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) under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database.
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Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Local Governmental Services Commission
I. Commission Records. Papers of the Executive Director.
1. Addresses on Metropolitan Government, 1952-1956.
These addresses were made by various individuals, usually not commission members.
2. Bills. H.B. 95, 1957.
This bill provided for planning and the creation of planning commissions.
In addition to the bill itself, the folder contains comments and corres- pondence relative to the bill. Comments and correspondence are included in the other bill files.
3. Bills. H.B. 700, 1957.
This bill provides for the extension of the NIMLGSC.
4. Bills. H.B. 701, 1957.
This bill deals with the Metropolitan Planning Commission.
5. Bills. H.B. 1174 - 1176, 1957.
This bill deals with garbage disposal.
Bills. H.B. 715, 1959.
This bill provides for the extension of the NIMALGSC.
7. Bills. S.B. 58, 1955.
This bill provides for the creation of the KIMALGSC.
8. Bills. S.B. 546, 1956-1957.
This bill deals with drainage.
9. Bills. S.B. 745, 1956-1957.
This bill deals with water supply.
10. Bills. S.B. 779 n.d.
This bill authorizes county boards to adopt official metropolitan planning programs for their counties.
11. Bills. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956-1957.
12. Clippings on the Commission and Its Activities, 1955-1957.
13. Correspondence, General, 1955-1957.
14. Correspondence with Other Agencies, 1955-1956.
15. Engineers' Reports, 1956.
These reports are from Robert H. Knabe on the subject of drainage.
16. Griffenhagen, 1955.
Griffenhagen was a consulting company in public administration and finance. The file consists of correspondence with the company.
17. Invoices and Vouchers, I956-I957.
18. Meeting Plans, 1955-1956.
19. Meetings, Civic Groups, September 26, 1956.
20. Meetings, Cook County, May 22, 1956.
21. Membership List.
22. Memoranda to Members, 1956-I957.
23. Metropolitan Government Plans.
"Summaries of Formal Consideration Given to Studies Made Relating to the
Problems of Metropolitan Government. Drafted by Government Affairs
Foundation, Inc. Dec. 8, 1955. For each of the cities listed below, there is presented a chronological statement or statements, showing the governmental agencies or other agencies involved in the study or studies." 37 cities covered.
24. Metropolitan Housing and Planning, 1956.
Metropolitan Area Planning Study by the Metropolitan Housing and Planning
25. Minutes, 1955.
26. Minutes, January - June, 1956.
27. Minutes, July - December, 1956.
28. Minutes, 1957.
29. Plan of Program, ca. 1956.
30. Planning, Committee on, 1956.
31. Printing, 1956.
32. Public Administration Service, 1955-1956.
Most of the correspondence in this file is with Herman G. Pope of the
33. Randolph, Paul J., 1955-1957.
34. Recommendations, Miscellaneous, 1953-1957.
35. Recommendations, Steering Committee on, 1956-1957.
36. Steiner, Gilvert Y., 1956-1957.
37. Toronto Trip, 1956.
38. Transportation, Subcommittee on, 1956.
39. Water. 1953-1955.
40. Lyon, Leverett S., ed. Governmental Problems in the Chicago Metropolitan
Area. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957.
This book is composed of a series of papers on local governmental services.
II. Commission Records. Papers of the Research Director.
A. Administrative Files.
1. Minutes, 1956.
2. Minutes, 1957-1961.
3. Minutes, January 16, 1958, Conference.
4. Memoranda, 1959-1961.
There is a listing of the topics of the memoranda with the folder.
5. Report, 1957.
The report is to the General Assembly giving the NBIALGSC’s "findings and recommendations."
6. Report, 1959.
This report is similar to the 1957 report. The rough draft and the lay- out sheets for the printer are included.
7. Report, 1961.
8. Report, 1963.
9. Subcommittee and Other Reports, 1961.
10. Draft Recommendations, 1957.
11. Correspondence, 1955-1957.
12. Correspondence, 1958.
13. Correspondence, 1959.
14. Correspondence, 1960.
15. Correspondence, 1961-1962.
16. Speeches by Randolph and Steiner, 1957-1958, n.d.
B. Subject Files.
1. Aged, ca. 1959-1960.
2. Air Pollution, 1955-1962. a. Correspondence, Clippings, and Publications, 1955-September,1957. b. Publications, October, 1957-1962.
3. Atlanta, Georgia, n.d.
4. Bi-State Development (Illinois and Indiana), 1961-1962.
5. Census, Bureau of, "Local Government in Standard Metropolitan Areas," 1957.
6. Coroner System, 1958. see also: Metropolitan Police.
7. County Authority, 1958-1959.
A draft bill on county authority is included in the file.
8. Drainage and Flood Control, 1953-1961. a. Correspondence, 1955-1961. b. Memoranda and Other Statements, 1956-1960. c. Bills (S.B. 546, S.B. 91), 1957, 1959. d. Clippings, 1958-1961, 1968. e. Reports, 1953-1956. f. Reports, 1957. g. Reports, 1958. h. Reports, 1959-1960, n.d.
9. Federal Aid Guide for Local Governments, augmented, 1960.
10. Fire Protection, 1958.
11. Forest Preserve Districts, 1958.
12. Gas Companies, Annual Reports for 1959.
13. Juvenile Offenders, 1958-1960. This file includes the American Bar
Foundation's The Administration of Criminal Justice in the United States (Chicago,
14. Los Angeles and the Lakewood Plan, 1957-1961. a. Correspondence and Notes, 1960-1961. b. Annual and Conference Reports of Contract Cities, 1957-1959. c. Annual and Conference Reports of Contract Cities, January-April, 1960. d. Annual and Conference Reports of Contract Cities, May,1960-1961, n.d.
15. Legislative Recommendations and Activities, 1959. a. and b. because of bulk.
16. Metropolitan Area Proposals, 1955-1956, 1958. .
17. Metropolitan Police, 1957-1950, 1960.
' see also: Coroner System.
18. Miami, Florida, 1954, 1956-1958, 1961. a. Miami, Florida, 1956-1958, 1961. b. Public Administration Service's The Government of Metropolitan Miami
(n.p., 1954)
19. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1957-1958.
20. New York City, 1959-1961. a. New York City, 1959-1961. b. Interstate (N.Y., N.J., Conn.) Sanitary Commission Reports, 1959,
1960, 1961.
21. Other State Activity, 1958-1959.
22. Planning in Metropolitan Areas, 1956-1959. a. Planning in Metropolitan Areas, 1956. b. Planning in Metropolitan Areas, 1957-1959.
23. Public Health, 1958.
24 St. Louis, Missouri, 1957.
25. San Francisco, California, 1962.
26. Townships, 1950, 1962.
27. Transportation, 1958.
28. Urban Regions, A New York Times Series, January 27-February 3. 1957.
29. Water, Ground Water and Water Survey Operators, 1962.