Professor Ana Deletic, Victoria Prize for
Science and Innovation, Awarded by Hon.
Louise Asher, State Government of Victoria,
21 November 2012
Professor Tony Wong, Alumnus Engineer of
the Year, Department of Civil Engineering,
Monash University, 19 June 2012
Catford, J., Aldridge, K., Capon, S.,
Cunningham, S., Daniell, K., Wallis, P.,
Wheeler, S. (2012), ‘Submission on the
proposed Basin Plan by the Theo Murphy
Think Tank, Murray-Darling Basin Plan subgroup’, 16 April 2012,
Belinda Allison
Member, Senior Management Team
Member, Procurement Board, Monash
Member, Green Purchasing Committee
Member, Carbon Management Stakeholder,
Reference Committee, Monash
Member, Tertiary Education Sustainability
Member, EPA University Partnership
Working Group
Mark Boulet
Regional Director, Victoria, Australian
Campuses Towards Sustainability Board
Professor Rebekah Brown
Editorial Board Member, Urban Water Journal
Editorial Board Member, International
Journal of Water Governance
Editorial Board Member, Environmental
Innovation and Societal Transitions
Dr Marion Carey
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee,
Climate and Health Alliance
Member, National Executive Committee,
Doctors for the Environment Australia
Member, Climate Change Working Group,
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Member, Scientific Committee, Population
Health Congress
Mentor, Global Health Mentoring Program
Supervisor and Examiner, Monash BMedSc
Member, Atmosphere Expert Reference
Group, Victorian Environmental
Sustainability Commissioner, State of the
Environment Report
Member, Victorian EPA Community Advisory
Vice-President (Policy), Public Health
Association of Australia
Professor Ana Deletic
Member, Steering Committee, Urban Water
Forum, Australian Academy of Technological
Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)
Member, Selection Committee for the
Faculty of Engineering to Select the New Dean
Member, Associate Professorial Promotion
International Expert Adviser, Pennine Water
Group, Sheffield and Bradford Universities,
EPSRC, Platform Grant Centre, UK
Chair, Korean-Australian Green Growth
Workshop, Korea, Korean National Academy
of Engineering (NAEK) and Australian
Academy of Technological Sciences and
Member, Organisational Committee, 9th
Urban Drainage Modelling Conference,
Belgrade, Serbia
International Expert Adviser, Water in Cities
– Danish National Program on Urban Water
International Expert Adviser/ Committee
Member, Urban Drainage Systems as Key
Infrastructures in Cities and Towns, a
Serbian Joint National Project
Chair, Technical Review Committee, Urban
Stormwater Best Practice Environmental
Management Guidelines (BPEM)
Participant, National Recycled Water
Regulators Forum
Participant, Urban Water Stakeholder
Reference Panel, Federal Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Populations and Communities (SEWAPC)
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Stormwater,
Water Research Journal
Member, Executive Committee, Department
of Civil Engineering
Co-Director, Monash Water for Liveability,
Monash University
Hub Leader, CRC Melbourne (Victoria,
Tasmania, South Australia), CRC for Water
Sensitive Cities
Professor Dave Griggs
Member, BehaviourWorks Advisory Board
Vice-Chair, Joint Scientific Committee for
the World Climate Research Programme
Member, Climate Institute Strategic Council
Member, Monash Research Committee
Member, Monash Education Executive
Member, Monash Senior Management Team
Member, EPA Victoria Partnership Reference
Member, ClimateWorks Australia Board
Member, Victorian Centre for Climate
Change Adaptation Research Advisory
Member, Australian Council of
Environmental Deans and Directors
Member, European Research Council
Starting Grants Evaluation Panel
Member, International Union for
Conservation of Nature, Commission on
Education and Communication
Professor Ray Ison
International Reference Group Member,
US$8 million USAID-funded project, RESILIM
Project on Water Governance in South Africa
Member Advisory Editors Council, Journal of
Globalisation Studies
Fellow, Centre for Policy Development
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Sustainable
Futures, UTS
Director, Systemic Development Institute
Director, World Organisation of Systems and
Dr Haywantee Ramkissoon
Editorial Board Member, International
Journal of Event and Festival Management
Editorial Board Member, E-Review for
Executive Member, Australia and
International Tourism Research Unit
Reviewer, Annals of Tourism Research
Reviewer, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Reviewer, Tourism Management Journal
Reviewer, Tourism Analysis Journal
Reviewer, International Journal of Hospitality
Reviewer, Journal of Hospitality
Management and Marketing
Reviewer, Society and Natural Resources
Reviewer, Current Issues in Tourism
Reviewer, e-Review for Tourism
Reviewer, International Journal of
Environmental, Cultural, Economic and
Social Sustainability
Professor Geoff Rose
Member, Steering Committee, Principles of
Responsible Management Education (PRME)
Member, Education, Environment and
Sustainability Faculty Research Group
Anna Skarbek
Director, Carbon Market Institute
Director, Sustainable Melbourne Fund
Director, Thermometer Foundation for Social
Research on Climate Change
Board Member, Clean Energy Finance
Corporation Board
Board Member, Land Sector Carbon and
Biodiversity Board
Representative, NGO Roundtable
MSI’s influence and impact grew in 2012, with our researchers and staff giving nearly
260 presentations; publishing over 85 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters,
conference papers and opinion pieces; and providing expert advice on over 90
committees, organisational boards, journals, and government processes.
