2016 GW/NASP Public Policy Institute July 18-20 (3-Day Basic) and July 18-22 (5-Day Advanced) COMBINED AGENDA Education as a Civil Right for All: Implications for Public Policy Day 1: July 18, 2016 Day 2: July 19, 2016 Day 3: July 20, 2016 Day 4: July 21, 2016 Day 5: July 22, 2016 GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs 805 21st Street NW, Room 309 Washington, DC 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30-9:25 Welcome & Introductions GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs 805 21st Street NW, Room 309 Washington, DC 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30-9:30 FEDERAL SESSION 1: US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights Capitol Hill Rayburn House Office Building U.S. Capitol GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs 805 21st Street NW, Room 309 Washington, DC 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast GWU, School of Media and Public Affairs 805 21st Street NW, Room 309 Washington, DC 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast Special Topic Theme: Education as a Civil Right Special Topic Theme: Education as a Civil Right 8:30-9:00 TED Talk Warm-Up Activity and Video Presentation 8:30-10:00 FEATURED SPEAKER: Exploring the Achievement Gap: Mechanisms for Accountability Michael Feuer, Dean, GSEHD, George Washington University (Confirmed) Melissa Reeves, NASP President 20162017 (Confirmed) Overview of the Institute James Ferg-Cadima (Confirmed) Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Office of Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education Carol Kochhar-Bryant, Sr. Assoc. Dean, GSEHD, GW (Confirmed) Stacy Skalski, NASP Dir. Prof. Policy & Practice (Confirmed) 9:30-9:35 Speaker Transition 9:30-10:50 FEATURED SESSION-POLICY FOUNDATIONS 1: Federal Education Policy—Past, Present, and Future Directions 9:35-10:05 Special Topic Reflection Activity: Is Personalized Learning a viable strategy for improving educational quality? Jack Jennings, Founder, Center on Education Policy (Confirmed) Facilitator: Eric Rossen (Confirmed) NASP Director of Professional Development and Standards Diane Stark Rentner, Deputy Director, 5/13/16Version 8:00-4:00 CAPITOL HILL EXPERIENCE Location: 2168 Rayburn, The Gold Room Thank you to our legislative sponsor Rep. Katherine Clark (MA-5). 8:20-8:30 Introductions and Brief Overview of the Hill Day Facilitator: Kelly Vaillancourt Strobach NASP Director of Government Relations (Confirmed) 8:30-9:30 Legislative Capitol Hill Panel with Invited Capitol Hill Staff Kelly Vaillancourt Strobach, NASP Dir. Government Relations (Confirmed) 9:25-9:30 Speaker Transition 7:45-8:20 Continental Breakfast Invited Panelists: TBD 9:30-3:00 Capitol Hill Activities • Capitol Hill visits to elected officials offices • Observe committee meetings and any floor activity • Tour the Capitol • Lunch on your own 3:00- 4:00 Capitol Hill Debriefing (ALL PPI Participants) Collection of final evaluations and distribution of Certificates of Completion for 3-Day PPI Participants Location: TBD 9:00-10:30 FEATURED SPEAKER: Bridging Social Justice and Children’s Rights—Lessons for Educators David Shriberg (Confirmed) Professor of Counseling and School Psychology Loyola University, Chicago, IL, 10:30-10:45 Break Gary Galluzo (Confirmed) Professor, Center for Education Policy and Evaluation George Mason University Fairfax, VA 10:00-10:15 Break 10:45- 12:00 Application Activity: Exploring the Opportunity Gap Facilitator: Kelly Vaillancourt Strobach, NASP Director of Government Relations (Confirmed) 10:15-11:20 Are charter schools and other “school choice” options a viable equity strategy? Sara Mead (Confirmed) Partner of Policy and Thought Leadership Bellwether Education Partners Washington, DC Center on Education Policy (Confirmed) 10:50-11:00 Break 11:00-12:30 POLICY FOUNDATIONS 2-ADVOCACY: Role of Grassroots Advocacy in Policy Solutions Kathy Cowan, NASP Communications Director (Confirmed) Kelly Vaillancourt Strobach, NASP Director of Government Relations (Confirmed) This small group facilitated discussion will explore a strategy which is growing in popularity for ensuring equity of access to high quality education. The activity will address Personalized Learning systems and their application to educational reform. 10:05-10:15 Break 10:15-11:30 FEDERAL SESSION 2: Office of Special Education Programs: Behavior and Learning Support Programs for Improved Student Outcomes 4:00-5:00 All 5-Day Participants Team Planning—Meet at Location Determined by Your Team Renee Bradley, Deputy Director, Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education (Confirmed) 11:30-12:15 Lunch Provided (Meet in Capitol Hill Teams) 1:15-2:15 POLICY FOUNDATIONS 3: DEMOGRAPHICS-- Kids Count: The Status of America’s Children Today and Tomorrow 12:15-1:25 FEATURED SESSION— PPI SPECIAL TOPIC PART 1: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Identification and Treatment of Students with Disabilities Paul Morgan (Confirmed) Associate Professor Educational Policy Studies Director, Educational Risk Initiative Penn State University 11:20-11:30 Break 11:30-12:30 CASE STUDY APPLICATION: Should Traumatized Youth Be Considered Students’ with a Disability? Ray Lucas (Confirmed) President of Maryland Chapter 100 Black Men of America Facilitator: Eric Rossen (Confirmed) NASP Director of Professional Development and Standards 2:00-2:15 Break 12:45-2:00 Narrowing the Opportunity Gap through Mentoring and School-Community Partnerships 12:30-1:15 Lunch Provided 5/13/16Version Youth Presenter (TBD) GPR Committee (Confirmed) Florencia Guiterrez, Senior Research Associate (Confirmed) Annie E Casey Foundation, National Kids Count This activity will explore the economics of school quality including examining how funding mechanisms impact the quality of curricular and extra-curricular programs. The activity will also explore the strategy of utilizing school-community partnerships. 