to the
New Settlers Creek JK-8 RT Boundary Review and in keeping with the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, all personal information and/or identifiers have been
severed from all recorded communication (i.e. e-mails and letters) prior to distribution. The intent or
message has not been changed.
March 16, 2013
I believe it is time a school was provided for children living in Settlers Creek. Why should they
be bused a half hour away and not get the opportunity to go to school with their friends. We
are all tax payers to The Town of Orangeville (and we all pay well I may add) and I would
expect all our children to have a space in an Orangeville school.