our impact
Dr Liam Smith
Member, Zoos Victoria Scientific Advisory
Professor John Thwaites
Chair, Monash Sustainability Institute
Board Chair, ClimateWorks Australia
Board Chair, BehaviourWorks Australia
Board Member, Monash Injury Research
Chair, Australian Building Codes Board
Chair, National Sustainability Council
Leadership Council, United Nations
Sustainable Development Solutions
Chair, The Climate Group Australia
Chair, Peter Cullen Trust
President, Australian Centre for the Moving
Director, Green Building Council of
Professor Michael Ward
Associate Editor, Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Professor Tony Wong
Program Director, Cities as Water Supply
Catchments Research Program
CEO, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
CEO, Monash Centre for Water Sensitive
Belinda Allison
Sustainability Reporting, presented to
MON222 Lecture: Sustainability: Learning
and Living It, Monash University, Clayton
Campus, Melbourne
Social Sustainability in the Tertiary
Education Sector, presented to
Australasian Campuses Towards
Sustainability Conference, Brisbane
Exhibition Centre
Meg Argyriou
Methodology and Preliminary Findings of
Cost Curve for Demand Management,
presented to Ergon Energy, 4 January
The Impact of the Carbon Price Package,
presented to Green Steps Trainers, 9
February 2012
Findings of the Gippsland Low Carbon
Growth Plan, presented to Gippsland Local
Government Network, 10 February 2012
Catalysing Council’s Engagement with
Opportunities in the Gippsland Low Carbon
Growth Plan, 14 February 2012
Regional Low Carbon Growth Plans,
presented to Sustainability Victoria, 14
February 2012
Reinventing the Regions: Geelong and
Barwon South West. What is Required for
Growth in the Region? 22 March 2012
Low Carbon Growth Plan for Gippsland,
Gippsland Industries in Transition
Conference, 3 April 2012
Empower Presentation, Gippsland
Empower Business Event, 26 April 2012
ClimateWorks Australia Core Projects,
presented to World Resources Institute,
Washington D.C., 16 May 2012
ClimateWorks Australia Core Projects,
presented to Center for American
Progress, Washington D.C., 16 May 2012
ClimateWorks Australia’s Tracking
Progress Project, presented to Climate
Policy Initiative, San Francisco, 21 May
ClimateWorks Australia’s Core Projects,
presented to International Council on Clean
Transportation, San Francisco, 21 May
ClimateWorks Australia’s Tracking
Progress Project, presented to
ClimateWorks Foundation, San Francisco,
22 May 2012
Clean Energy Opportunities for Port
Macquarie, presented to Clean Energy
Forum, Victoria, 14 June 2012
Sustainability Frontiers, presented to
Monash University, 24 August 2012
Impact of the Carbon Price Package,
presented to Monash University, 29 August
Climate Science and Carbon Pricing,
presented to Lyceum Club, 18 September
Tracking Progress, presented to Climate
Change Authority, 21 September 2012
Regional Low Carbon Growth Plans,
presented to Eyre Peninsula Leadership
Network, 26 September 2012
Tracking Progress, presented to Climate
Change Authority Board, 22 October 2012
Regional Low Carbon Growth Plans,
presented in Melbourne North, 26 October
Regional Low Carbon Growth Plans,
presented in Bendigo Region, 1 November
Regional Low Carbon Growth Plans,
presented in Melbourne East, 14
November 2012
Mark Boulet
Are People Just Bloody Idiots? An
Introduction to Behaviour Change,
presented at Sustainable Living Festival,
Melbourne, February 2012
The Green Steps Program: Empowering
Students to Create Change, presented at
La Trobe Sustainability Forum, Melbourne,
February 2012
Green Steps @ Work: Building Staff
Capacity to Improve An Organisation’s
Sustainability Performance, presented at
Hargraves Institute Sustainability
Conference, Melbourne, March 2012
An Introduction to Green Steps, presented
by Kati Thompson at Monash Masters of
Environmental Science Introductory Forum,
Melbourne, March 2012
An Introduction to Green Steps, presented
by Kati Thompson at Metro Waste
Management Education Network Seminar,
Melbourne, June 2012
An Introduction to Behaviour Change,
presented at Fuji Xerox Australia
Sustainability Conference, Melbourne,
November 2012
Professor Rebekah Brown
The Bigger Picture: Demand Management
Responses, presented at CEDA Forum –
Water Series Part 1: Understanding Urban
Water Security, Hilton on the Park,
Melbourne, 22 November 2012
Water Sensitive Cities: Considering the
Social and Institutional Ingredients for
Mainstreaming Sustainable Technologies,
presented at SGES 50th Anniversary
Seminar, The Telstra Conference Centre,
Melbourne, 21 November 2012
Institutions, Governance and Transitions:
Key Outputs and Insights, CRC Industry
Partner Workshop, Brisbane City Council,
Brisbane, 26 September 2012
Overview of CRC Research Program A:
Society, presented to SEQ Water Sensitive
Cities Forum, Brisbane City Council,
Brisbane, 25 September 2012
KEYNOTE SPEECH: Enabling the Uptake
and Diffusion of New Technology: The
Political, Institutional and Social Contexts
for Change, presented to IWA Leading
Edge Conference, Brisbane, 4 June 2012
Adjunct Associate Professor Marion
Saving Lives: Reframing Climate Change
Around Health and Livelihoods,
presentation at Environment Victoria and
Psychology for a Safe Climate Panel
Session, Melbourne, Victoria, 20 February
Justice in Practice, Environmental Justice
Symposium, Melbourne Victoria, 27 July
Climate Change Health Impacts, Monash
University Medical and Health Science
Lecture, Gippsland Campus, Victoria
Improving Health Futures in a Global
World, Monash Caulfield Lecture,
Melbourne, Victoria, 8 October 2012
Challenges to Services for Homeless
Persons in Adapting to Predicted Extreme
Weather Events Under Climate Change,
Climate Adaptation in Action 2012 –
NCCARF Conference, Melbourne, Victoria,
26 June 2012
Adaptation to Heat Health Impacts and
Workshop on Health Impacts of Energy
Choices, presentations at Population
Health Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 1012 September 2012
CO-FACILITATOR: Wellbeing Session,
presented at Valuing Adaptation Workshop,
Melbourne, Victoria, 12 December 2012
Dr Terence Chan
A Bayesian Network Approach to
Understanding a Systemic Response to
Climate Change: The Red River Basin and
Eli Court
Low Carbon Growth Plan for Geelong,
presented to Geelong Manufacturing
Council Clean Energy Technology
Conference, 29 May 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Stringybark Sustainability Festival, 21
September 2012
Dr Jim Curtis
WEBINAR: The Psychology of Behaviour
Change, presented to 3 Pillars Network, 3
May 2012
Introduction to Understanding and
Influencing Behaviour, presented to
ClimateWorks Australia, Melbourne, 8
February 2012
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to MON222 Sustainability: Learning and
Living It, Clayton, 3 & 6 September 2012
Changing People’s Behaviour: How Hard
Can It Be? Presented to Glen Waverley
Secondary School, Glen Waverley, 19 July
and 16 October 2012
Values and Behaviour Change, presented to
Valuing Adaptation Workshop, Melbourne,
11 December 2012
Insights From Behaviour Change Research
and Their Relevance to Workplace Safety
Campaigns, presented to Worksafe Victoria,
Melbourne, 29 June 2012
Surprise Hit or the Blind Date from Hell?