12:00-12:45 Lunch Provided 2:15-3:15 Understanding Disproportionality and the Discipline Gap: The School to Prison Pipeline and the Consensus Discipline Project Nina Salomon, Senior Policy Analyst Council of State Governments, Justice Center (Confirmed) Emily Morgan, Senior Policy Analyst Council of State Governments, Justice Center (Confirmed) In this activity participants will explore whether traumatized students should be considered eligible for special education services and supports or receive any type of civil rights protections in schools. This session will explore case law related to Peter P., et al v. Compton Unified School District. 12:30-1:15 Lunch Provided 1:15-2:15 School Climate and Discipline: The Intersections of Policy and Practice Kimberly Charis (Confirmed) Director of School Climate, Discipline, and Equity National Association of State Boards of Education Maryland Department of Education Representative (TBD) 2:15-2:20 Speaker Transition 1:25-1:35 Quick Break 3:15-3:20 Session Transition Quick Break 2:15-2:30 Break 2:20-3:20 POLICY FOUNDATIONS 4: BUDGET AND FINANCE -The 2016 Children’s Budget: How do our Nation’s Children Fare in the Federal Budget? 1:35-3:15 FEATURED SESSION -PPI SPECIAL TOPIC PART 2: Interventions to Address Disparities in Discipline and Achievement 3:20-4:00 Application Activity: How do policies directed at sexual minority youth impact the civil rights of all students? 2:30-3:55 COLLABORATIVE POLICY APPLICATION ACTIVITY: Solutions to the Achievement and Discipline Gap Facilitator: Kelly Vaillancourt (Confirmed) NASP Director of Government Relations Facilitator: Angela Heishman, School Psychologist, Big Spring School District, Newville, PA and GWU Adjunct Faculty (Confirmed) John Monsif (Confirmed) Vice President of Government Relations, First Focus Russ Skiba (Confirmed) Professor and Director of the Equity Project, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN This activity will examine Title IX case law applications to sexual minority youth. Issues to be addressed include access to educational facilities and programs, and policies to address bullying and harassment of sexual minority youth. 3:20-3:30 Break 3:15-3:25 Quick Break 4:00-5:00 Application Activity: Collaborative Dialogue Session Exploring Strategies to Address Access to a High Quality Education Facilitator: Stacy Skalski (Confirmed) NASP Director of Professional Policy and Practice Using the IDEA Partnership process for dialogue guide sessions, small groups will dialogue about specific strategies that have been proposed to increase access to high quality education for all youth. Strategies to be addressed include: • 5/13/16Version Consensus Discipline Project Strategies for Reducing Disproportionality in Discipline Working in small groups, participants will select one of the strategies that was introduced throughout the week to address equity in education. ESSA has multiple funding streams available that can be leveraged to support different strategies to ensure access to high quality educational systems. Teams will discuss administrative and legislative policy applications. 3:55-4:00 Transition Break • • • • 3:30-4:00 POLICY FOUNDATIONS APPLICATION ACTIVITY: The Federal vs. State Role in Education Facilitator: Stacy Skalski (Confirmed) NASP Director of Professional Policy and Practice In this small group activity participants will debate the role of the federal and state government when considering this statement: Every child, regardless of their zip code, should have access to a high quality public education that prepares them for college or a career. 4:00-5:15 Regional Networking and GW Teamwork Session 3:25-4:00 SPECIAL TOPIC CASE STUDY APPLICATION • Facilitators: Angela Heishman, School Psychologist, Big Spring School District, Newville, PA and GWU Adjunct Faculty (Confirmed) Katie Eklund, GPR Chair, U of MOColumbia (Confirmed) Nate von der Embse, GPR Co-Chair, Temple University (Confirmed) This case study activity will explore the special topic with an emphasis in considering how related policies could impact educational outcomes for students at risk for school failure. 4:00-5:00 GW Teamwork Session School Safety and Climate Strategies Culturally Responsive PBS/Restorative Justice Personalized Learning Charter Schools and Schools of Choice School Community Partnerships 4:00-4:45 WHAT WE’VE LEARNED: POLICY SOLUTIONS Brief Group Presentations Teams will present their conclusions about the specific strategy they explored and highlight one practical application of the policy solution and how it connects to an ESSA opportunity and addresses one of the equity issues we have discussed during the week. 4:45-5:00 Final Thoughts, Wrap up and Evaluations GW Credit Students: Syllabus Intro and Course Expectations NASP: Groups will meet in regional meetings facilitated by GPR Regional Reps 5:30-8:00 NETWORKING RECEPTION: All PPI Participants Invited This networking reception is open to all PPI participants and speakers. Appetizers and beverages will be provided. LOCATION: TONIC at Quigley’s Pharmacy 2036 G Street NW, Washington DC 5/13/16Version 4:00-4:45 NASP Networking Session—Discussions by region 4:45-5:00 Break (NASP CPD Participants only) 5:00-7:00 FOUNDATIONS Part II: -GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY: Professional Association Advocacy (Dinner Provided) Facilitators: The GPR Committee (Confirmed) This session is for NASP CPD participants only and will explore NASP advocacy programs and priorities, specific resources, tools, and grassroots advocacy activities. Interactive activities will involve crafting messages, and answering questions related to NASP’s specific legislative priorities. 5/13/16Version