Complentarities and Conflicts in Strategies
for Achieving Outcomes from Social
Marketing and Modern Regulation,
presented to 2012 International Social
Marketing Conference, Brisbane, 28 June
Professor Ana Deletic
Managing Polluted Highway Runoffs –
Briefing Presentation, presented to Monash
University, University of Melbourne, Vic
Roads, EPA, LMA and Melbourne Water,
Branden Business Park, Melbourne, 19
January 2012
Melbourne Participants’ Briefing, presented
to CRC for Water Sensitive Cities,
Melbourne, 20 January 2012
Consultation on Water Regulation,
presented to National Recycled Water
Regulators Forum (NRWRF), Brisbane,
Queensland, 2 February 2012
Urban Water Infrastructure Economics and
Asset Management, presented at 7th
International WSUD Conference, Engineers
Australia, Monash Water for Liveability,
Melbourne, 21-23 February 2012
Key Researchers Workshop, presented to
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and Cities as
Water Supply Catchments project,
Melbourne, 24 February 2012
WORKSHOP II: Creating Water Sensitive
Cities in Israel, presented to Jewish National
Fund of Australia (JNF), Victorian Branch
and KKL, Israel and Monash University,
Clayton Campus, Melbourne, 26-27
February 2012
SEMINAR: Review of Melbourne Water’s
Pilot Regional Scale Bio-Retention System
at Banyan Reserve, presented to Melbourne
Water, Western Waterways and Monash
University, East Melbourne Library, 20
March 2012
CRC Industry Partner Workshop and Annual
General Meeting, presented to CRC for
Water Sensitive Cities and Monash Water
for Liveability, Melbourne, 3-4 May 2012
KEYNOTE SPEECH: Creating Water Sensitive
Cities, presented in ‘Climate Change on
Future Urban Societies’ at KoreanAustralian Green Growth International
Workshop, Korean National Academy of
Engineering (NAEK) and Australian Academy
of Technology Sciences and Engineering
(ATSE), Seoul, Korea, 12-17 May 2012
Development of Policies for Sustainable
Urban Growth, presented in ‘Climate
Change on Future Urban Societies’ at
Korean-Australian Green Growth
International Workshop, Korean National
Academy of Engineering (NAEK) and
Australian Academy of Technology Sciences
and Engineering (ATSE), Seoul, Korea, 1217 May 2012
Water Forum Pathways, presented to
Australian Academy of Technological
Sciences and Engineering, Melbourne, 1
June 2012
KEYNOTE SPEECH: Water Sensitive Cities
and Stormwater Harvesting, presented to
Frankston Environmental Friends,
Community Education Action Group,
Frankston Art Centre, Melbourne, 13 June
Clunies Ross Dinner Presentations, Gala
Dinner, presented to Monash University,
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre,
NSW, 14 June
Briefing on CRC for Water Sensitive Cities,
presented to National Recycled Water
Regulators Forum (NRWRF), Alice Springs,
NT, 9 July 2012
Division Dinner Speech on Water Sensitive
Cities: Water and Climate Change Keynote
(Biofiltration Stormwater Treatment
Technologies), presented to Australian
Academy of Technological Sciences and
Engineering, University of Melbourne,
Carlton, Melbourne, 2 August 2012
Melbourne’s Transition to a Water Sensitive
City, Closing Forum for Monash Water for
Liveability, Melbourne, 14 August 2012
Water Sensitive Cities, presented to The
Society of Danish Engineers (IDA), DTU
University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28
August 2012
Various Presentations, presented to Israeli
Water Authority, Jewish National Fund of
Australia (Victoria Branch), Monash
University, Israel, 10-11 September 2012
Water Sensitive Cities – an Australian
Perspective, presented to the National
Technical University of Athens, Greece, 20
September 2012
I5th International River Symposium,
presented to the International Water Centre,
Melbourne, 8-11 October 2012
Stormwater Harvesting Training Course –
WSUD, presented to NSW Catchment
Management Authority, Sydney, NSW, 17
October 2012
WORKSHOP: Presentation to Delegation,
presented to Indonesian Academy of
Sciences, ATSE, Melbourne, 25 October
EPA Conference: Strategic Research and
Development Program, presented to
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA),
Melbourne, 8-9 November 2012
Water Sensitive Urbanism, Hub Seminar,
Monash Water for Liveability and CRC for
Water Sensitive Cities, Monash University,
Clayton Campus, 14 November 2012
Blueprint Workshop, presented to CRC for
Water Sensitive Cities, Melbourne, 19
November 2012
ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: Award for Victoria
Prize for Science and Innovation (Physical
Sciences), presented at Award Dinner held
by the State Government of Victoria, State
Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 21 November
Integrated Water Resource Management,
presented to ‘Developing Effective Climate
Change (Adaptation and Mitigation) Policy in
Vietnam’, The Metropole, Hanoi, Vietnam,
26 June 2012
WORKSHOP: Systemic Modelling: Bringing
Social, Economic and Environmental
Factors Together to Assess Sustainable
Development Options, presented to
Australian Leadership Award Fellows
Program: Developing Research Capacity –
Week 7, Monash University, Caulfield and
Clayton Campuses, Melbourne, 14-17
August 2012
A Summary of ALAF Week 7 “Systemic
Modelling: Bringing Social, Economic and
Environmental Factors Together to Assess
Sustainable Development Options”,
presented to Australian Leadership Awards
Fellowships Program: Developing Research
Capacity, Closing Symposium, The Westin,
Collins Street, Melbourne, 4 September
Interdisciplinary Integrated and Participatory
Modelling of Complex Systems for Natural
Resource Management, presented to
Workshop: Community Engagement for
Local Livelihoods and Peatland
Conservation, BAPPEDA, Kapubaten Kapuas,
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 30 October
Preparing for Systemic Modelling,
presented to Knowledge Management for
Collaborative River Basin Management in
Response to Climate Change, Monash
University, Melbourne, 12 December 2012
WORKSHOP: Knowledge Management and
Systemic Modelling for the Cau River Basin,
Vietnam, presented to Knowledge
Management for Collaborative River Basin
Management in Response to Climate
Change, The Westin, Melbourne, 13-14
December and 17-21 December 2012
our impact
Water Sensitive Cities Briefings, presented
at Jewish National Fund- Monash Water For
Liveability workshops, Melbourne, 25-26
November 2012
Melbourne Water Research and
Development Forum, presented to
Melbourne Water, Melbourne, 3 December
Total WaterMark Catchment Review,
presented to Melbourne Water, Melbourne
Town Hall, 6 December 2012
Briefing on CRC for Water Sensitive Cities,
presented to Department of Civil
Engineering, Monash University, Clayton
Campus, Melbourne, 7 December 2012
OLV Fund Information Session, presented to
the Office of Living Victoria, Melbourne, 10
December 2012
Amandine Denis
Methodology and Preliminary Findings of
Cost Curve for Demand Management,
presented to Ergon Energy, 4 January 2012
How to Improve Data on Demand
Management Projects in Australia,
presented to A2SE Summer Study on
Energy Efficiency and Decentralised Energy,
29 February 2012
How to Make the Most of Demand
Management, presented to Monash
Sustainability Institute Seminar, 17 May
Impact of the Carbon Price Package
Analysis, presented to Energy Consumers
Roundtable, 20 July 2012
Industry Efficiency Tool, presented to federal
Department of Resources, Energy and
Tourism, 26 July 2012
Low Carbon Lifestyles Report, presented at
launch of the Go5 Campaign, City of
Melbourne, 13 September 2012
MACC’s and Low Carbon Growth Plan
Methodology, presented to federal
Department of Energy Efficiency and
Climate Change, Energy Efficiency branch,
21 September 2012
Carbon Decision Making and Risk
Management, presented at Carbon Expo, 7
November 2012
Reducing the Costs of Carbon Through
Innovation and Energy Efficiency, presented
at Carbon Expo, 8 November 2012
Low Carbon Lifestyles Report, 28 November
Professor Dave Griggs
Monash Sustainability Institute, presented to
study tour from Peking University, Monash
University, Clayton Campus, 7 February
Climate Change and the Sustainability
Challenge, presented to a public forum,
Horsham, Victoria, 7 February 2012
Climate Change and the Sustainability
Challenge, presented to St Brigid’s College,
Horsham, Victoria, 7 February 2012
Monash Sustainability Institute, presented to
China Green University Network, Monash
University, 23 March 2012
Climate Change and the Sustainability
Challenge, presented to Helsby High School,
Helsby, UK
Climate Change, presented to Ancora
Imparo Climate Change Panel, Monash
University, 24 April 2012
Natural Resource Management in the
Barmah-Millewa, presented to the Yorta
Yorta Research Community Forum,
Shepparton, Victoria, 27 April 2012
Climate Change, presented at a forum on
Labor’s plan to price carbon pollution,
Deakin University, 15 May 2012
Climate Change, Sustainability and Health,
presented as a guest lecture to Deakin
University medical students, Deakin
University, 25 May 2012
Talking Climate Change Adaptation,
presented at VCCCAR Annual Forum,
Melbourne, 25 June 2012
Coastal Adaptation Challenges, presented at
NCCARF Annual Conference, Melbourne, 28
June 2012
Climate Change and Public Health,
presented as a guest lecture to a
postgraduate unit on climate change:
MPH5042, Monash University, 26 July 2012
Business Sustainability and Government
Policies and Programs, presented to
Department of Business and Innovation
Experts Forum, 7 August 2012
The Monash Sustainability Institute – Who
Are We and What Do We Do? Presented to
School of Biological Sciences, Monash
University, 16 August 2012
Regarding the Earth: Ecological Vision in
Word and Image, presented at 4th ASLECANZ Biennial Conference, Monash
University, 1 September 2012
Developing Research Capacity for
Sustainable Development in Response to
Climate Change, presented at ALAF
Symposium, Melbourne, 4 September 2012
KEYNOTE SPEECH: Climate Change,
presented at 2012 Waste and Recycle
Conference, Perth, 13 September 2012
The Domestic Sustainability Outlook,
presented at Global Perspectives on
Sustainability Seminar for the Federal
Government, Canberra, 2 October 2012
WORKSHOP: The IPCC Process, regarding
the government review of the working group
I contribution to the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment
Report, Canberra, 24 October 2012
Climate Change and Energy, presented at
the Monash Business Breakfast: A Clean
Energy Future, Melbourne, 25 October 2012
Climate Change, presented at National
Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge for
Climate Change, Echuca, Victoria, 12
November 2012
What Would a Climate Adapted Australian
Settlement Look Like? Presented at the
NCCARF Local Government Workshop,
Melbourne, 6 December 2012
Professor Ray Ison
Systems Thinking, half day workshop
presented to University of Agricultural
Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2012
Building a Community of Conversation
About Water Governance in Australia,
presented at Practical Responses to Climate
Change Conference, Canberra, Australia, 13 May 2012
Introduction to the Learning Project,
presented at AusAID and CSIRO African
Food Security Initiative Meeting, Dakar,
Senegal, 27 May – 3 June 2013
‘Earth System’, ‘Social-Ecological System’:
What is Meant by System? Presented at
invited seminar , Stockholm Resilience
Institute, Stockholm Environment Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden, 18 June 2012
Paradigm Shift Towards Systemic and
Adaptive Governance: Praxis Relevant to a
Structurally-Coupled Social-Biophysical
System? Presented at Proc. ASC/BIG
Conference: “An Ecology of Ideas”,
Asilomar, California, USA, 5 July 2012
Systems Thinking and Practice in PhD
Research: Making Connections to Farming
Systems Research, presented at IFSA
Symposium, University of Aarhus, Denmark,
29 June – 5 July 2012
Future Workforce Perspective: Towards
Context Sensitive Learning and Design,
invited presentation to Sustainability Skills
Sub-Committee Expert Forum, Industry
Sustainability Working Group, Department of
Business and Innovation, Melbourne,
Australia, 27 July 2012
Enabling Stories of Change – a Narrative
Case Study of Adapting to Coastal Change,
presented to Climate Change and Older
People Research Network (CCOPRN),
Special Session on Using Narrative
Techniques, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia, 23 August 2012
INVITED KEYNOTE: Investment and
Innovation for Prosperous Nepal, presented
to 7th Non-Resident Nepali Regional
Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31 August
Sustainability Issues in the Future of Open
Universities, presented to 7th Non-Resident
Nepali Regional Conference, Sydney,
Australia, 31 August 2012
Resolving Science-Policy Gaps in
Transboundary Water Governance, invited
presentation sponsored by Water Institute,
Waterloo, Canada, 24 September 2012
Explaining Systems, Systems Approaches,
and their Role in Transdisciplinary Education
and Research, invited seminar presentation
to Roundtable at University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Canada, 25 September 2012
Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin: Towards a
Systemic Governance Approach? Invited
seminar at University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
Canada, 26 September 2012
More Systemic, More Adaptive, special
session at International Conference on
Dr Tahl Kestin
Climate Futures for the South Gippsland
Coast, presented to community meeting for
the project ‘What would a climate-adapted
Australian settlement look like in 2030?’,
Inverloch, 21 July 2012
Learning from Indigenous Knowledge:
Climate Change and Water Management in
the Barmah-Millewa, presented to VCCCAR
– DCCEE Graduate Trainees Melbourne
Study Tour, Melbourne, 27 August 2012
Scott McKenry
Empower Presentation, presented to South
East Melbourne business community, 28
February 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to the
Gippsland community, 24 March 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Toowoomba Business Community, 26
March 2012
Low Carbon Growth Plan and Empower
Video, presented to Gippsland marketing
and sustainability students, 2 April 2012
Low Carbon Growth Plan for Gippsland and
Empower Video, presented to GTLC Clean
Energy Seminar, Morwell, 4 April 2012
Low Carbon Growth Plan and Empower
Video, presented to Gippsland marketing
and sustainability students, 21 May 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Toowoomba community, 26 May 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Brisbane community, 27 May 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Gippsland industry group, 19 June 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to Ryde
community, 21 August 2012
Empower Presentation, presented to
Brisbane business community, 12
September 2012
Overview of ClimateWorks Work and
Opportunities for Influencing Policy in
Developing Nations, presented to Monash
Sustainability Institute Seminar, 28 August
ClimateWorks Presentation, presented to
Clean Energy Council’s Conference, 2 May
Unblocking Barriers to Cogeneration,
presented to the Australian Energy Market
Commission and the Property Council of
Australia, 9 May 201
Dr Haywantee Ramkissoon
Relationships Between Place Attachment,
Place Satisfaction, and Pro-Environmental
Behaviour in an Australian National Park,
presented to the 18th International
Symposium on Society and Resources
Management (ISSRM 2012): Linking the
North and the South – Responding to
Environmental Change, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada, 17–21 June 2012
Various Lectures, presented to Faculty of
Business and Economics, Monash
University, Berwick & Peninsula campuses,
Semester 1
Dr Liam Smith
Fostering Pro-Environmental Behaviour of
Visitors to Perth Zoo: Saving Wildlife Habitat
One Toilet Roll at a Time, presented to
Visitor Research Forum, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, January
Behavioural Interventions: What Works and
What Doesn’t, invited to present to the
Australian Association of Social Marketing:
Victorian Hub Meeting, Melbourne,
Australia, February 2012
Relationships Between Place Attachment,
Place Satisfaction, and Pro-Environmental
Behaviour in an Australian National Park,
presented to 18th International Symposium
on Society and Resources Management,
Linking the North and the South:
Responding to Environmental Change,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,
June 2012
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
at Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia, 21-22
June 2012
Years of Zoo Visitor Behaviour Taught Us?
Changing Hearts, Minds and Ultimately
Behaviours, presented to International Zoo
Educators Conference, Chester, UK, August
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to Defence Science and Technology
Organisation, 15 and 22 August 2012
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to MON222 Sustainability: Learning and
Living It, Monash University, Clayton
Campus, 3 and 6 September 2012
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, invited to
present to the Bike Futures Conference,
awarded Delegates Top Speaker award,
Melbourne, Australia, October 2012
Seven Challenges of Behaviour Change,
invited to present to Behaviour Change for
Sustainability 3rd National Congress,
Melbourne, Australia, October 2012
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to Perth Zoo, Perth, WA, 15 October 2012
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to The Shannon Company, Melbourne,
Australia, 5 and 18 October 2012
Values and Behaviour Change, presented at
NCCARF Valuing Adaptation Workshop,
Melbourne, Australia, December 2012
Littering Behaviour Change Research
Analysis, presented to Victorian Litter Action
Alliance, Melbourne, Australia, December
Behaviour Change Master Class, presented
to Sustainability Victoria, Melbourne,
Australia, 12 December 2012
Professor Geoff Rose
Advancing Education for Sustainability
Through Collaborative Curriculum Renewal,
presented at MSI Seminar Series, Monash
University, Clayton Campus, Melbourne,
February 2012
Sustainable Transport, presented to 2020
program, Glen Waverley Secondary College,
August and October 2012
Empowering and Supporting Academic Staff
to Embed Sustainability in University
Education Programs, presented to University
of Tasmania, Teaching Matters Conference,
Launceston, Tasmania, December 2012
Anna Skarbek
ClimateWorks Presentation, presented to
TMF Sustainability and Environment
Committee, 14 February 2012
ClimateWorks Presentation, presented to
Cleantech Conference, 27-28 February
Launch of Empower, presented at South
East Melbourne Innovation Precinct Event,
28 February
Unblocking Barriers to Cogeneration,
presented at A2SE Energy Efficiency
Summer Study, 1 March 2012
Low Carbon Growth Plan and the Impact of
the Carbon Price Analysis, presented to
Maddock Lawyers, 24 May 2012
ClimateWorks and BehaviourWorks on
Voluntary Data Collection, presented to
A2SE Energy Efficiency Summer Study, 1
March 2012
The Impact of the Carbon Price, presented
to Trust for Nature, 7 March 2012
Energy Efficiency, presented to Deutsche
Bank, 29 March 2012
Carbon Price, presented to Melbourne
Business School, 16 April 2012
Reinventing Progress: Sustainability for a
New Era, presented to Cairns and Far North
Environment Centre Conference, 17 April
Fresh Water Governance, Champagne
Valley, South Africa, 4-7 November 2012
Adaptive Water Governance – Systems
Thinking in Practice, presented to Peter
Cullen Trust, Canberra, Australia, 13
November 2012
BRIEFING: Outcomes of the NCCARFfunded Water Governance Research
Initiative, presented to senior government
representatives from Murray-Darling Basin
Authority, National Water Commission and
Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Community,
Canberra, Australia, 14 November 2012
Complexity: Paradigms, presented to
facilitated session at Tapping the Turn: A
Conference About Water’s Social
Dimensions, Canberra, Australia, 15-16
November 2012
Systems Thinking for Messy Situations, MSI
hosted event with Dr Rosalind Armson,
Melbourne, Australia, 20-22 November
Governance, presented at Valuing
Adaptation Workshop, Melbourne, Australia,
11-12 December 2012
our impact
Dr Janet Stanley
Adaptation, presented to community
consultation meeting, Inverloch, June 2012
Adaptation, presented to community
consultation meeting, Sandy Point, August
Sustainable Cities, presented to Women’s
Association, Inverloch, October 2012
The Structural Causes of Homelessness,
presented to the Southern Integrated CALD
CFS Network forum, 28 June 2012
Valuing Adaptation and Wellbeing, facilitated
panel discussion at MSI Adaptation
Conference, Melbourne, December 2012
Professor John Thwaites
Climate Change: Trends and Opportunities,
presented to Monash MBA Course, Monash
Caulfield, Melbourne, 6 February 2012
Launch: Riversymposium Conference,
presented at Melbourne Convention Centre,
Melbourne, 14 February 2012
Climate Change and Extreme Events:
Understanding and Managing, presented to
Monash Sustainability Institute, RMIT and
AMOS, State Library, Melbourne, 19 March
Building Products: A Compliance Free Zone.
The Role of the Building Code of Australia,
presented at Housing Industry Association
Summit, Park Hyatt, Melbourne, 28 March
Leadership and Governance in Local
Government, presented to LGPro, Melbourne,
29 March 2012
Shaping the Policy Landscape: Water
Conservation and Behaviour, presented at
The Global Leadership and Technology
Exchange, Berlin, Germany, 19 April
Politics, the Public and the Environment:
Perspectives on Sustainability, presented to
Masters in Environmental Science students,
Monash University, Melbourne, 30 April 2012
How Water Companies and Authorities can
Save Carbon and Save Money, presented to
Australian Industry Group, Melbourne, 3 May
Unlocking Barriers to Cogeneration,
presented to Property Council of Australia,
State Library, Melbourne, 9 May 2012
Parks and Politics, presented to Parks
Beyond Boundaries Conference, Adelaide, 22
May 2012
Clean Technology and the Low Carbon
Growth Plan, presented to Geelong Clean
Technology Conference, The Pier, Geelong,
29 May 2012
A Burning Political Issue, presented to
Communities in Control Conference, Moonee
Valley Racecourse, Melbourne, 29 May 2012
A Sustainable Future: What’s Ahead,
presented at NDY Sustainability Managers
Dinner, Melbourne, 31 May 2012
Carbon Reduction Opportunities for Water
Companies and Authorities, presented to
Australian Water Association Young
Professionals, 14 June 2012
The National Construction Code and
Adaptation to Climate Change, presented at
National Climate Change Adaptation
Research Facility (NCCARF) Conference,
Melbourne, 27 June 2012
Unblocking the Barriers to Cogeneration:
Making the Rules Work, presented to the
Clean Energy Conference, Sydney, 29 July
A Low Carbon Future for Your Business,
presented to AIG Industry to Industry
Network, Dandenong, 14 August 2012
Commercialising Cleantech, presented to
General Electric At Work Seminar, Sydney, 21
August 2012
Launch of Maurice Blackburn Environment
Management System, 7 September 2012
Science to Policy Leadership, presented to
Peter Cullen Trust Leadership Program,
Adelaide, 17 September 2012
Inspiring Sustainability: If Sustainability is So
Good Why Aren’t You Doing It? Presented at
Yarra Valley Water Business Customer
Forum, 19 September 2012
How the Public Sector Needs to Respond to
the Carbon Price, presented at Government
Sustainability Conference, The Sebel, Albert
Park, 19 September 2012
Next Courageous Steps: Climate Change,
Political Change and Behavioural Change,
presented to the Australian Association of
Environmental Educators Conference, The
Sebel, Albert Park, 1 October 2012
Politics from the Inside, presented to Monash
University Political Science Class, Monash
University, 1 October 2012
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Being Green Smart,
presented to Australia Japan 50th
Anniversary Business Conference, Sydney, 9
October 2012
Rivers in Rapidly Urbanising Environments:
How Scientists and Professionals Can
Influence the Decision Makers, presented at
Riversymposium, Melbourne Convention
Centre, 10 October 2012
The Political Process: Experience from the
Front Line, presented as part of a Monash
University Sustainability Depth Unit, Monash
University, 11 October 2012
Politics and Leadership, presented to Centre
for Sustainability Leadership, Environmental
Protection Authority, 16 October 2012
Urban Indicators: Why Targets Are Important,
with Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney,
Maddocks Lunch, Sydney, 17 October 2012
What is Driving Sustainable Business
Operations, presented to City West Water
Business Breakfast, Melbourne Zoo, 18
October 2012
50 Years of Building Control, presented to
the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
Conference, Crown Promenade Melbourne,
22 October 2012
Behaviour Change for Sustainability Panel,
presented at National Conference, Monash
Law Chambers, 23 October 2012
Strategies for Influencing Political DecisionMaking, presented to CRC for Water
Sensitive Cities Lunch, Melbourne, 30
October 2012
The Climate Change Communications
Challenge, presented at Carbon Expo
Conference, Melbourne, 7 November 2012
Delivering Sustainability Policies Across
Government, address to the Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population
and Communities, Executive Dinner,
Canberra, 8 November 2012
Creating Low Carbon Communities,
presented to Thriving Neighbourhoods
Conference, Melbourne, 13 November 2012
Addressing the Drivers of Rising Energy
Prices, presented to the Brotherhood of St
Laurence and Australian Council of Social
Services Seminar, Melbourne, 13 November
Graduation of Peter Cullen Fellows 2012,
presented at Canberra Business Event
Centre, Canberra, 15 November 2012
Megatrends That Will Impact on Engineers,
Opening Address, Monash Department of
Civil Engineering, Post Graduate Day,
Caulfield Campus, 20 November 2012
The Political Value of Climate Adaptation,
presented at MSI Climate Adaptation
Workshop, Melbourne, 12 December 2012
Dr Philip Wallis
Building a Community of Conversation About
Water Governance in Australia, presented to
Practical Responses to Climate Change
Conference, Canberra, Australia, 1-3 May 2012
What Role for Systemic and Adaptive
Governance, presented to Climate Adaptation
in Action: 2012 National Adaptation
Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28
June 2012
Governing Integrated Landscapes, presented
to Victorian Centre for Climate Change
Adaptation Research Forum, Melbourne,
Australia, 25 June 2012
Human Interfaces with Technology at the
Water-Carbon-Energy Nexus, presented to
Monash Lecture – ENV3022, Monash
University, Clayton Campus, 12 September
Introduction to Systemic Governance
Research, presented to VCCCAR
Implementing Adaptation Project Stakeholder
Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, 13
September 2012
Public Participation, presented to Monash
Lecture – MON2222, Monash University,
Clayton Campus, 1 October 2012
Governing Sustainability, presented to
Monash Lecture – MON2222, Monash
University, Clayton Campus, 4 October 2012
More Systemic, More Adaptive (Special
Session), presented to International
Conference on Fresh Water Governance,
Champagne Valley, South Africa, 4-7
November 2012
Early-Career Researchers Workshop (Special
Session), presented to Tapping the Turn: A
Conference About Water’s Social
Dimensions, Canberra, Australia, 15-16
November 2012
Professor Tony Wong
Water Management for Resilient and
Liveable Future Cities, presented at 2012
Victorian Centre for Climate Change
Adaptation Research Annual Forum,
Melbourne, Australia, 25 June 2012
Achieving the Water Sensitive City,
presented as part of a panel at the World
Water Leaders’ Summit, Singapore, 3 July
The Role of Water in Planning for Resilient
and Liveable Cities, presented at Water
Convention Cities of the Future Special
Session, Singapore International Water
Week, Singapore, 2-4 July 2012
Linking Urban Water Management to Urban
Liveability, presented at a public meeting on
Urban Water Management of the Danish
Institution of Engineers, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 28 August 2012
A New Modelling Paradigm for Urban Water
Management, presented at 9th International
Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling,
Belgrade, Serbia, 4-7 September 2012
Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and
Practice in Delivering Water Sustainability,
presented at International Water Association
World Water Congress, Busan, Korea, 1621 September 2012
Harmonising Liveability and Flood
Resilience Objectives in Urban Areas,
presented at International Water Association
World Water Congress, Busan, Korea, 1621 September 2012
The Water Economy of Cities of the Future,
presented at International Water Association
World Water Congress, Busan, Korea, 1621 September 2012
Ecological Landscapes in Cities: A Fusion of
Ecosystem Services in the Public Realm,
presented tat International Water
Association World Water Congress, Busan,
Korea, 16-21 September 2012
Urban Stormwater Management in a Water
Sensitive City, Stormwater 2012, presented
at 2nd National Conference on Urban Water
Management, Melbourne, Australia, 16-18
October 2012
Books and Book Chapters
Bettini, Y., Rijke, J., Farrelly, M. & Brown,
R.R. (2012), ‘Connecting levels and
disciplines: connective capacity of
institutions and actors explored’, in:
Edelenbos, J., Bressers, N. & Scholten, P.
(eds.), Water Governance as Connective
Capacity, Ashgate, Chapter 7
Bernard, H., Ison, R., Sriskandarajah, N.,
Blackmore, C., Cerf, M., Avelange, I., Barbier,
M & Steyaert, P. (2012), ‘Learning in
European agricultural and rural networks:
building a systemic research agenda’, In
Damhofer, I., Gibbon, D. & Dedieu, B. (eds),
The Farming Systems Approach into the 21st
Century: The New Dynamic, Springer,
Dordrecht, pp. 179-200
Blackmore, C., Cerf, M., Ison, R. & Paine, M.
(2012), ‘The role of action-oriented learning
theories for change in agriculture and rural
networks’, In Damhofer, I., Gibbon, D &
Dedieu, B. (eds), The Farming Systems
Approach into the 21st Century: The New
Dynamic, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 159-178
Blackmore, C. & Ison, R. (2012), ‘Designing
and developing learning systems for
managing systemic change in a climate
change world’, In Wals, A. & Corcoran, P.B.
(eds), Learning for Sustainability in Times of
Accelerating Change, Wageningen
Academic Publishers, Education and
Sustainable Development Series,
Wageningen, Netherlands, pp 347-364
Brown, R.R. (2012), ‘A changing paradigm:
the socio-technical challenge’, in Howe, C.
& Mitchell, C. (eds.), Water Sensitive Cities,
International Water Association, Chapter 1
Brown, R., 2012, ‘Transitioning to the water
sensitive city: The socio-technical
challenge’, in Water Sensitive Cities, eds
Carol Howe and Cynthia Mtichell, IWA
Publishing, United Kingdon, pp. 29-39.
Ison, R. (2012), ‘A cybersystemic framework
for practical action’, In Murray, J.,
Cawthorne, G., Dey, C., & Andrew, C. (eds),
Enough for All Forever: A Handbook for
Learning About Sustainability, Champaign,
Illinois, Common Ground Publishing, pp
Ison, R. (2012), ‘Systems practice: making
the systems in farming systems research
effective’, In Damhofer, I., Gibbon, D. &
Dedieu, B. (eds), The Farming Systems
Approach into the 21st Century: The New
Dynamic, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 141-158
Stanley, J. & Stanley, J. (in press), ‘Mobility
and social exclusion’, In Friman, M., Ettema,
D. & Gärling, T. (eds), Handbook of
Sustainable Travel, Springer
Peer-reviewed journal and
conference articles
Akter, S., Bennett, J. & Ward, M. (2012),
‘Climate change scepticism and public
support for mitigation: evidence from an
Australian choice experiment’, Global
Environmental Change, 22(3): 736-745
Bos, J.J. & Brown, R.R. (2012), ‘Realising
sustainable urban water management: can
social theory help?’, Water Science
Technology, 67(1): 109-116.
Bos, J.J. & Brown, R.R. (2012), ‘Governance
experimentation and factors of success in
socio-technical transitions in the urban
water sector, Technological Forecasting and
Social Change, 79(7):1340-1353
Chan, T., Hart, B.T., Kennard, M., Pusey, B.,
Shenton, W., Douglas, M., Valentine, E. &
Patel, S. (2012), ‘Bayesian network models
for environmental flow decision making in
the Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia’,
River Research & Applications, 28: 283301, DOI: 10.1002/rra.1456
Dobbie, M. & Brown, R.R. (2012), ‘Risk
perceptions and receptivity of Australian
urban water practitioners to stormwater
harvesting and treatment systems’, Water
Science and Technology: Water Supply,
12(6): 888-894
Ferguson, B.C., Brown, R.R., & Deletic, A.
(2013), ‘Diagnosing transformative change
in urban water systems: theories and
frameworks’, Global Environmental Change,
23(1): 264-280
Grant, S.B., Saphores, J., Feldman, D.L.,
Hamilton, A.J., Fletcher, T., Cook, P.,
Stewardson, M., Sanders, B.F., Levin, L.A.,
Ambrose, R.F., Deletic, A., Brown, R.R.,
Jiang, S.C., Rosso, D., Cooper, W.J. &
Marusic, I. (2012), Science,
Hughes, M., Weiler, B. & Curtis, J. (2012),
‘What’s the problem? River management,
education and public beliefs’, Ambio: A
Journal of the Human Environment, 41(7),
Ison R., Bruce, C., Maru, Y., McMillan, L.,
Pengelly, B., Sparrow, A., Stirzaker, R. &
Wallis, P. (2012), ‘A ‘learning system design’
for more effective agricultural research for
development’, Proceedings of the European
Farming Systems Research Conference,
Aarhus Denmark, 1-4 July 2012,
Ison, R., Collins, K. & Wallis, P. (2012),
‘Institutionalising social learning: towards
systemic and adaptive governance’,
Sustainable Hyderabad – Albrecht-DanielThaer Kolloquium 2012, Crafting or
Designing? Intended Institutional Change
for Social-Ecological Systems, hosted by
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in
collaboration with the Heinrich Böll
Kaufman, S. & Curtis, J. (2012), ‘Surprise
hit or the blind date from hell?
Complementarities and conflicts in
strategies for achieving outcomes from
social marketing and modern regulation’, in
Kubacki, K. & Rundle-Thiele, S. (Eds.), Delve
Deeper: Conference proceedings of the
2012 International Social Marketing
Conference, 126-131, Brisbane: Griffith
University, 27-29 June 2012
Li, X., Ison, R., Kellaway, R., Stimson, C.,
Annison, G. & Joyce, D. (2012), ‘Agronomic
Professor Michael Ward
Economic Methods for Decision Making,
presented at a workshop on Biosecurity,
Australian National University, Sydney,
March 2012
Economics and Carbon Markets, presented
to Carbon Markets Higher Education
Symposium, Melbourne, July 2012
Relating Multi-Criteria Approaches of
Valuing Adaptation to Cost-Benefit Analysis,
presented to National Climate Change
Adaptation Research Facility Workshop on
Valuing Adaptation, Melbourne, December
Economic Fundamentals of Sustainability,
presented to MON2222 Sustainability:
Learning and Living It, Monash University,
Clayton Campus, July 2012
our impact
characteristics of annual Trifolium legumes
and nutritive values as predicted by nearinfrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy’,
Crop & Pasture Science [P], CSIRO,
Moore, G., Langford, J., Ayre, M.,
Learmonth, G., Brizga, S. & Wallis, P. (2011),
‘The Murray-Darling Basin Game – A model
to explore water allocation decisions’,
Proceedings of the 19th International
Congress on Modelling and Simulation,
Perth, Australia, 12-16 December 2011
Ramkissoon, H., Smith, L.D.G. & Weiler, B.
(2012), ‘Relationships between place
attachment, place satisfaction, and proenvironmental behaviour in an Australian
National Park, Journal of Sustainable
(ERA 2010 – A)
Ramkissoon, H., Smith, L. & Weiler, B. (in
press), ‘Testing the dimensionality of place
attachment and its relationships with place
satisfaction and pro-environmental
behaviours: a structural equation modelling
approach’, Tourism Management, (ERA
2010 – A*)
Ramkissoon, H., Weiler, B. & Smith, L (in
press), ‘Place attachment, place satisfaction
and pro-environmental behaviour: a
comparative assessment of multiple
regression and structural equation
modelling’, Journal of Policy Research in
Tourism, Leisure and Events
Ramkissoon, H., Weiler, B. & Smith, L.D.G.
(2012), ‘Place attachment and proenvironmental behaviours in national parks:
development of a conceptual framework’,
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(2):257276
Rijke, J., Farrelly M., Brown, R. &
Zevenbergen, C. (2013), ‘Configuring
transformative governance to enhance
resilient urban water systems’, Environmental
Science and Policy, 25:62-72
Rijke, J., Brown R.R., Zevenbergen, C.,
Ashley, R., Farrelly, M., Morison, P. & van
Herk, S. (2012), ‘Fit-for-purpose
governance: A framework to make adaptive
governance operational’, Environmental
Science and Policy, 22:73-84
Rose, G., Codner, G.P., & Griggs, D. (2012),
‘Integrating sustainability in higher
education: insight from a case study of the
first year engineering curriculum at Monash
University’, La Trobe Sustainability
Symposium 2012
Selvey, L.A. & Carey, M.G. (2013),
‘Australia’s dietary guidelines and the
environmental impact of food “from
paddock to plate”‘, Med J Aust; 198(1): 18-
19, DOI:10.5694/mja12.10528
Shenton, W., Hart, B.T. & Chan, T. (accepted
in November 2012), ‘A Bayesian network
approach to support environmental flow
restoration decisions in a seasonal river’,
Stochastic Environmental Research and
Risk Assessment
Smith, L. (2012), ‘Visitors or visits? An
examination of zoo visitor numbers using
the case study of Australia’, Zoo Biology,
DOI:10.1002/zoo.21013, (ERA 2010 – B)
Smith, L.D.G., Curtis, J., Mair, J. & Van Dijk,
P. (2012), ‘Requests for zoo visitors to
undertake pro-wildlife behaviour: How many
is too many?’, Tourism Management, 33
(6): 1502-1510 , (ERA 2010 – A*)
Smith, L.D.G., Van Dijk, P.A., Smith, A.M. &
Weiler, B. (in press), ‘Applying visitor
preference criteria to choose pro-wildlife
behaviours to ask of zoo visitors’, Curator:
The Museum Journal, 55(4):453-466, (ERA
2010 – A*)
Taylor, A., Cocklin, C. & Brown, R.R. (2012),
‘Fostering environmental champions: a
process to build their capacity to drive
change’, Journal of Environmental
Management, 98:84-97;
Van Dijk, P.A., Smith, L.D.G. & Weiler, B.V.
(2012), ‘To re-enact or not to re-enact?
Investigating differences between first and
third person interpretation at a heritage
tourism site’, Visitor Studies, 15(1):48-61,
(ERA 2010 – A)
Wallis, P. & Ison, R. (2011), ‘Institutional
change in multi-scale water governance
regimes: a case from Victoria, Australia’,
The Journal of Water Law, 22(2/3): 85-94
Wallis, P., Ison, R. & Samson, K. (2012),
‘Identifying the conditions for social learning
in water governance in regional Australia’,
Land Use Policy,
Wallis, P., Godden, L., Ison, R. & Rubenstein,
N. (2012), ‘Building a community of
conversation about water governance in
Australia’, Proceedings of Practical
Responses to Climate Change, 1-3 May,
Canberra, Australia
Wei, Y., Ison, R., Colvin, J. & Collins, K.
(2012), ‘Reframing water governance: a
multi-perspective study of an overengineered catchment in China’, Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management,
Yu, C., Brown, R.R. & Morison, P. (2012),
‘Co-governing decentralised water systems:
an analytical framework’, Water Science
Technology, 66(12):2731-2736,
Research reports, and non-peer
reviewed journal and conference
Blythe, P. & Smith, L.D.G. (2012),
‘Monitoring and evaluation framework for
low income energy efficiency programs’,
BehaviourWorks Australia Report
Curtis, J., Smith, L.D.G. & Ramkissoon, H.
(2012), ‘PhD Workshop Report’,
BehaviourWorks Australia Report
Godden, L., Ison, R., Wallis, P. (2012),
‘Damning dams’, Proceedings of Tapping
the Turn, Canberra, Australia, 15-16
Griggs, D., Steffen, W. & Kestin, T. (2012),
‘Climate futures for the southeast Australian
coast’, MSI Report 12/04, May 2012
Ison, R. & Blackmore, C. (2012), ‘Designing
and developing a reflexive learning system
for managing systemic change in a climate
change world based on cyber-systemic
understandings’, European Meetings on
Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna,
9-13 April 2012
Ison, R., Wallis, P., Bruce, C. Stirzaker, R.,
Maru, Y. (2012), ‘Enhancing learning from
AFSI research: Notes for the field’, Report
McShane, P.E. (2012), ‘Managing
community impacts of climate change in
India and Bangladesh’, AusAID Public
Sector Linkage Program Activity Completion
Report, ROU Number 54565
McShane, P.E. (2012), ‘Extending successful
community-based forest management
experience for application in REDD scheme
reforestation trials and development of an
Asia carbon economy’, AusAID Public
Sector Linkage Program Activity Completion
Report, ROU Number 54356
McShane, P.E. (2012), ‘Developing research
capacity for sustainable development in
response to climate change’, Australian
Leadership Award Fellowship Activity
Completion Report, ROU Number 62735
McShane, P.E. (2012), ‘Resolving tension
between poverty, economic development
and climate change in South Asia’, In
proceedings of Asian Studies Association of
Australia (ASAA) 19th Biennial Conference,
University of Western Sydney, 11-13 July
Pendrey, C., Carey, M. & Stanley, J. (2012),
‘Climate change, extreme weather and the
health and wellbeing of people who are
homeless’, report to participants of ?????
Ramkissoon, H. & Smith, L.D.G. (2012),
‘Evaluation of Empower Public Video for
impact on attitudes towards climate
change’, prepared for ClimateWorks
Opinion pieces and articles
Carey, M. (2012), ‘Air pollution from coal
seam gas may put public health at risk’,
The Conversation,
Carey, M. (2012), ‘Coal seam gas: future
bonanza or toxic legacy’, Viewpoint:
Perspectives on Public Policy, Issue 8,
February 2012, pp 26 – 45,
Carey, M. (2012), ‘Reframing climate
change could deliver health benefits’, The
Carey, M. (2012), ‘Rethinking climate
change action’, WME Magazine, pp 14
Carey, M. (2012), ‘The Coal seam gas boom
– what price will the environment and our
health pay?’, InTouch: Newsletter of the
Public Health Association of Australia Inc.,
29(3): 12
Curtis, J. & Smith, L. (2012), ‘Stage theories
and behaviour change’, BehaviourWorks
Australia website,
Curtis, J. & Smith, L. (2012), ‘The
elaboration likelihood model of persuasion’,
BehaviourWorks Australia website,
McShane, P.E. (2012), ‘Forestry, economic
development and climate change in Asia:
resolving the tension’, The Conversation,
McShane, P.E.(2012), ‘Resolving tension
between poverty, economic development
and climate change in South Asia’, Asian
Currents, December 2012, pp 11,
Read, P.A., Stanley, J.R., Vella-Brodrick, D.A.
& Griggs, D., ‘Towards a contraction and
convergence target based on population life
expectancies since 1960’, Environment,
Development and Sustainability
Shearman, D & Carey, M. (2013), ‘Behind
the seams: who’s asking questions about
coal seam gas and health?’, Crikey,
Smith, L. & Curtis, J. (2012), ‘Hit by an
energy efficiency backfire?’, Climate
Smith, L., Verplanken, B. & Curtis, J. (2012),
‘Is the introduction of a carbon tax a
‘teachable moment’ to change habits?’, The
Stanley, J. & Lucas, K. (2012), ‘The public
agenda: what is working and what is
missing’, Thredbo Workshop 6 Report,
Research in Transportation Economics
Stanley, J.K., Stanley, J.R. & Hensher, D.
(2012), ‘Mobility, social capital and sense of
community: what value?’, Urban Studies,
49(16): 3595-3609
Thøgersen, J., Smith, L, & Curtis, J. (2012),
‘Simple steps to save the environment may
not make much difference’, The
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘How green is your
revolution? The life cycle of homes’,
Melbourne Review, March 2012
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘Turning from a twospeed economy to a clean economy’,
Melbourne Review, April 2012
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘How water can make
Melbourne more liveable’, Melbourne
Review, June 2012
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘Carbon Armageddon’,
Melbourne Review, July 2012
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘Bad habits’, Melbourne
Review, August 2012
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘Commercialising
CleanTech’, Melbourne Review, September
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘A plan for affordable
energy’, Melbourne Review, November
Thwaites, J. (2012), ‘COAG’s energy market
reforms must protect the poor’, The
Conversation, 10 December 2012,
Wallis, P. (2012), ‘The drought strikes back:
how decentralised water supplies will beat
the next dry season’, The Conversation,
Read, P. & Stanley, J. (2012), ‘Fourth report to
Crime Stoppers Victoria: improving an
information campaign for prevention of
bushfire arson’
Stanley, J.R. & Banks, M. (2012), ‘Transport
needs analysis for getting there and back:
report for transport connections – Shires of
Moyne and Corangamite’, WHERE????
Stanley, J.R. & Read, P. (2012),
‘Documented community needs in the City
of Boroondara’, a report to Camcare by the
Monash Sustainability Institute
Stanley, J.R. & Stanley, J.K. (2012),
‘Improving personal mobility opportunities in
regional areas’, a report to BusVic by the
Monash Sustainability Institute
Stanley, J. (ed) 2012, ‘The present
environmental, social and economic
situation and trends in Inverloch and Sandy
Point and Surrounds, a report to NCCARF
Stebbing, M., Carey, M., Sinclair, M. & Sim,
M. (2012), ‘Understanding the vulnerability,
resilience and adaptive capacity of
households in rural Victorian towns in the
context of long-term water insecurity’,
submitted for Water and Climate: Policy
Implementation Challenges – Practical
Responses to Climate Change Conference,
Canberra, May 2012
Taylor, T., Smith, L. & Curtis, J. (2012),
‘Current behaviour change research in
relation to litter prevention’, prepared for
Sustainability Victoria
Wong, T.H.F., Allen, R., Beringer, J., Brown,
R.R. , Deletic, A., Fletcher, T.D., Gangadh
aran L., Gemak, W., Jakob, C., O’Loan, T.,
Reeder, M., Tapper, N. & Walsh, C.,
‘blueprint2012 – Stormwater Management
in a Water Sensitive City’, Centre for Water
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March 2012